The Cry (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

This programme contains some strong language.
Are you going to behave for me on this flight? Yes, you are.
You cheeky little monkey.
You are a cheeky little monkey.
Jo, this is Peter, we went to school together.
- He's a detective.
- I'm so sorry.
You've spoken with the officers? Yeah.
Dad! Chlo.
What will they ask us? Details about what we've done since we got off the plane.
I'll ask them to put this in the fridge.
We can take it to Mum's.
We were going to Elizabeth's house for dinner.
You left the cottage around 8:30? Erm, I think it was around then.
And you said that you parked the car outside the convenience store.
We just parked outside and then Alistair went into the shop.
Why did you get out of the car? I forgot I needed some tampons.
Are you breast-feeding Noah? Yeah, yeah.
How long were you in the shop for? Two minutes.
He was just sleeping.
I I didn't want to wake him up.
I want you to think very carefully about what you saw when you came out of the shop.
Was there anything unusual at all? Any doors open? No.
No, nothing at all.
Did you see anybody on the street? Any cars? No I don't-I don't really remember until the Until the boy in the shop came out.
Why did he come out? ALISTAIR: Hey.
Call the police.
Call the police, our baby's gone! - Call the police! - Because Alistair was screaming.
Jo, come on! Have you seen a baby? Have you seen anyone holding a baby? Call the police! HE SCREAMS: Help! Our baby's gone! Hello, Jo.
I don't have a hairbrush.
I'll get you one.
These flowers have arrived from friends and neighbours.
LOUD RINGING VOICE FADES OUT: Alistair went to the cottage.
He didn't want to wake you.
Can I get you some toast, muesli? Where's Alistair? Have they found anything? Alistair went to the cottage.
He didn't want to disturb you.
No, they haven't found him yet.
Alistair gave me some sleeping pills last night.
I don't think I've slept like that since before SHE INHALES SHARPLY AND SOBS He's not here.
What do I do? What do I do? OK.
Just one step at a time.
Joanna, hi.
We're here to support you in any way we can.
You can join Alistair at the cottage when you're ready.
Have you-have you Have you found anything? We'll keep you informed of any developments.
Jo, I wanted to ask you how well do you know Alexandra? What? What? What? Alistair's ex-wife.
- How well do you know her? - Sorry.
Erm, no, I don't, not much.
I don't really know her very much.
When was the last time you spoke to her? A couple of weeks ago.
What did you discuss? Erm the custody case.
I'm really sorry, what has Alexandra got to do with Noah? CAR DOOR SLAMS - Peter.
- Alex.
This is Detective Lorna Jones.
She's joining me for the investigation.
We're going to have to ask you some questions.
You understand? OK.
How long have you lived here? Oh, all my life.
Peter and I went to school together.
And Alistair, of course.
Where are you from? Adelaide originally.
Based in Melbourne now.
So, you don't know small towns.
Can we go inside? Sure.
Is this happening? Yeah.
I just need to know your movements from about three o'clock yesterday onwards.
Why? We're just establishing a time line, OK, for everyone that's connected to Noah.
Oh, OK.
All right.
I did some shopping.
The supermarket.
Bottle shop.
Bought some flowers, those flowers.
Just the local shops or? Yeah.
Tea? Oh, sit down.
I'll make you a cup.
I came home.
I did some gardening.
I went for a run before dinner.
Who do you run with? Who do you go running with? I run alone.
All right, then.
I'll need you to come down to the station, today, for a full statement.
Have you found something, Peter? Thanks, Alex.
Having seduced Alistair and conducted an affair with him whilst he was married to someone else, would you say Joanna Lyndsay found lying second nature? No, I wouldn't.
Isn't it true that the couple's then ten-year-old daughter found Joanna having sex with Alistair in her parent's bed? Yes, but Joanna didn't know then that Alistair was married.
But she did continue the affair after she "discovered" he was married.
Yes, but Alexandra left almost immediately.
REPORTERS SHOU Sweetheart, I know he'll be found.
I just know it.
I forgot my sunglasses.
- Oh, take mine.
- Oh, Junee, it's all right.
- Hers are in here.
- I don't mind.
I've got lots of them.
Can you tell the court what Joanna said about the phone call she received from Alexandra Grenville? She said Alexandra was really angry over the custody case of her daughter, Chloe.
Go on.
Alexandra asked her if now that Joanna was a mother, how she would feel if someone took her child away.
Did Joanna see this as a threat? Can we use the bags? They've finished up in this room so you can take all this now.
- I left-I left some things in here.
- Yeah, it's all here.
There, there Sorry, there's some washing in the dryer.
Yeah, Noah's clothes, we have those.
Can I get them back? I'll do my best.
Look, this is all totally standard procedure, OK? I know it's rough.
I'll let you pack.
They're just doing their job.
Come on.
Let's pack this and get home.
HE SIGHS I got your phones back.
Now, we're going to be monitoring all calls and social media accounts from here on.
You never know who might try and contact you.
And we'll be listening at all times.
I would advise against posting anything on social media or even looking at it.
They're public forums, they're worse than tabloids.
They can really screw you up.
You know, we've got a car here to take you home.
You've got my number.
If you need anything, you just call me.
There must be something I can do? I can't I can't sit around here waiting.
I know it's hard, but we're an experienced team.
You've just got to let us do our job.
OK? Thanks.
All these missed calls.
Take your time.
No-one will be upset if you don't get back straight away.
Alex, how are you feeling? How do you know my name? Have you heard anything from the police today? No.
Have you? You and Alistair were childhood sweethearts, weren't you? This is your daughter, Chloe, isn't it? Where is Dad? Oh, he's working.
Just pop them in there.
Only the things that you love.
Quick sticks! Hey.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Wow, they are ferocious out there.
Have you seen how many shares there have been? How long will they be out there? Till we find him, I suppose.
How's Joanna? Anyone whose had a child taken away from them is in a very particular kind of hell.
Having all those people out there is terrible.
You're like prisoners.
The press is one of our best assets right now.
I consider them allies.
Are you sure it's all right if Chloe stays for a while? Of course.
- Well, call me if you hear anything.
- Sure.
Alex, do you mind putting those in the freezer for me? Thank you.
I'll go.
I'll walk you out.
This is from your lawyer.
Oh, call me later for a pick up.
I'm supposed to respond to it in 14 days.
I Well, given everything that's happened I wondered if you'd just like to park this for a bit? I can't think about this now.
I can't think about anything except that my son is gone.
Why are you talking about this now? Alistair, I don't have enough money to throw away on lawyers.
It's a fair question.
Aren't you a lawyer? No.
No, I'm not.
You may recall I have a law degree, but spent ten years raising a daughter and following my husband around the world while he built his career.
I don't have time for this Alex.
REPORTERS: Alex! KNOCKING ON DOOR You're a mother, surely you can understand exactly how they feel? Can you just back off? The police were asking me about Alexandra this morning.
Did you get some sleep? There was a moment when I woke up I forgot.
Oh, sorry.
Didn't want to interrupt.
Your car is a red SUV? Yep.
And this is the exact route you ran last night? Yep.
There you go.
Thank you.
Are you familiar with the holiday rental on the coast road called The Cottage? Yes, and I drove past there, if that's what you mean, because it's on the way to where I was running.
Mrs Wilson, the landlady, says said she found you inside the house.
She knows you.
I'm sure she knows most people in this town.
But you went into the house where Joanna and Alistair were going to be staying? I wanted to see where they were staying.
All right? I wanted to have a sticky beak.
So after you were at the Cottage, you did some shopping, and then? And then I went home.
Did some gardening, went for a run, got some dinner and then You went for a run after nine at night? You often run in the dark? Yes.
I like it.
So between 4PM and 9PM, you were at home, can anyone verify that? No, I was alone.
And you didn't go anywhere else on that night? No.
Thanks, Alex.
We won't keep you much longer.
This is very covert.
Sorry, mate.
You know that we can't be seen together in a public place.
Not until Noah's found.
Of course.
Can you be seen in public with Alex? I know you two went out for a while.
Well, that was some time ago.
And I would rather that the Melbourne team didn't find out about it, given Pete where is he? Being in the dark, it's doing my head in.
Are there any leads? What about the red car that I saw? Yeah, we're following that one through.
That's one of the avenues we're exploring.
Is there anything we can do? Did you speak to Jo about the press conference? She's so devastated but I'm worried that she comes across quite cold and detached.
That's right, I forgot, that's what you do for a living.
Not quite this.
Can I show you something? It was on your phone.
That's Kirsty, she's a friend of Joanna's.
The date says that's when you left Glasgow.
Now, the suit we have, but that yellow bib we don't have it.
He might've been wearing it when he was taken.
You can't remember? No, I can't.
Why would people say such horrible things about Dad and Joanna, even Mum? They don't even know them.
Why don't you just turn that thing off? Just ignore all that rubbish.
There are some idiots saying all sorts of horrible things.
But someone might say something important and someone in the world knows.
They know where he is, Nana.
They might be right here, online.
Can I borrow the car? What? I need to get out.
I won't be long.
I I don't think that's the best idea.
The press, what if someone sees you? I'll be fine.
I just need some air.
Well, why don't you take Chloe with you? She knows her way round.
Really, seriously, I'll be fine.
Yeah, well, why don't we all go together? We'll get an ice cream.
REPORTERS SHOU Hey, I've just got to make a phone call.
Does Dad like these? Anything chocolate.
I'm just going to get some shampoo.
Thanks for calling me.
I know you must be in a terrible place.
- I'm so sorry.
- Thank you.
I got your e-mail.
There's a lot of press here.
Well, apart from the fact you owe me a huge favour for the Fossery story, you know I can and will tell your story.
The way you want it told.
We're going to find Noah and then there won't be a story.
Well, a story with a happy ending is still a story.
Put something in writing.
This is not how I imagined us coming home.
It's OK, Dad.
KNOCK ON DOOR Just got you some towels.
And someone gave me that as a gift so I just wondered if you wanted to Thank you.
SHE SCROLLS THROUGH COMMENTS MUFFLED VOICES OVERLAP Why haven't we heard about the red car that was parked on Eloura Street? What about the mother? Joanna? Cold eyes.
But she's just lost her baby.
Whoever took it, has to be local.
I can't really imagine what she's going through.
There's something not right about her.
Cold eyes? Lol.
Cold heart.
The ex-wife is in my daughter's book club.
She says all she talks about is her 'effing ex.
But steal his baby? Someone did.
HER VOICE ECHOES FLOORBOARDS CREAK SCREECHING OUTSIDE - Have you found him? - Is your mum home? Any news? Alex, I've got a warrant to search your house.
Really? - What on earth for? - Mum? Let's let them do their job.
Yeah, but why, Mum? Chloe has to go to summer school.
I'm going to take her down there.
Chloe, do you have a laptop? Yes.
Yeah, I'm going to need to borrow that for a day or so, and your mobile phone.
Are they your only running shoes? I have two pairs.
The other ones are in my closet.
Great, thank you.
- We really appreciate your help.
- Thanks.
Thanks for your help.
I told the police you thought you heard someone in the garden.
Al, I think I was half asleep.
I want to show you something.
Now, I've cut together the news footage of us.
Watch yourself.
No, I No, I don't want to.
The tide can turn against us in an instant, Jo.
What else is there to do except do everything in our power to find Noah? To bring our Noah home.
Al, please.
Jo we are the couple whose baby's disappeared off the face of the Earth.
No witnesses.
No ransom.
No body.
We need the public to help us.
To be looking for Noah.
- Why's it so big? - So you can still read in case you cry.
I hate this.
The world needs to see your pain.
They want to see a good mother crushed, not a bad mother hiding.
"Good mother crushed.
" Am I the victim? Victim, rescuer, persecutor, the Karpman Triangle.
Yes, I'm aware of it.
So, Al and I, we slid from one corner to the next.
When you were in Australia, where were you on the triangle? I was the victim.
Alistair was both the rescuer and the persecutor.
Did you talk about it with him? We were in no state to get off it then.
How did you get off it, as you say? Took a while.
I had forgotten that once I used to be strong.
I learned the hard way.
Whoever has him, please give him back to us.
You can leave him anonymously at any hospital or fire station, anywhere that is safe.
We miss him so much.
We need him home safe.
Please help us find him.
Now, those, those pauses, they're there to help you.
If you feel like crying, you should just cry.
If you need to If you need to stop and pause, you just stop and pause for as long as you want.
Listen, "We miss him so much".
"We need him home safe".
Take a deep breath, but don't censor your feelings.
Our baby, Noah, was only four-months old.
He was wearing a blue grow-suit like this one.
Whoever has him, please, give him back to us.
You can leave him anonymously at any hospital or fire station, anywhere that is safe.
We miss him so much.
We need him home safe.
Please help us find him.
Please help us find him.
And before you went to the fish shop, you went for a jog? I Yeah, well, I jog, I run.
But, yes.
Do you agree that the path marked on this map is the route you ran that night? Yes.
This is the route that I took.
You drove your car to that spot? Why did you drive out there? It would've been getting pretty dark? Well, I like to run out there, I guess.
And since Noah has disappeared, you've continued to run? That's right.
Have you run past Elizabeth's house? It's a small town.
I run all over the place.
Having a sticky beak.
Alex, do you know what happened to Noah? Do you know where he is? What? No.
DOOR SHUTS Hello, sweetie.
- What you doing here? - Mum texted me to come.
She's with Peter at the at the police station.
I'll get another plate.
They searched the house, the car, they took out the carpet from the car.
You know what, the police, they have all sorts of methods and routines they have to follow in cases like this, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Is Mum in trouble? No.
No, I'm sure she's just helping the police.
Let's talk about Daniel Falcon.
That's Daniel Falcon.
That's me.
It's a fake profile.
I made it up.
Daniel Falcon only has one friend and that's Joanna Lyndsay.
Daniel's not very popular.
So you admit to stalking Joanna Lyndsay online for three years? No, I wasn't stalking her.
Being curious isn't a crime.
Is it against the law to want to look at the woman who took your husband, took your apartment, your bloody curtains and made them her own? Joanna claims that she heard someone in the back garden at Elizabeth Robertson's house this morning at approximately 6AM.
- Was that you? - No.
6AM? No, that wasn't me.
That's more than curious.
More like stalking.
I was not there.
KNOCK ON DOOR This is a bootie that was found in Chloe's bedroom that contains DNA that matches that of Noah Robertson.
What? Where did you find these? Why don't you tell us the truth, Alex? Alex, the night Noah Robertson went missing, you were sighted outside both The Cottage and Elizabeth Robertson's house, you've admitted to stalking Joanna Lyndsay on Facebook, you were no more than two streets away from the car where Noah was taken.
And now baby clothes with Noah Robertson's DNA have been found in your home.
Alexandra Grenville, you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Noah Robertson.
You don't have to say or do anything, but whatever you say or do may be used in evidence.
Do you understand this? Are you joking? OK, I want a lawyer.
Al? You asleep? PHONE RINGS Jo! I'm sick with worry.
I was about to get on a plane.
Oh, sorry.
Oh, I've wanted to call you so many times.
Jo, is there any news? What are the police saying? Kirsty you know me.
Tell me the truth.
I'm a bad mother, aren't I? - What? - I am.
Tell me the truth.
Tell me the truth.
Please tell me the truth.
Jo you have done nothing wrong.
Do you hear me? I left him.
I didn't I didn't look after him properly.
Did Alistair tell you were a bad mother? No, no.
Jo, listen to me, it's No, it's fine, I just-I just I just wanted to hear your voice.
Jo, it's a terrible thing that's happened.
But it's not your fault.
I have to go.
I have to go.
Oh, yes, it's the middle of the night there with you.
Erm, go to bed.
Get some sleep.
You'll call me tomorrow? OK.
You gave me a fright.
Why would you ask her if you're a bad mother? I don't know.
There's a photo of Noah wearing a yellow bib.
But they can't find it.
Does it matter? I don't know.
It's probably just a misunderstanding.
But Mum didn't do anything! She didn't do anything! When can I see her? I'll take you there as soon as we can, OK? CHLOE WAILS VOICES OVERLAP Why have they charged her? HER VOICE ECHOS VOICES ON SOCIAL MEDIA: I can't imagine what she's going through.
Imagine if she did take that little boy! What kind of a sick person does that?! That baby could be anywhere by now.
Where is he? The police were down near the fishing shacks.
Had dogs and the whole shebang.
Did they find a body? I gave my statement to the cops.
What? What did you see? I saw a grey car parked on the road the day the kid went missing.
Did you see the baby? No.
But it was strange.
You don't see people outside their cars on that road, and that couple, they were going for it hammer and tongs.
Jo? We need new rules.
I know.
I found it under your pillow.
Sorry, I needed something.
I know.
If we could go back could we have done anything differently? We've done the right thing.
The only thing that makes sense.
Alistair, Chloe, Alexandra, they don't they don't deserve this.
We just need to let this play out.
They can't ever find this.
I know.
These cops are smart.
But we're smarter.
I'll just be a minute.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60.

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