New Worlds (2014) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

You think Angelica Fanshawe is at the centre of this web?.
I believe her letters will lead us to William Goffe.
He's the last of your your Father's murderers.
William Goffe, 1630.
Hounded down by Charles Stuart's agents in Massachusetts.
Did he have a message for me? For you? For his son!.
Let your hand be an enemy to tyrants.
The king would never make Monmouth his heir.
Persist with this exclusion bill and you will bring us all to another civil war.
I've been cured, by the touch of the Protestant Duke.
Remember me.
Long live Monmouth! Do you have a wife? There are enough widows in this forest without mine.
What if you fall in love? Do you not trust me? With all my heart.
Henry Cresswell has consented to take you under his roof as wife.
Well knowing Abraham Goffe to be a false traitor you did conceal him in your dwelling house.
I acknowledge his majesty's favour in altering my daughter's sentence to transportation.
No! This Parliament is hereby.
Mother! Dear God, when will you have done with me? So, tell me about my "loyal" subjects who harboured Goffe for 20 years.
Rebels and traitors.
They swear an oath of allegiance to Massachusetts rather than to you, Majesty.
Public duties.
Private pleasures! Shaftesbury was taken from his bed at dawn and thrown into the Tower.
High Treason.
And Monmouth? Forgiven.
Again! Who dares buy and sell my sovereign territory? Men like John Hawkins of the Hawkins Bay Company.
He buys the wilderness from Indians, parcels it up and then rents it to settlers or sells it on to land speculators like himself.
We have been distracted by our enemies in Parliament.
But now they are overcome it is time to remind Massachusetts it is not a free state, but our colony.
We granted its Charter and we can take it away.
So, my Lord Jeffreys if I grant your wife's brother the Fanshawe estate, he will expand his clay pits to make bricks for my new palace at Winchester? He will, Your Majesty.
It would be the greatest honour, Sire.
I will move into Fanshawe House immediately.
You may have the land for your clay pits.
But the house remains forfeit to me.
However If you were to bring me Abraham Goffe? Separate! Throw down your weapons and you will be spared.
Fire! Aargh! Go.
Live to fight another day.
But if you love me do not leave me to the butchers.
No! Think! Come.
They were as brothers to me.
You should go home while you still can, Ned.
Your father said the day would come when Americans must stand and fight for their liberty.
I did not know what he meant until I met you.
Come to Boston with me.
Help me spread the word.
England is my home.
They will not rest until they have killed you, my friend.
They will never take me alive.
Hardwick, Jeffreys and Charles Stuart will pay for today with their own blood.
Have a care, Abe.
Be not alone and driven by hate.
Be not so quick to draw your pistols.
Your anger has cost other's dear.
But for me, Angelica Fanshawe would still be mistress of this house.
And Beth wouldn't be on a ship that lies at the bottom of the ocean.
You should go home, my friend.
Go and marry Hope Russell if she'll still have you.
Ned? Let this hand be an enemy to tyrants.
Who are you? Why are you wearing her dress? I am Agnes.
I've always dreamed of wearing her gown.
We feared you'd gone.
But you stayed to save us.
Save you? From Hardwick.
He is given the Fanshawe land and we are to work in his new clay pits.
And the House? Not until your head is displayed on the city gates.
Why are there so few of you? Many tribes rose up .
to drive the white men from these lands.
His guns scattered us all across these woods.
One day .
I will reunite my people.
That is why the Great Spirit sent you to me.
That is your name now.
It means "I love you".
We'll go by river as far as Tomahawk Falls and pick up mules and supplies.
And then we'll follow the Indian Trail to the Wawasee.
The Indians will let you be if you give them liquor and looking glasses.
And I'll see you in three months.
Make a success of this, Henry, and you're a made man.
God go with you.
Henry, it's foolhardy to give rum to Indians.
John Hawkins knows how to deal with the red skins better than any man.
I heard say he took this land on the Wawasee by force.
He had an agreement with the Indians.
And when their sachem tried to renege on the deal, saying he never meant to sell Well, John Hawkins put a gun to his head.
Achak made his mark on that treaty blanket, sure enough.
But how does that make John Hawkins the legal owner? You could be walking into a lot of trouble.
Ruth and Caleb have already lost their motherEnough! Just go to bed.
I'll come to you there when I finish my work.
Come on, keep it going.
Come on, let's get it done! Come on, put your back into it, girl.
My hands are raw, sir.
Carry on.
Keep digging.
If I had killed Hardwick today your lives would be worse not better.
Kill one Hardwick and another will take his place.
Do you understand? I do.
Our lives will never change until the kings are toppled from their thrones.
Why must you go to London? I will seek out Algernon Sidney.
If there is a resistance, he will be at the heart of it.
He fought with my father at Marston Moor.
He is England's best chance of bringing down the Stuarts.
The Duke of Monmouth gave it to me.
Let it help the Good Old Cause.
Get a new suit of clothes.
London is ready to rise up as soon as we have news of their deaths.
Argyle stands ready in Scotland.
All is in place.
So the lopping time is upon us.
To a new world.
A new world.
This is the brisk lad I spoke of.
Son of our old comrade, William Goffe.
Your father never gave up hope that England would one day be a republic.
I long to see that day.
That day is closer than you think.
Monmouth would support the murder of his own father? He would be king.
But you would rid England of kings.
The last time we killed a king, the country pined until it had another.
Better to leave them a figure head.
Consider Venice, it has its duke but it is a true republic.
Yet he is a duke, not a king.
Monmouth would be given his crown by parliament, not by God.
When and where? As we speak.
At the Rye house on The road form Newmarket to London as they return from the races.
How will it be done? Six men will shoot down the life guard with blunderbusses.
Another two will enter it and kill the king and his brother.
If all goes to plan the deed is done.
To our new republic.
New republic.
A fire at Newmarket, the king and duke left a day early.
They're already safe in Whitehall, our plot is discovered, Essex and Russell arrested, scatter! Who betrayed? I know not, but I will not run away and hide.
Go, my young friend.
I have nowhere to hide, sir.
Where in the world have you been? We feared you were dead! I'm sorry, father, I will explain everything.
But first, tell me about Hope.
John Russell died.
His case never came to court.
Hope couldn't go back to Hadley nor could she stay here a woman alone and there was no word from you.
She received a handsome offer of marriage.
Who? Henry Cresswell.
Did you give her my letter? I knew she was not the right wife for you.
You will do better.
Ned, I forbid you! I wrote you a letter.
Told you how much I love you.
They left me no choice.
The King is out of patience with Massachusetts.
You have sympathised with the republicans, refused his oath of allegiance and you have carved up this colony! In your own interests.
Massachusetts is run by the corporation strictly according to our Royal Charter.
Do not take me for a fool, sir.
You and your friends ARE the corporation.
You will sit in the general court as select men, where you grant yourselves titles to land you have purloined from Indians.
Bought! That will not stand up in an English court of law! The Boston land registrar is satisfied with its legality.
Charles Stuart has absolute sovereignty over every perch and rod of land in this COLONY! I wish to examine every land title each of you possesses.
Two chains and 12 links.
I think you dream .
of the life you lost and the man you loved and white man woods.
You will go away with those men.
You think they will go away, Masca? My father agreed to share this land.
They were marking out the land, they mean to settle here.
Here is the white man's mark and here is my father's.
What if they build a new village along the river? We will live in peace with them.
What if they will not live in peace? Then we will move further into the woods.
No more blood.
That's not for me.
Whose village will you live in? I shall stay with you.
Our ancestors bones lie here.
You must not go there.
Tell him, Henry.
My friend you do not tell us where we can go, we tell you.
My father agreed to share this land.
Ajac sold this land to John Hawkins ten years ago.
You must go by the end of the month and take your mother's and father's bones with you.
He meant no harm, let him go and we'll leave you in peace.
A knife at your throat? I did nothing.
I was looking for a place to piss.
They were hostile from the first day.
Their sachem, goes by the name of Masca, says this treaty proves he still has rights to the land, burial grounds and etc, the upshot being, no intention of going anywhere.
We'll see about that.
A knife at your throat? Why? The Indian was angry because he thought Stackpole saw something.
He can't be sure, but er, he thinks it was a white woman.
You saw a white woman.
You think? Why are you not sure what you saw, Stackpole? Was he drunk again? Get out of here, Stackpole.
You had your chance to make a fortune and you let liquor get in the way.
They've taken a white woman? See if you can get her out of their hands when you go back up there with armed men.
Mistress Hawkins.
I didn't know you were back.
It's a long story.
John will tell you.
I need to see my family.
There's something you should know before you go home.
There's been gossip and rumour about your wife and my stepson.
"Dear Ned, I am safe and living under the protection "of the kindest and wisest of men, Algernon Sidney.
"Soon we will set the world turning.
"But for now your impetuous friend must learn the virtue of patience.
" Set the world turning? He'll never rest till he kills the King and his brother.
What would that mean for us? A chance for Massachusetts to seize her own destiny.
Then we must be ready.
Stay a little longer.
I cannot.
No, no, Ned.
He will shoot you.
Henry I'll come home with you, Henry.
Words that can never be published.
We talk while the Stuarts kill us one by one.
Russell executed.
Essex murdered in the Tower.
And now Howard arrested.
Be patient, Abe.
Wait patiently until they come for you too? There is no evidence against me.
Do you truly believe, sir, that the great houses would rise up if the Stuarts were assassinated? They are sworn.
Then put one brisk lad within ten yards of them and you will have the spark you need to fire the uprising.
The King and his brother will be at Burford Races two weeks hence.
No, Abe.
It would be suicide for that brisk lad.
A price I would willingly pay.
"Men at sometime are masters of their fates.
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars.
"But in ourselves, that we are underlings".
Make haste! Save yourself.
I will not leave you.
Stand down in the name of the King! Stop! We will die nobly when the time comes, not cut down like dogs behind closed doors.
I could take you before the General Court and denounce you.
Have a red "A" for adulteress sewn into your dress.
Shame you before the whole town.
Have you whipped or worse.
But my children have already lost one mother and they have a certain attachment to you.
So you will promise you will never see that man, that BOY, again.
In return for which I will allow you to live under my roof.
Henry, I.
Promise! Or I will have you both hanged as adulterers! I promise.
Love? What does a boy like you know about love? Love begins and ends in family.
You steal another man's wife, you destroy love, you destroy his family and you betray the community.
I can't live here knowing she's the property of a man like Cresswell.
I understand that, son.
Ned, when you came back here from England all fired up about Charles Stuart and what he intends for us here you said that you wanted to defend our liberties.
And you can do that, my son .
with the power of the Hawkins Bay Company behind you.
But you must stay here in Boston, work hard, earn the respect of the community that you want to lead.
And you must stay away from Hope Cresswell as a woman alone.
You know the law.
If you were discovered she'd pay with her life.
I'll send for you when the first houses go up.
Randolph is trying to find a way for the King to lay claim to that land we bought from the Indians.
We won't let him do that, father.
Time to go home.
That land that Cresswell is settling? What about it? There are some documents missing in the chain of title.
Don't concern yourself with that.
Henry Cresswell has it in hand.
Yes, but Henry Cresswell has it in hand.
Now Martha expects us for dinner.
What does your father want of me now? Nothing.
I've come to ask you about that land up along the Wawasee.
Ask your father about it.
But I can't find a single piece of paper that says how we got hold of that land in the first place.
Customary fashion.
20 years ago, when Hawkins Bay bought the land that became Hadley .
you were part of the negotiations with my father.
The Indians said over and over they didn't want to sell.
And then one day we put a claim in with the Land Registrar saying the land is ours through vacuum domicilium.
No Indians on the land anymore.
Yes, that's how it was.
So what happened to them? Why did those Indians leave? Buy me some more ale and I'll tell you a story, Mister Hawkins.
His name was Wawanolet.
He was the most powerful of the sachems.
His heathen people believed he could make magic.
Cause a green leaf to grow in winter, trees to dance, water to burn.
He wouldn't sign over his ancestral lands, so you bribed him with baubles and liquor and then you put a gun to his head.
Customary fashion.
When he still refused, you dragged him from his tent and scalped him.
I paid him fair and square for the land that they were leaving idle.
Then he tells me they won't go.
Every time I ask him, he says no and all around him, the painted devils getting bolder and bolder.
I had to take away his power.
The life force that they believe is here.
I didn't kill him.
I shamed him.
His tribe moved on.
We built Hadley, tamed another piece of this howling wilderness just as God sent us here to do.
Is this what you've sent Cresswell to do along the Wawasee? Is this what Henry Cresswell has in hand? Henry will do what needs to be done.
No, I won't let him.
I came here 50 years ago with my father to help John Winthrop build a new Jerusalem in this vacant wilderness.
And I have played my part in God's plan to create a New World for the persecuted and the downtrodden.
And was it God's plan that you should own half of Massachusetts? I didn't want to believe William Goffe when he called you a land pirate but that is exactly what you are, father.
You steal Indian land by force and sell it at a profit to settlers desperate for a new start.
That's not God's plan.
That's your plan.
Are the Indians not part of God's plan? Yes! The Indians are idle heathens.
Satan's way of challenging us as we do God's will.
And what is God's will for the Indians? That we should clear them off the land.
Your womenfolk are safe.
We'll bring them back when you make your mark on this land deed.
The great White Father King Charles, he needs you to do this, and then we all know who owns the land.
I don't think he understands, Henry.
I understand.
If we are not back by nightfall your women folk will be shipped down river and sold as slaves in Boston market.
We live here? Sure.
We stay here? Yes.
You will stay right here.
Bring the women.
No harm done.
Look, the girls were given blankets to keep them warm.
What is this? I promised.
Madam, I don't know who you are or where they stole you from, but walk slowly towards me and I can take you away from these red devils and home to your own people.
My name is Najeli.
I am home.
These are my people.
She's turned Turk, Henry.
Let's take her by force.
Leave her.
Let's go.
Get up to walk.
# Ya Ni Gah Wiss# Najeli .
he must lead his people.
He will.
I promise.
# Ya Ni Gah Wiss# Your son will live.
And he will remember.
He will know who he is and where he came from.
And I will tell him how the white men came .
and, with their guns, drove you from your woodland home.
And I will tell him how his father stood fast against them.
And he will be proud to be the son of a Sachem like Masca.
He must have got them from the infirmary.
I didn't believe he'd do it.
I sure didn't believe they'd work so well.
This place reeks of death.
Let's go.
Where's Cresswell? Down river.
Yeah he's gone, I'll take his money, keep your eye on the money.
What is it? Cresswell? It's me - Stackpole.
I'm coming in.
Stackpole what in God's name are you doing here? Bringing him.
I need to talk to Henry Cresswell on company business.
The rest of you go inside.
What's going on? He knows, Henry.
The savages are all dead.
Then praise the Lord.
He cleared the land for us.
With a little help from you and your pox-ridden blankets.
Did my father know? Stackpole, go inside.
Did my father know about the blankets? Ha, ha.
Argh Henry's deadand we need your help.
The traitor, Sydney, awaits trial in the tower, Your Grace.
I will not give him up.
Stop! GUNS SHO Abe Goffe is dead, Beth.
He died in Oxford Gaol.
Oh, grandfather! This hand, enemy to tyrants, seeks peace with liberty.
The king's dead! Monmouth could be king by now.
It is time for me to go home.

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