Friday Night Lights s01e03 Episode Script

Wind Sprints

The MRI shows damage to the cord at the C7-T1 juncture.
I just want to know if I'm going to be able to walk again.
Jason's paralyzed.
You are Jason Street and I am Lyla Garrity and everything is going to work out just the way we planned it.
' He is down on the ground.
He is down.
' Who is that? Street? You think little Matt Saracen can get it done? I don't want you thinking out here! I want you to throw the ball.
If Dolia runs deep, hit him deep.
You got four seconds on a five-step drop, Matt.
That's all you got.
You up for this? Yes, sir.
' We are live from Panther Stadium in Dillon, Texas and we are ready to play football.
Now, it was just a week ago that this town was rocked by the tragic injury to our quarterback, Jason Street, a young man who embodies Jason, are you sure you want to watch the game? I can just Leave it.
his entire family tonight.
Now, the question is will Coach Taylor be able to survive without his star quarterback? And can young Matt Saracen step up to lead this team? Saracen's only taken about three snaps his entire career.
All right, we're going high right power, Ready? Break! Let's go, gentlemen! Tonight, it's all about the ground game.
Coach Taylor's going to have to hope Saracen can get the ball into the hands of their outstanding running back, Smash Williams, if the Panthers are going to have a shot.
Come on, Matt.
Blue 80! Blue 80! Saracen's into the count, defense pushing in.
They're expecting a run.
He opens to the left, hand-off to Williams.
Wait, Saracen keeps on the bootleg! Oh, and he gets drilled as he lets that ball go! He's got Dolia at the 45! He makes the catch! To the 40! What an inspired call by Coach Taylor! He could go all the way! Go! He's to the 20! To the 15! Go, baby, go! I don't think they're going to catch him! Dolia gets stripped at the 10-yard line! And the Rattlers come up with the ball.
What a gutsy call by Coach Taylor, but man, did that just blow up in his face.
Execution! Where the hell's the execution out there? Huh? By God, we ought to be beating these bums by 40 points! Riggins, you're supposed to be one of the toughest guys in the district.
They're handing your ass to you, son! You better get your head in the game.
Hut! Hut! TAYLOR.
' Smash! No offside! No offside! You want to dance with these boys out there, you invite them to the prom! They're spotting me What? You've got something to say to me? Call some play action to open me up, Coach! They seeing me coming! What? I can't hear you! What? Our Dillon Panthers are running out of time, deep into the fourth quarter.
Come on, Coach, run the football, now! There are only 15 seconds left in this contest, folks.
And it is third and goal from the nine.
The Panthers down by six points and they've all but self-destructed here tonight.
Although you've got to admire the courage of young Matt Saracen.
This quarterback has really played hard with a lot of heart.
Read your defenses.
Come on, Saracen.
Hut! Saracen on the fake.
He drops back.
He's in trouble! He beats a man around the right side.
He's got a lane open! The fifteen! The ten! The five! He's going to score! He's down at the three! He gets hit hard at the goal line And dropped right at the goal line! The Panthers are saying touchdown, but we're going to wait to see what the referee's call is.
No touchdown! No touchdown! Damn it.
They had it.
They had them beat.
And that is it for our Dillon Panthers.
Oh, they've lost a heartbreaker here, and a game that they should have easily dominated tonight.
And I tell you, Coach Taylor is off to a disastrous start this season, folks.
Saracen! It was a good game.
But not good enough! Not nearly good enough! It ain't hard, Tim.
I mean, hell, it's not rocket science.
You beat the living dog snot out of those guys, you win the game, and then you go out and you get yourself a little piece of tail.
What part of that equation don't you understand? You guys just bent over and grabbed your ankles.
You shamed your good name.
Yeah, I feel really awful about that.
Speaking of pieces of tail Lyla Garrity.
You're not what? I can't understand you when you're not moving your mouth, Tim.
You're not speaking.
Hi, is Tim here? Uh, no.
Not at the moment.
Well, can you please tell him that Lyla Garrity stopped by? And I will be in the hospital With his best friend, Jason Street, today and tomorrow and the next day and so on.
So whenever he wants to visit is fine.
But Jason is asking for him, so sooner is better.
Could you please tell him that when you see him? I'll give him the message, sweetie.
Matt, I've been working on this theory.
You know what? Can you just help me out? I really don't want my grandmother to see this.
Funny you should mention that, because she's at the core of my theory.
Tell me this.
Dillon hasn't lost to South Milbank in, what, like 20 years? Seventeen.
Seventeen, right.
So why do they lose now? No, I know what you're thinking and that's not it.
Because you know you played a good game last night.
I mean, that's not what I'm talking about.
What I'm talking about is the supernatural.
You're retarded.
In a lot of cultures, they believe older women to be very powerful witches.
Oh, you think my grandmother's a witch.
Look, my grandmother can barely remember how to work the phone half the time.
How's she going to put a spell on the Dillon Panthers? Plus, why would she Matt? Matt? What are you all doing out here? I'm just cleaning up a little bit, Grandma.
Oh, well, when you get done I want you to go out back and water the children.
You mean the flowers, Grandma? Is that what you mean? Yeah! Just what I said, wasn't it? Hey, loser! Come on.
You got it.
There you go.
Give it a shot.
Lift it up.
Lift, lift, lift, lift, lift.
All right, all right, relax.
I want to do this again.
I can do it again.
You don't have to do it.
I can do it! Not today.
Not today.
Let's wait for tomorrow.
All right? There you go.
Thank you.
There you go.
All right.
You good? Yes.
Hey, baby.
Hey, Danielle.
Hey, Lyla.
How are you doing? Good, how are you? All right, Jason.
Same time tomorrow? Yes, ma'am.
I'll be here.
All right.
Boy, were you missed last night.
We got spanked.
It's like no one knew what to do without you.
I'll tell you what, I would not want to be Coach Taylor right now, that is for sure.
Just give him some time, all right? He'll be fine.
So, we're expecting a huge turnout for the pancake supper tomorrow.
The what? The pancake supper? The benefit? Oh, yeah.
To help with the cost of the rehab facility.
It's exciting, going to that rehab place.
You know why? Why's that? Because that's where you're going to get your legs back.
Lyla You and me.
We can get through anything.
What's up? Um What? Um, excuse me? Nurse? Lyla? Something's wet down there.
Lyla, what's going on? Excuse me.
Jason, it's your catheter.
Oh, God.
We're going to take care of you.
Can you give us a minute? Can you give us a minute? Uh, I Just a minute.
Go ahead.
You're going to be fine, Jason.
How are you doing, hon? Hi.
I'm okay.
How are you and Mr.
Street doing? We're holding up.
Jason's been asking about you.
Yeah, I've been meaning to go see Jason I know, I know.
You're busy with football and all.
Tim, just because Jason's in the hospital doesn't mean you can't come over for Tuesday night dinner.
Thank you, ma'am.
I will.
I'll, uh I'll call you.
Get some rest, okay? Take care of yourself.
Yes, ma'am.
Am I going to see you tonight at the pancake supper? Yes, ma'am.
Bye-bye, honey.
I'll tell you what, if she did let us get a dog, the kind of dog we're going to get is a brown Labrador.
What if we get a Husky, with one blue eye and one green eye If it's not a brown Labrador, we're not getting a dog.
Then we could name it, like, Fluffy or Spike or something.
Hey, T.
Two burgers Onion rings.
Diet Coke.
Spicy chicken sandwich for Mom.
And, Dad, don't do it with the three hamburgers.
You know what? Sit down.
Too much dead cow.
She wants an onion ring, diet cola, um I'll need two burgers, I need a spicy chicken to go, and I'll have the biggest French fry you got.
So you're Eric Taylor's girl, right? Yeah.
Yeah, I was just wondering if y'all had started packing yet? Uh Things can get real unpleasant around here when you lose.
Can I help you? I was just telling her how it works around here when you lose football games.
If you got a problem, you can talk to me.
You don't have to talk to my daughter about it.
I do have a problem.
I have a problem with you pissing our season away calling them dumb-ass plays.
You know, I'm here with my So I'm just gonna walk away right now.
That's really great of you, though.
I sure appreciate that.
Come on, let's go.
You got no guts.
See, that's why you ain't gonna never have one of these.
All right.
Don't listen to him.
Don't listen to that.
You won't even finish out the year here, Taylor.
You will not last one year.
These are some big horses we're running up against.
Their offensive line averages Mac, how big is our biggest guy? McGILL: Oh, Pudnick goes about 265.
When you run up against the biggest bully on the block, you've got to be faster.
Velocity kills, gentlemen! We need to be faster! We will outlast them! We will go above and beyond! Smash, what the hell are you doing, son? Hey, Coach, look, listen, me and the guys have been talking.
Look, we got a tough game coming up.
Shouldn't we work on some handoffs? Give our QB some practice? I mean, seriously.
We got to get that boy up to speed.
Maybe we should get him a tutor.
We all know what the problem is.
Look, the guy's a weak link.
I'll tell you what.
Everybody, listen up! I was going to let everyone get out of here early this morning, but since you're in such good shape, what do you say we run five more? Coach, we How about 10 extra ones? I don't see how that's going to Fifteen more! I can count real high, Smash.
How high do you think I can count? You want to test me? Let's go! Let's go! Pick it up! There he is.
There he is.
You wanted to talk to me, Mr.
Garrity? Hello, Mr.
How are you doing? All right.
Well, so there's this stud quarterback out of Louisiana.
He's displaced.
Katrina victim.
And he's over here now.
Name's Ray Tatum.
"Voodoo" Tatum? You know him? I know of him.
He's going to be over in Marlsboro Thursday afternoon.
At that old lot over there, about 2:00.
What I thought was, maybe you and I could just kind of ease over there, you know, drive over there and check him out, see if he lives up to the hype.
Let's go! Pick it up! Yes, sir.
Hey, you get the napkins and stuff? Yeah, we're all set.
We'd better hurry.
All the girls are going to be there soon.
If no one's there to tell them what to do, they'll just fool around.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down.
There's time.
So, your birthday's tomorrow.
What do you want to do? I'm having dinner with Jason in the hospital.
Oh, honey.
You've been spending so much time there lately.
I thought we could go out.
No, Mom, it's already all planned.
Lyla, are you sure this isn't all just too much? I mean, you're at the hospital every day.
You'd do it for Dad, wouldn't you? Well, yeah, but he's my husband.
Well, I'm marrying Jason someday.
Honey, you need to accept the reality of the situation.
I mean, this is a terrible thing that has happened.
And maybe you should talk to someone.
He's coming back from this, okay? He just is.
That's all there is to it.
He needs me right now.
Yep, man, the river of rally girls has pretty much run dry.
Shut up.
Look at him go at it.
Ew! Gross.
All right, want to go get a turkey burger? Yeah.
Hi, Julie.
I got you some soy sausages.
Hey, Matt.
Thank you, but I'm actually on my way out, so you can have my pancakes.
All right, um, I'll see you later.
All right.
I heard about your new job.
Thank you.
Jason Street is probably never going to play football again.
You know that as well as I do.
And Matt Saracen is not going to take us to State.
The last school counselor killed herself.
That's right.
I'm sorry? Yeah, she killed herself.
Pills, I think.
I was just thinking it's about time for us to move on the Katrina kid.
Let me just say one thing about that.
I hope this is on the up-and-up, because I've really got enough headaches going on right now as it is.
Just let me handle it.
I just need you to look at the tapes for me, if you will.
Will you just look at the tape, Coach? Just look at them for me, will you? All right.
All right.
Well, look who it is.
My little ray of sunshine.
Not now, Smash.
Hey, have you seen Tim? He said he was going to be here.
No, I haven't seen Riggy.
He's probably passed out cold somewhere.
Let's talk about us.
I don't think so.
Hey, dumbass.
Just gonna ignore me? Think I'll go away? That's what I keep hoping, but you don't seem to want to get the message.
You know, you're such a big tough guy.
You can't even go see Jason in the hospital.
I mean, damn it, Tim, grow a set, why don't you? Because we both know that's what this is all about.
Hey, Tyra! How's Smash? Was he good? Did you have a nice time? Nothing happened.
Not really.
Besides, don't pretend like you haven't slept with half the rally girls.
We sure do have something special here, Tyra.
Yeah, you know, maybe you're right.
Maybe I am wasting my time.
Because you are just another mediocre football player who's going to grow up to drink himself to death.
Maybe we should just end this right now.
I'll see you around, then.
I am serious, Tim.
Are you listening to me? If I get in that car right now I'm never coming back.
Do you understand? I get it.
That's it? Breaking up for real, and that's all you have to say? That was great.
All right, Tatum can throw the ball.
Can he scramble under pressure? Keep watching.
Kid's team went to the State Championship last year.
Broke three tackles on a 40-yard touchdown.
You've seen this tape already? Yeah, I was over at Buddy's last weekend.
I didn't know y'all were such good friends.
It's so weird, you know? Girls? Hey, Tim.
Here's that paper on East of Eden.
I misspelled a bunch of the words, so this time it'll look like yours.
And your biology homework is on the bottom.
So? I heard that you and Tyra broke up.
Is it true? I suppose it is, yeah.
Hey, Tim.
Bye, Lyla.
Tim? Hey! We're having a prayer meeting for Jason this afternoon.
You want to come? What are we praying for, Lyla? A new spine for J? Tim! I know you never do anything you don't want to do, and I guess that's fine.
But don't insult me.
Excuse me.
Taylor? Hey, Matt.
Come on in.
We'll do We'll come back.
Yes, thank you.
Hi, how are you? Hey, how's it going? Uh, I need to drop pre-calculus, so that I can go to morning practices.
Oh, okay.
When are you going to take pre-calculus? Next semester, I guess, when football is done.
All right.
As long as you take it.
Yeah, I'm going to take it.
You sure? Yeah.
I know I saw drop cards somewhere.
How have you been doing? How are you holding up through all this? It's been kind of a crazy time to Drop card! Here you go.
You can fill that out, I'll sign it.
Yeah, we're gonna do a lot better against Arnett Mead, so don't worry about that.
No, but what I mean is, how are you doing? I mean, you know, your dad's in Iraq, and you're living with your grandma, right? Yeah, I'm fine.
I mean, Grandma's going through one of her good spells right now, so that's good.
There are bad spells sometimes? I mean, nothing really Just, like, she gets a little loopy sometimes.
I mean, she'll put the ice cream in the cupboard, or forget to take her medication, just that kind of stuff.
It's really not It's not a big deal, so Is it your responsibility to make sure she takes her medication? Well, there's There's really no one else around, so Boy, you got a lot on your plate.
I mean, I think just football itself is more than a full-time job.
Yeah, I mean, I really love playing football, so I just hope I get to keep playing.
Well, that shouldn't be a problem.
You're doing a great job, and Yeah, but I keep hearing that they're trying to bring in this Katrina refugee or something, this quarterback from New Orleans.
I never heard anything about that.
Keep your head up! Keep your head up! McGILL: All right, all right, bring it back! Come on, Riggins, let's go! Hold on to that ball! Come on, keep digging your legs! Come on, son! What's your problem? Do it again.
Keep your legs moving, keep your head up.
Keep digging.
Come on, son, let's go! Let's go! Hit him! Hit him! Keep your head up! Keep digging your legs.
Keep your head up.
Keep digging.
Get over here! Come here! I don't see you preparing for this game, son.
You go hard or you go home.
Now, come on, now.
You're out here, you give 110% like everybody else.
You give 110% all the time.
Not just when you feel like it.
Now, come on, son.
Do it again.
Let's do it again.
McGILL: Keep moving your feet! Don't do it, son.
Don't do that.
Don't do what I think you're about to do.
Don't do that.
You don't want to do that.
Son, don't Let him go, Coach.
Listen, he's been watching the game film from when Street got hurt.
I have a feeling he thinks it's all his fault.
What the hell would he think it's his fault for? I don't know.
Maybe he thought he might have made the tackle or something.
The kid was 30 yards away.
Hey, hey, Coach, listen.
You can blame yourself for just about anything if you think about it long enough.
Hey, Coach! Coach! What was that? Did I just see Tim Riggins just walk off practice? You know, that is one thing that never, ever would have happened in the old days.
Don't you think? No.
No way.
But, you know, times have changed, I guess, huh? What can I do for you, Buddy? Well, I just wanted to see if you wanted to go with us over to You know, talk to that kid.
That Ray Tatum kid.
Matt Saracen may be a wild card, but you know one thing I like about Matt Saracen? What's that? I don't have to be worried about recruiting violations.
Who said anything about recruiting? I didn't say anything about recruiting.
This is about that kid whose whole family has lost everything, devastated by Katrina.
It'll help us out, and we can help him out.
That's all.
That's all there is to it.
I mean, it's a win-win situation.
Right, Mac? Whoa! Hey, coach.
What'd I tell you? I told you he'd be there.
Here it is.
We're here, Vic.
You and everybody else? Come on in.
Good to see you.
Hey, Voodoo.
Good to see you.
Yourself, sir.
How are you, son? Look here.
Now, this boy and his family have been through a terrible time.
Now, they lost everything in Katrina.
And they've been bouncing around from place to place ever since.
The people of Dillon, Texas are here to open their hearts.
We might be able to provide housing.
Very fine, very comfortable housing.
They need a fresh start.
We might be able to get Mr.
Tatum over there a nice new job.
Yeah, we could arrange that.
We might also even be able to arrange a little fund, you know, from some of the local businesses.
Might be able to help a family get back up on its feet.
We could set you up.
The town of Dillon is a generous town.
It's a fine town.
It's a good place to call home.
He gets a guarantee to start.
Oh, yeah.
That's right.
Right, Coach? You know what, Buddy? Actually I got a problem with that.
I got a problem with that.
Well, now, you know, the Coach and I can work on the details later.
The bottom line is The point is, you want to go all the way, son? I am going all the way.
You want to play college ball, go to the pros? That's the idea.
Then you want to be with the number one team in Texas.
Your representation can squeeze all it can out of this, but it's not about new cars and startup money.
This is about your future.
And starting positions aren't handed out in motel rooms, they're earned on the field.
You want to play with Arnett Mead? Fine.
They're going to have a short season.
It's your choice.
Ma'am, it was nice to meet you.
I wish all the luck to your family.
I am telling you I need some help here.
Yeah, well, what do you want me to do? I want you to talk to her.
You know, I love how you can find time to take an 80-mile road trip if the Dillon Panthers need something, but if your own daughter Hey, hey, hey.
She is gonna be fine.
She's a smart girl.
She's got a good head on her shoulders.
How's she fine? She's living in a fantasyland.
She's not thinking about college, she's not thinking about her own future.
I mean, what's she going to do? She's put all her eggs in one basket and I'm sorry to tell you this, but you and I let her.
Just give it some time, because she'll get bored and she'll move on.
She will.
Hey, kids.
Hi, Daddy.
Did you eat any dinner? No, I didn't.
I think I can find something here, though.
There's chicken in there.
Hey, you didn't tell me that y'all were getting a new quarterback from New Orleans.
Where did you hear that? Well, Matt Saracen came in today.
He's feeling real stressed out about it.
Really? Matt Saracen's under a lot of pressure, huh? Yeah.
Maybe I should go over to Matt Saracen's house and make him some Ovaltine, read him a bedtime story.
I think you might want to just try a little compassion with him.
Bye, Daddy.
Hey, kiddo.
You don't need to be sarcastic.
You know what I think? I think everybody in this damn town is telling me how to do my job, and the one thing I think those kids don't need is that they don't need compassion.
That's what I think.
You want to know what else I think? What they do need to do is they need to win.
And something else, you and I, we need to win, Tami.
We need to win.
Honey, there's Smash.
here at Herrmann Field, where the Panthers had a great season last year There's been a lot of talk around Dillon that Taylor's not the right guy for the job.
See, look, man, I can't even mess with you.
You're already trying to get me in trouble.
Oh, now, I just want to know where you stand.
Come on.
You must have an opinion.
Oh, yeah.
I got an opinion.
I mean, I would if I were you.
You've got a lot to lose if the coach mismanages this team.
Look, off the record, I just think Coach T.
Ought to be winning football games.
That's all I'm saying.
See? I knew you had an opinion about how things were going.
Let it go.
How do you feel about Friday night? He's a stupid kid, hon.
Let it go.
Eric? What are you doing? Just let it go.
Come on.
Mac, I want Yes, I did just see it.
I want you to get the team together, and I want you to meet me at the field house in a half an hour.
Yes, Mac, I know what time it is.
Mac, meet me at the field house in a half an hour.
Thank you.
You guys have a nice night, now.
Who's calling so late? Who's calling so late? I got it.
Hello? Now? Coach is on the phone for you.
Hey, you better get dressed.
Somebody going to get that? Noannie, get the door! Hi, sweetie.
You get yourself dressed.
We're going on a little field trip.
I'll see you in the car in two minutes.
You tell your mother I said hello.
What's going on? I have no idea.
Let's go.
Everybody off the bus.
Let's go, gentlemen, let's go.
What's he going to do? Kill us all? Maybe.
Move 'em out.
Line 'em up! Line 'em up! Wind sprints up and down the hill! Let's go! Let's go! Move it! Move it! Run! Run! If you think you're champions because you wear the Panther uniform, you're wrong! If you think you're champions because they give you a piece of pie at the diner, you're wrong! McGILL: Move it! Get up there! Champions don't complain! Champions don't give up! Let's go, Coach, send them out! Champions don't give up! Champions don't complain! Champions give 200%! You're not champions until you've earned it! Come on! Pick it up, there! Pick it up! Move! Get up! Go! Go! Let's go! Up the hill! Let's go! Coach, don't you think maybe they've had enough? I'll say when they've had enough.
Clear eyes.
Full hearts.
Can't lose.
Clear eyes.
Full hearts.
Can't lose! Clear eyes! Full hearts! Can't lose! Clear eyes! Full hearts! Can't lose! Clear eyes! Full hearts! Can't lose! Can't lose! Go! Cute movie, right? It's a pretty sad birthday, huh? No, it wasn't.
This was exactly what I wanted, Jason.
Anyway, we'll go to dinner next year, when you're all better.
"When I'm better.
" Lyla, I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not getting any better.
Can't you see that? Come on, Jason.
You gotta have faith.
Lyla, stop.
Listen to me.
This is just a little hiccup.
That's all.
It's a year.
In one year you'll be back on track Lyla, stop it.
You will go to Notre Dame on your Stop it! Stop! My legs are never gonna get better! Ever! But there are cases, lots of cases And those cases aren't me.
All right? I don't even have full use of my hands.
I'll be lucky if I get that back.
I can't even put my own shoes on and off.
How can you not see that? What the hell is wrong with you? I'm just trying to help.
Yeah, but you're not helping.
You want to help? Then stop pretending that everything's okay! Why are you getting so mad at me? Because every night when I go to sleep, I dream that I can walk again.
And every morning I wake up, and I have to accept it all over again.
And then you walk in here, all smiles and acting like nothing's wrong, and it's killing me.
So get this through your head, all right? My life, as we knew it? Over.
Don't say that, Jason! Football? Over.
Notre Dame, going pro, all that, gone.
You and me, we're not getting married.
So I need you to do something for me, all right? Get out.
Get out! Don't just look at me! Go! I'll be back tomorrow for when they transfer you to the rehab facility.
What happened to Jason Street was nobody's fault.
This is football.
Things happen.
It was an accident.
You understand me? I didn't even try, Coach.
I was You were on the other side of the field.
It wouldn't have mattered.
It was an accident.
It was not your fault.
Look at me.
I want you to let yourself off the hook, son.
I want you to let yourself off the hook.
Yes, sir.
Be smart.
Yes, sir.
Now, you ever walk out of one of my practices again, and I will kick your ass off the team.
That's a promise.
Understood? Yes, sir.
You owe me a practice.
You walk home.
We'll call it even.
Coach What are you doing here? You want a ride? Isn't it past your bedtime, Lyla? What are you, drunk again? Soon enough, Lyla.
Soon enough.
You know, I thought God would do me a favor because I'm such a good girl.
Isn't that the stupidest thing you've ever heard? It's not stupid.
Shut up, Tim.
What is wrong with you? Jason is in the hospital and you won't even go and see him.
You can walk! You can walk on your two feet to get another glass of beer, if that's what you want to do.
Why don't you get it? You make me sick.
Why won't you go see him? He's your best friend! He asks about you all the time! Why don't you help me? Why don't you go see him? Don't He's never gonna walk again.
It's 3:00 in the morning.
Where have you been? Practice.
Where's Lyla? I thought she said she was going to be here.
All right.
You ready? You gotta shift your weight back.
Hey, sorry I'm late.
Oh, there you are.
I was just asking about you.
I'm sorry about last night.
Can we just pretend like it didn't happen? Okay.
You know I didn't mean any of it.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Thanks, Pop.
Okay, Jason.
We're sure gonna miss you around here.
I'll miss you, too.
Not the room, though.
I'll come back and visit.
Drive it upfield! Finish off! Drive upfield, finish off! That's good hands and feet, boy.
Hut! Do it again.
Do it again.
No, no, no, step back, here.
That a boy! Never underestimate the power of a good spanking, Coach.
Yes, sir.
Looking good out there, guys.
Looking good.
We've got ourselves a quarterback, Coach.
Nice speech, Coach.
Did the job.
Welcome aboard, son.
Jack! Take care of this boy for me, would you? Go on.
Let's go! What's everyone doing? What are you looking at? Let's go! Pick it up! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Keep your head up.
Let's get back in it, boys.
Come on, now.

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