Rubicon s01e03 Episode Script

Keep The Ends Out

Hey, Joan.
Been here long? Are you sure you want to do this? I could bring all the stuff down.
I I wanna see his office.
You've never seen his office? Hey, Warren.
- Hey, Will.
- Didn't know you worked Sundays.
I don't.
Coleman's got the flu.
This is Joan Hadas, David's wife.
Really nice to meet you, Mrs.
I'm sorry for your loss.
- Your husband was a great guy.
- Thank you.
I was gonna take Joan up to get the rest of David's things.
No problem.
Um, I'm gonna need your cell phone and any other electronics, ma'am, and you'll need to sign in.
I'm sorry.
Some of my things are in there.
They're having me move in.
Not how I pictured it.
Church and state.
David used to always say, "church and state.
" I just never knew which one I was.
Church or state.
I don't feel him here.
I thought maybe I would, but this it doesn't feel like him.
So Evan's coming down this week.
Oh? Yeah, he said he had some things to do in the city, but I think he's just checking up on his poor mother.
He asked if he could see you.
Any idea why? He didn't say.
Oh, Will he's better now.
He always liked you.
He's just no, he didn't.
No, he didn't.
I don't blame him.
Would you see him? For me? Of course.
Thank you.
Does your camera point down front street? Yeah.
- Can I see? - See what? Hey, you're not allowed back here.
I know, I know I'm sorry.
Please? All right.
Can you get closer? Little bit.
About the best I can do.
What's going on? I don't know.
Ross told us fish don't have eyelids.
No eyelids? Really? It would be kind of hard to sleep without eyelids.
Yes, it would, bear.
Bears sleep all winter long.
They hibernate.
Why? Um Don't they have to go to the bathroom? That's a very good question.
Pumpkin! Daddy! - Pumpkin! - Hi, daddy! Oh-ho-ho! Oh, my God! Oh! - How was school? - Boring.
You know, you're only allowed to stay in bed until 9:00 on a weekday.
You do know it's a weekday, yes? Katherine, please answer the damn phone.
It's me.
I don't like you hating me.
Anne's gone out to Fisher's Island for the rest of the week to to torment our contractor.
Let's have dinner tomorrow night, huh? Oh, come on, Katherine.
Just say "yes.
" Okay.
So let me get this straight.
German intelligence won't give us anything? BND is still pretending they don't know who we are.
We've got a mountain of open source on Boeck.
He's not exactly a shadowy figure.
He's a banker born in Frankfurt to a German mother and Syrian father.
Now lives in Munich.
Worked at Lauterbach Bank from '91 to '98, then started his own investment firm, Boeck trust.
Provides insurance, investment and wealth management in Europe and the Middle East.
Boeck isn't Syrian, so did this man change his name? Yes.
Um, born Nasir Vallimamood.
Boeck is a family name on his mother's side.
Looks like he, uh he changed it in college.
Guess it's easier to get the big accounts at Lauterbach Bank if your name isn't Mohammed Von Muslim.
Oh, grant, astute and culturally sensitive.
- So, is he religious? - He's a member of a mosque in Munich, but it's pretty moderate, from what I can tell.
Okay, what is this, anyway? I mean, a Russian thug and a German banker.
This this isn't really our playground.
I know, I know but it comes from upstairs.
That isn't an answer.
We Iwe do the Middle East.
I mean, central Asia, Indonesia, maybe, but we don't, we don't know bubkis about this stuff.
Can't we can't we give it to the Eastern European Slavic Aryan analysts on team b? Miles, third man in the photo sitting with George and Yuri? Uh, not a clue.
Nothing at all? We don't know shit about these guys.
We have an ETA on the Sudan thing? The minutes from NIF's meeting or the analysis of the NGO charters? Oh, the minutes the NGO thing is back-burner.
Oh, there's nothing in those minutes.
Then write down "nothing," and I need to tell Spangler where we are with Yuri and George and the mystery man.
Uh, can, uh can we tell him we're working on it? Last Friday you told him you'd have something for him.
I know.
I know we're building a profile of George Boeck.
But the BND they're not playing nice.
Then you shouldn't have told him you could have it in 24 hours.
Should have told him the truth, which is you had no idea how long it would take.
He was testing you.
You failed.
That was a test? Yeah.
You need me to give BND a nudge? Couldn't hurt.
Oh, damn it! Are you all right? No.
He just showed up at my doorstep.
Scared the shit out of me.
And the thing is Sophie was so happy to see him.
Broke my heart.
Let me guess.
He said, "I want to be part of your life again.
" Tell me you said "no.
" People don't change, Maggie.
We are, who we are.
Stay away from him.
But what if it's true? What if Sophie could have her dad, again? What if she had a chance to grow up in a normal family? I have a responsibility to her.
Craig is trying.
I can tell he's really trying.
- Hi.
- Hey.
How are you? Hey, thanks for meeting me.
So How's Vermont? Uh, peaceful quiet.
Nobody bothers you, you know, you just live your life.
Sounds nice.
Your dad was really happy you settled into something up there.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
He talked about it a lot.
How come he never came to visit me? He signed and faxed all the paperwork, talked to my doctors all the time, but he wouldn't step foot in the place.
Mom came up, like, half a dozen times, but not dad.
So, Evan, listen, was there a specific reason you wanted to meet up? Mom said that before he died, dad gave you his bike the Norton? That's right.
Yeah, well, the thing is he said that it was going to be mine, someday.
- He did? - Yes.
He never mentioned it.
You don't believe me? No, of course, I do.
It's just that it's hard to imagine giving it up.
It was the one thing he gave me, before he died.
He was supposed to give it to me.
I'm his son, not you.
So here's what I know from his credit card bills.
George likes to eat a lot and well.
He also pays his bill every month.
And now, I'm officially hungry and financially irresponsible.
How do you think he decided on George, anyway? What do you mean? Well, your name's Nasir, you're living in Munich, you can change your name to anything to help you fit in, and you choose George not "Gey-org," not "Heinrich," but "George.
" Maybe George was his favorite Beatle.
Makes sense, you know, - the quiet one.
- Where are you going? I'm going to call Berlin.
It's 3:00 a.
in Berlin.
Where'd your parents get the name "Grant," anyway? Ulysses S.
My father was a big civil war buff.
Your parents named you after one of the worst five presidents in history? Worst five? Worst ten, okay? We're not talking about James Buchanan or Warren G.
Harding here.
Pretty much, we are.
It's Maureen.
Please leave me a message.
Plenty of sunshine and seasonal temperatures.
We should reach our normal high clear skies tonight with a low near 70.
Increasing cloudiness tomorrow with the winds out of the east at 14 Miles per hour.
It's currently 71 degrees.
Um when bears hibernate do they need to go to the bathroom? Well, technically, they go in the woods, not in a bathroom.
But no they don't go.
So what? They just hold it? It's a little more complicated than that.
Bears actually have the unique ability to recycle waste while they're hibernating.
Had a feeling you'd know.
Say "hi" to George.
That's him the last time he went through Heathrow uh, no, Gatwick.
He went on vacation? I wonder where? June of '09, on their way to Bermuda.
- That's the wife? - Mm-hmm.
She's pretty.
That George? Uh, it is, yeah.
- Uh, daughter? - Dalal.
You okay? Yeah, I'm good.
Uh, Miles? I need your help, Miles.
Uh, ten-digit numbers.
Uh, phone numbers.
ISBN numbers for books.
CAS registry for chemicals.
Got anything else? - Uh, people.
- What do you mean? Well, seven billion is a ten-digit number.
To give each of the seven billion people on earth their own number, you'd use a ten-digit number.
Hey why you following me? Get out of my face, man.
I'm just trying to get home.
- You're following me.
- Get out of my face.
Answer my damn qu qu Wha what what pile are you working through? Travel records.
Can I see that? This guy takes a lot of vacations.
Cruises who does that? There's a lot of trips to damascus.
His dad is retired there.
Uh, uh, did you see all the memberships this guy has? Das Hunger Projekt, Deutschland.
Alumni association.
Industrie-und handelskammer? That's chamber of commerce.
I mean, are you are you guys members of stuff? I'm not really a joiner.
Miles Top five worst presidents.
Okay, uh Buchanan.
Johnson uh, Andrew, not LBJ.
Uh Harding.
He's got to be up there.
Oh, William Henry Harrison for making a long inauguration speech in the rain and then, dying a month later.
For number five, it's got to be a three-way tie.
Uh, Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore, and Ulysses S.
See? He said "three-way tie.
" That's top seven, not top five.
That's what you get for acting like John Wayne.
Who? Any ideas? None worth repeating.
What happened to Evan? I don't know.
He was always a serious little kid.
Thought his dad was the bee's knees.
God knows, David and Joan loved him.
Maybe David worked too hard.
Maybe it wasn't easy being David's son.
He wants the Norton.
The motorcycle? You should probably give it to him.
I'm going to.
I don't want to, but I'm going to.
He's his son.
Here's the thing.
David gave me the bike.
He told me to ride away.
Maybe a code.
There's something David thought you'd understand.
Something you'd love, something you know a lot about.
Do you think he knew he was gonna die? Do you mean, do I think he was murdered? Yes.
This is the most depressing song ever written.
It's the little things I miss, you know? The intimacies.
Like not having a body to bump up against when you're trying to take a shower.
You really didn't know he had that townhouse? No.
What was he up to? I think true friendship is forgiving someone in ways that you would never forgive an acquaintance.
Tom was my best friend.
He was my brother.
I loved him.
Hey, Evan.
I want the Norton.
Well it's in a lot of different pieces on my floor, right now.
I've been working on it, uh Well, I'm leaving tomorrow.
Come on up.
Maureen, it's me.
Hey are you all right? Yeah, yeah, I'm good, uh, yeah.
How are the kids? They're good.
Doing their homework.
Well, listen, I, uh, I have a surprise.
I, uh, I booked us a cruise, um, through the Mediterranean.
You what? Yeah, uh, it's, uh, eight days in August.
Miles, I don't think that's such a good idea.
Well I I just, you know, I thought it could be fun.
Maybe next spring, you can take the kids.
Okay, but, um, hmm, what about you? I, uh, you know, I want to see you, too.
Jake's been a little clingy today, and I'm worried he's coming down with a cold.
I'm thinking maybe this weekend isn't such a good idea.
Okay, well, uh, then, um, you know, Marissa could, could come by herself.
I think we should look at next weekend.
I just think that'll work better.
Miles? Are you there? Hey, will you pass me the Allen wrench? It's right over behind you.
Evan, I'm glad you're taking this.
He'd want you to have it.
You know he hated to ride it? It scared the hell out of him.
I don't think we ever had an honest conversation that wasn't about baseball.
How many times did the Yankees win the world series? Uh, 27? Why? Hmm.
Keep your pants on.
I'm coming.
David knew I hate the Yankees.
The ten digits are dates.
They are numbers and dates.
27 dates noted by the numbers one through 27 the dates of the world series wins by the New York Yankees.
He knew I would know these.
Of course, he did.
So what about the other numbers? They're people names and people, I think.
I can't seem to figure this out, yet.
Give me one.
Uh, 1-8-0-5-1-9-1-2 - Stop.
- What? May 18, 1912 the Detroit Tigers were on strike over ty Cobb's suspension for beating a fan who had called him "a half nigger.
The Tiger team management recruited kids off the streets of Philadelphia to play that night's game against the Athletics.
Pitching for the Tigers was a kid from St.
Joe's who had never even played college ball.
Gave up 26 hits in a single game.
It's an American league record to this day.
And? Kid's name was Travers.
Why would David leave my name in a code? So you'd know when you'd broken it.
Give me another one.
Miles? Has he been here all night? Have you been here all night? What? Did you find something? You found something.
Did I find something? Uh No, no, I, uh, scanned.
George's credit card statements, I examined corporate filings, his automobile leases.
Oh, oh, I got, I got so excited when I, uh, realized that I found evidence linking him to an apartment that he rented in London for four months, and I I thought, "oh, this is it this is the, the love nest.
George has a, a a, uh a mistress, you know.
" Finally but it turns out, um, the apartment he rented for his sister while she finished chemo at Royal Marsden.
George is not he's not just a a, uh, swell guy.
George is a wonderful human being.
It's it's all perfect.
Will, this guy is a saint.
No such thing.
I know.
BND called this morning, and they're going to send their file over later today.
It's a big one.
Any highlights? Uh, they got nothing.
Just a bunch of loose ends.
They, they, they kept asking me what we had.
Will, Ingram wants you.
Nah, nobody's life can be this perfect.
Happy marriage, successful career, and underneath it all, maybe a little light bondage with pre-op she-males.
Come in, Will.
I'd like you to meet Special Agent, Ryan Farber.
He's been watching you for a little while, as part of the vetting process for your new security clearance.
Sorry about the other night.
It's been a while since I've done any tailing.
Guess I'm a little rusty.
No problem.
Your clearance was approved.
Great thanks.
And word to the wise: Next time you think someone's following you, don't challenge him.
That's all, Will.
Daniel Burns.
Hey, Daniel, it's Will.
Hey, man, what's up? Hey, man, listen, I was wondering if you could do me a favor.
I, uh What do you need? Yeah, I got a list of about seven names I need, uh, I need, uh, I need some help with here.
I was wondering if you could run 'em through your database, let me know if anything comes up.
All right.
But if this gets me fired, - I know where you live.
- Yeah thank you.
Okay, let me grab a pen.
Okay shoot.
First one is jeffrey with a "J" Garcia.
Uh-huh Jeffrey Garcia.
Alfred Bermudez B-e-r-m-u-d-e-z.
Randy Hobbs h-o-b-b-s.
He's made me.
How? He saw me, just now, from across the street.
You sure? Pretty sure.
The FBI guy was sloppy.
I'm just unlucky.
What'd you see? Nothing much.
FBI's definitely off him now.
He still looking? He had another meeting with bancroft last night.
It's Travers.
He's still digging.

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