Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Ruby Ring Episode 3 Ms.
Jeong, can we talk? You'll drag me into a conference room? This is a workplace, Mr.
It could be mistaken for sexual harassment.
Oh, hello.
In terms of growth potential, the deal with Juni is expected to generate a lot of profit.
And as for marketing, the Hoban Concert, our October project, will attract VIP customers and create a huge synergy effect in terms of our PR efforts.
Jinhui, we're not here today as director and section chief.
Let's not talk about work.
You don't have to tell me.
I know everything's going very well.
So it's a friend-to-friend lunch even though it's mid-workday? Yes, Jinhui.
It's really hard having a college friend who's younger for a boss.
To boot, you're way up there.
I'm bringing this up as your older friend.
Why don't you go to Seoul or transfer me? I need to make ends meet, so resignation isn't an option for me, Gyeongmin, I mean, Mr.
I'll think about it.
Okay, now we can really just enjoy our lunch as friends.
Jinhui, the truth is, I came to Chuncheon because of Ruby.
I'm going to marry her.
Please help me.
That's something you two need to figure out.
I know, but you're the only one I can talk to about this.
Ruby said she'll resign.
You know she doesn't like loose ends.
I'll try to talk her out of it, but it won't be easy.
You've heard of love-hate relationships.
Too much love can turn into hatred.
I think that's how Ruby feels toward you.
But don't worry too much.
As far as I can tell, her love for you is greater than hatred.
If she didn't still love you, she'd have nothing to worry about.
She wouldn't think of resigning just to avoid running into you.
I'm sure she's still hurting though.
Notice of resignation Bae Gyeongmin So I think it would be better to go to China to see for ourselves before we decide.
I heard the folks there are wishy-washy and just do as they please.
That's what I'm worried about.
We have a tiny budget, so we can't cast a lot of people, and thus, we're opting for a documentary format without any reporters.
That means Runa can't go.
Does that make you happy? I didn't want to go in the first place.
If nothing else, you're very laid back.
Other people would do whatever it takes to be on a show.
You must have connections.
But then again, connections don't mean as much anymore.
Let's eat.
I didn't have breakfast.
I'm hungry.
Is it lunchtime already? Let's go then.
Let's get a bit more done.
Runa says she's hungry.
Why do we work? To eat, right? Let's have lunch first, okay? You always take Runa's side.
This is why women need to be beautiful.
We'll wrap it up for now.
You two can go ahead and eat.
I have one more place I need to check.
I'll get that done and call you by 4 o'clock.
Take it easy.
See you.
I don't like that writer.
Connections? I'm well-connected.
So what? So you're hungry.
Is your stomach better? What should we eat? No appetite? Yeah.
I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat.
Try to eat.
You seem to have lost some weight.
I keep getting indigestion.
Are you preg No.
It's just indigestion.
You're pregnant.
You can keep this.
I don't need it.
Pardon? We'll take it.
The baby takes after his handsome father.
Stop looking at that.
I heard women obsess more over babies than men because of maternal instinct, but that doesn't seem to be the case with you.
Can't you put that thing away? Sorry, kiddo.
Your mommy's edgy because of you, so cut her some slack, okay? That's enough.
When would be good for you? For what? This is a major decision for me.
I'll give up all the privileges of a bachelor.
What's there to marriage? It's just two people coming together under one roof.
You can bring your things to my place, and we can watch our child grow, laugh, bicker, and live.
That's what life comes down to.
What more can you ask for than growing old together, scratching one another's back, and then dying peacefully in your sleep? You expect me to move into your tiny studio apartment? FYI, it's a lease, not a monthly rental.
Our parents started off with nothing but an apple crate as furniture.
We'll be starting at a much better place.
You're a lucky woman, Runa.
You have a steady gig on a show, and you have a sweet, smart, and handsome man like me.
And now you even have a baby.
You can start with the rice cakes.
Chorim, did you have fun with Dongpal Gross.
Why did you put that dirty dishcloth over my mouth? Be quiet.
It's not dirty.
We wash our dishcloths every day.
Keep it down.
We have customers.
Last night at the movies, Dongpal and Chorim, you're old enough to know better.
Stop horsing around.
I have to step out for a bit.
Where are you going? I have an errand to run.
Soyeong, I didn't have time to boil the dishcloths, so gather them all and boil them.
And wipe your face.
Just have them try it.
Black goat tonic does wonders for women.
Jeong, shouldn't you take care of your own health too? You look tired these days.
We have to worry about menopause.
Take care of yourself or you'll pay dearly.
I'm already very old anyway.
My goodness.
This is kudzu root tonic.
It does wonders for female hormones.
It's made from wild kudzu roots my friend got for me from the mountains.
It says "deer antler tonic.
" I ran out of boxes.
Listen to me.
If you don't take it now, you'll spend more later on medical bills.
I'll deliver them to you.
I'll deliver it later.
I hope it's really good.
- Of course.
/ - Okay.
This is the producer of our show.
Hello, ma'am.
My name is Na Insu.
I've heard a lot about you.
Please take good care of Runa.
I'm the one who needs her help.
You should come by our restaurant.
I'd be happy to serve you chicken and buckwheat noodles.
Make sure it's a brood hen, the traditional fare for a son-in-law.
I'd like to marry Runa, ma'am.
Runa's here.
What's this about? What's going on with that producer? Are you really getting married? I told you already.
He was just kidding.
Who kids around about getting married? He's just like that.
He's old and single.
With any girl he sees, he says he's going to marry her.
What's going on? Are you getting married? This is so irritating.
No, I'm not.
No, mom.
Take a good look.
It's this young lady.
She's pretty and did well in school too.
She's a TV news anchor.
So? She's great, right? At least meet her.
I heard she's a real keeper.
I won't cut you any slack anymore.
I want to see you married before I die.
Grandma, you're still hearty.
Why would you say something so morbid? You never know with old people.
No excuses.
Meet her.
I know someone at her network, so I had him ask around.
He said everyone sang praises of her, saying she's diligent and friendly.
He said a young lady like her is hard to come by.
You too, dad? I won't stay healthy and able-bodied forever.
I just had surgery for cancer.
Although they caught it early, there's no guarantee I'll be cancer-free.
Before we grow only older, you need to give us a daughter-in-law and grandchildren.
I concur.
Dad, you're still going strong.
A bride won't fall into your lap if you merely keep pushing the matter aside.
Do as we say.
Um, the thing is, there is a woman I want to marry.
What? What? What? Um We went to college together.
She's working at our Chuncheon office.
Our company? What's her name? Which department? It's Jeong Ruby at marketing.
Jeong Ruby? Here.
Let me see.
I want to see her too.
I need to see her.
Managing Director Bae Gyeongmin Ruby and Runa, come on out for a second.
Drink it.
They say nothing beats black goat tonic for women who need extra energy.
Mom, I don't need this.
Why'd you spend money on it? I don't need it either.
Be quiet and drink up.
You're so pale like a ghost.
And look at those skinny arms.
They look like they'll snap any second.
This will give you the energy you need.
Drink it all in one go.
I hate bitter things.
Really? I'll have it then.
You're strong and healthy, Chorim.
You may be skinny, but you're strong.
No, I'm not.
I have no energy these days.
I often feel dizzy and light-headed.
In any case, Runa and Ruby need this more.
You can wait.
This is why they say blood relations are so important.
Look, Chorim.
Look at my arms.
I toil away with these skinny things, marinating and cutting up chicken all day long.
I'm discriminated against.
You can have mine.
I don't need it.
Forget about it.
If I drink it, your mother will give me an earful.
I'm not stupid.
I'll just have water instead.
My goodness.
That a temper.
Drink up, you two.
Look at this.
Runa has a mole on the bottom of her foot.
Mom, I heard it's a work of art.
What? Who calls a mole a work of art? You are so vain.
Good grief.
This is unbelievable.
It's like I'm not good enough.
Deer Antler Tonic What's that? It's deer antler tonic.
So whose is that? Managing Director Bae Gyeongmin It's so loud.
Why aren't you answering? I don't need to answer it.
Who is it? It says "managing director.
" It's fine.
Let it ring.
"Managing director" is an alias, isn't it? It's the director of our company.
So why don't you pick up? Plus, why would you have the director's number anyway? It's some guy you're seeing, right? Hello? This is Jeong Ruby's phone.
I'm her sister, Runa.
Are you really the managing director of JM Group? No, right? I am the managing director.
Oh, wow.
So it's true.
I'm sorry.
I thought you were her boyfriend.
Boyfriend? Yes, I am her boyfriend.
Yes? So you're really seeing my sister? Yes.
Hello? Jeong Ruby speaking.
I'm on my way to your place.
I'd like to see you.
I'll be there in 15 minutes.
See you.
You've been seeing someone? You kept it hidden so well.
I'm not seeing anyone.
I heard everything.
You're really something.
How did you seduce him? It's not like that.
I know him from college.
Oh, right.
You were seeing someone then.
So is this the same guy? Wait a minute.
He's the director of your company? But he's so young.
His father owns the company.
I didn't know back then.
He never told me.
His father's the owner? So he's the heir to JM Group? Wow.
You hit the jackpot.
I'll be right back.
Go get him, okay, Ruby? An opportunity like this is rare.
Hang on.
I'm all set.
A woman's ammo is beauty, stupid.
I'll be right back.
That sly little fox.
That's why I can't stand her.
She's such a hypocrite.
Managing director? The weather's great.
It was like this the day we first met.
There was a cool breeze.
Even the breeze was sweet.
You were wearing a red sweater and a denim skirt.
I suggested we have espresso, and do you remember what you said? What's that? I don't drink.
I explained, it's coffee, not alcohol.
I said you should give it a try.
Thereafter, we were always looking for cafes that make good espresso.
I know it's out of the blue.
And I know you still harbor a lot of resentment against me.
But I really do care about you.
Even though we may have been apart for a long time, you were the only one I ever considered marrying.
The aroma of rich espresso in the States always reminded me of you.
Jeong Ruby, can't you open your heart to me and accept me? Believe me when I say I had no choice but to lie to you back then.
Gyeongmin Don't make any excuses.
Just answer me.
Did you not think of me even once? Didn't you miss me even for a second? Be honest with yourself.
Cast aside your disappointment in me, and just be true to the feelings you have for me deep within your heart.
Am I still not the one? Can't we be together? I was in love with you 5 years ago.
But now I know nothing about the Bae Gyeongmin, or rather, the new director of JM Chuncheon.
I'm still the same person.
I'm still just a guy who's madly in love with you.
Our relationship came to an end.
This is making me uncomfortable.
It never ended.
We were merely apart for a while.
Please stop it.
Stop shaking me up.
I've done well without you all this time.
Why did you have to come back and confuse me all over again? I only just started believing I could get over you and move on.
This isn't fair.
I don't want this.
Leave me alone.
Don't hurt me.
Please don't confuse me.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
It was all my fault.
But I don't want to lose you again.
Make sure it's a brood hen, the traditional fare for a son-in-law.
I'd like to marry Runa, ma'am.
Brood hen? Marriage? There's no way he could've just been kidding around with me.
He really wants to marry Runa.
He seemed like a good guy.
Oh boy.
Cards in the middle of the night? You said you were done with them.
This helps me to stop thinking.
You lost so much money playing cards.
Aren't you sick and tired of them? Where are you going? I should just have a drink to lull me to sleep.
Why am I at this again? I still can't believe it.
She got restorative tonic for everyone but me.
No one can be trusted.
So did you look into it? So she's smart.
I appreciate your help.
What did the HR manager say? She's talented.
She passed our interview process with the second highest points.
He was full of praise for her.
I like the young lady Mrs.
Lee found for Gyeongmin.
You saw how he showed us the picture.
If he has her picture in his wallet, there's nothing more to it.
If she's nice, let's give them our blessing.
We need to find out more about her.
You're never satisfied.
We'll give it some time.
Are you really the managing director of JM Group? No, right? I am the managing director.
Oh, wow.
So it's true.
I'm sorry.
I thought you were her boyfriend.
Yes, I am her boyfriend.
Come on.
Why can't I find a man like him? This is so irritating.
Hello? I wanted to make sure you got in okay.
Don't worry.
I'm at home.
Good night, darling.
I love you.
Good night, Mr.
We'd like to pay.
It's $18.
Thank you.
Hey, Ko Soyeong! You startled me.
You'll burst my eardrums.
Why you little Why are you here? What is your job? Cleaning and resetting tables as soon as customers leave.
And what is your job? You know what my job is.
Game over.
You're going to get it from me.
I'm sorry.
My legs hurt, so I was taking a break.
Is it really something I deserve to get yelled at for? With Dongpal, you were so quiet and demure.
What did you say? What is it now, Chorim? We were so busy, but she did nothing but play with her phone.
But boss, you see, I'm not feeling well today.
I was taking a quick break when Chorim What? A quick break? Quick? Chorim, she says she's unwell.
I'm not well either.
I'm exhausted.
I should be taking deer antler tonic.
Deer antler tonic? You don't need that.
I know a miracle cure for you.
What are you talking about? Dongpal Hey, Ko Soyeong.
Be quiet.
What's "dung pal"? Dung pal.
She said, dung pal.
Why you I've had enough of this.
What's the matter with you two? You little jerk.
Come here.
My goodness.
Chorim! Soyeong.
I won't let go either.
Sir! Sir! I'll be back as soon as his family gets here.
Dad, are you okay? - Chorim! / - You startled me! Are you sure you're not interested in me? I'm not ready to have a baby.
What're you worried about? I'm here.
I don't want anything to get in the way of my life.
Get in the way? I'm Jeong Ruby of marketing.
I won't lose you again.
See you next time
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