Savage Rhythm (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

The Royal

[Antonia breathing heavily]
[distorted music plays]
[Irma] Dance is not a life, Antonia.
It's a hobby, a whim.
You're an adult.
You need to think about your future.
[dramatic music playing]
[heavy breathing continues]
[cell phone vibrating]
[Karina] Uh, hey! I was just calling
to see if you had the money
because, well, I need it.
[crying] I just got cut
from the production.
[sniffles] No show means
no deal and no money.
Hang on, now. What are you saying, man?
What the fuck do I tell my girls?
- I'm sorry.
- Hey, Antonia!
[cell phone hangs up]
[cell phone vibrating]
[machinery whirring, clanking]
[automated voice] The voicemail you have
Oh, man. Perfect.
[Toño] Karina.
The rule is that devices
have to stay in your locker.
- It was urgent.
- You don't say.
Yeah, it's personal.
Oh, again?
Look, Mr. Toño, I need to leave, okay?
Karina, enough of your excuses.
I'm sick of your personal issues.
If you want, I can come back tonight,
or whatever you say.
And just what does that mean,
"whatever I say"?
Because last time, you didn't show up.
Let's make a deal.
You can leave.
Go and do what you need to do.
But first
[softly] wait in the bathroom,
and get that pretty little mouth of yours
ready to suck me off.
[unsettling music playing]
- [staple gun shoots]
- [screams]
[upbeat pop song playing in Spanish]
[screaming continues]
Fucking asshole.
[Liliana] So then she took the shoes
out of my hands.
- [Chama] Yeah, but don't worry about that.
- Oh, come on.
Chama, the point was
for us to look similar.
It's just the shoes, Liliana.
It's not just about that.
Ximena had prepared our outfits for us
- so we would look good on stage.
- [cell phone vibrating]
What's wrong?
I just lost the plane tickets
I had put on hold for us.
If we don't buy them soon,
we'll have to take a bus there.
[door unlocking, squeaks open]
- What's up, girls? Everything cool?
- And where have you been?
He didn't sleep here?
[exhales softly]
[Liliana] Wait here.
So, you slept with that chick here,
then wake up early to take her home?
[Checho chuckles, grunts]
I bet you landed her by acting all
"Oh, I'm a bad guy" and all that.
Well, if that's what you think,
why'd you ask, huh?
What are you doing, Checho?
All right.
You know I love you with all of my heart.
But don't expect me
to explain myself to you, though.
No, you don't owe me an explanation.
But you do to Ximena.
Ah, fuckin' shit, man.
What do I have to do
to make everyone get it?
I don't owe an explanation to anyone.
And especially not to Ximena,
who's my ex. [scoffs]
Well, then be straight with her
because one day you're sweet,
and then the next day,
you treat my girl like garbage.
Listen, let me make something
clear with you.
There are two very important rules
in this house,
and we need to follow them
to coexist, okay?
First is,
stay out of my business. Got it?
And second,
I stay out of yours.
That way we live happily ever after, okay?
Come on now, sis. In this life,
we have to continually evolve.
You feel me? I need you to grow up now.
Hmm? [kisses]
I'm gonna go shower. I love you, okay?
[shower water running]
[pensive music playing]
[tense music playing]
[man] Have a nice day.
- [Ximena] Hi there.
- [man] How can I help you?
Yeah, you handled the stuff
to get my mom into Miami.
Marta Sánchez.
Uh, and there's a letter in there
from my mom about a job.
She told me that it might help
to make [puffs]
the process a bit smoother?
That won't work.
[dramatic music playing]
Let me explain.
Our North American friends
are screwing us every which way.
And any document I send over
will be double-checked, understand?
Well, what can I do then?
It means it's gonna be dangerous.
And obviously more expensive.
How much?
[man sighs]
How badly do you want
to cross into the States?
I don't have anything here.
Whatever it takes.
- [Chama] You're shameless, Liliana.
- [Liliana grunts] It's just a loan.
[Chama] A loan that no one gave you.
[Liliana] Karina will show up
with the money soon,
and I'll put it back
like nothing happened.
Besides, didn't you say
we have to buy the tickets now?
[Chama] Yeah, but you took more money
than the cost of the tickets.
We can go shopping, then. [laughs]
[Liliana] And Ximena?
- [Chama] She said we should go.
- [Liliana] She's not coming?
[Chama] She had an appointment
at the salon she couldn't cancel.
[Liliana] You believe that?
Well, why not?
I don't know. Something's going on.
Ever since the club that night,
she avoids anything to do with the group.
No, she doesn't, Liliana.
She's been working a lot.
[sighs] Oh, come on.
Our group should be her first priority.
It would if we made money, but we don't,
so she works for her uncle.
- [scoffs]
- [phone chimes]
- Ooh.
- Who is it?
- That rich dude.
- What?
"When can I get you that beer I owe you?"
[Liliana] Hey. So you think
you can handle high voltage?
[Mateo] I'm not afraid of electricity.
[Liliana] Mm.
Well, you know where I live, hmm?
[giggles] Later.
[Chama] What was that?
Liliana, you're too much.
Seriously, you have to tell me
your secret.
It's no secret,
but let's just say I'm really slutty.
[both laughing]
["Suna" by Ursaru playing]
[guard] Where are you headed?
Yeah, I have a thing with a student.
[guard] Do you have an appointment?
No, she just said to get here,
then find her. She's waiting.
If you can call her or have her come down,
I can let you inside.
Okay, sure.
[guard] Hey! Wait!
[guard shouting indistinctly]
You can't go in there!
[Karina panting]
[guard] Hey.
It's okay. I just want to talk to Antonia.
You can't be running around this place.
Páez, what's wrong?
She's here without permission.
Yeah, I know her.
- You sure?
- [Vicente] Yeah, all good.
- No worries.
- [Karina] It's all good.
- Where's Antonia?
- [Vicente] She's not here.
- Where is she?
- I don't know.
The director kicked her out
for being late.
[sighs] I'll deal with him. Where is he?
- Why?
- Just tell me where he's at.
- Rehearsing in the auditorium. Why?
- There?
[chill pop song playing in Spanish]
[song stops]
Everything okay, Mateo?
Then what happened with the tempo?
Once more.
[song resumes]
[song stops]
How many times
do I have to tell you that you're early?
I don't care if they told you
that you were a star.
It really doesn't matter to me
what you have done in the past.
The only thing I care about
is what you can show me today.
And if you can't show me anything,
you're no use to me.
You know, there are all kinds of dancers,
but the only ones useful to me
are the ones who can actually focus
when they're on stage.
The ones who can connect with the present
and forget everything else
that's going on.
So can you try to focus here
for just a minute, Mateo?
What kind of dancer are you?
[Mateo breathing heavily]
Are you the teacher?
The director.
Can I, um, talk to you for a sec?
[agent] Now let's see,
I only have first-class tickets.
[Liliana] And what's the price difference?
Let's check on that.
Don't you think it's best
that we just make sure we have them?
We're already here.
I mean, we might as well.
["So Va" by Tuto playing]
["So Va" ends]
[upbeat music playing faintly on phone]
Antonia really cares about this.
- How long have you guys rehearsed?
- Uh, a few days now.
- [intriguing music playing]
- [phone camera shutter clicking]
[cell phone vibrating]
[Antonia sighs]
Hey! What's that?
[Vicente] Girl, Karina's at the Royal.
Where are you?
Get over here.
Okay, I'll come right now.
[breathes deeply]
[door slides open]
[Ximena] What's up, people?
How is everyone?
Hi, it's been forever. How are you?
Hey, I thought you were gonna
take the whole day off.
Uh, no, I was just running some errands,
but I'll catch up.
No, it's okay.
We don't need you anymore.
- I found a replacement.
- [Ximena chuckles nervously]
Yeah. From now on,
Marcela will be in your chair.
[unsettling music playing]
- [Ximena] You can't fire me.
- Huh? Why not?
Well, because because I put
everything I had into this place.
It was my design.
I painted everything. I mean
You have my clients.
You can't do this to me.
And the money?
Who put up the money?
I did.
- So, bye.
- [snaps fingers dismissively]
Then give me money.
What money?
You're gonna fire me?
Give me severance then.
[chuckling] Are you serious?
Look, Ximena, I talked to your mama.
She told me all about your idea
for your little trip.
You want to go clean the bathrooms
for gringos? Huh?
That's fine.
But you know what?
You won't get a penny from this place.
[unsettling music continues]
[Ximena sighs]
[down-tempo pop song playing in Spanish]
[door opens]
I need to talk to you.
[song fades into unsettling music]
- [door opens]
- [Liliana] told him I didn't have money,
but I could've given him a kiss instead.
[Liliana] Who are you?
What are you doing with our stuff?
Checho's baby sister.
A pleasure.
Mario Casilimas.
What are your names?
I'm Liliana.
And she is?
Chama. That's cool.
And, uh, where's my brother?
I'm waiting for him to bring me something.
[unsettling music continues]
[counting under breath] Okay, then how
Wait, so
Who was in here?
- Did you take my money?
- Checho, I'm sorry.
Oh fuck, Liliana. Shit.
[knocking on door]
[Mario] Well?
What's the hold-up?
[exhales, inhales nervously]
Man, I don't have all the money.
[Liliana] I, I screwed up.
I took the money, and and I spent it.
You know, I'll get you the money. Chill.
It's not his fault. I took it.
- Shut up, Liliana!
- [Mario] Such a tender scene to see.
Such a spectacle
to see you defend each other,
- but, you know, I'm getting tired of you.
- [Liliana] I have the money.
What's in it for you?
Like, if Antonia comes back,
what do you get out of it?
I don't think you're doing it
just to be nice.
So, then
It's for money.
- How much?
- Look, that's between us, okay?
[cell phone vibrating]
Karina, man, I need to get that money now.
- Why?
- We really need you here.
I got Checho in trouble, and if we don't
pay the money back, he's dead.
- What's going on? What are you saying?
- Seriously.
[inhales shakily] When can you get here?
[sighs heavily]
- Two hours. Tell him two hours.
- Two hours.
That's cool.
[Mario] Two hours, huh?
Two hours.
[ominous music playing]
[Ximena] Something wrong
with your eyes, asshole?
Stop looking at me.
[Antonia panting] Vince, what happened?
You have 15 minutes to get ready.
Um, 15 minutes to get ready?
So you girls can present
your choreography.
What choreography?
The, uh, the one that we rehearsed.
They want to see it.
[chuckles softly]
We'll wait in the auditorium.
- Are you joking?
- [Karina] They want to see you.
[Checho, muffled] Liliana, what the fuck
are you doing? [indistinct yelling]
[Liliana] I'm trying to fix it, Checho.
- What else can I do?
- [both continue arguing indistinctly]
- [Liliana] Okay, I know this is my fault.
- Ah, poor Checho, man.
Girl, Bombita's the one
who's fighting for us.
Yeah, well, no one told her
to steal money.
Do you hear yourself, Ximena?
She did what she did for the group
that we're supposedly all in.
Well, almost all of us.
When did you stop caring, girl?
You were the first one to go all-in.
For rehearsals, for tours
[object bangs]
- [indistinct yelling continues]
- You hear that mess there?
Anytime we try to do something
for the group, it gets fucked up.
Today was wrong.
Yeah, then what about Al Garete?
What was that?
The problems with my uncle,
with Karina's work,
and your family's money.
We ain't never goin' anywhere
with Pure Street.
By now, we should've done something.
[somber music playing]
[cell phone ringing]
Hello, sir. How are you?
Yes, sir, don't you worry about
Yes, sir.
Okay, boss.
He's dead if the money's
not paid in two hours.
I'll smoke that asshole myself.
Trust me.
Yes, sir.
[foreboding music playing]
- Son of a bitch!
- [phone clatters]
Shut up!
Get out of here, man. [panting]
[sighs in distress]
Checho, you asshole.
[breathing heavily, exhales loudly]
- Where can I play the music?
- There.
Dude, what are we even doing?
I don't get what's happening.
- [Karina] Okay
- [Antonia sighs]
[upbeat hip-hop music playing on phone]
- Here we go.
- Okay.
We can start like this.
[Antonia laughing]
Look, you're crazy if you think
I'm gonna do that here.
Why not?
Well, because I don't have your flow or
or your style
to be able to improvise like that.
That has nothing to do with it.
It's more than that.
It's more than the technique
than the moves, it's
Just feel it.
Okay, okay, so you just want me to go out
on stage and and just "feel it"?
- Jump around like I'm nuts?
- What about the video, girl?
What were you doing there?
That's what you do. You have fun.
Karina, that was well, different. It
I mean, I was high. We were partying
and dancing in the street. It
Well, that's what your teacher liked.
He's not a teacher,
he's the director of the show.
And you did buy us some time
with that video,
but it's a whole other thing
to go out there
and and improvise something
we haven't even rehearsed.
Yeah, I get that.
Try to get out of your own head
if you can.
They're waiting for you.
You've got this. You can do it, you can.
Trust me.
Just feel it. Just have fun.
That's all you gotta do.
Let's go.
Okay, so
[Mateo sighs]
I don't get what we're watching.
It's crazy. What is this? [scoffs]
[Vicente] You know Antonia, dude.
She wants that scholarship.
[upbeat hip-hop song playing in Spanish]
- Huh?
- [Mateo] Mm-hmm.
[song fades]
What do you say?
Jacob, don't let me down.
Why am I here?
Girls, congratulations to you both.
And what exactly does that mean?
[Jacob] Antonia,
you're back in the Royal.
- [Antonia sighs happily]
- [Jacob] But not on your own.
We want Karina as well.
Uh, what?
Yeah, we'd like
the street feel you showed her
in the whole play.
No, no, no No, I don't
I-I can't.
Um, hey, let's talk for a minute, okay?
Just give me the money, and that's it.
That's the only thing I need.
[Antonia breathing heavily]
I can't do it.
I'm sorry, but I thought we had
that we canceled the deal
- What? What?
- I said I don't have the money.
- Give me a couple days. I can do it.
- [Karina] Motherfucker!
This is a life or death,
and I'm not fucking around!
- I'll get it to you, Karina. I'll do it.
- [Karina panting] No
You bitch. [gasps]
[footsteps receding]
- [unsettling music playing]
- [Karina panting]
Fuck, what do I do?
[breathing heavily]
Oh my God, you fucked me.
Shit, man.
[breathing heavily]
[line ringing]
- [cell phone vibrating]
- It's Karina.
[Karina] I don't I don't have the money.
[Liliana gasps softly]
- They did me dirty, but look, it's okay.
- But
It's all good. I'm on my way. I
- [Chama] Oh my God
- Let me see what I can do, all right?
[exhales nervously]
I knew you couldn't get out of this shit.
- [Liliana] What are you gonna do?
- [Checho] Solve your problem, kiddo.
Are you serious?
[Vicente] Antonia.
[tense music playing]
- Antonia!
- [Antonia] What?
[Vicente] Antonia, where are you going?
I have no idea,
but I've gotta get that money to Karina.
Look, Checho, I can talk to that guy.
I-I don't know. We can work this out.
[Checho] You're so naive, Liliana.
Curro's not some kind of idiot, all right?
- What are you gonna do?
- [Checho] I have to go deal with Curro.
- Checho, don't be crazy. Come on.
- Then what should I do?
What? Sit around and wait
for him to come and kill us? Or
- What are you going to do, then?
- [Checho] Whatever I have to.
But I need to get back that cash now.
- What are you
- [Checho] You don't know this guy.
Because he's crazy, all right? He's nuts.
Wait, but can't we just make a deal
and talk it out?
If he comes back before I do,
then tell him I went to get Karina, okay?
If anything happens, call me on my cell.
- Checho, wait.
- [Checho] No more.
That's it, okay?
You should take it from the Dembow.
Yeah, my uncle has money hiding there.
What's wrong with you? Are you crazy?
What, do you want him
to rob a bank or a salon?
Or something worse?
Well, so?
Next to the register
in the first drawer there's a white box.
Inside are the earnings
from the whole month.
My uncle just left,
so you should get over there.
All right, thanks.
Checho, be careful.
Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
See you later.
Girl, you know you might lose
your job and your house.
I don't have a job.
And the house isn't mine either.
[disturbing music playing]
[disturbing music ends]
[mid-tempo pop song playing in Spanish]
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