Dear Edward (2023) s01e03 Episode Script


She just handed this to
you? The mystery girl?
- She didn't say anything?
- No.
Well, I mean, it must mean something.
She wanted you to have
it. It's, like, meaningful.
Maybe it was just random.
Like, maybe she just
had it in her pocket
and decided to, you know, give it to me.
Yeah, and maybe the world is
flat, and maybe there's no God,
and maybe Taylor Swift is, like, mortal.
What's that?
That's everything.
All of our stuff.
Can you play piano?
Uh, no. Um, not not really.
Uh, I I have to go hydrate.
Staff announcement
Final boarding call for
flight 818 to Los Angeles.
Final boarding call for flight 818.
- Hi. Sorry.
- Hi. Welcome aboard.
- Oh! Hi. What a coincidence.
- Oh, hi. How are you? Yes.
What are you doing
here? This is amazing.
Yeah, had a bit of a
luggage malfunction,
- but found a maintenance person
- Oh, I hate that. Yeah.
so duct tape. That's what that is.
I I hope
- I should get back to economy
- Yeah.
- but have a good flight.
- Have a good flight, Lacey.
It-It's It's Linda.
- Linda! Oh, my God.
- L Lace Lacey's the aunt. Yeah.
- It's okay.
- Oh, right.
- No worries. That's Have a good one.
- Okay. You too.
- Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
- It's okay.
You have to have power. Power. Command.
Hi. Hi, I'm Adriana Washington,
and I'm running for Congress.
No, you're gonna scare them.
I'm Adriana Washington.
You might know me because I was Rose
Washington's granddaughter, and
nepotism is cool.
Fuck. Okay, hi.
Hi. Hello. Hi.
Hi. I'm Adriana Washington,
and I'm running for Congress.
You sound like somebody died.
- Well, somebody did die.
- Uh
Hi. I'm
What is happening? Oh, my God.
What the fuck?
The landlady was a bit
rude, but that's okay.
We learn from that.
To stay longer, we would need a
lawyer, which is a waste of money,
since we're going to Ghana as
soon as your passport arrives.
But this is a much better plan.
My cousin's best friend,
Isaac, has an apartment for us.
We can stay there as long as we want
and eat all the Ghanaian food we want.
He has 300 five-star
reviews. Sounds good?
Let's go.
Okay. Okay.
When was the last time
you were at the shop?
I don't know. I was little.
I'm guessing seven, eight?
I guess.
Why do I have to go with you?
Because you're not ready
to go to school yet.
What do you mean, "Go to school"?
Well, we can't homeschool you. We work.
It'll be fine. You'll
be in class with Shay.
You know, your mom and I would come here
almost every day after school.
Why do you work here?
Well, it's the family business.
My mom didn't work here.
She was a brilliant writer.
She did not need to fabricate metal.
She was gonna win a Pulitzer.
- Good to have you back.
- Aw, Wendell.
- You remember my nephew, Edward?
- Yep.
That's a shit deal, Eddie.
I sure am sorry.
He prefers "Edward."
No, it's okay.
- Oh. Okay.
- You ever run a high-capacity lathe?
Are you crazy? He
can't work the machines.
Why not?
He's 12.
I taught you the ropes
when you were eight.
When you're older.
Fine. I'll just sit here and do nothing.
- Linda. Hi.
- Oh. God. Hi.
Oh. It was a rough flight, huh?
I threw up.
Oh, no.
What are you doing in LA?
I'm actually here to see Gary's
parents, who I've never met.
- Ah. Mmm.
- And as I said,
I don't think they actually
know about me or the baby,
but I feel like they deserve to know.
And I didn't wanna
tell them on Zoom, so
How about you?
My, uh My husband had business
out here, so I'm just You know,
I have to tie up a a few loose ends.
Well, if you wanna get a
coffee or something while
- Like, while we're both in town.
- Oh, that would be lovely.
- I would love that. Yeah.
- Yeah.
I-I think my schedule is really tight,
but good luck with Gary's
parents, and take care of the baby.
- Yeah.
- I'll see you later, okay?
- Take care, Linda.
- Bye.
I-I wasn't planning on
going to the wedding.
It was a distant cousin,
and my parents were going,
and we're not really speaking.
But, um, I went, and, um, I met
this charming marine biologist
who just talked for hours
and hours about whales.
We just We fell in love.
We have no reason to
doubt what you're saying,
but Gary was
We were a very close family.
Gary told us everything.
He never mentioned you.
Okay. Um, okay.
Look, I-I know how this might seem.
Um, we're I'm not I'm not
looking for anything from you.
I'm not asking for anything.
I'm Promise I just, um
I came came here to tell-tell you
I flew here to tell you
I wanted to tell you
face-to-face, um uh
that I'm I'm pregnant.
And I'm having the baby.
But I'm not asking for
anything. I promise.
You c Please, believe
me. I don't need anything.
You're pregnant. You mean, with
- With With Gary's baby.
- Yeah.
If you're lying to us, that would be
the cruelest thing a
person c could do.
Oh, my God. I'm I'm
not I'm not lying.
Oh, my God.
Here we are.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Oh. Shut the front door.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
This place is a wow.
Oh, and look at the furnishings.
It's like it's already been staged.
Lose the rug and add a few accessories,
then we can sell this place.
And this r Oh. Was
your husband a musician?
He was not.
Oh, I love the bedding.
Is that from Parachute?
I don't have any idea.
It's a perfect match.
I guess.
You guess?
You guess.
Okay, fine. It looks like a match.
A perfect match.
The Museum of the Odd
and Peculiar in Manhattan.
MOP. Mop. Get it?
I-It's where this puppy comes
from. That's, like, its origin.
Yeah, you said that. A lot of times.
Hey, I Sherlock Holmes'd
the shit out of this,
and you're seriously not
the least bit impressed?
I think you're, like, obsessed.
Which is a normal
response to what happened.
Mystery Girl found you in ShopRite,
and handed this to you purposefully.
She wants you to go there. It's a clue.
Listen to me.
I've lived my whole life,
and not once has anyone
ever handed me a shrunken head or
anything remotely close to that.
Never. Not once. Nada.
We are in Nyack. Nothing
cool like this ever happens.
We cannot just let this go.
So, what do you wanna do? Hunt her down?
Text Lacey.
Tell her you and I are going to a
friend's house to play video games
for the rest of the day.
We are?
No. I don't have friends,
and I don't play video games.
We're going to this freak museum
where we're gonna find Mystery Girl.
Oh, no. No, we're not. Definitely not.
Oh, be honest, Edward.
Don't you wanna know
who the mystery girl is?
So let's have an adventure.
Good. That's not bad.
I like it. I like that.
All right. You are
doing good. Good colors.
What's that?
It's a wing. Duh.
And now, orange. Uh
- Hold on.
- I don't know what to do.
Well look who it is.
You're still not in Ghana?
No. We are waiting for Becks's passport.
Six to eight weeks.
Oh, my God. That's great.
Uh I mean, that's
that's not that's not great.
I'm sure you're anxious to get home.
You coming to group?
I'm deciding.
And this is a difficult decision?
It is. I have to get 1,300 signatures
by the end of the week, and I have 42.
Signatures for what?
To get on the ballot.
For Congress. You are running!
I don't know.
But I can't get on the ballot
if I don't get signatures,
so I probably shouldn't go to group.
And, you know, people are horrible.
They are horrible. They come up to you
and they say horrible things to
your face and then they don't sign.
And my grandmother had this, like,
wall of steel around
her that I don't have.
I feel everything. Which is why I'm
probably not cut out for Congress.
Plus, I haven't been getting any sleep,
because my toilet's been
making this otherworldly sound.
It's been freaking me out.
- Okay. Adriana. That's a lot.
- Yeah.
- Let's take it one item at a time. Okay?
- Okay.
Start with the toilet. Uh,
which sound is it making?
I don't know. Something
between a clug and a jug.
Interesting. Say it.
- Say it?
- Yes. Please.
Well, I don't I
- What do you want me to
- Say the sound.
Uh It's like a
Speak up.
Ah. Interesting.
- I know that sound very well.
- Yeah.
- This I can fix. Okay. So, game plan.
- Okay. All right.
We go to group to fix our souls.
Then we go fix your toilet.
Then we get your signatures.
- Then you become the Congresswoman
- Oh, my gosh.
and I cheer you on from Ghana.
- Sounds good?
- Yeah.
- Okay. We are running late. Let's go.
- Sounds good.
- Okay. Um
- Becks.
Come get your turtle.
Hello, Mr. Turtle.
How are you? Hi, Becks.
Do you need help?
"Your lonely pilgrim."
Just leave the groceries on the door!
Yeah. Sorry. If you could just
just leave the groceries
Noelle? Greene?
Yes. Can I help you?
Yes. Yes, you can.
You can tell me why you
were fucking my husband.
- Excuse me?
- Charles?
- I'm so sorry, ma'am, I have no idea
- Charles Christopher Cameron?
Charles Cameron?
Oh Oh. Charlie.
You must be Deirdre.
It's Dee Dee. And his name
is Charles. Not Charlie.
- Was.
- I I am so sorry for your loss.
Oh, don't give me your fucking sympathy.
Everything all right?
- Oh, Jesus Christ.
- W what did you just say to my wife?
Your wife?
This is Charlie's wife.
Oh. I I'm so sorry for your loss.
I-I only met Charlie a few
times, but he was so great.
Well, I'm just so glad you li
What the fuck was going on here?
- Excuse me. Sorry, baby.
- It's okay.
Why don't you take Skye in?
It's okay, it's okay.
Um Why don't you come inside
- and have a kombucha?
- No, thank you. No, thank you.
Never touch it.
How did you know my husband?
I I run an LGBTQ youth
center in North Hollywood.
Your husband was one of our
most cherished volunteers.
No. Charles was a Republican.
I mean, I had to tell
him a thousand times
not to refer to them as, "the gays."
Like, that doesn't make
any sense. I mean, how?
He did such wonderful work.
He was a wonderful man.
Well, he abandoned his family.
And he lied to us and he destroyed us,
so he wasn't a wonderful man, Noelle.
I knew he had to travel a lot.
Oh. Oh, is that it?
He traveled to see me?
This was home? So he
traveled to see his wife?
Is that how that motherfucker put it?
I don't know what to say.
I am so sorry, Deirdre.
You look upset. L-Look, please
come inside, have a kombucha.
With all due respect, just fucking
shove your kombucha up your ass.
What are you looking at?
God, this is, like, the coolest
place on the entire planet.
- Did you know about this place?
- I never heard of it.
You should wear that to school.
I wish.
I'm always trying to
get, like, cooler clothes,
but I'm, like, stuck in this box.
You know, I'm, like, the
smart, nerdy nerd with an edge.
Been this way since third
grade. I can't shake it.
Seems like a pretty specific box.
A box is a box.
Watch out, I'm coming
for you in your sleep.
Come on.
I don't recognize her.
Are you sure you've never seen her?
It's important.
Can I give you my number?
Call if you see her, okay? I'm serious.
Hey, where are the shrunken heads?
So, uh, how'd you get into Roller
Derby? It seems pretty random.
My dad used to take me ice-skating
when I was little and
I really took to it.
In life, I was, like, always super
awkward and bumping into stuff,
but on skates, I just felt normal.
Yeah, I went skating in Central
Park a few times when I was little.
Didn't work out for me.
There was quite a bit of blood.
Oh! Jackpot!
So, uh, your dad What
happened to your dad?
Nothing happened to him.
- Oh. Is it because
- Because what?
I mean, he doesn't live
with you guys, right?
Okay. Listen, Edward.
My dad's not some dick
who abandoned me. Okay?
He's actually a really cool
guy. I mean, you've met my mom.
She's hard to take.
There's, like, a limit.
He just doesn't live with
us. That's all there is to it.
Period. End of story. The
subject's off-limits, okay?
Okay. I-I just
- I just said!
- Okay.
Maybe you're right. Maybe
it doesn't mean anything.
- Where are you going?
- I'm hungry.
You can't eat there.
- Why not?
- That place isn't good. It's for tourists.
Perfect. Guess what? I'm a tourist.
I can't let you eat this food.
- You can't let me?
- No.
So you know someplace better?
I know the best place. Come on.
Lead the way, weirdo.
- You like falafel?
- What's a falafel?
Okay. Buddy, it's just you and me.
Okay. Okay.
I've been wanting to get
a hold of these braids.
- I like when you do my hair.
- Yeah?
It doesn't hurt as much
as when my mommy did it.
I remember when my
grandma used to do my hair,
it would hurt so bad,
I used to punch her.
You did?
Yes, but do not get any ideas.
My mom died in a plane crash.
Yeah. I'm really sorry.
There was only one boy who lived.
Yeah, I heard that.
I wish it was my mom that lived.
Yeah. That must be really, really hard.
Did you lose someone in the crash?
I did. But it wasn't my mommy.
So, I don't know what that's like.
Hey, what's going on?
This is my building.
Hey. I'm I'm sorry
for asking about your dad.
I'm an idiot. I
I I won't do it again, okay?
Yeah. No big deal.
So, are you still gonna be my friend?
Yeah, dummy, I'm still your friend.
Can we seriously get some food now?
'Cause I'm seriously gonna faint.
Excuse me, are you a registered voter?
- I am.
- Here you go.
- Y'all live in Harlem? I love Harlem.
- For years.
- Well, I knew your grandmother.
- You did?
I'm so sorry about her.
So, you guys just got
here from Miami? Welcome.
This is Harlem. You're
gonna love it here.
I lived five blocks
away. I grew up here.
I can show you all the good places.
I can't take this anymore. We
need safety in our public schools.
- Yeah, isn't that right?
- Absolutely.
I want to fight for you guys.
This is my home. I live here.
I went to school right
up the street from here.
- PS 125, you know what I'm saying? Like
- Oh.
Hi. I'm Adriana Washington,
I'm running for Congress.
I think we can all agree that we
have experienced so much division
in the past couple of years.
And I want that to change
and I want to fight for you.
That's what my grandmother taught me
and that's exactly what I intend to do.
- Nice.
- Yeah.
But thank you for your signatures.
Have a lovely rest of your day.
Oh, don't forget to vote
in the special election.
So, with that, can I get your signature?
You can sign right here.
But only if you're feeling it.
Hand me that pen.
- Can I get your signature?
- Absolutely.
Wonderful. Here you go.
Thank you. And you. Thank you so much.
Thank you. See you.
We did it! Good job! Yes!
The best falafel in New York.
Thanks, Faakhir.
Seriously? We went an hour
out of our way for this?
What are your feelings about radishes?
Gross, obviously.
Agreed. Okay, wait here.
Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
Hey, Faakhir. Um, two falafels.
No radishes, extra tahini.
Uh, two black cherry sodas, the cold
The coldest I've got. I know.
Don't tell me you got
yourself a girlfriend, huh?
Oh, her? She's not my girlfriend.
She's not even, like, a
girl. She's from upstate.
Upstate? What are you doing upstate?
Uh, nothing really.
So, how's your brother? I haven't
seen either of you in weeks.
For a minute, I thought you went
to a different falafel truck,
and then I remembered I'm
the best falafel truck.
Uh he's good. Yeah. Jordan's good.
He's, um He's flunking algebra,
so my dad isn't letting him come to
the falafel truck until he passes.
Well good for your dad.
See, that's the problem with parents
now. They don't hold the line.
You've got to hold the line.
Yeah, my dad's really good at that.
My mom, we can get
anything we want from her,
but my dad can be tough.
They have the balance. Perfect parents.
Well, I guess nothing's
perfect. Except maybe these.
Extra tahina, no radishes,
two black cherries.
And tell your brother
to study up. I miss him.
- Hey, are you okay?
- I have to go.
- What? Why?
- I have to go.
- But we just got here.
- I have to go now!
We never should have come here.
We hope we didn't make a bad
first impression yesterday.
Oh, no. Not at all. Not at all.
I'm I totally understand.
I'm sure it was quite odd.
It's all so new.
We're s-still a little
bit raw, I'm afraid.
Of course. No, it's
Me Me too. It's okay.
- Linda.
- Mm-hmm?
The three of us are
connected now. Intrinsically.
Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.
Well, we we wanna be there
for, uh, the child. Your child.
- Uh
- our grandchild. Uh
I appreciate that. I I-I really do.
But I'm, uh I'm not
asking for anything.
Well, we wanna be a
part of the baby's life.
I I-I think Gary
would want that as well.
Of cour No, of course.
And I-I I want that.
We've thought about this a lot,
and we would like you to
consider living here with us.
Oh, um I'm I'm sorry?
We We wanna support you.
We want our grandchild
to be in our lives.
- Right, um Of course. But
- I live in New York.
Well, w-what is
your-your living situation
in New York, uh, for the baby?
Um, well, right now I have roommates.
Um, it's not really set up for the baby,
but I was gonna move in with Gary.
So I'm just sort of figuring that out.
A-And what do you do for a living?
At the moment, I'm hostessing.
But I'm, um I'm working
towards getting my BA, so
- Oh.
- Oh, that's wonderful.
W-We'd love to help support
you finishing your education.
Thank you so much. Really. Um
Uh, but I just I
just came to tell you
about your grandchild. That's it.
That's not the only reason
you came here though, is it?
If you're being honest with yourself?
You just said you don't have
the right environment for the child.
You don't have the
money or the resources.
You're not close with your parents.
Not all of that is, um, entirely true.
- That's not the whole story.
- You said you haven't spoken to them.
They don't even know
about your pregnancy.
I was planning on telling them and
You're four months pregnant.
The father of your child
died in a plane crash.
You came here before you even
went to see your own parents.
I can't go to my parents, that's true.
But my life is in New
York. I live in New York.
- We - I-I
don't even
I don't really know you
You can't just think about
what's best for you anymore.
You have to think about
what's best for this child.
- Hello.
- Oh, hey, um
Hi, it's-it's Linda.
Hi. How's it going with,
um, your boyfriend's parents?
It was not so good.
Oh, no.
Yeah, I'm just really fucking alone.
Anyway, how are you?
I'm fine.
Um, cool.
Um can I Can I
Can I please c Can I come over there?
Yeah. Um, bring a bottle of
Tito's. And I'm low on cran.
Uh, okay. Bye.
Go! Go! Go!
Go, go, go, go, go.
- This food is delicious.
- Thank you.
- I like it as well.
- You like it too?
- She says she likes it.
- That's good.
Somebody seems to have
found their appetite.
- You are eating. That's my Becks.
- Mm-hmm.
Becks. Becks. You're
cheering the wrong team.
That's Cameroon, not Ghana.
Sorry, Uncle Kojo.
It's okay. You'll learn.
It's okay.
Time for bed.
- It's getting late.
- Okay.
Hey, Kojo, Kojo. Kojo, look at the ball.
Oh. Oh.
Come on!
Yeah! Yay!
Thank you.
- Whew! You sleepy?
- We get to camp out.
- No.
- No?
Okay. Inside, inside, inside, inside.
This restaurant was five blocks
from my apartment all these years,
- and I had no idea.
- Yes.
I can sniff out good jollof anywhere.
Oh, I can't believe we almost
got 300 signatures today.
I owe it all to you guys.
- That's okay.
- I'm not tired yet.
I wanna stay up with Adriana.
- Becks.
- I will see you again soon.
I promise, okay? Let's go.
- Yeah. It's open, it's open.
- Oh.
Uh, no. No. No, no, no,
no. No, no, no, no, no.
Concentration, 64, no
repeats or hesitation.
I go first, you go second.
Category is sea creatures.
- Eels.
- Crocodile.
Sweetie, it's ready for you.
- Yes!
- Okay.
This is my room?
Yep. Come on, check it out.
Listen, just tonight, okay?
Tomorrow we find another place.
Well, stay as long as you want.
Really. This place, it gets
creepy when no one's here.
Can we stay? Please?
Just tonight. Okay?
Okay. Good night, my niece.
Thank you.
Yeah, course.
So, uh, good night, Congresswoman.
I I don't think so.
I do.
Uh, well Uh, good night.
Good night.
Yeah, they just wanted me
to, like, move in right there.
You know, people can be so entitled.
Is that funny?
You think I made the right
choice by getting out of there?
Oh, yeah. I mean, you were
this close to being Rosemary's Baby'd.
- You want another one?
- No, I'm good.
This I'm nursing the juice.
Um, how are you doing with everything?
You know, when I was growing
up, we moved around a lot.
We didn't have much.
You know, my father couldn't
keep a job. It was like that.
My mother used to call
my father a hothead.
You know, today they
call that emotional abuse.
And so I got out of
my house when I was 17.
You know, I star I
went I was waiting tables
at an IHOP in Paterson,
finishing high school.
And, you know, I thought I
was looking at cosmetology, maybe.
And then Charles walked
into the IHOP one day.
He was so goofy.
Always smiling. Big old
smile. Big glint in his eye.
After three weeks, we
were living together
at this dump that he had in Denville.
And right away, we
were more than a couple.
We were a team. We were a unit.
He was this ambitious worker
bee, and I was his life force.
I would entertain the bosses
and bond with the wives
and charm the husbands.
And you know,
Charles shot up the ladder
like like a rocket.
And we got so rich, Linda.
I mean, really rich.
And I have loved every
single solitary second of it.
But I think, you know, maybe I loved
it so much that I put blinders on,
because sometimes it didn't seem real.
Now it turns out, maybe
it wasn't, you know.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
I'm fine. I'm gonna be fine. I'm fine.
- What is that?
- I don't know. You know, the "Wreck Room."
It's like some depraved
sex club, probably.
No. It's not a sex club.
Um, it's the It's one of those
things where you, like, go, um
like, break a bunch of things.
What? Fucking LA.
They have them in New
York too, actually.
What do you mean "break
a bunch of things"?
You go like knock the shit out of
stuff? I don't I don't understand.
Yeah, pretty much.
That's ridiculous.
How was video games?
We didn't play video games.
Oh, I thought that
was What you guys do?
We went to the city.
What city?
Manhattan. We went to Manhattan.
You and Shay? Went to Manhattan?
- With Besa?
- No.
- How did you even
- We took the bus.
- Okay. So Eddie, that is
- Edward.
My name is Edward.
Will you please just call me Edward?
Edward, you cannot go into the
city without telling me. Ever.
You just wanna do it
clean, all the way across.
Uh-huh. That's great. Yep. Keep going.
Clean through. Mm-hmm. Now pull it back.
Now pull that. You can
release it. Pull it off.
It's perfect. All right, you're hired.
Can we do another one?
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