Primeval: Webisodes (2010) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Captain Becker. Welcome back to the ARC.
The new ARC.
You have no idea how good it
is to have finally some company here.
I'm supposed to report to Parker.
- Jess Parker. At your service.
- You're
You're the field coordinator?
I'm sorry. Not usually this crazy,
I promise. Well, not unpleasantly crazy.
Only I have been here on my own for the
last two weeks. Just me and the creatures.
I have been going to
all mission reports.
- Fun.
- No, they're good. Really.
The best part is I already
feel like I know you.
And Abby, Connor and Danny.
If you wanna come through,
I'll get you set up.
- It's me. Can you talk?
- Have you heard something?
Not yet.
You sound worried.
You shouldn't be,
your background is perfect.
Besides, it's possible
that make you sound
a little bit more perfect.
Yeah, I noticed, claiming Everest, really?
You don't think that's pushing it?
You have to be approved by ARC-security,
Trust me.
It's not enough to just impress,
you have to intimidate them.
Matt Anderson, new
team leader, or will be.
Lester wants you to look this
over to see if everything is okay.
Lester still chooses the stuff?
- Thought, the ARC was privately owned now?
- 50/50, government/private.
And Lester still reports
to the minister.
And not to this Nobel prize winning
blown from Prospero. What was his name?
Philipp Burton. He seems to have
to keep both unhappy.
Pretty impressive CV.
All the stuff this guy
has done. You think of
how old and crusty he'll
be. He's not, he's young.
Nothing. Nothing.
Is he the only candidate?
Got to be about the Everest.
Way some people feel the need to
Boast about things.
Excuse me?
gonna put the
breaks on
this guy for being too good.
That would be pretty lame.
I'mno one is putting
breaks on anyone. I mean
He's ex-military. Decorated for heroism.
He's an expert in
animal behavior and he's got countless
glowing references. He's perfect.
I really meant. Whether
he was the only candidate?
I think you don't want your
boss to be better than you are.
I see, you're making fun of me.
Totally. Just checking to see if
you smile. And you're doing.
Which means so far way better
company than a mammoth.
You havesomethingIt's disgusting.
Right, thank you.
I'll see you there.
- You've heard?
- I have.
I'm in.
- You're ready for this.
- I know.
You worked hard for it
and you're the perfect
candidate not just for
the job for the mission.
Whatever happens
Don't mess it up.
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