Fog and Crimes (2005) s01e03 Episode Script

Bersaglio, l'oblio

Fog and Crimes Happy New Year 2015 - New Year, New Color ;-) "Trying to Forget" Good evening.
I was waiting or you.
Don't worry, there's nobody here.
You inally decided 200,000 is a special price to take care o the matter between us.
I our riend knew, it would be worse.
He doesn't like people getting rich with his things.
Are they in there? Take them out.
I want to see them.
It's been raining these last ew days.
The water comes rom the roo.
That's what happens when you live in a 17 th century house in the centre.
Do you know what redoing a roo costs? A lot o money.
But you're a lawyer, you've got plenty o money.
It'll be a building site here or ten days and I'll have to leave.
- Ten days? - Yes.
- Will you turn off the coffee? - Yes.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Where will you go or ten days? I was thinking about coming to your house.
The coffee is hot.
My house is empty, there's hardly any urniture.
- Maybe the time has come to ill it up.
- Yes.
We'll organise I'll be right back.
- Hello? - It's Luvara, sir.
- I have to tell you - Go slow, articulate your words.
- There's been a murder.
- Where? On the Biancone, the boat that's anchored in the canal.
- Are you on your way there? - We'll be there in ive minutes.
- Alright.
- Salvatore Jacono, 41 years old, married.
He was arrested 5 years ago during the Vesuvius Operation.
Hi, Nanetti.
What's the Vesuvius Operation? It was a Narcotics operation.
They coniscated 60 kilos o cocaine and arrested the dealers.
They called them "The Neapolitans".
- What was Jacono's role? - He was a little ish.
He negotiated a minimum sentence, the ring leaders were ound guilty.
When he got out o jail he opened this pub on the boat.
- Who was in charge o the operation? - Bondan.
- He wasn't head o Narcotics yet though.
- Call him.
I want to talk to him.
Inspector, a boy who works on the boat wants to talk to you.
- Hi.
What's your name? - Araghiuz.
- Do you work here? - Yes, I do the cleaning.
- Did Jacono live here? - Yes, upstairs.
Show me where.
- Did he live alone? - Yes, during the winter he lived alone.
Did he see anyone? Yes, sometimes.
But I don't know anybody.
I leave at night and come back in the morning.
Did you see anybody last night? Yes.
A car pulled up and a man got out.
- When? - At 8:15 pm.
He went into the boat while I was leaving.
- What did he look like? - He was white, tall.
He was dressed nice, he was wearing a hat.
He was about 50 years old.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning.
- Hi, Bondan - Hi, Soneri.
You were late so I sat down.
How are you? Tired, but I'm ine.
- What do you need? - I wanted some inormation about Jacono.
- Do you remember him? - Yes.
Jacono I'd keep these people in jail, but some attorneys work miracles.
- What was his role in the gang? - He was a taster.
- A taster? - He tastes the drugs and judges the quality, how pure it is.
Basically, he ixes the market price.
- The rest o the gang is in jail.
- Everyone except Carbone.
He was released or health reasons.
- He escaped rom the clinic right away.
- I'm hungry.
Why don't we go eat and talk about the case? Okay.
Jacono was out on his own.
I don't know i he was still dealing.
What's the drug situation in town like? Our operation 5 years ago gave it quite a blow.
But it's starting to get strong again.
We don't know the leaders yet - What about the murder? - Anyone could have killed him.
A pusher or a customer who went mad.
I can give you two names though, Tonetti and Zappala.
Tonetti is a receptionist at Hotel Flora.
Jacono knew him well.
Then there's Pompei who runs a nightclub called The Pirate.
He was in prison or drugs.
He's our inormer now.
- I have to go.
- Okay.
- Can I give you some advice? - What? - Be careul, this is a delicate moment.
- We're dealing with murder.
Let's not step on each other's eet.
- I you have any inormation, call me.
- O course.
- Hello? - Hi.
I'm leaving the office now.
Why don't we go eat at "Milord"? - I can't, I'm moving.
- Now? Yes, the work on the roo starts tomorrow morning.
I don't want the workers to surprise me in my pyjamas.
- Where are you? - Under my house.
- Where are you going? - To a hotel.
That's absurd.
Come to my house.
Let's go.
Put everything on the bed.
- Don't you have any other closets? - No, this is it or the time being.
I'll make you some room.
- How can you live in a house like this? - It's comortable.
- You'll have all the space you need.
- Are you sure? Yes.
I packed my suitcase, I'm leaving now.
You were really sweet.
What would you have done tonight i I weren't here? I would have had a couple glasses o wine and then I wouldn't have allen asleep.
Why not? It always happens.
When I start a case, I'm a little nervous.
I have a better plan.
The gun is a Browning 7.
It's a collector's item.
Cartridges? None.
He must have had something to collect them.
- So we're dealing with a proessional.
- Yes, I'm sure o it.
- We only ound Jacono's ingerprints.
- Basically we have nothing to go on.
One moment.
The ootprints o two men were ound on the deck o the boat, heavy set, about as tall as you.
So we have a lead - Do you want me to solve the case? - Aren't you going to help me? Bye - Come on, Nanetti I'm just kidding.
- Bye.
At 11 o'clock you have to go to the shooting range.
Call and say I can't go.
It's the third time you've missed practice.
- The chie o police will be pissed.
- Let him be pissed.
I'm used to it.
I'm not.
I you don't go, he'll hold me responsible or it.
Any news? I checked the calls on Jacono's cell phone.
Some o them are rom public phones or rom people who supply the pub.
But one is rom the offices at SANSIT, an electronics company.
- Did you trace it? - O course, it belongs to Antonio Caputi.
He's the head o marketing.
This is the address.
- Mr.
Caputi, please.
- I'll call him right away.
Here's Mr.
- Good morning.
- I'm Inspector Soneri.
- Can I talk to you? - Yes.
- Please, this way.
- Thank you.
What can I do or you, Inspector? Have you ever met a certain Jacono? No, I'm sorry.
He has a pub on a boat.
Maybe you had business relations.
We work in electronic components.
- Our customers are all in the ield.
- That's strange.
The itemised list o calls showed your number.
Maybe it was a call made by mistake.
Sit down.
You spoke with Jacono or two and a hal minutes on the telephone.
An hour later he was murdered.
Do you read the newspapers? I never read the crime section.
- How long did you stay at the office? - Until 9 or 9:30 pm.
I see.
I that's all - Do you use cocaine? - What? No, absolutely not You're better off telling me, I'll ind out anyway.
- For how long? - About 6 years.
- And you can't quit? - No.
- Did you normally buy rom Jacono? - No.
My supplier was gone, so I called Jacono who used to supply me years ago.
- Did you go see him? - No, I called him.
- He said he didn't have anything or me.
- Is that all? Yes, I told you everything.
We spoke or about two minutes.
Do you think there will be any consequences? It's not up to me.
It depends on the magistrate.
He has to evaluate your situation.
Listen, Mr.
Tell me who your regular supplier is.
You don't have to but it would help my investigation.
His name is Tonetti.
- The receptionist at Hotel Flora? - Yes.
It's only practice.
I haven't been to the shooting range in a year.
You should go.
Especially i you need to watch out or yoursel.
- Do you have reasons? - A bunch.
A bunch o anonymous letters, serious death threats, precise ones.
- Who would want to kill you? - I've sent a lot o people to jail.
When you're too active - Ask or a transer.
- Would you ask or one in my place? No.
But i I had a amily, I'd think about it.
What a amily My wie is about to marry another man.
I I get killed, I won't even have a widow to accept my commemoration medal.
What a pessimist No, I'm a realist.
I don't live on regrets.
I like women a lot.
This is something we have in common too.
- Did you read it in my ile? - I can tell just by looking at you Bye.
- Luvara.
- Yes, sir.
Do you have a girlriend? I I date women, but only on the chat line.
- So you've never seen her beore.
- I only saw her picture.
Can't you ind another woman or tonight? No.
- Why do you ask? - You have to go to The Pirate club.
It would be better to go with a woman, but you'll go alone.
- Good morning.
- Hi, Musumeci.
Get to work.
- Both o you.
- Sir, I don't What's going on? Nothing, nothing.
- Soneri, you're inally here - Saltapico.
- I was going to get some coffee.
- I'll come with you.
- I didn't want to take this case.
- I can imagine why.
- Because I'm working on it, right? - Exactly.
The last time we worked together I was exasperated by your individualism.
- Why did you give it to me then? - The DA orced me to.
But I'm warning you.
This time I'm going to coordinate things.
I want detailed reports and on time.
This is my report and the ile rom the crime lab.
- I have to go.
Thank you, goodbye.
- One last thing.
I advise you to take on Inspector Bondan.
He's an expert investigator and he knows the world o drug traffic better than both o us.
I already spoke to him, thank you.
- May I? - Luvara, come in.
Take off your jacket and tie, you need to wear something casual.
- Good.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- I I go home, I'll be late.
- I've never heard o such nonsense.
Late to a night club? Hurry up, go get changed.
I've never been to a club beore and I don't drink either.
So what? Order a sot drink and look at yoursel in the mirror.
Why don't you send Musumeci? He's better or this.
Because you don't seem like a policeman.
He's got cop written all over his ace.
Go on, hurry up.
Later on go outside o Hotel Flora and watch things.
There's going to be a lot o action.
Okay, sir.
Casual - See you later.
- Good night.
Do you think it's better to look like a cop? - It depends.
- On what? On Mr.
Soneri's mood - Angela - You're inally done - What are you doing here? - Did you orget the dinner? Oh, God, dinner with the lawyers - There's a magistrate too.
- Where is it? - In a villa outside o town.
- I can't come.
I'm on duty tonight.
- Where are you going? - Me? I'm going to The Pirate tonight or work.
The Pirate? That place is practically a stripper's joint.
They do lap dances or a bunch o perverts.
I don't go to clubs or perverts or or un.
- I go or work.
- Maybe you'll like it.
Alright, you're orgiven.
- But don't let it happen again.
- Okay.
Don't worry about me.
I have the keys.
Good evening, sir.
Luvara, how are you dressed? You look like John Travolta's stupid brother.
- You told me to - Are you drunk? Yes.
They constantly ill up your glass here.
- A drink costs 60 Euro.
- Don't worry, the office is paying.
The champagne is good.
It's sparkling wine.
You don't even know how to order a drink.
- Did the owner get here? - Hal an hour ago.
He's in his office.
- Sir, I wanted to thank you.
- For what? I wanted to quit the police a year ago.
I couldn't take the stress.
- Did they make you work too much? - They didn't make me work at all.
- They thought I was worthless.
- Who? Mr.
He said I didn't understand jack shit.
He said it over the radio, and all o the patrol cars heard it.
I say the same thing, but I don't think it's true.
You're different.
I'm going to see the owner.
Make sure you don't drink too much.
Where are you going? - You've got the wrong door.
- No, it's the right door.
The bathroom is over there.
Tell Pompei that a riend o Bondan's is here.
Well? - How's it going, Mr.
Pompei? - I can't complain.
Things were much better beore, weren't they? I heard you could ind the purest cocaine and the prettiest girls in this club beore.
Inspector, I'm through with those things.
I paid my price and I live an honest lie now.
I know.
I just have to ask you a couple o questions.
Go ahead.
Did The Neapolitans supply you with cocaine in those years? Yes.
When was the last time you saw Jacono? Over a year ago.
He had just gotten out o jail and he came to see me.
He wanted to know what drugs were around.
- I told him I didn't deal anymore.
- Did he say anything else? Yes.
That someone had screwed him and he was going to ind him.
But they ound him.
Did you see him ater that? No, not until this morning.
His picture was in the paper.
One last question.
Who's let o the group that still works in the club? The staff is completely different, except - Except? - Siria, the girl dancing tonight.
- She was around back then too.
- What did she do? She danced.
She only danced, that's all.
Yes, I remember them.
They used to come to the club oten and Pompei treated them special.
Jacono too? I remember him.
He was little, but he had a mean ace.
- He wasn't very good-looking.
- Carbone? He seemed like the boss.
He had the same table every night.
Did he court you? Yes.
But nothing ever happened between us.
Did you like the show, Inspector? - I'm not an expert.
- Nice compliment I'm not an expert in paying compliments either.
I see.
Do you like your work? For someone with a degree rom DAMS it isn't the best.
But it's what the audience wants.
- Rule number one.
- Rule number two? Never take your work home.
I learned that with time.
Excuse me now.
I have to get dressed.
O course.
- Were you sleeping? - No.
Well? At least 20 people have come and gone rom there.
Maybe they were looking or a room.
No, sir.
I asked.
The hotel is practically empty.
I'm sure they were looking or drugs.
They get out o cars that park in ront o the hotel.
Luxury cars Then they go into the hotel, come out ive minutes later and leave happy.
- I wrote down the license plate numbers.
- Very good.
- Was there anyone amous there? - Yes, sir.
Zanotti, the goalkeeper o the soccer team.
Zanotti? I saw him on Sunday, I was on duty at the game.
I even asked or his autograph.
What's wrong, sir? Is something wrong? I hope not.
I'm worried.
Judge Saltapico and the chie o police would be happy i we arrested a amous person like Zanotti.
- They'd be on the ront page - There's nothing wrong with that.
- I'd like to be on TV too.
- Next time.
- You did a good job.
- Thanks.
- See you tomorrow.
- Good night.
- What time is it? - It's late.
It's almost one.
Give me a kiss and I'll all straight back to sleep.
- Well? Do you eel better now? - Yes.
- What are these? - They're Jacono's phone calls.
I checked out the doorman at SANSIT.
The night o the crime Caputi didn't leave at 9 o'clock like he said - he let beore 8.
- We need a picture o Caputi.
Ask the passport office or where he works.
- Where are you going? - I'm opening the door.
- Move with discretion.
- Okay, sir.
Any news about FINANCO? It's a inance group that opened a ew months ago.
It makes small loans or cars and household appliances.
Maybe Jacono needed a small loan.
Does someone who needs a loan call at 2:30 in the morning? What? Look.
Let's ind out some more about FINANCO.
- Thank you.
- Goodbye.
I need to go on a diet.
Sir, I thought I'd ind you here.
The picture on Caputi's ID is rom our years ago.
FINANCO controls several companies.
The administrators appear to be only names.
Keep going.
Elledue works in construction.
Pegaso has a ew betting agencies.
- And the others? - The others are only names.
Let's watch the main office and bug their telephone lines.
- Ok.
- Let's go.
Come in, don't worry.
It'll only take a ew minutes.
Look at these and tell me i any o them are the man you saw on the boat.
Sit down.
- Are you sure? - Yes, I remember him well.
- Who is it? - It's Inspector Soneri.
- Is Mr.
Caputi there? - Come up, I'll let you in right away.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Come in.
Sandro, remember that we have an appointment.
Don't worry.
It'll only take a ew minutes.
Couldn't you wait until tomorrow? No.
- What is it? - You're You're wrong to act like this.
- I don't understand.
- You don't? You were on Jacono's boat the night he was murdered.
Well? I I'd tell the truth i I were you, but not in chapters.
From the beginning to the end.
Yes, okay.
What was Jacono doing? Were you buying drugs rom him? No, I was sent there.
By who? Tonetti, the receptionist at Hotel Flora.
Why? I hadn't paid in a while, I owed him a lot o money.
He threatened to come to my house, so I went to see him.
How strange A wealthy man like you could have paid.
I lost control o how much I was spending.
Everything is mortgaged here.
I'm ull o debts.
The banks won't give me any more credit.
What happened with Jacono? He wanted the money in a week.
- And you killed him - No I swear nothing happened.
I was only there or a ew minutes, then I let.
That's all I know.
You have a very valid motive.
Jacono was threatening you, blackmailing you I assure you that I've never even held a weapon.
This is a mess.
You'll be questioned by the magistrate.
Naturally you'll have to stay in town until then.
My wie and daughter don't know anything.
Do you think they'll ind out? I'm araid so, you're better off telling the truth.
At least to them.
I heard there's a suspect.
There's a man who met Jacono around the time he was murdered and he might also have a motive.
- You don't think he's guilty.
- No.
- He behaved oolishly.
- Many murderers are oolish.
Not this one.
Is there anything else? I went around town.
There's a lot o drugs out there, too much.
- I know.
- Then do something.
You have to ind a murderer, so keep investigating and ind him.
I'll take care o the drugs in the city.
Okay, so I'll pass on the inormation I have to the magistrate - Bye, Bondan.
- Soneri, wait a second.
Ask the chie o police, he knows everything.
There's an ongoing operation coordinated with other precincts.
In the meantime i someone does a line o coke, the world won't end.
In the meantime will your men arrest someone smoking hashish? I know it might seem cynical, but it's only a ew grams.
I'm waiting or the big hit.
Now do you know why I'm a target lately? I won't say anything or the moment, but you promise to help me.
I thought about your case and I have a name in mind.
Remember when I told you about the boss o "The Neapolitans", Carbone? When he gets out o jail, he wants to even the score with his enemies.
The chie o police gave me your same advice.
- What's that? - He said I should go somewhere quieter.
What did you decide? I'm staying.
I'll stay until this holds out.
It's been acting up lately.
Two bypasses Who doesn't have two bypasses ater working or 25 years? Today an old riend o mine came.
He's wants me to deend him.
I said yes.
- Why the dramatic tone o voice? - He doesn't know about me and you.
In the end he told me that you're in charge o the investigation a murder investigation.
Are you talking about Caputi? Yes.
Find him another lawyer, someone you trust.
- Why? - You're asking me? You can't take this case.
This is my investigation.
When we started going out I didn't promise you that I'd reuse homicide cases.
It went without saying.
It goes without saying that our relationship isn't supposed to interfere with my proessional choices Do you think it's normal or an inspector to sleep with the lawyer who's deending the murder suspect? He's not a suspect.
There's no arrest warrant.
We shouldn't even be here.
Do you think Caputi is guilty too? You don't have an ounce o evidence.
How can you be so sure? Your old riend isn't a saint.
He's not only an old riend, I know him well.
You know him well? How well? We went out together a long time ago.
I can already see the headlines, "Lawyer, deendant and inspector".
Are you crazy? Say whatever you want, but I accepted the case.
Well? - A blow with a Luger.
- No You were hoping it'd be the same gun that killed Jacono.
I'll call you about the tests and the ingerprints.
Luvara - Well? - Nobody saw or heard anything here.
- Who's that? - Sambiase, an ex-boxer.
- He collected debts or the racket.
- I know the type.
He worked at this betting agency.
- It belongs to FINANCO, doesn't it? - How do you know? Soneri Another dead body? This victim, like Jacono, also had relations with FINANCO.
What do you mean? I the drug ring went through FINANCO, maybe someone wants to get their hands on it.
You're right.
It'll be hard to prove.
What are you doing? Are you going to arrest Caputi or not? Who said anything about arrest? - Judge Saltapico.
- He In any case, it's none o my business.
I'm leaving.
Where are you going? I shouldn't say anything, but I'll tell you.
I'm going to Genoa.
A huge delivery o cocaine is coming rom Colombia.
- Four million Euro.
- Wouldn't it have to be now I'm sorry.
Two people are dead here They end up killing themselves, let them do it It's two less delinquents around.
I think penal action is obligatory or am I wrong? All these years working hasn't done you a bit o good I'm off.
- I you need anything, call me.
- Okay.
Bye, Luvara.
Good morning.
- How did you ind me? - It's my job.
What? Disturbing judges during their lunch break? - No.
- How dare you? You want to sign an arrest warrant or Caputi, don't you? Yes.
It's my duty with all o the evidence you have.
Do you want to handle the Sambiase murder too? We'll evaluate it.
Caputi is under surveillance, right? O course.
Do you want to charge him with another death? Maybe.
You'll get your arrest warrant today.
Is that all? No, you can go back to exercising.
It's good or you.
This is Piras and Zappala, two previous offenders.
Are there any clearer images? This camera doesn't have many pixels.
- What does that mean? - It isn't very sensitive.
This is all we can see hal an hour ater sunset.
So anybody can go in without being noticed? - Unortunately yes.
- Perfect.
I'll ask or a camera that you can use at night too, or it's useless.
No, never mind because maybe I'm not handling the investigation anymore.
- What? - It's true.
- Soneri, you sent or me? - Yes, let's go see the chie o police.
I understand your position, but you are not married to Attorney Cornelio.
There's nothing official.
We're living in the same house right now.
O course, it's an unusual case, but I don't think it's against the rules I'd rather drop the investigation beore Caputi is arrested also because I don't agree with it.
- I know, the judge inormed me.
- Draghi can take my place.
I want you to stay.
Draghi will only work with you and i necessary he'll relieve you o any embarrassment.
Draghi, you take care o tonight's arrest.
It's good, my compliments.
- You have to taste the roast.
- No, that's enough.
I'm not very hungry.
You've been acting strange all night.
- Is it because o Caputi? - Yes.
What's wrong? They arrested him.
- You're telling me now? - I couldn't beore.
Did you think I'd help him? I didn't think anything, but no matter what you're his lawyer.
I'm not just any lawyer, I'm your companion.
You hid the news rom me all this time? The judge decided today and Draghi went to arrest him.
And you? Did you wash your hands o it? I did what I had to do and you have no right to judge me.
O course.
Where are you going? To the office to get ready or tomorrow's interrogation.
Anyway I'd rather sleep there.
- Wait.
- There's ice cream is in the ridge.
- Hello? - Soneri, it's Draghi.
What is it? There's another body near the sports ield.
Three murders in ten days They shot him once in the belly and twice in the head, then they set him on ire.
- Hi, Soneri.
- Well? The gun used was different rom the other two murders.
A calibre 38.
The irst shot in the belly was ired rom a distance.
The other two were ired near the head.
They've gotten mean.
- This is an execution.
- Yes.
The ire didn't get to his hands.
Maybe we can take his ingerprints.
- Is there anything else? - Yes.
The right hand is clenched as i it were holding a gun.
- How did you ind out? - An anonymous phone call.
- Are there any witnesses? - No.
- Maybe there are other bullets around.
- Yes, we're looking now.
- Well? - I went to the soccer ields.
The custodian didn't hear anything.
There are several teams at night.
We'll have to ask the players.
What a mess - Did you see the car chase last night? - Yes.
First a car went by at high speed.
And right ater that another one went by.
It was going even aster.
It was like being at the lmola race track.
They disappeared over there into the woods.
- Did you see the car he was ollowing? - It was a black SUV.
- Where are we going? - Into the woods.
There's something strange about the dynamics o the murder.
- The people rom the crime lab just let.
- Okay.
The right hand is clenched as i it were holding a gun.
- Luvara.
- Yes, sir? There's a bullet here.
What do we do? Call Nanetti, tell him to come back with the crime lab.
- There's something interesting here.
- Really? - This machine is starting to think.
- I gave it some indications.
- So you're behind it.
- I looked or black SUVs.
"Sport Utility Vehicle", like the soccer player said.
There are about 50 o them in the province.
One belongs to Elledue, the company controlled by FINANCO.
Maybe they were driving ast because they were going to the motorway or because they were chasing each other.
Keep checking.
- Do you want me to write a report? - No, I don't want Saltapico to know.
He'd do a search right away and ruin the investigation.
Nanetti, did you examine the tire tracks in the woods? O course.
Let me know i they belong to Jeeps, the our wheel drive ones.
The bullet you ound was ired rom a calibre 9.
The victim's gun was probably a common Beretta.
Like ours.
Right The coroner wants to see you because he inished the autopsy.
The man was heavy set, middle-aged and had a heart operation.
What kind? Two bypasses.
Many criminals are cardiopaths.
- So are lots o cops.
- Maybe the reasons are the same.
Anxiety, stress, exposure to danger.
Goodbye, Inspector.
- Goodbye, Doctor.
- Bye.
What's on your mind? Show me the pictures.
Free message.
- He's in really bad shape.
- Yes, I know.
Okay then.
Come with me to Narcotics.
Why? Thank you.
Inspector Bondan was due to start working yesterday but he hasn't reached Genoa yet.
Did you call him on his cell phone? Yes, but he's not answering.
- Will you tell me what's going on? - You have to go to Bondan's house.
- Bondan is in Genoa.
- Maybe he didn't go.
One second.
Why do I have to go to his house? To get his ingerprints.
- You think there may be - Yes.
Maybe it's him.
Well? It's Bondan.
This has never happened to me.
It's like losing a son.
It's something I wouldn't wish on anyone.
I it's come to this, Bondan ound out something big.
Something that cost him his lie.
There's always a mistake behind a policeman's death.
I'm ready to assume my responsibilities.
Now we have to give an answer to the public about the murders and an answer to the murders.
We have to show them the institution's strength and our ability to ight back.
Soneri, do we have this answer? Do you want to know i we have someone to arrest right away? I mean a theory about the motives and a list o suspects.
I have some suspicions and they're quite clear.
The problem is that I don't have a motive.
Try to ind one as soon as possible.
Alright? Now leave me alone.
I have to call Bondan's wie.
I haven't seen Angela in a while.
- She's very busy.
- Say hello to her or me.
Thank you.
A reconciliation attempt is advisable.
- The important thing is knowing.
- O course, but it's worth trying.
- Angela.
- Excuse me.
O course.
- How's it going? - I'm pretty busy.
And you? I'm pretty pissed off.
- Why don't you answer the phone? - It's better that way right now.
You should be busy too.
While you were arresting Caputi, two other people were killed.
I'm sorry about Bondan.
I respected him, in any case I might be on the right track.
Me too.
I presented a request or provisional reedom and I think this will be the last interrogation.
There's no proo.
- Hi, Sandro.
- Hi, Angela.
- Come in.
- Your Honour.
- Can I see you tonight? - No.
Attorney, come in, this way we can be quick about things.
- Soneri Soneri, what are you doing? - I'm not coming.
- Draghi is going in my place.
- They ound Bondan's car.
That's it.
This is everything I could save.
This is his cell phone.
I had an affair with him our years ago.
It lasted or a ew months.
- Why did it end? - Because I had enough.
It never should have begun.
Then he let his wie, right? Not because I asked him to.
Did you use cocaine? Yes.
There was a lot and it wasn't expensive, they always gave it to me.
- Who? - Friends and work colleagues.
Could your relationship be connected with the act that they killed him? Are you thinking o a crime o passion? I was wondering Did Bondan lead a double lie? Could this justiy how he died? Not as ar as I know.
Sir, this is Tonetti, the receptionist at Hotel Flora.
He goes to FINANCO almost every day.
There's a lot o back and orth at FINACO.
- Is there anything interesting? - No, we don't know the other people.
From here on the offices are closed.
Go back, let's see that man again.
Maybe he's a tenant in the building.
There are houses in the building too.
Stop there.
Zoom in.
Print it.
Here he is.
I ound him.
Tommaso Carbone, the boss o The Neapolitans.
Hand out this picture to all the patrol cars.
- Sir - Hello, Soneri.
- Were you looking or me? - Yes, come in.
We received some calls rom Rome.
Bondan's murder shocked the Ministry.
Sit down.
We had two parliamentary interrogations.
- Something must be done right away.
- The number one suspect or Bondan's murder, Carbone, is in town.
Yes, but it will take months to ind him.
We need something rapid here.
Like what? Saltapico and I compiled a list o arrests and searches to be carried out right away.
- Right away when? - Tonight.
No, I don't agree.
I'm sorry.
Why not? We based our decision on your reports.
- There are precise crimes and suspects.
- It would be useless.
It would only scare off the big ish.
- Bondan said the same thing.
- He was killed.
- He wasn't inallible either.
- Why don't you replace me? I knew you'd say that and I acted accordingly.
Draghi said he'd step in or you.
Then I'll go home.
- Can I ask you a question? - Sure.
Do you think the three murders are connected? I think so.
Does the control o drug traffic it in too? It's possible.
Why did they kill Bondan? Did he suspect something? That's what I'm trying to ind out.
- He talked to you about it.
- Yes, but he didn't tell me everything.
- That's what a good cop does.
- He hides the truth rom a colleague? No, he tries to reconstruct.
It's like a big mosaic with a thousand little pieces.
It's difficult and the result has to be a real story.
In the meantime you came up with a strange idea.
It's very strange, but I can't tell you about it.
I want to help you.
I know, but you're on the other side now.
Judge Saltapico won't let Caputi out until he inds someone to take his place.
- I need the truth like you do.
- How's your ex doing? It's hard or him, but I'm sure he'll change his lie once he's out.
You're a good lawyer and you're a great lady too.
- We could have dinner together.
- No, because I know how it would end.
I'd rather keep my distance until this is all over.
Whatever you want.
What a bunch o creeps They'd ruin anyone to get on the ront page - O course they didn't ind Carbone.
- No.
Hello? Did you read the papers? Yes, these arrests won't do any good.
I you'd gone last night, you would have limited the damages.
- What is it? - One o the people arrested, Siria Tonin - asked me to deend her.
- Are you going to say yes this time too? I'm going to the prison or the interrogation.
Have a good day then.
Don't hang up.
Let's see each other tonight.
I'm the one who doesn't want to tonight.
Hello? Sir, we ound him.
Yes, we got a tip.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
His hair is dyed but it's Carbone.
- Where is he? - In a bar.
What should we do? Move in? - No, he could be armed.
Wait or me.
- Okay.
- Where is he? - He's been in there or hal an hour.
What's he doing? He's sitting near the window, reading yesterday's newspaper.
- Where are our men? - There.
Those are our men.
Carbone made a phone call.
- Now he asked or the bill.
- Okay, I'm going in.
- What? - Do what I say.
Cover me.
Guys, cover the inspector.
Let's go.
Stop Inspector, easy does it - What happened? - The race is over.
What? Take it easy - "Mexico city.
One way.
" Congratulations - So? - You'll check in at police headquarters.
- I want a lawyer.
- We'll call one now.
- I want a lawyer Easy Who's he? I want a lawyer No.
It's not the gun that killed Bondan.
Are you sure? Yes, but the gun was ired not long ago.
It came up positive to the iring test.
That's something, but I don't know i it's enough to nail him.
Carbone, we have proo that you ired your gun.
You'd better start talking.
It's true, I ired the gun.
I shot at some cans.
I like it.
Well? Let's start over.
We'll put Bondan aside.
First they killed Jacono.
Then then they shot Sambiase.
Inspector I know, you have nothing to do with it.
But they worked or you.
Well? - Will you tell me who shot them? - So it's true, they're dead.
This is a tragedy.
What can I do? I can have a mass said or them.
Inspector, you know the saying? "A dead person is dead.
Let's think about the living.
" By the way.
When is my lawyer getting here, Inspector? There's a phone call or you.
Hello? - Hi, how are you? - Hi.
It's been a tiring morning.
How are you? Fine, I convinced Saltapico to release Siria rom prison.
Good, say hello to her or me.
She'd like to do it in person.
She's here with me.
I can't now.
She wants to talk to you.
It's important.
Where are you? - Why didn't you tell the judge? - He didn't ask me.
He was interested in the three grams o coke they ound on me.
- When was the last time you saw Bondan? - Two days beore they killed him.
He came to the club and he was very nervous.
He said we might not see each other again.
He was araid someone would kill him.
By who? By Carbone and his gang.
Yes, but why? Siria, tell him.
When we were together, he was the one who gave me drugs.
- You did lines together? - Yes.
Where did he buy it? - I never asked him.
- He did coke.
Was he a pusher too? I don't know.
But there was always a person with him.
- I think it was a colleague.
- Do you remember his name? No, but I could recognise him.
Did Bondan have a passion or weapons? Yes, he had several o them.
He was a sort o collector.
Sir, here are the keys.
Do you want me to come with you? No, I'll go alone.
What are you looking or at Bondan's house? Proo.
Go inside or you'll catch cold It's a Brownie with a silencer and a Luger, a war weapon.
They're the weapons used in the irst two murders.
At this point the case is closed.
Right, sir? For the time being his name isn't to leave this room.
I don't understand, sir.
We were in such a hurry to talk to the journalists.
You always said the press has to know We have to think about it irst.
It's not easy to go into a press room and tell everyone that our colleague is a murderer.
I'm not happy about it either but unortunately it's the truth.
The murders aren't all the same.
What do you mean? We have to investigate, ind out what the motive is that made Bondan behave this way.
I he did it because o an ideal his gesture would be abominable, but not contemptible.
Excuse me, but what i it wasn't an ideal that made him do it? That will come out in the investigation.
Don't worry, Soneri.
We won't hide anything, as usual.
But I want to be the irst to know why he did it.
I won't even tell my men about it.
I'll handle the investigation alone but under one condition.
What? I want authorization to have access to all o Bondan's bank accounts.
Thank you, sir.
Your Honour.
I have Caputi's release here.
You can give a copy to his lawyer.
Thank you.
I have to admit that you did an excellent job.
Yes, we knew Mr.
He came here oten.
Did Bondan have a stock account too? I'll check right now.
Yes, Mr.
Bondan opened one.
Four years ago, right? Yes.
How did you know? This is the list o people who worked with Bondan at the time.
There are pictures and dates o birth.
Some o them were transerred.
Sconcerti was Bondan's right hand man ive years ago? Yes.
A year later he went on leave and then he resigned.
Show this picture to Siria Tonin.
- I it's him, we have to ind him.
- Lord knows where he is - I have to talk to him by tonight.
- Tonight? - Hello? - I ound Aldo Sconcerti.
He lives in Pistoia where he owns a garden centre.
He's recovered at the Mater Dei Hospital.
He ell down the stairs.
Poor Sconcerti had a broken jaw and a broken elbow and three ractured vertebrates.
Poor thing He suffered so much But our proessor put him all back together again.
- Lord knows how much pain he was in - How unlucky - That poor boy is so unlucky.
- I'm going to pay him a visit now.
No The doctors are making their rounds and then there's dinner.
You can't go in until tomorrow morning.
- Oh Lord The police - Don't worry.
I won't eat you I'm going in there now, I want to surprise him.
I one o you tries picking up the telephone, I'll get really mad.
- Good evening.
- Who are you? Inspector Soneri.
- You must have the wrong room.
- No.
I was looking or you, Sconcerti.
It's a nice room.
A man would go and get beat up to stay in here or a month.
Are you taking the piss, Inspector? I anybody is taking the piss here, that's you.
Nobody believes the story about you alling down the stairs.
You don't have a very good imagination You can tell you're an ex-cop.
- What do you want? I have a visitor soon.
- I'm your visitor tonight.
We have all the time we want.
We can chat until tomorrow morning.
This is illegal.
I'm sick.
It's better than ending up like Bondan.
How can you afford to pay or this room? What do you care? I'm a businessman.
Yes, it's true.
You have a garden centre in Pistoia.
Let's see.
I want to tell you a story.
What story? It's a story that started 5 years ago.
The protagonists are the inspector and his assistant.
The inspector and his team, are investigating an organization o drug dealers and they ind 60 kilos o cocaine.
It's a lot o stuff, isn't it? - Articles in the newspapers, praise.
- I already know this story.
- I you want to tell it, go ahead.
- That's all I know, Inspector.
I'm sorry i the details aren't precise, but it was 5 years ago.
Thereore there was all the time in the world to hide the proo.
At the beginning I think that police inspector was a scrupulous policeman.
That was the case until he met a woman, who was younger than him.
She was very pretty and also very reckless.
I understand him.
A young girl needs money.
She spent a lot o money, much more than what a policeman can earn.
What does his assistant have to do with this story? For years he and his boss saw kilos o cocaine pass right under their noses.
Do you know how much one o those bags is worth? The entire lie o a policeman, all o his wages.
I know what you're getting at, but how did those two steal all those drugs? There's always a way to ool bureaucracy.
What's that? Mannite.
You can buy it at the pharmacy, you know? It's really easy, you take the cocaine you need and replace it with mannite.
The colour is the same and it's odourless.
It's the same quantity as beore, but with a little more laxative.
Wouldn't the people at the incinerator have noticed anything? How could they.
The bags weighed 60 kilos just like the report said.
Someone checked everything, but he didn't taste the drugs.
To avoid raising any suspicion, you waited or a year beore putting the cocaine on the market.
Where's the proo? In the millions o Euro that we ound in Bondan's bank account and naturally buying your garden centre was very expensive.
What pretty roses Are they yours? Let's get to the end.
Jacono must have discovered the trick.
When he got out o jail, he went to your house with Sambiase, a proessional, who must have beat the daylights out o you.
Sconcerti, you stole our stuff Didn't you think we'd ind out? You piece o shit At that point you told them what happened and you said Bondan's name.
The only thing I don't understand is why they didn't kill you.
Ah Let's go.
The neighbour.
The neighbour came and they ran off.
Now you have to conirm the rest.
Come on, you know Those people are dangerous.
They never leave a job uninished.
Bondan killed two o them, but there are others and they'll be back.
I'm not scared Remember that you're a policeman - You were a good policeman - I'm nothing now.
You're hurting me I you end up in the wrong cell, it'll be worse.
I you talk, you can get a reduced sentence.
Please, don't make me wear handcuffs though.
They think I'm an honest person here.
Yes, I need a car and an ambulance at Mater Dei Hospital.
Right away.
- Yes, Inspector.
- Sconcerti is coming with me.
- Alright.
- I need a wheelchair.
You can take it, but the patient can walk by himsel.
The doctor was going to release him tomorrow.
He can walk? So the motive behind the two murders was blackmail.
Bondan preerred to kill them rather than give them back their money.
How did he think he could ool Carbone and his men? He probably knew that sooner or later they'd kill him.
He tried to let us know when he said that he was receiving death threats.
He preerred to die rather than be blackmailed or the rest o his lie.
- And Sconcerti? - He's with the judge.
He's conessing.
Angela I'm in here.
I'm leaving, Inspector.
Did you read the newspapers? No, I want to let a ew days go by.
It's not a good moment or you, is it? Unortunately not.
I've never suffered so much over closing a case.
You can't blame yoursel.
Rotten apples are everywhere.
I eel sick to my stomach when I hear certain lawyers talk on TV.
Why are you in such a hurry to leave? The reason was the investigation beore.
Now your client has been released.
The reason was the roo.
Then it was repaired.
Besides, I think it's better this way or both o us.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
The two o us are a lot alike.
Being together, but living separately is the best solution.
This concept isn't very clear.
You can start over every day as i it were the irst.
Courting each other getting together, separating.
And then you can start all over.
Happy New Year 2015 - New Year, New Color ;-)
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