Thundercats (1985) s01e01 Episode Script


It's finished, jaga.
Yes, any moment now, panthro.
- Shall I awaken lion-O? - No.
Why upset the child needlessly, Tygra? Wake him.
If he is to rule, he must learn to take the bad with the good.
- Lion-O.
- What? Oh, Cheetara.
I am sorry to wake you, but jaga bids me bring you to him.
Hey, where are you going? Lion-O needs his sleep.
He will have ample opportunity on this voyage.
But now it is important that he join jaga on the flight deck.
Nothing is more important than a young boy's rest.
Let up, snarf, huh? I'm practically grown up.
Y ou really are turning into an old nanny, snarf.
Easy for you to say.
Y ou're not responsible for lion-O's welfare.
Snarf is.
Just let the boy come down with a fever or the pip or something and who gets the blame? Poor old snarf, that's who.
- What's up, jaga? - Come closer, lion-O.
Watch the telescreen.
Watch what, jaga? That planet? What's happening to it? - What was that? - That was Thundera, lion-O the planet we called home.
Thundera? But y es, lion-O, Thundera is gone.
But the Code of Thundera will live as long as you.
As lord of the Thundercats, carry it in your heart.
It will be your sacred duty to rule according to that code in our new home wherever that that will be.
Justice, truth, honor, loyalty.
I will, jaga.
I swear it.
I mean, I'll try.
Y es, I know.
It is an enormous responsibility for one who is not yet a man.
But you are not alone, lion-O.
The nobles gathered here, panthro, Cheetara, Tygra even Wilykat and Wilykit, will be teaching the skills you need to rule wisely and well.
No mention of old snarf, I notice.
Go ahead, just take all the glory and leave it to snarf to clean up after you.
I don't mind.
There is something else you must see, lion-O the most important part of your heritage.
This is the mystic sword of Omens and the source of our powers, the Eye of Thundera.
- Jaga, the sword is alive.
- Y es.
But there are holes in the hilt, jaga, and I don't see any eye.
The eye sleeps until needed, lion-O.
And these are not merely holes you see in the hilt.
Iooking through those magic apertures will give you sight beyond sight.
But if I do need the eye, how can I wake it up and let it know? There will be no need.
The eye will know it is needed before you do.
L I can't lift it, jaga.
No, you have not the strength yet, but snarf, would you ask the other Thundercats to join us? - But I want to hear what - It's important, snarf.
But it will not be long before the sword feels natural in your hand.
- Y ou wish to see us, jaga? - Y es.
Y ou will all have to learn new ways as well.
On our own planet, you needed no protective clothing or special weaponry.
And the Eye of Thundera rested peacefully in the mystic sword of Omens guarded and known only to me.
We don't know what awaits the Thundercats in our new home.
But these raiments and weapons will help protect you.
Jaga, we're being attacked.
Lion-O, remain in the sword chamber.
- No.
If there's to be fighting, then I should - please do not argue.
Snarf, look after him.
Y ep, you bet, jaga.
Snarf will keep lion-O safe.
Don't worry.
I don't wanna be safe.
Safe is boring.
- Have you identified the enemy? - Y es.
They're from the planet plun-Darr.
Always those blasted mutants.
- A direct hit, slithe.
- Superb.
We just lost one, jaga.
Flagship to convoy.
Assume defensive formation.
We're losing them, jaga.
We're losing all our ships.
Except for ours.
We haven't taken a single hit.
They know that the flagship would be carrying the Eye of Thundera.
- They won't risk losing it.
- Then y es.
We can expect visitors any moment.
- What's that? - Grappling rays.
Easy, lion-O.
Old snarf won't let anyone harm you.
Y ou just bet I won't.
I'm not afraid.
- We've been breeched.
- Stand by to repel boarders.
Right in front of you, Tygra.
- Where did he go? - Now you don't see me.
Now you do.
If you guys were as mean as you are ugly, then maybe you'd be trouble.
Nothing back there.
Any luck at your end, slithe? No.
What's in there? It would help if I knew what the Eye of Thundera looks like.
- Have you ever seen it? - Y es.
Y es.
And there it is, imbedded in the hilt of the sword of Omens.
Y ou'd better get right out of here, or you'll have snarf the Fierce to deal with.
And what manner of laughable creature is this? Think I'm funny, do you? Snarf, no.
Where are they? Let me at them.
Now, boy, give me the sword.
Y ou shall not have it while I live.
The cub threatens us? He can hardly hold onto that sword, much less lift it.
What's happening? Back! Get back.
Back to the ship, and move it! Snarf? Are you all right? Come on, snarf, say something.
Good old snarf.
Why did you wanna scare me like that? How many of them did I get? Lion-O, you're not hurt.
Snarf took a few lumps, but I managed to hold them off.
Y ou did it with the sword? Well, the sword kind of did it for me.
I see.
How bad is it, panthro? Well, I patched up the hole, and I guess it's okay.
The navigational system is pretty well shot.
We can maneuver some but not enough to get to the galaxy we were headed for.
The best we can do is this.
- Not much as galaxies go.
- It's dinky, is what it is.
See this puny little sun? I've run a galactic scan for atmospheric compatibility, and this blue planet the third one out, gives me a readout of 96 percent.
Atmospheric com Com That means we could breathe the air, lion-O.
Even so, it's light-years away.
We'd have to make the trip in the suspension capsules.
Y ou will all get in the suspension capsules now.
I will pilot the ship to the blue planet.
No, jaga.
Without suspension, you'll die.
We can set the course on robot pilot.
In its damaged condition, the ship must be piloted manually as long as possible or we can't be sure of reaching our destination.
We can't be sure anyway.
We'll take our chances together.
Y ou must join us in the capsules, jaga.
Y es, jaga.
I am by far the oldest of you.
Even though the suspension capsules slow down the aging process tremendously some aging does take place.
Even in suspension, I could not live long enough to complete the journey.
Enter the capsules.
But jaga Come, Cheetara.
What jaga says is true.
Don't make it tougher for him.
Y eah, he's just being practical.
All right, if we're gonna do it, let's do it.
In you go, snarf.
No stalling.
I'm going, I'm going.
See you all later, I hope.
Goodbye, jaga.
Y ou must be brave, lion-O.
It is your duty.
Y es, jaga.
The Eye of Thundera will be waiting for you when you reach your new home.
I wish I were as sure of their chances as I pretended to be.
Still, there is a chance.
I can't go on.
I pray the robot pilot can take it from here.
I just knew I wasn't going to like this.
Lion-O? It's him.
Wake up, lion-O.
It's me.
It's old snarf.
What are you doing, snarf? Get away.
What in the? Oh, the suspension capsule.
But how did it get to be so small? I was really worried, lion-O.
I was sure it was all going to turn out y ou look a lot smaller too, snarf.
What's going on? And my hands, look at the size of them.
Even though the suspension capsules slow down the aging process some aging does take place.
Why, I'm grown.
Iook what I have for you.
What's this, snarf? A toy? Good grief, I'm too big for toys.
Can't you see that? I guess you'll just always look little to faithful old snarf.
Lion-O, look out! The mutants are back.
Mutants? They look like I don't know, like I should remember them.
They're real bad, lion-O.
I just knew we hadn't seen the last of that bunch.
What the go darn? Lion-O, look.
- Y ou want the mutants to hear? - But Good grief, what's the matter with you? We're in big trouble here, and you bring me another stupid toy? Get away.
Search carefully.
The Eye of Thundera must be in the wreckage somewhere.
Over here.
One of the Thundercats is still in his capsule.
And here's another.
We'll never have a better chance to be rid of them forever.
Stop! And who is that? What does it matter? The question will soon be "Who was that?" This sword.
I know this sword.
It's Oh, I can't remember.
It's lion-O.
Jaga? Is it really you? Y ou're still with me? I will always be with you, lion-O.
Pay heed, for it is your destiny that you hold in your hand the Eye of Thundera the source of the Thundercats' power.
Y es, I remember.
Sight beyond sight.
In those capsules, they're They're Thundercats.
Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats, ho! The Thundercats, they're loose.
We're gonna loosen your bones for you too.
Tygra, look who's joined us.
Grown some, hasn't he? So, what's the big deal about height? - My eyes.
- Back.
Teleport yourselves back to the ships.
The mutants will never rest until the Eye of Thundera is in their clutches.
That will never happen, I'll see to it.
Get him.
One tiny skirmish, and he's suddenly a superhero.
Now, now.
- He did pretty good for his first time out.
- He did indeed.
And a fine figure of a Thundercat you've grown up to be, lion-O.
And so handsome too.
Snarf didn't do anything, of course.
Just found the sword, that's all.
Now we'll have to go about seeing if we can survive in this place.
We will survive and create a mighty new empire.
I, lion-O, lord of the Thundercats, proclaim it.
With your help, of course.
Well, maybe it'll turn out all right and maybe it won't.

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