Britannia High (2008) s01e03 Episode Script

Who Are You?

??? From nobody else All you got to do now Express yourself Whatever you do Do it good Whatever you do, do, do Lord, lord Do it good Oh, yeah It's not what you look like When you're doin' what you're doin' It's what you're doin' when you're doin' What you look like you're doin' Express yourself Express yourself Uh uh Where are you? We've a Jez-shaped hole here.
Just can't.
No can do, guys.
Hey, it's me.
Can I jump over to your lily pad? No! It's just not a good idea, babes.
Ple-e-e-ase! I told you what this neighbourhood's like.
We're playing Ludo.
I just don't think you'd feel safe.
There's lots of weird stuff going on here.
You know, gangs and stuff.
Look, you're just ashamed.
What's the big deal? Hovels can be chic.
Chic? The place is swarming with cops.
They're still hosing down after that murder.
Hi, Jeremy! Left your gelato maker outside your door.
- See ya! - Thanks, Emma.
Well, we've got to see where you live some day.
I'd love you to come over.
Hello, Jeremy.
I just - It's too dangerous.
This could be the start of something I can feel my heart is jumping Want to walk but can't stop running I can't stop running Good to be a part of something Once upon a time, was nothing This could be the start of something Britannia High S01 EP03 OK.
The thing is, one of my decks has packed in.
- Right.
- Hate asking, but it's an emergency.
Got a gig coming up.
20 quid and I'll have enough for a replacement.
??No, sure.
Of course.
- Seriously? - Yeah.
Um - uh, no.
I spent my last five.
I had to top up my electric card.
Electric card? Is that what we call the new iPhone? No worries.
You all right about fees and stuff? Yeah.
Not having one of my boys dropping out of BH now.
I won't let that happen.
A very good piece of work, I assure you.
Good Peter Quince, call forth your actors by the scroll.
Masters, spread yourselves.
Answer as I call you.
Nick Bottom, the weaver.
Show off.
Name what part I am for, and proceed.
You, Nick Bottom, were going to be taken out for a pre-birthday celebration tonight, but it's my grandparents' anniversary.
Danny and I have Lion King tickets.
Got a DJ gig.
So where are you taking me? Surprise.
I haven't had any lines yet! Street isn't dance, it's having seizures to music.
The thing about ballet - The thing about ballet is, you dance old moves made up by some dead guy.
OK, I get the whole street thing.
Let me show you.
Stand up right now.
I'm like your street yo dere! C'mon.
Even Claudine and Lauren have got this down.
Hey, listen, if things are rancid at your place,you can stay with me.
No, no, it's cool.
The rats stay on their side of the bed.
- You OK? - ??? - Yeah? Sure? - My leg.
Um I'm really not all right.
??Lie down.
I'll try and walk it off.
Right, here we go.
Don't worry, I'll be gentle.
Just breathe.
You didn't warm up properly, right? Why warm up when we have people to do that for us? How are things with Lauren? Yeah, they're great.
Um Here we go Have you got athlete's foot? What? I've got it, you know, a raging case.
It's going round, so you'd best watch it.
OK, um There we go.
So I'll see you at Jez's thing.
Ready? Ready! Ta-da! Why did you bring me here? For your birthday.
What, my seventh birthday? I mean really.
But I thought you loved skating.
I lost my best friend at a skating party.
He was decapitated by a train of nine-year-olds.
Guys, I'm kidding! I love it! I wanna live like every day is the last day The last day of my life I wanna feel like I'm out on a ledge And I'm loving myself I wanna learn to fly I wanna stand at the edge of the world Throw myself off and be happy to fall Why, why, why Don't you even Try Try To open up your eyes Wake up Wake up Live your life Wake up Wake up It'll be all right When you feel it and you know it Wanna shout it, wanna show it Wake up, wake up Wake up I wanna feel like I'm running away And I can't stop Till I'm where I wanna be I wanna hurt Yeah, I wanna be scared I'll be freaking out But that's all right with me I'll take a breath Like the world is out of oxygen And I'll use it just to laugh Why, why Why Don't you even Try, try Try To open up your eyes Wake up Wake up Live your life Wake up, wake up It's gonna be all right When you feel it and you know it Wanna shout it, wanna show it When you feel it and you know it Wanna shout it, wanna show it Wake up, wake up And live your life What's your dad getting you for your birthday? Well, if last year's anything to go by .
it'll be another pine air freshener, from the garage.
He'd be a perfect father if he remembered he had a son - - a son who happens to be seventeen, sad and single.
"Three Steps To Getting Your Man".
Happy birthday.
I could do it in one.
I'm hungry.
Are you hungry? We should check on the food.
??? That guy's not right.
- Hey! Hi! - Emma.
What are you doing here? Ah, stupid question.
Mickey's here.
Come and say hi.
Bring your friends.
Sorry - what? Those guys.
Oh, them! No, no, they just crowded in.
I don't know who they are.
Come on.
You haven't seen Mickey in ages.
I've got to go to the toilet.
I'll get you a burger.
We're right over there.
Food's here.
A couple more laps.
It's really hot.
Ronnie! This way.
I'll be right back.
Hey! Ronnie! It's good to see you, girl.
I baked him a cake.
Brain freeze.
This was great! Let's do it again.
Happy birthday, Jez! Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Jez Happy birthday to you! I have no idea who these people are.
What are you talking about? This is Ri.
I'm Em.
We're Jeremy's neighbours.
And this is Mickey.
We live in the same block in Knightsbridge.
Jez lives in Knightsbridge? Sure.
Right next to Harrods.
It's just behind, actually.
Look, it's no big deal.
So you told us you live in a tower block and have to make a pot noodle last three days? OK, your name isn't what you said it is, but hey, does that make you a liar? I just wanted to be like anyone else.
Do you get it? You don't know what you're talking about.
If you knew what it was like to be poor, you wouldn't lie about it.
Having a little money doesn't change things.
You're still one of us.
Well, the fact is it's a little bit more than a little.
How much more? OK.
My dad's Jack Tyler.
- Who? - Sir Jack Tyler.
JLT Homes.
Oh my gosh.
My nan lives in one of his bungalows! So he must be some kind of millionaire, right? No.
Like some kind of multimillionaire.
Would your dad feel like financing a musical? There you go.
That's what I'm talking about.
Soon as people know you have money, that's all they see.
So does he have a Porsche and does he need someone to race it? Vroom! Right.
Thanks for the party, but I'm calling it a night.
No, come on, we're playing.
Where are you going? - To my dad's.
- To count your money? Is there something you need to get out? I thought we were tight, but you looked me in the eye and lied.
I can't be tight with a liar.
I thought I knew the guy.
But as secret identities go multimillionaire isn't a bad one.
Every word out of his mouth, that whole act about being poor I'm an idiot.
BB, if you've got issues with the guy, take it out on him, not us.
Got Jez's address from the office.
Bus schedule.
We could leave in an hour.
Stop looking, then.
I'd still hear the slurping, wouldn't I? I don't think you can really get a guy in three steps? Do you? Yeah, if you step over his girlfriend.
According to Mr Google, he lives .
That way.
Hold on.
It's right.
So, dyslexia boot camp working out for you then? It's right.
Definitely right.
Hey! There's that sheep again.
Time for Step One.
- Danny's going to turn GWE.
- What? Green With Envy.
Uhh! The ground's a little uneven.
You're, ah you're looking fine today, bro.
Don't get weird on me, Claudine.
Oh, come on! I never told anyone, but the first day I saw you, I felta connection or something.
You felt it too, right? Nope - hang on I'm not buying any of your crazy today.
Not a problem.
On with Step Two.
OK, it's left, let's go.
- Gosh.
- Wow.
Holy boy band.
And that's how you play pool.
I'll get it.
Whatwhat are you doing here? It's your birthday.
How did you find out where I live? Your admission file.
It was just lying there, in Nugent's drawer.
Now leave.
Hey, it's your day, dude.
We want to spend it with you.
And to, you know, - see how big your house is.
- It's huge, OK? Oh, he did not just do that.
So we know what he thinks of us.
I need to pee.
Hey man, we're supposed to be friends! ???Sshh! You can come in.
Just be quiet.
If my dad finds out you're here, it's bad news.
This place is amazing.
You know how it makes me feel? No no no no no! No, no no! No dance numbers.
This way.
This way, dude.
This way.
Guys, come on.
This way.
So I haven't told you guys the whole truth.
Our Jez, not telling the truth? Man, that's not possible.
My dad doesn't know I go to Britannia High.
Are you for real? Look.
This is my life, OK? You have no idea what he's like.
He has this idea of us going into business together, us against the world.
You think there's maybe a small chance he'll catch on when you're wearing tap shoes at graduation? He's been so intense about it since Mum died.
No - since before, actually.
Without her, there's no one to tell him to lay off me.
Jeremy, lu- Oh.
- Hi.
Hi! - Hi.
From school? Great to finally meet you.
Why don't you stay for lunch? There's plenty.
Everyone's welcome.
- Great.
- Thank you.
Good! He's real monster, all right.
Where's the phone? I'm calling Childline.
He thinks I'm studying economics.
See? I thought you only lied to me, but turns out you lie to everybody! And here was me feeling special.
I didn't like lying to you guys, OK? I just I don't know, I just for once wanted to fit in.
You know, sometimes it's just easier.
What did you think we'd do if you'd told us? Sponge off you? Listen, anyway, um, for lunch can you pretend to be business students? Listen - if he finds out, everything is over.
Do you get it? Everything.
You'd have to leave Britannia High Yeah.
Lunch! Hope everyone's hungry! Let's eat! I don't get you, man.
Why don't you fight for what you want? You scared of your dad? Just the opposite.
You wouldn't understand.
That's right.
I don't understand why you don't stand up to the guy.
If it was me, nothing would stop me doing what I want.
But I'm not you.
So who are you, Jeremy? There's parts of my past That I'd left behind Seems as far as I run Always somehow they find me Been shedding my skin But there's so many layers I am who I am and you know what I'm saying Nobody's safe It's a race that I've run A fight that I've fought And I thought I had won Now I'm standing here With a part of me there But I am who I am I am who I am Be who you are Don't be ashamed See we're all different people No one's to blame Look out for your friends Those close to your heart Cos they will be there When it all falls apart You are who you are You are who you are Leave it alone You don't understand Other side of the fence There's no promised land See that's where I'm from Where I used to belong Oh the road to get here Has been painfully long But I am who I am I am who I am I am who I am I am who I am Who I am Who I am I am I am who I am Whoever I am If you had the guts, you'd tell him the truth.
I don't have a choice.
You're going to have to tell him some day.
This is really about money, isn't it? You think he'll cut you off.
You poor rich kid.
Can you put that down please? It's not like you can't afford another one.
I'm rich so I don't count.
I don't have any problems money can't fix.
It was my mum's.
Is that a lie too? Guys.
I'm not going to lie for you.
I loved numbers since I was a little kid.
When you tell someone you find counting exciting, you get weird looks, but to me it's likesexy poetry.
Lola you mentioned you were into the stock market.
What's your poison? Technical analysis or fundamentals? I prefer Well they both have their plus points.
But erm I personally like a little bit of both.
Just like a woman.
Just! BB, what about you? You're not talking much.
Dad, they're not here for long.
So, enough of the interrogation, hey? If you want, after lunch we'll leave our DNA samples on your desk.
Good point.
And on that note I'll make myself scarce.
Lovely talking to you all.
- Thank you.
- ?? Mr Tyler? Umthanks for lunch.
Oh, it's a pleasure.
It's weird how their eyes follow you round the room.
I should have known Jez had money.
You should see this guy's cars! And there's a huge pool! No.
No singing.
Listen, thanks for covering, guys.
You win many friend points.
Hey, Lola? We don't have a wall safe.
Hey, where's BB? Dunno.
17 now.
It doesn't seem that long ago that Jeremy was red-faced and bawling like the baby he was.
He's grown up a little since then.
We're going into business together.
Nice one.
My guess is he's gonna show his old man a thing or two.
he's got some talent.
Shut me up if I'm way out of line but you and Jeremy you're not a couple? No.
Seems like having a gay son just gives me more opportunities to put my foot in it.
You're the kind of guy who wants to know the score, right? Well, yeah.
It's good for business.
Well, let me tell you something about Jez I know who the guy is and he's not happy.
Well, if he's not happy, I'd like to know about it.
Well, thenmaybe you shouldn't push him so hard.
Maybe you should just feel lucky he's in your life.
Are you hearing me? Cos that's the truth.
You don't believe that, do you - He's just out to make trouble.
- Jez! Why would I lie to you? I go to school - just like - Jeremy, stop.
Come upstairs.
- I've got coursework.
- Stop it! Man, I didn't tell him anything.
What's going on? Nothing.
Who are these people, Jeremy? I haven't been studying economics.
There's a school .
Britannia High.
It's performing arts.
No harm done.
We all make mistakes.
I'll pay off any outstanding fees and we'll get you properly enrolled in a new course next week.
Goodbye, Britannia High.
My Dad's coming at one to square things with Nugent.
I always wanted him to see this place.
I'm gonna miss you.
He won't be able to stay away.
It's not like I'm leaving London.
Nothing's really gonna change.
Except it is.
If you've come to apologise, you can forget it.
Remind me what for.
Erall of this is your fault.
I'm sorry I went back in time and made you lie to your dad You know what I mean.
He wouldn't have found out.
He would.
You've gotta learn to deal with it.
Yeah, well, I'm doing the best I can.
Step two.
Become dazzle-icious.
Danny becomes my helpless love bunny.
You know Jez's dad, yeah? Lauren just doesn't get the boy like I do.
How much money do you think he really has? And Iam going to get him.
You fancy Jez's dad? All I know is I have to perform.
I've been doing it my whole life.
I HAVE, Dad.
You just never noticed.
As long as I was getting straight As in my exam results, you were happy.
- I'm not a businessman.
- Yes, you are, Jeremy.
- It's all you ever talked about.
- No, Dad.
You just heard what you wanted to hear.
Do you remember the first time I was on stage? Well, I remember it like it was yesterday.
It was a local am dram thing Mum got me into.
Being on stage .
when the lights went down and everyone was waiting and watching it was like the most scary but the most brilliant thing in the world.
And at the end when the whole audience were standing and clapping, everyone on the stage felt like we'd done something special.
The next day I went back to school andI felt different.
I knew what I was meant to do with my life.
At eight years old I knew.
I've gotta go my own way, Dad.
Jeremy, I understand.
I said the same thing to my father.
I know who I am.
It's a phase.
This Mr Nugent, where can I find him? Hey? Yeah? Opinion Do you think this er, colour is me? Well Sure.
Of course.
I've er I've gotta go and see erm Yeah? .
Well, it's great to finally meet you, Sir Jack.
Nice to have a proud parent in my office.
I don't have a lot of time, Mr Nugent.
Let's do this, shall we? I thought all millionaires had er, gold-plated cheque books.
What will it be? Oh, well, that's up to you, of course.
but any amount will be deeply appreciated.
Is this how you run your school? Not entirely, but the arts has always relied on the kindness of patrons.
So, if you want to put a couple of extra zeros, we could name a dance studio after you.
Let me get this straight.
You want me to donate a blank cheque for the privilege of taking my son out of here and in exchange you'll name a dance studio after me? So you're not here to make a donation.
No, Mr Nugent, I'm not.
I'm here to settle any outstanding fees that Jeremy owes you and take him out of here.
This is not the place for my son.
I'm really sorry if you think Jez isn't making any progress.
Stars aren't made overnight in this school or any other.
But if you're thinking of placing him elsewhere I'd urge you to reconsider.
Jeremy does need another school.
One that will equip him for the real world and a real business.
Which isexactly what we do here.
I don't think dancing and learning a few songs will get him very far, do you? This is an educational establishment, Sir Jack.
We have a duty to our students and we take it very seriously.
We're preparing them for a sustained career in one of the most difficult industries in the world.
Our curriculum covers all aspects of the performing arts AND business.
You may know your business, Mr Nugent, but I raised my son.
He's not a performer.
Jez competed against thousands of kids, really talented kids to earn his place here.
He's got drive.
He's got stamina.
He's determined, passionate.
Your son is good really good.
How many thousands does Jeremy pay you a year, Mr Nugent? If I were you, I wouldn't want to lose him either.
How much do I owe you? Hey, Mr T! BB! Where's Jeremy? You could try the theatre rehearsals.
Come on.
Let me ask you something.
You didn't just want to do what you did, right? You had to.
What do you mean? You were driven to start your own business, to be a success.
Er, yeah, yeah.
I suppose you're right.
That's how it is for Jez.
He's got no choice either.
All thistoo risky.
Jeremy's making a big mistake.
And I'll bet nobody ever said that to you.
You and Jez aren't that different.
You followed your dream.
You made it.
That's all Jez wants.
You keep this up, you're gonna lose him.
I don't have my Mum and Dad.
I lost them both.
Is that what you want for Jez? Hey.
Got a little going away present for you.
Time to show your dad the real Jez.
Piano's on stage.
What do you mean? You're gonna play something.
Are you crazy? No.
You're gonna play and show him just what it is that you do.
When he sees you up there, there's no way he won't change his mind.
It won't change anything.
You have to do this, Jez.
This I wrote This is for you.
All of All of my life I have watched you Climbing mountains Chasing dreams All of my life You gave me everything But you don't have to Give the world to me Just say You love me as I am Say you want me as I am Say I'm someone in your eyes That's all I wanted to be Oh, just let me go I know one day if I'm allowed If I'm allowed One day I'll make you Proud Oh One day I'll make you proud Mm-mm I'm trying to please you now It's all I seem to do I'm holding my dreams down It's breaking me in two I've got to be me now Cos there's already one of you I'm on my knees So, help me, please Please don't shoot me down Though you can't see it now Someday I'll make you Proud He's a natural, isn't he? Very, very nice.
I knew I knew if you saw me, you'd get it.
I don't know where you got your talent from.
Your mum, I guess.
I've been having a little think and I've been unfair to you, Jeremy.
You really DO have what it takes.
So after business college, once you've graduated, if you still want to perform, we can talk about it.
What? We were always going to go into business together.
It's what we'd planned since you were little.
It would be my experience and your energy and creativity.
No-one could top us.
Dad, this is where I belong.
I think I've met you more than halfway, here, Jeremy.
This isn't a life for you.
It's not a real career.
Oh, I see.
So in three years I can do a bit of am dram in my spare time.
Better that than throw away your life.
And tell me, how do you expect to support yourself, hm? Because if you do this, you're on your own.
Dad, I I don't want to hurt you, but .
I can't be who you want me to be.
What about me? I'm still your son.
I've gotta live my own life.
I like you better when you're poor anyway.
Me too.
You're gonna be OK.
You said about ballet, right being about precision.
Isn't that just a posh word for boring or something? Seeyou'll never be a street dancer.
It's cos you're too rigid.
So, is that what you guys think of me, then, yeah? I can street dance.
You just gotta .
feel it.
Mate, that's not feeling it.
THIS is feeling it.
It's about style.
We all know I've got the style.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You got the style.
But you don't own it.
What do you want out of life? I want to be the best, most stunning dancer ever.
Why are you wasting time at school? You could be living the dream.
- This is Lola.
- This is Stephen.
There are loads of paparazzi outside.
They're looking for you.
If you think you have a shot at the big time, go for it, but if you do, you're out of here for good.

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