Iron Man: Armored Adventures (2008) s01e02 Episode Script

Iron Forged in Fire (2)

They're calling him Iron Man.
No one seems to know who or what he is or where he went.
He disappeared after the incident.
It's all over the news.
All over the news because he saved hundreds of lives by stopping that runaway train, including everyone that was in this building.
I don't care who he is or what he did.
All I care about is what he's wearing.
Imagine the possibilities: a flying weapons-capable suit of armor.
It would revolutionize warfare and make us rich.
I want our top engineers working on this.
Uh, mr.
Stane, from everything we've seen, the Iron Man armor is more advanced than anything we're working on here.
It's years if not decades ahead of current technology.
What am I even paying you for? Fine, then we get the armor and reverse engineer it.
How are we supposed to find him? Uh, sir, I think I know where he is.
1x02 - Iron Forged in Fire part 2 He's listening to us.
Tell me, Iron Man, are you interested in making a lot of money? Why would he come here? I don't know, but I want that armor right now.
Okay, you want to play? Let's go.
Are you getting this? Oh, yeah.
Too slow.
Whoa! Are you nuts? I could have flown right into you.
Stop chasing me.
Someone's gonna get hurt if you keep this up.
He's hacked into our radio frequency.
Iron Man, do you have a statement for the public? Yeah, I've got boot jets, and you don't.
You're stressing me out, Tony.
Try racing helicopters before breakfast.
Now, that's stressful.
Seriously, man.
It's getting hard to cover for you with my mom.
I What? Racing helicopters? Auugh, I'm not gonna see you on the news again, am I? Not if you don't watch it.
This armor is seriously incredible.
I may have outgeniused myself.
You should take it out for a spin.
No, that's not the point.
The point is, I--you--you can't-- That's--maybe.
Master, the Iron Man was seen once more at the Stark international building.
Stane believes this armored fool can prevent me from seizing the Makluan ring? That ring belongs to the Mandarin by right.
You should be careful, Mandarin.
This Iron Man may not be working for Stane.
Leave us.
Perhaps we should Be silent.
Ugh! I will not be questioned in front of my men.
Stepfather, I didn't mean any disrespect.
I-- What you meant means nothing.
I am told you now call yourself gene khan.
You are weak, Corrupted by the west like your mother was.
Question me again, and you will join her.
My mother was a Khan.
I am a khan.
You, Zhang, are not, and if you were smart, you'd start listening to me.
I wear the ring of the Mandarin, not you.
You are a child, and worse, a fool.
You will never know what true power is.
You should have seen it.
It was unbelievable.
Iron Man just can't be Iron Man's awesome.
Hey, don't you need to get your books? I memorized them.
I hate you.
I want to head back to Stark tower, try to get more dirt on Stane.
We know the earthmovers are being weaponized.
We just have to figure out a way to stop it.
It's a military experiment.
Ahh, Pepper, what are you talking about? Iron Man.
Isn't he great? Anyway, my dad told me in strictest confidence That the FBI thinks Iron Man is part of a military experiment.
Oh, red is my favorite color.
Whoa, you've got it all wrong, Pepper.
Everyone knows the truth about Iron Man.
He's a robot, some kind of advanced A.
from the future.
Do you even know what A.
stands for? Yeah, I do.
Shut up.
Happy Hogan: Not the next Einstein.
Now, what were you guys saying about getting dirt on Obadiah Stane? That totally stinks.
I mean, you invent all this great stuff, and now Stane is selling it off as weapons? That's horrible not illegal, mind you, but still horrible.
I But if you invented all this stuff, you can uninvent it.
Here's what we do: Break into Stark international.
Tony can override the security systems.
Rhodey, you're on lookout.
I'll take out the night shift guards, While Tony finds everything he's invented and sets it to blow.
Really? No, we'd seriously go to jail.
I just wanted to be positive.
There's really nothing you can do.
You can stop cheering Tony up now, Pepper.
So this superlaser thingy you invented, did it look like a big, giant metal monster about, uh, ten stories tall? Guess so.
and so after you've taken the square root of the resulting sum, you're left with the solution for "y," which allows you to Okay, so I know I just met Tony and all, but he's been in the bathroom a really long time.
Um, he's coming back, right? Other people have to go too, you know? I'm sure he's going as fast as he can.
Master Khan, I have news.
Where is the Mandarin? Uh, the Mandarin doesn't wish to be disturbed.
Give me your news, and I'll tell him.
I--of course, master Gene.
Our information within Stark international reports that Stane is on the move, and he has the ring with him.
That's good news.
I'll let the Mandarin know.
Well, gentlemen? A very pretty light show, mr.
Stane, but meaningless.
Our enemies rarely stand still and wait to be destroyed.
You promised a demonstration in combat conditions.
What would you like me to do, stage an invasion? You see what it can do.
I-- Sir What? Something has violated the testing ground airspace.
It's--it's Iron Man, sir.
Gentlemen, phase two of the demonstration is about to begin.
Tony Tony, are you there? Rhodey, I won't lie to you.
I'm not in the bathroom.
No kidding.
You went after the earthmover, didn't you? Maybe, I'm patching you in to the testing ground security systems now.
See if you can see anything.
Hang on, it's coming up.
I'm gonna check it out.
Tony, no, wait.
They're watching you.
Huh? Fire.
Really Oh, boy.
Tony, are you okay? it--it-- that thing tried to kill me.
Just get out of there, now! INoI can't.
Pepper was right.
I invented those lasers.
I can uninvent them by blasting them apart.
I can do this, Rhodey, no problem.
Yeah, okay, now, that's a problem.
Alert, energy shields critical.
Tony Get out of there, move! I can't.
They're everywhere.
cut your boot jets.
Do it now.
Whoa, hey, ahhh.
They're trying to get around you again.
One's coming up on your left, watch it.
They keep shooting at me.
Well, shoot back! Oh, right.
Watch the other one.
Don't lose track; they're coming around.
You've got one at ten o'clock.
Ahh! Don't you knock? And how did you even get in the-- The front door was open.
You totally took off after school, and Tony never came back.
Did he seriously cut school again? Oh, he is going to get expelled.
What are you doing, and where's Tony? Uh, Rhodey, a little help here.
What? Oh, no.
Oh, no, no, no, you unbelievable idiots.
What did you do? Uh, sirMr.
Stane, The laser array on the alpha earthmover: The weapons systems are on automatic targeting, but something is wrong.
So fix it.
Stane, The laser array was designed by Tony Stark.
The designs were well, we never truly understood some of the aspects of it.
It's overloading, and I don't know how to stop it.
It's going to explode.
RhodeyRhodey, where are you? We've got a big problem here.
Shut it down.
Stane, is there a problem? No, no, everything is under control.
Huh? Ah, what in the Stane.
Pepper, I already told you.
Tony's at the school lab.
My computer crashed, and he's trying to fix it remotely from over there.
He must have missed class because he lost track of the timeIn the lab.
He--he--he does that.
Really? That's weird, because the lab was the first place I checked.
Crazy, you must have just missed him.
Oh, man, look at the time.
I better get back to fixing this computer.
Bye, Pepper.
Oh, wow.
You are a terrible liar.
Fine, I'll go, But you know I'm gonna find out whatever you guys are up to.
Tony's got a lot going on, doesn't he? You have no idea.
Ooh, does he have a girlfriend? Pepper! Rhodey! Tony, I'm back, and Pepper's outside.
Back? What do you-- Never mind, we've got big problems.
Things are about to go boom unless we can shut down these laser arrays.
Boom? What do you mean, "boom"? Boom, as in all of upstate New York.
Oh, that boom.
Ugh! Augh, ugh.
Who are you? What do you want? The ring.
Take it.
Just take it and go.
Tony, there's something going on.
Someone else is there.
Hang on, I think I know what to do.
I think I can stop the laser from going nuclear.
How? I'll let you know when I'm done, Unless I blow up.
What? here we go.
Power system overload, energy release required.
Yes! Not too bad, if I do say so-- Ugh! Tony, what was that? All your systems just went down.
Your heart implant is on backup.
Tony, can you hear me? Tony, if you can hear me, I'm going to try to start the reboot sequence.
The Iron Man: how unimpressive.
Sorry, have we met? All who defy the Mandarin will be destroyed.
Good to know.
Such arrogance.
Let those be the last words you ever utter.
Reboot complete.
Where did you get those rings? who are you? Tony Tony, are you okay? Tony! Augh, yeah, I'm Oh, you're alive.
Hooray for me.
Iron Man, You don't want me as an enemy.
I'll ask you one last time, work for me.
You almost died, man.
We all almost died because of Stane.
I mean, you saved millions of lives, Tony.
Think about it.
This is serious.
The man in black, the Mandarin, he had my father's Makluan ring.
What he did-- the energy he produced, I don't know how to explain it.
My dad was right, Rhodey.
These rings, what if they are some form of technology? And this Mandarin had another one.
You should have listened to me when you had the chance.
Wouldn't you agree, Zhang? The rings aren't just a symbol of power, you pathetic old man.
They are power, and I'm gonna find them all.

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