Equinox (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

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Astrid, open up.
Astrid, come out now.
I think I'll go to Jakob's funeral.
Are you coming? It's on Saturday.
No, I'm not.
Do you have any of Ida's things?
Do you think Lene does?
I don't know.
You're not going to see her?
Don't do that.
Why not?
Because your mother isn't well
and it isn't good for you.
She is so manipulative.
I can handle it now, Dad.
You've barely seen her in 20 years.
No, but
I did just before I moved to Bornholm.
Exactly. That's my point.
I don't like it.
Hey, Astrid, be careful.
Holy moly.
Don't play with Mom's teapot.
-We don't want it falling on the floor.
Ida, it's half past seven.
I'm coming.
See you.
See you.
Excuse me, you said a quarter to.
-Sorry, I…
-Come on.
Say a proper hello.
-So typical of you.
Pre-party on Friday at Patrick's
if you want to come.
-Wow, so rude.
Am I completely invisible?
Can't you see me?
Stop being so sensitive.
I don't even want to party
with those people.
They're actually very nice.
Sure, if you like superficial
and ridiculous people.
-What's up?
-What are you doing Sunday night?
-I've got a plan for us.
-It's not going to happen.
-You don't even know what it is.
-No, but that doesn't matter.
-My mom. You know that.
-Listen, we can fix that.
It can't be fixed.
But you can just say
you're staying at Amelia's.
Have you seen my place?
-No, I haven't been there.
You can't let your mother dictate
your entire life.
I'm not, Jakob.
Yes, you are.
I don't even want to talk about it.
Can't you sneak out?
You can, right?
What are we even doing?
-It's not Ouija again?
You ruined that last time.
You moved the glass.
No. It didn't work.
Listen, forget it.
This is completely different.
This is real.
Why can't I be both a punk fan
and an anarchist?
You can easily listen to punk music
and still be an anarchist,
but you can't follow both the punk
and the…
Ida, do you have a tampon?
I don't think so.
How about a pad?
-Ida, do you have a pad? It's important.
-Would you check?
-I don't, Amelia.
I thought we were in sync. We usually are.
No, we never are.
Anarchism is the search
for the perfect system.
So you can be a communist
and an anarchist…
-He is really hot.
I see how you're looking at him.
I'm not looking in any way.
-Yes, you are.
He looks good.
He is just your type.
You just have to ask him out.
You can do it.
-One person can lead until…
-Men think that's hot.
I'll do it. I'll say something.
No. Don't.
-Hey, Stolli.
Ida wants to know
if you want to join her at Stengade.
-No, she doesn't.
-She'd be really happy.
-On Friday?
-How great.
-You're going.
You're welcome. Thank me another time.
You're so stupid.
Look at this one, Jakob.
-Which one?
-This is the best one.
Didn't think he was your type.
Falke, he is not my type.
You are so ridiculous.
Why are you like that?
I'll go home before my mom freaks out.
See you.
-But we can walk together.
-Not today, Falke.
It is seven o'clock, Ida.
We have an agreement.
I was with my friends.
You know the rules
and when you live in my house,
you follow the rules.
She's 18. I think it'll be all right.
And don't you contradict me.
The agreement is six o'clock,
and you better stick to it.
This is like a prison.
You act like you were never young.
You don't get anything.
This is a different world.
Yes, but she's not a child anymore.
Hi, Lene.
May I…
Come in.
That's okay.
Well, I…
I'll make some tea.
-You can sit there.
This place is just as I remember it.
It's strange to think about, isn't it?
you're older now
than Ida when she disappeared.
But it is as if time hasn't really passed.
But when I look at you now,
then I can see that
all the time
I've lost.
That we all lost.
But you moved on, you and Dennis.
It's so lovely to see you again.
And you've colored your hair, I see.
Do you remember this?
-Ida loved it.
We bought it on that trip to Kos.
I couldn't touch it.
No, be careful.
It's not that you're not…
Well, you have kids yourself now, I hear.
So you know how it is.
I have a little girl.
Is she as grumpy as you always were?
Don't you remember?
You were always a little bit grumpy.
I can't remember much from back then.
And we didn't understand it.
We were used to Ida
and she was such a happy and outgoing and…
I've missed you.
Are you better?
I mean,
did you get
That… Sorry.
It keeps going. It does that all the time.
I don't know. I've had it repaired, but…
And he also explained,
it was a nice young man,
he also explained what to do.
Are you still mad at Mom?
She is insane.
She's just trying to protect you.
Did she make you say that?
Don't listen to her, Astrid.
You can't trust your parents.
But you'll always have me.
You know that, right?
What is that?
I made it for you.
What kind of bird is it?
A canary, I think.
It's pretty.
But she just loves you.
What she's doing is not love.
What is it?
It is control.
It is very different.
What are you doing in here?
You're not allowed in here.
This is Ida's.
You could ask first.
It has…
It has to look the same as always, right?
So she feels welcome.
When she comes back.
-What are you doing?
I'm waiting for Skipper. We're rehearsing.
What are you listening to?
Just some demo tapes we made.
Can I listen?
Of course.
I'm playing drums.
Who's Ostara?
I don't really know.
It's something Skipper wrote.
What's up? What are you doing?
I had to talk to Henrik.
What's the homework for tomorrow?
The key to learning is to read
what speaks to you, okay?
Follow your desires.
Follow my desires?
Follow your desires.
So? Want to get out of here?
I heard the new stuff.
-Our new stuff?
All right. What do you think?
I think it's really good.
Sorry to disturb you.
-I'm a journalist--
-You'll have to wait.
I'm a journalist, and I'm making
a program about the students
who disappeared in '99.
Oh, I wasn't at the school back then,
but I remember it, of course.
I found a yearbook
that mentions a teacher called Henrik.
Could you help me find his surname?
Those three were behind it, right?
Those who didn't disappear.
-That hasn't been proven.
I thought it had.
We lived on the same street
as the driver's cousin.
The guy who drove the truck that night.
He was in a coma.
-Who, the driver?
He was completely gone.
Did he recover?
Stay there.
-The driver?
Oh, I don't know.
We don't live there anymore.
-Are you sure his name is Henrik?
We don't have any Henrik registered
as a teacher that year.
That's strange.
Can you see who their main teacher was?
It seems the paper is missing.
No one is registered.
Our paperwork is usually in order.
Good night. I'm going to bed.
Okay, honey. Good night.
Good night.
What are you doing?
-You should've seen your face.
-I was really scared.
-Come, in here.
-You're mean. Why did you do that?
-Chill out. Stop it.
-Why did you do that?
-Sorry. It's great to see you.
-Why would you do that to me?
The initiates are buried here.
Initiates into what? Who are they?
I don't know who they are,
but look at the symbol.
And here.
Michael Remolino.
Eighteen thirty to 1880.
-Are they Freemasons?
And Gregers Turbilhao. 1880 to 1957.
But what does it mean?
-It is a mystery.
-Stop. Stop it.
-It is.
-What are we doing?
Here it comes.
I'm so sorry.
Sorry I called you like that.
Don't worry about it.
This is a Grimoire.
-What is that?
-A book of magic.
Look at the symbol.
It's the same.
And you can only get rid of it
if someone pays you more than you did.
-What did you pay?
-With my soul.
So if I give you my soul and one krone,
I can buy it?
I actually stole it.
-From whom?
-I didn't read it all.
And I don't understand a lot of it.
Lots of crazy things
about rituals and such.
I think it's really old.
Is it like the book in Evil Dead?
Except that this is real.
-That thing is not real.
-Listen, I know it's real.
Jakob, what is that?
Cyning says,
"What gifts hast thou for us?
Gifts thou must gift.
If thou seekest pleasure,
thou must first suffer."
Could you read it
more pretentiously, Jakob?
Cyning says,
"Give thy life.
That which thou wouldst sorely lose.
Give it willingly
or all shall suffer."
I don't get it at all. Who is "Cyning"?
That's the king.
So you have to give your life willingly
or you'll be punished.
Give it to what?
Death, I think.
And who is the king?
there's a map of an island.
As I understand it, there's a ceremony
there on the equinox.
The day where the night
is as long as the day.
It's a ritual.
For someone called Ostara.
We should go.
-What do we have to lose?
Do you know where the island is?
-Yes, I know where it is.
-Falke, it's not true.
No, this is real.
-It sounds insane.
-We have nothing to lose.
-He's messing with us.
-No, I'm not.
There's no island with weird rituals.
What if there is?
-You made it up.
-I didn't.
How do you know it's true?
If it isn't, it'll still be a fun trip.
I'll go.
Just to see the look on your face.
It was always you and me, little brother.
We were the squad.
We were the Skipper boys.
We were Helsinge's tough guys.
No one dared mess with us.
Let me…
I tried to help you,
but you didn't let me.
Your brother was a murderer,
and you know it.
Not right now.
He killed my daughter.
He killed all of them.
You all pretend otherwise,
but you all know it.
I have to ask you to leave.
You should be ashamed.
Don't touch me. Hypocrites!
You are a bunch of hypocrites. All of you.
My daughter is dead.
I have a right to be here.
I never knew what was going on
in your head.
Sometimes I just feel like
everything is pointless. You know?
My mom used to tell this story
about a tiny man,
who was trapped in a dandelion.
He'd yell, but nobody ever heard him.
That's how I feel sometimes.
Everyone's alone
and nothing makes a difference.
If you choose to do something else,
it makes a difference, right?
Not if there's no free will, Jakob.
If you just believe you have free will,
then it doesn't matter if you really do.
-But I don't think I do.
-Then start thinking it.
You can't. That's not how it works.
I believe in reincarnation.
That is really dumb, Jakob.
Then things really don't matter.
You just get a do-over in your next life.
You do see that, right?
Everything is predetermined.
We can yell all we want
in the tiny dandelion,
but nothing really matters.
Everything is pointless.
Was that also pointless?
Wasn't it good?
Is it odd because we're friends?
It was my first time.
Sorry, I didn't know.
Don't apologize, Jakob.
I'm crazy about you.
I just don't think you feel the same way.
I didn't think so either.
Yeah, right.
What's your thing with Marrakesh?
I don't know.
I've always been drawn to the place.
I'm moving after summer.
I'll come too.
-I'll come with you.
-What are you saying?
I mean it.
I'll go with you.
Then we'll smoke hookah every day.
Drink tea with lots of sugar.
When did you get that?
What is it?
It's a date.
I can see that.
What date?
The date I'm going to die.
And how would you know when you'll die?
What did you do?
We played Old Maid.
Then Thea got mad at me.
She said I threw the Old Maid
under the table.
-Did you?
Otherwise I'd lose.
Can I talk to Mom for a bit?
-Bye, Mom.
-Bye. Love you.
-Go play in your room.
Hi. Is it going well?
I think so.
It is.
And the program is coming along?
And your dad and Isobel are all right?
-Yeah, it's a bit like always, you know.
And what else?
You're not forgetting about me?
No, we talk about you every day.
What else? What did you do today?
Today, Vera went on a school trip.
She was a bit upset because the bus driver
had told them off.
They had jumped too much on the seats.
You'd think the driver'd be used to it
when he drives kids all the time.
Do you know when you're coming back?
Not really at the moment.
I've been thinking lately
about everything.
About what you said before you left.
-About us.
Maybe you're right.
Well, maybe you're right.
Yeah. About what?
-About the two of us.
-Oh, yeah.
You're not working, are you?
-No. I'm right here.
-I can't believe how stupid I am.
-I am here. I am listening.
-No. You are not.
That is exactly the problem.
You never listen to me.
You disappear. It's always about you.
Talk to you later.
Hi, this is Astrid Agerskov.
May I speak to Torben Brink?
I'm Astrid.
-Come on in.
Hang your coat there.
-He's sleeping now.
But it won't be long before he wakes up.
-Would you close the door?
Do you knit?
No, not really.
Or not at all, actually.
I just started.
-I can really recommend it.
-It's good for your soul.
I'm knitting socks now.
You always need socks.
I feel the same way.
-You can never have too many.
That's him.
Let's hope he's in a good mood.
Come on in. He just needs his medicine.
Come on, open your mouth.
Come on, Torben.
Torben, will you open your mouth?
I have to force it into him,
otherwise he won't take it.
The girl wants to talk to you.
-Which girl?
-Do you want coffee?
Yes, please. I'd like some.
I'm Astrid.
Can I ask you something?
I know you.
I don't think so.
Want to play?
Can I ask you something?
Do you remember driving a graduate truck?
Look at this.
-Boys and girls.
-That's right.
Do you recognize anyone?
I don't like them.
-They are not nice.
What about this one, Ida,
do you remember her?
She is not happy.
Not happy at all.
The girl
is gone.
Where is she?
She is gone.
Bye-bye, sweetie pie!
Excuse me, what happened to him?
It was hard to figure out.
The brain scan didn't show anything,
but he was in a coma for three years.
And then I had to bring that guy home.
But you get used to it after 18 years.
Until death do you part.
-Do you want a cigarette?
-No, thanks.
But there are advantages too.
He was always on my case
with the smoking.
But is he never himself?
Do you ever get through to him,
just for a moment?
"Himself"? What is that?
Now he's that guy.
But I would be lying
if I said I hadn't considered sending him
away to be looked after by someone else.
But then again,
once in a while he looks at me
for a moment,
and then it's like
the old Torben
is still in there somewhere.
Torben, goddamn it.
Call an ambulance.
Torben, can you hear me?
Easy now, easy.
Hurry up, goddamn it. I'm right here.
There, easy, Torben.
That's it.
Calm down, okay? I'm right here.
Subtitle translation by:
Toke Lasvill-Andersen
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