Record of Ragnarok (2021) s01e01 Episode Script


The seven-million-year history
of mankind is about to end.
It is not due to a nuclear war
or an invasion by an alien race,
or even a collision with an asteroid.
Mankind now faces
its extinction, its end, at the hands of
none other than the creators
of mankind themselves, the gods!
The time has come, my sister, Brünnhilde.
Now then, everyone, 1,000 years have
already passed since the last session.
Let us commence our meeting.
The Council on the Fate of Mankind
attended by all the gods of the world.
The question is…
Do we allow mankind to continue
to exist for the next 1,000 years…
or do we bring their existence to an end?
Gods and goddesses,
make your opinions known.
Here's what I think.
They should be wiped out.
I've watched them these last 1,000 years,
but they have zero intention of reforming.
Let's demolish the whole lot of them.
Yes, you are quite right, Shiva.
These past 1,000 years,
the world has become
increasingly unpleasant.
The oceans are filled with trash and oil,
the forests are dying out,
and creatures continue to go extinct.
You could even say
mankind itself is a calamity
that is annihilating all living things
on the face of the earth.
Aphrodite is right!
Mankind should be exterminated!
Those scum are a pestilence!
I'm weary of leading them.
I couldn't agree more!
Well, it seems we've come to a decision.
By unanimous vote,
The Council on the Fate of Mankind
has decided to end--
-Who was that?
Well, if it isn't a Valkyrie.
It's a Valkyrie!
What are you thinking, Brünnhilde?
You can't stop the gods
from concluding a decision!
With all due respect,
gods and goddesses, I have an objection.
-Stay out of this, Brünnhilde!
-Stay out of this, Brünnhilde!
You stupid half-breed god!
This is a matter for the gods,
so butt out!
You want to fight? Then bring it on!
Admittedly, mankind's tyranny
and atrocities are egregious.
How dare you ignore me!
simply eliminating them
would be too crude.
I see.
How about this?
To determine
whether it is worth allowing mankind
to exist for another 1,000 years,
demonstrate the mercy and power
of the gods by testing mankind.
Test them?
Do you want to flood the earth again?
Or hasten the ice age and freeze them?
There is a more effective method.
What is she up to?
-What is she saying?
The final battle between god and man,
As stipulated in the ultra-special clause
of Article 62, Paragraph 15
of the Constitution of Valhalla,
it is "a one-on-one battle
between the gods and mankind."
The Law of the Final Battle
Between God and Man,
otherwise known as "Ragnarok."
It is a tournament of one-on-one battles
between 13 humans and 13 gods.
Whichever side achieves
seven victories first wins.
The moment mankind loses seven times,
their destruction is decided.
On the other hand, if mankind wins,
their existence for
the next 1,000 years is guaranteed.
But this law has never once been applied
since the birth of mankind.
This is because humans defeating gods is
utterly impossible!
In other words,
the statute is a mere formality.
It was established
purely as a joke by the gods.
What a bunch of nonsense!
I would've thought
a Valkyrie like you would know.
Humans are no match for gods!
-It's a total waste of time!
-It's a total waste of time!
That's right!
It will be mere child's play!
What's the point in us
facing off against humans?
Utterly ludicrous!
So I take it that it is the gods' opinion
that mankind should be eliminated…
that you want to avoid
direct competition with humans?
You want to eliminate mankind
without battling them?
You don't want to fight them face-to-face?
Could it be? Is it possible that…
you are…
chickening out?
If that's true,
then please excuse me for interfering.
Please ignore my remarks.
Let's forget about Ragnarok and all that.
Don't do that!
You'll end up being eliminated
before mankind is!
Please apologize to them!
They're not angry?
There's one thing
Brünnhilde was quite confident of.
I knew it. The gods are
far more short-tempered than mankind.
I see. Ragnarok, right?
I find your proposal intriguing.
Thank you for bringing it up.
Quite intriguing.
What do you say, everyone?
It's been a while,
so wouldn't you like to see
the thundering of the gods
and our overwhelming ferocity?
How about it, everyone?
Let us gods
fight it out against mankind!
Thus, the final battle
between god and man,
Ragnarok, was unexpectedly approved!
I would like you to select those
who will represent mankind.
You want to assist mankind, don't you?
After all,
you are one of the tragic Valkyries,
the half-god, half-human beings
who were once reduced to being humans.
I shall select
the thirteen most powerful humans
from mankind's
seven million years of history.
It's about to begin, Brünnhilde.
Who will be the first
to fight for the gods?
For countless eons…
…I have waited to blow Gjallarhorn!
To announce the start of the final battle
between god and man, Ragnarok!
Hey, you all. Are you ready?
The rules are simple.
Victory is determined
when either a human or a god dies.
In other words, when their existence
is permanently terminated.
In the first bout,
representing the gods is…
this man!
All the gods want to see
this guy get serious in a fight.
His Mjölnir shatters continents.
If this dude can't do it, then who can?
He lives and dies by war!
The strongest Norse god,
Yikes! It's Thor, god of thunder!
There's no way we can win, Brünnhilde!
Not to worry, Göll.
I'm sure he will defeat him.
Of those whom I have met
on the battlefield, he is the strongest…
In fact, he is the biggest badass
and most maniacal warrior of them all.
And the foolish human who will
represent mankind against the gods is
this man!
Will the seven million years
of mankind's reign end here?
Will the seven million years
of mankind's glory be forgotten?
It's him…
Goodness me!
This man is here to maintain
the hopes and dreams of mankind!
I ask you,
is there anyone other than this man
who could defeat a god?
Is there any doubt that
there is no one greater than him
in all of human history?
The most powerful of all Chinese heroes!
Lü Bu!
My lord…
Buddha, protect us.
Buddha, protect us.
You there, human. Cease your prayers.
The enemy that we must defeat is…
the very gods you are praying to now.
With mankind's existence on the line
in their final battle with the gods,
we've got one hell of an opening bout!
For the gods,
it's the strongest of the Norse gods,
the berserker of thunder!
And the human challenger is…
the strongest hero of the Three Kingdoms!
Lü Bu!
This is truly a battle
of strongest versus strongest!
The electricity in the stands
is also at max voltage!
Annihilate that lowly human
with a single blow!
Come on, Lü Bu!
Hurry up and grind
that bastard of a god into mincemeat!
Gods versus mankind!
Nothing could go better
with liquor than this!
Isn't that right, mate?
I don't quite get this.
Wouldn't the greatest
of the Three Kingdoms be
the one known as Yunchang
in his mortal years?
In other words,
you, who have become a god?
In terms of strategy and overall ability,
probably so.
However, if judging entirely
by raw fighting power,
the only possible conclusion is…
that the strongest during
the Three Kingdoms Era
is Lü Bu!
No doubt about it!
Yet, those in Lü Bu's army
never change, do they?
My lord! We're all behind you!
Whenever you fight in battle,
we'll always be there with you!
To think that the day would come
when I would see
my lord's gallant figure again, I…
I'm overwhelmed!
do you really think Lü Bu can win?
"Humans can't possibly defeat gods."
Is that what you think, Göll?
Well, I mean…
I am sure that is what
all the gods here still think.
That's exactly why we have a chance.
This is the perfect moment
to bash their smug faces in
as they scoff at humans.
Bash them in?
Bash them in.
Their smug faces?
Their smug faces.
You know,
you can sometimes say
some pretty mean things.
You have no idea
how weary I've grown waiting
for the day when I can blow this thing
with all my might!
According to Edda,
the story of Norse mythology,
when Heimdall, watchman of the apocalypse,
sounds the horn of the apocalypse,
the final battle between god and man,
Ragnarok, will commence.
Pulverize him.
It's really going to start…
The one-on-one battle
between gods and humans.
The battle between the strongest gods
and the strongest humans!
The first bout
of this tournament is about…
-What's that?
-Oh, my!
Both combatants
have lowered their weapons!
Their guard is down!
Neither of them is taking a stance!
Now they're approaching one another!
Unbelievably, both have started off
with their guard down!
What's more, they're both casually
closing the distance between them!
So they couldn't care less
how the other comes at them.
Neither of them has any intention
of sizing up the other.
I figured this would happen.
That's Lü Bu for you!
Quite right.
What the heck is with that human?
What a cocky, disrespectful boor!
That's my lord!
is that guy really going to be all right?
Doesn't it seem like Lü Bu
is the one scoffing at the gods?
This must be how the greatest humans live.
Thor and Lü Bu.
These dissimilar men have
only a single thing in common.
They have vanquished
their foes with a single blow.
Subtitle translation by: Brian Athey
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