Citadel (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Infinite Shadows

[ABBY] You're just gonna
leave us here and go with him?
It's time.
[KYLE] We get this case back,
I get to keep you and Hendrix safe.
That's all I care about.
[DAVIK] We got breeched
and the case was stolen.
It was Mason Kane.
[DAHLIA] Bring me the case.
And Kane.
[DAHLIA] I'm so glad you pulled through.
I'm exceptionally skilled at
getting Citadel agents to turn.
[ORLICK] You did have a partner.
Her name was Nadia Sinh.
Together, you were hot stuff.
I think she's dead.
[AUTOMATED VOICE] Backstop commencing.
[KYLE] The only person who
can help me is a Citadel spy.
- But they've lost their memories.
- You're Nadia.
- No.
You were a spy like me.
- That's
- You.
That vial there,
you inject it into your neck.
It'll bring back your memories.
[DAVIK] Ladies and gentlemen
- Nadia Sinh.
I thought Mason was dead.
You remember.
I remember everything.

Try not to get worried ♪
Try not to turn on to ♪
Problems that upset you ♪
Don't you know
everything's all right ♪
Yes, everything's fine ♪
And we want you to
sleep well tonight ♪
Let the world turn
without you tonight ♪
If we try, we'll get by ♪
So forget all about us tonight ♪
Tonight, yes, everything's all right ♪
Sleep and I shall soothe you ♪
Calm you and anoint you ♪
Myrrh for your hot forehead ♪
- Ready for seconds?
Yes, everything's fine ♪
Close your eyes, close your eyes ♪

[NADIA] Davik put a tracker
in the X Case.
I disabled it.
He won't find us here.
What is this place?
Citadel safe house.
We used to have hundreds of them.
You and I been here before?
Once or twice.
Were we close?
Not particularly.
Can I trust you?
Not the first time you've asked me that.
Come on.
Bite this.
This will hurt.
- I'll be gentle.
- I got a feeling
- you don't know how to be.
- Bite.
Got it. [GRUNTS]
So, tell me about her.
- Your wife.
- Abby.
- How long?
- Eight years.
[SCOFFS] Wow. You didn't waste any time.
We have a daughter, Hendrix.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Tell me about him.
Mason. Who was he?
Couldn't tell you.
We weren't that close.
It was all about the job,
never got personal.
'Cause I couldn't remember anything.
Not my name, my family,
where I was from.
I couldn't remember anything
except you.
I've been known to leave an impression.
Were we together?
'Cause from what I remember
it felt like we were.
- Says an amnesiac.
- Were we?
It was brief. It was nothing.
- Lightning in a bottle?
- Flash in a pan.

We having a briefing or what?
[ORLICK] They're running five behind.
"Running five behind"?
- Hey.
- Hmm?
- What?
- Come on, man.
No. You know how Grace hates it
when I steal her thunder.
- Chickenshit.
- All right. But you
have to pretend like you're
hearing it for the first time
- when she comes in.
- Don't I always?
- Almost never.
- Spit it out.
[SIGHS] Hasan has created a new virus.
His syndicate's gonna release
it in the U.S. within days.
It's a manipulated strain of Ebola,
and it'll cause a plague
the likes of which
the world
hasn't seen since the Dark Ages.
[GRACE] All right, we have intel
that Hasan's syndicate has created a
[MASON] A new virus he plans to
release in the U.S. within days.
A manipulated strain of Ebola,
which would cause a plague
the likes of which the world
hasn't seen since the Dark Ages.
Bernard caught me up.
We were running five ahead.
Seriously, Bernard?
It was just a pre-briefing,
that's all, nothing.
[WHISPERS] Such a dick.
[GRACE] Our intelligence confirms
the virus is being stored in
an advanced research facility
in the Alborz Mountains.
Alborz Mountains.
Why is it never Acapulco?
Or Belize, or Ibiza?
[ORLICK] Come on.
She's barely two seconds in
and you're heckling her
like Statler and Waldorf.
You know, the Muppets?
The two old Muppets?
Yeah, I think you're
the old Muppet, Bernard.
- Okay. [SCOFFS]
- [MASON] So, to recap,
an impossible foe
has an unthinkable virus
in an impenetrable fortress,
and I'm gonna steal it.
Our newest Tier-One will be on-site.
They've been working
as a mole with Hasan
and planted the virus
for easy retrieval.
The hard part isn't getting in,
it's getting out.
There are heavily armed guards,
surveillance and missile systems.
[CARTER] Lucky for you,
you'll have some help.
Our newest agent will assist you.
A rookie's gonna assist me?
- How will I know them?
- Oh, you'll know.

Got the high score.
[CARTER] Alpha is five minutes to exit.
- Duke, status report?
- [DUKE] Air support inbound.
[CARTER] Copy.
[CARTER] Mason,
you're ahead of schedule.
Package in hand! I have the virus!
East exit.
Pegasus, he's at the east exit.
[DUKE] Mason, I'm three klicks out.
'Bout to roll in. Weapons hot.
[CARTER] Two paratroopers on your six.
[CARTER] Enemy ATVs coming up
the south side of the mountain.
I'm picking up missiles,
incoming on your position.
Got to hustle, Alpha.
[AUTOMATED VOICE] Agent off-line.
Attempting to reconnect.
[CARTER] Alpha.
[AUTOMATED VOICE] Comms reconnected.
[CARTER] Enemy ATVs fast approaching.
They've got you surrounded.
- Not quite.
- [CARTER] Mason, no, no, no!
What the hell are you doing?
Catching a ride!
Look alive, Mason.
We got hostiles in the air.
Activate ski-boots.
Pegasus, new extraction point.
Meet me at the bottom of the mountain.
[DUKE] Copy that. Two ticks out.

[CARTER] More excitement for you, Alpha.
I'm seeing two vehicles on the ground.
[DUKE] Merry Christmas, Alpha.
Heads up, the snow line is ending.
I repeat, you are running out of snow.
[DUKE] Mason, five ATVs
are heading up the mountain.
Alpha, you've got three broken ribs
and internal bleeding.
[GRUNTS] I'm pushing through it.
(FARSI) Stop!
[CARTER] That's her.
That's our new agent.
- I'm out!
That left lung is filling up with blood,
oxygen levels running low.
And you're also concussed.
So, there's that.
[MASON] Gun!
[CARTER] He's hemostatic.
Blood pressure's dropping.
Gemini, head to the extraction point
three klicks south, in the clearing.
[NADIA] Copy. En route. Come on.
[NADIA] Hang on.
Stay with me, okay? Yeah?
- I'm busy.
[NADIA] Sorry, I don't
want to disturb you,
I just thought I'd introduce myself.
- Nadia Sinh.
- Mason Kane.
- You're welcome, Mason Kane.
- Excuse me?
Well, you almost
blew the entire mission.
Half of the U.S.
would be infected by now.
- I had it covered.
- Did you, though?
That's the thing about me,
Rookie. Just when you think
I'm down and out, I'll turn it around.
Right, right, right.
Also, just so we're very
fucking clear, not a rookie.
Where'd you come from? MI6?
- IB?
- I'm homegrown.
My mother was Citadel,
I joined five years ago.
- Came up through Bravo Team.
- Bravo Team. That's cute.
- That's adorable.
- You know what's adorable?
Is your director begging me
to join Tier-One
just in time to save your ass.
That is part of my charm.
Must've been hard growing up
with a spy for a mother.
Must've been hard growing up
with no mother at all.
- You read my file.
- Mm.
- Didn't pin you for a fan.
You know, I don't usually do this,
but I could sign an autograph.
Take a selfie?
Fuck you.
- I would've had it covered.
- Hmm.

Can I trust you?
Of course.
Can I trust you?
mode initiated.


Nice to see you, Bernard.
It's horrifically fucking
terrible to see you, Dahlia.
Couldn't be worse.
I imagine it's a shock to
see me at this end of the table.
I thought you might be at a blood-feed,
or an animal sacrifice
or your weekly coven meeting.
- Even when we were together
all those years ago at the U.N.,
you always had that sociopathic
je ne sais quois about you.
Show him.
Until we get the X Case, we'll have to
make do with what we've got.
We made sure to salvage
every piece of Citadel tech
that wasn't sabotaged by your spies.
Among the delights
was a Citadel A.I. system
that tracked uranium levels
throughout the world.
The whereabouts, at any time,
of all nuclear weapons.
Only, we can't access the system.
We've tried for years.
But here before me,
like a gift from God,
sits the man who created it.
So, Bernard, you need to tell me
the 19-character password
to access the system.
Okay. Okay.
The password is
fuck off."
Oh, no, wait, that's only 18.
I'm sorry, it's 19.
There's an exclamation mark. Forgive me.
"Why don't you fuck off,
exclamation mark."
Go ahead.
Do you really think
that I wouldn't give my life
- to stop you?
- Maybe, but what about
the lives of your wife and daughter?
They're in Wyoming, right?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
With Mason Kane's wife and daughter, no?
That knife is the first one
my mom gave me.
If you push the thumb button,
blade just flicks out.
- Cool.
- Mm-hmm.
You can have it if you want.
I'll show you how to use it.
- Hey.
- Hey.
So, how did you and your husband meet?
Uh, well, I was, um
I was in a bad car accident
about nine years ago.
That's awful.
I don't remember it.
Traumatic brain injury.
Anyway, um, there was
a great hospital nearby.
And I started memory therapy there.
And, um, Kyle was just
He was in the same program.
That's how we met.
Quite a story.
[ORLICK] They're not in Wyoming.
I don't even know where they are.
[DAHLIA] Oh, come on, Bernard,
we have eyes everywhere.
Access to every security camera,
every satellite on the grid.
You drove your truck to
our New York headquarters,
so we worked backwards,
used every camera
at our disposal
to piece your journey back
to where you came from.
We lost image of your truck
just outside Cheyenne.
So it's only a matter of time
before we find your wife Joe
and your daughter Val.
[ORLICK] She's my ex-wife, by the way.
And I told you already.
[WHISPERS] Fuck off.
For a century, you lot thought
you were creating a new order.
But spies cannot be saints.
And your code isn't one that
bettered you, but blinded you
to the horrors Citadel imparted.
- You're wrong.
- Am I?
Your colleague thought the same.
But after we caught him last year,
we pulled the wool from over his eyes.
Carter Spence.
- Carter?
- Yes.
He was quite uncooperative
to begin with.
Held out for as long as he could.
- Where is he?
- [DAHLIA] Dr. Carvo?
What did you do to Carter?

For a man who loves to talk,
you've gone awfully quiet, Bernard.
I'm learning to listen more.
[DAHLIA] There is another way
we could do this.
We could
cut right into your brain stem.
Excavate your memories.
It's a handy little device
Anders Silje created.
You ready to play with your new toy?
[ANDERS] Yes, ma'am.
Don't fuck it up.
[ORLICK] Which one are you, again?
Mary-Kate or Ashley?
Mason Kane is a friend of yours, right?
[ORLICK] I wouldn't say
he's a friend. I mean,
he'd probably say we're friends.
Probably he'd say
I'm his best friend, but
he doesn't have many friends.
It's very sad.
I had a lot of friends at work.
Carl P. and Andrea.
And Carl H.
And Jim.
But they're not around anymore.
I've studied all your work, Mr. Orlick.
And I have to admit that I'm a big fan.
They say never meet your heroes,
but I'm so glad I am.
You know why?
'Cause it gives me
great pleasure to do this
to a friend of Kane's.
- Now I'm going to get
what I want no matter what.
Let's just hope we don't destroy
the brilliant mind of Bernard Orlick.
- Brielle is still alive.
- What
- What did you just say?
- I said,
Brielle is still alive.
The woman you loved.
That's her name, isn't it?
Citadel lied to you.
If this is another trick,
I'm gonna tear you apart.
- You understand?
- I swear.
Well, you better prove it then.
Bring me my phone
and I'll show you.
[KYLE] How you two doing?
[ABBY] Oh, you know.
Other than Hendrix
having a meltdown because
I won't let her
TikTok from the bunker
we're fine.
Well, I found her
the, uh, Citadel spy.
She remembers everything.
- She?
- Yeah.
Her name's Nadia.
I mean, that's-that's great.
What-what did she say about
Mason? What else did she know?
Not a lot.
Did you two not know each other?
I don't think well.
We're gonna figure this out
and then I'm coming back to you, okay?
Figure it out and come back.
I will.
Call as much as you can.
I will.
I love you, Kyle.
I love you, too.
Drive yourself to Barajas airport.
Catch a plane back to
the States. Here's some cash.
[KYLE] I'm staying with you.
They saw us. They know we're
alive. They killed Bernard.
They're gonna come after us
with everything they've got.
You need to go home
and protect your family.
If I go home, they're gonna find me.
Stopping them,
that's how I protect my family.
You're of no use to me.
- Bernard didn't think so.
- Bernard was a fool.
- And you're a liability.
- Teach me.
- What?
- To be Mason Kane.
What are you talking about?
Train me.
Kick my ass. I'll learn on the go.
- You're not him.
- I can be.
You don't want to be him.
Well, there's no one else.
It's just you and me.
Two flashing white lights
in a sea of red.
What sea of red?
Flashing lights are an SOS.
"Search Missives."
These are all messages. Calls for help.
This is Agent Carter Spence,
I'm in Beijing.
If there are any other
surviving Citadel agents,
you can contact me on the secure server,
Delta Gamma 64621.
This is Agent Carter Spence.
I just got to Mexico City.
Please, if there is
anyone else out there
[NADIA] This was only four months ago.
Agent Carter Spence.
I'm in Fez.
Manticore's closing in on my location.
Please, if you are watching this,
this might be my last transmission.
Shit. I know where he is.
Here. He's a few miles outside of Fez.
- It's a black site.
- How do you know?
'Cause I was tortured there
for two weeks
when I was undercover with al-Shahaab.
This black site's run
by a Portuguese crime boss
named Balduino Basto.
I bet Manticore's using it.
Torturing Carter to get
the location of the X Case.
- I got to get him out.
- How?
I just have to get close enough
to hack his phone
to steal his access codes.
Problem is he's not a fan
of yours truly.
And why is that?
I might have killed his brother.
Might have?
I can't get a sit-down with Balduino.
But him and Kane,
they were tight.
So what you're saying is
Are you ready to be Mason Kane?

[NADIA] Remember what I told you.
Approach Balduino with your palms up.
Establish you're not a threat
and you should be straight.
There's a dead man in my restaurant.
It's been a long time.
[NADIA] There's a transmitter
in that lighter.
Keep it as close as possible
while I download the data
from his phone.
[BALDUINO] I thought they
killed you eight years ago.
[NADIA] Stop fidgeting.
You're Mason Kane.
Own it.
And yet in all this time
you haven't bothered
to grow one single hair.
So, what do you want?
[NADIA] Needs to be a big ask.
It'll stroke his ego.
I need your help to get into the office
of the Chief of the Armed Forces.
(PORTUGUESE) Go fuck yourself.
[NADIA] That's Baldy's kid.
He just told you to go fuck yourself.
Isn't there a ball pit somewhere
your kid can go play in?
The Chief of Armed Forces?
You might as well
have asked me how to get
between the legs of
the Duchess of Cambridge.
I'll get Manticore's heel off your neck.
Manticore is the only game in town now.
And I bet I could make a fortune
if I hand you over to them.
[NADIA] Look for a weapon.
You may have to shoot your way out.
The Balduino Basto I remember
would've wanted
something more than just
to bend over for Manticore.
[NADIA] 35% uploaded.
Is that the lighter
your girlfriend gave you?
Nadia? Hmm.
I heard she was with you in Italy.
- What happened to her?
- She's gone.
So, why do you still fight?
For her? Her memory?
Upload's almost complete,
start wrapping this up.
I'm surprised, Kane,
that you, of all people
would carry a torch for
the woman who sold you out.
Who brought Citadel to its knees.
Transfer's complete. Get out of there.
The hell are you talking about?
Manticore had somebody
working on the inside.
It was your girl Nadia.
Or at least,
that is what the whispers say.
That bitch deserved to die.
[NADIA] Kyle, you got to go now.
Oh, shit.
You got played by a piece of ass.
I thought Mason Kane
was supposed to be a real man.
I thought your dad wore condoms
when he slept with whores.
[NADIA] Kyle!
You are in a very big hurry to die.
Not today. I'm walking out of here.
[NADIA] Point it at Christiano.
Balduino won't give a shit
if you shot him, but his kid
Kill him. What are you waiting for?
Tell them to lower their guns.
You first.
Shoot him.
Baixar as armas.
What the fuck's going on here?
What was he talking about?
Horseshit. He's a liar.
Bernard said the Citadel hit
was an inside job.
That someone turned
but he didn't know who.
Was it you?
Think about it, Kyle.
If I was working with Manticore,
why would I be trying
to break into a black site
to free a Citadel agent,
and why the fuck are you still alive?
You tried to pull me out when
he started talking about you
Because I didn't want you to get killed.
And why not just tell me
you and Mason were a thing?
Because what happened
between me and Mason
is between me and Mason.
You're in a getaway car
with every Manticore agent
in the world looking for you.
So, you can either do this with me
or get the fuck out.

I'd be very careful what I type.
[ORLICK] That's Brielle, right?
She's alive. Her name is Abby.
And she's married to Mason Kane.

I can take you to her.
If you get me out of here,
I'll tell you everything
because everything you know is a lie.
I was told a million times ♪
Of all the troubles in my way ♪
Mind you grow a little wiser ♪
Little better every day ♪♪
This our new Tier-One?
She told me I'm gonna love you.
You won't.
[MASON] The only way
they're gonna believe your lie
is if you do.
Celeste has been dark for three months.
You know what it's like on the inside.
She's just as capable as I am.
That's what I'm worried about.
[CELESTE] You never
should have brought me on.

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