Cardinal (2017) s01e02 Episode Script


1 Previously on Cardinal Delorme: They found a body.
It's not my department anymore.
It's a child.
They think it might be her.
Cardinal: We're gonna throw everything we have at this, Dorothy.
Dorothy: You said that before.
Then you gave up.
If I make you the lead on this, I need to know that you're not gonna drift.
Coroner: Now her right eye, four abrasions, two upper, two lower.
They could be from a speculum to keep her eyes open.
Cardinal: Katie Pine wasn't this guy's first victim.
He stalked her.
And who does that? A repeater.
Catherine: I should come home.
Why so much this time? [Tires squealing.]
Detective: I mean, there's a rumour our department's under investigation.
It's gotta be a dirty cop or we'd handle it internally.
You'll know the name Kyle Corbett, controls the bulk of the drug trade north of Toronto.
Someone from our side is feeding Corbett information.
Find the link between Cardinal and Corbett.
["Familiar" - Agnes Obel.]
Took a walk to the summit at night, you and I To burn a hole in the old grip of the familiar, you and I And the dark was opening wide, do or die [Pulsing music.]
Dyson: Listen, we don't know Cardinal's done anything wrong.
That's right.
If he's dirty, I'm not getting in your way but right now, this nightmare whatever else Musgrave has you doing, this is your priority.
Clear? I need to go to Toronto for the autopsy.
I'll come with you.
It's not necessary.
You've been up all night.
You could use a co-pilot.
We leave in half an hour.
What do I tell your mom? She keeps calling.
I can't go.
I won't be back in time.
All right.
Just the whole clan will be there.
She made that clear.
All the cousins.
I know.
Sugar shack, sing-alongs, mulled wine.
Delorme: We don't drink mulled wine.
So what do I tell her? Tell her someone's murdering children.
It's my job to stop them.
Busy at work.
I'll let her know.
Delorme: Since when do you want to see my family? Josh: I don't know.
It's been a while.
It might do you some good.
- Me? - And me.
Speaking of which, shouldn't we know something? Oh.
I-I should have told you.
Um, no.
I found out a couple days ago.
So we keep trying.
As tortuous as that process is for me.
It's not mulled wine.
It's got whiskey in it.
It's called caribou.
- Bye.
- Bye.
[Airy music.]
Delorme: So your daughter lives in Toronto, right? That's gotta be hard, being so far apart.
She grew up there.
She wanted to stay.
You didn't? Algonquin Bay's my home.
Yeah but I mean you spent, what, ten years over there.
Decorated big city detective.
That's a lot to leave behind.
It was easy.
What does your wife do? Hey.
If you don't want to talk, suits me.
Or I could tell you what day Katie Pine was killed.
I was thinking about it last night.
The coroner said the petechial hemorrhaging was preserved because the tissue was frozen but we know from the melt water that it was above zero when Katie was dumped.
So it must have snapped cold soon after within three days or the tissue would have degraded.
I checked the weather records starting October 29th, the date she went missing.
It dropped below freezing on the eleventh of November.
So sometime between the eighth and the eleventh Katie was killed and dumped.
He had her a week before he killed her.
Uh huh.
[Ethereal music.]
Cardinal: Are both your parents French? Interesting.
Hmm? Rule of thumb.
If I ask a guy five questions before he asks one back, well then he's a douche and you just squeaked in under the wire.
What is your rule about answering? Both French.
You want a coffee? Yeah, black.
That's two questions that I asked.
[Open door ding.]
Cardinal: I forgot money.
Hmm? Yeah, right.
[Heavy breathing.]
Cardinal: Lise Delorme, Dr.
Len Torres.
Delorme: Nice to meet you.
What happened there? I was fixing a frozen pipe and I smacked my head.
This way.
They're just pulling up.
You know that's not an issue anymore, right? Frozen pipes? Something the modern world has solved.
I had a raccoon in my crawl space and it tore out the insulation.
Now you're just making my point for me.
[Eerie music.]
Cardinal: We leave them wrapped so we catch anything that might still be in the material, bullet fragments, weapons.
Torres: This is Dr.
Preliminary scan of subject 20089.
Multiple fractures to the seventh, fifth and fourth ribs.
Fractures of the ulna and the wrist bone.
They look like defensive wounds.
Did you get this? Open fracture to the left collarbone.
Delorme: Hmm.
Torres: Foreign objects entering the parietal bone, penetrating clear down and out the temporal.
Blunt force trauma to the skull.
Multiple blows.
[Sombre piano chords.]
What is this? [Sombre piano chords.]
Your guess is as good as mine.
Cardinal: You okay? Yeah.
It gets worse from here.
[Sombre piano chords.]
I'll be fine.
Torres: Lacerations on the thigh and upper leg on the right side.
Could be the work of pliers or wire cutters.
Some of this was frenzy violence but some if it was purposeful.
Cardinal: He was experimenting.
A spike in his head, pounded in, broken off.
Excuse me.
[Suspenseful music.]
Audio tape.
Cardinal: My first time here was a subway jumper, woman in her fifties.
She got corkscrewed up under the wheels.
Legs backward, her whole side sheared off.
Are you trying to settle my stomach? I gutted my way through the autopsy like a champion until we found a piece of litter, one of those orange juice caps that pops when you, when you open it.
It had been driven through her cheek so it was half in, half half out of her mouth.
And that's, uh, that's when I lost it.
Then you got sick? Oh, I passed out, hit the floor.
You didn't.
Cardinal: Ask Len.
Woke up with him flicking water in my face.
We can't do the internal work, uh, until the body's thawed so you should go back to the hotel and get some sleep.
And what about you? Oh.
I uh, daughter hotline.
She's-she's found some time in her busy schedule.
Kelly: Are you here to see me or a dead body? Cardinal: Why not both? - Hi.
- Mm.
Cardinal: Let's have a look.
Kelly: Can we not here? Really? Cardinal: Let me see.
Let me see.
Kelly: Happy? I'm fine.
You hungry? Kelly: Uh, yeah.
When do you think she'll get out? Cardinal: Soon.
You don't, you don't need to worry about that.
You know, she was feeling, uh, a little out of balance but she caught it in time.
We're just-we're just being careful.
She called me, you know.
A couple weeks ago before she went in.
She called the school in the middle of the day and they pulled me out of class.
Thought it was an emergency but she just wanted to talk about plans for the spring, a hike she wanted to take and some mural she wants to paint? She was all over the place.
I should have known that she was in trouble.
That's not her.
Yeah, I know.
She won't even remember making the call.
I don't know how you stay so patient.
[Phone ringing.]
They got something off the audio tape.
I'll pick you up.
[Car door shutting.]
Is that your new partner? Yeah.
Dad, she's hot.
That's she's-she's- Delorme: Hi.
Uh Kelly, this is Delorme.
- Lise.
- Lise.
Nice to meet you.
My pleasure.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Hey, you should start running again.
Why? Kelly: 'Cause you like it.
Okay bye.
There's a male's voice on the tape.
They think it's the killer.
Cardinal: Why do they think that? There's a young girl's voice too.
[Girl Whimpering.]
[Male indistinct whispering.]
[Lens shutter clicking.]
He's taking pictures.
Not digital.
Girl: Please.
[Male indistinct whispering.]
What is that? What's that noise? Katie Pine: Just let me go.
Male Voice: Look at me, Katie.
Look right here.
Katie Pine: Please don't trying to be nice.
Technician: That's all we got.
It gives us his voice.
It connects the killings.
Why would he do that? Maybe a mistake.
He didn't think we'd recover it.
Uh or he's escalating.
He wants to flaunt it.
My wife has bipolar disorder.
That's why we moved back.
I thought the slower pace would be good for her.
You were asking before.
I'm sorry.
I had no idea that- [Door closes.]
[Horn honking.]
[Eerie music.]
Delorme: When Todd Curry went missing, he said he was going to visit his uncle but the uncle down in Hamilton said there was no such arrangement, hadn't talked to Curry in months.
Why the lie? Delorme: The officer in charge was Detective Peters.
If he knows then he didn't put it in his report.
We'll have to ask him.
He was classic runaway material.
I mean, drugs, troubles in school, no mom in the house.
Yeah but if you're running away, why make up a story? How do you mean? The cover story about going to his uncle's.
If the plan is not to come back, you don't need a cover story.
You just go.
Tell me your name again.
Lise Delorme.
Well Lise, maybe he wanted to buy some time to get out of town.
Delorme: Yeah.
Or maybe he wasn't planning on being gone for long but he was doing something he wasn't supposed to so he lied.
What were his interests? Concert in Toronto? Out of town girlfriend? Lucky for everyone involved you're on the case now.
Trevor Curry: Detective Peters didn't have any details about how Todd was killed.
Well we're just learning that.
Yep, but I mean, you must have some indication.
You're-you're the one who found him, right? Cardinal: Yes.
Detective, don't make me fill in the blanks.
Cardinal: Early indications are that your son was harmed before he died.
What does that mean? Harmed? There are signs that Mr.
Curry, it's easy to believe that these details will help you to move forward but that's not always the case.
That's not for you to decide.
I'm just suggesting that until we know more, - you take the time - Listen to me.
You tell me what you know.
You tell me right now.
Delorme: He was tortured and beaten and degraded.
We don't know the precise cause of death because your son received so many injuries.
If you're taking off for good, you bring your laptop.
I'm telling you this kid didn't run away; he went to do something.
Or meet someone.
Pack it up.
Cardinal: Thanks.
I used to be good at that, talking to people about their dead.
[Sombre piano chords.]
The killer got Katie Pine out to Windigo Island before the lake froze.
So Hannam, check the marinas, all right? Maybe he owns a boat.
More likely he wouldn't use his own so, something stolen, rentals.
Ask around see what pops up.
McLeod, pathology reports on Pine and Curry.
I want you to handle ViCLAS personally.
Compare it to past cases, anything with a torture element.
Start provincial then widen out, going back twenty years.
Twenty? Cardinal: Twenty.
This guy's tech is old so maybe he is too.
Could be this isn't his first foray.
Last piece.
Uh, the audio guys pulled more detail out of the Katie Pine tape.
They've isolated the chirping of a seeing impaired traffic signal.
Delorme and I are on that.
Now listen, two victims, one from out of town, one local, no indication they knew each other, but somehow they were chosen.
Right? So no clue too small.
Anywhere these kids might have gone, anyone they might have talked to, let's write it down, stick it on the board so we can find some crossover.
Late night, Fox? Hmm? Uh, sorry sir.
Kid's got croup.
Cardinal: Yeah.
Well keep it in here.
And that goes for the rest of us.
All right? Out there, no yawning, no laughing, no checking Facebook on your break.
These people are grieving and they're scared and they're looking to us.
So let's be the cops they need to see.
I need you to go downtown and get a map of all the seeing impaired traffic signals.
- Yeah.
- Uh Josh: Lise? - Hey.
- Hey.
What are you doing here? Uh, I had a meeting in the area.
Thought I'd take a chance, see if you were free? I'm on my way out.
Um, Josh, John Cardinal.
The new partner.
I gotta say I had a different picture in my mind.
Oh yeah? Lise said that you seemed older than your years, but I don't know, you don't look that old.
I'll walk you out.
I'll just grab my coat.
I used to come visit her at work all the time when we first started dating.
I'd bring her lunches, like hot lunches in those tiffin carriers.
- You know those things? - No.
Like the-like those stacking, like metal tins from India? No? Well, uh, I-I was learning how to cook and she's my best client.
You're a, a chef? No, no, no, no.
So how'd you end up partners anyway? Did you decide that? No.
That, uh, that comes from above.
Ah, nice meeting you, John.
And you.
Wendy: I noticed him when I was cooking dinner.
Didn't think much of it but then I looked half an hour later, he was still standing here.
Commanda: Where exactly? Wendy: Right there.
Right about there.
That's when I realized he was staring into Dorothy's window.
I didn't want to worry her with it but I thought with everything I should call you.
Commanda: Did you get a look at his face? Wendy: When I came out, he got on his machine and took off.
He was pulling a sled.
Should we tell Dorothy? I'll take care of it.
Thank you.
Fox: Hey.
We're going to grab a bite to eat.
You in? I can't go until he does.
Fox: Well, that could take a while.
Home life can't be real enticing for him these days.
Delorme: And you know about that? Yeah.
I was there.
Call came in, ADP down at Memorial, a couple weeks ago.
I pull up expecting to see some old lady in a robe, instead it's Catherine Cardinal.
Nice clothes, hair brushed but not well.
Delorme: What kind of not well? Delusional, agitated, not making any sense and, not happy to see me.
Delorme: Did you bring her in? No, are you kidding? No.
I called Cardinal and I tried to keep her off the ice till he got there.
He had to put her in a bear hug to get her in the car.
- Jesus.
- Yeah.
He asked me to keep this off the books so I got a bottle of scotch out of the deal anyway.
What's this? Uh, your mom dropped that by.
Yeah, why did my mom bring us a teddy bear? I might have let it slip we're trying.
She was coming at me, Lise.
She was guilting me out about never visiting.
You know how she is, I panicked.
I just wanted the encounter to end.
Everyone's gonna know now.
Yeah, well is that the worst thing in the world? What if it doesn't work? Now we have to have that conversation twenty-five times.
It'll work.
Delorme: This isn't your thing, Josh.
You don't make the decisions on your own.
Josh: Seriously? You're leaving? Yeah.
I need some air.
Josh: Dee, come on.
Commanda: Where you off to, Ronnie? Hey.
I just keep seeing her face staring up out of that ice.
I dream about her too.
Except then she's moving and trying to claw her way out.
Like she's angry.
How's her mom do it, Jerry? How does she survive a thing like that? Well, she's already been through hell, Ron.
You need to respect her space.
I just, I don't know.
I want to keep an eye on her, you know? I want to see her live through it.
You've already met Katie's spirit.
You need to honour her other half.
The girl she was.
This is soil from the fairgrounds, the last place where she was seen alive.
I want you to keep it.
[Eerie music.]
[Windshield wipers wiping.]
[Eerie music.]
[Car slush.]
[Pulsing music.]
[Phone vibrating.]
Delorme: Yeah, sorry Sergeant.
I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important.
Just talk, Delorme.
Delorme: Well our favourite detective is running some kind of two a.
errand and I'm tailing him.
Why? Delorme: I couldn't sleep.
I was out driving.
I just saw him go by.
Okay, where are you? Delorme: Uh, travelling north on Highway 12.
We just passed Tilden Lake.
He's alone.
What should I do? Back off.
Stop the car and turn around.
It's too risky.
Delorme: What? Musgrave: A single person tailing a trained detective.
He'll spot you.
You're gonna tank the investigation.
Delorme: Sergeant.
Stop the car and turn around, Delorme.
Those are your orders.
Delorme: Yes, sir.
[Dramatic music.]
[Car door closes.]
[Pulsing music.]
[Casino chatter.]
Delorme: Hi.
The guy who was just here, he was making eyes at me all night.
Do you see him in here often? I'm not supposed to talk about the clientele.
He kept calling me his lucky charm.
I'm not here to be any arm candy, I'm here to win.
So just tell me this, I'm up two thousand dollars tonight.
Is he walking out of here with more than that? 'Fraid so.
By quite a bit.
Did you want to cash out? Thanks.
[Dramatic music.]
[Casino chatter.]
I couldn't have been clearer.
Delorme: I know, sir.
I'm sorry.
I made a call.
Musgrave: Five years of my life I've been going after Corbett.
When I started my kid couldn't walk.
- Now she rides a bike.
- I understand.
So for you to just parachute in and jeopardize the whole goddamn thing, it displeases me.
Do you have a cigarette? - I don't smoke.
- Bull.
I have a good nose.
It did pay off, though.
Last night, it shows how Cardinal launders his rat money.
He buys black market chips, cashes them in.
It's good! Without a connection to Corbett, it's nothing.
- No - It's zero.
Why didn't you tell me his wife was sick? What difference does it make? I don't know.
I'm trying to get in the guy's head.
His bank deposits, it could help.
Did you look? No, not an option.
Delorme: The timing could help.
Let's get a warrant, check his accounts.
Delorme, no warrants! I'll manage the case.
Stick to your job.
I gotta go.
Cardinal is waiting for me.
Musgrave: Oh good, you can, I don't know, talk to him.
Make him your pal, Delorme.
Open him.
- Do you understand? - Hey.
Do you understand how big this is? I do.
Look, if this goes well, it's gonna be good for you.
I'll see to it.
[Phone ringing.]
- Dyson: Hey.
- Delorme: Hey.
I don't know what your secret is.
What do you mean? Cardinal.
You've turned him right around.
He called you a promising young detective.
He did? No, but he said you're not a complete waste of a badge.
It's a shame you're only here temporarily.
We could use more like you.
Struck by inspiration? I was thinking about it.
You should come over to our place one night.
Josh is a pretty good cook.
This is your car.
Delorme: Yeah.
Why? Cardinal: You're gonna want to remove all the identifying features.
You make enemies in this job.
You don't want anything on your car might catch somebody's eye.
Do you mean that? My whole league has those.
You see them everywhere.
Why'd you leave Financial Crimes? You never did tell me.
Just grew out of it.
You won't see much of your team this season.
You're gonna have to clear your calendar.
Cardinal: 'Cause he won't stop, Delorme.
Not until we stop him.
Nothing else matters.
[Airy music.]
[Eerie music.]
Keith: Thanks.
[Eerie music.]
[Car revving.]
[Eerie music.]
[Pop music.]
Is that your guitar? Keith: Yeah.
- Girl: You play it? - Yeah.
Of course you do.
Stupid question.
Man: He's not interested, mutt.
Keith: Hey dude, come on.
Oh, you are interested? My mistake.
What is that on your face? Is that some kind of burn? Keith: Hey man, mind your own business.
All right.
You're awfully concerned about her man, maybe you should be more worried about yourself.
Could be contagious.
Look, nobody was talking to you.
All right.
Come on.
Have a good night, kids.
Girl: Thank you.
I seem to bring it out in people.
No, don't blame yourself, that guy was a head case.
Have a good night.
Girl: Can I ask you a favour? I don't want to be here anymore.
Could you walk me home? Ah I don't feel safe with that guy out there.
I-I just My place isn't far.
I just ordered this drink.
I'm sorry.
I could call you a cab if you want.
Don't bother.
[Pop music & chatter.]
[Door slam.]
Where's your friend? You thought he was gonna walk you home like a gentleman.
Is that impossible to imagine? You're asking the wrong questions.
It doesn't matter how nice he is.
It matters to me.
It shouldn't.
It can't.
Did you give it to him? [Tinkling.]
While you were insulting me.
Man: We can still drive away, leave him behind.
Is that what you want? [Ominous music.]
We're doing this.

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