Seven Types of Ambiguity (2017) s01e01 Episode Script


1 (HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF BY DURAN DURAN PLAYS) Woman you want, me give me a sign And catch my breathing even closer behind Do-do-do-do, do-do-do Do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do In touch with the ground I'm on the hunt, I'm after you Smell like I sound I'm lost in a crowd - And I'm - (MUSIC STOPS) Morning! I'm going to the zoo today.
Oh, yeah? Been there already, though, haven't you? Yes, twice.
You can take money today, if you want.
Really? I didn't see that.
Just says you can bring lunch, water and sunscreen.
Miss Reynolds said you can bring money to buy something from the shop.
Nice try, buggerlugs.
Oh, when are you leaving? This afternoon.
I'll drive straight to the airport from work.
If you need anything, just call Mum.
Boys weekend.
Yes! (BLENDER WHIRRS) The one with the cheese in the crust.
There's a number for it on the TV.
No pineapple.
All right.
Well, you get me that number, okay? Yep.
You're late.
What's with you? Nothing.
Hi, Mitch.
Hey, Sam.
So, what do you think of my suggestion? Don Sheere is filthy rich and will get us over the line.
He's perfect.
And you know it.
The only way this deal is going to go through is if we have someone like Don Sheere on the board, and that'll be all we need.
We can waste our time finding four or five other investors, and we might still come up short.
If we've got Don Sheere, then we've got a done deal.
Yeah, all right.
I suppose it's worth a shot.
(PATS HIS LEGS) This is good.
It is illegal.
It's Don Sheere.
Okay, Sammy, be good, little man.
I'll be back here at 3:15 to pick you up, okay? Thanks, Dad.
Bye, Mitch.
- See ya, mate.
- See ya, buddy.
Bisson Health? Bisson Health is ready to buy up all the under-performing private hospitals before the Managed Care Bill goes through the Senate.
We have our politician who's ready to cross the floor with the managed care bill because he wants to retire comfortably.
Which I don't need to know about and never will.
Now, what we don't have is a strong blue-chip investor who's going to lead the charge into the hospitals.
You need a whale in the bay.
Donald Sheere.
Oh, he could work.
How do you get to him? I did some work for his wife a while back, some family trusts that I sorted for her.
How long have you got before this bill gets passed? Not long.
I just wanted to run it past you first.
If we get Sheere buying stock, you'll underwrite? Well, it's big, even with Sheere.
It's So 110%.
You've crossed all your Ts, dotted all your Is? Well, that's what my autistic, numbers-genius friend out there does, and I've never seen him so sure of himself.
Well, you'd better be, because if I underwrite and Sheere drops out, you're finished.
Ula! I can't get an appointment with Sheere.
- Bullshit.
- Messages.
Mrs Jeffries, please call her.
Your son's school, the excursion is late, so pick up at 4:15.
Hmm? - What time's the partners' meeting? - Four.
- Right.
- Oh.
Maybe you could pick him up, eh? No, that is not my job.
Do you want some sleeves for those? - Nuh.
- I'll get you some.
My Don Sheere research wife's on the board of the National Art Gallery and State Theatre.
- (LINE RINGS) - Wikipedia.
For the partners' meeting.
We're fine.
You're going to have to deliver the report, sorry.
What? No, no, no, I don't do any of that standing up and talking stuff.
I've got to pick up Sam at four.
Why can't he walk? It's easy, client by client.
I'll just give you a sentence to sum each one up, and you just show them the charts, easy.
And if they ask, then where are you? I've got a meeting with Don Sheere.
Hey, mate, I'm picking up my son.
He was on an excursion.
Um, I'm Aftercare.
Does he go to Aftercare? That's the office there, yeah? - Yeah.
- Thanks.
Hello! Anybody here? Hi there! Hi, I'm picking up my son.
He was at the zoo excursion.
- Ah, who's your son? - Sam Marin.
- I'm Joe, Joe Marin.
- Ah, Sam's Dad.
Nice to meet you.
- Barbara Collins, principal.
- Hi.
Ah, so the bus arrived at 3:15 today, the bus from the zoo, normal pick up time.
Okay, so where's Sam? Does he do Aftercare? I don't know.
Hi, Benny, Barbara here.
Have you got Sam Marin then? Can you check for me? Thank you.
All right, thanks.
Ah, he's not there today.
Okay, I received a message from the school that the bus was running late and to pick up Sam at 4:15, and that came from here.
Could Sam have gone home? Is there some way you can check? He's seven years old, he doesn't go home by himself.
He wouldn't even know where he lives.
Kathleen, hi, it's me.
Yeah, hi, is Is Sam with you? No, no, no, it's fine.
Um, I'll drop him home to you.
Okay, yeah, thanks.
Let's wait in the office.
You can make your calls from there.
Let's call your wife and some of the parents in his class.
Okay, listen to me very carefully.
Who did you speak to today? Did you get a name? Joe, what are you talking about? Sam's school, you took a message.
Who did you speak to? I don't know.
I I don't think they left a name.
Well, was it a man's voice or a woman's? Okay.
Um Man's.
Yeah, def (SIGHS) (PHONE RINGS) - Anna? - Joe, what's happening? - I just received a million texts.
- What? The principal's already called all his friends.
I'm Where are you? Where's Sam? Anna, he wasn't here when I came to pick him up at the school.
- He wasn't here - Yeah, well, that's not possible.
What are you doing? Where are you? Are you even at the right place? I'm at the school! Barbara's right here with me.
Who's Barbara? - The school principal.
- Mrs Collins? So where is he, Joe? I just I don't understand.
No, I've got another call.
I'll call you back.
Oh, fuck! That Anna? - Yeah.
- She on her way? Yeah.
Joe, given that it's now been over two hours since Sam left the school and we haven't been able to locate him at a friend's house, I have called the police and they are on their way.
Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck! (PHONE RINGS) - Yeah, hi, you got him? - No, no, is he there? - The police are on their way, Anna.
- Ugh! Hey, listen to me.
- Are you okay to drive? - Yes.
Okay, you need to come back here straightaway, okay? Just come here to the school, right? Drive slowly and carefully.
Just get here, okay? Can you do that for me, please? (EMOTIONALLY) Okay.
Can you just find him? Find him, Joe.
- Okay, we're gonna find him.
- Find him.
We're gonna find him.
I promise you, we're gonna find him, okay? All right? Just get here.
Anna, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I I don't know what I've done.
I don't know where he is.
Somebody rang my office.
They said the excursion was running late, for me to pick him up late.
And who rang your office? I don't know.
And so what have you been doing since then? I've been looking for him! I've been looking for him! Mr and Mrs Marin.
I'm Detective Staszic, this is Detective Threlfall.
You've found him? We've been talking to the traffic man, James Morgan.
And? Well, Mr Morgan said he saw Sam leave school this afternoon with a man.
Said Sam was happy, and they were chatting quite happily.
Now, this man, he had a dog.
Is there anyone you know who might have picked Sam up? A family member, friend? I don't know.
Family member? Friend? There's no one that we asked to do that.
Is that someone from your work? Did you ask someone to do that? Hang on, no, no, I didn't.
This traffic guy, have you checked him out? I can assure you, we are doing everything.
So Sam leaves school with a stranger, no one says anything? No one does anything? Now, what was the arrangement that you had made with Sam? Well, that Joe was going to pick him up.
Sam knew that.
He knew that his Dad was going to pick him up.
Sam would not leave with someone he doesn't know.
No way.
I'd like you both to make a list of anyone you know who you think might have picked him up.
We'll move the investigation to the station, and you're welcome to join us there, or you can wait at home.
Wait? I'm sorry, what are ? Wait for what? We have a small child and it's dark.
MAN: Detective Staszic? We're doing everything we can.
Who? Who, Joe, who? Think.
A list, she wants us to make a list.
You have to think.
Mr and Mrs Marin? We've got something.
Remain in the car, please.
Sir, you will remain in the car.
- Do you even know what this place is? - No, I don't.
I swear to you, if anyone has laid a finger on him Joe, just please, don't even say it.
Oh, my God! - Sam, come here, baby! - Mum! - Sam?! - Hi! (SOBS) Where've you been, baby? Sam? Sam, you okay? - You all right? - Yeah.
- Yeah, you're okay? - You sure? - Yeah.
- You sure? - (SOBS) - Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
God, you gave us a scare.
I need to get you all down to the station.
This way.
Stop looking at me! I can't.
You're just so gorgeous.
- Mum! - Ohh.
- Nanna! - Oh, Sam.
Thank goodness! What a scare you gave us all.
Hello, hello, hello, hello! - Hi, Kathleen.
- Hello.
Hey, Mum.
What a shame about your conference.
You were so keen to to get away.
Excuse me.
The detective can see you now.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
So, I haven't got the full medical report, but it appears Sam's okay.
Oh, thank God.
Sam was picked up from school today by Simon Heywood.
He claims to know you, that he's a family friend and that he was given permission to pick Sam up from school today.
Sorry, Simon who? - We don't know anyone named Simon.
- No, I know I know a Simon Heywood.
I went to university with Simon.
He was Simon was my boyfriend for three years.
What? That fucking loser? - What the hell? - I don't know, Joe.
I don't know.
I haven't seen him for 10 years.
Why is he picking up Sam from school? I don't know.
Mrs Marin, you say you haven't seen him for 10 years? Um, I haven't seen Simon in a long time.
You said 10 years, so less than that or more? Well, if you want me to be precise, then I'd have to think about it.
So for now I guess I guess for a long time.
Are you in contact with Simon Heywood through Facebook or other social media? No, I'm not.
Do you have his phone number in your phone? No, I don't.
Do you have any idea why Simon Heywood would pick up Sam from school today? No, I don't.
Have you ever met Simon Heywood? No, but I'd like to, if you could arrange that for me.
Ohh! Mr Marin, if you could go with my colleague here, and he'll take your statement.
Mrs Marin can stay here with me.
It's okay.
Do either of you have plans to leave the country in the next few months? - No.
- No.
Excuse me.
Do you have some change for the machine? - Yeah, sure.
- Thanks.
- There you go.
- Oh, perfect.
Thank you.
And there you go.
No, no, you're all right.
Anna? Mr and Mrs Marin? Come this way, please.
SAM: Can I come? - Who are the oldies? - Ah, Simon's parents.
- What, he's here? - I don't know, Joe.
He can't see you.
Do either of you know this person? No.
Can you tell me his name? Simon.
Simon Heywood.
What'd he say? Why'd he take him? We don't know that yet, sir.
There is someone else I'd like to see if you can identify.
What? There was two of them? A woman was with him.
So, either of you recognise this person? Have you ever seen her before? Take your time.
No, don't know her.
No, I don't know her.
Is she his girlfriend? Thanks, folks.
You're free to go home.
Get some rest.
I know this afternoon was pretty terrible for you both, but the outcome, we couldn't have hoped for better.
- Yeah, thanks for everything.
- Thank you.
I'll be in touch.
(PANTS) Hey, come to bed.
I'll sleep here.
It's just It's in the papers.
What? Why? - How has this even hit the papers? - I don't know, the police? "Frightened school boy, son of prominent stockbroker Joe " Look, I don't want Sam seeing any of this.
Yeah, well his friends are going to find out.
Okay, I'm going to ask you one question, and I want one answer.
Have you been in contact with this guy? Why would I lie? In the last seven years, since Sam, have you seen him? God, Joe, I swear to you, I have no idea what's going on.
Has he ever met Sam? Before yesterday? - No, he hasn't.
- Why would he take my son? I don't know! - Just - Did he say anything? - Sam, did he say anything? - Yeah, he said that he He said that he was watching TV and he he had some chocolate milk.
That's all he told me.
(SIGHS) (SOBS) Sorry.
Joe, no, Mum'll walk in.
Mum'll walk in.
Mum'll walk in any minute.
So what show were you watching on the TV? Cartoons.
Yeah, that's it? Nothing else? Nope.
There was a woman there too, wasn't there, hey? Did she tell you what her name was? No.
Hey, I'm talking to you.
She didn't tell you her name? No.
What was she doing? She gave me a sandwich.
(SIGHS) Mate, you know that you're not supposed to go off with strangers.
What were you thinking? Oh, you've gotta be kidding.
REPORTER: There they are.
Go, go, go! Sam, take off your seatbelt, and slide down to the floor now, please.
- Joe! - Joe! Joe Marin! - Can we get ? - Joe! When did Simon Heywood last see your wife? Joe, can we get a few words, please? Come on.
(PHONE RINGS) I promised Sam I'd take him to school tomorrow.
Um, did you miss anything this weekend? What? The conference.
It seemed like it was important to you.
I'm sure I'll survive.
Okay, I'm going to bed.
WOMAN: (ON TV) Details have emerged that the man in custody for the alleged kidnapping of a Brighton schoolboy was in a relationship with the boy's mother for three years while they attended university.
It's unknown whether Mr Heywood and the boy's mother had been in contact in recent times.
Reports have surfaced that a woman was also involved in the alleged abduction.
She was seen leaving St Kilda Police Station in the early hours of Saturday morning.
Well, as I say, I'm not in a position to discuss an ongoing investigation.
The most important thing is that the little boy is home, he's safe (SIGHS) (VOICEMAIL) You have six new voice messages.
Message received at 7:33pm.
(OVER PHONE) Mr Marin, this is Detective Staszic.
I've got a few more questions I need to ask you (OVER PHONE) Hey, you've called Angelique.
If you'd like to make a booking, leave a message, - and I'll get back to you.
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
So I have to go to the police station, and give my statement this morning.
- What? - Well, I took the call, remember? From the guy? That was me.
- So the police need my statement.
- Yeah.
Can I use some Cabcharges do you think? I mean, it's definitely work related.
- Go and ask Jeannie about them.
- Uh-huh.
- Is this mine? - Yeah.
Gorman wants to see you, he said when you're ready.
Uh, call Detective Staszic, and these ones are from last week.
From Friday.
Have you contacted Sheere? Yes, mate, it's happening today.
It's gotta happen, the clock's ticking.
Yes, Mitch.
My son was just taken by a potential paedophile, okay? I'm slightly off my game.
Saw your name in the papers.
That was a nice shot of you and Anna, too.
It was very glamorous.
Yeah? Don Sheere reads the papers.
If he didn't know who you were a few days ago, he would today.
Jesus, what a world.
You all right? Is Sam all right? All good.
Honestly, we're fine.
Well, I hope they crucify the guy.
He won't stand a chance in prison.
Ula! Fresh pot.
You, ah, you need some time off? No.
Well, if there's anything myself or the firm can do, please - Thanks, I appreciate it.
- (BEEPING) Oh, and please send my love to Anna, hmm? Hello? Yes, hi.
I wondered if you could Hey, Joe.
Hope everything's okay.
Janey and I were thinking about you on the weekend.
Let us know if there's anything we can do.
Okay, I'm done.
I'm out of here.
I'll be on the phone if you need me.
I'm gonna get Don Sheere, okay? I'll get him.
(LINE RINGS) (OVER PHONE) You've called Angelique.
If you'd like to make a booking, leave a message, and I'll get back to you.
(PHONE RINGS) Hello, Joe Marin.
Hello, Mr Marin.
I'm Daphne Bryce, Mr Sheere's secretary.
Oh, hello.
Thanks for getting back to me.
No trouble.
I hope this isn't a bad time.
I wasn't sure if you'd be at work today after the events of last week.
Mr Sheere asked me to pass on his best wishes to you and your family.
Please thank him.
Mr Sheere is hosting a charity art show at his home, and Mr and Mrs Sheere would like to invite you and your wife to attend.
There would be an opportunity for you to speak to Mr Sheere, of course.
Yes, of course.
Yes, thank you very much.
I'll send the invitation and details to your office.
Thank you, Mr Marin.
Take care.
All snacks from blue-lidded container in fridge.
- That? - Ahh.
- Ugh! - (LAUGHS) Homework, 30 minutes, home reader, 20 minutes.
Anybody outside today? The press? A couple.
We came in the back, no trouble.
- How was school, little man? - Good.
Um, go wash your hands.
My hands aren't dirty.
I need to have a word with your dad, you know, without big ears flapping.
Go wash up.
Come on.
Police came by this afternoon just after I got back with Sam.
And? Detective someone-or-other, she wants you to give her a call.
So essentially, you're taking the management of people's health out of the hands of their doctors, and putting it into the hands of hedge fund managers? Well, just the administration side of it.
Let doctors focus more on their patients.
They don't really care about the numbers.
No, 'cause they care about their patients.
Sounds awful.
What would happen to Roger? - Roger would be just fine.
- Why? 'Cause I can take care of him.
Because you have money? Roger could come here and live with us, couldn't he? My brother requires round the clock care.
Who's gonna take care of that, princess? You? Hey, you gonna get up in the middle of the night and wipe his arse? If I had to I would.
Nope, just looking for Sheere.
- Hello, you two glamour pusses! - Hey, Mrs Sheere.
- How are you? - Hi.
Mwah, mwah.
Great to see you.
This is my wife, Anna.
Mrs Sheere.
Izzy will do.
It's lovely to meet you.
And you too.
And thank you for the invitation.
How are you both going? What a dreadful business.
It was, thank you.
And you're both so lovely.
Is your little boy all right? Yeah, we think he is.
We're just trying I mean, there was a time when children could walk the streets safely, that is a loss.
Anyway, enjoy the night.
- You look fabulous.
- Thank you.
That's Mrs Donald Sheere.
Joe, I think we're here as a novelty item.
Let's just find this guy, huh? Why don't you find him, and I'll pretend to be interested in the art? Can you not leave me alone for too long? Okay.
You sure you don't want to meet Don Sheere? God no.
I'll see you in a bit.
(SPORTS COMMENTARY ON TV) (KNOCKS ON DOOR) You lost? Party's that way, loo's that way.
Actually, sir, I'm here to see you.
Joe Marin.
I work for Gorman Potter.
Did some work for your wife a while back.
You were just on the news.
Your kid.
You dodged a bullet.
A gun assumes you can see it pointing at you, that there's something to dodge.
This was more like a lightning bolt.
So what can I do for you? - Business.
- (CHUCKLES) Well, put up a chair.
You got 10 minutes.
Till my game starts.
- (THUMPING DANCE MUSIC PLAYS) - Arghhh! Urrgh! Yes, yes, yes! All right, so we speak to Gorman first thing tomorrow.
Ooh, or should we send some stock options to Sheere first, do the deal and then talk to Gorman? Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's get Sheere's name on some stocks, and then send it as a done deal to Gorman, yeah? All right, you got his number? I'll give him a call first No, you know what? I'll compose an email now.
- What? - (SIGHS) Nah, it's all good.
It's all good.
No, what? It's nothing.
It's just Come on, what are we celebrating here? I mean, you sent me a message, you say "Bagged Sheere, "come and have a drink, smiley face.
" It's nothing, it's just a box that we have to tick.
What box? Sheere wants to meet with the politician who's crossing the floor.
Look, you are a magic man, all right? You can do it.
I have full trust in you.
Full trust in you.
You just get Dodgy Polly to meet anywhere he wa Anywhere.
- Anywhere! - Okay, all right, all right.
But it's gotta be soon, otherwise the whole thing falls over.
Look at you, you're already onto it! All right, well, what do we say to Gorman? We tell him that we've got him.
We've got We've got Sheere.
What's his saying? - Whale in the bay.
- Whale in the bay.
- No ripples.
- No ripples.
- We've got him.
- We got him! Okay, I'm going to start the business of underwriting.
Legals will take a few days, and in that time, and before I sign off, I need to see Don Sheere's name on some of the hospital stock, you understand? I move ahead in readiness, assuming that this is going to happen, because you have told me that it will.
Do you want me to get the contracts started? Great.
This politician wants it as much as we do, right, but nothing's going to happen if he doesn't makes this meeting.
You make sure that he understands that, right? You put the pressure on him, okay? No meeting, no deal.
No profit, okay? We shouldn't have told Gorman we had Sheere.
Three calls from Detective Staszic.
You'd better call her.
She is so annoying.
She said she's going to come in here if she doesn't hear from you today.
- Yep.
- So just call her.
(SIGHS) You're a hard man to get a hold of.
Yeah, sorry, work at the moment.
Everyone's busy.
So, couple of things to go over with you.
- How can I help you? - (DOOR CLOSES) The woman who was with Simon Heywood on the night of Sam's disappearance was Angela Erbakan.
You know that name? No.
You and Mrs Marin saw her here when she was being held.
You didn't recognise her? That's right, yeah.
She's also known as Angelique.
She's a sex worker, prostitute who works at Cavendish House, a brothel.
Ms Erbakan claims to know you.
She claims you're one of her clients.
What? You ever been to Cavendish House? Detective, I'm a married man.
That's generally the client base.
Just answer the question, please.
Um Yeah.
Ah, okay, yeah, I've been - I've been here.
- (PHONE VIBRATES) Um, a client once gave my colleague and I a visit there as a gift one time for a job that we'd done for him.
So just the once? I've been back a couple of times.
And you You don't recognise Angelique? Well, I don't really look at their faces much.
Ah, the name might ring a bell.
But they all use those silly porn star names, don't they? When you saw her here, you said you'd never seen her before.
Well, she doesn't look like that when she's working, does she? I mean, I honestly didn't recognise her.
I don't understand.
What does she have to do with Simon? Was she in on this? Do you know where Angelique lives? What's she being charged with? She hasn't been charged with anything.
I don't understand.
Well, you're not the only one.
Your son gets picked up from school by your wife's old boyfriend, and a prostitute who claims you as a regular client.
I'd like to go through your movements in the days leading up to when Sam was taken.
- I'd also like to - Excuse me, Detective.
I'm not the one on trial here.
Okay? I've answered your questions.
Now, if you don't have a good reason to keep me, I think I'd like to go home and call my lawyer.
Cavendish House? The whore house? Yeah.
You've been back there? Do the press know about this? No.
I mean, she hasn't actually been charged with anything, so I don't know.
If Anna finds out about this Your marriage is the least of our concerns.
Don Sheere sees you as the glamorous victim of a bunch of scumbags.
If he thinks that it's your frequenting a whore house, that it's your own doing, you're gonna get a bit of a fucking stink about you, Joe.
And then the whole deal with Sheere is going to get an even bigger stink about it.
Yeah, okay, I get it.
This bed's too big.
Hmm? Anna? Mmm? Let's go to Plan B.
What Plan B is that? New Zealand.
Maybe try again for another baby.
Oh, Joe.
You could work on your book.
MITCH: (OVER PHONE) The MP will meet with Sheere at a secure location outside of the CBD, in a hotel of his choosing, and Don Sheere is only to be accompanied by you or me and the date's to be set for sometime next week.
Great, what a relief.
I'll let Sheere know to wait for a time.
You all right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I gotta go.
- Where are you? - Dentist.
Hey, Roger.
Sam? Yeah, it's Joe.
Just Joe.
Just me today.
No Sam this time.
What are you smiling at, hmm? - Hmm? What's so funny? - (LAUGHS) What are you laughing at? What are you laughing at? Want to trade places for a week, hmm? I'm in a lot of trouble, Roger dodger.
Roger, Roger.
I don't know what to do, Matey.
Snickers? Thank you.
(DOOR BELL RINGS) - (OVER INTERCOM) Hello? - What the fuck's going on? (DOOR BELL RINGS) (BANGS ON DOOR) Fucking come here now.
- What are you doing? - I don't think you should be here.
- What are you doing with my son? - Listen - Taking my fucking son? - Calm down.
Calm down.
Why are you fucking with my life? - It's not what you think.
- What do I think? - Look, Simon Heywood - How do you even know him? He lives here.
I'm his neighbour.
His his friend.
He's not a bad person.
Are you insane? What the fuck were you doing taking my fucking son? Please, just leave! - (BANGS ON DOOR) - Someone's gonna call the cops.
You're not gonna get away with this.
KATHLEEN: Swimming, right.
SAM: When are my friends coming? I don't know, Sammy.
Can we have the cake anyway? It's your party.
We can do whatever you want.
People here don't like a scandal.
He's a kid.
I don't understand, Mum.
Come on, mate, just open them.
Open your presents.
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, what could it be? Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh! Oh, Sam! Don't worry about it.
- Hey, what did you get? - Bugger them.
Yeah, I just can't believe that no one turned up.
Let's light the sparklers! - Are you okay? - No, I'm not.
Hey, what did you open? - (GASPS) - (LAUGHS) Do they fit? Ooh-woo-ooh-woo-ooh! Did you bring that ? I was the opening batter yesterday.
I got 40 not out.
I'm better at batting.
Should we get some pizza for dinner? Sure.
You wanna come? Yeah! Go on, go upstairs and get some shoes on.
No pineapple! We can get those chocolate puddings.
Where's my shoes? Joe.
Detective Staszic came to my office.
She told me about Angelique.
Who? So maybe they were going to blackmail us.
Ask for some money? I mean, you must have talked about us.
Your son.
Joe, she told me that you're one of Angelique's regular clients.
That's not true.
What is true is you you have sex with prostitutes.
You won't touch me.
For fuck's sake.
(SCREAMS) Leave us alone! Joe! I'm sorry.
Yeah, I have some change if it'll help.
There you go.
Thank you.
Why would you take Anna's son? I can't help you unless I have more information.
Do you think your therapy has helped in any way? He appeared to be making good progress.
My son is a master at telling people what they want to hear.
This is Gina Sirkin.
She's a criminal barrister.
She's agreed to help Simon.
Simon Heywood's bail application, it's not going to be straight forward because of the Carlo Manzano case.
Simon was the last person to see him.
And I read over Anna's statement again, there's something so so clinical.
Yeah, so what's going on inside her head, knowing Simon's in jail? My name's Alex Klima.
It's very important that you understand the consequences of what you're doing.
If you don't leave here I'm calling the police.
Look, Simon has got under your skin, and you are in danger of doing more harm than good.
You ever been in love?
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