Roswell s01e01 Episode Script


September 23.
Journal entry one.
I'm Liz Parker, and five days ago I died.
After that, things got really weird.
[Service Bell Dings.]
I have got one Sigourney Weaver.
That's for you.
And one Will Smith.
Can I get you guys anything else? Green Martian shake? Blood of Alien smoothie? - You No.
- No.
- We're good.
- Are you here for the Crash Festival? - Yeah.
Can't wait.
- Yeah.
So, does your family come from Roswell? - Just four generations.
- Really? Uh, does anyone in your family have some stories about the U.
Crash or I guess it would be okay to show you guys this.
I don't wanna hear the words anymore.
I wanna see the money on the table.
- Refill? Hmm.
- No.
Get outta here.
My grandmother took this picture at the crash site right before the government cleans it up.
Do people know about this photograph? I know about it.
And now you know about it.
- Whoa.
- Wow.
I'm gonna be right back.
Don't show that to anyone.
You are so bad, girl.
Oh, and Max Evans is staring at you again.
No way.
Maria, that is so in your imagination.
Max Evans? This? No.
It's not And with those cheeks, preciosita tan linda.
Maria, no, okay? I mean, and even if it were, I'm going out with Kyle.
He's steady and loyal and he appreciates me.
Sounds like you're describing a poodle.
[Man Yelling.]
That's your plan? Give you another day? - You're running outta time.
! - Liz! I was here to get the money today, not tomorrow.
! - You won't need money if you're dead.
- Get down.
! Come on.
Come on, come on.
! Liz.
- What are you doing? Let got of me.
- Max, what are you gonna do? - Liz? - Call an ambulance.
- It's gonna be okay.
- Oh, my God.
Hey! Get back! Liz.
Liz? You have to look at me.
- Um, I need an ambulance.
- You have to look at me.
[Children Chattering.]
You're all right now.
You're all right.
- [Sirens Approaching.]
- Keys! Now! You broke the bottle and you fell, spilled ketchup on yourself.
Don't say anything, please.
- Liz, are you okay? - [Engine Revs.]
Lizzy? Oh, my God.
No, Dad.
Dad, look at this.
See? I'm fine.
I just spilled ketchup.
I'm really I'm okay.
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
I'm okay.
The guy with the gun, right, was kinda like a muscular Beavis, you know? And then the other one was like a beefy Butt-head.
I'm gonna need a better description than that.
I'm assuming that they weren't actually cartoons.
Excuse me.
[Inhales Deeply.]
Cypress oil.
It, um, reduces stress.
- You okay? - Uh, yeah.
L-I'm just a little shaken up.
Sheriff, the suspects ran out right after the incident occurred.
Couple of outsiders.
There's no apparent robbery no injuries other than the girl that fell.
Itjust seems like an argument that got out ofhand.
Hey! I told you two to stay outta there.
- Couple of tourists in town for the Crash.
- Uh, Sheriff.
Um, I'm sorry.
I really need to talk to you.
I think something happened here.
- What do you think happened? - The gunman was standing right over there, right? And the shot was fired into this direction.
Now, Jen and I we searched this entire place up and down.
And, I mean, there's Where's the bullet? We haven't found a bullet hole yet, Sheriff.
Yeah, and Sheriff, before it happened, the girl gave me this.
- Lizzy.
- Yeah? [Jack.]
I told you, no showing the alien photos to the tourists.
There were two kids sitting over here when it happened.
Two boys about her age.
- Then one of them went - You know, that's right.
There were.
You know that I didn't recognize them, so they must've been tourists.
No, it sure looked like that she knew them to me.
[Dog Barking.]
We spent the last week talking about genus and phylum.
And now we're gonna get a little more specific and talk about the difference between species.
For today's experiment, you'll be working in teams of two.
So nice to have you join us.
Everyone on the right, prepare a slide with a vegetable sampling.
Everyone on the left, take a toothpick and get a sample from your cheek.
- Mr.
Evans? - Could I get a bathroom pass? High-maintenance today, aren't we? It's very easy to look on the outside and say what differentiates humans from other species.
But what about what's on the inside? Everyone look at the human cells and describe everything you see on your lab sheets.
- [School Bell Rings.]
- Max! Max! Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Max, I have to talk to you.
Come on.
- Kyle.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey, Max.
- So, did you get my message? - [Liz.]
Oh, yeah.
I did.
- I was, uh, just a little - Shaken up.
- That's what I was.
- I know.
My dad told me about the gun going off.
- Are you okay? - Yeah.
I am.
It was just loud and then it was over.
- So you guys are - Um, we're looking for a place to study for our bio midterm.
Oh, right.
- Yeah.
- All right.
- I was leaving anyway.
- Great.
Um, that's good.
I got my costume for the Crash this Friday.
It's great.
Kyle, we've gotta study.
See ya, Max.
- [Door Closes.]
- So, you're going out with the sheriff s son? Um, yeah.
Well, it's kinda like this casual Okay.
Max, can we just focus here for one minute, please.
Um l I scraped some cells from your pencil.
This is really weird to say.
I'm trying very hard to keep from blacking out here.
Um, the cells weren't normal.
So, Max, what I'm gonna suggest to you is that we just go back into the bio lab now so that I can take a sample so that I can see what I'm thinking is wrong, you know that I got the wrong cells.
You didn't.
Okay, um So help me out here, Max.
I mean What are you? Well, I'm not from around here.
Where you from? Up north.
You're not an an a-alien.
I mean [Huffs.]
Are you? Well, I prefer the term "not of this Earth.
" Sorry.
It's not a good time to joke.
I am.
It's weird to actually say it.
- Liz.
- Uh, Max, you know what? - I'm gonna be late for my U.
Government class.
- Liz.
- So I'm just - Liz, listen to me.
You can't talk to anyone about this.
Not your parents, not Maria.
No one.
You don't understand what will happen if you do.
Liz, please.
Now my life is in your hands.
Well, it says right here that shots were fired but no one was injured.
Then where's Liz? I mean, why is she avoiding me? Okay, first of all, Liz is never late, right? She walks into home room today and goes and sits next to Pam Troy.
She, like, hates Pam Troy, and you know, goes about admitting it openly and - Alex, are you listening to me? - Uh, yeah.
Yeah, Maria.
I'm listening to you.
But this is just you being you, all right? Liz is fine.
Nothing happened.
It's all right here in black and white.
[Boy On P.
Hey, guys, don't forget your costume for this weekend's Crash Festival.
Five hundred big bones for the best costume.
Now, let's get down with our little higgly-giggly and alien selves.
I can't believe this, Max.
You know, I finally feel like I have a quasi-normal existence and you blow it all with one random act of lunacy.
How did you let my misguided brother do this? Hey.
Don't turn this around on me.
I'm not the one who thinks he's a superhero.
- Look.
I said I was sorry.
- You're sorry? You break a sacred pact and that's all you have to say? It's against the rules, Max, the rules we made.
You use your powers all the time.
- [Sizzles.]
- The important thing is to contain this.
We just have to figure out what to say to Miss Scientist.
Oh, my God.
You told her.
I didn't have a choice.
It's gonna be okay.
Don't your realize that everything has changed? - No, it hasn't.
- Max, she's right.
We're screwed.
It's time to leave Roswell.
- Michael, we can't just leave.
- Yeah, we can.
We've always known this day would come.
We said when it did, we'd be prepared.
Michael, where are we gonna go? You know, Roswell's home.
Roswell's not home.
It's not even our solar system.
Well, this is the closest thing we have to home right now.
For you two, maybe.
It was you the Evanses found on the side of the road, not me.
They're like real parents.
My foster dad, hejust keeps me around for the monthly check.
This is gonna be okay.
We should just lay low - go back to school and act normal.
- Act normal? That's your big plan, Max? Don't you realize it's only a matter of time before they find us and turn us over to some government agency where they're gonna test us and prod us and, oh, yeah, exterminate us.
[Cheerleaders Chanting.]
[Toilet Flushes.]
- Hey.
- So I called, like, 37 times.
- I know.
I'm sorry.
- Liz, what happened yesterday? [Sighs.]
What do you mean, Maria? You were there.
You You saw everything.
Did I, 'cause, um, this isn't ketchup.
This looks a lot like blood to me.
What did Max do to you? ## [Rock And Roll.]
Isabel, can you please not do that? - [Music Stops.]
- Yeah, like listening to a C.
Is the problem.
I couldn't just let her die.
- [Siren.]
- Is he pulling us over? Max, go.
Let's get out of here.
We can't start acting guilty.
[Siren Continues.]
[Siren Stops.]
- [Engine Stops.]
- He always pulls kids over.
He does it all the time.
- It's nothing.
- Yeah.
- Can I see your license and registration, please? - Of course, Officer.
Thank you, Mr.
We had a little trouble at the Crashdown Café yesterday.
You kids be careful out there.
Yes, sir.
[Glass Clinks.]
Watch your speed.
Arrive alive.
We will.
- Michael, everything is gonna be okay.
- No, it won't.
Our cover is blown, and I'm not gonna hang around and wait for them to catch us.
No one is caught yet.
I mean, we don't even know if there is a "them.
" What happened to our parents? What happened to everybody else on the ship? They didn't disappear.
They were killed, and you know that.
Liz won't tell anyone.
She's different.
Really? So how'd she react when you told her? "Great.
You're an alien.
That's fantastic.
Excellent"? Nah, I didn't think so.
I thought I was pissed.
[Thunder Rumbles.]
- Well, good night.
- Oh.
Right, right.
Listen, Liz, you've been somewhere else all night.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Kyle, do you ever wonder if Do I ever wonder what? When you see me, do you do you feel things? Yes, of course.
I feel things.
Like what? Forget it.
I don't know what I was talking about.
I'm just gonna go get some sleep.
All right.
- Liz, w - Oh! Good night, Kyle.
Good night, Liz.
[Max, Softly.]
I have to talk to you.
I can't imagine how you must feel right now.
I mean, I've thought about telling you a thousand times.
You have? Me? - [Muffled Chuckle.]
- What? Sorry.
I just, uh I just keep picturing you in that dress with the, uh the cupcakes on it.
What? Forget it.
It was a long time ago.
Oh, my God.
That's That's right.
I can't believe I actually wore that thing! L I had that dress in kindergarten.
I didn't know you until the third grade.
- Did you, like, read my mind or something? - No.
I don't read minds.
When I healed you, I made this I don't know.
This connection.
And I got this rush of of images.
An image of that dress flashed into my mind and I knew how you felt about it.
How did I feel about it? It was the single supreme embarrassment of your life.
But your mom made it for you.
She was so proud of it.
She never made a dress before.
So you wore it for her sake.
I've never tried this before, but maybe I could make the connection go the other way so, you can see, you know, that that I'm still me.
I have to touch you.
Now, just take deep breaths and try and let your mind blank out.
I could feel everything he was feeling.
I could feel his loneliness.
For the first time, I was really seeing Max Evans.
I saw me as he saw me.
And the amazing thing was in his eyes, I was beautiful.
Did it work? [Liz.]
Max Evans has put a force on me.
It's like my whole life changed in an instant.
It's just so ironic that when something like this finally happened to me it was with an alien.
Hey, Alex.
Have you seen my book bag anywhere? No, I haven't.
Um, can I talk to you for a second? Yeah.
What's up? Well, I'm your friend and I'm Maria's friend too so if you lie to Maria, it's sort of like lying to me.
Alex, what did Maria say to you? Well, frankly, it's vague.
I mean, everything needs to be put through the Maria filter.
But she said something about how she found blood on your order book.
What's going on? Alex, Maria's a total drama queen.
You know that.
Nothing is going on.
Okay, well, look.
All I care about is that you're okay.
- So, you are, right? You're okay? - I'm okay.
- All right.
- Okay.
And whatever happened is over now? Hey.
It is totally over.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- There she is.
- Miss Parker the sheriff needs to ask you some questions.
Afternoon, Miss Parker.
Your father said it'd be okay if I talked to you.
I'm sorry to have to show you these.
This man was found dead with no apparent cause of death except that.
What do you make of that mark? I've never seen anything like that before.
Kyle said he saw a similar mark on your stomach.
He was wrong.
I'm sure.
Kyle's got a pretty wild imagination.
I'm gonna need to see for myself, Liz.
Come on, Sheriff.
I mean I told you that I spilled ketchup and l I said that, like, a thousand times.
Liz, please? Mark faded on the corpse too.
What do you know about a kid named Max Evans? - Max Evans? Um - Mm-hmm.
I don't know him all that well.
- Was he one of the kids at the Crashdown that day? - No.
- I see.
- Can I go home now, Sheriff? Just one more thing.
Somebody turned in this book bag.
It is yours, isn't it? Good.
Good, good.
A shot was fired.
There's a bullet hole in the dress.
I'm telling you.
The girl was shot.
What are you doing? I have a flying saucer sighting in Phoenix an accountant in Barstow who thinks he's Jesus.
Both cases are more solid than this one.
I'll have this checked out at the lab.
Call me, Sheriff, if you ever have anything real.
Listen, you guys told me to call you if I saw anything.
Well, my son saw that handprint.
I'm sure he did.
- What happens now? - I'm gonna have the lab check out the dress.
I'm gonna handle this case in the proper manner without getting too personal.
I suggest you do the same.
I'm not walking away from this.
I'm gonna be a part of this investigation.
Sheriff, do you know what everyone at the Agency used to call your father? Sergeant Martian.
You don't wanna end up like him.
Agent Stevens I was eight years old when my father discovered that corpse.
My whole life, I thought he was as crazy as everybody else did crazy to believe.
Well, now I'm not so sure.
Thank you, Sheriff.
Your work is done now.
We'll take it from here.
[Engine Starts.]
I need to know the truth, Max.
I need to know everything, or else I'm just gonna go to Valenti and I'm gonna tell him everything I know.
All right.
Here we go.
- Where did you come from? - I don't know.
When the ship crashed, I wasn't born yet.
So there was a crash? All I know is it wasn't a weather balloon that fell that night.
The ship crashed in 1947.
You're 16.
We were in some kind of incubation pods.
We? Isabel and Michael are, uh, also Okay.
Well, that answers, um, that question.
Um what powers do you have? We can connect with people as, uh, you know.
We can manipulate molecular structures and we can Wait.
Um, what does that mean? That's, uh That's how I healed you.
Max who else knows this? - No one.
- What about your parents? We don't tell anyone.
We sorta think our lives depend on it.
So when you healed me, you risked all this getting out, didn't you? Yeah.
Why? It was you.
Um, Max, Valenti showed me this photo of a corpse.
A murder victim.
It had the same silver handprint on its chest.
That can't be.
- The photo was marked "1959.
" - That's impossible.
Kyle saw the handprint on my stomach and Valenti found my waitress uniform with the bullet hole in it.
He just asked me if you were in the café during the shooting.
Max, he suspects you.
- Max.
- I have to go.
Wait, Max.
Go where? Where are you going? - Max! - [Yelling.]
Max! Forget the festival.
It's time to leave.
- [Howling.]
- [Horn Honking.]
- Where's your stuff? - I'm wearing it.
Before I go to this idiotic Crash Festival, I want to know everything.
And if you don't tell me the truth right now I'm gonna go to Valenti myself and tell him everything I know.
What do you know? Well, [Huffs.]
l I know that Max was in the diner that day.
And I know that he went up to you when you were shot, and, like, did something.
And I know that the one person in the world that I thought I could completely trust is lying to me.
[Pushes Book Aside.]
You have to promise me that you are not gonna flip out.
Flip out? Hey.
It's me.
- [Screaming.]
- Maria.
! So with this picture, what we're saying is there's more of us? One more.
At least there was in 1959.
So then there's hope.
I mean, if we can find him he can tell us where we came from, what we are Michael, calm down.
We had one potential relative 40 years ago.
All we know about him is he was a potential killer.
Liz, what happened to you? You are on this whole, like, valedictorian path, you know? You are on your way to being a world-renowned scientist.
I was gonna be your wacky friend.
Where does this leave me? I can't be a wacky friend to someone who's already wacky.
- It'd be redundant.
- You're babbling right now.
I think I've earned the right to babble.
So just deal with it.
Oh, my God! Maria, that's them! - Cut a U-ee! - Cut a U-ee? Who are you? - [Tires Squealing.]
- Oh, my God! - You're a crazy person! - Maria, I am not! Please, just catch them! Catch them? Liz, we're in a Jetta.
[Tires Squealing.]
- Great.
- Okay.
Why are they here? No.
Don't tell me there's three.
- Well - I think I'm gonna be sick.
- Maria knows.
- Unbelievable.
Look, I promise I won't tell anyone.
Get your car out of the way now.
I really don't think that you should try to leave.
- It's just gonna show people that you're guilty.
- Guilty of saving your life? - Michael - I think I have an idea here.
If we can just all work together, maybe we can throw Valenti off.
We're not together.
Our lives are at stake, not yours.
- Now, move your car.
- Michael, this can't last forever this secret.
And I don't want it to.
Look, I can't change what happened.
But if you run, Valenti is gonna know it's you.
You'll be proving it for him.
She's right.
- I should've known you'd side with her.
- I'm not on anyone's side.
Get on a side, Max, because time is running out.
She should move the car.
I'm turning myself in to Valenti.
Max, we said we were leaving.
Max, I can't leave without you.
[Exhales Deeply.]
What's your idea? [Doorbell Rings.]
I waited for you for an hour and a half.
Kyle, I know I've been acting like a real jerk and I'm sorry.
- #[Rock And Roll.]
- [Revelry.]
Nice mask, Alex.
- Maria.
- Hey.
Uh, nice cones.
Liz, we we don't even have to go to the Crash.
Kyle, it is gonna be great, okay? I'm gonna meet you in front of the podium in half an hour, right? Right.
- Half an hour! - Yeah! [Dialing On Cell Phone.]
- We've got half an hour.
- Got it.
- Well? - It won't work.
- Where is he? - Right there.
What did this kid do, Jim? I'll take it from here, Owen.
- Come on.
Roll! - [Maria.]
Okay, I'm rolling.
- I'm rolling.
I'm rolling, okay? - Roll! All right.
That's better.
I know my mom's car doesn't look like much but not destroying it is the key to my and my mother's relationship, okay? - [Keys Jingle.]
- Whatever.
- I have some questions for you.
- What kind of questions? Were you at the Crashdown Café the day of the shooting? Yes.
What did you do to Liz Parker? I didn't do anything to her.
I don't believe that.
- [Handcuffs Clicking.]
- Aren't you gonna read me my rights? Do you have any? Oh, I'm sorry.
[Engine Revs.]
Maria! Maria.
What's going on? What are you doing? What are you What happened here? - You okay? - Yeah.
I think so.
There he goes.
! Sheriff! There he is, Sheriff! - That's the guy who went up to her! - Watch the kid.
[Revelry Continues.]
You scared the hell outta me.
You seen Liz around? She was supposed to meet me here like 15 minutes ago.
Think that you're a smart guy, don't you? I don't know what you're talking about.
Don't play games with me, Mr.
This is paint.
You went up to Liz Parker in that café and you did something to her.
And I need to know what it was.
I had a hamburger.
When the gun went off, I ran away.
Did I break the law? Sheriff, are you arresting me? - [Keys Jingle.]
- No.
Your parents would have you out in an hour.
Let me tell you something.
I'm gonna find out what the truth is.
You can count on it.
You're a real smart guy, Max.
Well, so am I.
- [Emcee.]
Is everybody ready? - [Crowd Cheering.]
- Are you sure? - [Cheering Continues.]
Seven, six, five, four three, two, one blastoff! - [Cheering.]
- [Emcee.]
! - Yeah! - [Cheering Continues.]
- Oh.
- You had a, uh Hair thing.
- Thanks.
- Sure.
Liz, it's not safe.
I mean, for you and me to, uh It's not safe.
I don't care.
Liz, I really, really wish that this could be something you know, more.
But it can't.
- We're just, uh - Different.
I'll see you at school.
Max! I never got to thank you for saving my life.
Thank you.
It's September 24.
I'm Liz Parker, and five days ago, I died.
But then the really amazing thing happened.
I came to life.

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