Bloodline (2015) s01e02 Episode Script

Part 2

My brother Kevin is the hothead of the family.
Always letting his emotions get the better of him.
Truth is, he's a lot like my father.
And I think Kevin's proud of that.
People used to say I was like my father.
I'm not the same man now.
Nothing's the same now.
Are you sure you don't wanna stick around for the ceremony? Are you asking me to stay? Don't worry about it.
- Dad, Danny left tonight.
- Mm-hm.
John dropped him at the bus.
Does your mother know? No.
We'll tell her tomorrow before the pier dedication.
Listen, just so you know, I voted against having him stay.
John said you'd live with whatever we decided, but come on.
You really want him back? He's my son.
Glad you stuck around, bro.
This is gonna be fun.
Any drama at the bus station? No.
I said goodbye.
That was it.
You don't have to look so guilty.
It's okay to be relieved.
Why you still up? Because the kids are out.
How come How come you're still dressed? Because I was all alone.
There was no one here to undress me.
You sure you're a detective? Hey, how bad a thing are we doing here? Don't worry, bro.
You ain't Capone.
- That the last one? - Yeah.
We got a half an hour before the guard circles back.
So, what do we do with these now? All your questions will be answered tomorrow.
Thank you for doing this for me.
I think my mom and dad had a really, really nice weekend.
Well, they deserve it.
You look smoking.
You just - Oh, I know.
- You're fucking on fire.
I just wanna Oh What can I say? I know how to bring the heat.
Yeah, I know I gotta tell them.
I gotta tell them.
I just - Yeah, you do.
- I haven't figured out how.
There's really only one way, Kev.
- Well, it's gonna kill them.
- I'm sorry.
I really am.
But these things happen.
Not in my family.
Yeah, that'll be good.
Eight o'clock's good.
- Sally, it'll wait till morning.
- Okay.
Talk to you then.
Bungalow 3's got that leak again.
We're gonna have to replace some floorboards.
I thought we fixed the AC in that unit.
Oh, we did.
We have to fix it again.
It'll be all right.
- What will? - Everything.
I know.
Danny left tonight.
Why? You know, he does what he does.
Did he say goodbye to you? No.
Kevin told me.
I give up.
I can't take this anymore.
I'm done with him.
Maybe it'll be better this way.
Maybe it will.
What happens tomorrow? Tomorrow? You meet me at 10 a.
Sharp, okay? I can't do this thing in my boat.
I can't be seen doing that.
So I gotta borrow one.
Okay? So we have, like, a very small window.
Are you listening? - Yeah.
- To do this thing, all right? Danny.
This is serious.
You don't wanna fuck this up.
Okay, these guys are, like, the fucking the guys who fucking coined the phrase "you don't fuck with these guys.
" Okay? Ten a.
Come on, let's start up.
- You can stay at my sister's tonight.
- Unh Fuck.
- Hey, I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting.
- Good morning, Jimbo.
I know you have a pier dedication to get to, so without further ado, let me introduce you to Juanita Doe.
No identifying marks.
Third degree burns over half her body.
- What's left of her body.
- Did the burns kill her? No.
Cause of death is drowning.
And from the amount of postmortem predation, I'd say she was in the water for eight to ten hours before you pulled her out.
Also, we've got multiple contusions and abrasions on her chest, her sides and her back.
Any other surface injures, they could've been eaten away by the fishies.
Also, we found fiberglass scrapings embedded in her fingernails.
You're sure she drowned? Well, her lungs were completely filled.
That means she lived through all those burns.
Well, if it isn't the lesser of two evils.
Haven't you learned to stay away from your brother? You're looking good, Chels.
Only by comparison.
Because you look like shit.
Big news about your family.
Is that why you're in town? It was why.
Plans change.
Your dad must be proud.
It's a big day for all of us.
You want some coffee? Yep.
- Only got instant.
- Hm.
You are looking good.
I thought you left town.
I wanted to say goodbye.
Wanted to shake hands.
I won't be coming back anymore.
I see.
You know why I asked to come home? I thought that maybe we could work things out before Before what? Before you die.
What's the patient's name? Rayburn.
Robert Rayburn.
He's my father.
One moment please.
My mom called.
She said there's been some kind of an accident.
- Yes.
Rayburn's in the E.
- Why? He's being treated for head trauma.
Head trauma? - Head trauma.
- Kevin.
Mom, what's going on? Who brought him in? Your brother.
Will he be all right for the ceremony? Mom, no.
He's unconscious.
The doctors are still trying to figure out what's wrong with him.
You understand? Yes, I Of course.
I don't even know why I said that.
I don't know what to do.
What should I do? You don't have to do anything.
I'm here, Ma.
Sit down.
- You gonna tell us what happened? - Hey, Kevin.
Not now.
- Tell you what? - Kevin.
- Quit it.
- How did Dad get hurt? - Stop fighting.
- I wanna know what you did to him, Danny.
What happened out there, Danny? He was in the kayak.
Everything was fine.
And then, um he just sort of collapsed.
Well, how did he hurt his head? Yeah, I didn't see that.
He must have hit it on something when he toppled over in the water.
You kidding me? - Hey, where you going? - I'm gonna go talk to the doctor, Meg.
Hey, will you wait a minute, please? I'll be right back.
- Hey.
- What did he do to Dad? - What did he do to Dad? - Keep your voice down, okay? Just chill out, okay? For Mom's sake.
Wait till the test results come back.
You don't actually buy Dad tipping out of the boat bullshit, right? Seriously.
You need to calm down.
I'm gonna cancel the ceremony.
I'll call the staff and get the place ready for tonight.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hm.
I'll deal with him.
You all right? Yeah.
You know Danny didn't hurt Dad.
Yeah, I know that.
You should drink this.
Why didn't you tell me you were leaving? I didn't wanna upset you.
No, you couldn't face me.
I'm sorry.
This weekend was once in a lifetime for our family.
And you were just gonna leave us all behind to wonder what in God's name you were doing God knows where? I didn't wanna leave.
Stop trying to make me feel better.
I'm not a child.
No one told you, did they? They didn't tell Mama, I I asked to come home.
I wanted to move back.
I wanna work with you.
Who did you ask? Dad.
Well, John, who, you know, asked Dad on my behalf and Dad said no.
Mom? Mom.
I got us some answers.
They're taking Dad for a CT scan.
You should come with me.
Hey you wanna go talk outside? Yeah.
Just Yeah.
I drove you to the bus stop.
You said you were leaving.
I was.
I mean It just didn't feel right.
What didn't feel right? Leaving without saying goodbye to Dad.
So you stayed to say goodbye to Dad.
I mean, that's the only reason? Sure you don't wanna read me my rights? - All right.
So you go out, what happens? - We talked for a bit.
He got back in his kayak, paddled away, and then, boom, flipped.
He flipped? Just like that? He flipped over? - What'd you do to him? - I didn't fucking do any What are you talking about? So you go out there and you say goodbye.
Because I didn't wanna leave with any bad blood.
So, uh, I told him there was no hard feelings.
And what did Dad say? Nothing.
He just got back in the kayak, rode away.
Then, boom, it happened.
He collapsed.
He collapsed.
You keep saying this over and over, but it doesn't make any sense.
I don't He was in the kayak, and then he just fell over.
Went limp.
- How did you hurt yourself? - How'd you hurt your shoulder? By dragging him out of the water while I was trying to save his life.
- How'd you get to the hospital? - Flagged down a couple guys.
Waved down guys? They just happened to be there? What were they doing? I don't know.
- Fishing.
- It's illegal to fish out there.
Maybe they're the ones you wanna go arrest.
- John.
This is bullshit.
- Shut up, you fucking prick.
- You weren't there.
- You know it.
I know it.
- Even he knows it.
- Shut up.
- Can't tell me you believe this.
- You don't know what the fuck - John I'm not gonna talk to you! - Prick.
You need to shut the fuck up for once in your life! Mr.
Rayburn? Dr.
Weston is ready with your x-rays.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, good.
I'll be inside in a minute.
I'll be inside in a minute.
John Rayburn.
I'm wondering if you can track down a parolee for me.
Eric O'Bannon.
Hey, you've reached Danny.
Do it.
Well, it looks good from here.
Not from here.
But you're right.
Nothing's broken.
I told you that.
Now can we please get this thing filled? Nothing's broken now.
But there's an old fracture.
A bad one.
That's the reason you've got chronic pain.
How did this happen? Drunk driver.
Hit-and-run when I was a kid.
- Well, it didn't heal properly.
- Yeah, I! And I'm in pain.
Okay? I just pulled my goddamned dad out of the ocean.
Just do your fucking job.
Fill this.
I'll call it into the pharmacy.
They're gonna start showing up soon.
- Who is? - The incoming guests.
Mom, I told you, don't worry.
I already talked to the staff.
There are things that I do.
The curtains won't be right.
And the pillows.
I I need to be there.
Maybe I'll make a quick run back.
I'll take care of it.
- Where the fuck are you? - I'll be there soon.
Fuck you.
It's too late for that.
No, no, no.
I'm I'm on my way.
I don't have the boat anymore, okay? My friend needed it and we are fucked.
Let's just do it tomorrow.
Asshole, you are not fucking getting this.
Tomorrow is not a fucking option, okay? Goddamn it.
I tried to do you a favor, you know? And you fucked me! All right! All right.
Um Pick me up at the gas station next to Island Village.
I'll try to get my family's boat.
Fuck! - Honey.
- Hey.
How is he? - Should I get the kids? - No.
No, leave the kids where they are.
He, um The doctors think that he had a stroke on the water.
Oh, God.
The thing is, Danny was there when it happened.
He brought Dad into the hospital.
I thought Danny went back.
Well, he's saying that he stayed because he wanted to say goodbye to Dad, so Do you believe that? Rayburn.
Yeah, O'Bannon's boss said he never showed this morning.
Yeah, he called in sick.
Yeah, could be home in bed or out fucking around.
- What, you want me to pay him a visit? - No, I got it.
What, you You liking him for something? No, I'm not sure yet.
I'll just, uh Look, Chuck, I'll get in touch with you.
- I appreciate it.
I owe you one, yeah? - All right, sure thing, man.
All right.
Why do you think he stayed? I don't know, but we'll find out.
Have the weekend guests checked out? Yeah.
All but Bungalows 4 and 7.
Okay, and the other rooms? Have they been made up? - It's happening right now.
- Great.
What about the curtains? Well, we always do that last.
- Then Mama Ray double-checks them.
- Let's do those now.
The new guests won't be coming until No, I know, but let's do them now.
I'll check on them and take pictures on my phone so I can show my mom.
Actually, you know what? I can just do that myself.
You keep checking people out.
I'll meet you in the main kitchen after, we can go over the menu for tonight.
You can go to the hospital, sweetheart.
I really can handle all of this.
No, of course.
I know that.
But it'll keep my mom calm to know that I'm doing it.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
I'm looking for my brother.
The one that brought my father in.
Rayburn? Oh, I'm sorry.
I think he left.
- Do you know when he left? - Just a few minutes ago.
Are you asking about Danny? - Yes.
- Hi.
John, right? - Yes.
- I've treated your mom.
- Oh, hello.
- Yeah.
I know you've got a lot going on, but can I talk to you a second? Your brother came to see me earlier.
His shoulder's in a lot of pain.
I'm not sure I should be talking to you about this, but His behavior concerns me.
I think he may have an issue with painkillers.
- You might just wanna keep an eye him.
- Okay.
And at some point, he should get that old injury looked at.
- What injury? - From when he was a kid.
The hit-and-run.
- A car accident? - Uh, yes.
The shoulder never healed properly, and that's the kind of thing that just gets worse as you get older.
May wanna consider surgery.
Yeah, I'll talk to him about that.
- Okay.
- Thank you very much.
No! Dad! No! No, Dad! Hey, your lady's here.
Don't worry about it.
I got it.
Gas her up for me, will you, for the cruise tonight? - Hey.
- I'm so sorry, Kev.
- I brought you some clean clothes.
- Thanks.
- So it was a stroke? - Yeah, it was a stroke.
- If you believe that.
- What do you mean? All I know is, my Dad was fine last night.
And then Danny showed up.
Kevin, if the doctor said it was a stroke, then it was a Kevin, wait.
You need to take a deep breath and cool off.
This is exactly what I've been talking about.
Really? You gonna start this shit with me now? - You gonna make this about us? - No.
I'm gonna make it about you.
Last thing your family needs is you flying off the handle.
- Find a different way to handle this.
- Thank you for the clothes.
- I gotta get to the hospital.
- Kevin.
- I gotta go see my dad.
- Kevin.
It's now worth $2000 as we shuffle.
- And we're back to Lieutenant Thom McKee.
- Wink, why don't we try The '70s? The 1970s.
The subject question is this: In May of 1975 Right.
Put an X in that box.
- So, what'd my brother do now? - I don't know, you tell me.
Look, I'm trying to play it cool, John, but I don't like that you're here.
Well, why would that be? Since my brother got out, I swear he's trying.
Parole officer even put a couple gold stars on the fridge.
Do you know where my brother Danny is? - I don't wanna get anyone in trouble.
- Neither do I.
My dad's in the hospital.
I need to talk to him about some stuff.
He slept here last night.
But he left early, took his stuff, and I haven't seen him since.
Because I know Eric called in to work sick.
And he's not here, so that probably means he's not sick.
Probably means he's with Danny.
So don't know where they are? No.
I don't know.
- Don't do that.
- Do what? Don't bullshit me.
Look, I'm not trying to jam up your brother here.
You know he's breaking his parole, don't you? You talk to me this once, nobody has to know anything.
You care about Eric, you don't want him to get in trouble.
Where are they? I have no idea, detective.
Goddamn it.
Well, maybe if you find anything out, you can give me a call, huh? I wish I could call even if I didn't.
That's great.
Hey, Jake the Snake.
- What's up, Devil Ray? - Hey, man.
Hey, um - It's tragic about your old man.
- Yeah.
Family's, uh, pretty messed up right now.
- Hey, I just came to get the boat.
- Oh, man.
Keys are on the dash.
Hey, Mom.
Any update? They're gonna do another scan to see if the blockage cleared.
- How's everything back home? - Everything's fine, Mom.
Meg's got everything under control.
I stocked the boat for the Welcome Cruise.
- We're fine.
- Good.
Thank you.
- Have you seen Danny? - No.
He's probably hiding somewhere.
Why are you always so suspicious of your brother? You always assume the worst.
You really think he had something to do with this? Why would I think that? Because you know Danny was mad at him.
Why would Danny be mad at Dad? Well, he asked to come home, Kevin.
I know that.
- He told you that? - Yes.
And I know your father said no.
- Yeah? - You let Dad take the fall? What are you talking about? Danny thinks Dad turned him down.
You lied to him? You know what? I didn't see any other way.
You were covering your ass.
No, I was covering your ass too.
You wanted him gone more than I did.
- I'm headed to the hospital, we'll talk.
- This The point is, Danny blames Dad.
That's why he went after him.
- You heard the doctor.
He had a stroke.
- What caused the stroke? Danny must've fucked with him out there.
- We don't know, do we, Kev? - I know it.
I'm going to Hogfish Point.
You know what, Kevin? Goddamn it.
Don't do this.
You know, don't Hey, who are we putting these out there for? The guys who are paying us to.
You guys were out here this morning, right? You took two men to the hospital? Hey, listen.
I don't care that fishing is off-limits here.
I truly don't.
And I don't care what you got going on.
I just I got my own personal thing, okay? Hey.
- What's this? - I have a few questions about those men.
Were they? Were they on the land or in the water or what? In the water.
Did they fight? Did the younger man yell at the older man? Did he? Did he? Did he hit him or something? Come on, man.
I really need to know.
I really do.
This is my father and my brother, man.
They were thrashing in the water.
- Did he attack him? - Maybe.
Then what? Did he? Did he? Why did he stop? Did he see? Did he see you? Is that why? Is that why they stopped struggling? He saw you? Is that what happened? Come on.
Come on.
Did he see you? Si.
He see us.
And then he He starts shouting and waving his hand and Look, man.
We just help him.
Okay? We gotta move it along, man.
I gotta get this fucking boat back.
You could do some of the heavy lifting.
That would help, wouldn't it? Dad! Dad! Dad, no! No! - Dad! No! Dad! - John.
You wanna talk? Danny told me he asked to come home.
He did? He also told me your father didn't want him to.
That's not the whole story.
Well, it doesn't matter what your father said.
I want him back.
- Now's not the time to talk about this.
- He deserves another chance.
- He's family.
- It is not that simple, Mom.
You don't have all the answers, John.
- We'll talk about this later.
- No.
I want you to ask him to come home.
It'll mean more coming from you.
You know how he feels about you.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- I wanted you to know - I have the boat.
- You do? Why? Everything going on, I thought I'd pitch in.
So I'll bring her over for you.
- Thanks.
- Want me to take the cruise out tonight? No, I got it.
Thanks for the offer.
Okay, I'll have her back at the inn soon.
Fuck! Lot of water.
The sun is deceptive.
And cover your beautiful skin, please.
Be right back.
Hey, hey.
- Why aren't you at the hospital? - I need to talk to Danny.
- He's not here.
- Kevin called, said he would be.
He said he had the Fuck.
You and I are gonna have a conversation.
What about? - What about? - Yeah.
About whatever the fuck it is you and Eric O'Bannon are doing.
Man, that guy's a friend of mine.
What are you doing? Spying on me? Oh, he's a fucking friend of yours? Shit.
Damn it.
Hey! What'd you fucking do to him? We have guests.
I found fucking witnesses.
- Now I wanna hear it from you.
- Kev.
Shut up! What'd you do to him? Tell me what you fucking did to him! - I hit him over the head with a paddle - You fucking asshole! No! No, Dad! Dad! No! Dad! Get off me! Get off me! Get the fuck off me! I won't be coming back anymore.
You know why I asked to come home? I thought that maybe we could work things out before Before what? Before you die.
When John told me your decision, I got pissed off.
I got really fucking pissed off.
I got scared how pissed off I got.
You know the kind of anger, Dad? You know the one.
Whatever you're holding onto, you're going to die with it.
But not me.
I'm I'm done.
I'm moving on.
I'm tired of the whole thing.
So there's no hard feelings.
Just Goodbye.
It wasn't me who made the decision, you know.
Kevin and Meg and John, I left it up to them.
It was them didn't want you back.
Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Could this whole thing have been avoided? Probably.
We all gave Danny plenty of chances to leave.
It's untraceable.
He just never got the message.

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