Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Ruby Ring Who is it? Open up, Oh Hyeyeong! Open up! Oh Hyeyeong? Mom, no.
Don't open the gate.
Oh Hyeyeong, open up! Mom, mom.
Did you think I wouldn't find you? You're going to get it from me.
What's going on? Fine.
You played me for a fool.
But did you have to assault me as well? You're something else.
What in the world are you talking about? Listen, you can go down for attempted murder.
You hit a man's private parts.
And you, you assaulted me too.
See where you bit me? I'm going to sue you for it.
Why don't you just tell me what happened? I was made an ass today.
Three women made me into an ass through and through.
Let's just say it was my bad luck and I let you get the better of me.
In any case, give me my money.
Money? What did Runa do? Mom, I'll take care of this.
Come on.
Do you have to be like this? Let's go outside and talk this through.
Give me my money or you're dead.
Runa, what's he talking about? I was short on money, so I borrowed some from him.
Hey, Oh Hyeyeong! Borrowed? Oh Hyeyeong? Yes.
She said her name was Oh Hyeyeong and swindled me.
So how much did she borrow? $1,200.
$700 for a dress and $500 for booze.
Dinner too, but I'll just take the $1,200.
Ow, mom.
It seems like you took Runa on a date and spent some money.
A date? Have you ever even been on a date? It wasn't a date.
She conned me.
What did you say? Fine.
I'll wire you the money, so give me your bank account number.
Are you out of your mind? Mom.
You be quiet.
Your phone number.
Good grief.
This is my number, so text me your account number.
I'll come back if I don't get the money.
She said she'll send you the money.
Get your act together, okay? I don't take kindly to gold diggers.
If I'm a gold digger, you're a skirt chaser.
I told you to be quiet.
If you're done, get out.
Get out of here.
Move, move.
Get out.
Why, you Mom, what happened was Just get out.
Leave this house.
I'm hurting too.
Go live on your own.
Get out and live as you please.
You can be a gold digger or go into debt.
Do whatever you want to.
Gilja, Gilja.
You just won't stop.
What is the matter with you? You should've just wired me the money when I called earlier.
Are you serious? I only just paid off your credit card bills.
$1,000 isn't chump change.
I'm going to pay you back.
I'll pay you back with handsome interest, so don't worry.
Good grief.
Mom, that's enough.
She didn't do it on purpose.
That's right, Gilja.
Let her off the hook.
I can't stand this.
I can't stand any of you.
All over a paltry grand.
It's so annoying.
Are you okay? Does it look like I'm okay? What do you think? Nice, right? It's perfect.
Hello, I'm at the Chuncheon Jazz Festival.
This has been Jeong Runa.
Break a leg.
It's also great for ladies, um who are on a diet.
We'll start the shoot.
High cam.
Ready, action.
Hello, everyone.
We're at the nationally renowned Chuncheon Spicy Buckwheat Noodle Festival.
The festival only kicked off today, but it's already bustling with visitors and locals.
The president of the Commerce Association is here to tell us more about the festival.
Thank you.
She was only on for a split second.
Keep it down.
She'll be on again.
There she is.
There she is.
Spicy buckwheat noodles, like spicy grilled chicken, are Chuncheon's specialty.
Chuncheon invites you all to come and have a taste.
Thank you.
This has been Jeong Runa.
Runa's on fire.
She'll land something in Seoul in no time.
Right, Gilja? That's easier said than done.
I heard it could happen soon.
What did you hear? Runa's apparently seeing a well-connected TV producer.
What? Really? Who told you? Quite a few of our patrons.
I'm here.
It's hot out, isn't it? Have you eaten? Yes, but I'm still hungry.
Chorim, make him a bowl of noodles.
Why should I? Fine.
I'll make it then.
You would've made it if I didn't ask you to.
Fine, fine.
I'll make it.
Please bring the boxes in.
Sure, Chorim.
I need to do my noodles' worth.
Nothing comes for free in this world.
Her standoffishness is just a front.
Chorim, let's catch a movie tonight.
A movie? You said last time that you wanted to see the one with Wonbin.
I did, but The last show's at 10, so Central Movie Theater, okay? We'll see.
You're coming, okay? I have your best interest in mind.
Don't play hard to get.
I look forward to the noodles.
He knows I'm hot.
But still.
I won't fall for it.
I may be 2 years older, but not many women my age are as hot as me.
Is it nice? Yes, it is.
Now lie on your back.
I'll rub your feet.
This is a work of art.
What is? The mole on the bottom of your foot.
I've never seen anything like this.
That's because I'm a work of art.
No disagreements there.
You are a work of art.
But why doesn't anyone see that? But I do.
As a woman or as a talented TV reporter? Both.
Stop it.
Say, how long do you plan to stay here? Huh? Don't you want to produce in Seoul? I like it here.
There's so much pressure in Seoul over viewer ratings.
Isn't it better to stay here in comfort and be surrounded by good people? A man has to be ambitious.
Even if you end up beaten, you need to fight to get to the top.
When I make my debut in Seoul I'll make it happen for you.
Really? Don't you trust me? Of course I trust you.
Not only are you a graduate of Korea's top college, you're also handsome and talented.
So which network in Seoul? You said you were well-connected there.
I may be well-connected, but I'd never ask someone to give you the big break.
That's something I should do myself.
I'll get you to debut as my wife.
No, thank you, sir.
You're not up to it? Let's get married.
I'm going to China on a business trip.
When I get back, let's set a date.
I'm tired of living alone as a bachelor.
So I'm merely a way out of your lonely bachelorhood? Of course not.
Don't insult the sanctity of marriage like that.
You marry for love.
Marriage is the coming together of two souls.
There's no such thing called love.
Love's just a front for business dealings.
Be that as it may, let's get married anyway.
What's wrong? Because I haven't formally proposed? Don't worry.
I'm a TV producer.
I'll surprise you with something dramatic.
Happy now? What's wrong? Are you okay, Runa? Yup.
I'm fine.
Come to your senses, Jeong Runa.
No, no.
Even if I'm pregnant, I'm sorry, but it's a no.
I'm not going to be his wife.
Hello? It's me.
I'd like to see you after work.
You have the wrong number.
Managing Director Bae Gyeongmin Attention, everyone.
It's our contract with Juni.
You really stepped up to the plate.
Thank you.
Juni's section chief said you were indomitable.
I wouldn't go that far.
But I did work very hard.
Good job.
What about you, Ms.
Jeong? All going well? Yes, but getting celebrities is harder than I had expected.
The famous ones are too expensive, but we can't just have no-name singers.
You can't always get exactly what you want.
You have to make do sometimes.
How about an office dinner tonight? The Juni deal's finally signed, so dinner's on me.
You know how to boost our morale.
But you can't bail out halfway.
Okay, for now.
You all seem to be in a good mood.
We finally squared away the Juni deal, so we're having an office dinner tonight.
Why don't you join us? Yes.
Me? May I have a word with you? You can't just keep avoiding me.
Don't disrespect me like this.
Don't be late.
I already got the tickets.
Chorim, why are you getting dolled up? I'm meeting someone.
Who? A friend.
Have fun then.
Gilja, it's not anything like that.
I wish she had called on my day off.
She always asks to see me late at night.
See you.
Yes? Shouldn't you remove your apron? I'm such a scatterbrain.
You startled me.
Let's go.
What's the matter? We don't have to hold hands.
What's the big deal? Let's go.
It's like you saw a ghost.
Soyeong's back there.
Soyeong? Good.
We can all watch the movie together.
Together? Are you nuts? We're not committing a crime.
No, no.
We can't get caught.
Get caught for what? Soyeong.
Why do you keep yelling her name? Wash your hands.
They smell like chicken.
Soyeong's gone, right? Wait a minute.
Do you have feelings for me? What? Why would I have feelings for you, Dongpal? Then why hide? Who cares if she sees us? Let's just go.
Goodness me.
Dongpal, are you okay? Are you okay? Tilt your head back.
Fill those glasses.
Finally, our managing director will raise a toast.
For the betterment of the marketing team.
- Cheers.
/ - Cheers.
Oh, wow.
I'm tipsy.
You've had a lot to drink.
I've had too much to drink.
I should go.
I'm sorry we forced you into coming.
Oh, no.
I hope I didn't crash the party.
Take care.
Hey, Hwang Seok-ho, make sure Hyeryeon, Ms.
Seo, and Ms.
Jeong get home safely.
You're the only male member of our team.
Yes, ma'am.
Don't you worry.
Good night.
Good night.
We shouldn't call it a night just yet.
Work hard and play hard, right? Of course.
Let's go for a third round, okay? - Let's go.
/ - Okay.
Jinhui, I think I should get going.
It's way too late.
I'll get going too.
Why don't you come with me? I'll drop you off.
That's okay.
I'm sorry about earlier.
I apologize.
It wasn't the right way to go about reconnecting.
I missed you, Jeong Ruby.
Let's start over.
This was a bad idea.
Excuse me.
Hear me out before you go.
We're done here.
Since you address me as managing director, I'm ordering you to sit down as your boss.
Let's make this clear.
This isn't the office.
And Mr.
Bae Gyeongmin, there's nothing left between you and me.
You want my answer? Fine.
I'll give it to you.
According to a study on brain activity, love only lasts 3 years at most.
We haven't seen each other in 5 years.
Too much time has passed to start over.
Time isn't important.
What's important is The most important thing in a relationship is trust.
But you were one big lie.
Yes, I did lie to you.
But have you ever thought about why I had to lie? I wanted to be with you.
When you were working to pay for school, I wanted to be by your side and help you.
I wanted to study with you.
I wanted to be with you in good times and bad.
After I met you, I started detesting the fact that my family was rich because I was worried it'd scare you away.
That's why I lied.
I pretended to be a poor student paying my way through school.
Why? Because I love you.
Because I always want to be with you.
Were my well-intended white lies so unforgivable? Did I really betray your trust? Think about it carefully.
It's your inferiority complex, not pride.
Watch what you say, Mr.
Jeong Ruby, I only came to Chuncheon just to start over with you.
I'm sure you've experienced firsthand that out of sight means out of mind and that time is a great healer.
I'll get going now.
I asked you to tap my back, not caress it.
Pardon? Oh, right.
You can stop if you're tired.
Yeah, let's wrap it up.
I'm tired.
Oh! Did you have fun with your friend? Who's the friend? Huh? Oh, just Are the girls home yet? Runa came home a while ago, and Ruby has an office dinner.
Really? Runa's home before Ruby? What am I going to do? This is bad.
This is really bad.
Gilja, try the radish kimchi.
It's perfectly fermented.
Runa, try this.
It reeks.
I'm all set.
It reeks? What are you talking about? It's perfect.
What's wrong with her, Ruby? I think it's tasty.
Right? Gilja, she's so tired from TV work that she's not well these days.
You need to take care of her.
She's all skin and bones.
TV work? Give me a break.
All she does is cavort with boys and drink way too much.
What I wouldn't give for her to meet Mr.
Right and get married.
Are you seeing anyone? Mom, you know how busy I am at work.
I have no time to date.
It's good to work hard, but you should date too.
In the old days, you would've had 2-3 kids at your age.
She's right.
Time flies.
Look at me.
When I was your age How should I put it? I was like a fresh rose bud.
Any man who saw me fell for me.
Any man? Didn't you say you still haven't even kissed a guy? That's because I'm proper, careful, and demure.
In any case, Ruby, you find yourself a man.
Don't forget that time really does fly.
You have yourself to worry about.
You too, mom.
What about me? You're single too.
All the women in this household are single, attractive single ladies.
Good grief.
Attractive? Look at me.
I've never even been in a relationship.
I just don't get how we don't even get a drop of testosterone around here when there are 4 beautiful women.
Oh, well.
I'll just have more radish kimchi.
Go ahead and find solace in food.
Bring me more kimchi.
I want the big, fat ones.
Is Runa not going to eat at all? Runa, aren't you going to have breakfast? Runa.
Yeah, mom.
Do you have an upset stomach? Yeah.
I'll be right out.
All that dieting.
Maybe she needs restorative tonic.
Don't work today either.
Stay home and rest.
I think I'll do that.
President Kim has everything under control.
What's going on with finding Gyeongmin a bride? I've already asked around.
Kim of Daesong Paper Co.
knows a good matchmaker.
Their eldest son met his lovely wife through this matchmaker.
They just had a son.
Already? I'm envious.
Unlike run-of-the-mill dating agencies, this matchmaker knows people within our circle, so she's reliable.
Make something happen.
I quickly want a grandson too.
If I'm this impatient, you must be more so.
Mother, you're already finished.
Getting started is half the battle.
I'm done with yet another one.
When will Gyeongmin get married and give me a great grandchild? I've knitted a whole wardrobe for a baby.
I'm sure it'll be soon.
As a matter of fact Welcome.
Please have a seat.
Oh, your mother-in-law's here too.
Mother, this is Mrs.
I told you about her, right? Could we have something to drink? Yes, ma'am.
Oh, you're the matchmaker Yes, ma'am.
Do you have any good candidates? Of course.
There are many great young ladies out there.
I only work with people I know personally, so they're all great.
But if I had to pick one, I think she's the best of the bunch.
I've met her myself.
She's demure and has a great personality.
She's very pretty and charming.
What does she do? She's a TV anchor.
According to a study on brain activity, love only lasts 3 years.
Time isn't important.
What's important is The most important thing in a relationship is trust.
I'm sure you've experienced firsthand that out of sight means out of mind and that time is a great healer.
Hello? It's me.
You have the wrong number.
The person you are trying to reach is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected, you will be charged.
Yes, mom.
Pardon? We found the perfect young lady for you.
You should meet her.
Tell him he has to get married by the year's end no matter what.
I concur.
I concur.
You heard your dad and grandma, right? You must meet her.
Jeong, can we talk? You'll drag me into a conference room? This is a workplace, Mr.
It could be mistaken for sexual harassment.
I came to Chuncheon because of Ruby.
Ruby said she'll resign.
You've been seeing someone? You're really something.
Can't you open your heart to me and accept me? Stop shaking me up.
I don't want to lose you again.
You're pregnant.
Stop looking at that.
Did you have fun with Dongpal Hey, Ko Soyeong.
Be quiet.
I'd like to marry Runa, ma'am.
I'd like to marry Runa, ma'am.
See you next time
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