Invisible City (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

There Is No Turning Back

There's a body at Cedar Forest.
We have to go now.
Yeah, yeah, Marcia, I'm coming.
- I'm already at the precinct.
- I'll meet you there.
Do we know who found the body?
Homicide came after
they received an anonymous tip.
Any witnesses?
None so far.
And the dolphin?
I took it to Veterinary Forensics,
but they didn't find anything.
Probably been incinerated by now.
They didn't find anything?
Hi. Good morning,
I'm Inspector Eric.
Excuse me.
Step aside. The real police are here now.
The body was found in the forest,
it's also EPD's problem.
This is a case
for the grown-ups.
First my wife dies here
and another body shows up within a month.
Mario. We know it's not our case yet.
Still, would you mind if we take a look
since we're investigating
a case in this area.
Do you think you'll get anywhere
acting like that?
This could be connected to the dispute
for the forest, and I'm gonna find out.
Are you all right, Mr. Ciço?
How am I supposed to be when I see a body?
Did you know the guy?
He used to come around the place.
But I haven't seen him here in awhile.
Can you give me his name?
I said you could look,
I didn't say you could interrogate.
If it were up to him,
they'd be gone tomorrow.
I guess I'll begin
with those houses there.
Good afternoon.
I'd like to ask you some questions.
It's about a man
who used to hang out around here…
do you know this man?
No. I'm sorry.
Did you know Gabriela?
She was my wife.
I know.
I remember seeing you during the fire.
Ask away.
What's your name?
Fabiana, do you know him?
His name is Manaus.
- And what was your relationship?
- We
Are you looking for something?
- I'm just asking some questions.
- João, no one asked you to be here.
It's no problem.
Maybe he can also help me.
It's about Manaus.
His body was found in the forest.
Manaus is dead?
Doesn't surprise me.
He was always getting into trouble.
Drinking, womanizing.
- Are you okay, Fabiana?
- I'll take care of her.
Leave me alone, João.
What's up? Did you find anything?
Only his name: Manaus. And you?
Hmm. He was going around telling people
not to sell their land to the developers.
I really missed you, you know.
Oh, really, Ciço?
You never seem to change, Inez.
Then I guess you noticed?
I'm talking about the inside.
I know the outside stays the same.
- But the inside…
- Mm-hmm.
- You can change that.
- Yeah.
You're right.
Manaus is dead.
I know.
You know?
Camila found his body at the beach.
But his body was found
in the Cedar Forest earlier today.
I bet you didn't know that.
Don't play with me.
Tell me what else you know, Ciço.
There's… a police officer investigating.
- Named Eric.
- I know who he is.
He knows that Manaus is the dolphin.
He planted the body in the forest.
Why would he do that?
I don't know. But I'm gonna find out.
Time of death
sometime early morning Monday.
Did he suffer a blow to the head?
No, this isn't a wound.
It's somehow a part of his body.
But I have to open him up,
I haven't done the autopsy.
And this?
Whatever happened to him was
the same thing that happened to Gabriela.
Eric, calm down. Gabriela's eyes
were like that because of the fire.
- It doesn't look the same.
- Trust me, Marcia.
Call up Ivo, put some pressure on him
so we can investigate this case.
Please do this.
Do me a favor, will you?
If anyone comes looking for the body,
let me know.
Marcia, Eric.
If a pink trumpet tree was dead,
it would be our case.
Murders are Homicide's problem.
Ivo, Eric is right. There's something
strange about this murder.
Oh, yeah? For example?
For example, Manaus didn't just like
to frequently visit the community.
He was speaking out against
the plans for construction there.
And you think a company would just
kill a John Doe who stood against them?
If they had the balls to poison the fish
and set the forest on fire
to get rid of the residents, then why not?
This is ridiculous.
This is not our case, is that clear?
Marcia. Keep an eye on him.
What do you mean nobody owned the phone?
It was a prepaid phone,
fake ID, that type of stuff…
Is that the number I left for you?
Said they wanted to talk about Gabriela.
Scheduled a meeting
and never showed up for it.
Someone calling to talk about
a dead woman?
- Forget it, Eric.
- Come on, Albuquerque.
I'm just saying,
it's better not to know some things.
Do you want me to look into it?
No. No, it's fine.
Got enough problems already.
Hey! What are you doing?
You came! That means my trap worked.
Do you really think I came here
because of a little cornmeal
or some hole you made in a colander?
Come on, girl.
For God's sakes.
Next you're gonna say
I live in a bamboo grove too, huh?
Uh… where do you live?
I'm squatting in a place now, in Lapa.
Ah. Can you do the whirlwind?
What whirlwind?
I think you've been watching
too many cartoons.
No I haven't. Look.
I saw this in my mom's book.
What about my leg? You see that as well?
See. This is you.
Where's this one?
Why don't we do something like this?
You tell me where my leg is
and I'll tell you
where find Curupira. Huh?
All right.
Ah, finally!
- Now it's my turn, right?
- Mm-hm.
- You see these sticks I'm holding here?
- Mm-hmm.
Now, look, hit them together
like this. Yeah?
Do this three times and call out his name.
Keep your eyes closed!
You have to believe it. Go.
Curupira, Curupira, Curupira!
Luna? You all right?
Come. Come take a bath.
Who are you?
We're closed for the night.
You'll have to leave, ma'am.
Are you afraid of the dark, Juarez?
How do you know my name?
You're going to sleep.
I don't want to.
- Sleep, little baby ♪
- I don't…
Cuca is coming to get you ♪
I don't want to.
Daddy is out in the field ♪
Mommy is… ♪
- Hey!
- Mm?
What are you doing here like this, Manaus?
I need to, uh…
I need to talk about something serious.
You can't talk about
anything serious with me
because you don't know what serious is.
- Mm-mm.
- Tutu!
- Take him back inside.
- No. It's important.
Go take a bath.
No, Tutu!
Did you get Manaus' body?
Now it's part of a legend,
just like the dolphin.
Manaus pulled so much shit,
I'm surprised it took this long
for something to happen to him.
You don't understand, do you?
There's something that's surrounding us.
I saw it in his eyes.
Like his soul had been sucked out of him.
And that cop has something to do with it.
What do we do now, Inez?
Nothing. We wait. He will come to us.
Wanna know my secret?
You need to add one tablespoon of milk
for the perfect omelette.
Dad, it's spilling.
It's spilling.
Damn it.
You okay, sweetheart?
I'm really missing my mom.
I miss her too, honey.
That's why Dad's been
so out of it lately. Mm-hm.
- Mmm.
- Mm-hmm.
if you're still interested,
I think I can talk about Manaus.
You know where the EPD is?
Whenever you're ready.
I don't know if I should be here.
But I wanted to help.
I don't think I'll be able to live with
myself if I don't find out what happened.
I know, Fabiana.
It's difficult to talk with João around.
I noticed.
What is João to you?
Right now, nothing.
He used to be my fiancé,
until the developers arrived…
and then he made it very clear
that we didn't think the same anymore.
One day he came home in a suit.
He had changed so much.
I'm good here.
I like living here. I'm staying.
Soon this whole town
won't even be here anymore.
I've spent my entire
life trying to be successful,
trying to get out
of this goddamn hellhole.
And I did it. Now I have that opportunity.
João, I don't want that.
You ever looked at someone
you used to know
and couldn't even recognize them?
With Manaus, things were different.
Come on, you can't leave this place. No.
This forest is more precious
than anything,
any money that some company
says they'll pay.
He always spoke
so passionately about this land…
about everything, really.
And… do you know where he lived?
Did he give you a phone number
or anything?
Uh, no.
We never set up any dates.
He would just… appear.
When he came towards me,
it felt like time stood still.
And João?
Tell me how he took the news.
He didn't take it very well.
He just couldn't accept that
I didn't want to marry him, you know?
- João!
- Move! Move! Get off me!
- Drop it! Drop the knife!
- Get off me!
What João really wanted to know
was who I had fallen in love with.
And then I ran into your wife.
Calm down. Calm down.
Gabriela was
the only person who didn't judge me.
Not just that…
she was the first person to welcome me.
- I need to talk to you.
- We've got nothing to talk about.
No? You just forgot to tell me
the child Fabiana's expecting is Manaus'?
Tell me where you were on Monday night.
- Are you interrogating me now?
- For now, we're just talking.
But if you want, we can go
to the precinct for an interrogation.
I was out of town.
Can you prove that?
That'd be your job, right?
Hey, Eric. Here's everything on João.
The hotel, plane tickets,
the guy really was out of town.
Can you slow down now?
If Ivo finds out you went after the guy
without authorization, you're screwed.
Authorization or no authorization, Marcia,
I'll never be able to move on until
I find out what happened to Gabriela.
Eric, they're not investigating
Gabriela's death.
And Manaus' death is a homicide case,
there's nothing we can do.
What's up?
What the hell do you mean it's gone?
Somebody broke in,
put a body over their shoulders
- and left through the front door?
- No, it just disappeared.
And the security cameras?
One of them malfunctioned
and the other didn't catch anything.
He just vanished?
I've never seen a body
disappear like this.
But I have a morgue to run and I'm afraid
there's nothing more I can do right now.
Well, I want a list of everybody
who was here last night,
plus a copy of
the security camera footage.
Talk to Diaz, he'll get you a copy.
Now Ivo will have to give us the case.
I'll go get that list.
Excuse me.
I want the visitor list from yesterday,
with the times everyone left.
And also the security camera archives.
All right.
All right?
The body was found in the forest
and it disappeared from the morgue.
It could actually be connected
to the Cedar Forest case.
You're authorized to investigate.
Are you being serious?
Isn't that what you wanted?
What are you waiting for? Get to work.
And keep me posted on everything.
You're the best, Ivo. I'm going
to find out who's behind all this.
Get some rest, okay?
Cafofo Bar.
Hey, can I get a beer?
Of course.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Why don't you try our signature drink?
Is this your first time in our bar?
Yeah, first time. You the owner?
I've sworn lies and I tread alone ♪
I own my sins ♪
The northern gales spin no windmills ♪
I'm left with nothing but a whimper ♪
My life, my deceased ♪
My twisting paths ♪
My Latin blood ♪
My captive soul ♪
I've breached treaties
Violated protocol ♪
I broke the spear
And I cast into the air ♪
A yell, an outburst ♪
A yell, an outburst ♪
Did you like my show?
It's you.
It was you. I remember you.
At the beach, when I found the dolphin.
What happened?
You really want to know?
Are you sure?
There's no turning back.
There's no turning back.
Why did you dump
Manaus' body in the forest?
Because it was the only
way I could investigate his death.
Why are you
so interested in Manaus?
I think that whoever killed Manaus
also killed my wife.
Hold on. You crossed the city with a body
to find out who killed your wife?
Are you crazy?
No… not yet.
But I'll go crazy
if I don't find out what really happened.
But what's the use
thinking about this now that she's gone?
Sometimes it's like
she never went away.
Like I only really got to know her
after she died.
I've stopped taking her for granted.
I can't do the things that she did…
I don't know how to take care
of our daughter, not the way she did.
And the worst part…
is knowing my daughter is in pain
because I can't be the father she needs.
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