Roswell s01e03 Episode Script


Previously on Roswell We know we came out of the pods in 1989.
We just don't know how long we were there.
This is what we've been waiting for our entire lives.
He leaves for the day at 7:30.
There's no one else in the wing of the sheriff! S station.
How do we know they can'tjust wiggle their noses and poof us into an oblivion? Sorry about the intrusion.
The other day the sheriff asked me all these questions, and now with Topolsky poking around.
- I'm not a substitute teacher.
- He knows where we come from.
He knows who we are.
He knows why we're here.
How do we know what happens if he kisses you? She isn't who she appears to be.
I'm the new guidance counselor.
- Liz, we are dealing with aliens! - Oh! #[Radio: Woman Singing.]
## [Singing Along With Radio.]
Of course.
Going home? [Laughs.]
[Clears Throat.]
I mean, um, do you need a ride? Doesn't this thing have any air conditioning? Yeah.
It's on all the way.
- #[Radio, Indistinct.]
- [Air Whooshing.]
Oh, my God! What are you doing? I'm just making it more comfortable in here.
Don't do that in my car.
- What year is this thing? - It's a '92, and it's never been towed either.
Well, the sound system is pathetic.
- [Volume Increases.]
- [Indistinct Shout.]
I'm just trying to help you out.
Oh, uh, the key chain? My mother makes 'em.
I'll tell her to stop.
My mother does stupid things too.
- She does? - Don't all mothers? Yeah, I guess.
- Does she know? - That she does stupid things? No.
That, um, you and Max are, like, you know, different? You mean horrible, disgusting creatures from outer space who sneak into your room at night and perform excruciating experiments? [Gasps.]
- [Crashing.]
- Oh, my God! Oh, my God.
! Oh, my God.
What will the future bring? In ancient times, man looked to the heavens to answer this question.
Today our methods are a little more scientific, more personal.
What will the future bring for you? As the millennium nears, all eyes are on you.
There are so many opportunities out there for young people today and I want to help you discover exactly what's right for you.
Because the most important ingredient to success is always preparation.
You can't become something until you can dream it first.
What will the future bring for you? Let me just make it easier for her.
Tastee Freeze, Denny's, Gas World, prison.
[Liz Narrating.]
Listening to Topolsky, I suddenly realized it wasn't my future I was worried about at all.
My future was full of all kinds of promise if I couldjust get through my present.
Sports, student council.
That's where I come in.
Getting to know your dreams.
So, over the next few days you'll all be coming into my office for some interviews a series of questions which will indicate where your strengths lie.
And, as you all know, I'm new here.
So, most importantly, this will give me a chance to find out who you are.
Okay, so you rear-ended Sheriff Valenti.
Are you okay? - Yeah.
It was a love tap.
I can handle it.
- Are you sure? Yeah.
It was a total fender-bender.
Minor damage.
It wouldn't have happened if Miss Isabel hadn't been playing with my head.
Why was she playing with your head? - She was deliberately trying to freak me out.
- How? She made my air conditioner blow like a hurricane.
Maria, what did you do to make her do that? What did I do? Listen, I was there to extend myself.
I gave her a lift, trying to reach out give her that old "I come in peace" thing.
Look, Liz, it, like, takes two people to tango, you know? And how can I tango with a girl if she's going around creeping me out like that? Maria, look.
I will talk to Max and have him talk to Isabel but the important thing is for us to stay in control, okay? Hey, I am in control.
You know, I am, like, in control.
Why don't you start by telling me what your dream job would be? I wanna be Brad Pitt's love slave.
- Houston Astros, left field.
- Lead guitar for Metallica.
That's a very interesting question.
Do you always ask it first? - Supermodel.
- Like I have any skills? Molecular biologist.
Or a dream, dream, dream job would be head of molecular biology research at Harvard.
That's fantastic.
Now, what job do you think you'll actually have in 10 years? Cheese factory, I guess.
- Houston Astros, left field.
- I usually get what I want.
Excellent follow-up question.
Very good technique.
- We could all be dead in 10 years.
- Video store.
- Wait.
Well, cheese factory.
- Molecular biologist.
Okay, let's play a relationship game.
Tell me which character in this picture is the most like you and tell me what they're doing at the park.
- King of the jungle gym.
- I never really played well with others.
The kid holding the umbrella for the other kids.
- Which one are you? - Can this get any more lame? [Max.]
Probably the one behind the tree.
I was sort of kidding.
That's interesting.
That's a hard place to be.
I've been behind the tree myself.
In college, I barely left my dorm for three years.
Then I realized I had gotten myself into this situation where I wasn't really living.
I was just going through the motions.
And it was really, really risky to change to get out there in the world.
- But it was worth it? - Yes, it was.
Coming out from behind the tree, huh? Exactly.
You start small.
You say, "Today I'm gonna do one thing to get out there.
" Nothing big.
Just one thing.
And what did you do? Started a conversation with this guy I liked.
[School Bell Ringing.]
[Students Chattering.]
Okay, sure.
So we'll talk about it.
- All right.
See you guys later.
- Bye.
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
So, how-how's it going? Good.
It's going good.
That's good.
Um great.
- Max, is everything okay? - Yeah, yeah.
I just want to say hi.
Just, uh, stepping out from behind the tree.
What tree? Ah, forget it.
It's Um, Max, do you know about that whole Maria-Isabel thing that's going on? Yeah, yeah, I heard.
Well, um, I just sort of promised Maria that I would mention it.
See, um, Isabel kind of makes Maria a little - Nervous? - No, no.
It's not nervous.
- Because she makes some people nervous.
- She said that she did things.
- Things? - Yeah, you know, things to her car.
So maybe you can talk to her, so we don't let this whole situation get out of control.
Okay? You know, it kind of seemed like you wanted to say something before.
Bye, Max.
That girl is just an accident waiting to happen.
- Look, Isabel, could you at least try to make an effort? - No.
Think about it.
People see movies with aliens.
Aliens killing humans.
Evil aliens, green aliens.
You keep acting that way with Maria, she'll think that's what we are.
I'm telling you this evil alien thing can work for us in this situation.
The way to deal with DeLuca is to make her sweat, keep her on her toes.
Make her afraid of my shadow, your shadow, her shadow, Michael's shadow.
- Right, Michael? - Or we could just kill her.
- Put that key away.
- You wanna know, don't you? You got the bug.
We got this key.
Now, what does this key open? Admit that you have to know that.
The key means nothing.
Then why did it give me a vision the first time I touched it? - Because your brain is warped? - What do you think it means? I mean, it's a key.
Where could it possibly lead? I'm telling you.
The government cleaned out the sheriff s station and this is the key he kept from them.
It's gotta be something important.
Maybe it belonged to the corpse from 1959.
Michael, you're grasping at straws.
And I know that.
But I say we follow where it takes us.
I mean, who knows where we'll end up? Maybe home.
I mean, Maxwell, we can't let this go.
- We can't just hide.
- I don't know.
One more day before she cracks, tops.
Just try to find something you have in common with her.
- Please! What am I even supposed to talk to her about? - Try something.
Order some fries.
Just start a conversation.
It's impossible.
She's irrational.
She is kinda weird.
So you want to be a scientist.
That's exciting.
- Yeah.
- You seem very sure of yourself.
Well, you know, the first time that I walked into a chemistry lab, I just knew.
There's this smell the sulfur smell? I knew I was home.
What makes you think the world of science is right for you? Other than the smell.
The world is this incredibly mysterious place and science is just this way of figuring it out.
With science, there are answers to everything facts.
When you're conducting an experiment, you're in control of everything.
So you like to be in control.
Of course.
You make a lot of plans, don't you? You've gotta have a plan.
What about taking life as it comes? No.
Sometimes you don't have a choice.
In response to recent shift confusion I have created this color-coded system so we all have a clear plan.
Now, like any good plan, there is flexibility built into it.
But the important thing is, is if you need to make a change tell me and I'll make it that way, nothing will get out of control.
Again, thank you all for coming in.
Any questions? - Can we go back home now? - Yeah.
- Nice colors.
- Thanks.
You know what? You take the front.
I'm gonna go do that can inventory your father was - Maria! - She's out there.
- Who is out there? - Queen Amidala.
Okay, Maria, you've gotta calm down here.
You've got to control yourself.
I am in control.
I am in control.
I'm not in control! - Liz, let me just confide here, okay? - Okay.
I live my life in constant fear of her.
Okay? Moment to moment, knowing that each one could be my last.
- Okay, I'm sorry - No, no, no.
I get it.
We're just, like, stuck with each other, you know? The five of us.
So, for me, just try and be friendly with Isabel.
Okay, sure.
All right, just one big happy family.
You can do it.
#[Rock, Indistinct.]
- Hi.
- Hi.
- So? - So.
How about some fries? Fries.
That's great.
Great choice.
- Really.
- Thanks.
[Door Opens, Bell Rings.]
Can I get a Coke, please? You do have Coke, don't you? Yes.
Yes, we do.
Um to go? Sure.
That'd be fine.
Anything else I can tell you today, Sheriff? Get you today, Sheriff? Anything? Actually, I need your insurance information for that fender-bender that we had.
- Right.
- City regulations.
- [Sighs.]
- You all right? Yes.
Totally all right.
Happy as a clam.
[Nervous Chuckle.]
I'm here to protect you from anything.
Do you understand? Um, you know, it's-it's time for that can inventory, Maria.
Can I ring this up for you, Sheriff? Keep the change.
! Corey.
! Stop it with that thing, or we're not going to the museum.
- Must kill all aliens! - What did I say? Liz isn't here.
And if she were here, I would kill her.
Excuse me, but there's nothing really scary in that U.
Center, is there? I mean, there's nothing real or anything? I've never really been in there, so l Of course not.
Why would you ever think such a thing? There's no such thing as aliens, especially anywhere around here.
That's not what it said on the menu.
- Knock it off! - Thank you for dining at the Crashdown.
- Let's go.
- [Sighs.]
- Are you okay? - Of course I'm okay.
Don't I seem okay? Well, you just shortchanged her 10 bucks.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God.
L-I can't leave.
I'm the only one here.
Take it easy.
I'll take it to them.
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
Why not? Thank you so much.
And so, on July 4, 1947 after all the fireworks had been shot off after all the apple pie had been eaten, they came.
The evidence suggests they had been studying us for quite some time.
To what end? We'll never know.
But on that fateful night, something went terribly wrong and one though some say more than one of the alien crafts crashed onto our planet starting what was to become the most elaborate cover-up mankind has ever known.
Right this way.
There are eyewitness accounts from people still living in Roswell today of debris found in the desert made of strange metals inscribed with purple hieroglyphs.
There are those who, on their deathbeds spoke of being present at alien autopsies and of the threats that were made to their lives and the lives of their families if they spoke of what they saw.
Imagine, ladies and gentlemen, living your entire life with such a terrible secret that you can't share with your loved ones for fear of their safety.
I don't think anyone here today is strong enough for that.
Now, are there any questions before we enter the video theater? I heard they found some aliens alive, and they were tortured into giving us their technology.
There are many theories, son.
Many theories.
They ever come back again? You know, like to rescue the ones in the crash? There have been sightings in this area on a regular basis since that night.
You decide.
Right this way.
- What about 1959? - Who said that? [Murmuring.]
Let's continue with the documentary portion of our tour.
Right this way.
- [Film Narrator, Indistinct.]
- Must kill all aliens.
! - [Toy Gun Whirring.]
- Corey! Do I need to get a leash? This is yours.
You left it at the cafe.
Oh, thank you.
Let's go.
We're going home.
You exhaust me.
I'm so exhausted from the two of you.
- What do you know about 1959? - Is there something to know? Come back tomorrow.
We can talk more.
Hey, you're blocking the screen! Tomorrow.
I have something you may be interested in.
[Film Narrator.]
Out of the hands of the American public.
The mystery of what became of the creatures inside the spacecraft has yet to be unraveled.
[Crickets Chirping.]
[Crickets Chirping.]
[Dogs Barking.]
Looking for something? What if there is someone out there somewhere waiting for us to come home? You know, another Mom and Dad.
I know we never really talk about this stuff.
But do you? Wonder about it at all? Every day.
What if we could find out? What if someone had the answers for us? Would you want to know? I think I'd be really scared.
What is this about, Max? Is this about the key? Because you know we can't do anything about it.
We're always being so cautious, you know? Always watching behind our backs never getting too involved.
But we're never moving forward either.
We're just kinda stuck, Isabel.
I'm not sure I want to be stuck anymore.
What's making you think about this? The key or Liz? I'm not sure.
Max, we already took a really big risk just telling them.
I don't like where it's headed.
- I trust them, Isabel.
- You want to trust them.
You know, I wish I had somebody I felt that way about.
But we can't, Max.
We can't expose ourselves.
I'm gonna find out exactly what we're up against.
- What do you mean? - I'm gonna pay Maria a little visit.
- What kind of visit? - The usual.
You can't just go around walking into people's dreams.
Remember when you did it with Mom? She wouldn't go back to sleep for a week.
- It's just to check things out.
You know, preventive measures.
- Isabel.
Max, just a short visit.
Good night.
- [Sighs.]
Some people are just pigs.
- Tell me about it.
Welcome to the Crash [Screaming.]
- [Gasping.]
- What's the matter, Maria? Look at them! They - They're - They're what, Maria? They're They're repulsive.
! I mean They look perfectly normal to me.
- [Gasps.]
What are you doing here? - I thought we should talk.
Since we can't seem to do it when we're awake, I thought I'd visit you in your dreams.
What do you mean, visit me? I'm not really part of your dream.
I can't change it or anything.
I just wanted to see what you were thinking.
When he's dressed like that, it makes me feel much less afraid.
Afraid of what? - [Growling.]
- [Screaming.]
! Oh, my God.
! Sheriff! I have to tell the sheriff! - Tell him what? - You guys are disgusting creatures from outer space! Is that what you would really do? Sheriff! Sheriff Valenti! Sheriff! Sheriff! [Panting.]
Are you having a hard time with something in your life right now, Max? No, not at all.
Because some adopted kids go through tough times around this age.
You know, identity issues, things like that.
What does this have to do with my career path again? If I'm going to help you figure out what you want to become maybe we should talk about who you really are.
Now, you're an excellent student.
Are you thinking of college? It's a little soon for that.
Two years.
You don't think that far ahead? Not usually.
What about the past, Max? What did you want to be when you were five? You don't remember anything before you were adopted, do you? What does this have to do with my future? Sometimes it's hard to move forward with your future until you can figure out your past.
[Footsteps Approaching.]
- Excuse me.
- It's closing time.
It's Max Evans from, from yesterday.
Well, I thought you were playing hard to get.
W-Well, I had school.
All right, cut to the chase, kid.
Don't you tease me.
What do you know about 1959? I thought you had something to show me.
Is that the way you want to play it? I'm about to show you unmitigated proof that aliens walk this earth.
I was that boy next to that alien shadow.
That close.
Now, what do you know about 1959? Only that there was a sighting near this ice cream parlor.
Damn! I thought you had something.
Look, I know you're hooked.
I can see it in your eyes.
And I could use a guy like you around here.
Minimum wage.
Long, hard hours.
But just think of the rewards when we make the discovery of a lifetime.
- You a nonsmoker? - Yeah.
Can't take any chances with my archives so close.
Archives? Just the most complete collection of U.
Facts and findings ever compiled.
Right up those stairs.
You have information on sightings? Look, I know it's a tourist trap cash cow but every penny I make goes to my research.
Everything you want to know about extraterrestrials since 1947 waits for you behind that door.
Your archives, are they open to the public? Oh, you're hungrier than I thought.
And you remind me a lot of myself as a confused, pained adolescent.
Ever since then, I've spent my entire life searching for aliens.
And I swear on my mother's grave that one day I will stand face to face with one of these creatures and I will say, "I told you so.
" What about my offer? What do you think? #[Rock, Indistinct.]
Some people are just pigs.
#[Continues, Indistinct.]
Sheriff! What are you doing here? I enjoyed the Coke so much, I thought I'd try breakfast.
- Anything special you'd like to tell me about? - No.
The board says you've got corned beef hash.
Uh, yeah, Heavenly Hash special.
- Is that what you recommend? - Oh, absolutely.
You seem to know a lot about what goes on around here, so I'll trust you.
One Heavenly Hash special.
Uh, to go? No.
I think I'll eat it right here this time.
Oh, by the way the insurance company took care of everything.
It's good to have a strong, dependable institution like that on your side.
[Nervous Chuckle.]
How's your neck doing? My neck? Yeah.
That was quite a hit you took from that car the night of the festival.
Oh, right.
That was nothing.
Seem to be having a lot of accidents lately though.
I tell you what.
Why don't you stop by my office, say, tomorrow about this time? You and I can talk.
Oh, and, uh, I'll take that order to go.
#[Continues, Indistinct.]
Outside forces.
They're very powerful.
Nothing in the universe is immune to them.
If no man is an island, then no molecule lives in a vacuum.
Heat makes them expand.
Cold forces them together.
They even affect each other.
They even affect each other.
I'll help you if you help me.
Hold that open.
All right.
Let me see.
- I know this is all really, really strange - No, it's not.
It's not.
And keeping a secret like this is a lot of pressure.
- Max, I would never even say anything.
- I know.
I know.
Never on purpose.
I believe that.
- But what about Maria? - Maria? Max, Maria No.
She's like completely trustworthy.
She's like, um she's like a fortress.
The Fort Knox of friends.
So she'll be okay when she goes to see Valenti tomorrow? Oh, yeah, totally.
She'll be fine.
I'm on top of it.
Don't worry.
I guess I am a little worried.
It's just, she seems to be, uh - a little - Well, I know.
- Uh, high - High strung.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Well, yeah, but see, that's, like, what Maria's like on the outside but on the inside, she's like this really, um, like Calm? No, she's not calm.
It-It's something else.
She's like this On the inside she's much more, um Max Maria's my best friend in the whole world and she is gonna be fine tomorrow.
I'll make sure of it.
It's just It's important.
I know it is.
You don't need to worry about it.
It'll be fine.
I promise.
So, I'm sure you're eager to hear the results of your computer profile.
" Cool! How hard could that be? "Law enforcement"? This is a joke, right? A psych a psychologist? Wow! How did you get started in this field? "Video store clerk.
" My dream.
How well do you think you know yourself? Very well.
Then you might be a little surprised by your profile.
You said in our first meeting you wanted to be a supermodel.
You work with what you're given.
That's quite a jet-set career for someone who puts family first craves security and stability, leans towards caregiving fields.
Well, I never trusted computers.
Think about who you are, Isabel, and what's important in your life.
And don't forget there's nothing wrong with just wanting to be normal.
Okay, you got tapped by the car and you blacked out and you don't remember a thing that happened after that.
Now, let's pretend that I'm Valenti.
- What did you see in the parking lot that night? - "Nothing.
Just headlights.
" Perfect.
And, um, all right, and how did you get that handprint on you? - "I don't know.
I was unconscious"? - Right.
Liz, this is, like, so ludicrous.
The sheriff is smart.
He's gonna find out the truth.
And maybe that wouldn't be so bad.
He's Kyle's dad.
He said he was here to protect us.
Do you think we need protection from Max, Michael and Isabel? Yes.
I don't know.
I just wish you'd stop trying to control the way I feel.
I am not you, Liz.
Look, I just I have to do what I think is right.
I gotta go.
[Door Opens, Closes.]
[Bell Rings.]
Bye, sweetie.
- Have a good day, okay? Will you call me? - Yes.
All right.
[Bell Rings.]
Replaced the headlight, popped out the fender.
Repaired the leak in your radiator hose.
You can pay at the cashier, ladies.
So what do you mean, she was nervous? I don't know.
She She was just, like, nervous.
Nervous like just overexcited nervous? Or nervous she's gonna crack nervous? I'm not sure what she's gonna say.
I'm really not sure of anything anymore.
You're not sure.
That's great.
That's good.
Max, I'm so sorry.
I should never have even told Maria in the first place.
Well, you did it 'cause you trusted her and you needed somebody to talk to.
It was only natural.
So why did you tell me? It was only natural.
What did you mean the other day about that thing about the tree? Just somebody's advice not to get stuck behind them.
Well, did you take it that advice? I think I just did.
What are you afraid of, Miss DeLuca? A lot of things.
You know what I think? I think someone's controlling you.
Controlling you through fear.
Am I right? I'm here to help you.
You know that, don't you? Then tell me what's frightening you so badly.
What you saw the night of the Crash Festival? You were in that parking lot to meet who? Nothing.
Just headlights.
Was there someone waiting for you? I don't know.
I was unconscious.
Maria, we both know why we're here, right? So what do you say we stop lying to each other? Okay? Okay.
Now, who is Isabel Evans? Um, she's a girl at school.
- Why does she make you so nervous? - I'm not nervous.
Isabel and her brother Max How well do you know 'em? Uh, not well.
Not well at all.
You know, I think you and I have something in common.
I never really got to know my father very well either.
He was a sheriff around here about 40 years ago.
- Did you know that? - No.
Strong man.
Strong hands.
And he had this theory, you know, about aliens that they were real.
Sounds awfully silly, doesn't it? - Yeah.
- That's what everybody thought.
But my father was a He was a very stubborn man.
And he wouldn't let it go.
He believed.
And he lost his job over it.
And, uh, he lost his family over it.
Now, I would hate to see that happen to any other family in this town, wouldn't you? Now, there's one more thing that you and I have in common.
Isn't there? We've both seen things recently that have made us start to wonder made us question ourselves, our beliefs.
And I think that if we share those things with each other we're both gonna feel a little bit safer.
Now, Isabel Evans She's just a girl? She's a special girl.
What makes her special? Where she comes from.
Where is she from? Maria, where are they from? Where do they come from? A very nice family.
And like you said, Sheriff we wouldn't want to destroy any other families in this town, would we? [Sighs.]
You're alone? Do you see the army behind me? You lied.
Like a rug.
Were you scared? Understatement.
But that's when I realized what it's like being you.
You look awful.
"Thanks for saving our butts, Maria.
" Oh, no problem, Isabel.
So, need a ride? #[Rock.]
[School Bell Ringing.]
[Liz Narrating.]
The future was always so clear to me a straight path towards my goal.
I just never counted on there being any intersections.
I guess that's what makes life more interesting Keeping yourself open, letting new people in changing your mind, not being afraid of the unexpected.

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