Sky Rojo (2021) s01e02 Episode Script

Alternate Reality

Today, we're opening up
the best whorehouse in the world.
I've been to Las Vegas, to Bangkok,
And they got nothing on us.
If Michelin started
awarding stars to brothels,
this baby right here would have three.
Or four!
Man, it'd be nuts if they gave
Michelin stars to a place like this.
A place like what?
You know, like, with coke, illegal girls,
dirty money, and a bit of everything
Tell me, Christian.
Why do you think it says "club"
in big letters on the door?
Because we're a soccer team of some sort?
Do you think if this was illegal,
they'd just let us
put a neon sign right out front,
broadcasting it in full color?
And that's why we all deserve to be
extremely proud of a place like this.
Now Spain is far and away Europe's
single biggest consumer of prostitution.
The third biggest in the world.
We don't win in the steel industry.
And we sure as hell don't in mining.
Nah, we win in pussy.
That's why we gotta hold our heads high.
Now, give a warm welcome to the brides.
From Cuba, Gina.
Ukraine, Viviana.
Brazil, Anita.
If a soldier were to shove his cock
into a woman's mouth until she vomited,
in any country in the world
he might be reported.
But in a club, you can pretty much do it
for 50 bucks and nobody will bat an eye.
A whorehouse is an alternate reality,
and Romeo felt proud
of the one he created.
Even if it included kidnapped women.
If you come back to Spain with us,
I promise you'll work a ton.
You'll earn a lot of money, be able
to send it all home to your family.
And and how would we do that?
With a contract? Or
First, I'll get you a passport.
Then, we have a friend
who works in the embassy,
and he'll take care of everything.
And in two weeks tops,
you'll have your visa to come to Spain.
- And what kind of job will I do?
- Waitressing. Experience with that?
Uh, I I mean, if you give me a chance,
I can learn really quickly.
- Yeah, it's an amazing opportunity.
- Oh my God. Really?
They tell all of us
that we'll be waitresses,
but it's not true.
We don't live in some kind of summer camp,
even though we all sleep together.
We definitely don't tell our families
about the adventures on our trip.
We don't really like
partying all day long.
And we certainly don't like
fucking with no papito.
Do it, papito.
And being totally honest, not all cocks
are the biggest I've ever seen.
How is she?
It went as well as could be expected
under the circumstances.
Now take her out of here
and get her some rest, and
and try and bring her back here
at the same time tomorrow
so I can check up on her.
- Hey, thanks.
- You got it.
The same day Romeo had his wife buried
the day he gave you all off work,
the day he closed the club
so he could mourn her,
is the very same day
that three of your coworkers
made the decision
to bash Romeo's head in
and run away.
But of course, before that,
you were all up there, drinking, talking
Which means
one of you must have caught wind of it.
And that one
must've told it to someone else.
And that someone told another one.
And another one.
And another.
So what I'm trying to find out
is which one of you knew
this was gonna happen.
And she better tell me
where those bitches are.
So did you know?
And you?
Are you lying?
- Who knew about their plans?
- No.
Yo, I asked if any of you knew
what was going on here.
I'll change up the question. Hmm?
Who do you think, outta all these girls,
knew something was going on?
You give me a name, or
a nipple.
She's friends with Gina.
I'm sorry.
And you?
Who do you think it is?
I saw them talking at the barbecue.
Bambi. Bambi, yeah. Yeah, it was Bambi.
Well, that settles it.
You all can go to sleep.
You must be tired.
Today has been
a pretty emotional day for everyone.
So have a good night, ladies.
Now hold up there.
We're going upstairs for a little chat.
Where are we gonna sleep tonight?
We need a house of some kind.
Or at least a bed, or something.
Hey, girls.
Looks like today's our lucky day.
'Cause it's Saturday,
and they're not open tomorrow.
It took us only 15 minutes
to bust open that shutter.
It was the smoothest break-in
in the history of break-ins.
A bit more.
Slowly, inch by inch,
making no noise, we opened a gap.
There you go, Wendy.
I'm your boogie man ♪
That's what I am ♪
I'm here to do whatever I can ♪
- Yes!
- Be it early morning ♪
Or late afternoon ♪
Or at midnight ♪
It's never too soon ♪
To wanna ♪
And like that, we found our home.
With eight different rooms.
Clean sheets.
And bedside tables.
All brand new.
I really like this one.
I'm only gonna ask you one more time.
Where are they?
I don't know, Moisés.
I don't know. Please believe me.
Get in the fucking box.
No, please.
Either get in there on your own,
or I'm happy
to put you in there in pieces.
No, I'm begging you.
Please just get in the fucking box.
If I tell you to get in the fucking box,
you get in the fucking box, OK?
Let me out. Please, please.
Look, that's all the oxygen you have.
Tell me where they are before it runs out.
Oh, fuck. Shut the door.
I was crawling through a festival
Way out west ♪
I was thinking about love
And the acid test ♪
But first I got real dizzy
With a real rocking gang ♪
And then I saw the Coma Girl ♪
And the excitement gang ♪
Coma Girl ♪
And the excitement gang ♪
Mona Lisa on the motorcycle gang ♪
Hello, Coral. It's Romeo.
Now I know you must be thinking
I'm talking to you
from heaven or something.
But guess what?
Saint Peter didn't let me in.
That son of a bitch
reserves the right of admission.
Honey, you broke my skull.
Now I send signals to my left arm,
and it doesn't respond.
And my brain sends a signal
to my left leg, no response.
That's the good news right there.
And Charlotte?
The bad news is that,
when I find you three,
you're gonna feel what I'm feeling,
or not feeling, really,
'cause I'm gonna
cut off your limbs with a jigsaw.
But just enough
so you still have your little holes.
I'll enjoy parading you guys
around the club with a baby shawl
Yeah, sorry.
I gotta go, Romeo. I can't really talk.
Oh, what a bitch. She hung up.
Fucking bitch.
Well, after that bit with the shawl,
I'm guessing
there wasn't really much left to say.
- Hello?
- Mami? Hey, it's me.
Oh, my baby girl!
Why are you calling, sweetie? How are you?
Mom, are you all right?
Oh, yeah. We're doing
all just fine over here, thank God.
Mom, I need you to listen to me.
You all have to leave the house right now.
You gotta go to Remedios
with my aunt and uncle.
Listen, the people who brought me to Spain
weren't good people, Mami.
They lied to us.
I haven't been waiting tables here.
I'm working as a hooker.
But I got away.
And now I'm worried
they might come after my family.
Do you get what I'm saying?
What the hell have you done?
You can't run away from people like that.
I gave them my word
that you'd be a hard worker for them.
Mom, have you been listening
to a word I've been telling you?
They've been selling my body for money.
I knew that already.
But they pay
very good money for that, honey.
They send me some of it every month.
So we can raise your son,
and to support this family.
this is our future on the line.
And if you don't
go back to work right now,
they'll come back to Cuba,
and they're gonna kill us all.
I'm begging you please
to go back to work right now.
No. Gina.Gina.
Gina, look. Gina. Gina. Gina.
Look at me. Look at me.
Look at me. Look at me.
Look at me. Look at me.
Yeah, OK, your mom sold you.
But listen to me, listen.
We have to keep going forward.
And then, we'll get to have a new life.
With a house like the one we're in now.
With a ginormous bed
where you could sprawl like
like a goddamn starfish.
And you'll be able to choose
what you wanna be.
And with who you wanna be.
And you'll be so happy, I swear.
I promise. I promise.
I promise. I promise.
I've brought us some breakfast.
I want you to go find them
and bring them to me unharmed.
Wait, unharmed?
Romeo, if you want,
I can find them, shoot them,
and just bury them in the desert.
Just keep it simple. Forget it.
I may need a walker
for the rest of my life,
so I want you
to bring them to me in one piece
so I can have some fun
while I do my rehab.
Don't think like that, Romeo.
You're strong as a fucking ox, man.
You worry about your recovery,
and we'll deal with the club, the girls,
whatever else you need.
Hey. We'll serve 'em up to you
on a silver platter.
- Unharmed?
- You got it.
They'll be as unharmed as fuck.
- Fuck's sake, be careful with that.
- My bad, my bad.
Give me my other cell.
It's in my jacket.
Here you go.
There they are.
They won't know what hit 'em.
Girl, I am gonna make you
such a great breakfast,
you'll be screaming for more.
In Argentina,
we call this "salamín."
Gina, break the huevos,
you're good at that.
- Listen.
- No, no, no, no, no.
These eggs will be delicious.
The best you've ever had.
Oh, wait. There's no fan here,
that thing that sucks the smoke.
If it smells, I don't give a shit.
I'm not gonna wash the dishes, either.
- OK?
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey, so I need to tell you something.
- OK.
Romeo called me.
It seems we didn't
completely finish him off.
Well, wait, that's good news, isn't it?
He said Charlotte's dead.
Ah, that's not.
And, uh, we kinda left him
with half his body immobile.
- Why didn't you tell us sooner?
- What what else did he say?
That he wants us to feel
the same as he does right now
and that he's gonna cut off our,
um, all our arms and legs
and leave only our holes.
And he said he would do it
with some kind of
saw. Honestly, I didn't get that part.
What are we doing here
just playing house, then?
Is there anyone there?
Come in, yeah!
It's Mari Luz.
One, two, three.
Things are starting to get ugly.
I think one of us needs to get out.
Out of what?
Crime, the club, all this shit.
- What the fuck are you saying, man?
- We have a handicapped mom, Christian.
What if one of these days we get busted?
Who's gonna take care of her?
She's been crying herself to sleep
every night.
What do you mean, she cries?
- You gave her anisette, didn't you?
- Yeah.
I did too, and now she craves it.
Every night, she begs for a drink.
If I don't give it to her, she cries.
Now she wets and shits herself.
Thanks to you, we can't get her help.
Are you telling me
we can't find a nursing home
'cause I hit the son of a bitch
who broke my mom's hip?
Hey, bro. What's up?
Is everything my fault?
Am I responsible
for whatever happens to her now?
Jesus Christ!
What if we took her to the club? I mean,
with the girls she might enjoy herself.
You're gonna take Mom to the club?
Are you serious right now?
Hey, what do I know?
Let's just go find the girls.
And who are you?
The security guard for this store.
Who the fuck are you?
The one who cleans up.
On the weekend?
Then why's that bed all messed up?
'Cause I was fucking.
It was a ton of people, too.
I don't know what's going on here,
but you're in trouble.
No, you are.
Stop. Stop.
- No, no, no.
- Get up!
No, no. Please don't shoot.
Stop, stop. Please don't hurt her.
- Back off!
- Please, sir. Please.
Did anyone else break in?
Is there anyone else here?
OK, we're ten miles away,
and the girls still haven't moved.
Go get help!
Wendy, find a defibrillator.
- Wendy, now!
- But he's not dead. He's not dead, right?
For the moment, he is.
We need to give him CPR. Hold his head.
We've killed another one.
Who keeps jinxing us?
Stand back.
One, two, three.
You all right?
I think my stitches opened.
Grab the stapler.
Gina, grab a couple backpacks
and anything we might need.
We're getting the hell out of this place.
We saved your life, buddy.
So don't be
an ungrateful son of a bitch, all right?
Someone hit you,
you didn't see anything,
you don't remember anything.
Now, we have your ID,
we know where you go
and, above all, we have your gun.
I won't say a thing.
I swear.
That's what I like to hear.
Shit, they're on the move.
- How far are they?
- About 18 miles away.
Go around. To the left, to the left.
We'd left behind a blood trail
that had essentially turned
the three of us into the hares in a hunt.
Alone, and in the middle of the desert,
we knew there was no way back now
and nothing would be worse
than what we'd been through.
So what's the plan?
No idea.
I know someone who can help us out,
but he lives across the island.
At that very moment,
the bus showed up.
We thought
it would whisk us away to freedom.
But it was taking us
straight into the heart of the lion's den.
There they are.
Time to throw some bitches off a bus.
Hasta la vista, babies.
And this is where I'll end my life ♪
Like other guys have ended theirs ♪
For me, my mother gave up ♪
Her wedding dress ♪
Can you ever forgive me? ♪
I've made you cry too many times ♪
The sun isn't made for us ♪
It's the night that we can trick ♪
You, who lost everything tonight ♪
Tomorrow, you can win ♪
They will soon close ♪
And this is where I'll end my life ♪
Like other guys have ended theirs ♪
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