Behind Every Star (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

"Physical beauty disappears."
"It's a temporary possession."
"However, a beautiful heart
that enriches the soul…
…and the love in our hearts
will always be there."
"They only grow with the passing of time."
"The love in our hearts
will always be there."
-"They only--"
-"The love in our hearts
will always be there."
"They only grow with the passing of time."
Hello, ma'am.
Arthur Miller. I adore that playwright.
-It's Tennessee Williams.
-Are you an aspiring actress?
Yes, I also act on stage.
This is the play I'm in now.
Is that so?
There's still plenty of time.
I'll stop by sometime.
Those are the good days.
I was once like you, young lady.
My heart was full of dreams
to the point that it was overflowing.
-Gosh, those were the days.
-Welcome, Ms. Kim.
-I'm sorry.
I should have gone to see you,
but something urgent came up.
Right. Won-jae, put it down. It's heavy.
I brought some marinated crab,
hairtail boiled in soy sauce,
and some radish kimchi.
You don't have to do this every time.
You need to eat right
no matter how busy you are.
-Thank you.
-Okay, now.
-This way, ma'am.
Hello, Hyo-rim.
-What brings you here?
Why are you at the office?
-Director Ma wanted to see me.
-I see.
-I came to see Mr. Kim.
-I see.
If I had known, we could have carpooled.
-We should have.
-Your car is really nice.
Oh, my. Did you get a new outfit?
I haven't seen it before.
That's a nice color.
There's some leather too. It's cute.
Is there anything Mommy doesn't know?
You have an eye
for all the latest fashion trends.
-We should go shopping sometime.
-Let's do that, Mommy.
Just give me a date.
-Let's head inside.
-To your office, Mr. Kim?
-This way.
When will the shoot begin?
Early next year.
It's scheduled to air in September.
How did you find the script?
It's been a while
since I've seen such a good script.
Since it's Ms. Kim So-hyun who wrote it,
I won't have to worry about the ratings.
Of course not.
Senior actors hardly get
any screen time these days,
but this is perfect for you to return
to TV with since you'll be the lead.
It's so much fun!
It's amazing, right?
She really went the length
to write a hit this time.
Are you sure I can play
a role in this drama?
Of course. She said you'd be welcome
anytime as long as you're okay with it.
It'll be a great opportunity for you.
A great opportunity, indeed.
It's about time
I resumed my acting career.
I think so too.
If you turn it down, people will think
you're only doing variety shows now.
Okay. Good work.
I'd like to schedule a meeting
with the director and the writer.
-Would that be okay?
-Of course, I'd love to.
Ms. Kim is rather picky
when it comes to casting.
Both the writer and the director
just adore you.
They said you'd be perfect.
They should be thanking me
since I found them their perfect actor.
You're right.
-Then I'll give you a call later.
And also, you can't tell anyone
that you've seen this script.
-That's great. It's perfect for me.
-No one else has seen it.
-It's top secret.
-And another thing…
I asked you over
because the script had to be
-kept confidential.
-I mean it.
I'll do a great job.
Fine. My lips are sealed.
-So who's playing the mother-in-law?
-Who's playing the daughter-in-law?
You said it was top secret.
I could have read it at home.
-Didn't you know about this?
-No, ma'am.
-Exactly, I thought it was--
-I'm back.
I checked with the production.
I got back to them late
because I was checking your schedule,
and they made an offer
to Hyo-rim in that while.
-I see.
-That's impossible.
I first talked to them months ago
for her to get this role--
In the end, isn't this for the better?
We can see you two in the same drama.
Is the writer okay with the two of us
starring in the same drama again?
Of course. I just talked to her,
and she was thrilled.
Really? That's great then.
This is great news, right?
I can't believe I'm starring in
another drama with you.
My gosh, what are the chances?
You lied about contacting them first.
Your goal was to have Ms. Kim Soo-mi
and Hyo-rim both cast in the same show.
That's right.
The production said
they were talking to Hyo-rim,
so I went to talk to the writer about
casting Ms. Kim and she said it was okay.
What's the problem?
How could you cut in like that?
I knew you'd make a fuss about it.
Then why didn't you tell me
that Hyo-rim had the role?
Because the script was confidential.
This is a huge project
that will be aired over multiple seasons.
We're going to have
two of our actors star in it.
Do you get what that means?
Get it together
if you want to save the company.
It's me. I have a favor to ask.
I wanted to introduce someone.
A woman? Hardly.
She's an agent.
She doesn't have a lot of experience,
but she's still a good kid.
She's smart and diligent.
If we don't max out the corporate card,
we won't be able to sleep peacefully.
Think about how much we suffer at work.
So I'm going to use up everything
and not even leave 100 won behind.
I'm going all out.
I just don't get
why you're acting like this.
Can we meet up and talk?
-Director Ma.
-My gosh.
Do you need anything?
No, not really.
-I was looking for a script.
No, it's all right.
I don't think it's here.
It's all right.
We're back.
I should've bought the croque monsieur.
I keep craving it.
-But the macarons here are excellent too.
You had quite the feast.
Have you no conscience?
Thank you.
Mr. Kim.
Director Yoon Jong-bin contacted us.
He wants one of our actors
to audition for him.
That's great. Who?
It's Hee-sun.
Kim Hee-sun? The Hee-sun we know?
Ms. Kang Hee-sun
is not signed as an actress with us.
No. Yes, that's right.
No, not at all.
In that case,
please call the audition off--
What did you just do?
It wasn't easy for me
to land that audition.
Can't you turn a blind eye just once?
Let me audition just once.
Can't I?
What were you thinking
when you told them that?
What if you get the part
and they find out
you aren't signed with us?
This is falsifying documentation.
This is fraud.
But I can always sign with you
once I get the part.
Says who? We have no intention
of signing a contract with you.
Why not?
I mean, we don't even know
how good you are.
Exactly. You haven't even seen me act.
I asked you to come
to watch my play in your free time,
but nobody came.
There isn't a single person in this agency
who shows me any interest.
You all just ignore me
no matter how hard I try!
One second.
Will you lower your voice?
Don't push me around.
You're not even my agent.
What are you talking about?
Agents never push clients around.
I'm sorry for lying about
being signed to the agency, okay?
You don't seem sorry at all.
But no one helps me around here.
The actors here have agents
who look after them and help them.
But I had no one.
You have no idea, do you?
I'm so jealous of your actors.
This week is my last show.
Come if you want. I don't care.
Yes, Hyo-rim. Did you get home all right?
What do you mean?
You can't do the drama?
What's wrong?
I saw everything.
Director Ma left the tickets
to the preview on your desk.
This again? I told you
there's nothing going on between us.
If that's the case,
why did he give you those tickets?
A VIP ticket, at that.
It's reserved for industry veterans.
I think he was just passing it
on to me at Ms. Chun's request.
Since I've never attended a preview,
-he probably wanted me to experience--
You looked upward
and to the right just now.
That proves that you're lying.
I've got you now.
I've known Director Ma for years.
He's not the type of person
who'd ever run errands for Ms. Chun.
Hee-sun even said you came to see him
when you first came to our office.
Who are you?
I swear, there's nothing
going on between us.
It sure doesn't look that way.
You better start talking.
Could you please let it go?
Now you're being even more suspicious.
Tell me.
What's your relationship with Director Ma?
-Director Ma is…
-my dad…
What? Dad?
My dad's friend.
Director Ma and my dad are friends.
Lies. So you're going to keep lying?
It's the truth, honest to God.
Then why didn't you just say so?
Well, because…
It's quite difficult
to bring up with others.
I was actually born out of wedlock
and my dad has a family of his own.
Only Director Ma knows about this.
Wait. Your dad isn't
one of our clients, is he?
Who is it?
Can you tell me?
I'm afraid I can't do that.
Come on, I'll keep your secret.
Just give me his initials or something.
I can't.
Or else I'll tell everyone.
-You can't.
-Every one of them.
That's So Ji-sub.
Your name is So Hyun-joo.
Did Director Ma get you those tickets
so you could meet up with So Ji-sub?
Goodness, you look a little like him.
I had no idea.
I thought Director Ma and you were…
Goodness, I'm so sorry.
-It must've been hard.
-You really can't tell anyone else.
-I won't tell anyone until the day I die.
Don't worry.
Our general director hasn't come in yet.
You're late.
Why didn't you pick up your phone?
-What's going on?
-A special tax investigation.
Special tax investigation?
That means someone ratted us out
to the National Tax Service.
By any chance,
do you have an empty office?
We need some office space.
I can help you with that.
What's with her sudden enthusiasm?
As you may already know,
the company president
passed away recently.
It's hectic having to be audited
on top of that.
Have we met?
-I don't think so.
-Don't get ahead of yourself.
I'm not trying to start something.
You just seem familiar.
If you need anything--
Call for me if you need anything.
My office is down that way.
Bye, then.
A tax investigation out of the blue?
They never barge in here for no reason.
Someone definitely reported us,
but for what?
Did we evade our taxes or something?
Why are you so quiet?
You're making me anxious.
What is it?
Do you know something?
Well, actually…
Mr. Wang actually used a bit
of the company's money for himself.
Why are you telling us that now?
How much? Since when?
I don't know the details.
I only found out a few months ago.
He said he'd take care of it
when he got back.
I can't believe this.
Then what will happen now?
Let's wait and see.
We'll tell our staff
to give them their full cooperation
and have them keep it a secret
so our clients don't find out.
And if there are any casting calls
currently underway, hurry it up.
Let's seal Ms. Kim
and Hyo-rim's casting contracts
as soon as our meeting
with the screenwriter is over.
Right. I'll do that.
Who do you think reported us?
It might have been Star Media.
Their president and Mr. Wang
fought like cats and dogs.
I'll keep my eye
on Mr. National Tax Service
and try to find out whatever I can
on who's behind this.
And how will you do that?
By doing whatever necessary.
Do you need help?
How do you like your coffee? Black?
-I'll do it.
-Let me help you get started.
A single shot or a double?
Double shot, then.
And with extra water.
Double shot
with extra water.
Just like me.
This machine is quite old,
so it takes some time for it to heat up.
Once you feel the machine
getting hotter and hotter,
that's when you press the button.
The entire elevator reeks of food.
Have you read the script?
Yes, it was great. What about you?
It was simply remarkable.
Ms. Kim sure is an amazing screenwriter.
I had no idea you wanted to act
in a drama of hers that badly.
If we were to begin shooting
at around six in the morning,
we'll probably end up spending
the entire day together and then some.
Yes, I'll email you.
Your heels are adorable. Are they new?
No, I've had them for a while now.
I wish I had a pointy pair like that.
They're to die for.
-Ma'am. Hyo-rim. Welcome.
-Hello, ma'am.
Mr. Kim, may I have a word with you
before the meeting?
Sure thing.
Won-jae, there's a big fridge in there.
Go and put the food in there.
You really didn't have to.
Go on and take a seat.
So? Have you given it some thought?
I thought I'd be fine
just until this morning, but…
I started having second thoughts
after seeing her face.
You have no idea what it's like.
She keeps watching me
to see what clothes I'm wearing,
what shoes I've got on,
or what bags I'm carrying.
And then she'd be like
"Honey, what brand is this?"
"Honey, when did you buy that?"
I have no idea what it is
that she wants from me.
Things are bad enough already,
and now I have to put up with her
for another six months?
It's giving me a headache.
Fine. If you say so.
I can see how stressed you are.
I can't force you
to do something you don't want.
But I'm worried about this one thing.
I'm worried that Ms. Kim might be hurt
when she learns that you turned it down.
She already knows
you wanted to do this more than anything.
She might end up thinking
that you quit because of her.
-What should I do?
-Say you'll do it.
You startled me.
How long have you been standing there?
Something as important as this…
should be discussed behind closed doors.
Anyway, the solution is quite simple.
If you cannot turn it down,
make them turn you down instead.
Since the show delves into
its subject matter with some depth,
I wanted to meet each of you
separately to discuss your roles.
Do you have questions
regarding the script?
It seemed that I'd have
the opportunity to show the audience
the wide range of styles
that I can manage to pull off.
So I thought my character should be seen
wearing some high-end luxury items
during the peak of her success.
What do you think?
Well, the wardrobe team
won't have any problems
taking care of that.
I think it's important
that you portray the animosity
between your character
and her mother-in-law with realism.
That's right. Animosity.
So I thought it'd be great if I could
express such feelings
through my hairstyle and my nails.
My character will start off the show
with ash brown hair
then she'll start wearing a bob
after she becomes successful.
And her nails will also
begin to be more extravagant.
What do you think?
Mr. Kim, what do you think?
As you can see,
she's all about the fine details.
Hyo-rim fashion, Hyo-rim makeup,
and Hyo-rim hairstyle.
These need to be at the forefront
for the show to be a success.
Don't you think so, Ms. Kim?
Thank you, Ms. Kim.
-How did it go?
-How was the meeting?
It was okay, I guess.
They're waiting for you.
I'm sure you did well.
Great work.
You must already know
from having read the script,
but your character deviates quite a bit
from the other mothers-in-laws
audiences have seen on TV.
She was different indeed. I loved it.
As you are already successful,
you find yourself in conflict
with your daughter-in-law
because of your different backgrounds.
Hey, wait.
Is this some kind of joke?
I thought you were better than that.
-I can't believe you.
Gosh, I'm sorry.
My mind wandered off for a moment.
So it's more than just a soap opera.
The relationship between
the two women develops over time
and emotions like love, hate,
and envy begin to sprout
from the resentment and contempt
they had for one another initially.
My gosh, there you are!
It's been so long.
-I see that you tagged along too.
You haven't aged a day. Come on in.
Are you all right?
There's no one here, is there?
No, there isn't.
That's odd.
-I've been seeing things lately.
I'm sorry. I'll stay focused.
So we explore the emotions
the two characters begin to develop.
-Keep going.
I thought that the two of you
being in-laws in real life
could help you two explore
your characters in greater detail
because of your similarities.
My goodness!
Why are you sitting on her head?
-My gosh.
-Get off her. Have you lost it?
-Get down! Hey!
Ms. Kim, I think we should reschedule--
Hold on. Listen.
Ma'am, why did you--
It's just that
I really didn't like that role.
I was afraid that I wouldn't
get any more offers if I turned it down.
Hyo-rim might get the wrong idea too.
That's why I sabotaged the meeting.
Wasn't my acting great?
I wanted her to reject me
so that I wouldn't get the role.
Ma'am, didn't you say
that you loved her work?
You also loved
how you got so much screen time.
Is it because you want to avoid
working alongside your daughter-in-law?
No, that's not it.
Still, you can't just quit.
I'll call Ms. Kim
-and tell her that Hyo-rim should--
-No, wait.
Just let me quit
and let Hyo-rim keep her role.
If you drop out,
Hyo-rim will have to as well.
Hyo-rim was cast in the show under
the condition that you come on board.
I didn't tell her this
because it might upset her.
If you quit now, she won't be
able to keep working on this show.
She'll be absolutely disappointed.
Why are you telling me that now?
Mr. Kim. My goodness!
Be quiet.
What is it? What happened?
I was told that Ms. Kim Soo-mi started…
-talking to ghosts during the meeting.
-What are you saying?
-I have no idea.
Won-jae said he heard her say that
as he was seeing her out,
but I have no idea what he meant by that.
Anyway, the writer is now adamantly
against working with Ms. Kim Soo-mi.
Apparently, she's Christian.
If I had known,
I would have just kept my mouth shut.
Then Hyo-rim would have
at least kept her role.
-Where is the writer?
-She's in the parking lot.
She can see dead people?
-Ms. Kim!
-Does she really?
Hyo-rim sabotaged today's meeting
on purpose.
-She pretended to be a ditz
so you'd turn her down.
She must really not have wanted
anything to do with the production.
No, that's not it.
You know how much
of a fan she is of your work.
She wanted this role more than anything.
But actually,
she didn't want to work
alongside Ms. Kim Soo-mi.
And she cried her heart out
on her way home after the meeting.
Could you please forgive her
and give her another chance?
-Please, I beg of you.
If Ms. Kim Soo-mi also didn't want
to work alongside Hyo-rim,
we didn't have to get both of them
cast for the show.
I've prepared for months
to get Hyo-rim this role.
So can't you just let her have this role?
When will you quit being such an amateur?
If they work together,
do you know how many ad offers that'll be?
But we can't just force them into it
when they're not comfortable with it.
All you care about is your actors.
What about the agency?
Look at the state we're in.
I'm not doing this for myself.
I'm doing this to save the company.
Mr. Kim.
There's no telling how much we'll have to
cough up once the investigation ends.
We might end up suffering serious losses.
So make sure you have
both of them cast no matter what.
Do you understand?
But you know what?
I really do think
I've seen you somewhere before.
I never forget someone's face
once I see them.
Would you like a hint?
So we have met before.
Where was it?
"I hate pathetic, pushy losers like you,
so never talk to me again."
You're Pinetree.
I think there's been a misunderstanding.
You do know that what people say online
doesn't necessarily reflect
what they actually mean to say, right?
What are the chances?
How did we end up meeting like this?
Don't you think that we were
drawn together by fate?
Are you doing this because you're afraid
of what I'd do to this company?
I just wanted to continue the conversation
we never got to have that night.
If you keep bothering me like this,
your company might end up in
a worse predicament than it's in already.
As you already know,
I am such a pathetic loser.
That's not what I meant.
Still, it's so good to see you again.
I'd like to have the both of you onboard.
Yesterday, I discovered these new emotions
that you two seemed to share.
That's why I wanted to
see you two again today.
Let's be honest.
You both don't want to
work with each other.
That's why you both ended up
sabotaging your meetings.
Why did you tell them
that you didn't want to work with me?
I could say the same thing.
What about you, then?
Don't try to put the blame on me.
Be honest. Why did you tell them that?
I doubt anyone would ever want to
work alongside their mother-in-law.
You stay out of this.
Tell me.
Why did you tell them
that you didn't want to work with me?
Frankly speaking, the thought of
having to see you for the next six months
was quite unnerving.
I bring you food every chance I get,
and I always tell my friends
how proud of you I am when I see them.
You're all I ever talk about with anyone,
whether it's our fellow actors or friends.
What's so unnerving about working with me?
I'm grateful that you say nice things
about me on TV or with your friends,
but at times, it feels as if you're
pushing me to be a better daughter-in-law.
I'm thankful for all
the food you bring me.
But checking whether I post it on
social media or checking for news about it
puts a lot of pressure on me.
I can't help but feel stressed out.
I can't believe this.
I don't even know
how to check social media.
Why would you be worried about that?
That's complete nonsense.
Is this what I get after bringing you food
all this time and complimenting you?
Be honest.
That food isn't for me. It's for your son.
You still eat it, don't you?
While we're on the subject,
think of all the jewelry
and the watches I gave you.
Think of all the designer bags I gave you.
You always call me "Mommy"
and start wagging your tail when I do.
Was all of that just an act?
That's exactly it.
The mother-in-law
disguises her selfishness
as the love she supposedly has
for her daughter-in-law,
while the daughter-in-law continues
to treat her mother-in-law
with nothing but lies and deceit.
What on earth are you going on about?
She's telling it like it is.
You call this deceit?
She's told me that this is
how she really feels deep down inside.
I'm not accusing her of being selfish.
I feel uneasy being around her
because I'm not so sure
that I can live up to her expectations.
Before I got married,
I was just Seo Hyo-rim the actress.
But now people just see me
as Kim Soo-mi's daughter-in-law,
when I…
I just want to be myself.
-She's crying.
Why are they so immersed?
I don't think they're doing a reading.
I just feel like I'm not enough.
-I'm sorry.
That's right.
You still have a long way to go.
That's why you should stick close
and try to learn from me.
You keep making my imagination run wild
by just saying you don't want to.
You're good in your own way.
Why would you even compare yourself to me,
a veteran of 50 years' experience?
Enough. Stop crying.
-Don't you worry.
Go on.
I still don't get why
you didn't want to work with me.
Now, that--
I think I can answer that.
It might be because Ms. Kim Soo-mi
had also felt rather small
whenever she was with you, Hyo-rim.
Not only are you young,
but you also have
the love of her son all to yourself.
And you still have
a bright future ahead of you
-while it's all downhill for Ms. Kim now.
What we have here
is exactly what I've been looking for.
The daughter-in-law who wants to
triumph over her mother-in-law,
and the mother-in-law who is
envious of her daughter-in-law's
youth and potential.
This drama will most certainly make waves.
Now this is what you call method acting!
-You bitch! I'm going to kill you!
You damn bitch.
Darn it.
I'll make sure to apologize to her.
I lost it there for a moment.
I think I broke one of her glass lenses.
Is her face okay?
It's fine, ma'am.
We're also to blame
for having pushed the two of you ahead
to work on the same show.
That's not true.
How are you so wise and kindhearted?
You're right, Mother.
You weren't the reason why
I backed out of working on that show.
You had nothing to do with it, Hyo-rim.
I just didn't like it that much
to begin with.
I'm sorry?
I never get any new roles.
I'm always someone's mom,
someone's mother-in-law,
or someone's foulmouthed grandma.
I'm so sick and tired of playing
the same roles over and over again.
Why is it that people here
can't make something like
The Bridges of Madison County?
I don't want to do it.
How many more films or shows
do you think I can be in?
I just want to stick to playing
the roles I actually like from now on.
Why didn't you just say so from the start?
Well, he told me
that you'd also have to quit
if I ended up declining the offer.
-Who told you that?
-I didn't want to be in it from the start.
You said so yourself.
Didn't you, Director Ma?
You said Hyo-rim would
have to quit if I declined the offer.
Well, that's--
That's impossible.
We were working on
getting Hyo-rim cast in the show
months before they went
to you with the offer.
That's right.
Wait. I mean, why would you…
What did I do?
Well, actually…
Hear me out, Hyo-rim. Let me explain.
The doors are closing.
How can you smile right now?
I told you I was against
having them working together.
You should've listened to me.
Gosh, why that little…
Don't let this get to you.
You still have plenty of chances
for other great titles.
And who knows?
We might end up being cast together again.
Let's get rid of the labels
as mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
and square off as two actresses
competing against each other.
-I'd love that.
Mother. What do you think
about my outfit today?
It's just my style, but I don't think
I could just wear it anywhere.
It would be perfect to wear
when attending parties or concerts.
I bought one more of this outfit.
-To give to you.
My goodness. Let me take another look.
Gosh, I love it.
-It's pretty, right?
-It is. How wonderful.
Your dress is pretty too.
I guess all that time
I spent shopping finally paid off.
This seems to make
my complexion look a bit fairer.
Mom. Which do you think is better?
Why all the fuss when you're just
going to the movies with a friend?
Hold on, don't tell me.
Don't you dare start dating
some random guy.
-I'm not going with a guy.
-Listen, you.
Have you tried calling your dad?
I did and I already met him.
What did he say?
He told me to work hard
and to call him if I ever need anything.
Is that so?
Anyway, don't call your dad too often.
You know what I mean, right?
I know.
I'm sorry.
Don't be like that again.
I'm running late. Bye.
Don't stay out too late.
What are you doing here?
A friend of mine has
a supporting role in the movie.
He gave me a ticket.
What about you?
I came with Ms. Chun.
Where is she?
She's running late because of traffic.
I see.
Do you want this? I can get another one.
No, it's okay.
-Take it.
-No, it's fine.
Come on, just take it.
I'll head inside now.
Also, let me know…
if you ever feel like talking to me again.
I'll wait for you.
-I'm just barely getting by.
-It must have cost a fortune.
-Hey, you're here.
Director Ma.
I don't think I'm feeling too--
This is So Hyun-joo,
the one I told you about.
And this is Chief Baek Gang-ho
of Play Entertainment.
Hello, my name is So Hyun-joo.
I've heard a lot about you.
He had nothing
but nice things to say about you.
Thank you.
You two should chat.
Feel free to ask him any questions
that you may have.
-See you around.
-Hello, Director Ma.
This is no place for a lady
to be standing around.
A drink, please.
It's tough working
under Director Ma, right?
He's such a perfectionist.
No, not at all.
He's very nice to me.
We're actually looking
to hire experienced agents.
If it's okay with you,
you're welcome to join us.
Thank you for the offer, but it's okay.
I've only just started
working as an agent.
You shouldn't miss
such a great opportunity.
Moving agencies
isn't a big deal in this industry.
I'll consider it.
Don't be like that.
I'll treat you better than Director Ma.
I'm sorry?
I've already discussed this with him.
He begged me to take care of you.
How did you end up
with a connection like him?
There must be something special
about you that I'm yet to find out.
How about we skip the movie
and head out for some fresh air?
You must have a death wish.
What was that?
I said that you must have a death wish!
-My gosh.
-What's going on?
-What's going on?
What happened?
It's fine. Don't mind me.
I'm fine.
What do you think you're doing
in front of all these people?
Lucky for us,
now that I've made a scene
in front of all those people,
no agency will ever want to hire me.
Now, I can't help but work
for Method Entertainment until I die.
Even so,
how could you leave me
in the hands of a creep like that?
If you hate me that much,
why don't you leave the company instead?
Has that never crossed your mind?
Excuse me.
Basement one. Going down.
-What are you doing here?
-Hey. Nothing much.
-Are you getting off work now?
I heard the others say
the guy from the National Tax Service
is the no-nonsense type.
That seems to be true,
but I think there's more to him
than meets the eye.
I'm feeling down. Are you up for a drink?
We could go to that bar you like.
I'll just head home today.
I'm off.
-Just like that?
Drive safely.
Are you just going to live here?
I was planning on doing that
if you were okay with it.
Well, okay.
Could you help us out a little?
I don't think you ever
enjoyed talking with me.
Your so-called millionaire friend.
I guess he won't ever meddle
in your private life.
He's not the kind of man you think he is.
He is a gentleman and he respects me.
All he wants from me is friendship.
People tend to grow lonely
when they become much too wealthy.
Those are
the only things I have.
The kind of things that make me
shine brighter as the days go by.
I find it strange…
how you called me…
a pitiful woman.
My heart is
filled with such treasures.
I believe…
that I am living an affluent life.
When the lights go off
And the stars fall asleep
I begin to hear a whispering voice
Someone once said to me
That I must shine more brightly
They told me with a smile on their face
Like the star that rises
In the break of dawn after a long night
I may seem faint in your eyes
But everyone will eventually know
After time has passed
That the only thing that didn't shine
Was your heart
I call myself an agent
but it's been so long
since I last watched a play.
Are you sure you're here for the play?
How adorable.
You have no idea
how jealous of you I am right now.
You wanted a new role to play
and also said earlier today
that life is too short for us
to do all the things we enjoy.
Please tell me
the kinds of roles you'd like to play.
I might still be a nobody,
but I'll help you soar
to achieve any dreams that you have.
Thank you for taking an interest
in my dreams.
I never thought anyone would ever
ask me such a question again.
-Mr. Kim.
-Yes, ma'am?
You know what?
Before I pass away,
I want to play a character who
experiences love at its most passionate.
I want to star in a romance.
I want to experience love
that I can cherish forever…
even after my death.
A romance like that.
-Great job today.
-Good work.
-I'll come visit again.
-Great job today.
-Let's go eat.
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
-You were great.
You came. I thought you wouldn't.
That was a great play.
I was really moved.
I'm not just saying that.
Seeing you on that stage
actually put me to shame.
I realized how hard
you must have been working all this time.
Well, while we're on the subject,
will you…
sign with me as my client?
I made up my mind
after I saw you perform on stage.
If there's anything you need,
I'll be there to fill in the blanks.
That'd be great.
We'll sign the contract tomorrow.
Will you take me home then?
-I'm sorry?
-You're my agent now.
Of course, I should. Let's go.
What about your wrap party?
We had one yesterday.
Right, when did you learn
to play the guitar?
I took guitar lessons for six months
in my first year of junior high.
-I can only play a few chords.
-I couldn't tell.
Did I keep you waiting?
No, I just got here.
What do you think?
It's nice here, isn't it?
It's the perfect place to visit
when something troubles you.
Wang Tae-ja, that punk.
I never thought he'd pass away like that
and have you sort his shit out for him.
You must have your hands full
cleaning up after him.
Why did you want to see me?
Why would I need a reason
to ask you to come see me?
I thought we were much closer than that.
What do you think
about coming to Star Media?
You're the only one I can think of
who deserves to carry on my legacy.
What are the terms?
Method Entertainment's actors.
If you manage to bring over
your clients when you join us,
you'll become the owner of
the largest entertainment agency in Korea.
Think about it.
Subtitle translation by: Eun-sook Yoon
Ripped and synced by
Someone offered to buy the company.
-Have you considered my offer?
-I've made my decision.
Don't mess with our clients.
Let's show the Korean audience
who Soo-hyun really is.
You haven't found a nanny yet?
How long are you going to use
your kid as an excuse?
-Are you really not interested in me?
Once labeled as a traitor,
I won't be able to work in this field.
A whistleblower? What do you mean?
Oh, my goodness! Wake up!
He shouldn't be dating any random girl.
-You can just tell them who I am.
-How far has it spread?
People are posting that
they saw her being taken by the police.
-We need to do something.
Method Entertainment
might really go under.
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