Equinox (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Hvad er det du ser, når du sover?

Dad says that
you're afraid to sleep.
What do you see when you're sleeping?
Scary things.
Could you tell Mom what they are?
There's someone down there.
An animal of sorts.
In the den.
It wants to catch me
and lock me up like the others.
Which others?
Ida's classmates.
Did you see Ida down there?
Do you think she's there?
Don't worry that there might
be something wrong with you.
It's just…
that Dad doesn't understand these things.
But I am here.
You can always talk to me.
But promise me…
to tell me what you see.
Could you sing that song for me
you always sang for Ida?
But you have to close your eyes.
So you know the symbol?
Yes, that symbol has actually been
a bit of an obsession for me
as a historian.
We don't know much,
but we do know something.
This is it, right?
Yes, it is.
This one is only 300 years old,
but the oldest finding we have
is from a cave in southern France,
and it was determined to be from
the year 35,000 before Christ.
It's from an animistic cult of gods
that has existed for thousands of years.
Traces of it have been found
all over Europe,
and it is evident
that it was prevalent here in Denmark.
And a very central figure
of this mythology
is this guy.
The Lepusman, as he is called.
The Hare Man.
He was found on the island of Enehøje,
down by Nakskov in 1953,
and he is estimated to be
14,000 years old.
-What does the symbol mean?
-It is the circle of life.
Let me draw it for you.
The circle of life.
The circle is a year.
Here we have spring equinox,
summer solstice,
fall equinox,
and winter solstice.
They've been cardinal points
throughout human history.
But for this cult, the most important one
was spring equinox.
-Spring equinox?
-Spring equinox.
It was on this day,
they thought the gate
to the other world would be open,
and that it was then that the gods
would be able to appear
and demand what was theirs.
And all of that
is tied together by
the Ostara figure.
She is the goddess
who had to sacrifice herself,
so that life could be reborn.
Sacrifice herself as in by dying?
Yes, in a figurative sense.
It had to happen over and over,
that is year after year.
But let me show you something.
If you open here. Look at that.
These oval stones were found
all over Europe and in Denmark, too.
They were all found
next to bird skeletons.
And what were the stones used for?
They're probably related
to the spring equinox rituals.
A fertility ritual. Children conceived
on this exact date were called
children of equinox,
and were thought to have special powers.
We don't know exactly what went on,
but it was probably…
probably quite intense.
-And this cult, does it still exist?
Well, yes, in the sense
that different New Age cults
have taken what they could use
and such,
but actual worship of these gods
in the original sense…
-I hope this was useful.
You can stay here.
-Someone will come to get the books later.
Do you remember
who Ida's main teacher was?
No, not really.
You don't remember Henrik?
Henrik? No, I don't remember him.
You don't remember if he was a suspect?
He probably was.
Everyone was a suspect at that time.
Take a look at this. Come.
The driver of the graduate truck
drew a symbol around him.
I don't know,
but he did it just before
he had a sort of…
-A seizure?
-Shouldn't you try to get some sleep?
-He remembered Ida.
Are you taking your medication?
We spoke about Ida.
We spoke about her.
-You're not well.
-You're not listening.
Yes, I am listening.
-No, you're not.
-I am.
At least Lene doesn't pretend
that Ida never existed.
Come on in, honey.
Don't be sad, Mom.
It is hard.
It is very hard not to be sad.
Is there anything I can do to help, Mom?
Would you like to?
Would you like to help Mommy?
No, she's not doing well.
-Exactly. It's really bad.
-She shouldn't deal with this alone.
-She needs help.
I've looked
into a few child psychologists.
And one's been recommended to me.
Never mind all that, Dennis.
I've already made arrangements.
-Yes, Jutta is coming.
-Jutta who?
-My Jutta.
You can't be serious.
She is no psychologist.
No, but she helped me.
Forget it. I want a real psychologist.
A child psychologist.
-Jutta is great with kids.
-She isn't going anywhere near Astrid!
I've been waiting for you to come, Astrid.
Sooner or later
the past will catch up with you
if you ignore it.
That's what I told Dennis back then.
I said, "You can't shield her from it.
You can't hide it from her."
that's not how he does things, is it?
No, it isn't.
Do you remember Jakob Skipper?
I do.
-Do you think he was involved?
-I saw what was going on.
He was so charming.
He knew exactly what to do.
He used her.
What did he do?
He made my daughter unhappy.
How did you get in?
Through the door. No one saw me.
Are you coming or what?
-No, on March 21st.
We'll go to the island.
Did you come to ask
if I want to come on March 21st?
-Jakob, you're crazy.
There's nothing there.
We don't know that unless we go.
I won't be allowed.
Do you want me to talk to your mother?
No, don't talk to my mother.
Sure, I'll just go down there.
I'll talk to your mom and figure it out.
Jakob, don't talk to my mother.
It won't be the same without you.
-What will we tell the others?
-About what?
About us.
The truth.
-Which is?
-That you can't keep your hands off me.
You moron,
you're the one coming to kiss me.
Okay, if you say so.
-Astrid, get out.
-What are you doing?
-Out, Astrid.
-No, it's fine.
Do you want to see something cool?
This thing right here.
It's a magical coin.
Hold out your hands like me.
Wait. What's that in your hand?
How did you do that?
It's yours now.
Take good care of it.
-Are you dating?
-No, we're not.
Now leave.
Aren't we?
I don't know. Are we?
A bit.
Do you know who that teacher is?
Yes, that's…
Henrik Malmstrøm.
He was disgusting.
Why do you say that?
Jakob never made
any decisions on his own.
It was that guy
who called all the shots.
What happened to him?
He ran away.
After they disappeared.
He just ran.
She's on her way.
-Hi. Are you ready?
-I still don't know what we're doing.
-You'll figure it out.
Hi, sweetie. About time, huh?
But I had to pack all these things.
-That is a lot.
-You have everything?
-Yes, I've got everything.
-That's a lot.
-I also brought a lot.
You bring the clothes?
Yeah, of course. It was a bit difficult.
Why do we have to wear natural fabrics?
Relax. I'm not making the rules.
It's in the book.
It's in the book. Relax. It's in the book.
-Can I drive?
-My mom will lose it.
She won't know.
-Just don't drive like a maniac, then.
-I won't. Relax.
We have to listen to this.
-Is it your music?
-Oh, yeah, you've heard it.
-I didn't hear it.
-No, you haven't heard it?
How long did it take to make? Ten minutes?
Shut up.
How can I help you?
I'm looking for Henrik Malmstrøm.
-Does he live here?
-Who are you?
Astrid Agerskov.
I'm a journalist.
I'm making a radio program about
the graduates who disappeared in '99.
I'd like to talk to him.
That's not possible.
-He lives here?
-He's not here.
All right, I'll wait.
That's a waste of time.
-But I have to talk to him.
-Sorry you came for nothing.
We have company.
This is Astrid.
She'd like to speak to you.
About what?
She says she's a journalist.
She wants to talk about what happened
with your class of '99.
Ida was my sister.
We'll start by assembling these.
No, they should be spread out.
Help me. You're just standing around.
But you've put that stuff…
What's up?
Are you and Jakob dating now?
I would have told you.
But you didn't.
No, but it just happened so fast.
So are you two going to Marrakesh now?
Come on. Stop it.
Well, how would I know?
Well, we can't.
You know I'm going with you.
-Are you mad?
-No, I'm not mad.
Are you upset?
Why would I be?
I don't know.
Maybe you had a crush on Jakob
or something.
On Jakob? No.
He'll fuck anything with a pulse.
Sorry, Ida.
Ida, I'm sorry. I don't mean that.
But don't be so naive.
It's Jakob. You know what he's like.
Yes, I do know him.
Then you also know he's not
the best person to fall in love with.
Come on. Come.
-Focus now.
-Chill, man.
How long have you lived here?
Since 1999.
Why did you run away?
-Run away?
-Yeah, you ran when they disappeared.
No, we didn't run away. We chose to move.
I had to get away.
It might sound strange,
but that class was very dear to me.
What about Jakob Skipper?
You two were very close, I hear.
Sure, I knew
him best of all.
Would you hand me that dish rag?
So you were close friends with a student.
-Friends? Well…
We talked quite a lot.
He often asked me for advice
if he had problems.
So he was easy to control?
Control? What do you mean?
-Did you influence him?
-I damn well hope so.
He was having a hard time back then.
Constantly testing the boundaries.
Lisa and I wanted to help him.
We took him in.
We hoped we could help him.
If you were so close,
why weren't you at his funeral?
-His funeral?
-You know he's dead, right?
He committed suicide.
I didn't know.
We haven't been in touch for many years.
Do you know this symbol?
It was on his tombstone.
It's an old pagan symbol.
-Why is it drawn around me?
-Good question, why?
The driver of the graduate truck drew it.
Can you
explain that?
That's why you're here.
-You think I had something to do with it.
-Did you?
Why would I hurt them?
I loved everything about them. Understand?
You've been wiped from all
the school records. Explain that.
Huh? Did you not want to be found?
You think I'm hard to find?
Was it hard to find me?
What did you do?
What are you talking about?
-What did you do?
What exactly is it you think I've done?
Isn't it strange that I'm wondering what
you, their main teacher
before they disappeared…
What are you accusing me of?
Don't you think it hurts
when you ask those questions?
What the hell are you accusing me of?
I… I don't know.
I don't know. Sorry.
Don't apologize. I'm sorry.
I've no right to be angry with you.
I understand how you feel.
I'm still struggling to understand it.
All of it.
Can I offer you something to drink?
Let me have a sip.
-I don't know where we put it.
-It's in there somewhere.
Ah, bingo.
Is it the one from home?
Give me that.
So, are you ready
to have your futures told?
So ready. Let's do it.
The Grimoire contains six prophecies.
Of course it does.
Roll the die.
-I really don't want to.
-Come on.
-Roll it.
-I don't feel like it.
It's just bullshit. I'll do it.
You will lose something.
Lose what?
You lost your virginity ages ago.
What's wrong with you?
Look who's talking, you moron.
You will suffer.
-Too bad.
-I don't want to.
-It's final. The Grimoire has spoken.
The Grimoire has spoken.
The question is whether you can suffer
any more than you already do.
-Shut your mouth.
-You can. Or…
You can't.
Just kidding.
-It's just the book.
-Just kidding.
I will be punished.
That'll teach you.
Come on.
Your turn. We all did it.
-Come on.
-Come on.
-All right.
-It's a die. It won't bite.
You will be sacrificed.
Sounds dangerous.
Too bad.
That's ridiculous.
Why are they all so depressing?
Let me try again.
-You can't.
-Come on.
I want to go again too.
-Give me the die.
-No, I'm serious.
-It's not a problem.
-The Grimoire has spoken.
The Grimoire has spoken. Come on.
Give me the die
or I'll throw the book in the fire.
It's a magical book. It can't be burned.
Throw it on the fire, then.
-Come on.
I don't want to tempt fate.
I thought so. For Christ's sake.
You're such a smartass.
I need some of that
if I'm going to spend time with you.
Breathe deeply.
Your body is getting heavier.
And when I count to three,
you will be in the place
you know from your dreams.
Open your eyes, Astrid.
Can you describe the place for me?
It's foggy.
And it smells wet.
Can you have a look around?
I don't want to. I want to go home.
What would comfort her?
She's called Mikala.
Look at your hand.
Can you feel Mikala holding your hand
and looking after you?
You're not alone.
Can you feel that?
Try to continue, Astrid.
Nice and easy.
Mikala will look after you
and help you every step of the way.
No harm can come to you.
Something's hanging over there.
Can you see what it is?
It's a necklace.
Can you see what kind of necklace?
A gold necklace.
An anchor.
It must be Ida's.
It must be Ida's.
Astrid, can you see Ida?
He is here.
Who, Astrid?
The one who took them.
What does he look like?
-Who is he?
-He is dangerous.
It's an animal.
But she has to find Ida.
She has to get closer.
Astrid, listen to my voice.
Can you get closer?
-Help me.
Can you see Ida? Astrid?
He is coming now.
Help me, Mom.
Astrid, can you see Ida?
-I want to get out. Help.
-Astrid, get closer.
Astrid, can you see…
You have to keep going, Astrid.
-Astrid, can you see…
-What the hell is going on?
Come, darling. Breathe, Astrid.
Come on, breathe.
What's happening to her?
Get her back. Now. Right now!
-When I count to three, you'll wake up.
-Get her back. Now!
No, she has to bring Ida back.
Take Ida by the hand.
Stop and stay away from her!
Are you completely insane?
Astrid, look at me.
-Look at Dad.
-Wake up.
-Listen to my voice.
She saw Ida.
-No, she didn't see Ida, goddamn it.
-She saw Ida.
Ida is dead!
Get it into your head. Ida is dead.
Astrid, come.
Breathe… Listen, I'm going to help you
stand up, nice and easy. There we go.
Come on. Try putting your arms around Dad
and then we'll stand. That's it.
Ida is not dead.
There. You're with Dad now, okay?
Ida isn't dead.
Ida isn't dead!
She saw her.
She saw her.
She is not dead.
Is there anyone here?
Yes, what's happened?
It's my daughter.
I can't get through to her…
I understand your grief.
That's not what this is about.
What is it about, then?
I think you're searching for a meaning
that doesn't exist.
So, you're saying
that it isn't real that they disappeared?
No, it…
It's very real.
I think you're asking the wrong questions.
What are the right questions, then?
There has to be an answer.
-And you think someone else has it?
I think somebody knows the truth.
Have you ever felt something was real,
but only for you?
When I was a kid, I saw things.
When my sister disappeared.
What did you see?
Nightmares. I had nightmares.
Were they real?
Or, yes, they were…
For me, they were real, of course.
But you don't have them anymore?
I was cured.
-You were cured?
Of being yourself.
Hi, Lisa.
The last bus is going to leave soon.
-Oh, is it that late?
You are welcome to stay the night
if you want to.
We have a guestroom.
Well, that's…
-Great. That's settled, then.
I'll go make the bed.
-Do you need help?
-Not at all. Stay here.
-Thank you.
-Thanks, Lisa.
I don't know.
I just start to doubt…
what the right path is,
and what makes sense.
I always thought
that I'd understand it all
or that it would make sense
right around the bend when I
grew up or when I had a kid of my own.
But when I did
it still
didn't make sense.
I think you should stay on the path
you're on.
We don't all walk the same path.
I think your best bet
is to try to shine as much light
as you can on the path you're on.
At the end of the day…
we are alone.
Jakob, not here.
Don't worry. They're asleep.
Is everything okay?
What's wrong?
I don't know.
I just feel so sad inside.
But I'm right here.
But what about when you're not?
Why wouldn't I be?
Because everything ends, always.
Not us.
We are you and me.
We've just started.
I love you.
I did from the moment I saw you.
I love you too.
You really went all in.
-There's no reason not to.
-Of course.
I feel a bit under-dressed in this outfit.
We are going to that island.
And how are we supposed to get there?
-Are we swimming?
-Relax. I've got this.
Does the book say what to do?
What are you wearing?
What is that?
It's my mom's fur coat. I told you.
We are not stealing someone's boat,
are we?
Did you get it, then?
No, it wasn't me.
Who was it, then?
Fate. Help me out.
Do you know how to row?
Of course.
Of course.
Let's push it a little farther out
before I jump in.
Can I help?
Watch out!
Thank you.
How are we going to get up there?
Let's go this way.
We are waiting for more passengers
to board before we leave.
I've seen you.
Why are you following me?
-Don't touch that.
-Do you want it?
-No, I don't want it.
-Take it.
No. Stop it.
-You're so annoying.
-Careful with your mom's coat.
-Yes, it's expensive.
-Stop that.
-It's not a big deal.
Could you be serious?
-Jakob, there is nothing here.
I knew there wouldn't be anything.
You chose to come anyway.
-You two are so serious.
-It's not Jakob's fault.
Can't we just have fun?
Look, there's nothing here.
-Can't we just row back?
-It's freezing here.
-Let's go. It's really cold.
-Wait. Look.
-Jakob, stop it.
What the hell?
What are they doing?
I told you.
What is that?
-Let's go over there.
-We are going.
-Are we?
You just want to join in, or what?
-We can't do that.
-Yes, we can.
The Grimoire says that anyone can join in.
Jakob, have you seen what they're wearing?
-They're just play-acting.
Let's do it.
It's why we're here.
I'm going.
What's the worst that can happen? Come on.
What do you want to do?
Come on.
I can just row you back.
Get it together, Falke. Come on.
We are doing this, okay?
Let's do it.
Ostara has been found.
Ida, let's go. This is too crazy.
Let's go. Okay? Come on.
Come on.
-It's okay.
There. It's a great honor.
Subtitle translation by:
Toke Lasvill-Andersen
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