The Empress (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

One's Place in the World

- [gentle music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [music continues]
- [vocalizing]
[breathing shakily]
[man] Your Royal Highness.
It is time.
[music building]
[music halts]
[rooster crows]
[woman 1] Sisi!
Where are you?
[sighs] That girl is driving me mad!
[Sisi] Psst!
Come and hide with me.
[woman 1] Have you searched the cellar?
And the attic?
- [exhales]
- [chuckles]
She's not yet dressed?
Oh for goodness' sake!
He's going to be here anytime now.
[driver grunts]
[horse whinnies]
Mother says the Duke
has come here to marry you.
That's what she thinks.
What do you mean?
- Have you seen her dresses?
- [girl chuckles]
[Sisi chuckles]
- [Mother groans]
- [woman 2] Are you well?
- [exhales]
- [Sisi moans] "I'm bleeding inside."
"All thanks to that girl!
Now bring me my schnapps."
[both chuckle]
- [Mother] Is she with you?
- No, Mother.
- Not this time.
- [Mother scoffs]
We need to bathe her, dress her,
and set that awful tidy hair of hers.
Today will not be sabotaged
by that ingrate.
Are you in here?
I'm warning you!
I want to marry my true soulmate.
You understand?
[footsteps approaching]
[Mother] Sisi!
[tense music playing]
Where is she?
She says that she wants
to marry her true soulmate.
[Mother inhales sharply]
[horse whinnies]
[adventurous music playing]
[horse gruffs]
[bird calling]
[horse gruffs]
- [horse whinnies softly]
- [exhales]
[horse whinnies]
- [snake hissing]
- [Sisi] Easy.
- [horse whinnies]
- [Sisi yells]
[horse whinnies]
[Sisi groans, exhales]
[theme music playing]
[grunting gently]
- [birds chirping]
- [panting]
[bell tolling]
Your Majesty?
- [exhales]
- It is time.
[gentle music playing]
- [knocks on door]
- [door opens]
[man] Your Imperial Highness,
I bid you good morning.
[woman] Your imperial Highness.
[women] Your Imperial Highness.
After breakfast, you'll meet
with the delegation from Bohemia,
followed by a fitting
for your winter wardrobe.
But first, the execution.
[exhales] Not my winter wardrobe.
- Postpone it.
- I shall.
[footsteps approaching]
Your Majesty.
Always up so early.
Did you not sleep?
Today is troubling me.
You'll get used to it.
There are certain things
I will not get used to.
[horse gruffing, breathing heavily]
Come, come. Shh, Puck!
All is well.
[man snoring]
[Sisi exhales]
- Wake up.
- [Father] Huh?
I need you.
- [clock ticking]
- [fly buzzing]
She will be here shortly.
Morning prayers
are extremely important to her.
She has matured over the summer.
And is ready to wed.
Another tea, yes? Marie?
- [Puck gruffs]
- [Sisi] He bolted and fell.
But it's not serious.
- [Puck continues gruffing]
- Shh! Shh, shh, shh.
[Father] Not a day goes by
without you making mischief.
What were you thinking?
You should be in there
for your betrothal.
She's planning a life for me
that I don't want.
- There must be something else out there.
- [Father exhales]
What are you doing?
His leg's broken.
It'll never heal.
Do it.
He'll recover.
- He will never walk again.
- [Puck gruffing]
What sort of life is that?
You ignore all the rules.
Do whatever you want.
That comes at a price.
[Father clears throat]
[gun fires]
- [Puck thuds]
- [Sisi exhales sharply]
[Puck groans]
[breathing shakily]
"Death does not separate, death unites."
"Life separates."
Heinrich Heine.
[inhales shakily]
[Sisi whimpering]
[Sisi sobbing]
[sombre music playing]
[Sisi sniffles, sobs]
[crowd clamouring]
They must see your face.
These are the moments
when a ruler shows his strength.
[crowd cheering, clamouring]
[crowd continues cheering, clamouring]
The noose!
[crowd whistling]
Sentenced to death for conspiracy,
revolutionary conduct,
- lèse-majesté and high treason.
- [pin clicks]
[man 1 in crowd] Yes.
[announcer] Only His Majesty the Emperor
has the power to pardon the guilty.
[crowd booing]
[man 2 in crowd]
He's not guilty! I know it!
Do the condemned
have any final words to say?
[man 3 in crowd] Let him be free!
[convict 1] You sit in your palace
while we live in filth!
Your Majesty.
You can kill us if you want,
but it changes nothing.
[man 4 in crowd] Shut up!
[convict 1] The people
will rise up against you.
- [man 5 in crowd] It'll fall!
- [indistinct yells]
I die for the people!
[all cheer]
- [neck cracks]
- [crowd gasps]
- [floor opens]
- [neck cracks]
- [convict 2] Revolutionary
- [floor opens]
- [crowd groaning]
- [woman sobbing]
[sombre music playing]
[man in crowd yelling indistinctly]
[indistinct yells from crowd]
[door opens]
[Mother] Shut the door.
Two counts you have driven away
and two dukes.
They were all good men.
[exhales painfully]
My ulcer.
The doctor says it might burst,
and the eternal bleeding
will kill me, Sisi!
I am Elisabeth.
[Mother] You!
[breathes shakily]
Why on earth
can't you be more like your sister?
- When she is unhappy, what does she do?
- I don't know.
No, nor I. That's how it should be.
I want to make my own choices.
Why is that so awful?
And what do you choose to do?
Write poetry?
And why not?
You have no idea of the world.
No one will want a girl such as you.
[inhales shakily]
It's my life.
There are places for excitable young girls
who've lost all perspective.
An asylum? No, Mother, that's excessive.
That's enough!
Helena has a bright
and shiny future ahead.
A most suitable wedding.
And you will not sabotage that.
Do you understand?
Mama, look, I'm not insane.
Then prove it.
[door opens]
[woman] What do we have here?
A ruler who harms himself.
Do you know how that looks?
I don't relish having people hang.
You think I relish it?
Those men wanted to kill you.
- They did nothing.
- One day soon, though, they might.
There is another way.
Another way? Ah-ha.
The winter was cold, the harvest failed.
People are hungry and sick.
That leads to riots and hatred.
We cannot hang everyone who is suffering.
There are things even we cannot change.
The people's rage.
It is like an illness,
an ulcer.
And ulcers need a remedy.
[knocking on door]
[chuckles] What is that?
A gift from Tsar Nicholas
for Your Majesty.
[woman] Read it.
[man 1] "My beloved friend,
may this gift give you strength."
"Even a powerful empire like yours
is vulnerable when it is weak."
[woman inhales]
[man 1] "Your people need a vision,
a new objective."
"I await your ascent
and promise you an empire
where the sun never sets."
How kind.
He wants us to join forces
in the war against the Sultan.
The Ottoman Empire is on the verge
of collapse. Why not take advantage?
A war is the last thing our people need.
I know what is best for them.
[bell rings]
[door opens]
[footsteps approaching]
[doorman] Your Imperial Highness.
If it pleases you.
Helene of Bayern.
So that's your answer?
You want me to marry her?
The people will trust you again
if you give them a bride.
Believe me. And an heir to the throne.
Give her your consideration.
- The girl's devout and beautiful.
- I need more.
This is not about you.
The Prussians want our throne.
Napoleon's an imposter
we need to steer clear of.
And all of the Belgian girls
are highly unfit, Franz.
A union with Bayern will validate
our claim to the German states.
It will look just.
I did not stave off the revolution, Franz,
for you to be so picky about a bride.
You'll meet next month in Ischl
at your birthday celebrations.
And will announce your engagement.
Times are difficult.
Let's give the people some hope.
[uplifting music playing]
[drivers speaking indistinctly]
[leaves rustle]
Your endless writing is
why Mother wants you in an asylum.
If he starts talking,
you can come with me.
It is good that you have come.
[horse whinnies]
She wants to keep an eye on me.
That's all.
I wanted you with me.
I'm anxious that
you'll get lost.
Don't worry about me.
You know I have a very thick skin.
You don't.
Show me.
[Elisabeth] It's not finished.
"Swallow, lend me your wing
Carry me away to a distant land
And should I then fly with you
- Up in the ever blue firmament.
- firmament
With all my heart will I worship the god
Who sets me free"
Don't let her see.
I'll be invisible.
I promise. I'll be good.
From now on.
- [uplifting music playing]
- [birds tweeting]
- Welcome, Your Royal Highness.
- [horse whinnies]
Is the Emperor here?
His Majesty and the Imperial family
aren't due until tomorrow.
[Mother] Send word to the kitchen
that I'm famished.
The Emperor is not to be blabbered to.
Do not ask him any personal questions.
He's not interested in emotions.
No womanly opinions or remarks.
I understand. Honest.
You know, his brother will also be here.
And sometimes
even a dog gets a sausage from the plate.
Let's go. Hurry up.
You must bathe before the Emperor arrives.
[bell rings]
[water dripping]
Ow! Be gentle.
Sorry, soon you'll have
a hair maiden to do this.
[Helene] Mmm.
What if I can't stand him?
[Elisabeth chuckles softly]
- I heard he's as hairy as a boar.
- [Helene chuckles]
All over.
And he squeals
when the ladies scratch his fur.
[both chuckle]
[Helene] Hmm.
I'm sure he's a good man.
And if he doesn't like me?
If he
[water dripping]
If he finds me dumb?
You'll be a wonderful empress.
You know how to be elegant
without even trying.
What to say and what not to say.
Unlike you. [chuckles]
I sometimes wish I could be more like you.
Come here.
[emotional music playing]
I will miss you.
[woman] Good evening, My Emperor.
[mysterious music playing]
Is this your secret fantasy?
Your Majesty, the bear
and me, the helpless squirrel?
And if it were?
I could be
what you want me to be, Majesty.
Anything at all.
We don't have long.
I've heard rumours
you're to be betrothed.
Is this her?
She looks terribly obedient.
Do you like her?
Something's not right about her.
I wonder what it is.
[Franz] Come here.
Does she have whiskers? [chuckles]
It's been months now
since I heard you laugh.
What's a girl got to do
to get you to laugh, My Emperor?
My marriage is It's political, yes?
And for an heir.
And what are we for?
Not love, My Emperor?
[woman exhales]
[both breathing heavily]
[breathing deeply]
Come here!
[Franz exhales]
[horse whinnies]
[dramatic music playing]
[doorman] Good morning,
Your Imperial Highness.
I hope you had a pleasant journey.
Your Majesty, welcome to Ischl.
- I will take a ride later.
- Very well.
[birds chirping]
[birds tweeting]
[Mother] No!
This cannot be! [breathing heavily]
Where on earth could the other trunk be?
Your Highness,
these were the only ones on the coach.
Perhaps the other one will arrive later?
What can we do?
[Elisabeth] You packed funeral clothes?
- Why?
- Uncle Georg's funeral.
Who's Uncle Georg?
Sisi, why does that matter?
We only have these
and the ones we wore yesterday.
It doesn't really matter what you wear.
How can you say it doesn't matter?
He's the Emperor of Austria,
and it's his birthday tomorrow!
Would you bring me a glass of sherry?
I read that in London and Paris,
the artists all wear nothing but black.
You understand nothing!
Just leave us alone, will you?
[door opens]
[bell rings]
[furniture screeching]
- [maid] Good morning, Your Royal Highness.
- [Elisabeth] Good morning.
[servant] Good morning,
Your Royal Highness.
[chef grunts]
[maid 2] Be careful!
Be careful.
[chef] Thank you.
- [bird tweets]
- [maid 2 shrieks] Ugh! Oh my goodness!
No, get out! Get it out! Help me!
[grunts] Get it out! It's horrible. Ugh.
[maid 2] Oh!
[sombre music playing]
[bird tweets]
[Franz] Whoa!
[horse gruffs]
[bird tweeting]
[horse gruffs]
[Franz] Why are you hiding?
I'm not.
Do this often? Spy on everyone?
No, Majesty.
Why aren't you wearing any shoes?
It feels nice.
- Why are you holding a bird?
- Why are you asking so many questions?
It was trapped inside the house.
[chuckles] I see.
Helene's sister?
Yes, Majesty.
A good day for a ride.
Yes. It helps clear one's head.
Excuse me.
- [horse gruffs]
- [bird tweeting]
[horse whinnies]
[charioteer grunting] Hyah! Hyah!
Hyah! Come on.
[charioteer] Hyah! [vocalizing]
[classical music playing]
[horse whinnies]
[doorman] Your Imperial Highness.
- [inhales]
- [horse whinnies]
[doorman] Your family will be delighted.
We shall see.
[in Italian] They'll die in Venice
when I tell them I celebrated
the Emperor's birthday here.
[in English] Maximilian, what a surprise!
You made it after all.
My beautiful boy.
And who is this?
The enchanting Francesca,
Baroness of somewhere.
I thought Italians
really couldn't stand us.
Oh, this one can.
[in Italian] It's an honour to meet you.
[in English] I hear you sowed
some wild oats on your travels.
And I heard that you found a new empress.
[in Italian] This is my little brother.
[in English]
My little brother, Ludwig-Viktor.
[Francesca in Italian] Hello, little one.
[Maximilian in English] Couldn't announce
she was coming. It was spur of the moment.
Oh, Maximilian, it really is
of no consequence what you do.
[door opens]
[doorman] Your Imperial Highness,
the guests are waiting in the parlour.
[breathes deeply]
[breathes deeply]
[door opens]
Her Imperial Highness, the Archduchess
and their Imperial Highnesses,
the Archdukes of Austria.
My dear sister.
You must forgive the mishap
with our wardrobe.
[doorman] His Majesty, the Emperor.
[Franz] Ladies.
Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty.
And here she is.
Let him take a look at you, Helene.
The honour is all mine.
And who's this?
- Sisi.
- Elisabeth.
How's the bird?
[doorman] Your Majesty,
your table is ready.
Wonderful. Shall we?
["The Blue Danube Waltz" playing]
[Maximilian] The Tsar wants our help
to destroy the Sultan
and slice up the Ottoman Empire,
but it's a terrible idea.
Well, the English and French
will never allow it,
and it would lead to a needless fight.
Isn't Habsburg invincible?
No one is invincible, Luzi.
- [Luzi chuckles]
- [gasps, chuckles]
[Sophie] Your hair, Helene,
it's so beautifully braided.
Don't you agree, Franz?
It is.
I do it myself. [chuckles]
Helene has never done much work at all.
[Maximilian] And you?
Which sister are you?
The boring one or the naughty one?
You tell me.
I thought as much.
And Helene?
Is she a suitable match for my brother?
I'll leave that
to His Majesty and my sister.
The brides all need my approval.
- It really is a responsibility then.
- That it is.
[Elisabeth] Mmm. [chuckles]
You'd be a good bride.
I can see from your wrists
you'll never get fat.
With this one, it's another story.
I need to make a swift escape.
Don't worry,
she doesn't understand a word.
[in Italian]
You're as beautiful as a flower.
[chuckles] Thank you, darling.
[cutlery clinks]
[music continues]
- [barking]
- [Francesca chuckling]
- Later.
- [scoffs]
[Luzi in English] Delicious. Yum, yum,
yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
You're spoiling my appetite.
Can you not pet your doll
in your boudoir?
[chuckles] That's hilarious.
I was about to ask you
to do the same thing.
[music halts]
[music continues]
[fork clinks]
Forgive me, Your Majesty.
I didn't mean it.
Helene's Bohemian is rather excellent.
And her progress in French
is quite wonderful.
- [in French] Isn't that right, Helene?
- Yes, Mother.
[in English]
Why don't we all take a little stroll?
That way,
these young people can get acquainted.
A stroll in the afternoon sun.
A quite excellent idea.
[woman 1] This maid is
[woman 2] Oh hello.
- It is stiflingly hot.
- Indeed.
Aren't they just?
- Maman.
- [Sophie] Maximilian.
[Maximilian] Cuckoo.
[Elisabeth chuckles]
You were brazen earlier.
I beg your forgiveness once again.
No need.
You were honest with me. I like that.
Thank you
Don't be concerned for Helene.
He will ask her.
All the men in this family do as you ask?
He knows it's right.
Prepare some music for this evening,
my dear Margarete.
Something lively, Your Highness?
Au contraire.
Find something tender.
By the way, thank you for leaving
that vagabond of yours at home.
[chuckles] He gets irate when he's asked
to put on some proper trousers.
Well, Karl has plenty of room in Auhof.
You could always send him there.
[both chuckle]
[birds twittering]
I have a gift for you.
For your birthday.
You made it yourself, then?
Yes, Your Majesty.
Thank you.
[Helene pants]
Once you get to know me, you'll see
that I'm not really a bad person.
I believe you.
[Maximilian inhales]
I'm just the black sheep
of the family like you.
[Maximilian exhales]
The Archduke was looking for you.
See here what he's picked for you.
- [in Italian] Thanks.
- Hmm.
[Maximilian grunts]
- Go!
- [Maximilian exhales]
[glass clinks]
[Sophie in English] Let's raise a toast.
Thank you all for coming
to Franz Joseph's birthday,
which we will celebrate together tomorrow.
A new year,
a new chapter.
And, dear Helene,
I hope that soon we'll be able
to make a most welcome announcement.
[gentle music playing]
He returned the handkerchief to me.
And what was that about a bird?
- What did he mean?
- [birds tweeting]
Nothing. He saw me in the gardens.
And you spoke?
Last warning, Sisi.
We need to see
if the suitcases have arrived,
and we need to take it to our suite.
[Helene] He wanted to know so little.
He hardly asked me anything.
[Mother] All he wants to know
is if you're pretty and polite.
If he wants to learn something,
he'll visit the library.
[both continue speaking indistinctly]
[wind blowing]
It's good to see you.
I feared you'd stay away.
So you wish to marry a sheep from Bayern?
Not a good idea?
Oh yes. She's perfect for you.
- Not to my taste. Too
- Virtuous?
[both chuckle]
[inhales] Tell me of your journey.
[Maximilian] All is well with your troops.
And our realm,
our realm's exciting.
- The people are so colourful and diverse.
- I'm happy.
And funnily enough,
they agree on one fundamental thing.
They don't like you.
I'm joking.
But, honestly, I'm concerned.
We are not well-liked.
Well, you.
They say everywhere
that Maman calls all the shots,
and you soil yourself
whenever the French or Prussians come.
And I say,
"He hasn't shit himself in years now."
- And now you have overstepped the mark.
- They say you have no vision.
But what do I know, Franz? Hmm?
Let me know when you need me
to dedicate another barn for you.
I want you to return to Vienna with me.
As my advisor.
I need someone that I can trust.
I'll think on it.
[birds tweeting]
[wind chimes tinkling]
Are you unwell?
No, I'm fine.
What are you doing?
It was hot, and the floor is so cool.
It's soothing.
[Franz inhales]
[Elisabeth chuckles]
[Franz exhales]
[Franz] You're right.
It feels good.
I heard what you said
to my brother earlier.
Sometimes, I say exactly what I think.
Perhaps you could teach me.
There's something in your hair.
It's not mine.
It's braided in.
Whose is it?
So that I'll never forget.
My horse.
Please don't think that I'm a lunatic.
I've been hearing that a lot.
When we were little,
I knocked out my brother's tooth.
I still have it.
Now that really is insane.
Does that hurt?
[Franz] No.
[Elisabeth inhales]
Thank you.
That was interesting.
[breathes deeply]
[crickets chirping]
I assume we'll be able to announce
the engagement before our return.
You can appoint
the court ladies, Countess.
I have prepared a list of candidates,
Your Imperial Highness.
But, please, no little, naive birds.
I think we should include a lady
from our ranks among them.
Someone who knows.
But not you.
Mm-hmm. You're mine.
I trust you've found a suitable candidate.
You may proceed.
With pleasure, Imperial Highness.
[Helene] He looks much more handsome
than he does in this picture.
Do you not think so?
What's wrong? Are you listening?
Yes, of course.
[Elisabeth exhales]
I can hardly wait for tomorrow to come.
[contemplative music playing]
[music continues]
[knocking on door]
Your Royal Highness.
If you would please follow me.
[Elisabeth] Me?
[footsteps approaching]
Her Royal Highness, the Duchess.
[bell tolling in the distance]
- [cork pops]
- [drink pouring]
Your Majesty.
To your health.
I bid you goodnight.
You summon me to drink champagne with you?
[breathes deeply]
It's my birthday.
Happy birthday, Your Majesty.
[breathes shakily]
I must return before I am missed.
I promise not to cause
any trouble this weekend.
It's too late for that.
Shall we drink?
[chuckles softly]
That is your name?
- I just haven't heard it in a long time.
- [chuckles]
You reminded me of something today.
Of what I was like
before I became Emperor.
What were you like before then?
[chuckles softly]
You are to wed Helene.
It is all arranged.
I want you.
Those around me
have always told me what to do.
[breathes deeply]
No more.
For months now, I've felt dead, but
I want to celebrate my birthday with you.
[gentle music playing]
But why me?
You always tell the truth.
[breathes deeply]
you see things differently from others.
That's what I need.
[chuckles softly]
[Elisabeth chuckles]
[gentle music continues]
[Elisabeth breathes deeply]
[crowd singing in German]
Long may he live ♪
Long may he live ♪
Long, long, long ♪
Long may he live
Long may he live ♪
Long, long, long
May he live ♪
[all applauding]
[in English] It was lucky
that our clothes came in time.
[Franz] Thank you.
I thank you all for coming here.
I have something to say.
I would like to ask
a young lady for her hand.
The Duchess of Bayern
[all applauding]
[in Italian] Congratulations.
[whimpers, sniffles]
[dramatic music playing]
[in English] Your health.
Please wait!
Please, Helene, I didn't want this.
You have to say no.
Please say no.
I've never felt this way.
So did you scurry into his bed last night
so he'd choose you?
I want you to tell me what happened then.
Why did he reject me?
You will never be able to be an empress.
You will destroy him.
[Sophie] This woman will be the empress
of the second-largest realm in Europe.
You've had your fun.
It's not a prank.
I thought long and hard
about which woman was right.
Helene is very well-prepared.
She won't be any trouble to you at all,
Your Majesty.
[chuckles] Sisi is still so
Elisabeth or none.
[door opens]
[doorman] His Majesty, the Emperor.
Her Imperial Highness, the Archduchess.
Tell your aunt
there's been a misunderstanding.
Right now.
[Sophie] Enough.
I have no interest in what others say.
What I want to know is
do you want to be Empress?
[dramatic music playing]
[Elisabeth] Until we meet again.
[music building]
If you'll allow, Your Majesty,
my congratulations on your engagement.
Most excellent news.
This is just the beginning, Theo.
You an empress? Who could believe it?
This will be a lot of work.
You are lucky that I know
what really counts.
Sisi, listen to me.
My name's Elisabeth.
Do not be concerned,
Your Imperial Highness.
Even the wildest grass must bend.
I'm not at all concerned.
[horse whinnies]
When a thing doesn't bend, it must break.
[dramatic music playing]
- [charioteer] Hyah! Hyah!
- [horse whinnies]
- [yells]
- [indistinct chatter]
- Get up!
- [man groans]
[man grunts]
- No begging. Order of the Emperor.
- [man] Let me go!
[woman screaming]
[man] Please
[dog barking in the distance]
We'll have a new empress.
This is the opportunity
we've been waiting for.
[instrumental music playing]
[music fades out]
Next Episode