Ghost Adventures (2008) s01e03 Episode Script

Old Idaho Penitentiary

All right, inmates, you're all staying in here for 24 hours, and I'm not letting you out until you do somethin'.
ZAK: Are you the one causing all this torment here? What's doing that? We heard some bad stuff happened in this -- Whoa! If you can hear my voice, I want you to make a noise right now.
I feel something.
It's going up my shoulder.
Are you touching me right now, Raymond? My name is Zak Bagans.
I never believed in ghosts until I came face-to-face with one.
So I set out on a quest to capture what I once saw onto video.
Holy [bleep.]
! Oh, my God! With no big camera crews following us around, I am joined only by my fellow investigator, Nick Groff, and our equipment tech, Aaron Goodwin.
The three of us will travel to some of the most highly active paranormal locations, where we will spend an entire night being locked down from dusk until dawn.
If this is the portal to Hell, well, why don't you come up outta that ground and get us? Raw.
I just saw somethin'.
Something just passed by.
[ Screaming .]
Nick! Go! Go! These are our Ghost Adventures.
We traveled to Boise, Idaho, to investigate this penitentiary that now sits abandoned.
It's over 130 years old.
And I'm sure, inside these old brick walls, there's tons of dark history that we wanna find.
And before we get locked down in, we want to interview people who have been experiencing all kinds of unexplained things in here.
From its beginnings as a frontier prison until the riots of the 1970s, over 13,000 convicts called this place Hell.
It was built to punish the dregs of society, reform those who could change their ways, and execute those who weren't fit for the outside world.
Of the 11 state executions in the history of Idaho, 10 were carried out here.
Dark memories will forever haunt the ones who lived.
But the spirits of those who died remain trapped, doomed to serve an external sentence within these prison walls.
Originally, when we first walked in the building, it sounded like plumbers were at work.
You could hear wrenches on pipes.
There is no plumbing in the building.
As we were walking down the tier, um, the first cell in had a little picture of it of a man, obviously an inmate.
I wanted to see if I couldn't reach in and grab that picture.
And as I'm leaning over, it felt just like somebody reached out through the cell and ran their fingers through my hair.
Really? These inmates that were locked up here probably have not seen women for years and years and years, so maybe that's why it was friendly.
This is the spot where I was just walkin' and talkin', and I suddenly got pushed.
I was just walkin', and just, you know, it was right about here, and I was, you know, "Is anyone there?" Just asking questions.
And all of a sudden, I was like, "Whoa!" Do -- How hard again was it? It was just shove.
-Well, it freaked me out.
Then I started hearing whispering and bangin' on doors.
So do you think that you were possibly attacked by a -- an entity here? -Probably.
-Yeah? Judging on, you know, who knows who was jailed here.
ZAK: The strange occurrences were so intense they even made the news.
Local reporter Dan Hamilton had his own encounter with the dark forces here.
Well, we had people shooting video.
We had people shooting, uh, still shots Uh-huh.
And one of the ghost hunters was shooting in the area of these roses Okay.
-A-a giant light -Okay.
Uh, just floating about right here.
And it was right about that time I started just feeling this pressure on my head, like there were two hands on either side of skull just crankin' down.
As I said, "You guys, my head is killin' me.
" and it just came on just like that.
Somebody took another picture of me, and there's another one floating above my head.
ZAK: This attack convinced us that this was a major hot spot.
We placed an X to set up a static night vision camera during the lockdown.
These spirits were evil in life and evil in death.
To get a better sense of what we were dealing with, we had Ellen, a local historian and tour guide, show us the grounds.
Most of the buildings were constructed by the inmates, including the wall.
-Really? So that must have been a very laborious task, huh? Oh, yes.
When we said that you were convicted of hard labor, then we meant it.
This is Siberia, or solitary confinement.
This is justWow.
Solitary confinement was a form of punishment for the violent and uncooperative.
These cells were barren because these hard-timers would make weapons out of anything and everything.
How long would -- would -- would they be sentenced in here for? Usually, it was, um, a minimum of 30 days, 30 to 60 days, but we do have record of inmates who've been in here for, um, upwards of a year and -- and more.
Are you serious? We did have people that went insane.
We had people who committed suicide out here.
One of the stories I've heard in here is that one, um, patron was looking into the little door here.
And she saw a shadow figure stand up in the corner.
And it, like, freaked her out to the point where she ran out of the penitentiary, screaming.
ZAK: Around the corner was The Hole, a form of punishment that left men wishing for solitary.
They would put up to six to eight men in each cell at a time.
-Are you serious? -I am serious.
ZAK: Ellen led us to the prison shower and told the story of one gruesome murder.
He was gang raped to death.
There was an inmate that was gang raped to death? He was killed right in here? Yes.
The energy of violent death lingers long after the screams are silenced.
I had Aaron place an X here for the lockdown part of our investigation.
Well, this is called 5 House, or maximum security.
And upstairs is where the gallows is.
ZAK: 5 House was the last stop for the prisoners condemned to death.
This place was rife with paranormal activity, as we found out from Shawn, also an employee here.
When we lock up at the end of the night, first thing we do is shut off the breakers and then make sure no one's inside the building, and then we come out to shut the drop room door.
And we just basically close the two doors here, and then we have our one key that locks up this lock.
We don't touch the inside lock.
You can see there's no way to access it.
We have the main key lock here, and then we have the, uh, sliding lock here, basically just as a little safety.
And you lock it from the outside? Yeah, we lock it from the outside, turn the key.
This thing's not touched.
There's been one time where, like I said, I closed the night before, I came here the morning after and it was completely slid over.
-All the way over? -Yeah.
And there's no way in -- there's no possible way that could happen? I'm the last person here and the first person in the morning.
I made me very curious to what happened.
Strange things weren't just happening with the doors in 5 House.
Shawn showed us other objects were acting on their own as well.
Basically, all of our lights are controlled by breaker boxes Okay.
And we have one upstairs and one downstairs.
And all the breakers we have labeled to which ones we need to be turned on, what room they go to, so they're all clear as to, you know, anyone that's been working here for more than a day.
I lock up, and I open up, so I'm the last one here, first one in morning, and I come in, and basically the breakers that are supposed to be on are off, and vice versa.
Takes a lot of energy to do that.
These are breaker switches.
[ Switch clicks .]
They don't just real easily go over.
Yeah, if anyone's ever used a breaker box, you know it takes a little bit of effort.
ZAK: Clearly, the spirits were active in 5 House.
We needed to find out more about their energy.
Ellen filled us in on the vicious inmates locked up here.
This was built in order to house, you know, the murders, rapists, more violent offenders.
They were in here 23 out of 24 hours a day.
During their 1 hour a day, they were let out alone to either shower in the shower area right -- over here, or to go out into the exercise yard.
All right.
I'm really excited to see what's on the second floor of 5 House.
Death row.
Taking you to death row.
It took him, um, between 15 to 16 minutes to strangle to death.
Are you serious? I have a good idea -- the shower room.
Our gift to you is Aaron.
ZAK: Idaho State Penitentiary is a known paranormal hotspot.
People were experiencing strange things everywhere, but what drew us here was the story of the last man executed at the prison, Idaho's Jack the Ripper.
On October 18th, 1957, Raymond Allen Snowden, convicted of murder, was hung in the gallows of 5 House.
Snowden had been out at this local bar where he met his victim, Cora Dean.
I can say I-I-I have experienced strange things from the day I came into this bar.
I-I've always said it, there's gotta be a ghost here.
I've caught glimpse of what appeared to be a man walking into the backroom, maybe looking for Cora Dean.
ZAK: Dean's body was found mutilated, stabbed 35 times, and her spinal cord severed.
The weapon: Snowden's 2 1/2-inch pocketknife was found at Hannifin's Cigar Shop.
We're right here at Hannifin's Cigar Store.
We finally found this place.
And right when we walk in, we hit jackpot.
This is why we were looking for this place.
It says right here, "Hannifin's has long -- some say haunted -- history in Boise.
" There he is.
There's the guy we're trying to track down -- Mr.
Raymond Snowden.
We are trying to retrace the steps of Raymond Snowden, um at the -- who was hung at the Idaho State Penitentiary.
Now I understand that they found his knife right around this location, around your cigar store.
That's how the story goes.
He came in to use the restroom that night.
We've heard claims, because this one of his favorite places to come, that there's some unexplained things goin' on here.
There's been a few interesting things that's happened, uh, over the past two years that I've owned the store.
I was in my back office there, it was very quiet Okay.
And I heard footsteps, like a man's boot's stomping across this old, original wood floor Really? In between where this pot-bellied stove is and the bathroom door, which as the story goes, is what Raymond Allen used when he came in that night.
ZAK: This evil spirit left it's imprint in more than one location, and Ellen was about to show us where Snowden met his gruesome fate.
This is the cell that he spent his last -- last days in.
So he slept right 20 feet away from the room that killed him.
As if that wasn't reminder enough of the fate that awaited him, the week leading up to his execution, guardsmen laid a noose outside his cell.
Is this the same spot that he would've -Yes.
And that's where rope would have hung? Exactly.
They asked him, "Ray, do you have any final words?" He didn't get to the point where he could say it, so they put a hood over his head, they put the rope around his neck, and then they pulled that lever right there.
With a room full of eager witnesses, the trapdoor opened, and Snowden's body fell through the floor to the room below, where doctor's waited to declare death.
Executioners meticulously measure the rope so that the neck breaks immediately upon dropping.
But for Ray Snowden, something went drastically wrong.
It took him, um, between 15 to 16 minutes to strangle to death.
Are you serious? That has had to have create a lot -- a lot of very, very bad energy.
Raymond Snowden, I know that you were executed in this room.
If you had some last words that you wanted to say, we're gonna be in here later on, so if you can hear me, I want you to think about what your last words were gonna say, and we're gonna try and capture that on our digital recorders.
Ellen claimed to be a skeptic, but even she had her run-ins with Snowden.
I was standing right here, on this drop platform.
I had a couple of kids, and so I'm telling them the story I just told you.
There is this loud, reverberate through the whole building bang sound.
All of the lights on the bottom floor were dark, and the sound was the front door to 5 House slamming shut.
ZAK: While Snowden was the most notorious prisoner executed, he wasn't the only one.
The same rose garden in which reporter Dan Hamilton was attacked, once held the old gallows, the site of numerous executions.
This is where we executed six of the prisoners who were executed out here.
Um, all of them for first-degree murder.
One of the weird, interesting side effects of having it out here, and having having the location is, you know, come hangin' time, it would be a big event, and people would pack up the kids and a picnic lunch and come out and stand on the foothills up here Oh, right out there? Where you can see down over here.
-Are you serious? ZAK: With only hours before our lockdown, there was one more thing we wanted to do.
Yeah, right here you're looking at the, uh Climbing up here to get a better view of this place, and what we're gonna be locked down in later.
But more importantly, we're climbing this ridge right now because this is where families would bring their children to watch inside the prison right there, in the old rose garden, where the old gallows were.
They would actually come here and make a full event of watching these guys getting killed, being executed.
NICK: Yeah, this is it, man.
We gotta climb this.
If I fall, Nick, keep filmin'.
-Yeah, I will.
Are their rattlesnakes at this time of season? Yeah, probably, I mean Traction, traction, traction.
[ Grunts .]
Do we have golf shoes? [ Panting .]
There's the prison.
There's our -- our van.
And there's Nick.
Come on.
We gotta goI think we may have reached the halfway point.
Yeah, this is halfway.
We gotta go up further.
So we gotta keep going.
If I hear some [bleep.]
hissing or some rattling, I'm gonna run like a little girl.
I don't care.
I'm gonna scream and I'm gonna run because I hate snakes.
Careful, no snakes, no snakes, I hate snakes.
Aah! Dude, I saw a snake.
I saw a [bleep.]
snake right there.
I am not going over there.
There's no way in hell.
Holy cow.
Be careful, Nick.
Don't go right up on him.
-I'm not.
Now you can see that we weren't lyin' when we heard some hissing and rattling and stuff like that because you can see right there is one of the things that is probably making the hissing the rattling.
, dude.
Watch out.
-What? Oh, my god, dude! Another one right there.
I am not staying.
I not gonna get on here, man.
This is probably an infestation, and I don't even know what kind of snake that is.
We're walking around, and watch your step 'cause we are hearing, like, rattling noises and hissing and stuff.
And you just gotta watch where you step.
And we're almost at the top.
Oh, my god! Oh, my -- Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
Holy [bleep.]
Look at this.
Look at this.
Look at this.
Look at this! Look it.
Look it.
Look it.
Look it.
Look it.
Oh, my god.
Look it.
Look it.
Look it.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
-Dude, he's cocking back.
Watch this.
I'm gonna do something I've never done.
I'm gonna face my fears.
Just hold on, hold on.
-Oh, yeah, look at that.
Okay, okay, okay.
-Oh, you're crazy.
Come here, come here, come here.
Come here.
I don't know if this is a rattlesnake or not.
Oh, my god.
I'm crazy.
Why is it going towards me? Go around.
Go around the other way.
Why am I doing this right now? Do you see this? -Nick.
Aah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm out.
I'm out.
I'm out.
I'm out.
I'm out.
Aah! Ah.
I'm getNick, come on.
I'm staying back here, man.
You're freaking me out.
It's like the ground is moving.
This is Indiana Jones.
I swear to god this is Indiana Jones.
I think the ground's moving.
Oh! What will happen next? I have no idea.
I don't know where to step now.
Dude, it could We could step anywhere, and that thing just goes And then we're dead, dude, 'cause we're up here far enough right now, and I'm not You wanna suck the venom out of me? I don't wanna suck anything out of you.
Be very, very, very, very careful Nick.
We can't see the rose garden yet, we gotta go higher.
-Yeah, we do.
-See if you can look back there.
Right beyond that guardhouse on the left, right in there is where the old gallows used to be.
We're trying to get a view of that.
I think we made it.
-[ Grunts .]
Oh, man.
[ Exhales sharply .]
Finally! -Okay.
We're at the top.
ZAK: For spectators who climbed this ridge, these executions were a form of entertainment.
For us, these deaths were the source of the dark occurrences that we'd be facing in our lockdown.
ZAK: No! The back -- my pocket had a water bottle in it.
It just lifted up, I [bleep.]
swear to god, dude.
Dusk has arrived and, uh, that is our cue to get locked down inside the Idaho State Penitentiary.
So Ellen here, are you gonna do the honors? I'm gonna do the honors.
-It's those noises right there.
Just those noises, man.
This ain't no joke.
Good luck, guys.
ZAK: No! We've only been in here for 5 seconds so far, officially locked down inside.
I can tell you the feelings right now -- confined, isolated Trapped.
Good one.
-[ Laughs .]
So right now we're gonna walk around and just double-check all of our X's and actually mark 'em all on this map, so we know exactly where to go.
With reports of paranormal activity happening throughout the entire prison, we needed a game plan This is where we need to be a 3:00 in the morning to put our static night vision camera.
and we needed to be organized.
One, two, three, four.
If you look right there, doesn't that almost look like, just kinda, like, two evil eyes lookin' at you? It does definitely feel like they're watching us right now, doesn't it? AARON: Yeah.
I know this is a bad thing to say, but I actually like it.
-You like being in this? -I like being in here.
-It's just so just dark and medieval.
And he's crazy.
-Five -Zak.
-Found it, bro.
-Our other X? -Yeah, it's right here.
I'll just put it right here, and this is Siberia.
And that completes it.
-That's it.
-Get rid of all this light.
Let's get our night vision cameras goin'.
We just started our investigation, and I thought I heard a noise emanating from the rose garden.
[ Moaning .]
-[ Speaks indistinctly .]
NICK: What are you guys doing back there? -ZAK: Whoa.
-Watch it, bro.
[ Clank .]
-Oh! You all right, dude? -What did I just run into? -[ Laughs .]
AARON: Jesus, dude.
You just ran full speed.
Full throttle into that.
Ri-- you ripped it right out of the ground.
[ Laughs .]
Right out of the ground.
All right, so watch out for the ropes.
So we're just walking around on the outside here, uh, the exterior.
And now it's all gone.
We were hearing these, uh Sounded like screams and, like, laughter.
And it was very, very loud.
We didn't find the source of the noises, but the spirits had made their point clear.
When darkness arrives, it seems like they're coming out of their cells to play with us, and I'm ready to play.
[ Speaks indistinctly .]
Okay, what, uh, setting night vision cameras have we done? We did the, uh, door in the gallows.
-We did the door lock.
-We did the circuit breaker.
That leaves seven more X cams that we have to do.
Actually, you know what? I have a good idea.
The shower room.
He was gang raped to death.
There was an inmate that was gang raped to death? You know where this is goin'? -[ Chuckles .]
-Where? -I'm goin' in there.
-You know it.
So let's do that.
I see the X marks the spot right here.
Okay, buddy.
You ready? -Yeah.
-I'm not kidding, man.
You're coming in in 20 minutes, I swear to god, right? -We -- we'll -Dude.
Hold on, hold on.
-Did you hear that, too? -Right there, yeah.
We hear you making noises.
And I'll tell you what, because you've been making noises for us, I told ya I'd give you a gift.
Our gift to you is Aaron.
And we just locked him inside the shower room.
We heard some bad stuff happened in this -Whoa! -What? Dude, the back -- my pocket had a water bottle in it, and it just lifted up.
I [bleep.]
swear to god, dude.
ZAK: In an attempt to entice the spirits, we offered up Aaron, and it worked.
Just before Aaron felt something pull on his back pocket, we caught this unexplained shadow on our static night vision camera.
He's locked inside the shower room.
You see Aaron immediately react as it passes by him.
He's locked inside the shower room.
Here we've the enhanced the contrast to see the shadow more clearly.
Was this the ghost of the prisoner who was killed here, or one of his attackers? Oh, that Ohh.
-Can you hear me? -Yeah! -All right.
Why don't you try catching some of that bad stuff on video? All right, Aaron, good luck.
NICK: We're out of here.
You're coming back in, like, 20 minutes, right? [ Door closes .]
Oh, did you hear the door shut? That was creepy.
All right.
I'm gonna start rollin'.
This right here in my hand is something that'll allow you to talk to me.
You see the little red light? I heard that someone in here was violently killed in a bad, bad, bad, bad way.
Oh, I don't feel too good.
Please don't hurt me.
I'm not here to be hurt.
I'm sorry that you died in here.
I think that was a wrong thing for them to have done.
All right, inmates, you're all staying in here for 24 hours.
I just saw a [bleep.]
ZAK: We were locked down in this vast prison complex with a lot of ground to cover.
We left Aaron in investigating the gruesome death in the shower, while Nick and I covered some of the high security cell blocks.
Is there anybody in here? If there is, it's time for you to come out of your cells and come and play with us.
If you can hear my voice, I want you to make a noise right now.
Right now I'm standing inside the shower room where a man, a prisoner, was violently murdered in here by a whole bunch of people, a whole bunch of inmates.
And honestly, it is creepy 'cause all the walls are around you and it just feels like there's people in here with you.
I'm sorry that you died in here.
I think that was a wrong thing for them to have done.
I really think when you go out, you need to go out not in a shower and not naked.
ZAK: Although the spirits didn't respond to Aaron here, he still felt their presence.
We regrouped and made our way over to solitary confinement, also known as Siberia.
It was Nick's turn to be alone.
As you can see, we're just settling up on of our static night vision cameras right there, and we got a [bleep.]
Dracula bat just chillin' there.
So can we put that static night vision camera over there? This lady we interviewed earlier, uh, said she saw a shadow figure coming out of these solitary confinement cells.
All right, need to get out of here.
Good luck, buddy.
NICK: This is really, really freaky.
I'm actually going to place this digital recorder in this room right here.
I'm gonna place it right here.
If you're in here, and you wanna say somethin', now's the time to speak.
Is there anyone here that wants me out of here, doesn't like me in their space? All right, inmates.
You're all staying in here for 24 hours, and I'm not letting you out until you do somethin'.
If you wanna get out of here, then hit a door.
Slam this door shut right here.
ZAK: Right after, Nick captured this EVP on his digital recorder of what we believe to be a former male prisoner saying NICK: Is this door open? Did you open this door? All right.
I'm leavin'.
If you wanna follow me out, follow me over to The Hole.
ZAK: Nick left the static camera running, and we caught these three unexplained noises, one right after another.
They sound like cell doors slamming.
[ Loud bang .]
[ Loud bang .]
[ Loud bang .]
The static cameras were proving to be essential.
Aaron and I continued on with the plan to make sure we covered all the grounds.
Let's do the X camera here at the 2 House.
-And then what about What was this one, this X here? That's the -- the walkway where the guys got shanked.
NICK: I'm in The Hole.
It's what they call this section of Siberia.
[ Door creaking .]
That door was shut when I was in here settling up the camera with Aaron and Zak.
Now I'm starting to get a little freaked out here.
But I'm not going anywhere.
There's two types of spirits that I'm trying to capture right now.
Intelligent spirits answer your questions directly.
It knows I'm here and can see me.
Residual spirits just kind of go in circles, like a-a record looping.
Can you tell me why you're locked up in here? I keep hearing that noise coming from right there.
Are you trapped down here? I just heard a knocking sound come from right behind me.
Was that you that made that knock? Were you letting me know that you're still here? ZAK: At this moment, Nick caught this unexplained voice And I understand that they hung you on the gallows right over here, and you were unable to say your last words.
What were those words, Raymond? ZAK: This prison may be long empty, but the souls that still linger were making their presence known.
[ Male voice .]
With only a few places left to investigate, it was time to confront Idaho's Jack the Ripper.
Raymond Snowden had brutally murdered Cora Dean and was sentenced to hang for his crime.
This is where he lived for about one year, in this cell on death row, until he was taken right over here.
And that's where the gallows are.
And that's where he was hung.
I'm gonna stay in here by myself.
I have a static night vision camera set up over there, and I have another static night vision camera in the gallows.
I'm gonna use this infrared digital still camera.
I'm gonna set is so it takes a picture every 60 seconds.
-You're all set, man? -Go set up some more X cameras.
-Okay, cool.
-Okay? [ Grunts .]
Raymond Snowden.
I've been tracking you down, Raymond.
I went to the bar where you murdered that woman with your little pocketknife.
Are you the one causing all this torment here in this prison still? Did this noose right here I heard you had a lot of problem with this noose.
15 long minutes.
15 long minutes, you were still dangling there, suffocating.
Is that how the woman felt when you stabbed her over 30 times? Now, Raymond, I came all the way over here, and I want you to talk.
And I understand that they hung you on the gallows right over here, and you were unable to say your last words.
I'm giving you a chance right now, Raymond.
[ Whispers .]
Oh, oh, oh.
[ Normal voice .]
I'm feeling something on my arm right here.
I feel something that's going up my shoulder.
Are you grabbing on the arm? [ Exhales deeply .]
And I have cold chills going through my entire body.
Are you touching me right now, Raymond? At this exact moment, our infrared digital still camera caught this unexplained anomaly hovering behind me and touching my arm.
With a single light source in the room, it is impossible to cast a double shadow.
So with my shadow cast over here, we are unable to explain this dark mist.
Unable to speak his last words on the gallows, this dark mist may be his only way of communicating.
Snowden maybe eternally forced to remain silent.
Aaron and I -- you see Aaron right there -- we're in another prison cell.
We're gonna walk through here and ask some questions, and Aaron, you had an idea, too, you wanted to do, right? -Yeah, yeah.
ZAK: Aaron and Nick decided to set up motion detectors.
If a spirit were to pass in front, these sensors would go off and alert us of their presence.
AARON: Do you hear footsteps? Ups-- up -- up above us? Upstairs? Yeah.
Is that you walking around up there, inmate? I'm right behind you.
Cell block 3.
Are there any inmates in here with us? Are you a murderer? Ooh.
Somethin' rattled in here.
How do you think Zak's doin' right now? I don't know, man.
He's in a bad spot, too.
ZAK: You hear me, Raymond? This is where you got hung, isn't it? This is where you got hung.
And you were standing right here, weren't ya? Your feet were standing right where my feet are and right on this trapdoor.
I just saw a frickin' shadow right over there.
Right over there.
Right over there.
Oh, I don't feel good right now, man.
I want you to tell me those last words that you were unable to say.
What were those last words, Raymond? All right, Raymond, I'm gonna leave now.
I want you to get back in your cell.
Right now it is exactly 3:00 in morning, 3:00 a.
, the witching hour.
Earlier, we interviewed that news guy, uh, Dan Hamilton.
He came right here at 3:00 in the morning, stood right here, where the old gallows used to be.
Right here in the rose garden.
And it was right about that time I started just feeling this pressure on my head, like there were two hands on either side of my skull just crankin' down.
At the same time, somebody took a regular digital still photograph of him, and there was this big orb of light next to head.
So we're gonna try and replicate this.
I'm gonna walk out there, do a little provocation.
Aaron, take some digital still photographs of me.
Let me know if you see any orbs of light Sure.
any kind of weird anomalies.
Okay? So let's try and replicate this.
Were you hung in the gallows here? Did that rope hurt your neck when you were hung? Come up here.
Come up here, make your presence known to us.
Come up.
You can touch me and slap me, do whatever you want.
I wanna see what it's all about, but I think you can't do it 'cause you're too weak.
They squeezed all that energy out of you, didn't they? And that's why you're pissed, and that's why you're here taunting the living.
I want to see if you really exist.
I want to see if you exist right here, in this rose garden.
Look at that.
[ Camera beeps .]
For real, it's there.
It's right there.
It's right there.
-Just keep snaping.
We'll see.
Those could bugs or dust.
So what did you do to get hung? How bad was it? How many people did you kill? [ Camera shutter clicks .]
Gettin' a real bad feeling right now.
Are you getting anything? 'Cause I'm gettin' real bad feelings.
Really creeped out.
I am getting a [bleep.]
headache right now.
-Get anything? -I did.
Look, man.
You wanna see real quick? ZAK: Aaron showed me what he thought was the same ball of light that attacked the reporter.
That -- th-- that's not But this one's more ZAK: After analyzing the photo in high resolution, as I suspected, this was not an orb.
Often what people perceive to be an orb is really dust or a bug.
I don't know, it's just We're gonna leave the rose garden right now.
Um, we're gonna set up -- we have this, uh, static night vision camera.
We're gonna just leave it running right now.
Although we didn't identify the spirits that haunt this garden, we definitely felt their presence.
We had one last experiment, some new technology that could make the difference in our investigation.
We like to use experimental methods, uh, to try and research the paranormal.
I'm gonna hit record right now.
There's something on here that I think we captured.
That's awesome.
ZAK: Having housed over 13,000 convicts in its history, these walls have seen unspeakable evil.
With so much violence and death surrounding us, we wanted to try something new.
We like to use experimental methods, uh, to try and research the paranormal.
We are experimenting with something called ITC, or Instrumental Transcommunication.
Now this is paranormal research, uh, trying to capture ghost pictures on electronic devices.
And let me explain to you what we do.
We set up a television set.
Three feet from the screen, we set a up a regular DV, digital video camera on a tripod.
Now, we take the, uh, the audio, the video, jacks -- the input input jacks, and we take it from the camera and we put it into the television set.
And what you get is this feedback right here.
It's believed that ITC enables paranormal researchers to record evidence of spirits.
Ghosts that are unable to manifest in our world can appear in these electronic images.
We're going to hit record for 30 seconds, and after we hit record for 30 seconds we're gonna analyze each frame of video, and see if we can capture any kind of faces or something like that.
But before you do that, you're supposed to call out to them.
And right now we are standing right near death row.
We thought this would be a great place.
So right now, if you can hear my voice, we would like you to come over here where you see this flashing on this television set.
I'm gonna hit record right now.
NICK: I thought I just saw a face right there, man.
Okay, stop.
-Okay, thank you.
If you did come over here, I would like to say thank you.
You always thank 'em, even if they're evil spirits or not, if they participated.
We repeated this process several times, and after analyzing the footage frame by frame, we found that we had caught this chilling image.
On the left-hand side of the screen, we see a dark silhouette of a man wearing a hood.
They put a hood over his head.
They put the rope around his neck, and then they pulled that lever right there.
Could this be the face of Raymond Snowden? After long night, we could still feel the cruel eyes of the spirits watching us as we left the prison.
With a ton of new evidence in hand, we wasted no time going back to Reno to see paranormal expert, Mark Constantino, and his wife, Debby, an EVP specialist.
So this EVP I actually captured in The Hole, and I was in there by myself.
Okay, in this part [ Male voice .]
I hear, "Not my life," and it sounds to me like another spirit comes in, "I'm okay.
" Yeah, we think they perished in there -Mm-hmm.
-Because, you know, you would think The Hole would be the worst part of the prison.
And you would think that would be they'd stay away from.
So even they're locked to the prison, why would you want to go and just hang out in a place where you were punished all the time? ZAK: A ghost conversation, in Debby's opinion, indicated Nick had captured an intelligent spirit, not a residual one.
Uh, residual energy is more or less the sound of a prison door close or the sound of a baby cry.
You're not really getting an interactive spirit.
An interactive spirit is a spirit that's communicating directly with you.
ZAK: I couldn't wait to hear Mark's evaluation of the ITC evidence.
We were doing this in a spot where a lot of the people that worked there had of paranormal activity.
There's something on here that I think we captured, okay, that really gave us a good chill.
I'm gonna not tell you where it is, I just want you to see if you saw what we saw.
That's awesome.
That would be -- that would be considered a holographic image.
-There's not much detail there.
-But it's definitely there.
It's an image to where there are very few, uh, very little detail.
-And that's what this is, and that's what I would consider this.
What -- what you see here is you can see shoulders.
You can see a neck.
Neck looks thinner than I guess normal would be.
The head is a little strange shaped.
And again, you can see shoulders down here and a body.
And this is another characteristic of, uh, holographic features, is that it'sThey're hardly ever full -- full body.
This is a very good result.
Very good result.
Before we did this ITC set up, I went up to this Raymond Snowden where he lived on death row and I sat there, and I had this infrared digital still camera set up so it would take pictures of me every minute.
I felt something on my arm and, uh, out camera caught this picture of what looks like a dark mist, kind of, like, behind me.
And it's totally not my shadow because you can actually see where my shadow was, my camera and knee.
So I just -- I just thought it was coincidental how I got this dark mist, and I actually felt something on my arm.
I'm surrender there's a correlation there.
-Really? -Yeah.
Well, I would think so.
I mean, it -- it makes sense to me.
Well, I still think it's crazy how you said it has a skinny neck, and we're doing this right where the guy, Raymond Snowden, that I was provoking, was hung.
And I'm sure after he was hung, he had a little, skinny neck.
-It does make sense.
This is crazy.
Mark, thank you very much, man.
Places filled with extreme emotion and dramatic events tend to harbor spirits.
You hear me, Raymond? This is where you got hung, isn't it? The darkness and evil of prison life has left its mark on these stone walls.
You're all staying in here for 24 hours, and I'm not letting you out until you do something.
I'm sorry that you died in here.
ZAK: We felt their presence I feel something.
It's going up my shoulder.
Are you touching me right now, Raymond? and heard their voices echo throughout the cell blocks.
[ Male voice .]
Perhaps some inmates are looking to redeem their souls They squeezed all that energy out of you, didn't they? That's why you're pissed, and that's why you're here taunting the living.
while others are condemned to this prison hell forever.

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