WPC 56 (2013) s01e02 Episode Script

Memories are Made of This

WPC Dawson.
Good to meet you, sir.
You forced yourself on her.
She put up a fight and you bludgeoned her.
I never touched that girl! It was him, wasn't it? Yes.
Not very nice, is it? Beating a helpless girl unconscious? Can you tell if it was a boy or a girl? See if you can find anything about a missing boy from the area.
Two boys.
William Parker and Stanley Collins.
If it's the same case, there could be a second body out there.
Just you wait.
People will be stopping you in the street, asking "Aren't you Grace Kelly?" What's up with your Florrie? She putting on weight or has she fallen again? Yeah.
What's that? Number five? She needs to get better at having headaches or start putting summat in his tea.
Oh, don't mind him.
His mum's a right mardy piece.
Can't blame her, mind.
She's no idea who his dad is.
Go on.
Off you go! Yes, soon turn you into Brinford's very own blonde bombshell.
Mrs Parker? Mrs Valerie Parker? I'll get my coat.
Is this it? Have you found him? A few days ago, we discovered some remains.
Remains? A young boy.
We've recovered certain items.
We'd like you to look at them.
See if there's anything you recognise.
I don't know if I can do that.
I understand.
I have two girls.
"Understand"? You've still got your children.
It might not be William.
Don't you need to know, one way or the other? When you're ready, Mrs Parker.
Is there anything you recognise? Did that belong to William? I'm sorry, but I need to hear you say it.
I was forever darning the holes.
His dad made it in the trenches.
William never went anywhere without it.
It kept wearing through his pockets.
Thank you.
My boy! My lovely, lovely boy.
Who hurt my boy, Inspector? We don't know yet.
We'll find out who's responsible.
I promise.
I'll organise a car to take you home.
What do you think you're doing? You can't make promises like that.
She needed some hope.
And if we don't find her son's killer? Next time, think before you open your mouth.
Got you with the old teacup trick, eh? Don't take it personal.
All new recruits get the same treatment.
You look like you need this more than me.
Don't suppose you have a mirror? Don't want to give them any reason to say I'm not up to the job.
They're men.
They ain't going to notice.
Better get that under the tap.
I hope you've got your best knickers on.
What's that? As if you didn't know.
If you can't take a joke, you're in the wrong job.
Someone's for the high jump.
Wonder who that could be? Parade, attention! Produce appointments.
Ready for inspection, sir.
Run out of Brasso, constable? Sorry, sir.
This will be about you defending Donald Palmer.
He hates coppers who don't know which side they're on.
Is that mud on your boots, PC 352? Yes, sir.
Sorry, sir.
And your collar filthy.
Call those notes? Your handwriting is atrocious.
You need to buck your ideas up, Constable.
Yes, sir.
Dawson, isn't it? Yes, sir.
Hope you've been made to feel welcome.
Yes, sir.
Very welcome, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Glad to hear it.
Not everyone approves of female officers.
A lot of people are watching you, Dawson.
Don't let me down.
No, sir.
Parade dismissed.
Hey, don't give him the satisfaction.
Take your break.
Cool down.
Every flipping chance he gets! Is he all right? Getting chewed up by the Chief Super's bad enough.
But when it's your own father Get in.
You wanted to see me, sir? I understand that you've positively identified the remains of William Parker.
Er yes, sir.
But it's a 30-year-old case.
I didn't think there'd be any interest at Divisional.
I like to keep my finger on the pulse.
Besides, I've got some good news.
I already know the killer's identity.
Sir? John Evans.
Local vagabond.
Lived in a shack in the woods not far from where you found the Parker boy's remains.
But he was never charged with abducting the boys? Evans wouldn't confess.
Where is he now? I'll need to interview him.
Good luck with that.
John Evans is dead.
Excuse me, sir.
Some press boys out front.
Do you want me to send them away with a flea in their ears? That won't be necessary, Sergeant.
They're here at my request.
All right, gentleman.
Nice and orderly, thank you.
I've called you all here to announce that we have identified the remains of William Parker, who went missing from Crossmere Woods in 1926.
What about the second boy? Parker was not alone when he disappeared.
I have therefore authorised a comprehensive search for Stanley Collins.
Why's it taken you so long to find them? Our priority now is to give both lads the peace of a Christian burial.
Thank you.
No further questions.
Have you any suspects? You heard him.
No more questions, gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
So it's Coulson who's organised the search? It's a team effort, Jack.
Typical brass, eh? Then again, you can't blame Coulson for wanting to get his name on the front pages.
Why's that? Haven't you heard? He's up for promotion.
Couldn't be a better time to remind everybody about the case that made his name.
Oh yes, it was SERGEANT Coulson who arrested John Evans.
Hasn't looked back since.
How about the royal blue? It is lovely.
It would really suit your figure.
But not my purse.
I'd have to save for a year just to buy the underskirt.
Hands up and don't get smart or you'll get it! Just do what he says.
Sorry, Gina.
Couldn't resist.
Idiot! I did try to stop him.
I nearly had kittens.
If you really want to impress a girl, you need a bigger banana.
Who's the pip? Cathy Sinclair, Bill Pearson.
I've seen you somewhere Oh, yeah, it was in a dream I had last night.
Is that the best you can do? Give me time, give me time.
Cathy, this is my boyfriend.
Are you a police officer as well? Me! No.
I wouldn't know one end of a truncheon from another.
You can arrest me any day.
Right, see you later.
Pick you up at seven.
So where are you lovebirds going? Friday night? It'll be the coffee bar, and home in time for "Take Your Pick".
How about I come along? You could always invite Bill.
Just to make up the numbers.
Not that he's my type.
I bet he's a Taurus.
Has he got a car? To not know what happened to your only child I didn't know what to say.
Well, I had a good day.
Boss called me in.
Production's up 20%.
I won't be hanging around this dead-end town for long.
No, the States is where the action is.
Course, the girls aren't as pretty as here.
The canteen's got a new cook.
We've seen the last of those dry rissoles.
You even listening? Yeah.
Production's up.
Rissoles are out.
Give me thruppence.
We should get an early night.
Work day tomorrow.
You've got to be joking.
Right, I'll walk you home.
So, tomorrow.
John Wayne at the Regency or Victor Mature at the Royal? Works party.
Remember? Oh, yeah.
Do we need to bring anything? Partners aren't invited.
I did say.
Cheers, Frank.
Night, Gina.
He's handsome, generous and a great kisser.
He wants to take me to Weston-Super-Mare next time we're both off.
Oh, Gina! I really think Bill could be the one.
Who's this Bill, then? Don't worry, they've only been on one date.
Well, he's not going to Weston for the ice cream, is he? Can I help? I need to report a crime.
Can I ask what? I was attacked.
I see.
Eddie, can you take over the front desk, please? What? Oh, yeah, sure.
As you were, PC 352.
You know the way to the interview room, Miss Pearce.
If you want to be useful, love my usual.
Three sugars.
And Miss Pearce? She's not worth warming a teapot for.
And where did this alleged attack occur? Vicky Park.
Tuesday night, and there ain't nothing "alleged" about it.
Was he one of your regulars? If I knew his name, I'd tell you, wouldn't I? I never saw his face.
He grabbed me from behind.
Forced himself on me.
Forced? You? Do you want to see my other bruises? So a punter cuts up a bit rough.
That's an occupational hazard.
This was different.
Oh, why, because he didn't pay you? You think I'd come here, go through all this for the sake of a couple of quid? What? Your tea, Sergeant.
You can get back and do whatever it is you do all day.
Hey, where are you going? Back to work.
At least I get paid for being treated like dirt.
Are you just going to let her go? That's salt, not sugar! You stupid mare! If you can't take a joke Please wait.
Bloody coppers.
Should have known better.
I'm sure Sergeant Fenton didn't mean to upset you.
Now I have heard everything! A tart complaining about sex.
Did you see her? Talk about mutton dressed as mutton.
Come in.
Anything to report? No, sir.
We cleared the main tunnel but there are still some side tunnels left to search.
You'll keep me informed.
Just out of interest, sir, why wasn't the mine searched when the boys first went missing? It was.
Clearly not well enough.
My focus was on the woods.
50 acres, mainly overgrown.
Enough room to hide 100 graves.
But when you found nothing there? I already had John Evans in custody.
And there were no other leads? No other suspects? You questioning my professionalism? I just want to be thorough.
And I wasn't, is that what you're suggesting? No, sir, I just thought, with hindsight You were still soiling your nappies when those boys went missing.
John Evans murdered them.
I made sure he could never harm another innocent child.
I did my duty.
Now yours is to find Stanley Collins.
I suggest that you concentrate on that and leave the past well alone.
Hello, Anna.
Get lost.
I want to catch the man who hurt you, don't you? Hurt me? Didn't you hear your pig of a sergeant? It's an occupational hazard.
I know what it must have taken for you to come to the station.
I'm not Sergeant Fenton.
I'm here to listen, if that's not want you want Drink? Thanks.
And before you get any ideas, I ain't changed my mind.
I won't go to court.
Already had a taste of how that would go.
I don't expect you to make a statement.
Then why you here? A woman was attacked in the park, the night before you.
If it was the same man, if you can tell me anything It was quiet.
Too cold for punters.
I was thinking of calling it a day.
Then I felt his hand around my mouth.
Did he say anything? Didn't need to once he'd shown me the knife.
Can you describe it? Long.
Like something you'd use to gut fish.
I thought he was going to cut me.
I did everything he said then I felt this tug.
He was cutting my hair.
Why'd he do that? I've got to get ready.
You're going back to the park? You going to pay my rent, are you? You're not to worry.
I'll You'll what? Catch him? Get back to cloud cuckoo land, love.
Well? Deborah, you look beautiful.
Should be on the cover of Vogue.
And you, Jack Burns, good enough to eat.
I'm still not sure about cocktails.
Darling, they're the in thing.
Couldn't we get a barrel as well? I want tonight to be sophisticated, not Saturday night in a working men's club.
It is supposed to be my birthday.
Something's missing.
What's missing? Music! Oh, could you? I need to check the oven.
And put a record on! Sir.
I think Roger will suffice, for this evening.
Happy birthday, Jack.
Thank you, Roger.
You remember my wife, Julie.
Yes, of course.
Lovely to see you again.
I keep telling Roger we don't socialise enough.
I'm looking forward to an evening of sparkling conversation and good company.
Coo-ey! Happy birthday.
Come on, Sidney! Burnsy.
Who's there? Is there somebody there? Of course, Sidney could have gone for promotion years ago, but he likes proper police work, you know, not sitting behind a desk all day.
There's more to Roger's job than pushing papers around, you know.
Oh yeah, there's high tea with the mayor, and all those golf matches must get boring after a while.
Still, it has its compensations, doesn't it? What does a Chief Inspector take home these days? I find it far too vulgar to talk about money.
People who say that normally have too much.
Tongue pinwheel, ladies? Don't mind if I do.
Beautifully presented.
You can't beat a bit of tongue.
Better up than down.
Anybody know how the Villa got on? I had them down for one-nil.
I'm more of a cricket man myself.
Play for five days and still get a draw? What's all that about? What am I supposed to do with this? How do you think it's going? Fine.
Don't worry.
Everyone's having a ball.
PC 352 Coulson.
There's been a burglary.
Dennison's Jewellers, Jubilee Terrace.
Any description? Sounds like a ted.
Drape coat.
Bootlace tie.
He slashed an old boy's face with a cutthroat.
OK, I'm two minutes away.
I don't want you going in there on your own.
I'm dispatching a car to you now.
He'll be long gone by then.
Stay put! PC Coulson? Eddie? It's not too late to go to the coffee bar.
It's going to be fun.
Fun? I've seen Sergeant Fenton when he's had a few.
He's like an octopus, only with more arms.
It'll be OK if we stick together.
If Fenton tries anything, I'll stick a truncheon up his Ah, so you've made it! Sorry we're late, Mr Burns.
You're here now.
That's all that matters.
Come in.
I couldn't let Gina out of the house until I'd got her hair just right, then I had a panic over which frock to wear.
Well, you look absolutely delightful.
Cathy you already know.
Hello, Mrs Burns.
Lovely house.
Thank you.
And this is our new WPC, Gina Dawson.
Pleased to meet you.
Let me take your coat.
Cathy dear, could you give me a hand with my Vienna sausages? Love to.
Scrubs up all right, don't she? Yes.
Yes, she does.
Now the party can really begin.
Let's get you a drink.
Watch it! Idiot.
Why you in such a rush? What's it to you? Where have you just come from? Nowhere.
Cut the lip and keep your hands out of your pockets.
Find someone else to pick on.
You can talk here or down at the station.
Get off.
I am arresting you on suspicion of burglary and wounding.
What? I didn't do nothing.
You are not obliged to say anything unless you wish to do so, but anything you do say may be given in evidence.
I've done nothing! Woolworths? I was on toiletries and I spotted this chap filling his pockets with Brylcreem.
Sidney came to make the arrest.
My knight in shining armour, he was.
So commanding and manly.
So how did you and Roger meet? I don't recall.
Some social event.
That's funny.
I heard you was his secretary.
But I can see how that might have slipped your mind.
Bill wants me to go blonde.
Like Marilyn Monroe.
Do you think it would suit me? Don't you think you're rushing into things? It's all right for you.
You're halfway down the aisle already.
Yeah, but I've only just started this job.
I don't know if I want to give it up just yet.
Then what are you going to do when Frank pops the question? Fancy some hard stuff? Lay one tentacle on me and I'll scream.
Can I help you with that, Mrs Burns? Thank you, Cathy.
Time for something sweet? Look at that.
Saturday night in Soho.
Wey-hey! Look at them go.
Communists? Next door? And what makes you think they're building an atom bomb? Strange smells? OK, Mrs Kelly, I'll get an officer to call in when he's passing.
What do you think you're doing, running off on your own like that? Well, I got him, Sarge.
Charge is suspected burglary and wounding.
Haven't got a name out of him yet, though.
It's Sam.
Samuel Michael Pratt.
Hello, Dad.
Just ignore him.
Come on.
I thought charades, maybe a game of bridge, not this jungle music.
We can't go now, dear.
It would be bad form.
The girls.
Dance with me.
Oh come on.
Just this once.
Loosen up.
Well, someone must want to dance with me? Roger.
Go on, sir.
Show us how it's done.
Now what? You'll stay in a cell until you can go before the magistrate.
For what? I was minding my own business until this idiot grabbed me.
It's not like this is the first time you've been in trouble, is it? That was years ago.
I've kept my nose clean since, as you'd know if you'd been any sort of father.
I was too soft on you because of your mother.
Soft on me? You were never there.
If I'd spoken to my father like that At least he was around.
Go on, then! No.
You'll do nothing.
Just like you sat there and let Mum die.
Take him below.
Get him out of my sight! I just needed some water.
There you go.
You haven't opened your presents.
I didn't know what to get you.
I can take it back if you don't like it.
I erm wasn't sure about the colour.
It's perfect.
I nearly didn't recognise you.
Well, police uniform doesn't do a lot for a girl.
That's the trouble with uniforms.
You don't see the real person beneath.
I should get back to Cathy.
That dull, am I? No.
In fact, you're Go on.
I've had too much to drink.
I think you've had just the right amount.
What are you doing? Think of the girls.
We were just getting into the swing.
Deborah! Stop it.
Happy? Calm down.
One night.
Was that too much to ask? Not now.
Why won't you ever let me have any fun? Come on, Sidney.
It's time to go.
What? And miss round two? She's just tired.
It's been a long day.
Thank you for a lovely evening.
Thanks for coming.
Goodnight, Burnsy.
And I thought this was going to be dull.
Here's your change, love.
Drowning my sorrows seems to be taking a hell of a lot of beer.
Sorry to hear about your lad.
So, is it true? You've called off the search for the Collins boy? We've been over every inch of the mine.
You were there, the original search.
Is there anything I've missed? Doubt it.
Sounds like you've been a lot more thorough than Coulson was.
He believed the boys were buried in Crossmere Woods.
For a week we searched every thicket.
And then one day the search was called off.
Coulson had his man.
John Evans? Some people found him creepy.
I thought he was harmless enough.
Just a bit simple.
Did he know Collins and Parker? Several witnesses said they saw them with him.
On the day the boys disappeared? No.
Evans swore he never left home all day.
Did Coulson find evidence that the boys had been in Evans' shack? Not a hair.
So why was he arrested? Coulson thought he could get him to confess, but Evans wouldn't play ball.
And then, sometime during the interviews, something snapped.
By the end, Evans was just sitting there, rocking in his chair, singing a nursery rhyme.
The one about the Gingerbread Man.
Run, run as fast as you can.
But if Evans never confessed? Coulson wasn't going to just leave it there.
If he couldn't pin the murders on Evans, he'd do the next best thing.
He had him committed to the loony bin.
Six months later, Evans was found in his room.
He'd topped himself.
Of course, Coulson took that as a sign of a guilty conscience.
You weren't so sure? The stakes were so high.
I mean, if Coulson got it wrong, if Evans didn't murder those boys Who did? You've got to watch for Coulson.
He don't mind who he climbs over till he's at the top.
Jack! Deborah! As you won't come home for your dinner, I've brought your dinner to you.
I won't have people saying I'm a bad wife for making you go hungry.
Are you going to eat that, or what? Tea.
Bacon cob.
Brown sauce.
What are you waiting for? I thought you might like to tell me what happened? Why? Guilty as charged, aren't I? You're all the same.
What, like teddy boys? Mr Dennison identified you.
No, he didn't.
I was just the first ted that copper came across.
You resisted arrest.
I was going to miss my bus and for that, I'm going to get banged up for years! Maybe someone else could vouch for you? Like who? My old man? Poor Sergeant Pratt.
His own son a hooligan.
How's he going to live that down? How's the case going? Frustrating.
I've just got back from Edmund Hall.
What were you doing at the nut house? Our only suspect, John Evans, ended up there.
I had hoped that he might have confessed to the staff but he maintained his innocence to the end.
What are you going to do now? Thank you.
Wearing your tie, I see.
Was he? Didn't notice.
I thought you were on leave? My best briar.
I must have left it in here somewhere.
I haven't seen it.
I've just been down to see Sam.
He OK? Bearing up.
It's there.
In your pocket.
What? Oh, yes.
You'll be forgetting your head next.
How is he, really? Beneath it all, scared.
If he thinks this is bad, wait till he gets to jail.
He swears he's innocent.
The saddest thing I don't know.
My own son, and I can't tell if he's telling the truth.
Come on.
Just put one foot in front of the other.
I need to see Sergeant Fenton.
Charge is drunk and disorderly and criminal damage.
The librarian will make a statement as soon as the smelling salts have done their job.
Did I say sit? Sergeant Fenton.
Now what? Anna Pearce.
When are you going to change that record? Her attacker cut off some of her hair with a knife.
She never said anything about a knife.
How did you find that out? Chief Inspector Nelson gave me permission to talk to her.
You went behind my back? Someone had to listen to Anna's story.
And now you're criticising a senior officer.
But, Sergeant, what if Donald Palmer is telling the truth? He said the man he saw in the park had a knife.
Sylvia Stewart made a statement.
Palmer attacked her.
He'll answer for it in court, Wednesday.
Case closed.
Let's bung him in the cell till he's sober enough to remember his own name.
Haven't you heard of soap? Caught him trying to flog this lot in a pawn shop.
Hang on a minute.
Doesn't it match the list the jeweller gave us? Here's the clincher.
Won't you give him a chance? How about going for a pint? If you're not too embarrassed to be seen with your old dad? Come on, Sammy boy.
There he is! Birmingham's number one crim.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Gina! I thought we were meeting at the cinema? Yeah.
Bill's going to pick me up.
But we've got time for a coffee.
I can't.
I'm working.
On your own? Yeah.
Not in uniform? Does Sergeant Fenton know about this? No.
Look, Cathy What are you up to? I'm just trying to put something right.
But you can't tell anyone.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
You wanted to come.
Two of whatever he's having, please.
Do you know Donald Palmer? Donald Palmer, you say? Stay here.
I'm not moving an inch.
How do you know Donald? We've been best pals since we were kids, running around on the beach in Kingston.
So what you want with Donald? No-one's seen him for days.
Is there somewhere quieter? Nice place.
Bit dark.
I mean, gloomy, hard to see.
I like the music.
Gina? Gina?! Ooh-ee! Lord, that Donald is a sly one.
You know he already got a lady? But I'm free.
Well, there are one or two other girls but I would gladly drop them for a sweetie like you.
I'm a police officer.
Donald's in jail.
For what? He's been charged with attacking a girl called Sylvia.
You see that girl, he love her.
But she's denied knowing him.
I told him that girl was trouble.
If you could make a statement Saying what? That they're in a relationship.
Now I know you're crazy.
Why would anyone believe me? Won't you try? Brinford Police Station.
Cathy? Cathy! That's it.
Party's over.
Get back to your hovels.
Are you all right? Of course.
Has he hurt you? I hurt no-one.
Was I talking to you?! Sergeant Hey, look.
Come on, man.
You've got no reason to harass us.
Less of the back chat or I'll get the wagon down here and cart the whole lot of you off.
You can't do that.
You got a licence? Hmm? I didn't think so.
This used to be a decent neighbourhood.
Still is.
This dive wants shutting down.
We're not hurting anyone.
We mind our own business.
One word, that's all it would take.
We were talking.
That's all.
I'll be keeping an eye on this place.
First sign of trouble You.
I am sorry, Sergeant.
Save your breath.
But I can prove that Sylvia lied about her relationship with Donald Palmer.
You've got someone who'll stand up in court, give evidence? Stupid girl.
I'm just trying to help.
By undermining an official investigation? You might think you're God's gift to policing, but you're just a silly tart who's got no business even being in the force.
You're a disgrace to the uniform.
When Nelson hears about this, you won't be my problem any more.
And good riddance.

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