Rubicon s01e02 Episode Script

The First Day of School

- Take off your sunglasses.
- Come on, boots.
Who could it be but me? I need visual identification.
Intake meeting in five minutes.
Thank you.
Nervous? Don't be.
You'll do great.
Everyone's rooting for you.
What you got? Run something for me, will ya? I'm boning up before I make a case.
Crossword puzzles?! Keep it between us, okay? That would be against the rules.
I'm looking for any sort of pattern, any history, anything at all.
My name's not Hal.
Thanks, Hal.
First day jitters? I'm fine.
You're late.
- It won't happen again.
- Good.
Team a, team b, team c, team d, team e, team f.
Not now.
He's waiting.
You could have worn a coat and tie.
Coat and tie.
Don't let me down.
Excuse me? I recommended you for this job.
I appreciate the support.
I won't let you down.
Good morning.
How was D.
? Usual cockfight.
Did you win? For the time being.
We have a budget.
I gave the new Indonesia data to team c.
They're good at the all source stuff.
- Agreed.
- I'll check in with team e, see how they're doing with Israeli intention vis à vis Iran.
The Pentagon's been bugging me for the analysis.
It seems they don't trust our closest ally.
It's will travers first day as team leader.
He's waiting outside.
I want I want his team concentrated on the - Yuri.
- Yuri thing.
And don't let them get distracted with last night's intakes.
The photos on my desk? They're on your desk.
Any more noise about the crossword thing? Quiet as a mouse.
Send him in.
You're lucky.
He's in a good mood.
I'll be downstairs.
You've got some big shoes to fill.
David Hadas was a brilliant man.
Yes, sir, I know.
You up to it? Absolutely, sir.
The man facing the camera is, of course, Yuri Popovich.
Your team get anywhere with his financials? He has seven dummy companies registered in the Cayman Islands.
High figures move in and out.
How high? Tens of millions.
We're working on where it comes from and where it goes.
All the other information we've got points to him being a middle man between ex-KGB agents selling missing soviet missiles and buyers most recently Hezbollah.
These were taken yesterday in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The other two men are unknown.
I'd like to know who they are and what they and Yuri are up to.
Yes, sir, we'll get right on it.
24 hours? Seem fair? Very fair.
Tom Rhumor's will is clear and simple.
All his worldly goods are to be divided equally between his wife, Katherine rhumor and his first wife gidge brant and their children, Richard Rhumor and Sage Rhumor.
Tom has specified a few things that he'd like you to keep for yourself.
The Paul Klee, the Morandi and the Villard, the Oyster Bay house, the house on Fishers Island and two more things.
In a codicil added by Tom last week, Katherine inherits one of his companies MRQ alternatives.
Last week? When exactly? Monday the 6th.
Two days before he dies, he decides to leave me a company? Why? He didn't say.
And the second thing? He left you the townhouse on East 73rd street.
What townhouse? Congrats.
Your promotion.
Thank you.
How you doing? ? Week two.
I'm good.
You were right about the Malaysian cipher.
It was an itinerary.
Guess whose? Prime minster Cameron's.
I alerted MI-5.
They weren't very grateful.
Anybody seen Grant? He has a career day at his kid's school.
Let's start without him.
this is weird.
Yesterday I was one of you, and today I'm supposed to Step into David's shoes.
What the hell are those? Look, doughnuts.
In what universe? Where did you get them? A breakfast joint on 13th street.
For the future, beignets only.
The best are at the modern.
- Beignets aren't doughnuts.
- Last night's intake.
Not a lot of new things.
Mostly updates, so you can work on them on your own.
What I need you to do is concentrate on Yuri Popovich.
Why? Because Spangler asked us to, 'd like something by tomorrow.
Sofia, Bulgaria.
Popovich, 10:00 A.
Who are the other two in the photo? Exactly.
Who are they? What are they doing? Let's go.
At 2:00, you're meeting with Mark Mink to review support staff issues.
What issues? I doubt there are any, wants you to know he's there.
? That sounds like a waste of my time.
Not if Mark walks away, wanting to help you in any way he can.
Ten minutes of your time now could be worth a fortune down the road.
Fine, let's keep the meeting.
What else? They're sweeping our offices tomorrow.
- Already? - It been a month.
They send David's stuff to his wife yet? Not yet.
It's still in the office? It's your office now.
It's a little strange, don't you think? Kale wants you closer to him.
I'm going to get that.
I'm going to pay for both of these.
It's about as close to a lunch date as you and I are ever going to get, isn't it? See you later.
- Hi, guys.
- Look at this.
One minuscule mention on page 12 of political unrest in Nigeria.
Now, if that isn't a handy euphemism for a bloodbath.
The phones are down.
I checked with someone I know at state.
She said the embassy was evacuated this morning.
I don't want to be callus, but I want you to concentrate on Yuri Popovich.
Don't worry.
I'm all over Yuri Popovich.
What do you got? The man sitting to the left of Yuri in the photos is George Beck.
German? Good.
What else? We've got his birthday, his home address and his government I.
That's it? So far.
Keep digging.
How's career day, Grant? Great.
Considering I can't tell anybody what I do for a living.
My kid thinks I'm unemployed.
I tell my kids that I write secret video games.
They think that's pretty cool.
Anything on those crosswords? Nothing.
Nothing on the clues or answers.
But I did find something - of the same methodology.
- Really? Crossword puzzles in 11 major international newspapers, with identical clues.
Seven in all.
Any trace? Authorship? Nothing.
No code indications? Keep looking.
- Off the record? - Off the record.
I get caught, they fire my ass.
Did you know? No, of course not.
I don't believe you.
Guys always cover for each other.
Tom wasn't cheating on you.
How do you know? I knew Tom.
Then why did he have that townhouse? Maybe he just needed a place to decompress during the day.
He slept there, he entertained there, he read novels there.
Graham Greene for God's sake.
I thought he hated Graham Greene.
How could Tom, my Tom, be so cruel? I don't know.
I still don't believe you.
Believe me.
I don't.
I really don't.
The morning of that train crash, David's car was parked in spot number 13.
- Impossible.
He would never do that.
- I know.
But I saw it, and that's where it was.
Which means somebody else parked it, or he wanted us to know something was wrong.
What? I don'know.
But what if he knew that train was going to crash? I found this in David's office.
The letters mean numbers, right? "H" is 8, "p" is 16, but I can't seem to find a pattern in it.
This is really old-school.
Just like David.
It's a simple book code.
The case officer and his Agent each have copies of the same book.
The code indicates the page, the line, the letter.
Page 320.
Line Word 8.
Letter 3.
Find the right book, and And you can read the message.
Lots of books.
Lots of books.
You can find the right book, but but maybe you don't want to find the right book.
You sure you really want to find this? Ed, I'm sure.
I lied to you.
- About what? - The crosswords.
- You recognize them? - I wrote them.
I wrote a prototype.
Code embedded in crossword puzzles published simultaneously in several international newspapers.
Was this in 1983? You know about that? What was it for? David asked me to design a go code for seven participants.
- It was David's operation? - He was involved, yes.
A go code to start what, Ed? I don't know.
I just don't know.
Something happened to David.
What is he trying to tell us? Out and about? Errands.
Focus Is all, Will.
Couldn't agree more.
How was your first day in charge? It was frustrating.
We were only able to I.
one of the men in the Yuri Popovich photo.
To be honest with you, we have very little on him.
He's expecting something tomorrow.
I know.
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Everything okay? I think in his own funny way, we was offering his moral support.
I'm going to finish some work.
Thanks for your help.
You survived your first day.
How does it feel? I'm tired.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Good night.
Look at this.
I mean we Warned everyone that this was going to happen.
We laid out options.
What's the point? No one listens.
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
Miles, I need your attention for a second.
You have to concentrate on this Yuri Popovich thing.
Kale just came into my office.
I had to tell him we had nothing.
Yeah, you bet.
I promise.
The CIA was supposed to get back to me.
They never did.
Go home.
Play with your kids and put them to sleep.
Make your wife a Martini.
Come back tomorrow and get me some answers.
Sorry about that.
Look out! I smell spring this morning, don't you? I didn't notice.
I'm sure of it.
Walter asked after you this morning.
I told him you were doing well and having fun.
True? Fun? I wouldn't call this fun.
But you like your job, don't you? You like being able to take care of Sophie? What you got for me this week? Grant is jealous of Will.
Not showing him much respect.
- That's to be expected.
- Miles is Miles.
Something's freaking him out.
He says it's what's going on in Nigeria, but I don't believe that.
Tanya? Yes? I think she has maybe a drinking issue.
Or not.
It's hard to tell.
She wouldn't be the first.
How's Will? Good.
Enjoying his new position? Getting his sea legs? Has he Seemed preoccupied, do you think, distracted by David's death? Anything like that? Not that I've noticed.
Getting anywhere on our little project? You're a menace.
What'd you find? This is the last time, Will.
I'm not kidding.
No more extracurricular activities.
Nothing off the books.
If you want me to help you, .
Fine, agreed.
So? The crossword puzzles appeared three days after Hezbollah sent a car bomber into the marine barracks in Beirut, which killed 220 marines.
The day after the puzzles appeared, four suspected Hezbollah leaders and two suspected Hezbollah financial supporters disappeared or were assassinated.
Go code initiates revenge illings.
They pay you for that? Lucky, lucky, lucky.
You're worried.
I'm concerned.
Why? Truxton's enthusiasm, It's overzealous.
He knows what he's doing.
He always has.
He's getting older, R.
We all are.
I'll see what I can do.
You know, my great-grandfather Horace started his own ferry line between here and Brooklyn.
Expanded to new London and South to Baltimore.
Did pretty well for himself, till he was gobbled up by that prick Vanderbilt.
There was a broom on David's wall.
I'd like to have that put back up right where he had it.
And also there's a small owl on my desk.
Can you make sure no one touches it? David's wife will be by here this weekend to pick up the rest of his stuff.
Good morning, sir.
You'll have something on my desk this morning regarding Yuri and his café chums, no? Absolutely.
How'd it go last night? With what? With, playing with the kids, - Martini for the wife? - Yeah, it went great.
Maureen swilled while I chased Jake and Marissa around the apartment.
I was the giant bug creature and they were the terrified scientists.
So Nice Why, when we look at former colonies, do those who suffered under British yoke seem to flourish, and all others sink into chaos.
The British left behind institutions, rules, standards of behavior.
- Doughnuts every morning? - Exactly.
Beignets from the modern.
Cost me half my salary.
Before we get to last night's intake, let's get to what we have on Yuri Popovich and George Beck.
We still haven't heard back from the CIA.
Yuri definitely has connections to ex-KGB.
Grant, we know that already.
Well, we know it even better now.
Beyond says their counter terrorism folks are keeping an eye on Beck.
But they won't tell us why.
So What do we know about the third person in the photograph, then? Nada.
Grant, you lazy, pompous piece of shit! I want you, Miles and Tanya to get me everything you know about George Beck by the end of the day! Am I clear? Whatever you say, Will.
That's what I say, Miles.
End of the day.
Tanya? He's back on the roof.
Maybe he'll jump this time.
What is it with this guy? Why do we give a shit? I don't know, and I don't care.
Let me know when he goes home.

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