The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1996) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

(Muffled crying) Quick.
Open the gate, Arthur.
(Horses trotting) (Coughing) Oh.
Well, at least the light is good.
-Can I go outside? -I'll take you later.
-Please? -No.
-I won't get lost.
Where are my skittles? -We could not bring everything.
-You brought your paints and brushes.
They're not toys, dearest.
Are we poor now? (Gun firing) (Arthur screaming) Give me that child.
I wasn't harming the child, madam.
He was caught up in the branches.
He might have hanged himself.
I beg your pardon, sir.
-I did not know you, I thought -You thought what? I'm indebted to you, Mr? Markham.
When are we going back? Give him time.
He'll be happy enough.
(Church bell ringing) MAN: Oh, Lord, let thy mercy lighten upon us as our trust is in thee.
Oh, Lord, in thee have I trusted thee.
Let me never be confounded.
Here beginneth the second lesson of the Gospel according to St John, Chapter 2, Verse 1 .
''And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee ''and the mother of Jesus was there.
''And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage.
''And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus sayeth unto him, '''They have no wine.
' ''Jesus sayeth unto her, '''Woman, what have I to do with thee?''' (Woman, whispering) Be quiet.
'''Mine hour is not yet come.
' ''When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, ''and knew not whence it was, ''but the servants which drew the water knew'' (Arthur giggling) ''the governor of the feast called the bridegroom and sayeth unto him, '''Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine''' Mrs Graham, so glad that you were able to worship with us today.
Our congregation is quite a little family, you know.
Have you met my daughter Eliza? -Mrs Graham.
-Miss Millward.
May we hope that you will honour us with a visit? -Perhaps this afternoon? -Oh, no.
That would not be possible.
Forgive me.
-Mrs Graham, allow me to introduce Mrs Wilson.
-Mrs Graham.
Mr Richard Wilson and Miss Jane Wilson.
(Quietly) It's the new tenant of Wildfell.
Oh, Mrs Graham I'm Mrs Markham from Brook Farm.
We're having a small party on Friday.
-We were wondering -ROSE: Oh, do say you'll come.
-Thank you, but I never go to parties.
-Oh, but this will be quite a family concern.
-I'm sorry, I -Mrs Graham, I do hope that Wildfell is not too uncomfortable for you.
Not at all.
It's a draughty old place.
You must let me know if there's anything you need.
You're very kind.
Mr Lawrence, I've been trying to persuade Mrs Graham to come to our party on Friday.
Perhaps you can encourage her.
Oh, I fear that goes beyond a landlord's prerogative.
Your hospitality is famous, Mrs Markham.
It can need no recommendation from me.
I'm sorry.
It is my son.
I do not care to leave him alone.
But surely you have a servant.
Rachel is too busy to be running after a lively boy.
-Are you really such a mischievous fellow? -No, no.
But he is my only treasure, and I am his only friend.
-We don't like to be parted.
-So I observe.
My dear! I call that doting.
He mustn't always be tied to his mama's apron strings.
He should learn to be ashamed of it.
Mrs Markham, I trust my son will never be ashamed to love his mother.
Good day.
Oh, Mrs Graham! You seem determined to be a stranger to us.
I suppose you must find us all very dull.
-Not at all.
-Let's not apologise.
There's nothing I love more than a mystery.
Excuse me.
Rose, tell Betty to fetch the ale for Reverend Millward.
But Mother, I'm busy.
-I'll go.
-Oh, Fergus.
I daresay you hate cats, Mr Markham.
Most gentlemen do.
Only because you ladies lavish so many caresses on them.
Naughty little darling.
Now, this is the thing.
There is nothing like it, Mrs Markham.
I always say a woman's first duty is to keep a good table for the gentlemen.
-Not to be a slave to it.
-MRS MARKHAM: Mind you I had as good a husband as ever lived, and he always did justice to my dinners and hardly ever spoiled my cookery by delay.
And that is as much as any woman can expect of any man.
Mrs Graham! Well, come in, come in.
-No, thank you.
I prefer water.
-An abstainer? Well, some for the boy.
-Warm him up.
-Don't worry, Arthur.
He will not make you drink it.
What, another abstainer? You're not a milksop, are you, boy? He detests the sight of wine and the smell of it makes him sick.
-He will grow to like it in time.
-I think not.
I gave him some by way of medicine when he was ill.
(Eliza laughing) -What a droll idea.
-It is not meant to be.
This way I will have saved him from one degrading vice, at least.
-Vice, Mrs Graham? -But he's a boy, my dear.
You don't want to spoil his spirit.
You'll make a mere Miss Nancy of him.
True virtue, my dear lady, consists in a conscious resistance to temptation, not ignorance of them.
GILBERT: Teach him to fight, Mrs Graham, not run away.
If you want him to walk honourably through the world, you mustn't try and clear the stones from his path.
I shall lead him by the hand till he has the strength to go alone.
I cannot trust that he will be one man in a thousand and have that strength and virtue as a birthright.
You do not think very highly of us, then.
I know nothing about you.
I speak of those I do know.
Is it not better to arm your hero than to weaken him with too much care? Would you say the same of a girl? -Must her virtue be tested in battle? -I should say not.
A woman's virtue is her modesty, a man's his strength of will.
I would wish a woman's virtue to be shielded from temptation.
Why? You would have us encourage our sons to prove all things by their own experience, whilst our daughters must remain in ignorance until it is too late.
-Too late? -I tell you, Mr Markham, if I thought my son would grow up to be what you call a man of the world, I would rather that he died tomorrow.
I'm sorry.
Come, Arthur.
Well, must you go? Well, it seems you ladies will always have the last word.
You may have as many as you like but I cannot stay to hear them.
It is past Arthur's bedtime.
Mrs Markham.
She's very proud of her own opinions.
She's probably happy living all alone in that gloomy place.
I pity poor Mr Graham, whoever he may have been.
MILLWARD: What do you make of Mrs Graham? MRS MARKHAM: I didn't mean to upset her but I do think she's wrong.
MILLWARD: Wrong? I should not say wrong, my dear Mrs Markham.
I should call it criminal.
She's not only making a fool of the boy, but teaching him to despise the blessings of providence.
I will pray for her.
-And for the little boy.
-Indeed, him as well.
Well, Gilbert? -What do you think of our new arrival? -I can't say I like her much.
Too hard, too sharp, too bitter for my taste.
Mrs Markham, your hospitality and ale have been as excellent as ever.
Mr Millward, you're too kind.
Come, Eliza.
What you see in her, I don't know.
-Artful little thing.
-Mother! If you marry her, you'll break my heart, that's all.
Is that what you want, to break my heart? -Black is such an unbecoming colour.
-It seems to match her mood.
I hope she will not be still in mourning at your wedding, Eliza.
She would make such a gloomy spectacle.
-Jane! -He's still not asked you? Well, tut-tut, Eliza.
You mustn't let him slip away.
I have already ordered my silks from London.
What have you two found so interesting to whisper about? Well, we were just saying that spring is such an enchanting time for weddings.
Arthur, what are you doing? Leave him alone! -You put a sheepfold up on Long Hill? -Yes, sir.
I'm putting it to plough next year.
-Oh, it's a bit of common land up there, sir.
-You'll see.
Our sheep have lambed twice across it, it will bear as good wheat as any in the vale.
What brings you up here? I'm not entirely dedicated to cookery and cross-stitch, you know.
A dismal place it is.
Can anyone bear to live there? I wonder if it's as gloomy inside as out? You're just like all the others.
You just want to snoop.
It's not true.
Mother says we should make newcomers feel welcome, whatever they're like.
Why, Gilbert, I do believe you're afraid of her.
(Door opening) -Is it him? -No, ma'am.
It's Mr Markham and his sister.
Why won't these people leave me alone? (Door opening) I'm afraid there is no fire today.
I was not expecting guests.
Thank you, Rachel.
You will forgive me if I continue.
It amazes me how you could choose such a rickety old place to live in, Mrs Graham, instead of some nice, neat little cottage.
Do you not get lonely up here all by yourself? HELEN: I'm not sure the loneliness of the place was not one of its chief attractions.
Two miles away from your nearest neighbours.
It would drive me stark mad.
Where were you living before, Mrs Graham? How prettily you've embellished our rugged landscape.
-Very picturesque.
-You sound surprised.
Not at all.
But why call it Fernley Manor when it's quite plainly this very house? I have my reasons.
-And these initials, RS -Shall we call it a trade name? (Footsteps approaching) Ah, Arthur, here's your friend come to visit you.
-Hello, young man.
And how are you? -Where's your dog? Now I see the source of my attraction.
He's at home.
You shall see him another time.
So you don't intend to keep it? The painting.
I cannot afford to paint for my own amusement.
Mama sends all her pictures to London and they send us money.
You must see Windley Bay, Mrs Graham.
There are some magnificent views to inspire you.
-Really? -ROSE: We were planning to make an excursion.
-You must join us.
-Excuse me.
It's Mama's friend.
Here, look at this.
Quite a dandy, isn't he? I wonder who he is? HELEN: It's someone about the painting.
I told him to wait -Would it be impertinent to ask? -Yes, I'm afraid it would.
You'll forgive me, I have work to do.
Rachel will see you out.
Goodbye, young man.
Do not be angry, Mr Markham.
I'm truly sorry I have offended you.
You will join us at Windley Bay after all? We'll make quite a picnic of it when the fine weather comes.
Goodbye, Mrs Graham.
It grieves me to see you in such wretched surroundings.
I have all I need.
I have received another letter.
Will I never be free? Oh, Frederick, if it were not for you.
But you must be careful.
We both have watchful neighbours.
Those boots.
I don't know how she can bear to be seen in them.
And an artist, too.
A great pity Mr Lawrence was not able to join us.
He has business in town.
Mr Markham doesn't seem to regret his absence.
-More pie, Gilbert? -Shall I cut you some? Gilbert? -Sorry? -Shall I cut you some more pie? No.
There! Now go and show Mr Markham.
I'll, er I'll just go andget Must have come over here about 2,000 years ago.
You're embarrassing me, Richard.
Put your book down.
-In leather boats.
-Put your book down and look at the view.
Lovely pie.
You must give me the recipe.
You startled me.
-I'm sorry.
-Where's Arthur? Is he all right? He's with Miss Millward.
-What do you want? Are they all coming? -No.
Only me.
-I'm tired of talking.
-I shan't say a word.
I'll just sit here and watch you drawing.
I don't care to be observed.
Then I shall admire the wonderful view.
Are you still there? Why don't you go and amuse yourself with your friends? Because I'm tired of them.
Like you.
(Dog barking) Arthur! (Arthur screaming) Arthur! -Arthur! Oh, my God! -Quiet.
You'll frighten him.
Look at me, Arthur.
That's it.
Good lad.
Don't be frightened.
You'll soon be safe.
Give me your hand.
Come on.
Give me your hand.
That's it.
That's it.
That's it.
I only looked away for a moment! It was only a moment.
It wasn't your fault, Eliza.
Don't worry.
This way.
Does it hurt? What were you thinking of? How could you be so foolish? He's well enough.
No bones broken.
You should leave that to the seagulls, eh? (Helen sobbing) Is your farm so very well managed it runs without you, Mr Markham? Why do you ask? Why? Whenever Arthur and I come out, there you are.
Who was here first? I could ask the same of you, Mrs Graham.
-Arthur, don't go too far.
-He's safe enough.
Tell me something.
How is it you judge the distance between the foreground and the background? A combination of geometry and experience, I suppose.
Surely mathematics has no place on the moors.
You don't like my painting, Mr Markham? -I didn't mean it, it's just -Don't apologise.
They're in the public taste.
Pretty pictures devoid of feeling.
Don't forget, this is how I earn my living.
I shan't disturb you, then.
Any longer and you won't be able to mix the colours in your palette fast enough.
Do I sense another criticism of my work? I wouldn't know how to hold a brush.
I do know that when the sun slips behind the clouds, the blue heather turns purple.
And then, just for a moment before the sun drops behind the hill, the whole moor turns into a sea of gold.
I would love to see it.
They call it pauper's gold 'cause no rich man could ever own such beauty.
(Door opening) Out till all hours again? Your tea's been waiting these five and 40 minutes.
Rose, pour Gilbert some tea.
I'm sorry, Mother.
I was out with a farmer on Barrow Hill.
I hear there is some very fine views of Wildfell Hall from Barrow Hill.
Hey, who are these? Fergus brought them in, from shepherd Carter's bitch.
-Is it stewed? -It'll do.
''It'll do'' won't do in this house, my lad.
Rose, make Gilbert some fresh tea.
-Do it.
If it was me, I'd get no tea at all.
If it was Fergus even, he would have to make do with stewed tea and be thankful.
-But, you, oh, no, nothing's too good for you.
-MRS MARKHAM: Enough of your muttering, Rose.
It's always what the men want that matters.
-And a very good doctrine, too.
-A very convenient one, I'm sure.
Oh, I should never know how much I owe you, my dear mother, if Rose didn't choose to enlighten me now and then.
You wait till you're married, my lad.
If you marry some thoughtless flippit like that Millward girl, you'll see a difference.
It'll do me good, Mother.
I don't expect to be spoiled.
(Scoffing) No, not much.
I'd take more pleasure in making my wife happy than being constantly cosseted by her.
That's lad's talk.
You wait and see.
-Mr Markham.
-Hello, Arthur.
What is it, lad? What is it? (Laughing) Thank you.
I brought something for you, too.
You said you were fond of Wordsworth.
I can't accept presents.
Please, open it.
I am terribly sorry, Mr Markham.
I cannot possibly take it.
-Not unless you let me pay for it.
-Why not? I would be under an obligation, which I don't want.
-You already do so much for my son.
You won't take it, then? Gladly.
If you let me pay for it.
Satisfied? Two guineas exactly.
Not forgetting three shillings and fourpence, carriage.
You think yourself insulted.
-Try to understand.
-Oh, I understand.
You think that if you accept this trifle of me, I shall presume on it hereafter.
I assure you that is not the case.
Well I shall take you at your word.
But remember.
I will.
-What did Markham want? -He brought a puppy as a present for the boy.
Is that all he wanted? -Every day? -So they say.
At night, too.
My father's seen his horse outside her door.
-I know.
-Miss Millward, am I interrupting? -No, not at all.
Where's Fergus hiding, the lazy scoundrel? ROSE: I've no idea.
Gilbert, have you heard these shocking rumours about Mrs Graham and Mr Lawrence? What rumours? -You haven't heard? -No.
-I daresay it may only be idle gossip.
-I daresay.
I must be going.
Papa's expecting me.
-You'll be coming on Friday? -Oh, yes, I wouldn't miss it for the world.
-Goodbye, Gilbert.
-Goodbye, Eliza.
You were very rude to Eliza Millward.
She is a malicious scandalmonger.
You didn't always think so.
LAWRENCE: Now, how many times can you catch it? -Can you catch it? -ARTHUR: Let me! Let me! Fergus! Leave some for the others.
slopping around in the stomach.
FERGUS: Did you bake these? Here, look at Gilbert and Eliza.
Did you ever see such art? -As if they were perfect strangers.
-Who? Mrs Graham and Mr Lawrence.
-What? -Oh, Gilbert, you can't pretend to be ignorant.
-Ignorant of what? -Shh! Not so loud.
Fergus! Well? Have you observed the striking likeness between that child of hers and What have I done to offend you? I wish I knew.
Drink your tea, Eliza, and don't be so foolish.
-That's my father.
-Is it very like him? It should be.
My late husband paid fifty guineas for that.
Rose, come here.
Do you paint at all, Miss Wilson? Only as an accomplishment, not as a trade.
Would you be so good as to change places with me, Miss Markham? I don't care to sit by Mrs Graham.
If your mama thinks proper to invite such persons to her home, she cannot object to her daughter keeping company with them.
You've escaped, too? I am weary to death of small talk.
I'm sorry.
I mean no disrespect to your mother.
-Or your sister.
-I know.
-Would you prefer me to leave you alone? -No, no.
I am not entirely a hermit.
I fear your friends must find me a very dull guest.
Not at all.
I'm afraid I've grown used to my own company.
I believe I possess the faculty of enjoying the company of those I of my friends as well in silence as in conversation.
I don't know if I believe you but if it were so, you would exactly suit me for a companion.
I am all you wish, then, in other respects? No, I I didn't mean that.
What sort of person is Jane Wilson? Elegant, accomplished.
I find her somewhat cold and supercilious.
To you, perhaps.
I fancy she regards you as something of a rival.
Me? Why? Well, I know nothing of it.
Helen, what is it that you're afraid of? Why can you not speak freely, to me at least? Please don't ask me.
I can't explain.
Helen trust me.
It's getting cold.
Can I walk you home? -There's no need.
-It's no trouble.
No, really.
Arthur! Good night, Markham.
I said, ''Good night, Markham.
'' What's the matter, man? Sulking because she wouldn't let you walk her home? -What business is it of yours? -None at all.
But I'm warning you, Markham, if you do have designs in that direction, you're wasting your time.
You hypocrite.
Good night, Eliza.
ROSE: Where you going, Gilbert? Take a walk.
Very smart for a walk.
I wish you wouldn't go up there.
Where? For her sake, as much as your own, just be more careful.
What do you mean? Rose? People think your visits to the Hall are but another proof of her depravity.
She's my friend, Rose.
My friend.
I didn't always mean to be a farmer.
My mother told me I was capable of anything.
Didn't you believe her? Father thought ambition was the surest road to ruin and change, but another word for destruction.
And you, what did you think? I'd better be an obedient son and do as he bade me with his dying breath.
What of your family? What did he bid you do? To follow in his footsteps, looking neither right nor left, and to pass on the paternal acres to my children in as good a condition as he left them me.
An honest ambition, surely? I'll try and remember that when I'm working the frozen byre on an icy January morning.
Thank you, Betty.
Oh, Vicar, and in such terrible weather.
Passing, ma'am, just passing.
I thought I might just perhaps partake of a glass of your excellent ale.
Of course, Vicar, of course.
I've been to callon Mrs Graham.
I thought it incumbent on me That's the thing.
I thought it incumbent on me as her pastor.
Oh? Why? ''Mrs Graham,'' I said, ''it is my painful duty to tell you that your conduct is most reprehensible.
'' And what did she say? -Hardened, ma'am, hardened like a savage.
-Rose, go.
Her face turned white, she drew in her breath through her teeth like a savage.
-How dare you speak of her in such terms? -Gilbert! It was a most shocking thing to witness in one so young.
I am determined, ma'am, that my daughter shall not consort with such an unwholesome influence.
As to your own children Gilbert! and three onions.
MILLWARD: She has abandoned herself to depravity.
I only pray no one else WOMAN: Pretending to be so pious and motherly.
(Children cheering) CHILDREN: Judy! PUPPET: Oh, you're bad, bad, bad! -Stop that noise! -Did he hurt the lady? CHILDREN: Yeah! PUPPET: Oh, no, I never! (Doorbell ringing) Gilbert.
I know what's happened, Helen, and I must speak with you.
Do you, the hero, do champion a woman suspected and despised by all around her? Who cares what other people say? As long as we have ourselves and each other.
I have wronged you.
I tried to think your feelings for me were cold and brotherly.
Are yours? I did not wish to encourage you.
You could not have treated me with less encouragement or more severity.
Helen, don't you know I'd rather have your friendship than the love of any other woman in the world.
Tell me, what is it? It might ease your mind.
If I do, you may despise me, too.
I could never despise you.
Do you love me? Do you know what love is? Real love? Love that tears your soul apart? You think love brings happiness.
It does not.
Meet me tomorrow by the stile on Long Hill at midday.
I will tell you everything then.
(Thudding) It's just Arthur.
You must go.
HELEN: Come outside.
I want to see the moon and breathe the evening air.
They will do me good, if anything will.
You shouldn't let it worry you, Helen.
I shall be more cautious in the future.
But I must leave this place, Frederick.
I never can be happy here.
And where would you find a better place, so secluded, so near me? No, no.
I cannot consent to lose you, Helen.
I must go with you or come to you, wherever you are.
Why won't these people leave me alone? There are meddling fools everywhere, Helen.
Gilbert, I need to talk to you.
Please, only for a moment.
Why didn't you meet me on the moor? Because I discovered your secret for myself.
That's what I would have said, had I not seen it with my own eyes.
What? I would have told you everything but now I see you are not worthy of it.
I don't care what you think of me.
(Door opening) Lawrence, stand back! Markham, what are you doing, man? Why this quarrel between us? Where are you going? I tried to warn you.
HELEN: No! Get off of him! Get off! I tried to tell you.
He's my brother.

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