The Investigation (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Det vi ved, og det vi antager

Copenhagen Police,
how may I help you?
Copenhagen Police,
how may I help you?
Yes, please email us the photos.
Did he see them together?
May I have your name, please?
Pernille Rønnebæk.
And you saw them
in the harbour fairway at 19:10?
Yes, please send us the photos.
14TH AUGUST 2017
My team made a list
of everything we found.
We quickly concluded there was
human blood in the submarine.
How much?
Not much.
There's no guarantee it's hers.
38,000 litres of salt water
has flushed through it,
so finding anything is quite a feat.
But you sent the blood
for DNA testing?
Of course. But we don't know
if there's enough for a result.
We also found a green water hose,
some iron pipes and things.
But let's talk when we hand it over
for standard searching.
In your opinion,
has a murder been committed?
We'll finish up now, then you can
have it at the end of the day.
The phones have been ringing
all morning,
we're trying to establish
an overview.
There are reports that the detainee
and journalist knew each other.
That they were known as a couple
on the BDSM scene in Copenhagen.
He is said to have a sophisticated,
very active sex life.
His closest friends say he's innocent
and that it must be a mistake.
When will the room be ready for us?
In a couple of hours.
We got a video filmed by a tourist on
a cruise ship just after 20:00.
It shows a small motor boat
just next to the sub.
-How close?
-Close enough to move between hem.
Who was in the boat?
It was taken from a distance of
100 metres, so we can't see.
Did anyone board the sub?
Were they not alone?
Or did she get off
before the submarine sank?
It's Jens.
I don't have any comment.
You'll be the first to know
if I have a comment.
I'm sure you know special prosecutor
Jakob Buch.
He's not here to meddle in our work.
He's here to tell us about his work.
Welcome, Jakob.
Thank you.
As most of you know,
the detainee was remanded
for four weeks on Saturday
on suspicion of
involuntary manslaughter.
To put it mildly,
I don't agree with that ruling.
But at least you've got four weeks
to advance the case.
I neither wish to,
nor am I allowed to,
interfere with the investigation,
but let me emphasise
how crucial it is
that you find sufficient evidence of
murder by the hearing in four weeks,
so that he can be jailed
on the correct basis.
There is a long list of possible
scenarios and hypotheses.
Maybe the suspect and victim were
acquainted or in a relationship.
Maybe a hatch hit her in the head,
maybe something entirely different.
These are all assumptions,
and as you know, knowing something
is very different from assuming it.
What we assume cannot be proven,
what we know can be proven.
And if it's murder,
I have to be able to prove it.
If not, he walks free.
I thought
you weren't going to meddle.
I don't want to.
But the quality of my work
depends on the quality of yours.
So do a good job.
Very well.
A person can die in four ways:
Naturally, by accident,
suicide, or murder.
The accused has said
she died in an accident.
We're charging him with murder.
These are the two possibilities
available to us at present.
We know from numerous photos
and witness statements
that the submarine set off
at around 19:00.
We know she sent her boyfriend
a text message at 20:25.
In which she wrote: "Still alive,
BTW, but going down now."
I've asked myself if this indicates
that she is scared in any way.
But nothing suggests she was.
She was a journalist and used to
working in different contexts.
And all the photos of the departure
show her happy and smiling.
Text message to boyfriend.
20:25 hours.
From then,
there is a gap in our knowledge
until the submarine is seen again
by Drogden Lighthouse
the next morning at 10:00.
And then it suddenly sinks at 10:22.
Until the suspect is picked up by
boat, taken to Dragør
and taken into custody.
So what happened in those 14 hours,
in the time from 20:25 to 10:22?
I'm checking who's monitoring
traffic on the Øresund Strait.
If this is recorded
and detailed enough
to see the route the sub took.
It seems I need to go to Malmö
to get the information in question.
I'll report back to you.
During Nikolaj's and my questioning
of the suspect,
I came across an article
in the Sunday newspaper.
In it, the suspect
makes this statement:
"In the long term,
I hope for a criminal career.
I don't want to rob a bank.
Fuck, no.
Nobody should get hurt.
In all secrecy, I want to build a
hydrogen balloon
and fly over Copenhagen while police
cars are hunting me on the ground.
I'll land between the two
spires of Roskilde Cathedral
with the police ready to catch me."
And then he says:
"I don't know if that's exactly
what's going to happen,
but I want to create a happening
on a gigantic scale."
So there's a third possibility.
We need to get hold of the person
in the boat that was near the sub.
A happening?
Could she have climbed into the boat?
And hidden herself there?
Meanwhile, writing an article about
being the victim of a crime?
That would be quite a happening.
And nobody would come to harm.
This is Detective Maibritt Porse
from the Copenhagen Police.
We're seeking the owner of a boat
in connection with an investigation.
I'm not absolutely sure.
It's a motor boat of 20 to 24 feet.
Sure, but I wondered if you could
forward an email to your members
asking them to contact us
if they have any information.
Great. And what's your email address?
Is that ".com"?
".dk", okay.
I'll be in touch.
-Any news?
-Not yet.
I'm calling all boating clubs
within a 45 km-radius,
including in Sweden, and asking them
to contact their members.
We shall see.
Musa has brought in a young man who
helped out in the suspect's workshop.
-I'd like you to question him.
We also contacted
one of his girlfriends.
Maybe she knows something.
Musa has prepared Room 5 for you.
What if it's just a happening?
Do you know why you're here?
Great, let's get started.
For how long have you known him?
Two years.
What do you do when you're together?
All kinds of things.
I help out in his workshop.
He's always got
all kinds of crazy stuff going on.
What kind of stuff?
Nothing dangerous, just
Now listen
I can't imagine he harmed that woman.
No, and we're only trying to find out
what happened.
Well, we
We talk a lot about the war,
and sometimes we only speak German
with each other.
Have you ever seen him
upset or aggressive?
He does have a temper, you know?
You need that to succeed
in this world, don't you?
What else did you talk about?
We just talk a lot.
About what?
About our plans and fantasies and
What are those fantasies?
I don't know.
I mean, nothing in particular.
When will he be released?
He's on remand for four weeks.
It's the judge's decision.
You don't think he killed her,
do you?
What I'm thinking is there's
something you're not telling us.
-What do you mean?
-What fantasies did you talk about?
We talked a lot about World War II
and projects in the workshop.
Historical personalities,
perfect crimes,
and air balloons,
which we're both very interested in.
The suspect says he dumped the body
between Falsterbo and Avedøre.
There's about 35 kilometres
between those two points.
To search the area,
we're placing four lead weights
to form a rectangle on the seabed.
This is connected to buoys on the
surface and called a stay.
20 by 200 metres.
Three guys dive in and swim side by
side from one end to the other.
They thoroughly search the seabed.
When we've searched one stay, we move
the weights and search the next.
In that way, we can search
rectangle by rectangle.
I know it's not optimal.
If we have no clue about
where to search,
then it could take quite some time
to search the whole strait.
Jens speaking.
You can write that we have planes and
helicopters and dogs along the coast.
And divers in the sea.
I can't comment now.
I promise you'll be the first
to hear it when I have news.
We'll keep diving.
But we won't find anything like this.
-Hello, Jens.
-Hi, Joachim.
We want to look at Kim's computer,
so I asked the Swedish police
to pick it up from you.
We want to see if there's anything on
it that helps find out what happened.
What could that be?
It could be emails, photos,
or Facebook messages.
Maybe they already knew each other.
No, they didn't.
It's important to confirm that.
So do you have a warrant for this?
No, it's not a search.
I don't know if we can just let you
look into her things.
I don't understand. Why not?
-Kim is a journalist, Jens.
That computer has
information about people
who could be in danger
and in need of protection.
Some are women who risked their lives
for their beliefs.
Those people trusted her.
But we're only interested in
information related to the case.
Yes. But if we give you her computer
and password,
we don't have any guarantee
that you won't look through the rest.
No, no. No.
I need to talk to Ingrid first.
How would you describe
your relationship?
-As a good relationship.
-Are you friend or lovers or?
-We're friends.
And also a bit
A bit what?
-You sleep together?
Or rather
Was he ever violent
or aggressive with you?
Unless we'd agreed on it.
If it's part of the game.
We used to go to these BDSM
and fetish parties, right?
But it was a bit hard
to get him to do things.
Because he's so polite.
He's very careful.
Did you ever meet
the Swedish journalist?
Did he talk about her?
No, never.
Did you ever go in the submarine?
-Did you sail in it?
Did you have sex in it?
No, only once.
How was it?
What do you mean?
Was it S and M or normal sex?
It was just normal sex.
It was I think it was.
Listen to me.
He's not a monster.
He really isn't.
I don't know what's happened,
but he hasn't done anything.
I just know.
I asked Jakob to sit in,
just to get a sense of where we are.
Where is Musa?
He's gone to the sub.
Have the forensics finished?
No, but he was too impatient
to wait any more.
I've made a timeline
and marked what we know
and what we don't know,
so I'll update it as we go on.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to
map the route of the sub yet.
The radar surveillance has been
erased or had too little detail.
What about Malmö?
I'm waiting to hear from them.
-Do you have any news?
We haven't had any luck
finding the boatsman,
but we've conducted interviews,
and the suspect was fascinated by
the idea of the perfect crime.
And we've confirmed that he had
a transgressive sex life.
And there are rumours
that they were acquainted beforehand.
What do those rumours say?
People have heard that they were
kissing in a cafe in Christianshavn
or that they went to sex parties.
I have no direct corroboration.
But we got a call from a woman
who heard from a chief physician
at Rigshospitalet
that he saw them kissing
in Christianshavn.
-A chief physician?
-Yes. Lennart Stauner.
Have we spoken to him?
I have an appointment with him
this week.
If he can confirm a relationship,
then we have to reconsider jealousy
as a main motive.
Or it's a red herring.
At what time was the motor boat
next to the submarine?
At 20:15.
So that's before
she wrote the text message.
-Can you put that on the board?
Jens speaking.
Where did you hear it?
What was the name? Lennart?
Lennart Stauner.
Do you intend to print that?
No, I certainly won't comment.
What's happening?
The press has also heard
that they had an erotic relationship.
One of the tabloids is considering it
for their front page.
They say they'll finish in an hour
at the earliest.
Why don't you go home
and start early tomorrow?
It's getting late.
What would I do at home?
I didn't wait all weekend for this
just to go home and sleep.
Call me if anything happens.
We've conducted investigations,
which I cannot comment on.
but we still don't have a body.
We presume we're looking
for a dead person.
And we're mostly searching
around Køge Bay,
both on the Danish and Swedish sides.
Nero, come. Come on.
Come on.
Jens Møller.
-I'm Niels Bark from the news.
Would you like to come to the studio
to talk about the submarine case?
The submarine case?
Is that what you call it?
The tabloids came up with it.
It's too early to say anything.
I don't have any comments now,
but I'll call you first when I do.
How about that?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi, Musa. What's up?
Okay. I'm on my way upstairs.
Knickers and tights.
Where were they found?
In a grate under the submarine.
-How did they get there?
-I'd say someone put them there.
Could they have ended up there
during salvage and draining?
I can't see how that's possible,
but I don't reject it.
Why the hell would he put it there?
-Is it hers?
I gave it to Forensics
to send on for DNA analysis.
15TH AUGUST 2017
-Thank you.
This is Maibritt.
She's part of the team and will help
out with the technology.
Were there things we shouldn't see?
No, there's nothing you can't see.
but there are things
you mustn't copy.
She's a journalist,
and many people trust her.
It's about protecting her informants.
Of course. I'm sorry
I didn't express myself clearly.
As I said, Maibritt will be
at the keyboard helping us.
-Shall I set it up?
I think it's all here.
These pictures are from
the Marshall Islands.
Between 1946 and 1958,
the US conducted 67 nuclear tests
in the islands.
Kim and her colleagues wrote a series
of articles about it.
The pictures are from that.
The poor children
didn't understand anything.
They said there were two sunrises,
one in the east and one in the west.
It suddenly began to snow,
and they'd only ever
heard about snow,
so they were happy and ran out
and rolled in the snow.
But it wasn't snow.
It was radioactive ashes.
It's in the Pacific,
between Hawaii and Australia.
Right in the middle, you could say.
It's like a ticking time bomb.
The US did a big clean-up in 1978.
-There it is.
They sealed the radioactive waste
in concrete shells like this one.
But plutonium has
a half-life of 24,000 years.
So it's just a matter of time before
the shell breaks
and the radioactive waste
leaks into the sea.
Oh, yes. She won several awards
for this series of articles.
Although everything indicates
that they didn't know each other,
there is something
I need to talk to you about.
One of the tabloids called me.
And they're considering
running a story
based only on loose rumours.
What are those rumours?
The rumours suggest that Kim
and the accused
were previously acquainted.
That they were in a relationship.
I'm so sorry
that I have to bring this up.
But the story might be on the front
page as soon as tomorrow.
And I wanted you
to hear it from me first.
My goodness.
But it's not true.
What kind of journalists are they?
How's it going?
I've never had a murder case that
didn't come home with me at night.
I don't know about the police,
but in healthcare we don't have time
for this kind of thing.
-I've got five minutes.
-That's fine.
We can go down this way.
I don't know what you're on about.
Maybe you got the wrong person?
I don't think so.
What am I supposed to have said?
That you saw them kiss passionately
in a cafe in Christianshavn.
Why would I gossip like that?
To appear interesting.
-If there's nothing else
-There is.
Pernille Rønnebæk.
Does it ring a bell?
Yeah, why?
She said you were at a dinner party
and you told her you saw them
together in Christianshavn.
If it's untrue, I'll have to ask her
why she's lying about such things.
I recognise that story.
Fine. When did you see them together?
I never did.
-I didn't see them together.
So you just made it up?
I heard it from someone
and told it as if I'd seen it myself.
Who told you?
I don't remember.
I don't know about
the health service,
but we don't have fucking time
for this in the police.
And I don't think the victim's family
have time for it either.
16TH AUGUST 2017
I'm here to see Jens Møller,
the head of Homicide.
I understand you're looking for me,
or for my boat.
Let me check if he's in.
Here you go.
We only have water,
the coffee machine broke.
Yeah. Thanks.
Well, I came in because I heard
you were looking for my boat
in connection with the journalist,
the sub and all that.
I don't know if I should have
a lawyer with me.
Nor do I.
-What were you doing with the sub?
You said your boat was alongside
the submarine, right?
-Wasn't it you who was sailing it?
-Yeah, but
We were never right next to the sub.
We may have been
four or five metres away.
I can't find the photo now, but
My son thought the sub was
interesting and we took this photo.
That's all.
I was so upset when I read about it.
And I heard you thought
I was involved, but I'm not.
You know nothing about the sub
and the journalist?
Only what's in the newspapers.
We spoke with them
for two minutes at most.
That's all it was.
I don't suspect you of anything.
Thanks for coming in.
We got that cleared up.
Let me walk you out.
-Can I just leave?
-Oh, yes.
We just need a technician
to copy the photo.
Yeah, sure.
You've reached Cecilie.
I can't take your call now.
Leave a message
and I'll call you back.
There you are.
How's it going?
Are you making progress?
Yeah. Or
Every time we thought we had
something, it turned out to be wrong.
-How are you feeling?
I'm fine.
Did you speak with Cecilie?
What if she's angry with me?
Well, she is.
She told you she was pregnant
and you walked away.
DAY 11
21ST AUGUST 2017
We have to search more precisely.
Who says the current didn't carry
the body to Poland?
Nobody says that.
Cover one eye.
Imagine looking through
a kitchen roll with the other eye,
and you have to find a pin
on a football pitch.
That's what I'm asking my guys
to do right now.
Every day, Jens.
From dawn to dusk,
at 12 metres of water.
Forensics found no DNA
on the knickers or the tights.
Have the divers and pilots
not found anything either?
Some Swedes thought
they'd found her clothes,
but it was just an orange life vest,
nothing to do with this.
Jens speaking.
I have no comment.
But you'll be the first one I call
when I have a comment, alright?
We've got fuck all.
And there.
And there, or what?
-Not at first.
-No, but do you want that one?
Nikolaj Storm.
Again there.
We'll be there straight away.
Jens speaking.
Jens, it's Nikolaj here.
-Are you heading home?
-You'd better turn back.
A woman's torso has washed ashore
on Amager.
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