The Deep End s01e01 Episode Script


The interview justiceThat's why I went to law school.
I guess I really just always Wanted to help peopleTo really help people.
A practical exhibition of sympathy.
That's what my grandfather called the law.
He was a federal judge.
It's on my résum? I believe in the quest for truth.
And I want to meet women.
Biggest flaw? If I had to choose one,I'd say I'm a perfectionist.
All in,I owe about $150,000$200,000.
$300,000 of educational debt.
my father endowed a chair at stanford.
Technically,they owe us.
look,i know this is a huge opportunity.
I guess I just need some more time to think.
Well,as I'm sure you're well aware, each year,sterling screens over a thousand applicants,and we choose four FourFrom the finest law schools worldwide.
Now,we nurture,shape,and guide those associates into becoming the best damn lawyers they can possibly be.
This is your lucky chance, your break in the clouds,your four-leaf clover.
The only question is Are you gonna think your life away or you gonna sack up and grab opportunity's Doorknob? the deep end Season1 Episode01 Three xxss.
I'm dylan hewitt,one of the new first-year associates.
Well,what theell are you doing here? Rowdy,hey.
I know,i'm a few minutes early Early? You're 10 days late.
I can't be late.
Your note said the start date was the 10th.
My note said the start date was the 1st.
Here it is.
See,you wrote "see you on the 10th.
" finger-pointing is no way to make friends.
Now,if I were you,i'd be thiing about what I'm gonna tell the prince of darkness.
Who's the "prince of darkness"? What about opportunity's doorknob? I'm sorry.
Dylan hewitt.
Beth branford.
Fellow first-year.
You are incredibly late.
Yeah,rowdy accidentally misinformed me about the date.
I wouldn't be so sure it was an accident.
Half of what they do here is to keep you off-balance.
It's how they gain control.
"gain control"? That's not Rowdy said they would nurture me.
Dylan,wake up.
Law school is history.
We're first-years Grunts,doormats,newbies - Barely worth the partners' time,yet expected to perform flawlessly.
And here's where you live.
Don't you bloody knock? Dylan hewitt,this is liam priory.
Dylan hewitt! My office mate! Sorry about the wedding tackle.
I was just getting changed for court.
I'm erin conway.
- Ah,this is erin conway A secretary.
My secretary.
Yeah,she's just revising this motion.
I'll get on that right away.
-Looks like you already have.
Liam,you've got to help me.
Ah,addy fisher,meet dylan hewitt.
The fourth musketeer.
Uh,that's robert.
I'm behind on a brief for him,and it's got to be perfect.
Last week,I made one small mistake.
He yelled at me until the smoke alarm went off.
Blow this one,he'll send you straight to the prince of darkness.
Who is this prince of darkness? Firefighters with cancer? - Yeah.
Screw firefighters with cancer.
They're worthy clients,cliff.
And I'm head litigation partner,so no matter what you say,i'm taking the damn case.
You're just gonna have to do a little client maintenance for some paying accounts.
So tomorrow,you're going to the adler briss.
Seriously,cliff,what do you want from me? Just what any good managing partner wants For his firm to run like a business,not a soup kitchen.
Oh,I get it.
You're worried 'cause hart's coming back.
Worried? - Yeah.
When he left,this place was coasting on its reputation.
Now we are now three times as profitable as the day he threw me the keys.
You might not be so worried if you made better choices.
Sweetheart,those choices made you a very wealthy woman,so I expect just a little bit of loyalty.
Loyalty? That's rich,coming from you.
I'm sorry.
Are we still talking about the firm,or have we moved on to the marriage? I'd like to know.
If you're going to accuse me of disloyalty, I'd like to know if it's coming from susan the partner or susan the wife.
As your wife - Yeah? I feel like you've been distant - Okay.
Preoccupied -Fine Emotionally unavailable.
-All right,that's kind of hard to hear,but you're right.
No,I haven't been there.
That's because I've been here.
I've been working day and night to turn this firm To turn our firm Into an unstoppable winning machine.
And if hart disagrees for one second any choice I've made in his absence,then I will gladly throw him these.
You satisfied? I'm never satisfied.
You see? That is what I love about you.
So,are you married yet? Um,no.
I- I dated at columbia,but She doesn't mean an actual relationship.
We work 24/7.
We don't have time for romance.
I meant "married" as in "married to a matter.
" It's sterling-speak for "assigned to a case.
" You live with it,you sleep with it,it flushes the toilet while you're in the shower.
You paged me? Oh,katie.
I have these two pieces of busywork One for robert,one for susan.
I need the robert thing proofed and copied.
And if it's not done by the next time I see him We all remember the smoke alarm.
Katie's our senior paralegal.
This is dylan hewitt.
So,you're the one who makes us look good.
- You don't need any help with that.
Uh,I meant,uh,because of your legal brillianceNot because of anything else.
I have a boyfriend.
Oh,looks like the partners' meeting has officially adjourned,which means - Food! Oh,good.
I'm starving.
Great job,guys.
We'll take it from here.
They're probably pulling out all the stops because hart sterling is back.
Seriously? Hart sterling? Yeah.
I can't believe it.
I don't see what the big deal is.
He's everything I want to be.
He's a brilliant litigator,a civil-rights champion.
Yeah,I hear he can kill the opposing counsel at 50 yards with mind bullets.
it's not complicated,cliff.
I'm simply saying that there's more to a practice than representing corporations and sovereign wealth funds.
We need to help some regular peoplePeople with a grievance,people with a problem.
Hart,with all due respect,there is no money in people.
Taking on a few pro bono cases is not just good for society.
It's good for business.
My father understood that.
He built this practice on Your father built this firm on big-money clientsClients you let slide when jessica took ill.
Well,I'm sorry my wife's m.
Was an inconvenience for you.
- No,I didn't Look,you had your priorities,all right,and I respect that.
But while every other firm is dying out there,we are thriving because of my leadership.
So do not come in here looking down your nose at me and telling me things have to change.
Really?!I know you,cliff.
I know the way you operate.
You don't want to get in a pissing match with me.
So,are we gonna do it my way? Or do things have to get emotional? You're the boss.
I thought so.
Bone up on your people skills.
that sanctimonious bastard.
I saved his firm,and he slaps the taste out of my mouth? We should marshal the partners and move him out.
Move him out? That man has done a lot of great things for this firm,not to mention the fact that his family name comes first on the door.
All right,I know you two have history,but let's be perfectly clear here.
Are you with me,or you against me? I'm with you.
I don't have time for whatever the hell that is.
So,why don't you lay it off on a first-year? Got any preferences? Well,it's pro bono.
We got a boy scout with a savior complex? Now,this is pro bono,which means we do not get paid.
Okay? So manage expectations.
And this is for cliff,so you do not want to screw this up.
You think you can handle all that on your own,sport? - Absolutely.
I'll send katie with you.
Pierson,I've read the expert testimony,and this ruling is virtually impossible to overcome.
Hewitt,after will was born,my husband,jeff,died of an aneurysm out of the blue.
After he diedI couldn't function.
The doctors said that it was depression.
That's completely understandable.
Jeff's mothe didn't think so.
She said that I "lacked capacity," she had the courts remove me,and then she stepped in as executor and froze all of jeff's money.
She froze the money? Why would sheShe wants my son.
Excuse me? She said that the only way that she will release the money is if I formally make her will's guardian.
The expert testimony alleging your lack of capacity to serve as executor of the will is virtually insurmountable.
Hewitt,I am a good mother.
She is lying about me,and she is holding my son hostage.
Molly,your sitter said she was sick and just dropped off your son.
You know we can't have that here.
We've got to call the temp agency.
you are my only hope.
Please,can you help me? Absolutely.
You're gonna be her hero.
- Yeah.
There's only one problem.
There's no way I can win.
no,no,no,no,no! Wait! Wait! Wait! Hey,sailor! Do you need a lift? So,how was your first day? Everything okay? No,it's not okay.
What? You know that case you gave me? Yeah.
There were complications.
What kind of complications? I promis to win,and it's unwinnable.
I told you to manage expectations.
Yeah,and what you didn't tell me is that there's a little kid involved.
There's always something.
Now,look,what you got to do is you got to get your priorities straight.
me? yes.
Me? what about you,huh? "nurture," you said.
"guidance," you said.
You lied to me,rowdy! I do not lie.
I embellish.
All right,listen,now Now,I know that I dropped you in the deep end,soow about this? Until you learn how to swim,i'll be your mentor.
Really? Yeah! You Do you really mean that? Absolutely.
100 percently.
All right,here we go.
The firm is like two blocks away.
Oh,I can't be seen with you,not until you prove yourself.
I thought you were my mentor.
I am your mentor.
But I'm your secret mentor.
I support you secretly With my mind.
Now get the hell out of my car.
Thank you.
Susan,let me say this again.
I am very,very sorry.
Sorry? Let's see if that suffices,shall we? When we went to depose the president of liberty mutual bank yesterday,you nailed his niece in his beach house.
Actually,it wasn't in the beach house.
It was up against the side You're not making this better.
- Yeah.
It's just that when it comes to women,I have an impulse-control problem.
No,what you have is a career-evaporation problem.
Let me lay it out for you,liam.
Your photographic memory,your perfect gpaNone of that matters now.
You cost us a major client,and you'll replace that client or you're gone.
Understood? -Understood.
Good boy.
And in the future,don't stick it in anything that hasn't been fully vetted first.
mazel tov! So that,in a nutshell,is it.
As soon I draft the resolutions and Mr.
Douglas signs them,mr.
Ollerman will be the new c.
Very impressive.
What do you say,tim? Are you ready to replace me in the big chair? Nobody could replace you,hal.
how did cliff lure in a lawyer who is both so beautiful and so brilliant? Well,can you keep a secret? - yes.
So can i.
liam prioryI'd like you to meet miss rachel blau.
Liam is one of our first-years.
From oxford,j.
From cambridge.
You people are big on brand-name advertising.
In addition to bng a certified genius, rachel is the head of a foundation seeking peaceful resolutions to the mid-east crisis.
I like a woman who dreams large.
- Kindred spirit.
I feel at home already.
Young men like liam are the future of this firm.
You two should sit down,talk representation.
Wonderful to see you.
Thank you.
Uh,so,um Representation.
Copioso for lunch? 1:00? xxxx Shalom.
You're not the only one who can make rain.
Hart just introduced me to some hot Israeli fashion mogul.
Rachel blau,in from tel aviv and hunting for a stateside litigation team.
I hear it's down to us and one other firm.
And she says that I'm a kindred spirit.
Look who has a new lease on life.
What you have,rabbi dingo breath,is a major,major headgear problem.
Hey,you don't think the only reason that she's interested in signing is because she thinks that I may or may What do you care? Look,I may screw anything that moves,but I do not lie.
Which is why i'm forced to say that skirt makes you look fat.
So,are you telling me that you're not going to do what I just told you to do? No,I am.
It's just that robert needs me Screw robert.
I care about my motion,which needs to be filed at the beverly hills courthouse today.
And I absolutely will get it done.
It's just I- I did tell robert that Miss fisher,i'm in the middle of a filing for the mead chemical suit.
The asbestos litigation? Now,do you want to tell a 53-year-old firefighter on his 6th round of chemo that I can't get him justice because you were too busy doing something for robert? -No.
You know,when I was a first-year,I was just like you Overworked,underappreciated,and just dying to tell the partners I could do more.
Speaking of which,I- I did do my law-review note on asbestos class actions.
So I know that I could contribute to And they didn't listen to me,either.
but,your honor,all of the experts Mrs.
Graham is citing happen to hold positions at hospitals endowed by Mrs.
Graham's family.
She's basically Courts give executors broad discretion.
Graham is a pillar of the community.
If she determined the plaintiff is unfit to handle the money,that is good enough for me.
Your honor,by denying my motion,you will effectively be separating mother and child Which is not relevant to this case.
First time in court,isn't it? Well,chin up,junior.
You'll live to fight another day.
Molly So,you went and got a lawyer of your own.
- Mr - Hewitt.
I'm with sterling.
Then you should know that I don't take kindly to public confrontation.
Wait a minute.
Is that hewitt talking to grace graham? He must be here on hart's pro bono thing.
You told me to hand it off.
Grace graham of the golden state gas and electric fortune? I'm sensing a problem.
A problem is just an opportunity in work clothes.
We missed you yesterday.
How was yourirst day back? Well,I got off to a bit of a rocky start with cliff.
He's refusing to hand over the reins.
Yeah,I was afraid of that.
When I ceded him control of this firm,it was with the implicit understanding Look,I get your anger.
But he has been in charge for three years.
It'll take some time for him to power down.
So,in the meantime,what do you suggest I do? Just run in place? Why don't you see where his limits are? Test himDiplomatically,of course.
As a favor to me.
Good to have you back.
Test him.
Pierson,I'm afraid we may have a diminishing number of legal options.
Which is another way of saying I'm screwed.
Will is a very special boy,mr.
Jeff and I moved heaven and earth to have him,and he is all I have left.
You promised me that you could do something.
iWe will do everything that we can.
Of course we'll drop the case.
The judge agreed.
It's little more than a nuisance suit.
Thank you,Mr.
This is a private family matter, and I very much want to keep it private.
- Of course.
Now,you were mentioning something about your partner,robert craft.
A tax genius.
He can bury anything.
I like you,Mr.
You know how to take care of people.
And that is how it is done.
Time to call off the terrier.
Hey,get me,uh,dylan hewitt.
so,you're a recent transplant,yes? Has your,uh,wife found a good temple? Oh,I'm not married.
But there is one Really? What,a nice jewish boy like you.
Blau,I have a confession to make.
-Me first.
Candidly,I don't trust lawyers.
But the moment I met you,I felt like we had a connection.
A connection.
About that connection Like we were cut from the same cloth,which is the only thing I care about in choosing a law firm.
Now What's your confession? I love bacon.
cliff huddle called for youAgain.
I can't talk to him till I find a solution.
God,there's no way to undo molly's lack of capacity? That's what I'd love to change about the system.
It's all about rules and not about justice.
The weaker party always gets exploited.
I'm in the same situation with my boyfriend.
What did you just say? I think he's stringing me along.
And I am totally breaking up with him.
About molly being exploited.
Graham is exploiting her.
She's causing the very thing she's objecting to.
I found a way in.
Thank you.
I don't know why it keeps going off.
-Ma'am,you're gonna have to step back through.
No,come on! I have to file this motion for my boss! One of my bosses.
Anyway,I'm a lawyer.
Okay,that is so uncalled for.
-Okay,that's it.
Time to go.
Come on!Put me down! Two of you?! Really?! I'm one tiny person! So,in conclusion,mrs.
Graham is causing the very condition in my client that she's objecting to.
"emotional coercion.
" That's interesting.
That might even have merit.
But I'd be breaking new ground.
Like you did in october '99 when you ruled that minors have standing to sue in cases of abuse? As you wrote,your honor,"sometimes justice needs a nudge.
" so you didn't tell her you're not jewish,mr.
"i don't lie"? Fine.
I'm misleading her.
But for the right reasons.
This firm can do so much good for her and her cause.
And now you're just lying to yourself.
It's like watching a snake eat its own tail.
Okay,so,while trying to file the motion for susan, I got thrown in jailActual jail.
With one toiletFor everyone.
That's robert.
I couldn't do the thing for robert.
He's got to understand,right? I mean,I e-mailed him.
You've got toI can't.
I'm not gonna have a look.
You look.
If you don't complete his brief by tomorrow,he's gonna fire you.
What? No,no.
This is so unfair! I- I never stop working,andAnd this is what happens? This is the worst day of my life.
This is the best day of my life.
The judge reversed himself.
I win!she wins! I was so close to blowing this.
Can you imagine getting fired this early? Total career killer.
What?? so I can't cross-check the brief for robert because the server's down and I've still got to file the motion for susan,or I'm fired.
I swear,I can't catch a break.
Why can't I catch break? You really think it's a coincidence the partners grind you the way they do? That you're never the bat and always the ball? You invite abuse.
I do not invite abuse.
The only one who is making you a victim is you.
If you want something,justJust take it.
And stop looking for a savior.
They don't exist.
One down.
That washe courtuse.
I sweet-talked the bailiff and got susan's motion filed.
You are awesome! I love you! What? I said thank you.
I guess I should try cliff again.
Tell him about the pierson thing.
No,he's got to be gone by now.
Greet him with the good news in the morning.
Right nowVictory shots.
Put 'em up.
Let's not make that a thing.
Good call.
All right.
so you're just gonna sign here and here.
Douglas,are you okay? yes.
It's just Handing over the reins after a lifetimeThat's a tough thing.
The numbers seem to make sense,but I don't know about tim.
Ollerman? He seems like an excellent candidate.
But he's got his own agenda.
And leadership means putting the good of the enterprise ahead of your own desires.
You got to have the right stuff.
Kind of like you,joley.
Douglas,the car is here to take you to the compliance meeting.
Remember when you broke the lamp in my study? You stood right up and told the truth.
I gave you a cupcake.
You always loved cupcakes.
Douglas mentioned a joley.
His daughter.
She died in an auto accident 15 years ago.
Now,look,I know that's what you want.
I know you cannot wait forever but these thingsThey take time.
And I never said "divorce.
" Yes,I care about you.
"love" is a very strong word Excuse me,Mr.
Hewitt Do I look like I want to be disturbed?! I have the asset-transfer agreement,giving molly her share of the We're not signing anything.
- You have to.
The judge issued an order,and you have no right to use her son to leverage her.
So,your client didn't tell you? - Tell me what? Well,as you may know,due to a uterine abnormality,your client had trouble conceiving.
She mentioned she experienced some difficulty having will,yes.
Well,that's one way of phrasing it.
Another way would be that she actually didn't have will.
After her fourth miscarriage,surrogacy became the only option.
And that's when your client and her late husband decided to use my client as the surrogate.
My late son's sperm was used to fertilize her egg,which was later implanted in me.
Jeff never wanted to do it this way.
She insisted Will has two mothers Your client,his genetic mother,and my client,his gestational mother.
Graham,what are you doing here? Your client's son is also my client's son.
I carried that boy.
I carried him when you couldn't.
That doesn't mean that you can take him.
California courts may say otherwise.
And if you plan to appeal,how long do you think your client's money will last? My office.
10 minutes.
I've drafted a business plan, and if it meets your approval,I've included a letter of engagement.
I'll sign it later.
Really? Mm-hmm.
You're hiring sterling? That's fantastic! Yeah.
Let's celebrate.
Oh,weYou know what? You're the client and I'm M- ms.
Blau,maybeMaybe I'm the otherIt's very,very temptIt's very tempting.
You're an attractive But it's inappropriate.
And,you know,I actually worked rather hard on this.
Really? Let me just confirm that.
True enough.
I have some alarming news.
You're not going to drink with me? I think Mr.
Douglas has alzheimer's.
-What? He thinks i'm his late daughter.
We have to put the transition of power on hold pending a medical exam.
So the old man's car finally fell off the jack.
Don't tell the board.
I have toEthically.
I have been biding my time,licking his loafers for the last 11 years.
I was guaranteed this job.
Your firm made assurances.
Douglas trusts me.
Beth,I doubt you've ever drawn a stupid breath.
Don't start now.
She gave birth to her own grandson?! How does that elude your radar?! so you actually think I should have seen this coming? Yes.
That is what associates are supposed to doSee it coming! If not,what's theWhat's the point of having them? Maybe to teach them a thing or two? You want a lesson.
All right.
You listen up.
Grace graham sits on the board of several major corporations which are clients of this firm.
She will poison those relationships unless she gets what she wants.
So you will take that boy's deposition The outcome of which will favor Mrs.
Graham And you will draft a settlement granting her custody.
What about will? Will will live a privileged life with a woman who loves him.
What the hell is wrong with that? I'm not sure I can do this.
WellWell,you better.
Or I'll make sure that you never practice law again.
Now leaveBefore I set you on fire.
What's wrong? I failed the bar exam.
Wait,the bar exam? I had no idea you went to law school.
- Whittier law school,class of '06.
On the bright side,i'm already depressed since I just broke up with my boyfriend.
Today is just not your day,is it? Now I have to go make a 6-year-old choose between his mother and his grandmother.
Good luck with that.
You wanted to see me? I hold in my hand a copy of my certified motion as filed in an interoffice envelope listing hewitt as sender.
When I give you a task,I expect you to complete it.
We're done here.
no,We're not done here.
Excuse me? No one takes me seriously around here.
You and robert bat me back and forth like a ping-pong ball.
And maybe it's because i'm small or I'm polite or because I'm still figuring out makeup Miss fisher But I did graduate first in my class from case western reserve law school, and I am a damn good lawyer Good enough to know that the law you're citing for your asbestos case has been superseded and it will sink you.
And not that you wouldn't have figured that on your own,because you You are brilliant and relentless and you consistently do the right thing even though you're married to the prince of darkness,which none of us can figure out.
FinallyYou show some spine.
You're on the asbestos case.
I'll clear your calendar.
Oh,and,miss fisher My husband is also your boss.
Cross that line again,and I'll be the one who fires you.
I am so sorry.
I put my face in your chest.
It's okay.
I'm not inclined to sue.
That's funny 'cause I'm a lawyer,this is a law firm.
I have to go.
Susan,I'd like you to meet malcolm bennet.
Nice to meet you,malcolm.
- Charmed.
Malcolm is our newest first-year.
Malcolm,will you excuse us for just a moment?Yeah.
Sure,is there a,uhIs there a problem? Hart,cliff hires the first-years.
- Not anymore he doesn't.
This is not testing him diplomatically.
This is challenging him directly.
Be grateful that I didn't go with plan "a.
" will,we're here because your mom and your grandma have been talking about who you should le with.
I want to live with my mom and my dadLike before.
Will,sometimes things don't work out the way u want them to.
My mom says we can go away.
But if you had to stay and you had to stay with your grandma,would that really be so bad? What are you doing in my office? Celebrating my victory.
Susan told robert to stuff it.
Now I'm second chair on the asbestos case.
Were those meant for me? No idea.
I was walking by,and I saw them.
I wanted them,so I took them.
They're for "joley.
" Who's "joley?" evidently,mr.
Douglas thinks i am.
I knew it I knew lying about belonging to a religion I didn't belong to was a mistake Ethically,morally.
And now I have been exposed.
- Cupcake? -Sure.
They're not I went to rachel's hotel so that she could sign the letter of engagement.
And things got,you knowPhysical.
With a client? What is wrong with you? It was her! anyway,she got kind ofHands-y.
I think she figured it out.
Figured what out? That he's not circumcised.
Oh,my god! So that's why you guys are always weird around each other.
You guys did it! No we did not.
- Guilty as charged.
This is awesome! I was at a low point.
Addy,seriously,you cannot say anything to anyone,please.
II have to go.
yeah,come on in.
Realize we haven't really had a chance to catch up since I've been back.
Well,we have missed you.
oh,I seriously doubt that.
Nice suit.
Brioni? Here,look what I found.
You were fresh out of tulane,working the southern poverty law center,capital cases.
The innocence project.
Dna onerations.
I convinced you to become my recruiting associate.
And you promised to bring me more just like you,remember? I did.
I do.
What happens to them once they get here,rowdy? Hart,look,I have developed certain financial I'm doing my job.
I'm keeping my job.
I get it.
I get it.
Everybody's scared.
The ledges are crowded.
But it's what we do in the worst of times that tells the world who we really are.
So,what's this about? Ready to jump ship, join a real law firm? Actually,I need some advice.
I know something about a client of mine A sweet old man who is slipping.
If I stay silent,it'll be good for my career,but the client's company may suffer.
And if I speak up,i'll be doing the right thing,but the c.
Will crucify me.
You want to bottom-line this for me? I'm having a crisis of conscience.
Screw your conscience.
If the board doesn't know about it,keep your mouth shut.
- Yes,but - This has always been your problem.
You're not ruthless enough.
- That is really unfair.
- Oh,is it? I'll let you in on a little secret.
When you chose sterling over my firm,I was hurt,initially.
But now I realize there really is no place for you on my team.
Dad,you don't mean that.
Oh,yes,elizabeth,I do.
And now You get to pick up the check.
Just like your mother.
You text me? I was wondering if you'd take a look at my motion granting mrs.
Graham custody.
Why did you Because you cannot take that child away from his mother.
It's what cliff wants.
You said Oh,you know what? I said a lot to things Most of which have been motivated by my love of cashmere and corn liquor.
But every man has a "come to jesus" moment when he asks himlf not what's gonna get him paid or get him laid but what he knows to be true.
Now,what do you know to be true? I know that molly loves will.
I know that,judging from her bank statements, she had to endure endless amounts of fertility treatments trying to have him.
And I know that she has to keep himOr else I won't be able to live with myself.
Then that's the advantage you got to press.
Advantage?How is that an advantage? You got to win or die.
Opposing counsel has other options.
Dylan,the man doesn't choose the moment.
The moment chooses the man.
I don't know why she's here.
We don't need a quorum to hand over the boy.
We're not handing over the boy.
Hewitt,what are you doing? Luckily,the ninth circuit recognized having children is an emotionally charged process, so it created a mechanism to definitively establish maternity in the case of surrogacy.
It's called a prebirth order.
Which is fascinating,but irrelevant.
This one lists molly as will's mother.
And it's signed by Mrs.
Let me see that.
I never filed a prebirth order.
I know.
But your husband did.
I missed it the first time,but then I combed the bank records again, and I found a cancelled check in the amount of $30 for the filing fee.
why didn't I know about this? Jeff died before he could tell you.
But Mrs.
Graham knew.
And she concealed its existence in order to gain custody of will.
- What do you want from me? - What's best for will Which means dropping your custody petition and telling molly the truth.
You ha no right to demand an explanation for my client's motives.
You're right.
Instead,we could sue for fraud,malfeasance, intentional infliction of emotional distress How can I explain this to you? When jeff died,I lost everything.
I thought if I gave you the money,you would leave,too.
I couldn't risk losing my boy again.
That was a tender moment.
You better hope that memory lasts.
Dropped you in the deep end! Was that really necessary? Dude,aren't you supposed to get baptized when you're born-again? - You like it? - Stop the presses! My gift to me.
-Dig little miss heartland.
Yeah,you got quite a porch to go with that swing! Andre,set 'em up.
As your official mentor,I insist on picking these up.
That is the least that I can do.
You have all come through with flying colors.
Excuse me,i,uh,I left my wallet in the car.
Excuse me,miss,I'm a lawyer.
Well,that is it for me.
I sent an e-mail to hart and rachel confessing my lie.
All that remains is to return to the firm,await my fate.
He is so dramatic.
Well,I guess it's just you and me.
Actually,it's just you.
Susan's taking me to mozza for a $100 pizza.
Well,now that I have spine,she's decided i'm her new protég? so - You okay? - Yeah.
Are we supposed to love this job or hate it? Both.
No,i determine the caliber and the quality of the lawyers in this firm.
Which I'm clearly ill-equipped to do because I hired you.
You want to know what I see? An unstoppable force and an immovable object in the midst of a mallet-measuring contest.
So for the firm's sake,i'll be the one to propose a rational solution.
Share power.
He is unworthy of my expertise.
I'd rather have a colonoscopy at a teaching hospital.
Share power,or I'll marshal the partnership to elect a new chairman.
So,I can assume that we've agreed? Gentlemen.
How could you I know,cliff.
I know that there's someone.
Susan,there is no one.
I'm willing to work at this.
I stand by you in ways that you don't even know.
I found condoms,cliff,so do me this one courtesy Clean up your mess.
Susan,if I have done anything to create a distance between us,I want you to know that that ends tonight.
That's a start.
Westwood wilshire hotel.
I'll see you at 10:00.
I'm sorry for dropping by unannounced,but I s on the bus and I saw this guy by the freeway on-ramp, so I got off and I got you these.
Freeway flowers.
That's very sweet.
That's mine,isn't it? Why do people keep stealing my stuff? Sorry.
I needed a drink.
"silence is golden.
You made a wise choice.
Enjoy,tim ollerman.
" Who's tim ollerman? The unscrupulous creep I just betrayed a sweet old man for.
So I guess this must be another real low point for you,huh? See,I told you not to worry.
It's not how you start.
It's how you finish.
I think we've both just proven that.
You know,for the first time since I moved out here,i'm beginning to think rowdy wasn't lying.
Maybe this is my break in the clouds, my four-leaf clover,my lucky moment.
Westwood wilshire hotel.
This is clifford huddle.
Would tell my wife I've been slightly detained? Yes,of course.
the deep end Season1 Episode01
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