Undercovers (2010) s01e01 Episode Script


Ugh! Come on.
It's Leo.
What the hell is this? Call your men off.
I assure you my offer is real.
I will deliver the files to you myself in person.
The deal is still in place.
That all right? Mmm! So good.
Oh, my God.
That smells amazing.
You're a genius.
Brown sugar, baby.
Hey, Sam, oven's free for the lamb chops, right? Yeah.
Three hours, guys.
All: Three hours.
Sam, so we're in trouble.
- How bad? - Bad.
Not worse than last time.
Yeah, worse than last time.
How is that possible? You want the truth? Of course.
- You're not gonna like it - Steven.
You pay our employees too much.
They're great people.
They deserve it.
Honey, look at the books yourself.
Something's got to change.
Guys, is this a secret meeting? What is it? Uh, the butcher ran out of beef ribs and asked if he could use pork, and I said yeah.
For the Chan-Finkelstein wedding? Yeah, is that bad? Lizzy, he's an Orthodox Jew.
Yeah, but she's Chinese.
I kind of thought he'd gotten over it.
I'll get it.
No on the pork.
Got it.
No on the other white meat.
Can we please fire her? She's my sister.
I said please.
Excuse me, I'm looking for Steven and Samantha Bloom.
Oh, hi.
Are you with the Chan-Finkelstein wedding? Do I look like a Chan? Or a Finkelstein? How are we doing on time? Never gonna make it.
So I shouldn't tell you that Mrs.
Miller just called and asked for four more vegetarian meals? Four? For tonight? Just add 'em to the nine from last week and you got a maker's dozen.
Some very serious guy in a suit wants to talk to the both of you right away.
Guy in a suit's never good.
He says he works for a major hotel chain and wants to offer you guys a job.
And, for some reason, I think he hates me.
You get what you pay for.
But sometimes I just want to explode.
Thank you for your patience.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
I know who you are.
Are we secure in here? We are.
Then let close the door, Hmm? So what does that mean, you know who we are? Agent Leo Nash is missing.
Excuse me.
And you are? Carlton Shaw.
I've been with the agency for 32 years.
I'm here to see if you will assist us in locating Agent Nash.
And why us, Mr.
Shaw? You've done your research.
You know we resigned Both: Five years ago.
Yes, I'm here because operation Black Swan is still in effect.
Leo Nash was running it on his own.
The last Agent to work with him on that operation was you, Mrs.
And you met Mr.
Nash at the farm.
You trained together, became good friends.
What was Black Swan? Steven and I never discussed operations.
When we met, we made a promise to honor the classified nature of what we each did, and we've stuck to that.
Allow me to "unstick" you.
Black Swan is the agency's ongoing mission to find and capture Alexander Slotsky, Weapons dealer, black market trader.
Ruthless killer.
Yeah, I know who Slotsky is.
Nash claimed to be getting close.
How do you even know if he's alive? Slotsky woudln't think twice about killing an agent.
We can't confirm anything at this time, but Nash had a scheduled meet 72 hours ago.
He failed to appear.
Shaw, what you have here isn't a missing person.
It's a bender.
Have you met Leo Nash? He does this.
He drinks and then disappears for weeks at a time.
He's reckless.
Which is partially what makes him such a good Agent.
There must be active agents who haven't been out of the field for five years who could help find Leo better than we might.
I'll tell my office you declined.
No surprise there.
Now hold on a second.
I don't like your tone.
Well, you're not wrong, Mr.
I am having trouble putting on a game face for you.
I knew coming here would be a waste of my time.
Why would you two come back to assist an agency you abandoned, that invested in you, that gave you the honor of serving your country? Oh, you're not really gonna give us the speech about patriotism.
Well, if not me, perhaps someone should.
I read your file, how you never worked together, but you had difficulty maintaining a relationship while remaining separate field agents.
My heart broke for you.
You deserted the rest of us, and so now it's the job of a career agent to beg two caterers to help with national security.
Well, you know what? I've got difficulty with that.
But I did it, didn't I? Cutting of the cake is after this dance, which means if Lizzy is doing her job, which I pray she is, we could be cleaned, packed, and wheels up by 11:15.
I can't remember the last time we danced.
We danced all night at our wedding.
We had a nice wedding.
Oh, yeah, we did.
Remember Leo that night.
Drunk with sunglasses on? Half the night.
Wore sunglasses half the night.
Drunk the whole night.
That toast he gave.
Still don't understand it.
It was sweet.
It was rambling, erratic.
It was completely ridiculous.
A lot like Leo.
Peanut butter.
You feel like it? I do.
I'm so exhausted.
Trust me.
I know I know.
We're so overdue.
Tomorrow night.
For sure.
It's a date.
Despite your tone, I will help you find Leo Nash.
But only under specific conditions.
The most important of which is that my wife can never know about my involvement.
You understand? Hey, honey.
"My wife can never know"? Well I would have told you, of course.
I was just kidding.
Someday I would have told you.
By Christmas at least.
I'm not sure you would have.
So what are your reasons? Guys, are you in or out? Both: We're in.
We know Leo disappeared four days ago.
That he was still running an operation to catch Alexander Slotsky.
Slotsky, murderer, war criminal, Interpol's perennial most wanted, and a favorite of terrorists everywhere.
There's nothing else here.
The agency's got no leads, no suspects, nothing.
Okay, let's focus on Leo for a second.
Aside from his love of drinking and the Yankees, what else do we remember about Leo? Well, he used to have a safe house in Madrid.
Let me see.
It's not in here.
It was a hideaway he used to have.
Who knows if he still uses it.
So I know I'm not supposed to ask, but how many operations were you on with him? Are we really gonna do this? Do what, exactly? We're about to start doing the thing we stopped doing so we could have a normal life with each other.
And we're gonna do it together.
It's a little weird.
Well, maybe our normal life could use some excitement.
You don't think we can do this? I don't know.
It's one operation.
We got a good cause.
Mostly a good cause.
Let's just jump in.
We're in, we're out, we're done.
Like that.
This is Shaw.
Okay, we need a flight to Madrid this afternoon.
And an Agent in the field who can work background.
Anything you two need, you get.
Uh, okay.
That is very exciting, huh? I'm tingling.
This is Kelvin.
The Blooms are in.
Do they seem to have any indication as to why they're really being reactivated? No, sir, they do not.
Then we proceed.
That's the one.
Leo's safe house.
Let's do it.
Well, let's see what we can see.
Got something.
In the jacket on the bed.
A receipt from the day before Leo disappeared.
Cafe Central.
I know this place.
It's three blocks from here.
Okay, so what's our best shot of some video of this place? Traffic camera on the corner? Check out the bank.
How about the ATM machine? Yeah, you're right.
The ATM's probably our best play.
I'm not Spanish.
At all.
Except maybe a little on my mom's side.
I'm Hoyt.
Bill Hoyt.
I'm your contact Agent.
Oh, we didn't know when you'd turn up.
I was waiting till it felt just right.
And can I say, and I know I can be more sycophantic later, but what an absolute thrill it is to be working with you, Mr.
I mean, you're kind of a legend to me, and having the opportunity to learn from you and follow you and currently sell you a flower in Spain? Are you kidding me? Am I dreaming? Don't pinch me if I am, though.
This is making me really uncomfortable.
I love him.
Huge fan also.
But did you just say my husband's a legend? Ah, he was just joking.
I'll take it.
I studied his file when I was in training.
Hey, hey.
The Senegal incident? What? Are you a robot? Are you half robot? Listen to me.
We need all details on the security services for the bank across the street.
I'm talking uniforms, ids, account history, standard hacking gear, and an override of their phone system.
Got it? I'm on it.
I'm on it.
I just hope I live up to your incredible standard.
Muchas gracias.
De nada.
More than you ever know.
Nice to meet you too.
So the Senegal incident? "Incident" is too strong of a word.
It was more like a situation.
More pressingly, would it have been so awful to buy me a flower? Well, this isn't exactly a honeymoon.
It takes a honeymoon to buy me a rose? Do you feel like breaking into a bank with me? We need an access password.
If only we had an expert code breaker here.
Let's see if you still got it.
Toggle through the monitors.
Stop it.
We got to go back four days.
You look cute.
I'm wearing a jumpsuit.
Oh, crap.
Okay, four days ago.
Look, there's Leo.
Who's he with? Let's record it.
We're recording.
What's that? What is he giving him? - Hoyt, what's up? - Get the hell out of there now.
We got to move.
So what do you think? I think we got a rogue CIA operative handing an envelope to a guy we haven't identified.
You said yourself Leo was probably just drunk.
He looks pretty sober to me in that surveillance video.
Hey, Mr.
Bloom, do you want some cheese to go with that wine? Uhuh.
'Cause I got all sorts of different kinds.
We got Swiss, American.
Do you like Gouda? Or Blue Cheese? I'm good.
I don't like cheese.
Neither do I.
Hate cheese.
Such a coincidence.
Why don't you give my wife some cheese? Guys, guys.
Look, what's this? It looks like a garment bed.
Some kind of a local one.
There was no evidence Leo was making any progress in finding Slotsky.
Maybe Langley was starting to get suspicious of him.
You think they sent us here to capture Leo, don't you? Yeah.
I think Leo turned.
Leo would not do that.
So funny how you prefer the raking technique.
I never liked the pick gun.
What? It's so good.
No, I'm a raker.
Okay, so Leo hands over an envelope to some guy and then disappears.
Where's he gone? Let's figure out who he was with.
Hopefully that'll lead us to where he is.
Partying somewhere, I'm sure.
Having the time of his life.
Ugh! Admit it.
CIA sent you here.
Hey, you know what I love? Your tenacity.
It's amazing.
Look, I keep telling you, I'm done with the CIA.
I want out.
Tell Slotsky that.
What are you doing? We do not believe.
I was gonna wait and tell your boss this, but I'm gonna tell you, all right? I've hidden something.
It's in Atocha train station in Madrid.
In a locker.
Locker 318.
Send someone there.
This Taylor only had one appointment the day Leo was at the cafe.
Suit pickup 3:15 P.
That's an hour before Leo was at the cafe.
This is the guy.
"Blue pinstriped suit, Cabrera wedding.
" If we find the Cabrera wedding, spot a guy in pinstripes, I bet we can find out about Leo.
Guy's messy, but he does nice work.
Cabrera wedding doesn't show up on any database.
The CIA, FBI, NSA, it's just a dead end.
Give me that.
What are you doing? Huh? What are you looking for? I hate when I talk to you and you don't answer.
"Cabrera wedding, Montez vineyard, Jerez Spain.
" The happy couple are getting married in two hours.
You are the greatest.
And look who's getting married.
Gia Cabrera, daughter of the Spanish defense minister.
Which means high security.
We're not walking in the front door.
Seriously, amazing dress.
Hoyt, it's the woman married to the man you love.
We need a whole bunch of stuff really fast.
Hey, Mr.
Bloom, I'm sorry that the plane is so small.
I didn't have much lead up time.
Maybe next time you can text me, like, 15 minutes The plane's fine, Hoyt.
Yeah, ok okay.
These are standard receivers, so we'll be able to communicate with each other at all times.
These are half the size they used to be.
Well, it's progress, sir.
And I hope you're satisfied with all the gear, Mr.
Okay? You can't go in there unprepared.
We don't need to repeat your mission in the Balkans in '98.
Let's see what illegal stuff Leo was up to.
I'm telling you, Leo wouldn't turn against the agency.
You haven't talked to him in five years.
People change, Sam.
Not him.
Not Leo.
You really think you know him that well, huh? Yes.
How? Because Leo and I used to go out.
What did she say? She said that Leo and her used to go I know what she said.
This is not the end of the conversation.
No, I wouldn't think so, sir.
Good form! You're nailing it! So you used to go out with Leo, huh? And you're just telling me now.
First of all, it didn't mean anything, and, secondly, you and I agreed that we would leave our agency past behind us.
So how long didn't it mean anything for? I don't know.
Eight months.
Eight months? Really? Wow.
Sweetie, can we talk about this later? We're late for a wedding.
I'll see you inside.
I'm in.
I'm a few seconds away.
Anyone in blue pinstripes? Not yet.
Oh, my God.
What? This wedding costs a fortune.
Where are you? Steven, look at this.
It's so beautiful.
You look incredible.
You look pretty hot yourself.
You take the bar.
I'll look in here.
You got it.
Steven, seriously, the catering budget for this thing must be insane.
I've already seen at least eight passed hors d'oeuvres, and one of them was beluga caviar.
Okay, blue pinstripes.
All right, I got a possible coming to you.
Okay, I'm receiving.
Got it.
Great work with the camera, Mr.
Crossmatching photo.
His name is Claudio Vega.
Oh, yeah.
Links to Slotsky's organization.
Vega's a suspect in multiple weapons trafficking cases, and is considered dangerous.
Sweetheart, he's coming to you.
I see him.
What do you want to do? Grab and gab? Force him to talk? Oh, easy, tiger.
He's got a cell phone.
That should be useful.
I'd lift it, but he doesn't seem to ever let go of it.
Oh, I can make him let go of it.
"Sexpionage" always works.
Did you just say the word "sexpionage"? What does "sexpionage" even mean? Just stay close and be ready for wireless transfer.
Excuse me.
Is that the Rioja? It is indeed.
How is it tonight? Would you like me to escort you to the bar? If it's not too much trouble.
Someone's a little too good at sexpionage.
I'm Claudio Vega.
Elizabeth Lloyd.
Are you here with the groom or the bride? Sabina and I were in university together for a year.
We took our MAS in English literature at Christ church.
So? Did someone go to the train station? Did you get the first page of the document? See? And you didn't believe me.
You have some serious trust issues.
It was only one page.
Can I call you that? Is that your name? I'm not as dumb as I look.
I'm not gonna give you everything.
How do we know you have rest of document? I check your laptop.
It's not there.
Yeah, of course it's not there.
Look, if you get me close to Slotsky, I will give him the rest of the document, and do you know what will happen? Slotsky will see you as the man who was smart enough to make this all come together.
Then you and I can go off and break some other dude's fingers, okay? No okay.
No document, no Slotsky.
You tell me where it is, you get to see him, okay? Okay, it's in Paris.
This allows the oxygen to enter.
And it gives the wine its clarity, its character.
You must have your own vineyard.
I enjoy fine wine far too much to make it my business.
And what is your business? Business.
Whatever it is must be important.
You never put your phone down.
A sad truth, which you have already noticed.
Nicely done, sweetheart.
We are connected.
Just give me a second to find my way in.
He just said she's beautiful.
Did you hear it? Okay, I got it.
We are downloading all files.
If Leo ever called, texted, or emailed this guy, we are on it.
What would the bride and groom say if they found us here? I think you and I both know what the groom would say, right? Hilarious.
Maybe we should start wrapping it up.
I love how easily your dress comes off.
That does not sound like wrapping up.
That doesn't sound like wrapping up.
Tell me if I go too far.
I will.
Come on, come on, come on.
Perhaps we should go somewhere more comfortable.
No, I like it here.
I like it here too.
You went too far.
I went too far? I asked you if you can get back to business.
Okay, you're very crazy.
Are you all right? I will be after a hot shower.
Men can be so dense, so malleable.
Something tells me I'm not gonna win that debate.
I need a mint.
So Hoyt's crosschecking everything on the phone against our database? What? Steven, what's wrong? We have to go.
What are you doing? I want us to remember the last time we danced.
Call your men off! I assure you my offer is real.
There you go.
Leo called Vega, left a message, and made him an offer.
No, no, no, didn't you hear that? Leo was running from them.
You refuse to see what your exboyfriend was doing.
He's hardly my exboyfriend.
Well, eight months.
I mean, he kind of was.
Yeah, I'm just saying, that's a long relationship.
I will deliver the files to you myself, tomorrow.
Let's run a location trace, so we can already got it.
See, I wanted to be on top of that for you, because I knew it's what you would have done in the situation, right? Mr.
Hoyt, the more you kiss my ass, the less I like you.
Yes, sir.
I'm sorry.
Leo Nash's exact locations throughout the entire phone call.
In Paris.
Yeah, we know where Paris is.
Satellite tracking system says Leo was here at the beginning of the call.
He was running this way.
What do you think we're looking for? I don't know.
I hope we'll know when we see it.
Sounds good.
If you check over here, I'll go up ahead.
Hey, honey, so this counts as our European vacation, right? Yes.
Oh, my God, honey.
Are you okay? Better than that guy.
Hey, look what I found? Oh.
That's great, honey.
That's awesome.
You want us to do what? I want Langley to get that thumb drive immediately.
We'll handle it from there.
This is a waste of time, Mr.
We're keeping the drive, all right? We'll figure out what's on it ourselves.
You don't make the rules.
There is a protocol.
We're quite familiar with CIA protocol.
Yeah, I'm sure you two dilettantes think you know everything there is to know after two days back in the field.
Hello? I don't think the brand new Mrs.
Finkelstein is gonna be very happy with me.
The chicken turned out a little dry, and the lettuce seems a lot wilted.
We're doing this our own way, Mr.
Either that, or we'll stay in Paris for our second honeymoon.
Hello? Tell Jason to start working on a white wine sauce.
You have 48 hours, or I'm throwing you both in Leavenworth.
And that should do it, okay? Thank you so much.
Ugh, thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Slotsky, I take full responsibility, okay? Tell me again.
Yes, sir.
I sent Petrov to Paris rooftop.
He was looking for small, red drive.
And then? He hasn't contacted me yet.
Slotsky, just give me a chance.
I will find him.
I will find Petrov.
He's a good man.
I can find him, okay? Okay.
Tell Mr.
Leo Nash I'm ready to see him.
Yes, sir.
It's so beautiful.
Come on, babe.
There's someone I want you to meet.
Six levels, huh? This is a lot.
Well, that's why we came to see you.
A new partner? Samantha? Henri.
She married you? We need to find out what's on that drive.
Yeah, you're always in a hurry.
How much time, huh? Well, to decrypt this file, six hours, but to locate the computer those files were transferred from, uh, I can do that now.
You mean the computer the file came from? You can tell us where Leo's computer is right now? Yeah, yeah, here.
This is online.
In Russia.
I remember this about the job, traveling everywhere but seeing nothing.
Well, at least we're seeing nothing together.
That's true.
All right, ready? Mmhmm.
And we are hot.
Five on the first floor.
Look there, second floor.
The one in the chair.
Run a vascular id check.
See if it's a match.
Scanning It's him.
It's Leo.
Henri, what? What? What is it? Did Henri read the document? Steven? On Leo's USB drive there was a defense department memo.
Classified weapons system.
He was gonna sell it.
Leo's a traitor.
I'm gonna go in there.
I'm gonna get Leo.
We both are.
No, you need to stay here.
We'll be in communication the whole way.
Absolutely not.
You're not going in alone.
We can call for backup.
No one's gonna be here in time.
You know that.
Sweetie, come on.
You're my backup.
I'm gonna go in there, get Leo, get out.
I'm gonna be fine.
Then why am I staying behind? Just in case.
How did we end up here? I think maybe we never left.
You know, watching you these past two days What? This is gonna sound so stupid.
It's okay.
Say it.
It reminded me of you.
I know.
You too.
You know, when we met.
It's gonna be okay.
I promise.
Nice meeting you again.
Am I clear inside? Yes.
There's no one behind that door.
Hello? Sam, the Chan-Finkelstein wedding turned out amazing.
They were so happy with the food, they made me an honorary Chinese Jew.
Seriously, thank you so much for trusting me.
I told you you could do it.
What? Not you.
It's Lizzy.
Hey, remind her to feed the dog.
Lizzy? I'll call you back.
You feeding the dog? Of course I'm feeding Waldorf.
He's the only man who loves me.
Two scoops of dry, a little from the can.
Steven, there's someone coming on the other side of the stairway on your right.
Follow my lead.
And Now.
Thanks, babe.
You're welcome.
Hey, thanks for coming, man, but I don't want to be rescued.
I need to be here.
Alexander Slotsky is coming here.
I don't care.
I'm taking you into custody.
Custody? What, are you crazy? Ow, man.
You went off grid.
We saw you pass something on to Vega.
He works for Slotsky.
What do you think, we're gonna What are you doing here? I wanted you safe.
I couldn't let you rescue Leo alone.
This is not a rescue.
You know what was on that USB drive.
Wait, Steven, you found that little robot drive? - Yeah.
- Hey, Leo.
Come help me.
The Yankees, right? Damn you guys do some good work.
But seriously, you really are screwing things up for me here.
Steven, you can't possibly think that I'd turn, do you? I had to prove to them I was legit.
Yes, I gave them one page of a top secret document which was marginally damaging to national security.
Come on, let's be honest with ourselves.
That one page was worth it it means we captured that weapons peddling psychopath Slotsky.
I like that jacket on you, by the way.
- Thanks.
- Welcome.
- You're planning to kill him? - Yeah, I was.
And I'm picking up a lot of hostility coming from the big guy.
Is he still pissed about the toast I gave at your wedding? Well, knowing what I know now, I'm glad that's all you said.
What's that supposed to mean? I just told him about Oh, the nine months.
You did? Oh, so it's nine months now? - I thought it was eight.
- No, no, it was nine.
Really? Flew by though, right? Kids, my being here is strategic, Stevie.
I am so close to taking Slotsky down.
Do not hold it against me I used to do sex with your wife.
Hey! What? Steven! Aah! Wow, that is fantastic.
Let's go.
Aah! Thanks for coming here, guys.
They're calling for Slotsky.
Guys, he's here.
He's in the building.
What'd I tell you? Ow! Man, it's tight enough.
I'm going after Slotsky.
Hold on, Sam.
He's leaving.
I'm gonna get him - I'm going.
- No, it's my turn.
You two keep these guys occupied while I go around the other way.
I'll be fine.
I promise.
What? Get a room.
Go! Aah! Oh, man, this really hurts.
I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? Watch out! Slotsky's leaving.
I'm going after him.
Oh, man.
There's another one.
Believe me now? Still think I turned? I'm sorry I doubted you, all right? All right.
Sorry I slept with Sam.
No, you're not.
You're right.
No, I'm not.
Aah! Alexander Slotsky? Samantha Bloom.
My leg's fine, airman.
I've been ordered to take you in the chair.
Consider yourself relieved of your order, kid.
Do what somebody tells you for once.
Hey, this is my first time on American soil in over five years.
I'm gonna walk on it, if you don't mind.
- So this is it.
- Yep.
Unless you want me to do something else for you, because honestly I will.
Thanks for everything.
Can I just say that working with you has been Hoyt.
And, ma'am, pretty amazing as well.
Thank you.
That you're married to him.
He is unbelievable.
Hey, guys? You know, even though I could have taken Slotsky by myself, thanks for coming.
It means a lot you guys still have my back after all these years.
Oh, uh, but if things don't work out, you still have my number, right, Sam? I'm just kidding.
She still has it.
See ya later.
You brought Leo Nash home, that was impressive.
But, uh, bringing in Slotsky, I must say I didn't see that coming.
- You underestimated my husband.
- Sam did most of the work.
Oh, come on.
Yes, you did.
I did not.
I think you owe my wife an apology.
I'll go one better.
I'll offer you both a job.
Excuse me? In what capacity? In the capacity you imagine, Mr.
At any given time, the agency has cases too sensitive, dangerous, inappropriate to handle.
That's when we call on you.
We need to maintain the catering company.
My sister depends on it.
On us.
- Is that really necessary? - Yes, it is.
We need a cover.
We built a life here.
People will notice if things change.
And I really like to cook.
- We need the same resources.
- That's right.
Same access to equipment, travel.
- And compensation.
- Yes.
Abs, definitely.
Are you guys done? Both: Yes.
I have been advised to accept any arrangement you propose.
You know what's funny? I don't remember our bed being so fluff Fluffy.
My birthday's not till February.
We never had that date.
Oh, I'm available.
I really liked working with you.
Yeah? It wasn't so bad, huh? I guess Even after five years We can still discover new things about each other.
I like discovery.
Discovery's good.
What happened in Senegal? You're not trying to use sexpionage on me, are you? Maybe I am.
Well, let's see if it works.
I'll do my best.
Me too.

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