The Guardians of Justice (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

Chapter 2: A Mentally Shattered Megalomaniac

1 This is more than the passing of a historical figure.
It's more than the end of an era.
Marvelous Man was our savior and protector.
We have lost our father.
No, no, no, no, no, no! Pl please! It's been 36 hours since Marvelous Man's supposed suicide.
Initial autopsy showed nothing out of the ordinary.
The world is acting as expected.
Crying to the heavens! The fissures of our recent cataclysm have let slip the dogs of pandemonium, crying havoc and feasting on the spoils of chaos.
Violence was on the rise in every major metropolis, and Carnegie City's crooked chief constable conspired to clinch crime's crown.
Want a donut? It's okay.
I won't hurt you.
- That's fucked up.
- Inspector! What the hell do you think you're doing? Good evening, ladies.
Come here.
I know a guy.
A therapist-monk or something or other, right, with deep-ass pockets, who'll pay top dollar for kids like these, but only if they're pristine, you stupid, fat fuck.
Come here.
I want you to get a truck down here and I want you to load these little shits up.
Do you hear me? And be gentle.
All right? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What ab what about the the Hawk? Yeah.
With Marvelous Man dead, I'm in charge! You hear me? Yeah.
The Knight Hawk, he's got bigger fish to fry.
But a certain clown, commonly called Mr.
Smiles, could not abide the Commissioner's claim to his criminal kingship.
Almost done, Commissioner.
Smile for me tonight Take away the pain I feel Smile.
Inside Smile for me tonight Take away the pain I feel Cause of death appears to be a single gunshot wound to the head.
The murder weapon wasn't the gun.
It was the bullet.
A caltronite bullet, to be exact.
An element created when Marvelous Man's home planet of Caltron was destroyed by an evil cosmic titan.
The bullet that killed Marvelous Man was made by Lockwood Industries.
Logan Lockwood hated Marvelous Man.
And he never shut up about it.
Marvelous Man was a crutch.
A drug that we became overly reliant on.
A drug so potent that we ignored the fact that this alien once killed a human in cold blood, which is why I created a bullet to stop him.
I had no idea he'd then use that bullet to kill himself.
And now he's gone.
A decade ago, Lockwood spent $1.
2 billion synthesizing a caltronite meteor into a single bullet that he called Godkiller! Powerful! Precise! Patriotic! Patriotic! Lockwood Industries.
To interrogate Logan, first I have to take out his henchmen.
Fight! Eat a dick, Hawk, 'cause I'm not telling you anything.
Listen, Logan, the world is on the brink of war over his death.
Do you really want even more blood on your hands? What is it, Speed? The team needs to meet face-to-face.
We have to decide who's going to lead the Gu Okay.
I'm bored now.
I'm gonna tell you what you need to know.
A few days before the alien offed himself, there was a break-in into my armory where I stored the Godkiller bullet.
The footage goes static right at that moment.
It's almost like someone just walked in and walked out with my equipment.
I'm taking your schematics and security footage so I can track down this bullet thief.
My advice to you, ask Marvelous Man for help.
Oh, wait.
He took the easy way out.
I've decided to take my investigative techniques to the next level.
You reacted to something, or someone, right in the end.
A witness, or a murderer.
In a world of superheroes, alien technology and magic, never trust appearances.
Breathe deep, Speed.
Draw in the Fast Force.
Feel connected to humanity across time and dimension.
And know your power.
Speed, you're right.
We should have a team meeting.
My lair in 60 seconds.
I'd like to interview each of you about your relationship with Marvelous Man.
Interview or interrogate? That depends on your answers.
Why here and not the Citadel of Justice? The Citadel of Justice is an active crime scene right now.
Maybe we need a new base then.
Most of this planet is covered in water.
Makes sense to have an underwater base.
- Why not? - Because that's stupid.
We'll continue to meet here until this investigation is terminated.
One more thing.
The world is struggling.
They trusted Marvelous Man.
He was loved because of his humanity.
We need to show the world that we have that.
I've updated all your mission briefings.
Go! I don't like repeating myself.
Him being gone doesn't make you automatically in charge.
Well, things are on the low You gotta go where they all be playing Be only My heart hits the streets again Our determined dark detective was left unsatisfied by his investigation, but matters of supreme import, nothing less than the potential evisceration of Marvelous Man's memory, would seize his attention.
Superhero, super heartache.
How long has Marvelous Man been hiding Impervious to guns? Marvelous Man uses gun to end his life.
Why have the Guardians denied questioning? Did Marvelous Man have a history of mental health problems? He was seeing a therapist.
Why would a man almost a god, need therapy? What did he discuss with this therapist? Who is qualified to be a therapist? The people deserve answers.
Who is this therapist that treated the mind of a god? Welcome to the show, Dr.
Ravencroft! You gotta have a good time I was Marvelous Man's psychiatrist and spiritual healer.
It is my sacred duty to share my intimate knowledge of his pain Oh! in my book.
Available pre-pay now.
Ravencroft is breaking his oath as a healer.
Ravencroft's book is the publishing phenomenon of the decade.
Ravencroft's analysis of a man believed to be God Is smashing all records for preorder.
I urge my countrymen to cancel their preorders for Dr.
Ravencroft's abortion of a book.
Do not reward the exploitation of Marvelous Man's memory.
And now a word from our sponsors.
Why did Marvelous Man kill himself? Why? Only Dr.
Ravencroft, Marvelous Man's personal guru, can give you a glimpse at his mental collapse.
Preorder the book of the century for $999, plus shipping and handling.
Training? Yeah.
Knight Hawk said that your body is like a sword, and to always keep that sharp.
He also said that the mind is one of the greatest weapons of all.
So how about we train that for a while? Little Wing, AKA Osmond Sanders.
He survived the massacre I was too late to stop.
The scars that were left on him I recognize all too well, so I took him under my wing and I trained him to control his abilities.
Don't let the appearance fool you.
Inside of him is a power, a darkness, an eternal flame of a fearless warrior in a child's body.
And that's why I brought him with me to meet Dr.
Because he'll unleash hell.
Knight Hawk.
What an unexpected pleasure.
I don't need a translator.
I am much more than a translator.
I am his vehicle! And I am his advocate! And You will pay for your disrespect! Boss Battle! Shut the fuck up, you little bitch! - KO.
- Little Wing! - Fuck! - Little Wing! Quite the father figure.
For the next five seconds I shall mock your ancestors.
Marvelous Man came to you because he needed help.
You failed.
You really fucking failed.
And now you want to monetize his misery? I don't think so.
Marvelous Man told me he feared the darkness in your soul.
You need to think about that, Doctor.
Think about that long and hard.
If a man like him was afraid of a man like me what does that tell you? Your breath smells like paranoia.
You assume evil because that is all you know.
Hawk Drone surveillance footage activated.
I know a guy, a therapist-monk or something or other with deep-ass pockets who'd pay top dollar for kids like these.
But only if they're pristine.
Imagine what's gonna happen to your practice if this were ever to get leaked to the media.
I want your Marvelous Man book to never see the light of day.
The files, the notes, the data, all come to me.
Or else I'll unleash Little Wing again.
I only treated Marvelous Man once.
He spent our session ranting about something called "Mellow Devil.
" I didn't write the book.
I was paid to put my name on it.
Paid by whom? It's truly wonderful that Marvelous Man's dead, but that's not enough.
We need to eviscerate his legacy as well.
If we don't act now, this public adoration and worship of superheroes is gonna get passed down from one generation to the next.
What are you suggesting, tiny, brown death merchant? You and the alien had a meeting.
I've written a speculative book that I would like you to publish under your name, outlining your "therapy sessions" with him.
You're gonna tell the world how this constant barrage of adoration and public worship turned Marvelous Man into the mentally-shattered megalomaniac who killed himself on TV.
You talk and talk, but what's in it for me? I will use my influence to squash certain rumors about your predilections.
Think about the TV deals.
The brand deals.
The endorsement deals.
The deal deals.
You'll have so much money, I'll make it rain on you.
Little Wing.
Ravencroft's menstrual discharge of a book has been pulled from publication.
All copies are being destroyed, and Dr.
Ravencroft has gone into hiding.
No explanation has been given by the publisher, but I personally see this as a triumph for decency and common sense.
Marvelous Man deserves better than to have his memory tarnished by a manipulative scoundrel.
I'm gonna go out and get you a quaalude.
I think it'll help.
Our own investigation into Dr.
Ravencroft has exposed a man who should not be trusted.
A con artist.
A fraud.
A cult leader.
Master, um, I've prepared your next patient.
Everything is going just swimmingly, and I'll have her ready for you in Fatality.
I cannot be killed.
If I'm gonna investigate the Guardians and stabilize the planet, I need someone I can trust, someone I trained, someone who has the ear of the president.
Computer, locate Red Talon and transmit.
Your days of hijacking American subs are over, you sheep-diddling bastard.
Red Talon, come in.
What the fuck do you want, you geriatric prick? Red Talon, AKA Mick Mason.
He's still the scared little boy I took in after his family was murdered.
I found him covered in blood.
I trained him, made him my protégé.
I loved him like a son.
But like most fathers and sons, there was tension.
Today, he works for the president.
Bird Man, long time, no talk.
I need your help.
I thought you looked more like an owl than a hawk.
Intruder alert! - Kill this bastard.
- Here we go.
Red Talon, defending freedom.
Red Talon, I want you to come to the Hawk's Nest.
I have work for you.
Man your stations! Can't you see I'm a little busy? Who do you think you're talking to? The government is here.
Did you forget everything I've taught you? Jesus, Red! Fuck off.
Wait, wait.
Before you fuck off, watch this.
Ca-caw! He's moving with the grace of a fucking ballerina! Guns are gonna get you killed.
Guns are so much cooler than Hawk Stars, or whatever you're throwing at people these days, fucking pussy.
he Scottish Skull is going to kill you.
You little shit.
I taught you better than to be a mindless weapon for the president.
I surrender.
I love America.
I want to move there.
I should have let those drug-peddling drug dealers keep that little fuck.
End fucking transmission.
Red Talon, you may have won the battle, but I do know that you will lose the war to me, the Scottish Skull! Boss battle! America wins.
Flawless victory.
With the Guardians as suspects and Red Talon being an asshole, I need to turn to something else to help this investigation.
Within the first hour of Marvelous Man's death, I did three things.
I locked down the Citadel, I brought his body to the Hawk's Nest, and I secured the Cortex.
The Cortex is all that is left of Cal and his people.
The power it gives off would kill most humans.
It's my best hope for solving his death and preventing nuclear war.
Cortex, activate.
Begin Neurosync.
Caltronian DNA not detected.
Good point.
I would not recommend human use of the Neurosync.
- Just do it.
- Fine.
Cortex, activate! Brain pairing initiated.
Hello, Atticus.
I am Cortex.
Let's do this.
Cortex, upload the bullet vault schematics I acquired from Lockwood Industries.
I need a list of every single person on the planet with the skills or powers necessary to get past Lockwood's security.
Only two people are fast enough to get in and out in 0.
027 seconds.
First suspect.
Motion Blur.
Motion Blur.
I didn't even think of him.
Maximum speed, 4,000 kilometers per hour.
Best known for robbing ten banks simultaneously.
Only known weakness, drug addiction.
Escaped from Bedlam Asylum six months ago.
Current whereabouts unknown.
Second suspect Let me guess.
Speed, I need you to track down your arch-nemesis Motion Blur.
He's the lead suspect in my investigation.

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