Oktoberfest: Beer & Blood (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Die Vision

What’s a successful brewer from Nuremberg
doing in Munich?
I’d like to tell you a story.
The story of this little boy.
It’s the year 1861.
The boy’s visiting his first Oktoberfest.
He traveled a long way with his father
from Berlin
to showcase their own beer
at this special place.
While his father is busy,
the little one can take a look
around the fairground.
And on this day he gets his first penny.
He spends it on his first cotton candy.
He tastes the heavenly sweetness
and wants only one thing:
for his father to succeed.
And? Did he succeed?
He had great success.
Mr. Prank.
Why are you telling me this?
I want to reinvent Oktoberfest.
The times of the small stalls are over.
I will build a tent housing
six thousand people.
A castle, a fortress.
Six thousand seats.
That’s the future.
With all due respect, Mr. Prank…
I admire your imagination,
but stalls of such dimensions
at Oktoberfest?
You’re not even an innkeeper from Munich.
That’s the first requirement.
And the five stalls you’d be burying
under your monstrosity…
Those stalls…
have been under family lease
for generations.
Try your luck at another fair,
but not Oktoberfest.
This won’t happen
while I’m the Wiesn commissioner.
No. It has to be Oktoberfest.
I want to start construction
in three months at the latest.
This innovation
will lure people to Munich from all over.
Your Oktoberfest…
will be world-famous
thanks to my beer tent.
Mr. Prank.
I might still be new
as the Wiesn commissioner,
Munich’s traditions…
I’m familiar with them.
Look at that boy.
He’s not part of your family,
but your children envy him
as he found the largest Easter basket.
You’re proud of your son.
Forget the beer tent.
That’s not my son. It’s yours.
Do you recognize her?
The young woman next to your wife.
Been a while, right?
Do you know how glad she was
to finally get some support?
The last years weren’t easy for her.
All the shame.
A bastard child, being threatened
to stay silent. That…
can be nerve-racking.
One word and she’ll send him over
to call you father.
In front of your wife.
Stop this nonsense.
How about this:
you help me help you.
Having enemies can be honorable, Urban.
But let’s be friends.
Since the start,
Deibel Brewery was at the Wiesn.
We didn’t even exist yet.
And I will make sure that it will be
like that long after we’re gone.
But you haven’t yet paid the lease,
Mrs. Hoflinger.
There you go.
Please tell Mr. Urban
that we accept the rent increase.
But only after the Wiesn.
Then please turn over your lot.
We can’t make any exceptions.
We’re the royal supplier,
so be careful what you say.
Did your husband
even give you permission to speak here?
Don’t mess with us, or you’ll regret it.
We’ll pay the difference.
God bless you.
When I’m agitated I want to smoke,
but my doctor forbids it.
Do me a favor. I love the smoke.
But I’m not a smoker.
Goodness, just this once. Come on.
One moment, honey.
My daughter just arrived in Munich
and I wanted to show her the five lots
I own now. Where are they?
It’s just four.
One is missing. Hoflinger’s.
Right, it’s just four.
Mr. Urban.
You want to convince your magistrate
and the goddamn mayor,
yet this is where you fail?
Hoflinger is in debt.
I thought it’d go faster.
I even raised the rent.
I thought they’re almost bankrupt.
The old man… he’s a tough nut,
as is his wife.
You didn’t know that beforehand?
How was the trip?
But I had a different idea of the Wiesn.
It’s so barren.
For right now, my dear.
Look at you.
You haven’t changed a bit.
Is that good or bad?
I’ll show you your new home.
Here’s the beer cavalry, ladies!
What more does a cowboy need
but a good beer and a pretty girl?
Your saloon only needs our beer.
Hey there, pretty boy!
Is the talker your brother?
But I’m… the pretty boy.
Nice of you to come by yourself.
Just because of you, Ignatz.
But why did I have to bring
two of my girls?
Won’t Maria put out anymore?
Nonsense. They’re not for me.
For my two boys.
-Aren’t you a piece of work!
Ludwig is shy, you know?
He needs a bit of a push.
And Roman shouldn’t come away
so can you make us a decent price?
Come in!
Is your father always like that?
No. That would be great.
Angel, angel, fly!
Let me tell you,
once I’m done with you, you’ll be in love.
You fool!
I heard that if you fancy somebody,
then it’s twice as much fun in bed.
I heard the same.
See? So we can go twice, right?
Can you draw the horses in ice?
"In ice"? What do you mean?
I once saw a fox during winter.
He stood on a lake, his movements frozen.
And his face looked
like he hadn’t even noticed.
Look at that!
Come on. Let’s go, boys.
Oh, dammit…
Dammit, step aside!
Everything is sorted.
We can look forward to the Wiesn!
-Are you coming?
-Just a second.
How long will you need?
You idiot.
My answer is still no.
My client has doubled his offer.
Get lost or I’ll send my men.
When will you start considering?
Name your price.
Get away from my brewery,
do you understand?
Don’t just stand there. Get to work!
Sorry. The door was open.
I’m here for the job vacancy.
I hope I’m not too late.
The ladies are already in the salon.
Please, come with me.
Mr. Prank will arrive shortly.
Sorry, but I have to freshen up quickly.
-Mr. Prank will be here in five minutes…
-That will suffice.
Good day, ladies.
My name is Antoinette Prank.
It is my honor to interview you
for the job in this house. Please, stand.
As you read in the ad,
we’re not only looking for a person
with impeccable references
and a stable personality,
but also someone
who is in excellent health.
Please, take off your blouses.
I’ve been suffering of frigidity
for a number of years,
which is why this position
will require a little more than usual,
but for extra pay, of course.
My husband will have a look
at each and every one of you.
Come on, we don’t have all the time
in the world.
If you don’t like it, then leave.
The staff entrance is in the back.
The chaperone applicants are in the salon.
Very well.
A chaperone?
Munich isn’t Nuremberg.
You will have someone to guide you
as your moral compass.
At least for a time.
Pretty thing.
The mother is still in Nuremberg?
She passed away.
My condolences.
I’m afraid you misunderstood my position,
Mr. Prank.
Mrs. Brockmann,
in order to avoid
any further misunderstandings…
I would like to hold the reception
in my mansion this time.
I’m basically the host
and your new acquaintance.
You introduce Clara
to Munich’s high society
and I will pay for the evening.
This reception is important for Clara.
She’s at a certain age
and you were recommended to me.
You’re supposed to be the center
of social life here in Munich.
You know, Mr. Prank…
I get these kinds of requests
all the time.
Usually from people
whom I’ve known far longer
and far better than you.
I’m sorry, Mr. Prank.
There’s no chance to persuade you?
I’m afraid not.
I’m sure you’ll find another way
to get your daughter married.
Ms. Colina Kandl.
I don’t want to sound disrespectful,
but usually chaperones
are old and shriveled.
If you want to show off a single rose,
you don’t put a second one
right next to it.
Especially if it’s already
slightly damaged.
Thanks for calling me a rose, nonetheless.
damaged rose.
Is the young rose saying
that she would rather have fresh weeds
next to her?
I don’t like watch dogs.
Watch dogs aren’t that bad in Munich,
especially in places a woman knows better.
What places might that be?
Ms. Prank should get ready
for her viola class.
I’ll have everything prepared
for the reception on Sunday, Mr. Prank.
Thank you, Hubertus.
Franz Ferdinand?
Here, kitty.
-Oh, good morning, Albert.
-Good morning.
Have you seen Franz Ferdinand?
Franz Ferdinand!
Franz Ferdinand!
Here, kitty!
Where are you?
I hope your wife is doing well at home.
Mrs. Brockmann.
Mr. Prank.
let me introduce you to the host
of today’s soirée.
good friend and successful businessman
from Nuremberg.
He’s just moved to Munich.
Mr. Curt Prank.
And his enchanting daughter Clara.
May one ask what the father’s business is
in Nuremberg?
I own a brewery and a few inns.
So, you’re one of us.
I assume business has brought you
to Munich.
Oh, business conducts itself.
Anatol Stifter.
Chairman of Capital Brew Inc.
My pleasure.
Your daughter is a welcome distraction.
Everywhere you look there are only
old men with fat guts and bad manners.
Tell me about your business, Prank.
This could bore you.
The gentlemen seem to be taken care of.
Come, child.
Thank you, Mrs. Brockmann.
My pleasure.
-Have you heard?
Oh, dear…
Where am I?
In The Old Deibel in Giesing.
Yes. By the way,
naturalism is a dying art.
-I’m still learning.
-Show me.
The caricatures are good.
And the naked girl…
well done.
Are you at the academy? What’s your name?
This is our pub.
But I want to go to the academy.
Then come visit me in Schwabing.
I’ll show you my works.
Or do you want to watch
our beautiful Bavaria go bust?
Good luck with that.
Maybe you’ll learn from the old Lenbach
or Stuck.
And if not,
you can come to Schwabing
and explore what you’ve got.
You’ll find me where it’s the loudest.
Luggi! You’re here to work.
Bring this to Grubinger.
Watch out. Here’s more.
Yes, good!
-What is it?
-Oh, nothing.
It’s a nice distraction,
but it doesn’t make you any money, right?
You’re a boy from Giesing.
Not some snotty guy from Schwabing.
And that’s just not done.
We’re ready.
Fire it up and add the hops!
It’s all about the family!
If I were you I’d ignore these people.
May I offer you a glass of champagne?
How about it?
Thank you.
What are you looking for in Munich?
An adventure?
Or culture?
What do you like reading?
"In great, milky white glass domes
high above the middle of the roadway,
suddenly, an electric light shines
and illuminates the dark road
with a blinding glare."
"What is the most valuable thing
love can give you?"
"…she said quietly."
Lou Salomé.
You should read Wedekind.
His "Lulu" is pulsating.
A true animal.
A wild, beautiful…
What do you mean?
No, what do you mean?
How would your life have gone,
had you not grown up in such a house?
Not here in this world,
but in another world,
the real world. On the streets.
Would you take
what you want?
Mr. Stifter.
I have to go now.
Until next time!
I want you to hold back in conversations.
Nobody expects you to act like a hussy.
You’ll never find a decent man
who wants to marry you that way.
I don’t want to.
That wasn’t the plan.
Be prepared to marry.
Capital Brew.
I don’t see what people like
about this piss water.
They drink it anyway.
What’s wrong?
We lost four inns this year.
Gerdi’s brothel will be number five.
We have to expand our range
and offer different flavors.
At least a pale lager and a wheat beer.
Or we’ll lose against the big boys.
We’re losing customers,
and you want to brew more beer.
How do we react?
A bottled beer isn’t a beer.
Good beer comes from barrels.
We have to export.
Therefore we have to spend money,
invest, get a loan.
That’s how it is nowadays.
If we don’t innovate,
nobody will care for our beer anymore.
Then let’s only brew for our inns.
You want to export?
Where to?
To America.
They sell Münchner Bier
at the world exhibition.
Even in Chicago they drink it!
Pschorr, Spaten, Capital.
They’re all there.
We have to get over there too.
Our beer is the best, father.
We could make a lot of money.
Have a look.
I’ve got contacts.
This is our financing.
And here’s how we implement the bottles.
You’ve got some silly ideas.
We’ve got good beer.
And it’s always gotten us
through tough times.
To think like that is a mistake, old man.
Listen to me, boy.
Your time will come,
but only when I say so.
Let’s see how the Wiesn goes.
And if we end up with a surplus…
we’ll give your plans a go.
You have my word.
Let’s make a change.
That’s all I’m saying.
Because you’re a stubborn dog.
I can’t sleep, Maria.
Because you’re remorseful.
I know that you ordered Gerdi here.
The boys couldn’t talk
about anything else.
And you? What did you do?
Just wait?
We’re up to our necks.
Did Roman tell you about his idea
to export?
Of course.
And he’s right.
He’s a good boy.
He’s being silly.
He’s not ready yet.
We’ll do it like it’s always been done.
The way our late father did.
The stall at the Wiesn will help us
overcome these tough times.
And then we’ll climb the next mountain.
What if we received an offer?
To sell?
This is our heritage, Ignatz.
There will be better times, for sure.
Where are you going, Ms. Kandl?
I’m going to a party.
My father wants me to marry.
Ms. Clara…
did you really think
you were here to simply have fun?
What kind of party?
Nothing special.
Servants and maids getting together.
I need one of your dresses.
Out of the question. They aren’t for you.
I’ll have your father take a look
at your reports tomorrow morning.
To see if they’re real.
No chance you’re a chaperone.
You’re crazy!
-I’m going to bed.
-I’ll be there shortly.
You’ve got some nerve
showing up at this time of day.
My client wants to absorb your debt.
All of it.
I said no.
And no means no.
My client will only take a no
from you personally.
One, two, three, one, two, three…
Excuse me.
-Care for a sip?
-No way, lad. Get lost.
Or you’ll have to deal with me.
Are you sure everything’s okay?
I can’t do this!
My throat is so dry.
I’ll get something to drink.
Let me do that.
You stay here.
The best view is up there.
And don’t forget: if anyone asks,
you’re just a maid.
Don’t forget.
Hey, stay here!
You scoundrel.
Subtitle translation by John Turner
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