Poker Face (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

The Night Shift

All right. All right.
You guys liked the
last time I showed you
how to make an off-the-menu sandwich.
So tonight, I'm going to do it again.
First, you want to start with
your Italian herb cheese bread.
Add your chipotle, garlic aioli.
If you know, you know.
And what I'm doing now is
tessellating the cheese.
You know, I used to
get asked all the time
what happens after TikTok.
And to be honest, that
question used to freak me out,
especially when I got
out of the Marines.
A year ago, I was filled with feelings
of lostness and despair.
And if you know, you know.
But for now, I'm going to stick
with my sandwich content
because I get to express my creativity.
And I am so excited about the
different aioli permutations
and the different possibilities of ham.
And later, I want to do
some good in the world,
like going into, uh, public service,
and I am also open to
becoming a YouTuber.
Now, guys, you know I do
not do it for the likes,
but I think it would be really cool
if we can hit 100K for the boys tonight.
- Hey.
- Hey.
So where are we going today?
Ooh, Hawaii.
Took me forever to find that one.
Have you been?
Oh yeah. Me and Hawaii. All the time.
Okay. Well, if I win, I'll take you.
Well, you better win soon,
because I think my professor said
Hawaii is going to be underwater
in, like, 30 years.
Hey, Sara.
Hey, Jed.
So I don't know if you saw,
but, um, there's going to be
a meteor shower,
and it's supposed to be
really, really beautiful.
I'm going to watch from
Abe's roof. If you
If both of you want to come.
Well, you know, we're,
we're on our shift,
so maybe another time.
Well, this only happens
once every 33 years.
But yeah. Okay.
Is he bothering you?
- Jed?
- Yeah.
You know, I learned to
naturally tune this sense.
Like, I can smell it when
someone's more dangerous
than they look.
Kept me alive out there.
This was in Afghanistan?
San Diego.
Abe cool with you coming up here?
I, I turn off the security cameras.
Mind if I, uh
- Uh, go ahead.
- Thanks.
So, uh, is Sara coming?
No, no.
But, you know, I've seen you watch her
from up here at night.
I can see everything from up here.
Like I'm a god.
Do you see that truck?
Why is it parked so far
away from all the others?
Like, not even in range of the cameras.
I don't know.
Whoever's driving that
truck has something to hide.
You know what you've got? Perception.
Yeah. I notice a lot of stuff.
Yeah, man. Perception like that,
in the military, that's gold.
You could be like a
really good sniper
The military fucks you up, man.
All that PTSD and shit?
Those guys, they could,
like, snap at any moment.
Dude, you watch way too many movies.
I don't like movies.
- Hey, listen, man.
- What, man?
Hey, I'm not trying
to recruit you or something, okay.
I actually don't think the
military is for you, okay.
But what I'm saying
is is that it showed me
how big the world actually is.
And I know you grew up here.
And when the world seems small,
it's easy to start
obsessing over things.
What are you talking about?
You've got to leave Sara alone.
- Did she say something?
- I, I just think you're
you know, creeping her out a bit.
- Creeping her out?
- Yeah, man.
You got binoculars and shit, man.
I think if she had a problem with me,
she would tell me, you know, not you.
I mean, who the fuck are you?
I mean, you're, you're
what? You've been here
a month at best.
I'm the one who welcomed her here
when her family first came into town,
I was the one, okay.
- Chill out, man, I
- Way before you ever were even in this town!
I didn't mean it like that, okay.
You know, maybe you're the
one who's creeping her out.
Do you ever think about that with your,
with your sandwiches,
you fucking psycho killer soldier boy.
I think you need to
calm down, all right?
No, no, no, you need to calm down!
Hey, I'm just saying, I get it.
No! Nobody gets it
Hey, hey
What you're describing is monotony.
Okay, when I was in the
Marines, most days, all I did
was paperwork over and over
and over again, inventory.
And when I would finish,
sometimes they would just shred it,
and I'd have to do the
whole thing all over again.
Days just blur together.
No one cares what you
do or what you can,
your creativity.
Feels like there's no way out, right?
Like there's no future.
Sometimes I think to myself
whenever I fix up a car, I
think like, what if I just
climbed in the trunk and hid.
I'd get a thousand miles
away before anyone noticed.
Hey, you'll make it out of here someday.
Times I sit up here,
I think there's a limited
amount of luck in the universe.
They give it out when you're born
and you either get it or you don't.
Luck is something that we created
to make sense of the
things that we can't change.
Right. Mr. Celebrity.
Hey. Hey. I did that.
Okay? That wasn't luck.
I made that happen.
I focused on what I could control
like making sandwiches
and spreading positivity
globally through my TikToks.
And the rest of it is just chaos.
Like this. Right?
If I did this every single day
and I thought, man, I'm going to win.
I'm going to get out of
here and start a new life,
get that new iPhone 13.
If I did that every single day,
I would feel like a loser.
Nah, fuck that, man.
I do it because it's fun, you know.
It's something I can do.
It, it, it's a moment.
It makes Sara smile.
It's something to do.
And that makes it all the more
Holy shit.
I think I won.
Uh, no, yeah.
How much?
Holy shit, man. Sara's gonna flip.
All right.
911. What's your emergency?
I'm calling from 421, Route 66.
I think I just saw a murder.
Oh. Oh. For goddamn
Ah shit.
Well, first there was a
pop and then a, a rattle,
but like a flutter rattle,
an irregular flutter rattle.
And then, I don't know how,
but a steam explosion
was kind of the kicker.
I thought, that's not right. So
Without these things turned
up, I can't hear a word.
Uh, it's busted.
Okay, can you fix it?
I can.
Well, with parts and
labor and, you know,
the best fair price I
can offer you is, uh,
Ah shit.
Oh, that's a fair price.
No, no, it's, it's shockingly honest.
Well, it's on the sign.
Yeah, yeah, it's just, uh
Shit. All right, so, uh,
how long will that take?
Well, we're closing up for the night,
so here's what we're gonna do.
Tomorrow morning, you come by 8:00 a.m.,
put a bunch of cash in my hands,
20 minutes later, I'll
have you on the road.
Dude, 20 minutes. Can't you just, uh
Well, you know, it's
"Top Chef tonight." Sorry.
"Top Chef." Well, God forbid.
Yeah, well, we can stow your car gratis.
We've got security
cameras, so it'll be safe.
Hell, I'll get my nephew
to move the car. Jed!
Take this car around the side.
This would be a nice car
if you took care of it.
Hey, man, uh, is there a
motel or something around here?
Well, there used to
be, but it burned down.
So, 20 minutes down the road,
uh, there's a bunch of motels.
Yeah, you'll be fine.
But your car's not going anywhere.
Hey, you mind if I try
something a little different
with the cheese-sauce combo?
Just something I've been working on.
Go nuts.
Thank you.
Hey, uh, do, uh, do you have a bathroom?
Yeah, but it's for employees only.
But if you go past the
minimart to the rest stop,
there is a public bathroom.
It's not too gross.
- Meteor shower tonight.
- Fuck!
Son of a
Yeah. Okay. Uh-huh.
That's what happens in here.
Yeah, it is.
Laundry day.
Bleeding through your shirt day.
Gunshot wound day.
Mind your own business day.
Please. Thank you.
Just because you're wearing
your underwear inside out
doesn't mean it's really clean.
That trick only works once.
'Cause of, there's only
two sides to the underwear.
How many days you've been on the road?
Uh, two days.
A week.
Yeah. Thank you for
your underwear concern.
Have you lost a lot of blood?
Well, I got plenty of blood. Thanks.
If you take ibuprofen
when you're bleeding,
you'll just bleed more.
All right, WebMD.
I'm going to leave now.
Please do not follow me.
- Ahh!
- The pain is in your mind.
you've got no idea.
All right.
Hell, I'm gonna
accept this situation.
- Marge.
- Cheers.
Hmm. Yes, it is.
Ah, good thing.
Neat trick, huh? Neat trick, that.
Dries quick. You'll be fine.
Right. Okay.
So, uh, I guess you must get messed with
a lot in this life on the road.
Nah, I got my dash cam over there.
And baby Roscoe.
I used to carry Mace.
But you got to get too close to use it.
- Defeats its own purpose.
- Right.
Plus, one time I accidentally
sprayed Mace in here
when I was practicing quick draws.
Couldn't stop crying for about a month.
Second time in my life I've ever cried.
Oh yeah? What was the first?
That was back when I was
none of your fucking business.
Keep it. You might need it.
Oh. Thanks.
Same stuff doctors use,
but big pharmacy
doesn't want you to know.
You're the first person
I've talked to in 270 days.
Not counting CB radio.
So, uh, you get, you get bored
out here alone?
I got my books on tape on CD.
"Buddhism for Beginners."
Chapter one.
All existence is suffering,
and the source of
suffering is attachment
So not Marge.
First time I cried, I
was watching "Bambi."
I'm getting not gonna hook-up vibes.
Yeah, I don't think so.
You want to go to the Roadhouse, then?
They got three for ten.
- Uh, three what?
- Oh. Three anything.
There's an extra shirt if you want it.
Oh, thanks
Trust me, I don't exist.
So there's nothing
I could find about you online.
The cops couldn't find you.
I don't know, PI, spooks, nothing.
No phones, no bank accounts.
Fake IDs if you can get them
but better to stick where
people aren't asking.
Never staying in the
same place for too long,
never looking back.
- Why?
- I got one of those uncles.
Got sent to live with
him when I was 16 maybe.
One day, I took his money,
pissed on his favorite chair, and ran.
He used every means to
try to track me down.
Never got his money back.
I love the life, though.
Out here, Marge is small,
weak, fleshy, a target.
But when I'm driving,
Marge is 80,000 pounds of pure steel.
Drive, no attachments, no suffering.
See a hitchhiker on
the road, keep going.
Well, bullshit.
I mean, you stopped to help me, right?
Hey, listen, I got the same thing,
can't help it.
Little Miss Galahad over here.
Okay, Miss, I am going
to get your next round.
Whoa. No.
So when you use this card,
All right, uh
ATMs, too?
I used an ATM once,
my uncle showed up in four hours.
Any place you land, first thing.
Find a side hustle that pays cash.
Gold is the ideal.
But surprisingly few people
still use it as currency,
and the ones who do are mainly freaks.
- Bitcoin?
- Well, don't get me started.
- Ahh.
- You want something for that?
You got something?
Side hustle. Cash.
I got a shit ton of
Canadian prescription drugs
in the back of my truck.
Sell 'em along my route.
EpiPens, Viagra, stuff like that.
Why didn't you say something before?
I didn't know if I could trust you.
Ah, so you trust me now?
Now I'm drunk.
I guess I'll B-R-B right here too.
Too easy.
It's for kids.
Yeah, I know.
How about you? You exist?
Real introvert, huh?
We're closing, okay.
You gotta go home so I can go home.
The, the sign says 24 hours.
Hey, uh,
do you have, like, a
storeroom or something
I could take a nap in?
No. We don't.
Oh shit.
Ah, buzzard.
Okay. All right. You know what?
I, I understand the confusion.
Ah! Not today, buddy. No, no.
Picnic table's all yours, buzzard.
You're still here.
Cops kept me late with questions.
Kept everyone.
Asked about you, too.
- I told them you split.
- Oh, thanks.
Not to help you.
Just because I thought you split.
So, uh, what's the business?
Friend from last
night, she killed a guy.
What? Marge?
- No.
- Yep.
Kid who works the night shift at Subway,
he broke into her truck, she killed him.
No, no, no. No, no, no.
I can't believe that.
- She shot a guy?
- I don't know.
Jesus Christ, she was a weirdo.
She did have baby Roscoe.
Maybe that makes sense, I don't know.
The cops say they got her on tape.
Ah, 'cause of the dash cam, huh?
No, dash cam only points ahead.
Bet it was the mechanic shop.
They must have security cameras.
Hey, uh, thanks for, you
know, hiding out with me.
Is that what this was?
Jesus, man.
Four hours. Here we go.
One and one hundred
Yeah, there's two hundred.
Well, it's, it's all there.
Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Three hundred.
It's four $100 bills.
All right. Yep, there we go.
Hey, uh,
that kid who got killed
last night, did you know him?
Yeah. Damian.
Yeah. He, he hadn't been here long.
Nice kid.
Fresh out of the Marine Corps.
Yeah, I just, I just don't picture him
breaking into trucks.
Maybe he had money problems.
What do you mean?
I don't know, I'm guessing.
Played the lottery every day.
Never won.
Yeah, Jed was the one
who called in the murder.
I told him to take the day off,
but he insisted on working.
I guess to take his mind
off of things, you know.
Not as good.
Nothin' ever is.
Hey, sweet pea!
All right. Thank you.
I, I'd like to buy a
scratch-off, please.
Which one?
Mm-hmm. The, the Gold Rush.
In, in Damian's honor.
Oh, my fucking God.
What happened?
I'm out of here, fuckers!
Creepo flipping out.
a long-haul truck driver
was arrested earlier this morning
after a young man was
found bludgeoned to death
in a rest area off Route
66 near Albuquerque.
Police have yet to release
any further details.
Oh. I thought you were leaving?
Yeah, I am.
Uh, hey, I know this is inappropriate
and kind of, I don't know, insensitive,
but is there any way I could take a look
at the security camera
footage from last night?
Sure. Yeah. If you could squeeze in.
Squeeze in.
- Oh shit.
- She totally did it.
- Look at that.
- Sinewy.
Like an ant. Goddamn.
Marge was moving drugs.
- That's why she did it.
- What?
Whether she did or didn't do it,
let's all agree she
had the right to do it.
What do you mean,
whether or not she did it?
I, I thought you had it on tape.
I Where's the bludgeoning?
No, look at that angle right there.
All you can see is her dumping the body.
- Aah. Ooh. Ooh. There she goes.
- Oh, my God.
Play it again.
Ooh! God.
Aw, shit
You have to buy something if
you want to use the bathroom.
You know, what I'd really like is, uh,
to take a look at your security footage.
Why? Are you a cop?
Hmm, yeah.
I'm a very deep, deep undercover cop.
I don't like cops.
Neither do I. Right?
So I, I'm not a cop.
Then why should I show you my footage?
You know, I, uh,
always been curious about these.
I bet they taste like the future.
What is that?
Cotton candy.
Uh, you want one?
No, thanks. Those things
are like really bad for you.
And later, I want to do
some good in the world,
like, um, public service,
and I'm also open to
becoming a YouTuber.
Were you guys close?
They're saying he broke into a truck.
Why? He wouldn't do that.
Yeah, he does not seem like the type.
If only we had, uh,
some way to prove it.
Ehh. That's it?
Shit, I was hoping it would
show more of the street.
So, Damian, did you see him last night?
Every night.
He'd come in around
10, bring me a sandwich,
and then he'd buy a lottery ticket.
Had this dumb little routine
where he'd pick a state
quarter from my collection
and use it to scratch it off.
Last night, he did Hawaii again.
Oof. Ugh. Yeah, I hate sand.
Swimming, it's not for me.
I, I heard that he played
every day and never won.
That's true.
That's weird.
- What?
- Okay, so, uh
I have this thing.
I can tell if someone's lying.
I mean, it's a, it's a whole thing.
It would take too long to explain.
It's fine. I don't care.
Great. So, you know, the kid
who works over Abe's place?
- Jed.
- Yes, Jed.
So Jed told me that Damian never won,
but he was lying, I could tell.
However, just now, when you said it,
you were telling the truth.
I don't get it.
Yeah, me neither. I mean, it's, uh
it's kind of breaking
my brain a little bit.
Jed won the lottery this morning.
He what?
Twenty-five grand on a scratcher.
The universe makes no sense.
That is a hat on a hat.
Uh, I can't even process that right now.
So you and Damian,
you, you did your whole
routine last night?
Yeah. Everything felt normal.
Well, Jed came in and
asked if we wanted to watch
the meteor shower from his roof.
He does stuff like that a lot.
And, uh, you didn't go?
No, neither of us did.
We hung out, and then he went
back to his shift at Subway.
I can't even process. That's a cat toy.
No, it's not.
Yeah, it is.
Holy shit.
Yes, you're right. Not a camera at all.
That's just a cat toy.
Why is it a cat toy?
Why is anything anything?
- Dude.
- To deter. It's a deterrent.
Deterrent? Cat toy.
Okay, I'm going to move off this topic.
So what about, uh, time cards?
Do you guys punch in
and out or something?
Like at an old-timey factory?
QR code, something,
whatever the kids use these days
for time cards, I don't know, man.
I pretty much just show up whenever.
You're a real black hole of information.
Employees only.
Come on. That's like
Subway sanctum sanctorum.
Do you think this could be blood?
That's light mayonnaise.
How do you know it's light?
I just know.
Lucky bastard.
How would you like to help
an old lady retire early?
Taking a break?
I don't work anymore.
Ah, smart.
Oof. Nasty cut.
How'd you get that?
Uh, sharp piece of metal.
I always get injured on this job.
Well, it must be your lucky day, kid,
'cause Doctor Superglue has arrived.
- It feels better, right?
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, uh, you catch that, uh,
crazy rat-a-taz last night,
the, uh, the Leonids?
Yeah, I had a few beers and
watched it from the roof.
- Oh yeah? Alone?
- I'm always alone.
I'm an alone wolf.
What about the, uh, the other kids?
Uh, Sandwich guy and goth
girl. They didn't want to come?
Why would those guys
want to hang out with me?
Well, why wouldn't they?
You just won the lotto.
You're going places.
You figure out how you're
gonna spend the money yet?
Uh, no. No, I don't. I don't know.
No one's ever asked me
what I want to do before.
Yeah, well, ta-da, I'm asking.
Well, it's too late.
I've already missed out on too much,
and so I'm not going to
reach my full potential,
which was really high.
You seem smart.
- I am smart.
- Okay.
So you're smart, you're
young, you have money,
you're right, No options at all.
I think I'm gonna go to Hawaii.
Oh. Eww.
Guh. Shit.
My bad. Let me get that off.
Hey, that's a pretty neat trick, right?
The, the superglue?
Yeah, it's a funny thing.
The, uh, the lady that they're saying
killed Sandwich taught it to me.
She probably saved my
life, actually and
Well, now she's locked
up for killing that kid.
- Whoa, dude.
- Do you want a beer?
I'm going to have a beer.
Okay. Thanks.
So, you said Damian
wasn't on the roof last night, right?
I already told you.
I don't think you did.
I was alone on the roof all night.
Look at the time.
- Weren't you in a hurry?
- Oh. Yeah.
I guess I am on a bit
of, uh, borrowed time.
Say, so my bag went missing
from my car last night.
Is that the security
camera that you mentioned?
Yeah. Yeah.
Uh! Wait.
Yeah. Okay.
It changes. Here, look.
Frame forwards, Frame backwards.
Frame forwards, Frame backwards.
Do you see there?
Why would the camera angle change?
And, and, and the tarp.
Why would the tarp move?
Yeah. Big number's changed, too.
Yeah, you're right.
Yeah. It goes from 10:30
to 11:30.
We're missing a chunk of the footage.
Well, that happens all the time.
Yeah, Jed explained it to me.
It seems that the wind gets
caught up in the circuit.
I wanted to come check on you.
See if you're feeling better.
I'm in complete mourning.
Just the total absurdity
of dying like this
after surviving, like, the war.
I think he mostly did paperwork.
His shift starts in a few hours.
I can't believe he's
not going to be there.
Wait, you know that those
guys aren't actually,
like, heroes, right?
Like, have you ever heard
of, like, Abu Ghraib?
Can you have, like, any
respect for the dead?
You know, I was just thinking of
gettin' out of here soon.
I was thinking of going to Hawaii.
You want to come with.
Why would you say that?
I'm not going to Hawaii with you.
Are you serious? That's so weird.
What are you doing up here?
It's a beautiful view.
All the
All of it.
Do you want to sit?
I'm good.
Those belong to Sandwich?
What? No. Why, why would you say that?
Uh, I don't know, Jed, I, uh
I found one of these bottle
caps in his apron pocket,
and I thought maybe you
might have lied to me
and he was up here with
you last night, after all.
Well, one, what do you fuckin' care?
And two, people drink beer.
Well, for one, a friend of mine
is in jail right now
for Damian's murder.
But then there's a lot of weird bullshit
going on around here,
all of which is leading
me to fucking care
what happened on this roof last night.
And for two, Sara told
me that Damian told her
that he was coming up to see you.
Sure you don't want to sit?
Yeah. He was up here last
night. I was embarrassed.
I didn't want to mention it.
Yeah, 'cause
he asked me to leave Sara alone.
Like, I'm creeping on her,
and he's some white knight hero.
It was fucking humiliating.
Yeah, and that, uh,
must have made you angry, huh?
You got a thing for Sara?
A thing?
For little daddy's girl,
gets everything she wants.
Princess in her castle.
I couldn't shake the
dust off fast enough.
She's gonna be sitting over
there, still selling Twinkies
and blowing truckers when I'm long gone,
'cause I actually
took control of my life
and fuck you to this
place, I made it happen.
Made it.
I mean, I
You didn't make shit. Right?
You won the lottery. That's dumb luck.
Hey, look at Damian.
He played every day,
and he never won. Right?
Hey, can, can I get one
of the, uh, the scratchers?
Uh, whichever one Sandwich played.
Thanks, buddy.
You know what, uh,
let me get a few more.
That's a fool's path to riches.
Amen, brother. Amen.
What do you want?
I think I've kind of been a dick.
Uh, no.
Yeah. I just think, like,
I haven't gotten any sleep.
I'm having a hard time
emotionally regulating.
Probably a combination of
Damian's senseless death
and I started this new birth control,
and that's making me really hormonal.
I shouldn't have taken it out on you.
Nah, it's cool.
I actually figured you were hormonal.
I forgive you.
Cool. Yeah. Great.
Hey, unrelated, can I
see your scratch-off?
I've never seen anyone
win, like, more than $5.
It'd be cool to see an
actual winning ticket.
Oh yeah.
Okay, thanks.
Hey, wait, what the fuck?
Hey, give that back.
What's weird?
Oh, uh, you know,
I, I, I just bought a
few scratchers myself.
I didn't win anything. No.
It's a fool's path to riches.
But I did notice,
every ticket has a, a serial number.
It's printed right
there on the, on the side
and, well, the serial numbers are
apt to be they're sequential.
That means in order.
I know. So?
So then I remembered
that I saw this trucker
playing one of those kinds
of scratch-offs this morning.
It was a Gold Rush.
It was right before I picked up my car,
which is right before
you bought your ticket.
This trucker, he didn't win anything,
and he threw it away.
- Eww.
- I know, but
seven-four-three, six-three
Uh, the number on this ticket,
it ends in 454.
So that means if you, uh,
really bought your ticket
after this guy,
well, then your number,
it would end with, uh,
455 or maybe
56, yeah, you know, even 57.
But it doesn't, right?
No. Your ticket number is 450.
M-maybe there's a misprint.
Or maybe,
maybe you didn't buy that ticket at all.
Maybe, maybe Damian bought
that ticket last night,
like he did every night.
And maybe he brought it up to the roof.
Yeah. And, and maybe
when it was just the two
of you alone out there,
well, he realized he'd won.
And maybe
you killed him for it.
I didn't do it.
I know you did, you motherfucker.
Everything all right in here?
Oh, yeah. We're just
Yeah, sorry, I had these turned up
a little bit too high.
Yeah. You okay? You good?
Yeah. She's just gettin' out of here.
All right, I'll go warm up the car.
Well, you got me.
I did it.
So why don't we call the cops?
I'm sure they'd love to hear some
half-baked theory about serial numbers
from a vagrant who lives in her car.
It's not just a theory.
You admitted it.
To you.
You're not a cop.
You're just some woman.
Got no proof.
I'm not on camera like your friend.
If I'm wrong
let's give 'em a call.
We can tell 'em, "Hey,
it's Jed from the rest stop
"at 421, Route 66,
and," uh
Sorry, what's your name?
Charlie Cale.
Your registration's in the glove box.
Did you know that you're
a person of interest
in a bunch of deaths in Nevada?
I'm sure the cops would
love to talk to you.
What's that?
If I were you
I'd get in my trash bucket,
and I'd speed the fuck out of here
before I call the cops on you.
All set. Ready to go.
Have a safe trip.
Drive safe.
Fucking Christ, Marge.
Ah, man, I'm sorry.
Don't miss our hilarious new
hidden camera show "Prank Yankers."
You won't believe what people do
when they don't know
they're being filmed.
Thursdays at 12:00. Don't miss it.
- Hey. Uh, hi.
- Hey.
- So
- I'm trying to sleep, lady.
- Oh, of course
- I take six small naps a day.
- I got a method.
- Yes, yes.
So that's your dash cam, right?
- Yeah.
- Okay, good.
And, you see, it's pointed
right at the rest stop.
It's pointed right at where Marge
You don't know any of this, okay.
So it's recording all the time?
Wouldn't be much good if it didn't.
Right. And your, uh, radio,
so you can just contact any trucker
on the road with it, right?
Yeah, if you got their call sign.
Uh-huh, cool. So, okay,
just two, no, three more questions.
Wait. Hello.
Hi. Uh, I'm looking for a trucker
that was here last night.
He was eating a burger at the bar.
That narrows it down
to about ten people.
Okay, He was in, he
was wearing a flannel.
He had his, uh, his hat pulled down low.
Dammit. Uh
Okay, look, he had his,
his truck parked right
outside that window.
It had an animal logo on it,
like a cat-like
badger-mouse-type animal,
some animal with legs and fur
and fucking fuck-like
thing, what was it?
Is that a squirrel?
Nah, some kind of dog.
No, not a squirrel. Not a dog.
Uh, which one eats wood?
Dumbass, none of them eat wood.
- Guinea pig. Guinea pig.
- Capybara.
Ah, geez. Fucking useless.
- Opossum.
- Oh, that's
Yeah, look, take a look
Quiet, quiet, quiet please,
I, I, I need to think. Okay.
That's it. That's all that's
been on my mind all day.
That is the key.
Does anybody know this song?
You say you got a pretty face.
But the rest of you is outta place.
That's it. Fox.
Fox on the run ♪
You scream and everybody comes ♪
A-running ♪
Take a run and hide ♪
Yourself away ♪
Foxy on the run ♪
Okay, check it out,
he was here last night.
He was driving a truck
with a fox logo on the side.
Now, listen, does anybody
know his, his call sign?
- FoxCo.
- FoxCo Shipping.
- Must be Pickleback.
- Fucking Pickleback.
Fucking Pickleback. Okay, great.
Get Pickleback on the radio, all right.
Tell him to take a look
at his dash cam footage
from last night.
The cops are gonna want to see that.
It's gonna prove they got the wrong lady
sitting in a jail cell right now.
I knew she didn't do it.
- We'll find him.
- Okay.
Huh, Pickleback.
Can I help you?
Have you seen this woman?
She used your ATM about four hours ago.
Oh yeah, she just left.
You know where she went?
Not sure.
I think she said she was going to LA.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
She said she loves the beach,
sand, swimming. All of it.
I found her.
Yeah. She's headed West. LA.
When I brought her car around, I
I noticed that somebody had
been messing with her brakes.
Imagine that?
So I fixed 'em for
her, you know, gratis.
Well, what
What are you, you thinking?
I've always treated you
like you were my own son.
Abe, I don't know what you think.
But it's not my fault.
That bitch
she had it out for me, I swear.
She, she was trying to frame me.
Jed : She was, she
was the one who did it.
I'm, I'm the real victim here.
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