S.O.Z: Soldados o Zombies (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

No Bosses

The most important bedroom of all.
Come on.
What is this, Dad?
Your bedroom.
It looks like a room for a six-year-old.
It's not your dad's fault.
It's mine. I got your age wrong.
Do you have visual dyslexia?
You read number nine upside down?
Just tell me how you'd like it.
I'd like to be anywhere,
but in this 118-degree oven,
in the middle of nowhere.
I'd like to be at my old school.
With my friends.
I'd like
Hey! Kid! Wait!
What happened to you, little guy?
Are you hurt?
Shortly, we will be hearing
from the Secretary of State.
Mr. Secretary!
Mr. Secretary!
- One moment, please.
- Mr. Secretary!
Any news on Marroquín's whereabouts?
Do you know who helped him?
All Mexicans should know
that we won't rest
until we catch the fugitive.
As well as detain all those
who helped him escape.
What can you tell us about rumors
that Marroquín got help
from prison authorities?
If Marroquín got help from the inside,
there will be consequences
for everyone involved.
We can't yet rule out that
to achieve his objective,
the fugitive may have received assistance
from the staff at this facility.
We will get to the bottom of this. Thanks.
- Hello?
- It's me, Contreras.
I paid you to do something.
And you fucked up.
I didn't fuck up.
You have 48 hours to fix it.
Prophet, for the love of God,
how can I fix this in
Jehovah sent his favorite son
to die for humanity.
You're just my employee.
If you don't want to pay for your sins,
don't fuck up again.
Authorities claim they're closing in,
but Marroquín always seems
to be one step ahead.
What do you think, Da Vinci?
Will they catch you this time?
Hold it like this. Arms stretched out.
What's going on?
The boy said you were okay with it.
I thought it'd be good for him to learn
to defend himself.
- Sorry, Mr. Alonso.
- Sorry?
It's fine. Go on.
Let's try.
Aim at the can.
That's it. Next one.
- Next one.
- Unbelievable!
- Nicely done, kid.
- Yes.
How do you think
that guy got into my cell?
I think it was Contreras, your cousin.
They probably bribed him.
Even family can betray you.
The Apostles always have a plan B.
They'll try it again.
They'll have to find you first.
What if they already have?
Everyone who knew the plan is here.
No. The Prophet isn't stupid.
He'd do the same as me.
If you can't beat your enemy,
make his friends do it for you.
What do you mean?
Stay sharp, Chainsaw.
We have to be ready.
You got it.
I wouldn't even feed this to my dog!
Fuck you, motherfucker. Come on!
Wanna fight? Let's do it.
I'll fight you both, assholes.
Hey, take it easy.
Fucking gringos.
- Listen to me carefully.
- He speaks Spanish.
This stupid Neanderthal
came to offer you a deal.
Why don't you go
fuck yourself, motherfucker?
And, while you're at it,
tell your bosses
to stick that deal up their asses.
I don't have bosses.
- Sure.
- It's just you and me, Romeo.
I can get you out of here today.
Who the fuck are you?
Joe Taft. Special Agent for 20 years.
Have you heard of Marroquín?
Fuck, where do you know him from?
Of course I know that fucker.
I don't give a shit about him.
Everyone wants to hunt him down,
but no one knows where to start.
The guy was your best friend.
Your partner.
He's the reason
you're rotting away in here.
I know.
- Do you smoke?
- Come on, what do you want?
Yeah, I smoke.
Not in my mouth. In my hand.
That's for faggots.
I almost got him once.
But I had to let him go, like an idiot.
I won't make the same mistake again.
This time
You know him better than anyone.
You were his best friend.
Just tell me what's in it for me.
A free pass to go
wherever you want, Romeo.
Yeah, right.
You serious?
All right.
When we find that motherfucker,
I want be the one who kills him, okay?
No, you idiot.
He's smarter than that.
He has enough money
to hide wherever he wants.
I need a miracle.
What do you want?
Director Contreras wants to see you.
I'll call you back.
Hey, Lilia. Nice to see you.
What do you want?
I want to give you two million pesos
to help me find Marroquín.
Thanks, I already have a job.
That's not what the TV station said.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I have a new job, with benefits.
The new job doesn't even pay 1%
of what my partners and I can offer.
Plural? Isn't that
too many people already?
Don't you really mean your bosses?
I mean, sure.
It's a tempting offer, I won't deny it.
But I'd kill myself before I make
a deal with you.
I'd say it was a pleasure,
but I don't like to lie.
If I pick up that phone,
I'll destroy your reputation like that
Okay. Good luck.
I'm not joking.
If you go out that door,
I'll have you arrested.
The network won't help you.
It'll take your lawyers
six months to get you out.
This might be inappropriate,
but with that killer body,
and that sweet mouth,
you won't even last a week.
I'll do what I can.
But if you get him, I want an exclusive
before the extradition.
One more thing.
You think you're the shit,
but if you try to play me,
I swear,
you're going to wish
you did kill yourself.
- Where's my kiss?
- Get away from me.
Those fucking Texans were going
to kick our asses.
If we didn't get them some better coke,
they were going to kill us.
But where were we gonna get better coke?
So, we had to go back to Mexico
with 200 pounds of shit
and a rented truck.
It was fucked up.
But Da Vinci was incredibly smart.
Do you know what he did?
He took one of our coats
It was too hot,
so we weren't wearing them.
He threw it on top of it.
So, there I was, looking stunned,
kind of like you right now,
just like that.
Suddenly, he turns to me and says,
"Hey, man.
"Don't worry. Let me give you some advice.
"Nobody ever looks for anything
where they don't think they'll find it."
I thought, "This guy is crazier than me."
Everyone thinks Marroquín
is hiding in Mexico.
But he's not.
He's here, in Gringoland.
"Nobody ever looks for anyone
where they don't think they'll find them."
Sorry, I'm looking for someone.
Police. Forgive the intrusion.
I'm looking for a fugitive.
This is the women's changing room.
Get out!
We Mexicans are tired of being lied to.
The government lies to us.
Crooked journalists repeat their lies.
The cops hide the truth.
We still don't know where Marroquín is,
or why he escaped.
We also don't know the names
of those who helped him,
or if they let him escape.
We don't know how much blood
will be spilled to pay for this.
She seems smarter than my teachers.
Alonso Marroquín, wherever you are, `
talk to me, and I will guarantee
nothing but the truth.
- Do you believe her?
- Yes.
I can guarantee you'll stay alive.
I can tell your truth.
Your truth, in your own words.
What do you say?
The phone I asked for?
I thought we couldn't use phones.
What if it's a trap, boss?
What if her phone is tapped?
- Hi.
- I haven't met an honest journalist yet.
- Why are you different?
- Try me.
Face to face. Say when, I'll be there.
I'll give you a chance.
That's funny. I thought
I was giving you a chance.
There you go. Thanks.
Dog said you wanted to see me.
Yeah, I wanted to know how you were.
This place is cool,
but there's not a lot to do.
Do you dare feed him?
You have to open your hand
and leave it flat.
Good. All right.
Another one.
Come on, I have a surprise for you.
What kind of surprise?
Well, a surprise.
Is that a
Do you know what it is?
I think I know what it is.
Open it.
It's not a toy.
It has a three-mile range.
- Do you like it?
- Yeah, it's cool.
The instructions should be in there.
I don't need them. I know how to use it.
How did you learn?
You gave me one for my birthday.
Don't you remember?
Yes, of course.
It's important that you don't
go over the fence.
- But
- No buts.
Don't go an inch beyond the fence.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Is it much further?
- The money.
- Don't shoot.
- We don't have any.
- Hurry.
- The money.
- Here you go.
Hurry, hurry.
Leave her alone.
- Come on.
- Yes, sir.
Border patrol.
I hope you brought your passport, girl,
because you're in for a long trip.
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