Rebel (2021) s01e01 Episode Script



I got this life to fix ♪
Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for joining us.
Here at Stonemore Medical,
we pride ourselves
on innovations that are changing
lives all over the world.
- And record-breaking profits.
Gotta build it back up
brick by brick ♪
So, let's take
that "$4 billion in profit
this year alone" victory lap,
and let's drink those victory drinks.
Drink away.
Stonemore's paying.
Congratulations, everybody.

Hello, there, Mr. Duncan.
- Hello.
- Like your tie.
It's bold, like you.
Oh, well, um thank you
Annie. And, uh, is this your daughter?
I'm his wife.
- Lily Duncan.
- Oh.
[LAUGHS] Lily.
Oh, I'm I'm sorry. Annie.
I'm just going to the ladies.
You can take my seat, Annie.
- Nice to meet you.
That was embarrassing.
Oh, she's used to it.
I have three different kids
with three different husbands,
so I try not to judge.
I get it. Youth is fun.
But women my age we have
some hard-earned skills.
You mind? I get so
nervous at these things.
Annie, I'm sorry.
Uh, your face is familiar,
but I can't place you.
That's fair.
We haven't actually met.
We've been e-mailing some.
I'm Annie Flynn Ray Bello.
Had too many husbands,
picked up too many names.
So most folks these days
just call me Rebel.
How did you get in here?
Bought enough stock
to land an invitation.
Then I sold it
'cause I think we both know
that when I do what I do,
it'll be worth next to nothing.
How dare you?
Really, the audacity
Sir, there is a problem with
your mechanical heart valve,
and you know it.
So, I'm giving you one last chance
to do the right thing quietly
before I get awfully loud.
Get out or I will call security.
Sorry we couldn't come to terms.
Every day, I wake this way ♪
Some the days, I just can't take ♪
Get that money, get that break ♪
You ain't gonna win
if you ain't gonna play ♪
I got this life to fix ♪
- Threw it all out in a ditch ♪
Broken down when I was sick ♪

Welcome to the party, friends.

I can't believe you got us in here.
Helen, everything in history
that ever got done
got done because
someone like you got pissed off.
- Now, go make some noise.
- Okay.

Hey. Mom, hey, press is here.
Oh. Perfect timing.
You ruined my life!
Your heart valve made me sicker!
You never tested my heart valve
on human beings!
Alright, Ziggy Stardust,
Mama's gotta go get arrested.
Now, you know who to call?
Of course I know who to call.
You're taking a tone with me,
but last time you said
you knew who to call,
you didn't call anyone.
I ended up spending
the whole day in jail in Fresno.
I have 72 days clean!
Tone, young lady!
- Mom, just go!
- Call Cruz.
Then your dad.
Then Then Cassidy, and then Lana.
Oh, and don't you dare sell
my jewelry again, Ziggy.
I swear to God.

This is a private event
and the police have been called.
To my guests, please
just take your seats.
You're trespa
Mark, we can't seem
to get enough of each other.
Protestors, get out now
before the police show up.
Everyone else, listen up.
Stonemore Medical heart valves
are poisoning people.
Hundreds of thousands of lives
have been improved
- because of our heart valve!
- They are causing
auto-immune disease
and wreaking havoc on their bodies.
- You are not gonna stand at my party
and tell these people lies!
Knowing that you are
making people sicker
and doing it anyway, for profit?
That's my definition of evil!
- [GROANS] I'm fine.
I'm fine.
All good. Ah.
If you help me up, you can arrest me.
- I got this life to fix ♪
- [GROANS] Two of ya, huh?
Threw it all out in a ditch ♪
Broken down when I was sick ♪
Gotta build it back up
brick by brick ♪
I got this life to fix ♪
Broken down when I was sick ♪
Gotta build it back up
brick by brick ♪
You stabbed him and he survived?
I wasn't trying to kill him.
Why? He was trying to kill you.
I was just trying to get away.
Let those bruises
get a little bit darker,
then take pictures of them
from every angle.
Make sure your face is in them.
Your lawyer's gonna want those.
Don't have a lawyer.
Kinda think I'm safer in jail.
I tried leaving him once,
and he followed me everywhere.
Called me every five minutes.
Scratched up my window with a knife
in the middle of the night.
Tell me again why you didn't kill him.
Okay, look,
when they let you call a lawyer,
give them the name Cassidy Ray.
She's my daughter.
She'll help you as a favor to me.
Oh, my God. Really?
You again?
- Miss me?
- Let's go.
You're just gonna let her out?
Why? 'Cause she's famous?
No. 'Cause she made bail.
Oh. And because he's my ex-husband
and he cheated on me when our son was 2,
so he might just be feeling
a little bit of guilt.
Well, you say it like it's a bad thing.
You know, the press got a shot
that went right up your skirt.
Oh, those bastards.
Cruz, I can't control my mother
any more than you can.
No, it's already all over the news.
Every station locally.
It's the lead story on Buzzfeed.
Twitter's calling her an anarchist,
as if it's some sort of compliment.
CNN pundits think she's working
for Stonemore's competitors,
while TMZ says she's drunk.
I know.
Cruz, I know.
Yeah, okay. I'll tell her.
I can't believe you let her
do this to you again.
It was part of my internship
at the law firm.
No. It very much wasn't.
Cass, I know that you think
Mom's a bitch,
but I think that she's a righteous bitch
and I like to help.
Whatever. Come on.
Is your dad coming?
He's on his way.
Here's your copy.
- Hey, baby girl.
- Hey, Lana.
I prefer Auntie.
I prefer to be 16 and not 5.
- Hey, Cass. I'mma kill her.
- Hi.
Hey, fam.
Don't do that. Don't say "fam".
- Why not?
- Just don't.
I'm just gonna do some paperwork.
You did good, kiddo.
Thanks for bailing me out, Mama Llama.
You can be mad at me, Cass,
but you still should hug me,
'cause one of us could die tomorrow,
and if it's me,
I don't want you
to have to live with the guilt
of not having hugged your mother.
I think I'm gonna roll the dice
on this one.
You got drunk and assaulted a CEO.
Assaulted him?
Is that what's being reported?
- Only on TMZ.
- Oh, my God.
I'm the one with the bruises.
You were drunk. You were trespassing
I had an invitation and one drink.
- Where's your dad?
- Outside.
- And Cruz?
- Didn't answer.
He said he'll talk to you tomorrow.
He said he'll talk to me tomorrow?
He doesn't want the case, Mom.
And he told you he didn't want the case
before you went
and got yourself arrested.
And you're on his side. Why?
Because he's my boss.
I got you the job.
It's unwinnable, Mother.
There's exactly zero chance
that Cruz, or any attorney,
will take this on.
That sounds like a dare.


Lookin' good, jailbird.

Thanks for coming, babe.

What do you smell like?
Oh, stress, sweat, maybe beer.
Tell me you love me.
[CHUCKLES] I love you, wildcat.
Can we get out of here now?
Yeah, no.
Um, can you and Ziggy
get a ride home with Lana?
I need to borrow your car.

I force some interaction ♪
You might respond in kind ♪
I analyze your every word ♪
I seek some kind of rise ♪


It's late, Annie.
You're the only person on the planet
who calls me that anymore.
You're not gonna let me in?
There's a Paul Newman marathon on.
Cool Hand Luke is eating eggs,
and it's my favorite part.
Are you hurt? That fall looked painful.
Did you see a doctor?
3,000, Cruz.
You're killing me, Annie.
3,000 human beings
in one Facebook group,
all with the same auto-immune symptoms
that didn't exist
until they got their
Stonemore heart valve.
I said no, and I meant no,
but of course, you went on
and made a big scene.
They got a shot up your skirt.
It's embarrassing.
It's free publicity.
Tomorrow, that group will explode
into 10,000 and then 20,000.
I know how it works, Annie,
but you're on my payroll.
It's my job to call you when I need you,
- not the other way around.
- You have got to be kidding me!
Stop. Stop talking. You're on my porch.
You're making me miss my movie,
and it's my turn to talk.
My wife was sick for two years.
That's two years that I spent
in and out of that hospital,
surrounded by the sick and the dying.
Are you seriously using Sharon
as an excuse not to take this case?
I'm closing the door now.
Uh Sharon was my best friend.
Go home, Annie.
I sat in that hospital room with you,
and I hated it, too.
But now innocent people
are being poisoned by their own hearts,
and the only way
we get that valve off the market
is to fight this case.

Sleep in the yard if you like,
but the sprinklers go off at dawn.

Oh, why you act like
you've never made a mistake? ♪

Serve up advice that
you'd never be able to take ♪
Happy almost anniversary, babe.
Hey, right back at you, babe.
You're making a choice to add
to the noise, it's not helping ♪
I've missed you.
Well, I've been right here.
You're the one that works all the time.
I won't go to work today.
I'll just stay here with you.
Yeah, right.
I mean it.
If you don't go to work,
who's gonna save the world?
I keep hoping one day, I'll wake up
and the world will have saved itself.
Oh, please.
You'd be bored to tears.
Come on. Let's go, baby.
Ah, get up, firecracker.
I gotta take Ziggy to her meeting.
It's okay if we disagree ♪
Doesn't always go my way ♪
But hey, it keeps things interesting ♪
I don't expect you to change ♪
And simply take it on the chin ♪

Even if we get nowhere, I don't care ♪
As long as we're trying ♪
LANA: Knock, knock.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- So, where we going?
- Quick interview.
I'm getting Cruz to take that case.
You're gonna dig up dirt
on my cellmate's bad news boyfriend.
And I think Grady's having an affair.
- Why do you think that?
'Cause I've been here before.
I know the signs.
Are you sure you're not leaping?
Sometimes you leap.
Uh, look at this. Had a Spidey Sense.
Found it in his wallet.
Thick card stock. Expensive.
It's just a card
with a name and a number on it.
It could be a high-end jeweler
and he's buying you something nice.
Yeah. Could be a high-end hooker,
he's buying himself something nice.
- Look into it, will you?
Stalking your husband
is not in my job description.
You're an investigator.
I'm asking you to investigate.
I cannot be blindsided again
like I was with your brother.
Hey, my brother didn't cheat on you.
No. But he betrayed me.
Look, I love Grady,
but if he's cheating on me,
I need to know so I can kill him.
If he's cheating on you,
you can't kill him
'cause I'll do it first.
We are here today
with Annie Flynn Ray Bello,
who made quite a scene
at Stonemore Medical's
annual shareholder meeting last night.
Uh, Marta, please.
Let's Let's just not
show that picture again.
Okay. Fair enough.
So, Rebel, you have been
a thorn in the side
of a lot of corporations.
Corporate polluters.
I have nothing against corporations.
Corporations can do a lot of good.
I mean, I'm just as grateful
for the vaccine
as everyone else.
I'm a proud American, Marta.
I say everyone should earn their living.
Just, you know, don't
poison people while you do it.
- She doesn't stop.
- Seems pretty simple, doesn't it?
- Why?
- Well, there you have it.
Hmm? Why won't she stop?
Thank you for joining us today, Rebel.
Coming up after the break
on "The Sunup "
This is Cassidy Ray.
Naomi Lee?
You You met my mother in jail?
No, of of course
she told you to call me.
REBEL: That is ageism, plain and simple.
My daughter's name is Cassidy Ray.
She's a lawyer. Call her.
Tell her I sent you.
Thank you so much.
You're welcome.
You pregnant again, Mom?
Mm, offering to examine my cervix, son?
Well, don't dish it out
if you can't take it, Nate.
- What are you doing here?
I am here to offer you an opportunity
to take the lead
on a groundbreaking study.
- Uh-oh.
- Yeah.
Stonemore Medical No.
You haven't even heard
what I was gonna say.
Yeah, no, I saw you on the news,
and you have no proof.
You got an online group of angry women
and their anecdotal evidence.
"Angry women
and their anecdotal evidence"?
I swear, Nate, that could be
the name of my next book.
Mom, I'm a gynecologist.
There is evidence
that these heart valves
are endangering unborn babies, Nate.
Poisoning them in the womb.
Your evidence is circumstantial.
It's observational.
She's that famous lawyer, right?
No, she's not a lawyer. She's just loud.
Your father thought
your desire for a medical degree
was "hoity-toity".
That's the word he used.
He wanted you
to be a beat cop, like him.
Yes, Mom, you paid for my education,
just like other parents do.
Am I supposed to feel guilty about that
because you didn't do anything else
that normal parents do?
Just talk to these people.
Write down their shared symptoms.
- Start a study.
- Why?
So I can tell Cruz
there's a study under way
and not be lying.
And because it's the right thing to do,
even though it's your mother's idea.
You don't even know these
people, Mom. Just let it go.
Damn, Nate. Who raised you?
Nannies and mannies on motorcycles.
Mostly 'cause you were busy
saving strangers.
Oh. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry
your childhood was compromised.
I'm sorry that my compassion
for my fellow human beings
- caused you suffering.
- Yes.
What started out
sounding like an apology's
starting to sound an awful lot
like a guilt trip.
I got a scheduled C section.
I gotta get to the O.R.
Just start a study.
- Make it my anniversary present.
Look, I-I-I know you don't like Grady,
but I stayed married to him
for 10 years.
It's gotta be worth something.
I'll see you at the party.
Think about it. A present.
It'll cost you nothing but time.
Goodbye, Mother! I love you!
Thank you.
Naomi Lee?
Hi, I'm Cassidy Ray.
I'm Rebel's daughter.
We spoke on the phone.
Really quickly,
can you tell me what happened?

He had a bad day.
He got a parking ticket,
someone keyed his car, and
something else.
I can't remember the other thing.
What was the other thing?
- Um I
- His "bad day" doesn't matter.
That part doesn't matter.
No, I-I was cooking him dinner
and he came in
and he told me about his day,
and there were
three annoying things, and
Why can't I remember the other thing?
What happened after
the three annoying things?
I dropped I dropped a carrot
on the floor.
And he hates it when I'm clumsy,
so I went to go pick it up,
and the next thing I knew,
he had me by the throat.
I couldn't breathe.
But I could reach the knife.
Okay. Got it.
Okay, okay. Listen to me.
Naomi, I think
you must still be in shock.
I think that's probably why
you can't remember the other thing.
But you are going to be okay.
I will make sure of it.
See you in there. Hang in there.
- Thank you.
- Okay.

Helen, it's Rebel!
I need to pick your brain!
Hey, you must be Maddie.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I-I'm a friend of your mom's.
She's told me so much about you.
Is she around?

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
Honey Honey, what is it?
She won't let me call an ambulance.



I feel like I'm dying.
The pain, it's just
it's too much.

Rebel, I'm not as strong as you.
The headaches are almost every day now.
They're so bad, I can't see.
I can't walk.
I can't live like this.
I don't want to live like this.

Helen, don't give up.
- Mm.
- No.
You can't give up.
We are gonna get that valve out of you.
I swear to God.
If it's the last thing I do,
I'm getting that thing out of you.


Hey, Cassidy's headed to court
for Naomi Lee's bail hearing,
and the abusive boyfriend's
out of surgery.
I am gonna pay to have
Helen's heart valve replaced.
You'll have to take a second
mortgage on your house.
- You'll go broke.
- Please.
I was once a single mom, unemployed,
with no way to pay the rent.
A second mortgage
is not my idea of "broke".
A second mortgage just means
I actually own something I can mortgage.
- Not for long.
Listen, you need to
fight this thing the right way.
But don't bankrupt your family doing it.
- Get Cruz on board.
Fine. You got Naomi?
Yep, I'll head over there right now.
Oh, don't forget to call Grady's hooker.
She should be released on her
own recognizance, Your Honor.
She stabbed him in self-defense.
And the state says?
State requests a $50,000 bail.
She stabbed him, Your Honor.
There are less violent ways
to defend yourself.
He was a foot taller, 50 pounds heavier,
and was choking her, Your Honor.
If the state believes that
there was a less violent route,
then perhaps he should
wrap his hands around my throat
- and squeeze until I can't breathe
- O-Objection.
- and then we all can see
- O-Objection.
how non-violent I am
in my attempt to remove him.
Objection, Your Honor!
I bet you object. I bet you object.
She objected, too.
She was fighting for her life.
Her only means to do it
was a kitchen knife
that happened to be within reach.
I would have done the same thing,
and so would your mother.

What are you doing here?
I came to watch my kid do her thing.
- She's impressive.
- Mm-hmm.
I've been telling you that for years.
You have, and it's good to see.
Here they come.
Nice work, Cassidy.
Naomi, I'm Lanalee Ray.
I work with Rebel.
- Hi.
- Take a walk with me
- so you can fill me in.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much. Take care.
What are you doing here?
That was pretty incredible, kid.
Thank you.
Uh, this is my colleague, Amir.
This is my father, Benji Ray.
Your "colleague", huh?
- Nice to meet you, sir.
- Yeah.
This is my associate.
Luke Chapman.
You, uh, were incredible in there.
Yeah, she was incredible.
You got time for coffee
with your old man, Cass?
Sure. Yeah, Amir, too?

Ah, listen, everybody ♪
Everybody ♪
Especially you guys ♪
Can I get a witness? ♪
Can I get a witness? ♪
Can I get a witness? ♪
I want a witness ♪
Can I get a witness? ♪
A witness, witness ♪
Can I get a witness? ♪
Witness, witness ♪
- Can I get a witness? ♪
Everybody knows ♪
Especially you boys ♪
- Hi.
- I'm Annie.
I called.
I got your name from Helen.
I'm Annie.
- We spoke on the phone.
- Okay.
[STAMMERS] Please.
- Come on in.
- Thank you.
Witness ♪
- You want me to come work for you?
- Not for me.
With me. You'd be a junior associate.
And you can confirm with Luke here,
but I'm pretty sure
I pay more than Cruz.
[SCOFFS] Confirmed.
Well, yeah, because you work
for the dark side.
I work for the side that pays,
baby girl.
You work for the corporations.
How much money do you think
Cruz gave to the ACLU last year?
I'm willing to bet
it's less than I gave.
She's a bleeding heart.
I respect that.
The whole bleeding heart thing
It takes passion.
I mean, it looks exhausting, but
You want to be on the side
of the good guys, Cass,
- and the thing is, I am a good guy.
- Mm.
Your mother and I support
all the same charities,
all the same causes.
Only difference is
I can write them a bigger check
and make a bigger impact.
You fight on the side
of corporate polluters.
It's not our job to judge our clients.
It's our job to help a judge
or jury interpret the law.
That's what we do.
It It doesn't make us evil.
[MOCKINGLY] "That's what we do."
Do you actually believe
the words coming out of your mouth,
or did my dad here script them for you?
BENJI: You know what?
You really are your mother's daughter.
- I'm not.
- Your mother left me
because I took a job
practicing corporate law.
She taught you
to think in black and white,
and there's value in that.
But if you're ready,
I'm ready to teach you
a whole lot more about shades of gray.
I mean, unless you like doing
your mother's pro bono bidding.

I think she hates it.

REBEL: Cruz!
We have visitors!
- Cruz.
Oh, come on.
You can't hide from me
your whole life, Cruz.
She's your friend.
Can you do something here?
Hey, handsome.
Brought a few folks
that would like a word with you.
Now a good time?

It's really not.
We'll just, uh, hang out in the lobby
till you're ready for us.

I think I honestly hate you.
You're not the first man
to say those words to me.

I needed a new valve.
Well, I needed a new valve,
but after the surgery,
I started to get blinding headaches.
Rashes, pain, fever,
nausea, night sweats.
Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep.
I lost 40 pounds in 2 months.
Hi, Luke Chapman for Cassidy Ray.
Um, what are you doing here?
Ah, your father sent me to follow up.
Talk details with you,
sweeten the offer.
Check out the competition.
What's happening in there?
Well, my mother never learned
to play the violin,
so she plays human beings instead.
She studies cancer clusters
and moderates
domestic violence support groups
and travels the world testing water
and fighting for communities
full of poisoned, dying people.
What a monster.
She's energized by injustice.
So it doesn't occur to her
that normal human beings
have a breaking point, you know?
A saturation level.
Sometimes, when you're turning 13
and everybody's singing "Happy Birthday"
and all you want to do
is eat the freaking cake
and not listen to your mother,
who showed up
three hours late, by the way,
lecture your friends
about the neurotoxins
in the dye the grocery store
uses in the frosting.
Did she really do that?

So, uh
you ready to talk numbers?

MADDIE: My doctor said
that I should replace my valve
and it would help.
I'd be stronger.
I've had three miscarriages.
I have a congenital heart condition
that runs in my family.
They said the Stonemore valve
would last the longest
and give me the best possible outcome,
so my mom and I had our valves
replaced together.
Then I got pregnant.
When I started to get headaches,
they said it was just the pregnancy,
but after the first trimester,
it got worse, not better.
I got really, really sick, but I thought
that even if it was
the heart valve that caused it,
it was worth it because
I didn't miscarry this time.
But then
last month, my baby
my baby was diagnosed
with something called
hydrops fetalis.
It's It's a build up of fluid
around her heart.
They don't
They don't know what caused it.
They only know
that there's nothing to be done,
so now my mom is really, really sick,
and my baby is due soon,
[VOICE BREAKING] but she's not
expected to survive more than a week.

Rebel and I sometimes work with lawyers,
but we don't have to follow
the same rules
as lawyers follow.
So, we do what we can to tip
the scales towards justice.
And, like, how much do you charge?
'Cause Rex controls all my money.
Some cases we do for money,
some for fun.
Yours is for fun.
So, um, am, I, like,
packing my stuff, or
No, no. You're packing his stuff.
You still live here.
He won't much longer.
You mind if I look around?
Uh, no.
Uh, Naomi?
I happen to know
that Rex has a couple of priors
with drug possession,
so you wanna tell me where I'm looking?
[SIGHS] Drum kit.
Drum kit.

Oh. Yahtzee.
- FLYNN: Police. Open up.
- The police?
- Why are they here?
- I asked them to meet us here.
Domestic violence only holds
a 14-day sentence in California.
But add drugs and an unlicensed gun,
and the sentence goes
to two years minimum.
Is this gun licensed?
Definitely not.

- Hey.
- Whatcha got for me?

ALL: God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Hey. I liked your share.
Kinda hate my dad, too.
I don't hate my dad.
I just think
that my mom could do better.
So, why do your folks call you Ziggy?
Because when they adopted me,
I was 6 years old
and already obsessed with David Bowie.
Not sure who that is.
Not sure I can talk to you.
He's a singer
and he has this alter ego,
Ziggy Stardust.
Yeah, I'll look him up.
How long have you been clean?
- 26 days.
- Mm.
It gets better.
I have a whole 73 days,
but it's a lot better now than it was.
Hmm. Good to know.
Hey, uh, you ever want to, like,
chill with me sometime?
My aunt, who's kind of like my sponsor,
would say that's a bad idea.
We should focus on recovery
if we want to recover.
Alright, then.
Uh, I'll just admire you from afar.
Or you could hit me up.
My name's Sean.
It's in the meeting list.


REBEL: Fill me in. How's it going?
We got all the evidence that we need.
Just a crappy drummer
selling drugs on the side.
And the drugs were in the drum kit.
Okay. And Flynn is there?
Yeah, Flynn's here right now.
He's gonna try to head him off
at the hospital.

Hey, baby.
Hey, Rex. How you feelin'?
I mean, you just had surgery
for that stab wound.

You can run.
I'm gonna catch you and it's gonna hurt.

But you do what you need to do.

I'd love to add resisting.
- Oh!
You bitch!
LANA: Oh, that don't look too good, Rex.
We probably should get you
to a doctor. Come on. Get up.
Get up.


Don't make me pull my gun, Rex.
There's kids in the neighborhood.


I can't believe you're not talking.
If the pregnant 25-year-old
whose baby's heart was poisoned
by its mother's heart valve
didn't persuade you,
what else can I say?
Annie, you genuinely care
about right and wrong
and I find that fascinating,
much in the way I find
a Cebu Flowerpecker fascinating.
A what?
You're a rare bird.
People who care like you care
You're like an endangered species,
and I admire you,
but I prefer to admire you from afar,
through binoculars,
on an expedition once a year.
You lost your wife.
I lost my best friend.
- They took her from us.
- Stop that.
Sharon was healthy and happy
till she got that heart valve replaced.
- I said stop it.
- And then depression,
weight loss, pain, misery,
headaches so bad
that she actually thought
that she was Hey, I said stop it!
You lost your best friend,
but I lost the love of my life!
I lived it every day,
and I can't relive it now.
Sharon would be so pissed.
She would be so pissed off
that you are
letting innocent people suffer
when you have the power to stop it.
Your fighting spirit,
your sense of justice
It's the whole reason
she fell in love with you.
She told me that.
Your fighting spirit
and your ass that wouldn't quit.
Now, if you know that I'm right
and you do nothing about it,
then you're no better than Stonemore.

Annie, I-I respect you,
and I'll always consider you a friend.
But you're fired.
You're deeply fired.


Yesterday, I had nothing ♪
Didn't know whether
I'd amount to something ♪
I had holes in my shoes ♪
- Hey.
- And in my clothes ♪
I got something that might cheer you up.
Yesterday ♪
Just a boy living amongst children ♪
You my lawyer?
No. I hate lawyers.
I'm a friend of Naomi's,
and I'm the reason
you're gonna go out there
and tell the DA what really happened
and get the charges against her dropped.
And then you're never gonna
call her again,
and I swear, if you ever hit her
or stalk her or threaten her again,
you're gonna have to deal with me,
and that's gonna be ugly for you.
I bring the CEOs
of multi-national corporations
to their knees,
and not in a sexy good time way.
I will chase you through the courts
until I eat you for lunch,
and I'll take every penny
you've ever earned or stolen.
And if that doesn't work,
I'll involve your parents.
Arthur and Sally, who live in Pacoima
in that sweet little house
they just paid off.
I will take their house,
and I won't feel bad about it.
'Cause they should've
raised their son to know better
than to choke a lady.
I will devastate you
and everyone around you.
And what's more? I will enjoy doing it.
And you will rot in jail
and in bankruptcy and in misery
for the rest of your life
if you ever go near her again.
Are we clear, Rex?
Tell the truth, do your time,
lose Naomi's number.
She's got mine on speed dial.
- Thank you.
- Mm.
- See you at the party.
- Wouldn't miss it.

- She's got the big bouffant hair.
- BENJI: Right.
I still can't reach Dad.
Well, it's a surprise party.
At least we know he'll be surprised.
Yeah, honey, I barely made it myself.
I'm sure he'll be here soon.
Why don't we have some toasts
while we wait?
- Without Grady?
- Oh, hear, hear.
- Whoa. Not you, Daddy. Come on.
- Come on, come on, come on.
I wanna say something nice.
- Watch this. Your mother.
- Mm-hmm.
you're not an easy woman.
- See?
- Okay, yay. Thank you, Benji.
I'm getting somewhere,
if you'll let me finish.
Rebel, you're not an easy woman,
but you are an extraordinary woman,
and I'm grateful our daughter
has your genes.
And I'm grateful
my sister is in your employ,
and I am impressed.
Impressed that you found a man
who would stay with you
for a full 10 years.
- Mm. Hey, hey. Hear, hear.
- Flynn. Flynn.
- I mean, you know.
- You know.
Benji, you corporate sack of crap.
- Mm.
I'm glad that our daughter
has your genes, too,
but only 'cause
you're still looking good.
- Mm.
- You guys.
- FLYNN: Okay, okay.
I'm proud to call you my ex.
Oh, my God. [LAUGHS]
- Hear, hear.
[LAUGHTER] There it is.
Go ahead. Yeah.
He's coming!
Oh. Okay. Everybody hide.
Everybody hide.

- Is it a hooker?
I swear to God,
I'm kinda hoping it's a hooker.
I think I could forgive him
It's a divorce attorney.
- A what?
The woman on the card is not a hooker.
She's a high-end divorce attorney.
ALL: Surprise!
[LAUGHING] Oh, my God. Look at this.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Happy anniversary, sweet cheeks.
It's not our anniversary.
Our anniversary is in three days,
you treacherous prick.
In the state of California,
if you make it to 10 years,
you're entitled to palimony
for the rest of your life.
But you didn't make it.
You are 72 hours shy of your goal,
you son of a dick!
What is happening here?
Ziggy is just out of rehab.
The number-one thing
they said she needed
was a stable environment.
Okay, Rebel, let's take a walk.
Oh, did you consult with Flynn?
How 'bout Benji?
Did they tell you just how to do it?
How to pretend you love me
and then take me
for every penny you can?!
- Not really sure that's necessary.
- Hold on a second.
How did we get involved with this?
Honey, I swear to God,
I don't know what the hell
you're talking about.
You are consulting a divorce attorney.
I'm building a custom car
for a divorce attorney.
Well now I feel pretty foolish
He's lying.
I saw divorce papers in his bag
last week.
Why are you going through my bag?
That is so not the point!
You know fine.
I wanted to wait
for the right time to tell you,
but this is good
'cause you're in Florida,
you're in Hawaii, you're in Japan,
you're testing the water, you're
screaming about pollution,
you get arrested.
You care more about getting on the news
than about getting home
to cook me dinner!
TOGETHER: To cook you dinner?!
Oh, come on.
You know what I'm talking about.
It's not easy living with you.
Ask anybody here.
Guys, tell her. Hey.
Hey. Grady?
Thank you.
I've been waiting 10 years to do that.
10 years minus 3 days.
We're all witnesses to that.
Zig, I'm really sorry.
I'm so sorry.

Annie told me what you said
about my ass.
I appreciate it.

Hey, what's up?

Mom, this is Dr. Flynn, Rebel's son.
Hi, Helen.

My, uh, mom asked me if I'd come by,
ask you both some questions.

Are you starting a study?

My mom

I'm starting a study.


You're burning his clothes?
That's very dramatic.
He's lucky he's not in the fire.
Cassidy told me what happened.
You want to go for a drink?
I don't want a drink.
I want to feel it.
I want to remember this,
and I want to lock it in
so I never end up here again.
You know, somehow,
after all you've been through
you still expect people
to be better than they are.
And I hope that never changes.

This is Sharon's autopsy.
I've never looked at it.
You said she had a heart attack
in her sleep.
I did say that, yeah.
But all I know is that one morning
she didn't wake up.
And I asked for this report,
but I've never looked at it
because I was afraid.
I was afraid
she might have killed herself.
And if she did, I didn't want to know.
I still don't.

I can't bring Sharon back,
but if other people are going
through what she went through
and what I went through, I'm in.

And you're unfired.

And just for the record,
that man was never good enough for you.

- I need to look.
- Hmm.
I don't want to know. Not today.
Okay. Okay.

Let's go crush those bastards.

Next Episode