Bloodline (2015) s01e03 Episode Script

Part 3

1 Ripped By mstoll My sister is a good person.
She takes care of people.
She wants everyone to be happy.
But when our brother came home, that was impossible.
There was no way for her to make everyone happy.
And she was forced to choose a side.
That was the worst mistake our sister could've made.
Can you hear me? Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.
Hey, baby.
I'm heading out.
- Where are you going? - I told you.
I'm working surveillance tonight.
What are you doing up? Oh, it's so hot.
I can't sleep.
My AC's out.
- What? - Nothing.
- No, really.
What? - You said "my" AC.
I didn't mean anything by that.
I just meant that it's my place, so Yeah.
That's the thing.
There's a "your place," and there's a "my place.
" Which hasn't bothered me, but with your dad in the hospital, I-- I realized that-- What? It kind of feels like your father is my father too.
I'm not trying to talk you into anything.
I'm not.
All right? - Call if you need me.
Okay? - Okay.
What's that? Work.
You wanna talk about it? Oh, no.
Of course not.
You'd rather keep it in, stay up all night and let your blood pressure shoot up.
Tell me.
I can handle it.
Found a girl drowned.
Was it a boating accident? Maybe.
Probably not.
Probably much worse.
Who was she? I don't know.
I don't know anything yet.
Sorry, honey.
I'm sorry I woke you up.
I'm okay.
Just rolled over, and you weren't there.
- Come back.
- I'll be back in a minute.
Now we've woken him up.
- Hey, did you ask him yet? - No.
- Why? Did you change your mind? - Just, you know-- No, it's-- Aloha.
It's a party.
Oh, fuck, yes.
You know you're flashing every boat in the harbor? Fuck it.
I don't care.
What are we doing? I don't know.
We're having fun.
Well, there's somebody else in my life I'm supposed to be doing that with.
- How many times is this? - This makes five.
Not that I'm counting.
My dad's in the hospital.
What happened? He had a stroke.
They're trying to figure out how bad it is, but it's serious.
That's hard, not knowing.
I fucked up.
- What do you mean? - I fucked up with my dad.
I-- Oh, I really should not be talking to you about this.
It's okay.
I do all my dad's legal stuff.
And when I first got out of law school, my dad wanted to help me, so I-- He was my first client.
And he handed over his estate planning to me.
Then what? I didn't do what he asked.
It's nothing.
- You can tell me.
It's fine.
- No.
It's-- Really, it's not important.
I'm making too much of it.
- You couldn't sleep? - Oh, man.
The heat.
You know, I just-- I'm not used to it anymore.
I'll crank up the AC.
Diana likes to keep it like a fucking hothouse in here.
Oh, that's good.
Hey, Danny.
You should stay.
- Yeah.
I think a day or two more.
- No, I don't mean that.
I mean that you should stay.
You should-- You should come home like you wanted to.
Oh, man.
I can't keep up with you people.
Hold on.
ls this--? Is this your idea, or is it Mom's? What--? What? Mom brought it up.
But I agree with it.
What about Dad? I mean, he didn't want me here.
Right? Well, when Dad-- You know, when Dad gets healthy again, I'll talk to Dad.
- What would I do? - What are you gonna do? You're gonna help Mom over at the inn.
And you're gonna-- Look, I don't wanna have to talk you into it.
This is something you wanted.
Mom brought it up.
No, no.
I appreciate it.
If you do stay you can't be hanging around with Eric O'Bannon.
Now, that's not gonna happen.
- He's my friend.
- I understand he's your friend.
And I don't know what you guys have been doing, but-- You know, I'm pretty fucking good at my job-.
You want me to, I'll find out, but I-- You can't be hanging around with him.
So I can come home, but I can't see my friend? You know, you wanna be part of the family business you gotta have responsibility for the family name.
We all do.
I'll think about it.
You said you needed some cash, I came through for you.
That is some quality scratch from just a little boat ride.
You happy with your take? Corndog's got a bait-and-tackle thing going Oh, yeah? You asked Danny to stay? - Did he say yes? - He's thinking it over.
I know you're not happy with him home, - but Mom wants him.
- I'm fine.
I don't care anymore.
I have given enough energy to Danny.
- You don't care? - Nope.
- You attacked him.
- Yeah.
Well, maybe I shouldn't have.
If Danny stays, what is he going to do here? I don't know.
We'll have to figure something out.
We are, or you'll just decide? I'm sorry.
What is that supposed to mean? Well, I just-- You make these decisions and then come to us afterwards.
- It'd be nice if you asked us first.
- Mom wanted him home.
- Dad didn't.
- Well, Dad left the decision up to us, and I'm sorry, but if I recall correctly, you were fine with Danny staying.
That was before.
Dad's in the hospital now.
All I'm saying is we need to think about things differently.
Clearly, the doctors don't have any idea how this is gonna end up, and we need to be prepared.
Prepared for what? When Dad comes home from the hospital, Dad may not be able to do the things around here he used to be able to do.
- That'll kill him.
- Why are we having this conversation? God forbid, worst-case scenario.
Who's gonna take over Dad's responsibilities? I don't think you realize everything he does.
I know what Dad does.
I do his legal work.
I probably know more than you.
Well, good.
Then you know Mom can't run things here on her own.
It's not a bad idea to have a plan, Meg.
What? Why are we having this conversation? What does the will say? - You fucking kidding? - Relax.
- We're gonna talk about his will? - Just asking.
Did Mom and Dad ever talk about what they'd do if one of them-- No.
Mom never wanted to talk about it.
She left it to me and Dad, and Dad-- Dad what? Nothing.
It's irrelevant.
The will says nothing about running this if something happens to Dad.
- And nothing about Danny taking over.
- We're just asking a question.
I gotta go.
Let me know what Danny decides.
- Meg.
- I'm late.
I gotta go.
I might have another job for us next week.
You're gonna have to do it without me.
Well, it's gonna be a biggie payday, maybe.
- John's watching.
- John's always fucking watching.
So what? - You know? - No.
I'm out.
I'm out.
Come on.
Nice wheels.
- I borrowed them from my brother.
- I thought you were leaving town.
A couple of things to do.
I was afraid we wouldn't get a chance to play together.
- Oh, careful.
- Ah.
John came by here yesterday.
Oh, yeah? What'd you tell him? I told him you spent the night.
Anything else? What else could I tell him? I don't know what you boys are up to.
Who says we're up to anything? You boys are always up to something.
That's what makes you so fun.
I'm gonna need this back.
I heard your dad's in the hospital.
Sorry about that.
Thanks, Cece.
No one calls me that anymore.
Better not leave town without saying goodbye.
Since you were here last month, I've filed requests for impact studies and the full battery of permits.
Oh, good.
I've compiled a comprehensive calendar to fulfill - federal, state and county regulations.
- Okay.
How's everything looking? County's our biggest problem.
The Keys is a specialized ecosystem.
The development board is very protective.
The Moros Group is sensitive to environmental impact.
Moros insists on it.
- Where is Mr.
Moros? - He's running a bit late.
Prerogative of the boss.
- Should we wait? - He said to get started without him.
So assuming we comply with all of this, are we good, or are we gonna have some surprises? This is the Keys, and you're developing a major resort.
I'd be doing you a disservice if I said it was gonna be smooth sailing.
- Great.
- The board's gonna debate.
They'll flip-flop a thousand times before any decision.
- I'm sure we can sweeten the pot.
- It's not about money.
It's always about money.
It's not only about money.
My family's in the hospitality business.
My father helped create these regulations.
They're actually designed to discourage development.
- Hey, everybody.
- Alec.
Join us.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I-- Traffic.
With the one road, you know? Kind of have to plan ahead.
I'm finding that out.
Good to see you, Miss Rayburn.
Please, continue.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
- Meg was talking us through compliance.
- Fantastic.
I love compliance.
Bring it.
Should we start with federal and work our way through? Good.
- What is it you're trying to do? - I'm trying to turn it off.
It's hot.
I get it.
It's been hot here going on a thousand years.
Mom, I think you need to take a break for a while.
Go home.
I'm fine.
Sleep in your own bed, take a shower.
Meg's bringing me everything I need.
Come on.
Let me cook for you.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
I'll cook you dinner.
- Okay, - Okay? - Come on.
Okay? - Okay.
Miss Rayburn.
Can I talk to you for a second? I just wanna say thanks.
With what's going on with your dad, I thought you might cancel.
So thank you.
Well, you all flew down.
How's he doing? He's stable.
I'm gonna go visit him now.
Well, look.
If you ever wanna take a break, come to New York.
I'll send a plane down.
I'll make it easy for you.
Thank you.
I have to stay here right now.
For your family.
I get it.
It's a standing offer for whenever.
I leave tomorrow, so I know.
What are you doing tonight? You've outdone yourself, Danny.
- Thanks.
Maybe I'm a little rusty.
- Come on, man.
This looks great.
It's good, huh? - Hey, Morn.
There are some-- Here.
- Thank you.
--Practical things we should probably talk about.
Have you thought about how you're gonna run things here, with dad being in the hospital and all? Well, I guess we're just gonna have to rely on the staff.
And Danny's gonna help out.
So does that mean you're staying? Yeah.
Looks like it.
I didn't know you'd made your decision.
- Mama and I, we talked it over.
- Yeah.
He's gonna take over your father's charters.
Snorkeling trips.
Otherwise, we'll end up canceling all the time.
No, that's a good idea.
Where will you live? Well, he'll stay in the guest room.
For now.
You're gonna be living here too? Yeah.
Is that okay? Yeah.
It's great.
I don't know how I feel about Danny doing charters.
I guess he's gotta do something, right? It's probably best he stays busy.
- Blue Parrot? - I can't.
- Don't you have a wife to go home to? - Yeah-- Please.
I-- Okay.
I need to drink.
I, uh-- I got some stuff going on.
Please, just one drink.
- Yeah.
Of course.
- Thanks.
- Sure.
- Okay.
I'll meet you there.
- Hey- - Hey.
I'm just getting here.
Is everything okay? I can't meet you tonight.
I leave for New York in the morning.
I know.
I'm sorry.
But I gotta-- I gotta go meet my brother for a drink.
Yeah, no.
Of course.
I-- I understand.
Probably for the best anyway.
Right? I mean, it is for the best.
How long you gonna be gone? - Mister? - Oh, I gotta go.
What's up? Uh, can you take Mom to the hospital tomorrow? She wants to drive, but I don't think it's safe.
Why can't you do it? I'm doing the charter.
That's right.
Uh-- Yeah.
I can do it.
- Shit.
- Here you go.
- No.
I got it.
- No.
It's okay.
It's not a big deal.
Well, okay.
Thank you.
Tell Morn that I will be here in the morning.
Meg was happy when Danny came home.
All she ever wanted was to include him.
Make him feel part of the family.
But what she really wanted was to fix the past to make up for what was lost.
To make us all forget.
But she couldn't.
Because as smart as she is no one can change the past.
- That's awful.
When did it happen? - Few weeks ago.
- She kicked you out? - Sleeping at the boatyard.
I didn't notice.
You seemed fine this weekend.
All an act.
Well, for her, anyway.
Don't tell anybody.
Okay? - No, of course not.
- I don't want people knowing.
With Dad sick in the hospital, I don't want people knowing.
What happened between you guys? Um She had a miscarriage about a year ago.
- What? No.
- It's okay.
It's okay.
And I guess things kind of went to shit after that.
I wanted to try again, you know, right away.
But she said that she did not think I was ready to become a father.
- Why? - Um She says I need to grow up.
I'm too social, I'm too loud.
I drink too much.
I have a temper.
I see you agree with her.
- No.
- Yeah.
You do.
I think she has a point, but I also think she kind of knew that when she married you.
So I'm just trying to chill out about the whole Danny thing, you know? Just play it cool.
How do you and Marco keep it together? You guys are, like, the best couple I know.
Oh, we have problems too.
No, you-- You always seem so relaxed around each other, you know? Like-- I guess the secret is don't get married.
I thought you were going to the hospital.
Meg's waiting in the car.
I just wanted to check in with you before I left.
Got everything you need? Yeah.
Looks like it.
Well, you've got a group of six.
Father and son and two sets of newlyweds.
They'll be divorced by the time I'm through.
If you have any questions, give Gwen a shout.
It should be okay.
Been watching Dad do this my whole life.
Oh, and please don't smoke in front of the guests.
Oh, yeah.
I’ll-- I'll put it out.
Hey, Ma, I need to be put on the payroll.
Of course.
We can talk about that later.
Maybe a little something-- You know? - An advance to help me get set up.
- We'll talk about it.
Gwen will let you know when the guests are ready.
Wear your hat.
He's conscious.
He's speaking, but we still don't have all the answers.
I don't understand.
You've done all those tests.
Yeah, and it turned out that he had several mini strokes.
We tracked all of them down.
But until we find the cause of the initial clot, he's still at risk.
He's, uh-- He's lucid? He seems to have some memory loss, but that could be temporary.
Considering everything he's been through, some disorientation is common.
I'm sorry.
I don't understand.
Are you--? What is it exactly that you're telling us? I know this is frustrating to hear, but anything's possible.
Including a full recovery.
But we're dealing with the brain here, so we have to be cautious.
When can we see him? In a few hours.
I'd like to give him more time.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Okay, guys.
So Getting ready to go in the water.
Spit it right in the visor.
No one's watching, no one's judging you.
Oh, that's gross.
Next thing we're gonna do is just give it a quick rinse.
Oh, dear.
There we go.
That's gonna keep the glass nice and clear.
That way you can see all the sharks coming for you.
- Hey, Courtney.
- Hi.
How are you? How's your father? We don't know yet.
Patterson's office keeps calling to set up that conference call.
See if you can push it to next week.
- What's with all the flowers? - They're from clients.
I don't have this many clients.
People at the courthouse sent stuff too.
Everyone's really worried about your dad.
I'm gonna need some time, so no calls please.
Okay? Okay.
You just relax.
Okay? I'll be right back.
- How is he? - He's tired.
Doesn't wanna say much.
I'm gonna get some magazines.
I'll go for you.
No, I could use the walk.
Go on in and see him, honey.
Hi, Dad.
- How are you? - Heh.
- You look good.
- Yeah.
If you're tired, I can come back.
I have to talk to you.
I wish I didn't, but it's important.
I know you told me to redo your estate.
But I'm sorry, I never did it.
Why? I don't know, I just-- I thought maybe that you would reconsider.
And I didn't wanna do that to Danny.
I hoped that you would change your mind.
I'm sorry, Dad.
I should've done it.
But I, uh-- I rewrote it all.
So all you have to do is sign it.
So you really wanna take Danny out of the will.
It's just right there.
- Pen.
- There you go.
What? It's a pen.
Dad, you okay? Oh, yeah.
Know what, don't worry about this right now, Dad.
Sarah? No, Daddy.
I'm Meg.
Guys? To your health and to your long and successful marriages.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Most likely another piece of the clot broke free, it's blocking a blood vessel.
ls it life-threatening? Not in itself, but this is why we need to find the underlying cause.
He doesn't seem to understand anything that's going on.
Well, it's hard to say if it's just speech or if his comprehension is also being impaired.
I've ordered another CT scan.
That should tell us more.
- Okay.
Thank you.
- All right.
If Dad wanted Danny out of the will, why didn't you change it when he asked you? I should have.
So just have him sign the new one.
You know the language of a will, "I, so-and-so, being of sound mind"? Yeah? Dad is not of sound mind.
How bad is he? He was speaking nonsense.
I don't think he understood anything that I said.
He was of sound mind when he told you he wanted Danny out.
Right? - Yeah.
- Okay.
So just have him sign the new one, then back-date it.
- That's unethical.
- No one's gonna know.
- It's illegal.
- Okay, then don't have him sign it.
What do you want me to say? I don't know what you want.
You know what? Forget it.
It's fine.
He'll be fine.
When he's out, - I'll talk to him about it.
- Yeah.
What would you do? What exactly is Danny being cut out of? The business.
The inn.
That's a lot of money.
Forget about Dad for a second.
Do you honestly think that Danny deserves to have a piece of that place? He's our brother.
And he's home now.
How long do you think that's gonna last, Meg? I'll be surprised if he's still here in a week.
Oh, Jesus.
All right.
How old are you here? Thirteen, 14.
" Let me see that.
Oh, we did a lot of fishing on that boat.
Here, take this.
Let's get the hell out of here.
All right.
Grab it.
- Oh, hey.
- You got a minute? Uh Maybe just.
I gotta prep this boat.
Mom's so happy you're home.
- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.
Well, that happiness has not found its way into my paycheck.
- Oh.
I don't know anything about that.
- No, never mind.
It's not your problem.
Anyway, Mom's really happy.
But that's only gonna make it worse if you leave again.
Who says I'm gonna leave? The thing is, she just won't have Dad to lean on when you run out.
When did you become John? I'm just asking you if you are really invested in this.
Am I invested? Mister, I was here 10 years before you were even a twinkle in Papa Ray's pants.
Now, you got no idea what I have given to this place.
I know.
I just-- Look.
When you go, you have no idea.
You don't see Mom and Dad.
And we're the ones that have to deal with all the fallout.
Do you ever wonder what I'm left dealing with? Yeah.
I'm really happy you're here.
I truly am.
I'm so-- - I think it's so good for Mom and Dad.
- Oh, you do? That's nice.
But I need to know if she can rely on you.
What's this about? We wanna know what to expect from you.
So that we can plan ahead.
So we can It's really about the future.
It's about the future.
I don't often think of you as a lawyer, but right now, you sound a lot like a lawyer.
I'm just asking you a question.
Did Dad disown me? What? I know he wanted to.
Why would you say that? Hey, he told me.
A while ago.
He didn't do it.
I mean, yeah, he talked about it, but he-- It never happened.
So this future that you're so concerned about, I'm still in it? Yes.
As it stands, we all are.
- "As it stands"? - Yeah, there's a will, we're all in it.
- Including me? - Yes.
Including you.
Wow, he must've changed his mind.
Or he never meant it.
You know, he gets angry and he says stuff.
Yeah, I know he gets angry.
Hey, you wanna know if I'm invested in this place? Treat me like family.
Maybe I'll stick around.
- ls that you? - Yeah.
Oh, sweetie.
You were kind of fat.
- Camera added 10 pounds.
- Used to be chunky.
That's a good-looking boy right there.
- Danny, come here.
Look at this.
- Hey.
- Who's that? - Now, that's Uncle Kevin.
- Looks just like him.
- Always sticking his fucking nose-- Hey, enough.
Poor Meg.
Surrounded by all those guys.
- Meg used to wear glasses? - Mm-hm.
That's the end of the clip.
- Where'd you find all that? - Good job.
It was all in storage.
I'm putting a reel together.
Doctor thinks it's a good idea for Dad's memory loss.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, John.
Can we have a word? What's this? That's my first paycheck.
Did you talk to Mom about that? - Yeah.
Mom called.
- And you think this is all right? Hey, that's what Mom wanted.
That's not my decision.
Then what did she call you for? I don't know.
I asked her the exact same thing, because I don't wanna be in the middle of any of this.
You know, Manny makes more than this.
Mom said she wants you to earn it.
She just wants to make sure you're committed.
That's all.
I gotta go talk to Mom then.
The fuck you talking about, "go talk to Mom"? A few days ago, you're passed out naked on the dock, Dad's in the hospital, now you're gonna push Mom around about this? What are you thinking? Just do the work.
Hey, do you need to borrow some money? Just fucking asking.
- It's a pretty easy shot.
- Shh.
I'm just saying.
Hard to miss.
- Do you not think I know what you're doing? - Okay.
I'll shut up.
- I mean, seriously, a kid can-- - Oh, shit.
Look what you did.
Are you fucking happy now? Feeling pretty good about yourself, huh? It's just a little mind control.
- I'm in your head, Rayburn.
- Heh, heh, heh.
I own you.
Oh, yeah? Okay, what am I thinking about? No, right now.
What am I thinking about? Um - That you're gonna get me another drink? - Oh, no.
- Yes.
- No, no, no.
I gotta work in the morning.
Why do you work there? It's the family business.
Well, they don't deserve you.
John won't let you see my brother? Fuck him.
No, John's okay.
He's just John.
He can't help it.
It's like a fucking disease.
No, it's my little sister I gotta watch out for.
Why? Weren't you in her class? She was a year below me.
- Did you ever hang out with her? - Are you fucking kidding? What's that mean? I don't wanna talk shit about Meg.
I mean, she never did anything to me personally, it's just-- You know, she was the kind of girl other girls like to hate.
Really? Why would anyone not love my sweet little sister? Because all the boys liked her.
I don't remember this.
It was in high school.
You were gone.
She had a fucking army of boyfriends.
She just kept trading them up for a hotter guy.
Hey, what about the guy she's with now? What about him? They've been together a long time.
And he's gorgeous, and they're not married yet.
Why do you think? Don't know.
Because no one's ever good enough for her.
Just like the rest of your family.
You gonna get me that drink? Yeah.
Yeah, I'll get you a drink, Cece.
Vodka-cranberry, please.
I hate seeing him like this, not knowing if he can understand us.
It's late.
You should let me take you home.
Danny's picking me up.
But you should go.
You should be out with Marco, living your life.
I am living my life.
And I am choosing to be here with my parents.
I'm worried about you, Meggy.
Mom, I'm fine.
- Your father's worried about you too.
- Okay, Mom.
It would make him so happy to see you settled.
Hey, Mom.
- Ready to go? - Yeah.
- Let me say good night to your father.
- Mm-hm.
- Oh, I should say good night too.
- Mm.
All right.
Good night.
Take it easy.
- Hey, good morning.
- Morning.
- Can I show you something? - Yeah.
All right.
So you told me only to use the stuff after 1984, right? Yeah.
I did, but this must've been dated wrong.
- Yeah.
You got it.
- Make a wish.
- That's Meg's birthday.
- Make a wish.
Oh, yeah.
Come on.
- Arguing about your-- - Oh, wow, that's pink.
When was this? Eighty-three, '84.
- Say hi.
Say hi, Angelfish.
- Hi.
- Come dance with me.
- Is that Sarah? Yeah.
- Yeah, that's her.
- Should I add this to the reel? No.
He doesn't need to see this.
If you eat it, you can have it more.
You're gonna get fat.
Oh, good job.
- Hi.
- How are you? - Good.
- Yes? - See if we can find some sand dollars.
- Yeah.
What have you been doing? - I don't know, twirling.
- Twirling? Come with us.
Just make a decision and stop torturing yourself.
If it would have been any other client, I would've just done what he asked.
He's not any other client.
He's your father.
And he put you in an impossible situation.
I don't wanna talk about it anymore.
I do wanna talk about us.
What you said the other night.
I'm sorry for bringing it up.
- No, don't be sorry.
- No, really.
We We don't have to talk about it.
I've been unfair to you.
I've been holding back.
I'm sorry.
I don't know why.
Why don't--? Maybe we should just stop.
- Stop? - Stop, - Why? - Well, because it's been five years, and you're holding back, and we're having this conversation.
There must be a reason.
Is there a reason? No.
I don't wanna stop.
You're part of my family.
- Hey, what's going on? - Hey.
- Is it Dad? ls he okay? - Oh, yeah, yeah.
I was riding the bike, thought I'd drop by.
- Hey.
- Hey, brother.
How you doing? Hey, listen.
I wanna have a word with my little sister alone.
Would that be okay? - Yeah.
- Thanks, man.
- We'll finish talking later.
Yeah? - Yeah.
Be careful.
Sorry it's so hot in here.
My AC's out.
- He's a really good guy.
- Yeah.
He is.
I'd fucking hate for him to have to find out about that.
What is that? That fell out of your bag when you were in the driveway.
- No, it didn't.
It's not mine.
- Yeah.
That was in your bag.
Maybe one of the guests dropped it in the driveway.
That was there after you dropped everything.
It was sitting right there.
Did you take that from me? No, I told you.
At the hospital, did you go in my purse? - So it's yours? - What does it matter? I went to a hotel for one night because it was hot here.
- I have-- My AC's out.
- Come on.
I heard you on the phone.
Don't know who you were talking to.
- It wasn't Marco.
- You know what? - You are so off-base right now.
- Look, I'm not here to judge you.
Okay? I'm just saying you need to be careful because-- What if he finds out about this? What if he found this? - How you gonna explain that? - I don't have to explain anything.
No, you don't.
Not now.
But someday you might.
Why are you here? You said that Dad didn't disown me.
But he still might.
And you may have a say in that.
- Are you seriously trying to threaten me? - No, baby.
I'm not threatening you.
I am not threatening you.
I could fucking threaten you.
I could do the big-brother thing.
Bully around the little sister.
It's never been our relationship, though, has it? I've always looked out for you.
Even when we were little kids, I felt sorry for you because Dad hated me, but at least I got his attention.
Now, I don't care if you're fucking around.
I don't.
I don't judge you.
I got your back, Mister.
I just hope you got mine.
Hey, I wanna tell you something.
You don't have to marry Marco.
- I know that.
- No, you don't.
And you may marry him because you think that's what Dad wants.
I've watched you try to please him and try to please him.
But you just-- You can't.
You never will.
Why's that? Because you're not her.
Maybe it was Meg's decision that started this whole thing.
I tried to tell her, but she wouldn't listen to me.
Still, I can't blame her for what she did.
Whatever mistakes she made her heart was in the right place.
And in the end, she's my sister.
What did you do? And I'd trust her with my life.
Ripped By mstoll
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