The New Legends of Monkey (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

PIGSY: Damage from the Demon attack is as follows, the tavern took a battering, six doors to be replaced, John's Grain and Haberdashery is a mess, and four Monks killed.
Just the Monks who copped it? We'll count that as a blessing.
My charity can only stretch so far.
Now, tell me, who is this Demon and what does it want? - A crown.
- A crown? Old school.
Whose crown? I don't know, but I've never seen a Sentinel like this before.
I need you to find out exactly who's behind this and how much they'll pay for it and quickly.
I can't have Demon Sentinels waltzing in from the Barren Lands whenever they feel like it.
You ever seen frightened people try to work? I can't have it.
I won't have it.
We need to sort this out, my sweets.
- Will you do that for me? - Of course.
What else will you do for me? - Foot tickle? - You know it.
Where am I? What is this place? We're just outside the town of Palawa.
The edge of nowhere.
I'll take it from here.
A gift.
I'm not sure what I should For your Monastery.
To thank you for releasing me and keeping my staff safe.
Are you summoning your cloud? We thought it might be a myth.
What are you still doing here? Well, we have many matters to discuss.
We are now to retrieve the Sacred Scrolls and journey west.
You will Uh, you are to protect me and be my guide.
Says who? That is why we released you.
We? Who is "we"? I'm Tripitaka.
Does that name mean anything to you? Nope, never heard of you.
Monkey, you must be careful.
There's many who don't want you back in the world.
- Many what? Be more specific.
- Many Demons.
You fought that one but there will be more.
- How many? - A lot.
They rule the world now.
Monkey, I have to tell you something.
You've been trapped in that rock for quite a long time.
So I gather.
How long? (CLEARS THROAT) 500 years.
(SHOUTS) What? I'm sorry, Monkey.
I thought you would know more.
What is this? It's your crown.
It's what released you from the stone.
- Why won't it come off? - Nice outfit.
You look familiar.
Monks usually beg outside, so this is novel.
- You got money to pay for this? - Of course.
Well, let me know if you need anything, right? For hundreds of years, the Demons have ruled under a cloud of chaos and confusion, passing off the legends of the Gods as a myth and hearsay.
My master, The Scholar, he taught me the truth.
He was part of a resistance movement.
Our mission was to release you from the stone, find the Sacred Scrolls and journey west.
Why? What's there? Well, I believe that's where the resistance is based.
But first we must find the scrolls.
There is great magic contained within them.
Only with the scrolls can we overcome the darkness that suppresses us Another bowl over here! - I don't understand.
- What? People have given their lives for this cause and you're not even listening to me.
Are you not interested in saving the world? I'll do as I please, okay? Not what others tell me to do.
I only take orders from Gods.
And even then, only if I think it's a good idea.
Wait here.
Eat some more.
I will return with answers.
And whatever you do, try keep a low profile, okay? What happened? The Demon killed four of our young Monks.
The Demon that was looking for you.
I'm deeply sorry.
But perhaps their deaths were not in vain.
Do you know of the Monkey King? Trapped by Demons for 500 years? Well, he has been released.
What I mean to say is I have released him.
He's here to restore light to the world.
He gave me this.
You've done what? (GRUNTS) (WHISTLES NONCHALANTLY) Please, accept my apologies.
Apology accepted.
Not the hair.
Never the hair.
(GROANS) - (GRUNTS) - Ooh! (GRUNTS) Yes! My powers have rest Darker one.
I have information for Princess Locke.
Thank you, Ma'am.
I thought you might like to know there's a Demon in the tavern.
He just took out five mercenaries without even drawing a weapon.
Did he have strange writing on his face? Was he scary looking? Well, no, he wasn't scary looking at all.
He was kind of handsome, actually.
Centuries ago, the Monkey King killed one of the Ancient Gods and stole the Sacred Scrolls.
It was the Gods, not the Demons, that placed Monkey in stone to protect the world from his furious power.
But The Scholar, he taught me that Monkey was our only hope to defeat the Demons.
- The Scholar? - You knew him? He was once part of our Order, when we were both much younger men.
He developed some strange ideas, went searching for answers outside of our teaching.
And where is he now? He's dead.
I I don't understand.
He taught me so much.
Why didn't he tell me the truth? Confusion and doubt.
It means you're alive and luckier than these young people.
Don't waste it on the Monkey King.
PIGSY: And you have absolutely no idea of where he's gone now? Well, your guess is as good as mine.
He ripped this place to pieces and just bolted out of here.
Was he with anyone? No, he was alone.
Well, if you do see or hear anything, let me know.
Will do, Boss.
TRIPITAKA: Everything I've known, everything I've been led to believe, none of it's true.
How can I go forward when I don't even know what's in the past? How can I know who to trust? - BOY: Hey you! What you up to? - Ah, nothing.
They say you shouldn't be on the streets at night.
There's a Demon in town.
Oh, you're from the Monastery.
They lock the gates at sunset.
You missed your tea? - I'm not sure I should - Wait a sec.
(CLATTERING) (DOOR CREAKS OPEN) I couldn't finish my sandwich.
Here you go.
Thank you.
That's very kind.
You got a place to sleep.
You could stay at my place.
I could ask my Mum.
- I'm Zeek.
- I'm Tripitaka.
- (GASPS) - What is it? Hey! Zeek! Hey, Monk boy.
I thought we were keeping a low profile.
I was trying to help a boy.
- There was a Demon - Ah-huh.
Not that I expect you to care.
I went to the Monastery, hoping to find answers and all I found was that you were a criminal.
You killed a God and you stole the scrolls for yourself.
To every story there is more than one telling.
So, what is your story? It is yet to be written.
- Where are you going? - To find an old friend.
- Where are the scrolls? - Safe! Oww.
It was only a little whack.
Could have done it harder but taking in your size I didn't want to go over the top.
Where's the boy? I wasn't chasing a boy.
See what he thinks.
Well, understandable.
But here we go.
Stranger arrives, brings all sorts of trouble.
- Who are you? - I'm no-one.
I'm just a Monk.
Really? You know what I think? I think you're a liar.
(THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!) You again? We're shut.
I need your help.
- Really? - Mmm.
Well, ah, I need some new chairs, half a dozen plates and some new shoes.
It's 500 years old.
I saw your altar out the back.
I remember a time when everyone had one.
Well, if you remember those days, then you must be A God.
I am.
I need to know where I would find a Demon who specialises in the abduction of little boys, and little boy Monks.
Who is this Monk to you? That's what I need to find out.
I'm going to ask you one more time.
Who are you, and why are you here? I'm an orphan.
I have no family, no home You got a name, sad sack? Tripitaka.
What did you just say? Tripitaka.
Tripitaka? You're Tripitaka! The Scholar told me that one day a Monk named Tripitaka would appear, and I was to help him.
- I was raised by The Scholar.
- Of course you were.
He was a visionary.
A poet.
An architect of the resistance.
I don't understand.
You're a Demon.
No Demon here.
I am a God.
I choose to live like this.
- Do you know why? - No, why? No, that's what I'm asking.
I've entirely forgotten.
But if you're a God, what about the boy you were chasing? That was no boy.
BOY: Oi! I've been looking for you, Pig Man.
Oh, that was seriously wrong.
Tell Locke there is good money to be made for the capture of the Monkey King.
It's still good.
Still good.
I've been waiting a long time for this moment, Tripitaka.
I've written some poems about you.
They're not good or anything, but they do express a certain sense of devotion.
So, you know of our mission? (CLATTERING) To find the Sacred Scrolls and journey west - (CLANKING) - Shhh! - What is it? - Shhh! (CLANK!) Second-least favourite thing company.
- Monkey, wait! - Silence, Monk, I'm saving your life.
Monkey, please! You don't know what you're doing! Relax, I've done this a million times! No! Your new name will be Tripitaka.
(CHANTS) Na ninekah alookah enumbah kudantai calaporeekah Na ninekah alookah enumbah kudantai calaporeekah.
(ECHOES) Na ninekah alookah enumbah kudantai calaporeekah (GROANS) What just happened? I had to stop you from killing her.
I'm sorry.
But she's not a Demon.
- Then what is she? - (CLANG!) Uh-oh.
Time to move.
Follow me.
I can get us out of here.
You could have told me that you controlled the crown.
I guess I don't have a choice in any of this.
Do I? You already made your choice.
That's why you came back to save me.
Dreadfully exciting, isn't it? The three of us, journeying off together into the unknown.
What are we supposed to call you? Well, it's been a while since anyone's called me anything but "Eww" or "Get away from me.
" But I'm Sandy.
My name is Sandy.
There are seven scrolls, hidden in seven different continents.
Without my cloud, it would take years to retrieve them.
Why don't you try calling it again? It's been 500 years.
Maybe you're just rusty.
(CLANK!) Ooh! Ahoy there, young travellers.
It's a nasty night for a stroll.
Well, why don't you jump in? I can take you as far as the next town.
But that's as far as I'll be going tonight, in this weather, I tell ya.
(LAUGHS) - There we go.
- Thank you.
I've counted those radishes, young man, so I'll know if you've been nibbling.
Just sit where you can.
Don't mind the vegetables.
Might even see my prized pomegranate.
(CHUCKLES) Sit tight.
This won't take long.
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