Friday Night Lights s01e02 Episode Script

Eyes Wide Open

' Sports Illustrated has this as the number one high school football team in Texas.
Got yourself a heck of a quarterback.
He's a good boy.
Very proud of him.
Is it true, Mr.
Street? That I love Lyla Garrity? Here's to God and football, and 10 years from now, Street, good friends living large in Texas.
We feel fully prepared to represent this beloved community this Friday night and every Friday night.
You've earned this, the right to win.
' Street throws a wobbler.
It gets picked off by Chandler.
Street, the only one able to get to him.
' That's a gigantic hit on Street.
' quarterback.
No one's seen this guy Start throwing the ball, son.
' Matt Saracen dropping back to pass.
He throws the ball.
Oh, man.
' Man, can this kid throw the ball! TAYLOR.
' Give all of us the strength to remember that what we have is special, that it can be taken from us, and that when it is, we will be tested.
It is a blessing to be in the house of the Lord amongst believers.
' Amen.
We do know that on Friday night one of our brothers, brother Jason, was injured in a football game.
The doctors are saying that it's possible he could be paralyzed.
But we know of a doctor who's greater than any doctor.
Yes! Amen! I have prayed with Mitchell and Joanne Street.
And as an entire community, we have come together in prayer and hope and faith.
And with these prayers, this thing, this hope, I believe Jason Street will once again walk in on his own two feet and join this congregation and rejoice with us.
I saw that tackle, little brother.
I saw him hit that turf.
Tell you what I think, he's talking about wanting to play football.
He ain't ever gonna walk again.
And we know he's gonna be fine.
He's gonna walk again.
We've just got to go through rehab.
Best-case scenario, Jason's probably out for a month.
You know, it's probably a lot longer than that.
But we need a plan for Friday night.
We Heck, we need a plan for the rest of the season, is what we need, Eric.
So, tell me, you think little Matt Saracen can get it done? I guess we're fixing to find out.
That was a nice sermon, wasn't it? Hey, Matt? How's it going, Coach? We got a lot of work to do, son.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Lyla.
There he is.
How you doing? Better now.
You ever hear of Nathan Foreman? Who? Excuse me, Doc? Can you come help me with this, please? Just grab this side, please.
You ever heard of Nathan Foreman? Uh, no.
I was on the Internet last night reading about this guy, had a terrible spinal injury, kind of like yours.
He's now playing varsity basketball for UC San Diego.
I'm surprised you've never heard of this.
No, I'm oncology, actually.
I was just passing.
Oh, right.
Well, can you hold this up for me, please, while I tape this? Thanks.
Isn't this amazing? The cheerleaders and rally girls have actually joined forces.
It's real nice.
Thanks so much.
You know, Nathan Foreman missed one season and the NCAA voted to give him an extra year of eligibility.
Look at me, Jason.
Look at me.
This is gonna be okay.
Okay? Okay.
I love you.
I love you, too.
' Well, there's no silver lining to this one.
This is just a tragic blow to the season any way you slice it.
Jason Street is the Panthers.
The team's been built around him.
Now you've got this kid, this He didn't get your name right.
' He just closed his eyes and threw that ball.
That kid comes in with three minutes left in the fourth quarter with that kind of adrenaline rush, and anyone could throw one nice pass.
' All I'm saying is you better to go to church and do a little praying.
We're still waiting to hear.
They got a specialist coming in from Houston.
In the meantime, it doesn't make any sense and it does nobody any good to make any predictions one way or the other until we get the official word.
Understood? Yes, sir.
As far as football, we got a game Friday.
We've got a lot of work to do.
Go, go, go.
Two, two, two, two, two.
Blue 80! Hut! Hit him deep! Hit him deep! Time! Matt, you've got to throw faster, son.
Dolia's open on the break, you gotta hit him on the break.
Sorry, Coach.
I thought that he I don't want you to say sorry.
I don't want you thinking out here.
I want you to throw the ball.
Dolia runs deep, hit him deep.
He's open on the break, you hit him on the break.
Four seconds for a five-step drop, Matt.
That's all you got.
Come on.
Let's do it again.
McGILL: For God's sake, Matt! Come here.
What happened? I didn't see the linebacker.
You didn't what? He's bigger than my front door, Matt.
South Milbank runs five-three.
They're gonna drop the linebackers, we set up in the gun.
You got that? All right, Coach.
I've gotta work on reading the coverage You need to look at the wide receiver coming underneath the linebacker.
Timing patterns.
Yes, sir.
Hit them on the break.
Yes, sir.
Hit them on the breaks and play faster.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Hut! Saracen.
I need you to work a little bit harder.
You need to learn this offense, son.
You need to know this offense in your mind, in your body.
You need to know this offense so well that your children are gonna know this offense in their own DNA.
Do you understand me? You understand? Yes, sir.
All right.
Go on.
TAMl: Okay, you all, I'm out of here.
I'm telling you, you shouldn't go to this book club, Mom.
They're just going to turn you into a pod.
I know.
I'm just gonna go one time and show them my literary prowess.
And then I'll be done with them.
Hey, come here.
Come here.
I love you.
I love you, too, babe.
To the girls' night.
We are so glad you're here.
Thank you.
We are thrilled that you're here with our book club! Thank you.
I'm so thrilled to be here.
I love the book.
Oh, that's great.
No one told you.
We don't really read the book.
You all didn't read the book? Oh, no, we're just here to have fun.
Get away from the boys, you know.
So, tell me, how does your husband feel about the team? Exactly.
Let's talk about what's important.
He's excited about the team.
You know, are you sure? Listen, he should play my Robby deep more.
But he should be doing He should be running more drives that count straight ahead.
Do you have any idea what his plans are for Robby? I don't.
Smash mouth football.
Smash mouth football.
I'm telling you, about three yards and a cloud of dust This boy is ready to rumble.
So, look, you got my math homework? Well, where is it? In my home.
I got to come to your house and pick it up, huh? You bet.
You gonna be there? Of course.
Okay, all righty, all righty.
I can't believe it.
Just three days ago, we were right here.
Jason Street was literally sitting right over there.
Could they be more annoying? I mean, seriously.
Hey! Hey, yeah, you.
You don't even know Jason Street, so stop crying.
Okay, no, seriously, stop.
So, just how drunk are you right now? Look, we can't just sit around and cry about it.
Somebody's got to take control.
You know, like, when one person drops the ball, somebody's got to jump on the fumble.
You pointed at me? That's me, right.
Yeah, I know what I've got to do.
I can't afford to lose, this is ours.
I want to get to State.
Hey, Matt.
So, I'm yours.
Sorry? Well, now that you're first string, you get a first string rally girl.
So, the way this usually works is you tell me what you like, and I'll provide it.
What do you like, Matt? Uh, I like I make a mean chocolate coconut cake made with real butter.
Well, that sounds real Tell you what, why don't you try it, see what you think, and we'll go from there? Yeah, that sounds good.
Okay, can we just pause for a second and reflect on the implications of this? No, no, no.
I can't.
I can't think about girls right now.
Because I've got a big game on Friday, so I mean, this is it.
We've got to seize our opportunity.
I mean, you're QB One now.
You know, me and you.
Me and you? What do you even have to do with it? Besides, it doesn't seem right with Jason sitting there in that hospital just laying there and all.
Well, maybe it's not right, but it's what we got.
You know, four or five weeks, he's back on the team, you're second string again.
You know, the rally girls, they pack up their little tin, they move right down the road.
Think this team needs a leader? Yeah.
It does.
It does, man.
Look no further.
I'm gonna lead this team.
I know what I've got to do.
You all gonna be with me? Yeah! I'm gonna take us straight to State.
Just because Street went down don't mean we just stop playing.
Look, everybody get behind the Smash and we won't miss a beat, baby.
Tim, no.
Don't do this.
I'm saying we need to hit the weight room tomorrow, hard.
We've got to step it up.
Look, you've got to run your routes.
Hey, what's up, Rigg? Get up.
What? You're sitting in Street's booth.
Get up.
Look, what are you talking about, man? You heard what I said.
Why don't you go home and sleep it off, Rigg? Be on time at practice for a change.
You're right.
You guys enjoy the rest of your evening, okay? Hey, smile, Rigg.
God don't like ugly.
Hey! Hey, man! What's wrong with you? No, no.
What's the matter with you? He's not worth it! Come on, Riggins! Sit down! No, I think it's a great cause.
When I was younger, I used to Well, sure I'd love to help out.
All right.
I could do that.
Rice Krispie treats? No, Rice Krispie treats are great, and I do prefer them with the M&M's in.
I'll probably just make them out of a box.
Oh, that many? It's broken.
Okay, I would be happy to do that.
All right, and thank you so much again for last night.
It was just wonderful.
Okay, I'll talk to you later.
Bye! I swear, I've got to make 200 Rice Krispie treats by Saturday.
I went to that book club meeting last night, I'm on 12 committees now! Told you.
It's a slippery slope.
Oh, God.
How's the AC? It's broken.
You were right.
Call the guy.
I'm sorry.
Sugar, I think it's time for me to get a job.
I mean, we talked about it, we're settled.
I think it's all right.
Are you gonna do it now? Yeah, I think now.
I'm gonna put out some feelers, all right? All right.
All right.
That's great.
Nothing you need to worry about.
Now, those boys, those boys have always been weak against the run.
And this year is no different.
They cannot defend against the ground game.
Am I right, Rich? That's exactly right.
So, it's simple.
You give Smash the ball and you let him do his thing.
Yeah, don't let Saracen throw the ball.
We don't want any more of our boys beaned in the helmet.
That was funny.
That boy cannot do the job.
I mean, you can't just sit back and close your eyes and expect a miracle to happen every time you throw the football.
It just ain't gonna happen.
That boy will lose us ballgames.
Hey, now, ease off on all these pearls of football wisdom down there and let Eric finish his riblets.
That's right.
He's right.
Because, I mean, he knows what it takes on Friday night.
That's right.
Big old W.
You know, I just want to say, I'm gonna keep all this in mind.
And thank you very much for this meal.
It was a fantastic meal.
Well, it's our pleasure.
Fantastic meal.
Hut! McGILL: Oh, for God's sake, Matt! Don't you think we ought start focusing on our ground game? Come on! We give this kid too much to think about, and he's gonna fall apart in front of our eyes, big time.
Let's go! Thanks, Coach.
I'll run the practice today.
All right, power 26.
Hut! McGILL: Hit somebody! Pick it up now! I've seen my granddaddy make better blocks playing checkers.
If you could run as fast as you talk, we'd probably score every play.
Look, you got something That's a fact! You got something to say to me? You need to start getting behind my blocks, right behind me! I can't keep doing all this! You need to quit making excuses You need to start using those legs! Hey, what's going on? Knock it off! McGILL: Get out of here! Come on.
Get back over here! Get over here! Hey, Smash.
Look, your boyfriend's a real piece of work.
Well, at the moment, I wouldn't really call him my boyfriend.
Why are you empty-handed, girl? Go on back there and get some bags out of that car.
You know I'm not supposed to put stress on my back.
Why me? So you're not around to get the back of my hand is why.
Brian never has to do anything.
Brian, turn down that junk.
That's not music, it's the devil's work is what it is.
Have you lost your mind? You must be Mrs.
Yes, I am.
Messing with white girls after getting in a fight at practice.
You're coming with me.
Is this to get back at Tim Riggins? What are you, a shrink? Oh, that'd be nice.
I work at Planned Parenthood.
You probably haven't seen the last of me.
Hey, I know how to use protection.
I'm not some piece of trash.
Oh, no, you're a class act all the way.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? It means you're safe to walk from here.
Come on.
Hey, Coach.
How are you feeling? Well, I'm not really feeling too much right now.
I, uh The guys All the guys signed it up for you.
They They all say hello.
Did Riggins sign that? Riggins signed.
Everyone signed it.
When did you teach him how to write his name? It's just scrawled on there.
He didn't really That's real nice, Coach.
Just set it down here.
Thank you.
Hey, I'm Look, I don't think anyone needs to tell you, but, uh, you know we're saving your spot over there.
You know, whatever it takes, however long it takes.
We, uh How's How's Saracen doing? Saracen's doing fine.
He's throwing like a girl, but he's doing fine.
He's doing fine.
It'll take some time.
Well, uh, you know, when I was kind of like that kid, you know? I don't know, he's a lot different than me.
He doesn't need to roll back like I do.
He's kind of creative, you know.
Listens to Bob Dylan and draws pictures of stuff.
I know he's a He's a good kid.
I think you free him up a little bit out there on that field, he'll make some things happen for you.
You're a good man.
You're a good man.
You're what makes guys like me want to coach.
You are a good man.
I'm sorry if I let you down.
I let the team down.
Damn, son, you didn't let me down.
You did not let me down.
The problem is is that they keep comparing you to Jason Street.
I mean, that's like, that's like comparing my music to the Red Hot Chili Peppers or something.
I'm not the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
I mean, I'm my own thing.
I'm not any better or any worse, it's just different.
You're definitely a whole lot worse.
Okay, well, that's not the point, all right? The point is you got to learn how to work the media.
You know, let them know who Matt Saracen is.
Right now the bitches can't even get your name right.
Well, who is Matt Saracen? Who is Matt Saracen? Matt Saracen is QB One.
And when the camera starts rolling, you start spewing stuff out.
You know what I mean? I mean, just be out there.
The weirder you are, the better, really.
Not everyone's gonna be the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
I mean Jason Street is a great guy and everyone knows what he's all about.
So he's like He's like the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
But And everyone likes that and that's good, but that's not me.
Well, if Jason Street is the Red Hot Chili Peppers, who are you? Uh, exactly.
Who am I? Who am I? Big "G," little "O"! Go! Go! Big "G," little "O"! Go! Go! Big "G," little "O"! Go! Go! Hey, Tim.
Tim, hey.
How are you doing with all of this? Yeah, you know.
Look, I know you're not a chatterbox when it comes to your feelings, but I'm here.
Yeah, cool.
You know, Jason's been asking about you.
How is Jay? He's good.
He's real good.
He's still Jason.
I know.
I was gonna go over there later around 8:00.
Visiting hours are over at 6:00, but I've kind of got the place wired.
You want to come with? You know, you wait too long, he might start taking it personal, Tim.
The MRI shows damage to the cord at the C7-T1 juncture.
It could be much worse.
Jason, you're fortunate that the fracture was low enough that you'll still be able to use your arms and hands.
It's okay.
What about my legs, Doc? We'll just keep praying and then once you start physical therapy Ma.
Kroll, I just want to know if I'm gonna be able to walk again.
Look, I can take it.
All you got to do is tell me the truth.
Tami, Tami! Hey! How are you? Good, how are you? Good.
Good to see you the other night.
You, too.
You all have a good dinner.
You, too.
I'm so sorry.
That's all right.
That's all right.
I made a couple of dates for next week.
One with the hog farmer from Rio Tinto.
Hog farmer from Rio Tinto, that's a new one.
Where's my daughter? I've always liked hog farmers.
Your daughter is at dance rehearsal, which I told you about 20 times.
How was your day? My day, my day Sweetheart, would you take your hat off at the table, please? You look so cute.
You go first.
Okay, you want the good news or the bad news? No, good news.
Always the good news.
All right, I'll give you the bad news.
AC done.
Like I said, we need a new unit.
$3,000 minimum.
What's the good news? There a cold front moving in? No, good news is that I think I might be able to help you pay for the new unit 'cause I think I got myself a job.
Really? Mmm-hmm.
That fast, you got a job? Yeah.
Where did you get the job? At the school.
What school? At the high school.
At my high school? I wasn't aware that you had bought it, but yeah.
I'm the new guidance counselor at the high school.
You know, guidance counselors can be a nuisance Eric.
and that means that we're gonna have some interaction.
That's good.
I like that we're gonna Guidance counselors I think that's great that we're gonna have some interaction.
Well, I just think that we should probably talk about it.
Well, I've taken the job already.
Well, gee, what happened to the consultation we were gonna have? Hello, Coach Taylor.
Thank you.
It's the hospital calling about Jason.
Yeah? Hi.
Right, keep it down, guys.
Coach is here.
Jason's paralyzed.
They said with physical therapy he'll regain use of his arms, his hands, his upper body, but they don't think he's gonna regain use of his legs.
Listen up.
Any of you need to talk to me, you'll find me in my office or you call me anytime.
Do not hesitate.
Now, that's all for today.
We'll pick it up tomorrow.
L- Right Uh, open right Open right, draw to the tailback, off the right, uh, tackle.
Okay, there you go.
You got one.
Pro-left motion, XY-eagle? Five-step drop.
X receiver runs a five-yard out, and the wide receiver runs a button hook.
The fullback releases No, the fullback releases under the outside linebackers.
Damn it! Why are you yelling at me? I'm not.
I mean, you only got, like, 250 or so variations to go after this and You gonna give me my fries any time soon? Oh, I'm sorry.
Here, you can have a free drink.
Sorry about the wait.
Lyla? I know.
I should go.
I'll be back at 6:00, okay? That's not what I'm saying.
What? We have to talk about this.
All right.
About me.
I spoke to Dr.
He didn't say it was impossible.
Lyla, it would take a miracle for me to walk again.
I mean, that's just not gonna happen.
You know what I think? I don't think Dr.
Kroll realizes who you are.
We're gonna go out and we're gonna find the best doctors out there.
That's what we're gonna do.
Lyla, just don't You are Jason Street and I am Lyla Garrity, and everything is gonna work out just the way we planned it.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you have given to Jason and myself.
We don't know yet why you are putting us through this test, but I know that you'll find a way to show us, and we will pull through this test, whatever it takes.
I saw you pulling up.
Thought you might.
Well, look at that.
Field's empty.
Let's go make out.
How are you doing? Matt Saracen isn't ready for this.
This town Oh, this town expects.
This town expects State.
They expect nothing less, babe.
I know.
And I can tell you what right now, I have no idea whether or not we can even win a game.
And I'm serious when I say that.
Well, I know what you're gonna do.
I know that you're gonna mold that boy.
You are gonna mold Matt Saracen the same way you did with Jason Street.
You did it with Jeff Perell back in Macedonia.
You took that kid in.
I mean, he didn't know the difference between a skinny post and out and up.
You made him the best quarterback in the league.
You did that.
Yeah, well, I also had close to a year to get him ready.
It's a little bit different.
Well, well I got no time here.
I got no time.
I lose a game, I'm on the road.
I lose a couple more, we're packing our bags.
And I tell you what, what they say, it's right.
I mean, Jason Street, he was my meal ticket.
He was the only reason I got this job, and God bless that boy, but I am screwed.
You know what? I There is not a person in the world that could do this except for you.
This is what you do.
I see you do it with my own eyes.
I believe in you.
I believe in you with every cell in my being.
Grandma, you need to go into your room for a minute, okay? Hmm? Grandma, please? Who is it, honey? Who is it? Matt, it's Coach Taylor.
Who? It's Coach Taylor.
Hey, Coach.
Coach Taylor's here? Coach! How's it going? Good, good.
Do you want to open the door? Oh, yeah, how about we just go outside? I think I'd like to come inside.
So, uh, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
What's going on? Oh, not much.
I just thought I'd stop by.
I wanted to have a chat with you.
Oh, it's okay.
Is everything all right? I thought maybe we'd go over.
How are you, Coach? Hello.
How are you? Very nice to meet you.
Thank you.
Nice to see you.
Sit down.
Honey, move those books.
Oh, sorry.
And I brought you some cake.
I hope you'll enjoy it.
Sit down.
Have some.
I appreciate that.
I'll tell you what.
Wasn't he wonderful Friday night? Matt was.
Thanks, Grandma.
I'm so proud of him.
You should be proud of him.
I'll tell you what, if it's okay with you, I'd like to take Matt off your hands for about an hour or something.
I'd like to discuss with him as far as the football game this week.
Oh, yes, you do have a big game.
And, yes, you can take him.
Thank you, ma'am.
Okay, I'll have him back soon.
But I want you to come back.
I will come back.
Come back for some more cake.
All right.
You better do that.
Next time I'll have the milk, too.
I'll get you some milk.
All right.
All right.
And I've got hot chocolate and everything you could want.
All right.
You get some rest, Grandma, okay? All right.
I'll wait for you.
Now, you listen.
You listen to him.
I will.
Move your feet.
Move your feet.
I love you, Grandma.
Love you.
Will do.
Coach Taylor.
I could never sleep the night before a game.
In my head I'd go over the plays over and over.
It would drive me crazy.
I even bought a book on meditation, that didn't work.
Your dad in Iraq, that must be hard.
It's not so bad, sir.
I'll tell you what, my dad, he was anything but in Iraq.
My dad was on me day in, day out.
He still thinks I should have made the NFL.
But as much as I complain about him, I don't know where I'd be without him.
You know, you, I don't know how you do it.
You got your time commitments, you got your pressures, you got your studies.
All that and being the man of the house, too.
Yes, sir.
I'll tell you something, I know you didn't want me to step foot in your house tonight.
But I'll tell you something else and don't you ever forget this.
You should feel proud, you should feel real proud.
Yes, sir.
This is all yours for the taking.
It depends on how much you want it.
It's yours for the taking.
And the other night, you played for a few minutes.
Tomorrow, four quarters.
You can't be distracted by anything.
You're gonna have a lot of distractions.
You're gonna have our fans, their fans, you got the band, you got the cheerleaders with their pretty, young, shapely legs bouncing up and down.
You got a job to do.
Nothing else.
Your teammates are gonna need to hear you.
You call the plays.
You gonna be able to call the plays? Yes, sir.
Twenty-two rocket on hit.
Twenty-two I can't hear you.
Twenty-two! I can't hear you.
Twenty Twenty-two! Twenty-two rocket.
Listen to me, you're QB One of the Dillon Panthers.
Your teammates, if they can hear you, they will believe in you! Now, you let it out until it hurts, you understand me? Twenty-two! Twenty-two rocket! Hit! Hit! Hit! Forty-four crossfire on red! Forty-four! Forty-four crossfire! Red! Red! Red! What's your name? Matt Saracen! What do you play? QB One! And how do you play it? Perfectly! We'll see about that.
Who do you play for Saracen? Dillon Panthers! How much do you want this? I want it, Coach! How much do you want this? I want it! Then take it! Do it again! Forty-four crossfire! Hit! Hit! Hit! Eric, you know, you and I have known each other a long time.
I've known you since, well, I was just a salesman here and you were the junior high coach over there.
And, well, you probably liked me a lot more then, didn't you? I wouldn't say that.
I don't know.
Well, I like you, Eric.
I just want you to always know that.
I like you and I believe in you.
And I'm glad you're back here with us.
I appreciate that.
So, it's Friday night.
You feel it? You ready for game night? Right? You ready to go? Mmm-hmm.
We're gonna give them our best.
You bet.
Well, I don't want to hear that.
This is not just some game.
You realize that after what's happened with Jason.
I mean, this is about tradition.
It's about this town.
It's about the spirit and keeping this town alive.
It's football.
It's all we got.
Now, if we lose this game, this town is just gonna be in a turmoil.
And I don't need that.
Oh, we don't we need that.
This team needs a W.
This town needs a W.
Hey, always friends.
All right.
Go get them tonight, Coach.
Always friends.
Always and ever.
All right, listen up! We've suffered a big loss.
A big loss.
Some of you may be scared.
That's natural.
Some of you may be really pissed off.
One good thing about football is we get to channel that energy.
This team has never been about one player.
It's about all of us.
Every single one of us.
And if we're gonna come back from this loss, we're gonna need every one of us.
Not one man.
Every single one of us together.
All right, let's pray.
Dear Lord, please let us have a successful night tonight.
Go Panthers, go! Go Panthers, go! A safe game.
Please let us all play to our fullest potential.
Please look over Jason Street.
Let him know that he's in all of our hearts.
We love him and we miss him.
Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever.
Amen! Clear eyes, full hearts Can't lose! Let's get them! Let's get them out there now! Good luck.
You up for this? Yes, sir.
Let me ask you one question.
Last Friday night, when you threw that pass, that winning pass, did you close your eyes? No, sir.
My eyes were open, sir.
My eyes were wide open.
That's what I thought.
Let's go play football! Come on!
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