Fruits Basket Anime Series (2002) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.
Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.
Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.
You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.
This is terrible! This is terrible! Mailman-san, this is terrible! Everyone is an animal! Yes, they're animals, all right.
Here's your mail.
I mean, not like that! Such a very bright dog, isn't he? Very well, then For the love of! With you guys having changed too, no excuse will work! You're the one that blew it first, you know.
Stupid cat.
Stupid cat!? Go ahead and try saying that again! Stupid cat! Why, you bastard! That's enough, already! They can even speak the language! It's no use.
Rather than cover this up poorly, I'll just go ahead and tell you.
Tohru-kun, what it comes down to is that I have the Dog, Yuki-kun has the Rat, and him Sohma Kyo has the spirit of the Cat possessing him.
Spirits? Yeah.
The people of the House of Sohma, for many hundreds of years, have had the same spirits that are in the zodiac possessing us.
And well, the Cat, in a sense, would be the exception, I guess.
So, when our bodies grow weak, and for some reason, when we are embraced by the opposite sex, it's enough to make us transform.
After some time passes, we return back to normal on our own.
However we'll be completely naked.
I'm sorry you had to see something so unpleasant.
Yeah Although, I'm beginning to grasp most of the information.
For them to be possessed by spirits of the zodiac, I have learned an incredible secret.
Sohma-kun didn't want this to be known, so that's why he thrust away that 2nd-year upperclassman who was coming to hug him, huh? Tohru-kun, you said you wanted to be a Cat, right? Y- yes.
Now that you've actually met the real one, what do you think? That's right.
That person is the Cat-san! But Kyo is such a fool! When someone with that much knowledge of martial arts can be taken from behind that easily, what can he do? That was embarrassing.
Embarrassing! At least he should have been able to read your presence.
I wonder how he's going to take responsibility for this situation.
Really, that boy can't see anything besides Yuki-kun.
What will we do with him? Don't make it sound so funny! I couldn't help it if I didn't notice her! And why is she even what's a girl doing in this house anyway!? Shut up! Whether there's a girl in this house or not is irrelevant to you.
You are an "outsider," after all.
You shut up! Tohru-kun, you're bleeding! Bleeding!? --So-- --I knew he was stupid, but not this bad.
In light of your stupidity, today I will specially take you like I mean it.
Don't you bore me.
Fine, you girly-boy! Sohma-kun! Don't worry about them.
Those two are on volatile terms with each other.
Whenever the two see each other, all they do is fight.
Um, but still, we have to stop them! It's okay.
This will be settled soon enough anyhow.
I thought I told you not to bore me.
H- he went flying Yuki-kun, don't you go smashing up the house, too.
I didn't think he was going to fly so far.
His guard wasn't cutting it, perhaps? Honda-san, are you hurt? I- I'm completely, utterly fine! But, what about him? I bet he's all right probably Tohru-kun, looking at Kyo, your dreams about the Cat must be shattered, right? Not at all! Um I've made another discovery.
I never knew that the person we called the Prince was so strong.
I knew he was good all-around at sports, but that was separate from this.
There was a gap between this and school-- School!! I- I'm going to be t- t- tardy! School? But your uniform is filthy! See? You were digging around in it out back just yesterday, after all.
That's all right! I'll just say that I fell down! That will be perfect! No, I don't think that will work.
I'm sorry, but I want to be sure to at least go to school.
You promised your late mother you would, after all, right? But before anything else, you'll have to let me inform Akito-san about all this.
Akito-san? Yeah.
He's the head of the House of Sohma.
The family head? Then he's somebody important.
Yes, and the Sohma's greatest secret has just been found out, after all.
I see.
Well, I'm off.
Come back soon.
Here I thought you were going on and on about us You were just intending to erase Honda-san's memories anyway.
Like so long ago That's not my intention.
Back then, it was found out by a lot of people, so there was no choice.
I'm going to school.
Thank goodness, I was able to borrow a washing machine.
Those clothes were awful! How did you fall down? L - O - V- E, Lovely Yuki! Oh, Honda-san, you washed? And here being covered with mud suited you so much better.
The prince-sama also came late today.
The Prince Yuki gang has been getting strangely suspicious.
Their brains sure are unoccupied.
I didn't dare tell Uo-chan and Hana-chan, who worry so much after me, that I was staying at Sohma-kun's house.
I- I'm going to go change my clothes in the locker room.
Girls' Locker Room Honda-san Sohma-kun? You haven't said anything, right? To your friends, about us? No, I haven't said anything.
By any chance, am I making you uneasy? I would never say anything! Mother often told me that only bad people are gabby about others! --No, that's not it --I give you my oath! I'll seal it in blood, or burn it into my skin! I'll do anything! Mother used to do this long ago.
That's not what I mean! I'm sorry, okay? You're trying so kindly to keep our secret, but it may turn out that your memories will be erased.
I say erased, but it's more like hypnotism.
A long time ago, you see, the secret got out, like it did today.
When I was seven years old, I was playing in the yard at my parents' house.
In the end, it became a fuss where every child that was there had to have their memories erased.
Akito, am I strange? Strange enough that you have to so desperately hide this? Mm-hmm.
You are strange.
Any human that can transform into a rat would have to be strange.
If regular people were to know about this, it would sicken them.
They will distance themselves from you Sohma-kun? Are you all right? Mm-hmm.
I cannot go against what Akito decides.
Whatever he determines, I cannot do anything about it.
That's why I'm sorry! Uh, wait! I'm so sorr~y! That wasn't-- that wasn't on purpose! Oh, I am such a fool! It's okay.
Nobody saw me.
Um Thank you for being so concerned about me.
I'm happy, very much so.
I'll be all right.
No problem.
If I've found out a secret so serious that the head of the family must be contacted about it, then I don't think there's anything else that can be done.
So please, go ahead and use whatever methods will give you and the others the most piece of mind, Sohma-kun.
Forgetting about this does, of course, make me sad.
However, I'm very happy that they accepted me unconditionally, after living in a tent, so I can put up with it.
After my memory gets erased, please be my friend again, okay? Sorry.
The time it takes to return to normal is irregular.
N- not at all Sohma-kun, your necktie is crooked.
I'm just not very good at this sort of thing.
Somehow, I wouldn't have expected that.
I guess I'm on now, huh? If regular people were to know about this, it would sicken them.
They will distance themselves from you Honda-san, you don't feel sickened? No! Thanks to you, I'm feeling completely better! No, that's not what I mean Today, how about we go home together? Okay! Please be my friend again, okay? Thanks.
Not at all! Tying neckties is one of the things I'm good at! I will put my trust in this Tohru-san.
For Yuki for Kyo and for myself as well, this may be a good opportunity.
I'm home! We just got home! Shigure? He has gone out.
I'm going to go put by bag away, okay? Okay.
--U- um --It's just a temporary measure, all right? Call a professional later and have him fix it.
As long as you're out of the rain, that'll be fine, right? Y- yes.
Now that I've finally met the Cat-san, I feel as though he dislikes me.
--Y- yes!? I can't see what's around me when I lose my temper.
I didn't have enough training! And I lost to that damn Yuki and all And so about this morning about this morning --I apologi-- --I'm home! Yuki-kun, Tohru-kun, I just got back! You too, you stupid, bungling, lost-another-fight Kyo-kun! Never mind, dammit! U- um! Um, Cat-san He'll be back soon.
He has nowhere to go, after all.
More importantly, Tohru-kun, do you have a minute? Y- yes I've just been to Akito-san's place.
He said that so long as she keeps our secret, Tohru-kun can live together with us.
No punishment then? Punishment? In return, you are to strictly keep our secret, okay? Yes! Terrific! I will not lose my memory! Shigure Isn't this somehow too good to be true? Akito wouldn't be planning something, would he? I wonder.
Look, why don't we just trust Akito-san on this? After all, things are going so well.
Ahem Um, it may be strange to say this again, but I'm pleased to meet you, and thank you for all your trouble.
Uh, right.
Pleased to meet you, too.
Pleased to meet you, Tohru-kun.
Right! Mother, in any event, I, Tohru, have come to stay at the Sohmas' house.
With the place this awful, I've got my fighting spirit up! I'll help you.
What should I do? You should stop right there.
Yuki-kun is so maladroit, he can't even fold a paper crane properly.
He'll just slow you down.
Just leave all of this to me, if you please! I'm more than grateful to perform household chores in exchange for free rent.
That's why it's at times like this when I want to be of most service.
Well then, we shall take you up on it.
I'll go look for Kyo and grab him, then we have to leave for a bit.
We'll be back sometime this afternoon.
Sure, that will be fine! Well then, maybe I'll go out for a bit as well.
All of you, come back soon, then.
Or so I said This really is awful Honda Tohru will do her best! Whew! Finished! Incredible! It's amazing that you could make a kitchen as nasty as this one so clean! You mean we had a rice cooker in this house? I unearthed it.
Breakfast--or by now, it's lunch--is ready! Delicious.
Really? It doesn't need more seasoning? It's just right! It's been some time since I had a meal like this.
That's good.
Come to think of it, where do you suppose Shigure and that stupid cat went off to? He said they would be back this afternoon.
Doesn't really matter.
It's just that a nice meal such as this will get cold.
There was something wondrous about it.
Here I was facing Sohma-kun, and sharing a meal Um, Sohma-kun, you stepped out earlier yourself, right? Did you go shopping? Yeah.
For my secret base in the backyard.
Secret base? Secret base? Wow! It's making my heart pound! I imagine it's probably different from what you're thinking.
If you want, I'll invite you along next time.
Will that be all right!? I'm so happy! A secret base! When I was little, there was one in our neighborhood, but we were told that girls weren't allowed in! Ah! How delightful! Look, just listen to what I'm saying, Kyo! Shut up! Do you enjoy rolling people around in the palm of your hand like this!? Now wait there! You asked me if I enjoy it, and although I do like it quite a bit, it's for your own good! Besides which, it's what Akito-san has determined.
Cram it! Who cares about that damn Akito!? U- um, welcome back.
Would you like some lunch? Don't want any! Kyo! Don't take this out on Tohru-kun! And come in through the front door! And take off your shoes! Shigure, you've got no room to argue.
This is the first time I've seen you wear a suit.
It's most befitting.
It is? I wonder You look like you're hosting something.
Ah, food is ready! Yes, but what about Kyo-san? Ah, that? He's upset, so just leave him alone.
I tricked him into taking the transfer student entrance exam.
The transfer student entrance exam? What I mean is, Kyo-kun will now begin going to the same high school as you two.
What's more, he will also be living together with us in this house.
No eating! Stay back! Get out! Well, yeah, I figured you'd be angry, and sure enough Kyo, you see, had disappeared for more than four months.
Where do you think he's been? He's been training up in the mountains, I'm told.
Training? Being beaten upon by waterfalls, and dueling with bears--that kind of training? Mmm, well, that was the impression, I guess.
Kyo-kun wants quite badly to beat Yuki-kun, see? He's an idiot.
Could it be that Kyo-san's wanting to win that badly is indeed like it is in the zodiac fables, where the Cat-san resents the Rat-san for tricking him? However, I get the feeling that it's not fair to Kyo-san to be asking that.
Where, where? Where is he? Over there! The kid with the orange head! How cute! Still, he's doesn't look the same! Say, you there Are you really Sohma-kun's cousin? Do you get along well with Sohma-kun? Kyo-san is getting scared.
It's the same I sense the same vibe from that kid as I do from Sohma Yuki.
What is that? What presence is it? It's a vibe different from a person's That's rude, you know.
Hold up I hear that guy is your cousin? We may be cousins, but we aren't close.
I've never even spoken to him.
Hold on, where are you going? Say, wait up! Yow! Ow! Kyo-- I mean, Sohma-kun, er! Let me go! Hold on! Calm down! Leave me alone! No way! Incredible! That's what I'd expect from Sohma-kun's cousin, all right! But this is the second floor! It hurt! And I'm a girl! How cruel! Who jumps down like that, ordinarily? He's not a cat, is he? Kyo-san Mother, Kyo-san is indeed the Cat-san.
I wonder if I will ever become friends with Kyo-san.
Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.
Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.
La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life On the next Fruits Basket Episode 3 I will win! I will surely win against you! I will win against you, and become a formal member of the Sohmas! If there were one, what would you do? A girl who says she likes you? There'll never be anyone like that.
That's why it gets on my nerves.
When I see for myself how Kyo wants to join the Sohmas.
If there's gloomy weighing on your mind, please tell me about it, okay?
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