The New Batman Adventures (1997) s01e02 Episode Script

Sins of the Father

Hey, kid.
Come back with my doughnuts! Now I gotcha.
In your dreams.
Just wait till I get my hands on you, you little punk! Gotta keep your energy up, pops.
Open up, Drake.
The boss wants to see you.
It's worse than my kid's room.
Hey! - Where's your old man? - Who wants to know? Come on.
Going somewhere, kid? - So you're "Shifty" Drake's boy, huh? - I'm not afraid of you.
Then you're dumber than your old man.
Now talk.
Where is he? How about I go check his calendar? - He stole something from me.
- Your charming good looks? - Frisk him.
- Hey, hands off.
- Look, chief.
- Give me that.
"Sorry, Timmy.
The heat's on.
I gotta leave town for a while.
Hang on to this for me.
" That scroungy little two-bit two-timer.
What about the kid? - Kill him.
- No! Get him! Behind you.
Let's go.
Holy smoking Joe.
Nothing over here, boss.
We're sitting ducks here.
There he is! Come on.
How do you start this stupid thing? Autopilot.
Hey, where'd he go? Cool.
Batman, we're gonna crash.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God! Oh, dear.
This is, like, totally amazing.
If you knew how many times I dreamed about this place.
Please, Master Timothy, not the explosives.
Jeez, I don't believe it.
It's the real Robin suit, isn't it? Whatever happened to him? - Alfred? - Right here, sir.
You appear to have suffered quite a shock to the system.
- The boy.
- He's here too, I'm afraid.
At least he was.
Oh, my.
- Bruce Wayne, huh? - Sorry you saw that.
Hey, come on.
Let go.
I called Batgirl right after you arrived, sir.
Though apparently not soon enough.
He's been upstairs.
So what? I know how to keep a secret.
You can trust me.
Let him go.
What did Two-Face want with you? My old man used to work for Puke-Face, but that was before he split town.
Your father left you all alone? Big deal.
He was never around much anyway.
But I can take care of myself.
See? I found it after you cleared some bangers out of the 'hood.
My word.
Just like Batman, nobody messes with Tim Drake.
Except Two-Face.
Yeah, I guess my old man took something that belonged to him.
But don't ask me where it is.
All he left me was this.
And a key.
There's an impression.
Do you recognize it? Gotham Airport.
Yeah, they're in here, chief.
Safe and sound.
Drop it.
I don't think so, boys.
Happy landings.
No, don't.
You can't go.
Dad! I think I've ID'd his father.
Steven "Shifty" Drake.
Burglary, armed robbery, grand theft.
Started when he was a kid.
A real hard-luck case.
- Just like his son.
- Are you looking for sympathy? From you? Heaven forbid.
What's the matter? They found a John Doe in Metropolis River whose prints match his father's.
That means he's not coming back.
My old man, he's gone for good.
That's what a John Doe means, right? - Well, we can't be absolutely - Yes.
He was never gonna come back for me anyway.
- He was too scared.
- Of what? What did he take from Two-Face? Why did he hide it? - Hey, if I knew, I'd tell you.
- Excuse me, sir.
But there's something on television you might find enlightening.
Attention, people of Gotham City.
I've got a simple equation for you.
One plus one equals Armageddon.
When these liquids are mixed together, they create a nasty gas.
Unless I receive $22 million by 2 a.
M there'll be two kinds of citizens in Gotham: The dying and the dead.
- He wouldn't.
- That's not what his father thought.
We've got to find Two-Face.
I might know where he is.
The old Janus movie theater.
I followed my old man there once when he was working for Puke-Face.
Come on.
- I wanna go.
- No, it's too dangerous.
- But I got a stake in this.
- I said, no.
Don't take it personally, lad.
He's never been one for debate.
It used to make Master Dick furious.
Most unfortunate.
Get the masks, boys.
They've had their two-minute warning.
What was that? He's here.
Where? Peekaboo.
Hope I haven't missed all the fun.
You're too late, Batman.
Better find yourself another mask.
Excuse me.
Oh, no.
It's your kind of show, Puke-Face.
A double feature.
It's been a long time, bird boy.
Let the kid go, Two-Face.
Make one move, and I'll wring his feathered little neck.
Not that it's gonna matter in about one minute.
Plenty of time.
Can we go home now? Yeah, we did it! We aced them! I set them up, you take them out.
One, two, huh, Batman? You work with me, Tim, you follow the rules.
Rule number one: You give me everything you've got.
Rule number two: Then you give me more.
And rule number three: I make the rules.
Watch out for that last one, kid.
It's a killer.
- Dick? - My word.
Hey, no one can be a Boy Wonder forever.

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