Children of the Whales (2017) s01e02 Episode Script

Sinners of Falaina

1 So this is the island where the humans outside lived? It's in ruins.
What's your game? Are you saying this is the world you came from? Ouni, cut it out! Ouni! You all truly know nothing.
We didn't know anything.
Not a single thing about the world outside the Mud Whale.
Oh silence, melodies, you Marked of fleeting lives seijaku yo senritsu yo hakanaki shirushi yo sajou ni kono chi ni ikitsudzuketa no nara So long as you choose to live upon this land above sand Listen to the whale's song from this world bathed in sin tsumi wo matou sekai kara kujira no uta wo kiita unmei wo kanjou wo idaku beki kotachi yo Embrace fate, emotions, and do not fear, children Follow them, follow them, to the future that lies beyond sono saki e sono saki e michibikareta no nara ikusen no koe kuusou no chi e A thousand voices lead to a dream land Turn the rudder and change course kaji wo kitte ikou to shita A thousand voices sing the sand ocean ballad ikusen no koe suna no umi no baraado What's this? A grave.
She had this many family and friends? Did you bury them all yourself? All alone without giving a damn.
You're a witch.
Why did so many people have to die? I'll pray for you, people I will never know.
Hey! Where are you leading us? Here.
Hey, what is that? Answer me.
Lykos? Lykos is not my name.
It's the name of these creatures called nous.
Creatures? Nous, the shape of a soul.
They are creatures who feed on emotions.
We offer our emotions to Lykos as nourishment.
That is why our hearts are hollow.
The people who discovered the nous entrusted their emotions to them.
Emotions ruin the world.
They are unnecessary.
The outside world you longed to see is full of emotionless people making use of heartless Apathoia to wage a war that may never know an end.
Can you find what you desire in a world like ours? Leave me and go.
I'll stay here alone and die on this ship.
Lykos I don't care either way.
Give me war or whatever else— I've had enough of living trapped on the Mud Whale! If I can get away from there, I'll give you all the emotions you want! Ouni, stop! It's dangerous! What? Inside my head, I can see the contents of hundreds, thousands of unfamiliar hearts bubble up and disappear.
Ah This feeling, this chaos, is the sensation I have when I'm unable to restrain my urge to write.
Benihi? No, those are my memories Stop! Even if they're sad, I don't want to forget! Lykos Hey! Do you understand what you've done?! Chakuro! Are you okay? Chakuro? Hey, Chakuro! Sami You found a great many gravestones.
Is that truly all you saw? Yes.
Well, Chakuro? Yes, there was nothing else.
Very well.
I will believe your words.
Taisha, relay this message.
All passage to that island is expressly forbidden.
What of the scavenging expedition? Not a single blade of grass is to be taken.
Sit down and cool your head.
Are you okay, Ouni? They didn't take your heart, right? When we were in there, I saw something strange.
I wonder if that thing really does take hearts For an instant I saw it for just an instant.
Is the war outside being waged with thymia? That woman was using it too.
Ouni Give it up.
Didn't you see those graves? I'm a little bit scared of the outside world now.
Hang on, why didn't you save me back then?! If Lykos hadn't saved me— Huh? That is why our hearts are hollow.
But then, why did she help me? Chakuro.
Masoo! I'll finish eating soon! It's fine, you're being released.
But just you.
Someone saw Ouni dragging you off by force.
I can't say it was totally against my will though You're lucky.
This is the perfect time to get out.
Huh? Chakuro! On the Mud Whale, there exist a species of large grasshoppers known as "star locusts".
They survive off of the Mud Whale's waste products.
Once their numbers reach a critical size, they metamorphose into a form better suited for long-distance travel and migrate into the night, emitting light as they fly.
We call this phenomenon the "locust swarm".
Let's hurry! We need to find a good spot before it gets dark.
Yeah, yeah.
Sami, Nezu, Rou! Please just give me a minute! Hey, Chakuro? Where are you going? Is something the matter? Do your injuries still hurt? I have the honor of serving all of the Elders' needs in this tower.
My name is Neri.
I may only be an Unmarked, but please do not hesitate to request my assistance.
Tell something to the Elders.
I can't live without that ship.
Return me to Lykos.
I shouldn't leave their side.
Having emotions would be unbearable.
I need them to erase my heart.
It's normal to have a heart.
You'll grow accustomed to it soon.
Found you! Chakuro? Neri, I need a favor! Can I take Lykos out of here? Take her out? Do you want to be sent to the bowels again? I want to see the locust swarm together.
With Lykos and my other friends.
Thanks a lot! You should find a nice, high spot too, Neri! Let me go.
Even if you're heartless, I can't just ignore you.
You dug all those graves for your companions by yourself.
How could I possibly leave someone like that alone?! What?! With Lykos? The island girl? For real?! H-Hi! My name's Nezu.
So what now? If someone finds out, missing the swarm'll be the least of your problems.
It'll be fine! If I put my sand mantle on her, nobody can tell who she is.
Nice job throwing your dirty, smelly mantle right on top of a girl's head.
Wait, give it back! No, but then you'll be spotted! The top of the fourth tower looks free.
Let's head up.
Augh, I can't go on! I'm pooped! We're almost at the top.
But You can do it.
Carry me.
Wh-What are you saying? You carried me last time! Wasn't the last locust swarm three years ago? Last time? Carry me! I can't walk anymore! Yeah.
I can't! You're too heavy now! I am not heavy! You're a meanie, Chakuro! Dummy! Cheapo! See? You can still walk.
Sami, are you all right? Want a piggyback ride? I'm fine.
Mommy, where are the locusts? They'll come soon.
Can you hang in there a little longer? Upsa-daisy.
Now we'll get there in a jiff.
Masoo, I'm so sorry.
Don't worry about it! I lost my own kid in an accident in the sand ocean.
But I love caring for small children.
Excuse me, Kuchiba.
That hurts.
You're grasping my hand too tightly.
I-I'm so sorry! What is it? I saw it.
A locust? Where? I was enrolled in a military prep academy when I was seven.
My family was taking me to the school barracks.
That was to be the last day I saw them, but devoid of emotions as we were, I had no strong feelings about it.
The road to the barracks was long and rugged, and our bags were heavy.
Stand up.
Otherwise you will never become a proper soldier.
I saw that! I saw the you from back then when I was inside that creature! I never gave it a second thought before.
So why does it hurt so much now? Lykos.
You really do have a heart.
We're the same.
You and I are the same.
You know, one day the Mud Whale might make it to where your family is.
And on the Mud Whale, there's no need to be a soldier or fight or die.
Lykos, live with us here.
Yeah? There's something I have to tell you all.
This ship Look! Falaina is I wonder where they're going.
We wanna go to some faraway land too! 93 Sand Era, eighth day of the seventh month.
The locust swarm phenomenon occurred.
The swarm flew above the Mud Whale in a shower of light, departing for the sand ocean only at the first rays of dawn.
Chakuro! Get up already! Breakfast time! Oh, come on! Get your act together! I've had it up to here with being in the same group as you! All you do is cause me trouble, you damn destroyer.
Tobi, just to remind you Ever since our parents died and we started living under the same roof, I've been looking after your younger siblings.
Don't you think we're even? Chakuro, you spilled! You're the one being looked after How the hell is this even?! I'm on farm duty today! See you later! Suou! Big brother! You're all covered in dirt.
I was already a bit behind, so I came here early to catch up.
Hup! Huh? Sometimes it really hurts to think about how bad he is at physical labor.
How about we plant the seeds? Wasn't the locust swarm yesterday pretty? Yeah.
Where did you go with Lykos after? I brought her back to the central tower.
I had to sneak her out in the first place.
Sami! Chakuro! Please finish the rest! I have to go help the Council of Elders! Okay! S-Sorry! It's okay.
Neri? Suou.
What's wrong? Well, Lykos said she needed to speak with the Elders.
She looked quite distressed.
Despite that, the Council refused her an audience.
The truth is, the Council sent a squad out to sea to surveil the surroundings without telling Lady Taisha.
I'll meet with her instead.
You cannot! I was told not to allow anyone past, and they even posted a guard! Do you have business here? I can't let you inside.
I have permission to enter.
I-I've heard nothing about— And now you have.
Okay? Pardon me.
I am— Please, let me speak with one of the leaders of this island! There is something important I must tell them.
Please tell me.
Lady Taisha.
Chakuro's logs flew away.
We need to retrieve them.
I'll send someone else to do it.
He told us that he leaves records because he wants to know more about the world.
I currently feel the same way he does.
And yet The Council of Elders is attempting to keep the driftland girl from us.
There is nothing that can be done.
It is our custom that the Council of Elders has full control over the Mud Whale.
Yes, I understand that.
All Unmarked are inducted into the Council of Elders once they reach the age of sixty-one.
It is only then that we are informed about the Mud Whale's history and its connection to the world.
The Chieftain has no real political pull, and serves only to be an object of affection for the citizens.
Nineteen years still stand between me and the Council.
Until then, I must act the perfect idol, my limbs dangling from strings like a puppet.
Wh-What is wrong with that? Whether you are a puppet or anything else, I— I will always support you! For the sake of the Mud Whale I shall be a good puppet.
What's that? Skylos, beginning mission.
You have to escape from here as soon as possible! This island Falaina is Chakuro, do you think that's a sand dolphin? Huh? All of you The sinners of Falaina are under pursuit.
Sinners? We are? That day, I wrote my final official record as archivist.
All further records of the events regarding the Mud Whale Passage 2 Sinners of Falaina are my personal diary.
kawaita umi no ato nozonde Staring into the dried ocean remains Imagining a river that may have flowed mada minu taiga wo egaku If my heart had remained imprisoned toraware no kokoro no mama nara I could have lived unaware of this pain konna itami mo shirazu ni ita But then they came speaking of such beauty utsukushii kotoba wo tsugeta hito yoake mo matazu ni hate no sono saki wo oyogu I rise before the sun wakes to swim beyond the furthest reaches We lay awake listening to memories within the song of bugs mushi no uta nemurazu kimi to kiita kioku Just keep holding my hand, I'll accept half-cold purple, travel to faraway lands te wo tada musunde hashitairo demo tooi kuni demo Let's go to embrace this dream born of our short lifetimes mijikai isshou ni umareta yume wo dakishime ni yukou Passage 3 I've had enough of this world
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