Bulletproof (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Sorry to hear about your informant.
I told you everything I knew.
Stay with her! Stay with her! Sasa Dragenev.
Stealing and transporting high-end cars to the continent.
I know I shouldn't have, man, but I checked Sophie's phone.
That's a no-win there, bruv.
Urgh! Yeah, that's for Sabine.
Jonesy's been shot! Bishop, not your fault.
Now get it together.
Hot drinks.
Come on, it's a big day.
Go knock 'em dead, girl.
You made the right decision.
Say, "I can do it.
" I can do it.
There you go.
See you later.
Got to pick up Bish.
Has she chucked you out? What the hell is wrong with you? What's wrong? That's how black people get shot.
Come on, man, where's your sense of humour? On holiday.
And why do we still have Tanner's car? I don't like it.
Come on, man.
Give me a smile, honey.
You dickhead.
When are we getting rid of this car, man? I can't be taken how small it is.
What's the problem? There's nothing wrong with the car.
I like the car.
It's grown on me.
I like the car.
I like the car.
Forget it.
Forget it.
I think Tanner's my kind of woman, y'know, man? Yeah, probably with that.
Maybe not.
Oh, now.
Maybe not, maybe not.
Oh, OK.
Maybe, though.
Maybe, though.
Pepper spray! Oi! What's wrong with you? What you doing? Hold up.
It's Nell.
Nellios, what you got for us? An international criminal no less.
You guys are closest.
We're tracking a Mr Michael Sharp - British citizen but holds a Dutch passport.
He's got two arrest warrants for armed robbery and drug smuggling outstanding.
NCA thought he'd left the country for good, until he just cleared Customs at Stansted an hour ago.
Pinging you his flight details now.
You certain it's him? Retina scan at Customs.
One Michael Sharp.
A name - that's all we've got? Not much, is it? Check your inbox.
Michael Sharp booked a limo, using a credit card, heading for London.
Romeo, X-ray, 1-6, Romeo, X-ray, Golf.
All right, just send me this Already did.
Just keep me and Tanner informed, will you? Woof! Why's she got such a bad attitude? I don't know, man.
I'm gonna have to say something to her.
Maybe it's cos you shot her partner, bro? It's not because I shot her partner she always behaves like this.
Think it's because she hates me.
I reckon it's the opposite, man.
A bylaw which states the use of canals in Greater London should be restricted to industrial and commercial use only and that pleasure use should be banned.
Indeed this is what local residents What do you think? Think I'll buy it now.
pollution legislation and the occasional pleasure cruiser.
Still no sign of Sharp.
Are we even close? According to the tracker on the limo, you're literally on top of him.
Let's go.
That's your guy.
That's the guy, yeah? That's the guy.
Welcome home, Mr Sharp.
We have eyes on Sharp, ma'am.
Stay close but don't engage.
Let's see what he gets up to.
Got it.
And don't eat my pot noodle.
Otherwise I'll wrap the tights round your neck and pepper spray you.
And I want my car back in one piece, you little fuckers.
It's only temporary.
What are they like, eh, Wally? Suspect is entering a building on Lombard Street.
Number 96.
No name plaque.
Roger that.
Checking now.
I swear you eat like you're five years old, man.
You've got yoghurt on your sleeve or something.
Lively round the breakfast table this morning, mate.
How are the girls, man? Good? Yeah, man, good.
Sophie? Yeah, man.
Well, it's a busy morning.
What's he up to, man? Man lies low, just turns up out of the blue, heads straight to the City with a wheelie case.
Strike you as odd? Little bit.
Jeez! You can't park here.
Disabled space.
Brother, we're - I'm not your brother! Now move your car before I give you a ticket.
I tried to be nice, you know.
OK? Yes, brother.
Now, shoo.
Go on, off you go.
The building that Sharp just went into is a safety deposit bank.
No public access.
Very exclusive.
Mainly wealthy Middle Eastern, Russian and Chinese clients.
10-31, 10-31, 10-31! Shots fired at previous address.
Request for backup.
Stop! We going in? Yeah.
After you, man.
Armed police! No-one move! If you don't move, you don't get shot! Right, I know this is confusing, but we are the good guys.
Which way? Which way did they go? Leave her, she's in shock.
Come on.
You hear that? Drilling downstairs.
You good to go? Yeah, man, you? Yeah.
Stay down.
Go on.
Go on.
Yeah, man, I got it.
One, two, three Ssh, ssh.
Which way did they go? Keep still.
Where did they go? Far end.
Fire exit.
Sharp's in a white van heading to Lombard Street.
Backup en route.
No, no, no.
They haven't seen us yet.
All units! Sharp must not get away! Who the fuck was that? Come on.
Stay in the car! Stay in the car! Stay in the car! Keep your head down.
Keep your head down.
You out of breath, yeah? I'm not out of breath, man.
What is he doing? You guys OK? Go! Go! Go! Whoo! Fuck! Bish! Bish! Go, go, go! Fuck! Go, go! Come on! Fan out! No crossing! You all right? - Not really, no.
- Come on! Take 'em out, Bish! My gun's jammed! Which way? Drop the gun.
Take it easy.
Agh! Let's go! Oh, we're throwing guns now, yeah? Is that even Sharp? Bruv, it worked, didn't it? Better than you did.
Hey, hey, I couldn't get a clear shot.
Oh, don't come with that! And you? Aargh! You owe me a new pair of Dragons, man.
Yeah, and some Tims.
Put your hands behind your back.
Stay with her! Stay with her! Look after my hound, will you, please? I just want to talk to some people over here.
Sir? You wanted confirmation.
It was armed robbery.
And we have a suspect in custody.
Not Sharp, I'm afraid.
But we're assuming he's behind it.
Any casualties? Only the criminals, ma'am, and they don't count.
It was a joke, ma'am.
Probably inappropriate.
I'll keep you updated, sir.
Thank you.
Fucking woman.
So who's this prick, then? James Barton, ma'am.
Has previous.
Not his first armed robbery.
He mentioned Michael Sharp yet? All we've had is, "No comment", ma'am.
How's your face? You and Munroe were lucky.
Could have been a lot worse.
Here you go.
Four sugars.
We sent a WPC round your house.
Your wife knows you've been arrested.
Not sure if she er told the kids yet.
But they'll find out, anyway.
Probably too young to comprehend how it is to have a father doing an 18.
And then there's the older kids, the ones that are gonna bully them.
They'll definitely let 'em know.
And all without a father around.
Give us a name.
One name.
We know it was him.
Place him on the scene.
Make your life easy.
Just tell us where he is.
Why do time for him? Give your kids a chance in life.
This better be urgent.
You need to see this.
Didn't you wanna say something to Nell? Shut up, man.
Something about her attitude? Wanna say something to me, Bish? Er yeah.
Great shooting earlier.
You were fantastic at that.
So, Sharp enters the facility.
We know that.
Enter his team.
We know that too.
Are they sure on those disguises? Instead of joining them, Sharp lies flat on the floor while the Blues Brothers rig the door to the vaulted area and detonate it.
One of his team holds the reception area while the others go through the blown-up doors into Deposits.
OK, now, question.
Is it odd that Sharp doesn't participate in stealing the gems? He's still face down in reception.
Play on, Kamali.
Suspect in reception deploys more canisters and joins the others.
Minutes later, two cowboys show up with guns.
Armed police! No-one move! If you don't move, you don't get shot! That within police guidelines? Sharp is lying on the ground, right next to you.
You had him.
Finally, the civilians are evacuated.
And Sharp leaves.
Now switch back to the exterior cam.
He ditches his cap, but He hasn't stolen a thing.
Transport Police picked him up on their surv cam heading into Bank Station.
And then vanished.
270 tube stations in London.
He could have gone to any one of them.
Leaves his own robbery halfway through and then disappears down the pipe.
Doesn't make any sense, does it? No.
Oi, you two! Call for you on my line.
Ahh OK.
Right, let's take it back to the top.
Heard you shot your mate, Bishop? Ha, ha, ha.
Wouldn't see that in our unit.
Wouldn't see anything if I punch your lights out.
You sticking up for me? Of course.
I'm touched, man.
Secret admirer, ma'am? Actually, they were sent in for Jonesy.
But I thought, "Fuck it, he won't know.
" He's out of intensive, since you asked, Bishop.
Officer Pike.
Caramel swirl.
Strawberry delight.
Go on.
Thank you.
That was Uniform.
Suspected murder in Barking.
So? They've found stolen jewels around the body.
They're a match with the ones from the robbery.
Me? Toffee finger.
Oi, where are you going with them? You don't need those, ma'am.
Yeah, that's pretty disgusting.
Looks like they didn't come here for the jewels.
See if you can work your magic on that phone, brother.
Hotel, yeah? You going anywhere nice? Whistles 'Why Are We Waiting? Ssh! I'm trying to concentrate.
Yo, bro.
Is everything OK? Hm? What? With what? Where? Here.
Hm? Pike, I'm trying to unlock a victim's phone.
I'm asking, that's all.
The recovered jewels.
Where do you want them to go? Treat your wife.
He's joking.
Have them dusted and checked with Forensics.
Cracked it.
There is one call logged here.
Called eight times in an hour.
Number? Can you give me I'm getting to that.
In your own time.
You two, boy.
The logged call was from one Curtis Cox of Dagenham.
We're heading over there now.
Roger that.
Erm listen.
Tread carefully, boys.
This doesn't smell right.
Copy that.
Oh, you need a bath.
Sorry, ma'am? Talking to the dog.
I don't like that dog, you know.
It's got a vendetta against me, I can tell.
Bishop, everyone's got a vendetta against you, bruv.
Are you ready, bro? Bishop in position.
Well, this isn't good.
If you ask me, Sharp's cleaning house.
Stay with her! Stay with her! Tough night, bruv.
Yeah, man.
At least we got people to go home to, innit? Sleep well, bruv.
Yeah, man.
Love to A and the girls, yeah? Same to Sophie.
Yeah, man.
Black guy.
Not as handsome as me.
The same height, with a massive chip on his shoulder.
He's checking out.
Pack your bags, brother.
You're coming home with me, yeah? You should've come to me, man.
You know you're the only family I've got, yeah? We're the only family you need, man.
Morning, Uncle Bishop.
We brought you breakfast.
Are you really coming to live with us? Maybe.
You snore.
And so do you.
No, I don't.
We're sharing a room, trust me.
Mm! Very nice.
Just came to get my TV.
Here, you er Yeah, just erm Just put it in my back pocket, will you? Sure.
Wanna talk? You know, I gotta go.
I'm running late.
Hold it.
You promised.
You said you'd speak to them yesterday.
We are starting litigation now, Mr Smith.
Mr Smith, yeah? I like it.
I bet you're wearing a power suit, innit? Oi.
What are you wearing under your skirt? I'll call you when there's news, Mr Smith.
But, at the moment, nothing.
Slightly mad client.
No knickers, ta rass! Jeez! So, listen.
Thanks so much.
My friend's gonna be so He's gonna be so happy cos he's only got a small TV.
I said he should get a bigger one.
Your friend? Yeah.
I already know, Bishop.
No, I saw Sophie walk into the building.
She told me.
It happens, you know? People change.
People move on, fall in love.
We come and go.
You know, nothing's forever.
The most important thing is There's no shame in it.
I just don't know what I'm gonna do, Nell.
Armed robbery.
Suspects murdered.
It doesn't go unnoticed.
He just wants to say hello.
Full update and debrief, then, yeah? You all right, Dad? Son.
Sorry I'm late.
If you were to profile Sharp, what would you say defines his character? He's no slouch.
He doesn't like to get his hands dirty.
Meticulous character.
Well trained.
Managed to get out of the facility without any of us knowing.
No-one else did.
That took skill.
Skill indeed.
Double tap head shots.
Nice, clean job.
One man in custody, yes? Heading up there now.
We'll make him talk.
Want a tip? Take these.
They'll help focus his mind.
Interesting character, this Sharp.
He's slipped through our nets before.
We must not let it happen again.
Tanner, I'm not too sure about the dog.
I think it sends out the wrong message.
Sorry to say this, Pike, but I'm not sure I like your father anymore.
I think you need to have a proper talk with your dad.
He's always got to be involved in everything.
I just think he doesn't want Sharp to get the better of us again.
Yeah, but it doesn't give him the right to get involved in everything.
I thought he was gonna offer to change your nappy in there.
You said.
This the new car, yeah? Yeah, man.
Friends in high places.
You know how we roll, bro.
I don't like it.
What? Get inside the car, man.
No, man.
Look at it.
I liked the Mini better, to be honest.
You thinking what I'm thinking? I'm thinking Sharp is out there looking for something or cleaning up after himself.
He doesn't give a shit about the jewels.
He killed your friends and he's coming after you next.
He doesn't let anything get in his way.
Not even the fact that you're in here.
Help us find him.
And then we talk reduction.
And - And keeping you alive.
Bruv, I was gonna say that.
I beat you to it.
Why you got to take my sentence Bro.
Come on.
Oh The fourth man.
Called himself Ray.
He's the one you want.
What about Sharp? I've never heard of Sharp, but Ray put it together.
Said we could take what we wanted.
He was only interested in one deposit box.
What was in the deposit box? What was so valuable that Ray went to all this trouble setting up a robbery? Search me.
This "Ray" Tell me more.
He had that er skin disease when when skin bleaches.
What you talking about? Vitiligo? Michael Jackson had it.
And now I suppose he's disappeared without a trace? Who, the King of Pop? No, he's dead.
Listen! Don't mess around with me, man.
Now, you may not want to put Sharp on that work.
But we will.
And you see that? That's you.
He's pissed.
Your man's telling the truth about one thing.
This Ray character is only interested in one box.
You still there? Yeah, just trying to work out what the hell's going on.
But why would you do an armed robbery just to get one box? And if Sharp wasn't involved, what was he doing there? So, what, you telling me that's it, yeah? Armed robbery, two dead bodies, one suspect in custody - and we can't sew this thing together? Maybe Barton's info's good.
Maybe Ray is behind the whole thing.
Fuck Ray.
Focus on Sharp.
We ain't letting him get away again.
Where are we on the tube stations? One camera must have picked up Sharp.
270 tube stations.
So? What the fuck does that mean, Kamali? Means we're nowhere, Bishop.
The suitcase he dumped is just overnight stuff.
And the flat cap he dumped is just a flat cap.
He dumped his case.
He dumped his cap.
It's almost like he's shedding his skin.
Get onto London Underground lost property.
Find out if someone handed in a navy overcoat.
On it.
You all right? Yeah, man.
I'm telling you, Bish.
It was Sharp, I know it.
What you gonna do, bro? About? Sophie.
You have to talk to her.
I got my TV back, man.
That's all I wanted.
What about him? What about Jonesy? He's gonna be out of hospital soon, back at work.
What are you gonna do, ignore him? Gonna quit? The man slept with my girl.
Oh, I love you, bro, but don't be around when I see him.
Yes, Nell? All right, cool.
Thank you.
They've found Sharp's jacket at Canary Wharf Station.
Shall we go get it? Oi! Have you got it, yeah? Yeah, man.
What you saying? He entered a car hire place near Canary Wharf and hired a Lexus under the name James Moore.
Unfortunately for him, any car over 40 grand is fitted with a transponder.
Sharp headed towards Thetford Forest.
There's no GPS in there but I've got a satellite thermal image.
There are several properties, but only two show signs of life.
Sharp's wanted by Europol for the shooting of a traffic cop last year.
Approach with extreme caution.
Don't let this bastard get away again.
OK, got that? Yeah, man, got it.
Let's do this.
Stay with her! Stay with her! Yo, Pike.
What? I'm not really feeling this, you know.
Black men ain't supposed to be in the woods, you know that.
Man, shut up.
See it there? You wanna lead? Nah, I'm good, you know.
One room.
I say we just blast in there and grab him.
You obviously thought that one through.
You got a better idea? No.
So? What the fuck? It's a pig! Ah, man.
Oi! What? What you doing, man? It's Sharp's hire car.
What? The Lexus! Yeah, come on, man.
It's the guy's.
Go round the back.
Pike! Put the gun down, Sharp.
It's over.
Shoot him, bruv.
I said, put the gun down! Badge.
I wanna see it.
Shoot him! Shut up! Why do you wanna see my badge? I need to know you're police.
Slowly! OK? Thank God for that, eh? Mm.
Put the gun down.
I'm all yours.
Thank you.
Michael Sharp, I'm arresting you on suspicion of armed robbery.
I wasn't on that robbery.
I was trying to stop it.
Stand back! It was my deposit box that they stole.
Do you really think that I would come back after all this time to steal some fucking diamonds? Bruv, you're gonna have to do better than that, yeah? Oi.
Think about it.
I get a tip-off a few days ago about the robbery, I fly back to get my D-box and I'm too late.
What was in it that was so valuable they wanted to steal it? Evidence.
Valuable enough to keep me alive.
What evidence? You haven't got a clue, have you? You don't know what you're dealing with.
Well, we're not going anywhere.
Fucking hell, boys.
You're in for one hell of a treat.
Bruv, you're really starting to piss me off.
What fucking evidence? Arrest me and I'll tell you.
It's your duty.
Take me in.
Protect me.
That's the law.
Now that my insurance policy has been stolen I'm disposable.
Who wants to dispose of you? I can think of a couple Brother Shh! Look Just take me in and I'll tell you everything that you need to know.
But quickly - if you can find me, so can they.
Who's they? The clock's ticking.
Before? I'm disposed of.
We're too late! Come on! Go! Go! Go! Run! Come on! Cover! Go! Go! Cover! Cover! Cover! Cover! Cover! Come on, you fucking slowcoach! Oh, shit.
Oh, man.
Where's the car, man? I don't fucking know, bro.
What do you mean, you don't know? Are you two for real? Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Bishop, speak to me.
What's the latest? You might want to get a bird up with a heat seeker.
There's a gunman with a semi-automatic out there.
Oh, yeah, we apprehended a very scrawny and forgettable-looking suspect.
We're dragging him back to custody.
Yes! Scrawny? Bit rich coming from you, innit? Shut up, man! Won't be saying that when you hear the tale I have to tell.
You better start talking, because we have a two-hour drive.
Make that one, mate.
Pike, don't drive crazy, man.
I get road sick.
Just chill out, man.
Yeah, we do the deal BEFORE I sing.
Deal? Ain't no fucking Agh! It's all right.
It's OK.
Do you love her, Jonesy? I do, Bishop.
What do you think "access denied" means? It means we're no longer on the case.
Bruv, we could've been killed.
So why weren't we? And what the fuck did Sharp have to say that was so important? He was laughing at us.
We're dumped off the Sharp case to look for plants? We're Organised Crime.
Yeah, not Gardeners' World.
This stays low.
No-one else knows, but we don't stop.
A 15-year-old shouldn't be dealing drugs.
Let this be a lesson to you.
The brief leaves and the social worker arrives.
We beat the shit out of him until he tells us the location of Jason Woods' drug factory.
Can I file that in my report? Scarlett Nugent.
Ryan Obora's social worker.
Keep talking to him like he's five, he'll act up! What are you doing? You like him? I'm just saying he cares.
School of hard knocks, kid.
Jason Woods.
Where is he? Agh! Kamali? And how was your night? Colourful.

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