Brokat (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Welcome to the Club

We can go upstairs.
Vodka, neat.
And tomato juice on the side.
On the house.
You don't call me.
I'll be the one contacting you.
We only meet here.
What do you think you're doing?
It's irresponsible.
Someone will snitch.
We'll get in trouble.
You're putting us at risk.
I don't want to have
anything to do with this.
As you wish.
And they can enhance their tits.
Or just, you know, change them
when they feel something's wrong!
They want different breasts,
and they just do it.
Total freedom, basically!
You're behind on your rent.
Pay up by Friday or I'll seal up this room
and take your things
as a security deposit.
This isn't a beach!
Hey, who is that?
Wanna go for a ride?
I wanted it to be nice.
That'll be 50$.
Well, that's what it usually costs.
When am I going to get my license back?
I'm really doing all I can, Pola.
When then?
- Mm, it will take some time.
- How long?
It's hard to say right now.
That was not the deal we made.
I know.
There's been a report.
To the Provincial Committee.
That guy whose nose you broke
has a brother-in-law.
So, you understand
that complicates things a bit.
Except, I do know whom to call.
Who to call?
And I would be happy to.
It's not money.
Wonderful souvenir.
So, who taught you?
Your dad?
When did you get your license?
I don't have a license.
Okay, I'm gonna go in
and see what they've got.
Come on.
We'll spend some money.
You don't have to worry about me.
Lunch time!
Józek! Lunch!
Hop! Hop!
Get the ball!
Let's go! Here.
Go inside now!
Lunch is on the table. Come on.
Listen to your mom. Here.
- Nice boy.
- What do you want?
Aphrodite's Empire.
- Nice way to make a living.
- The license.
Let's be careful.
Think about it.
They'll suspend me.
Or maybe send me on a long vacation.
I'm sure they'll understand, though.
We all love in our own way.
- You're scared.
- Just worried.
How about you, Pola?
When the men in the photos find out
the fun you're having at their expense,
that's the end of your shampoos.
The end of your fantasies
about the future.
There'll be no more hotel.
You'll be out on the street.
And in no time
you'll just be older, be uglier,
and cheaper.
You need to leave.
A night in an expensive hotel,
then, all that money,
and now dresses from Pewex.
What's all this for?
It's an investment, that's all.
In you.
Revenge was the only thing ♪
And I'm loving you more and more ♪
There's nothing I can do about it ♪
Nothing I can do about it ♪
There's nothing I can do about it ♪
Nothing I can do about it ♪
That wasn't the first time.
The truth about myself ♪
And I just sat there ♪
And pretended to be there ♪
I'd never heard the truth ♪
Girl, I must confess ♪
You really shot me down ♪
Sank into nothingness ♪
Of course, I'll be there.
There's nothing I can do about it ♪
Life there is just so much sunnier.
You know, a simple cook over there
in any dive,
cooks better than any chef over here.
Maybe you should just bring
one of the cooks over here then, hmm?
You'd have to be crazy
to move from Italy to Poland.
No, well
it's only because I was offered
something steadier.
As director.
An obvious promotion.
Except it's not me. I
lack any kind of
instinct to become important.
But I agreed because I really missed
My wife.
Beautiful woman.
Yes, when a woman like that
comes here with me,
says that, she understands, and loves me,
as much as I love Poland.
She doesn't know why but she does.
Can you think of anything more alluring?
Your friend's performance
Bogdan's, at the opening I understand.
He's an artist.
he really put my feelings
for this country to the test.
A very hurtful situation.
Just as I got here. Very hurtful.
Why don't you tell him that yourself?
I've heard,
there's only one person he'll listen to.
I will be in your debt.
- Hello ladies, what can I get you?
- I'll have a white wine.
All right, one white wine.
And for you, ma'am?
And red for me.
You keep inquiring about me.
occupational habit.
I'm a reporter.
You keep coming to my place.
I find you interesting.
But I don't meet clients after hours.
I get it.
No, you don't.
there is nothing interesting about me.
Welcome to the club.
I want to spend a day with you.
It doesn't work like that.
One whole day.
Whole day? By the hour?
Just choose a place,
order the weather,
and I will take care of the rest.
Leave it. It's mine!
- Leave it!
- It's my turn!
Are you sure? Come on, let's go.
If you're down
And you don't want to be ♪
Honey, let's go.
Everyday, make some time, yeah ♪
Make some love
But I will free your mind ♪
May I help you?
Do you mind if we talk?
He's just like that.
These situations just happen to him.
With women.
But I don't have a problem with that.
It's an arrangement.
An open relationship.
That's good.
That arrangement. Luxurious.
Is that enough for you?
He won't leave me.
- What do you get?
- I don't follow.
Maybe one of your guys
forces you into sex?
Or blackmails you?
Or puts his hand in your panties
'cause he happens to hold
some powerful office?
A small business
producing shampoo.
It was wonderful.
Until they closed it
without any good reason!
Now your husband
wants payment to return the license.
Except he doesn't want money.
He wants something else.
Usually, I go to bed with whoever I want,
whenever I want,
and they pay me very well.
But your husband doesn't.
Because he can get away with it.
Władek brought some Polish expat here.
She lives in that hotel of yours.
They'll be doing business together.
Perfumes, I think.
Her name is Karmen.
He doesn't sleep with her,
so it's probably a big deal.
- Where's the rum?
- There.
What is it they say?
Are we alive?
Down in one.
Wanna join?
Do you want to make perfume here?
I'm looking for a place.
I really want to help.
You already are.
Why did you come here, then?
Did somebody send you?
Just get out now!
You will never throw me out again.
Don't interrupt me. I'm talking now!
I know a lot about cosmetics.
I produce shampoos.
They're very elegant.
You know what?
They're not elegant,
they're fucking mediocre.
Because actually,
it's not about my knowledge of cosmetics
because you can sell
any kind of shit here now,
but I like to work.
And I've worked my whole life,
and I can hold my own.
I can hold my own
against fucking anything and nothing,
really, nothing can stop me.
You understand what I'm saying?
You threw me out.
And I came back.
And you think that I'm mad? I'm not mad.
And that is something.
I like you.
That is
Sorry, but not like that, you know?
But, I just
I want to be like you.
- Meaning?
- Uh, but I'm not done yet
I'm not done yet, because because
along with all of my other
great fucking virtues,
I also have compromising photos of the men
who make decisions around here.
May I?
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