The Grid s01e03 Episode Script

Part 3

[ Gasps .]
Let me go! - How's little man? - He's got a cold.
The kids at school pass around the same virus like it was a volleyball.
- He's even given it to his FBI shadow.
- Which one? The cute one who keeps making passes at me.
You're gonna have to live with them for a while.
I'm on a plane for somewhere in Michigan tonight.
We got a tip.
Well, when you get there, wherever ''there'' is, you call.
Every day.
He literally pinned me to the wall called me ''a recreant son of a bitch.
'' The words ''backstabbing'' and ''gutless'' were mentioned.
I said, ''You'll have to terminate me, because I'm not gonna quit.
'' Sandman said, ''Screw that.
I'll cycle you down to the war college.
'' -Doing what? -Teaching soldiers about the storied history of the company.
To hell with him.
I'll take you over.
- You can do that? - I'll just have Catherine memo the director.
And, Raza, I'd like the Agency background on Hud Benoit.
What? I'm not interested in finding out if he liked to play dress up or if he had a girlfriend on the side.
- I need to know the extent ofhis activities.
- I can take care of it.
You better get going before Acton takes away your parking spot.
- Okay, boss.
- [ Chuckles .]
Wish I could take him back to MI6 with me.
You know, he has the makings of a fine field agent.
That's more information than I need.
Facial lacerations, body blows probably inflicted with a club.
Some internal bleeding, but we have that under control.
All the earmarks of our Mukhabarat friends.
She'll need to stay here for a couple of days.
After that, she can go to my sister and brother-in-law's.
- The judge? - Yes.
They won't dare come into his place.
She's in there.
I'll see you later.
Thank you for everything that you've done for us.
[ Sobs .]
[ Arabic .]
Don't use what happened to me as a reason to get in deeper with these jihadists, Raghib.
Don't confuse revenge for righteousness.
I'm about to leave Egypt.
I can make arrangements for you to leave as soon as you have recovered sufficiently.
Once under suspicion the secret police will never leave you alone.
Don't give your life to these people.
''Whoever kills a human ''unless it be in punishment for murder it shall be as though he had slain all mankind.
'' ''Whereas if he saves a life it shall be as though he has saved the lives of all mankind.
'' This is why I became a doctor.
The most sacred jihad is the one that we embrace in our soul.
Purifying yourself is not an acceptable pretext to go off and kill people.
Now I have taken all the money I could get together.
You can use this cell phone to call me safely anywhere in the world should you need my help.
I do not want the kind of help you offer me.
Reem, you must reconsider my advice to leave.
[ Beeping .]
Get yourself a shovel and dig a hole.
You're dead here.
[ Speaking Chinese .]
I've got a big favor to ask.
It's gotta be between us.
This is not a secure phone.
Nothing classified.
I need to know about North China Pipeline and a few other companies and how a certain American obtained a stake in them.
- I'm sorry the secret police got to your sister.
- She still won't leave Cairo.
We have you on a flight to Toronto tomorrow.
You will be carrying operational plans and cash for Kaz Moore.
Plans for what? Inside are maps of the Great Lakes.
They are the main shipping channels supplying the American heartland.
Large ships carrying oil and petrochemicals to inland refineries and chemical plants.
After meeting Kaz, your next stop is London.
I'll want you to supervise the mission there.
What's the target in London? When you need to know.
[ Whistle Blows .]
[ Groans .]
[ Whistle Blowing .]
Shane? Kaz? Is that you, man? - How you doin', man? - [ Whistle Blows .]
So I got my big block El Camino.
I'm gonna do all the work myself too.
I don't wanna getJewed out by some jig, right? Amen to that, brother.
Check that out.
You want to meet 'em? Don't stare.
So, listen, you still the guy who knows most about guns and hunting? Oh, yeah.
Why? What do you need to know? I got somethin' in the works with my militia buddies.
Come on.
Let's go meet the chicks.
How you ladies doin'? [ Girls .]
We're okay.
Nice job cuttin' me off at the knees.
I'm not looking for a fight.
No, no.
That's a compliment from an old Beltway warrior.
One soldier to another.
What do you want, Acton? I want to make peace.
- [ Chuckles .]
- We're like one of those battlin' Irish families fightin' amongst ourselves but let one poor stranger come in and pick a fight with one of us the whole tribe kicks their raggedy ass.
Just one big happy dysfunctional family.
You're feelin' a little froggy right now.
Sooner or later, you're gonna come along and you're gonna knock on my door.
Fat chance.
So this is really how field agents work? So this is really how field agents work? The wholeJames Bond bit? Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, Mr.
Michaels is to use that boyish charm to uncover hot gossip and illegal transactions in the world of Gulf oil.
Something Julaidin might have been involved with.
Don't mention him by name.
Let them talk.
Edge the conversation towards the puritans in the Saudi royal family.
Let it come to you like the girls did at Princeton.
- They thought I was a nerd.
- Their loss.
- I thought we had dispensed with all that.
- No, you did.
I still cling to the slippery, wet rocks of hope.
[ Dance .]
[ No Audible Dialogue .]
[ SlowJazz .]
There's some gossip thatJulaidin had competing oil executives assassinated.
It might be something, but how do we know if these sources aren't fabricating? Well, the oil ministers are close to the royal family.
If they're talking, it's more than likely there's some fire to go along with the smoke.
You don't have to know the whole truth for this to be useful, Raza.
- So, what's eating you? - Want to take a guess? No, I don't want to take a guess.
I want to know.
- We have a relationship.
We share intimacies.
- We have sex, Hud and I won't deny that I love it that you make me feel alive, or that I care for you-- I do.
But cutting backdoor deals to sell oil to North Korea? What were you thinking? We know about your stock payoffs from Chinese oil companies doing business with North Korea.
We're gonna be selling oil to Kim Jong Il the second this nuke business is settled.
Someone's gotta open the door.
That's what I do.
- I open doors.
- What you're doing is a federal crime.
- Please, Maren.
- I could have Hudson Benoit Consulting put on the U.
Sanction List, putting you out of business.
Okay, look, Maren, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to compromise you.
I'm crazy about you.
One word from me and the CIA file on your activities will be atJustice.
Please, Maren.
If there's anything I can do to help you.
Help me? There's got to be some other way for me to prove to you that you are more important to me than this political, business crap.
- There is another way.
- All right.
- You want to prove just how much you care? - Yes, I do.
Will you go covert for us? Who are you after? Who do you want? The Koreans? The Saudis.
[ Prisoners Shouting .]
[ Man .]
Here comes one to your cell.
! A very close colleague of mine died because of your actions and those actions have brought you here now.
So why don't we try talking for a change, see where that gets us? Talking's good.
Will it get my sentence shortened? [ Chuckles .]
I'll tell you somethin'.
You're not really in a position to haggle and I'm in no mood to, certainly.
I'm only even remotely prepared to help you and Hamid once I've assessed the value of whatever you're gonna tell me.
Hamid had nothing to do with this.
He's a religious man.
He's always at the mosque.
There you are.
You see? Yeah, I believe that.
See? Talking's doing some good already.
So why don't we try a bit more? Let's try you telling me the names and contact protocols of everyone involved in your operation here.
Let me just say, you try and mislead me and I'll make sure that whatever's gonna happen to you happens to you twice as hard.
We only know first names.
- The big boss is called Muhammad.
- Muhammad? [ Chuckles .]
That doesn't exactly narrow it down much, does it? The leader of the U.
operation is Masir.
Go on.
And the one who recruited me is a guy called Kahil.
Where's he based? London.
He's always boastin' about how well he does in the casinos around Hyde Park.
If I was to sit you down with a police artist could you describe Kahil and Masir? Very good.
You've seen Akil? Yeah.
He's fine.
We're a religious family, Mr.
Akil strayed.
If I do manage to get you a few moments with him I think the best thing you can do for Akil now is encourage him to cooperate fully.
I wish you had spoken to me about all this first.
I thought it was gonna be like the Muslim foreign legion.
For a couple of weeks, I felt like I was-- I don't know-- like I was important or somethin'.
But when I got there I mean, I was scared, man.
Those guys-- Those guys don't care what gets in their way.
You know, some of the stuff I saw-- My brother, let us pray together.
I don't think I can.
Just try.
Allah is everywhere, even here.
[ Arabic .]
- Hey, use your fork, sweetie.
- It's too hard.
- Who's your favorite basketball player, little man? - Larry Bird.
You know how Larry Bird learned to sink a fallaway jumper? - How? - Twirling spaghetti with his fork.
- Max.
- I'm serious.
Ever see his wrists? - They're like 2-by-4's.
- From twirling spaghetti? Absolutely.
See, the wrist action is the same as turning over your top hand like this.
- Swish.
- Very nice.
Look at this.
Look at this guy.
He's a natural.
Come on.
Eat your ''pasghetti.
'' It's not ''pasghetti,'' Daddy.
It's spaghetti.
You're right.
Pasghetti, spaghetti.
[ Continues, Indistinct .]
[ Police Radio Chatter .]
[ Man Speaking Arabic .]
Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.
Sheik Al Saud has always spoken very highly of you.
Well, that's good to hear.
I can offer you coffee, if you like.
- No alcohol, naturally.
- Naturally.
Is it safe to speak frankly here? Very safe.
[ Hudson .]
As you know, I barely survived Lagos.
[Julaidin Over Radio .]
A terrible catastrophe for us all.
[ Hudson .]
The man responsible calls himself Muhammad.
I'd kill him with my own hands but I hear he has backers among certain oil interests here.
You're working under 2 false assumptions.
One-- that I know this Muhammad - and 2-- that I would ever tell you.
- Here we go.
You will tell me, or I will leak the story of your involvement You will tell me, or I will leak the story of your involvement in the '99 Qatar terrorist bombing which killed 3 foreign oil brokers.
Nothing but lies.
There was a man who used to work for me.
He got himself into some trouble.
- He's winging it.
- Prison trouble.
- I helped him out of it.
- Hud's got talent.
He gave me names, places, and dates.
Those 3 men were actually killed because they suspected you were diverting millions in oil revenues to the jihadists.
- Now he's showing off.
- Now, who is Muhammad? I want the real identity of Muhammad and where he can be found.
- [ Crash .]
- What the hell--- - [ Radio Beeping .]
- What's going on over there? Somebody, talk to me! - Get someone over there! - [ Siren Wailing .]
Not here.
There's no one here.
Not a soul.
What have I done? Why won't they let me speak to my solicitor? - Shut up, Kahil.
- It is my right! You know what I find really funny? Is people like you who really don't care about other people's rights start bleating on about their own as soon as they get caught.
In here, you don't have any rights unless I give 'em you and I'm givin' you nothin' until you start talkin'.
I knew he was dangerous.
I liked that he was dangerous.
The irony is there was no risk.
No personal risk.
I mean, he touched me, but he could never touch me, you know? Or so I thought.
Do you love him? I don't know if I'm capable of that kind of love.
Which kind would that be? The ''I can't live with without you.
I wanna be with you forever'' kind.
- But if I got him killed because I-- - He's of no use to them dead.
I gotta get him out,Jay.
Let the Saudis know that you wish to protect the reputation of the kingdom but it will be impossible without Hud's safe return.
One-- I want the immediate release of Hudson Benoit.
Two-- I'm requesting access to your citizen AllalJulaidin.
We assume you have them both.
- This is an internal matter.
- I'll be blunt.
We know thatJulaidin acted unofficially on behalf of certain prominent Saudis to broker operating capital to Al Qaeda the London sarin cell, and others.
It brings into question the true intentions of the Saudi government and the royal family when it comes to combating terrorism.
The kingdom vigorously pursues terrorists and their financial supporters.
- Hello.
- I guess you already know the drill.
Make yourself at home.
My books are open.
You can check the computers.
Believe me, since 9/1 1 , I've been the most examined business in Dearborn.
- You're from-- - Iraq, initially.
I left there in the '80s.
Political differences with the Baathists.
I studied hotel management in Beirut.
We have reason to believe that sleeper cells were initiated in Beirut durin' the time you spent there.
They may be connected to the attacks in Lagos and London.
I'm not sleeping, and I'm not hiding and if I found out that I have made arrangements for anyone involved even remotely with terrorism I would call you before you would call me.
Who handles the overseas part of the operation? Reputable universities.
I'll give you their names and a roster of my student clients.
You can talk to them directly.
The dig was pretty cool.
The food wasn't so great but camping in the desert was amazing.
It was the best experience of my life.
The best part were the boys.
They were pretty cool.
So many walks of life.
I've got a picture.
That's me, Danny,Jasmine Stan, and Kaz.
He's cute.
Got sick and left early.
Too bad.
There's no Kaz on the roster that the travel company provided.
- Could be a nickname.
- So the kid got sick.
They refunded him.
- Took him off the books.
- Or maybe it was a cover to get this Kaz out of the country to one of their training camps.
Find out who the hell he is and if he's the only one who got sick.
Let's get a tap ordered for the travel company, the one that booked the tour.
Now, I know this guy.
Right? He can take any semiautomatic and turn it into a fully automatic weapon.
Oh,yeah, and all's you have to do is you just buy the trigger assembly kit, right? And he fixes it all up.
The gun's a go-go for you.
- What about waiting periods? - No.
There's none of that bull around here.
This is just some guys sellin' to guys.
It's too bad we can't get any fully automatics right now.
Look, there's always a guy with some fully auto.
- Well, I have the money.
- You better let me do the talkin; Because if you pick the wrong guy, we'll get busted by the ATF.
- All right.
You do the talkin'too.
- Yeah.
These are my peeps, man.
[ Man .]
Hello? I need work done in Zurich.
- [ Dance .]
- There's an O'Neill playing at the Kennedy Center.
- Yeah? - Seeing as you're a guest in my town I thought I should provide some entertainment.
- [ Cell Phone Ringing .]
- Is this a date? Yes.
I'd love to.
Hello? What? Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
Tell me.
My cousin Omar was murdered.
Oh, Raza.
Because of me.
[ People Chattering .]
[Jazz .]
[ Man .]
Make your bets.
All bets down.
Make your bets please.
[ Agent .]
Let me see 1 1 .
[ Tapping On Computer keyboard .]
Go to number 8.
Hello, Mr.
Place your bets.
Make your bets.
All bets down.
[ Groaning .]
Question everybody.
I really want this man alive.
This is what happens when you climb into bed with murderers playing spy boy, thinking you can change the world.
- I-- - No, don't.
You don't exist,just like Omar.
Will you please listen to me? You don't think I'm mourning? You don't think I'm tearing up inside? No one deserves to die.
Look, Omar was no saint.
He was in the game as deep as me.
You remember what Father used to say? How we were destined to live in 2 worlds? And we'd never find a home until we came to peace with it.
I have made peace with myself, Nili.
So, I imagine you want to know all about the mission.
It's called the Adventurer of Chicago.
A liquid container ship.
They'll be carrying toxic chemicals in stacked tanks.
How do I blow it up? Using magnetic dynamite charges known as limpets.
6 limpets, 6 tanks.
I was only told to get automatic weapons.
Don't worry.
We already have these explosives.
Your problem will be getting them past the customs at the American border.
I'll hide them in the car.
And I have a plan to get through customs.
What I don't have covered is getting aboard the ship.
You won't be without help.
Ulek is already on board working as a crewman.
But the crew are being searched too carefully to conceal weapons.
Ulek does have cell phones.
I'll give you the numbers.
Hopefully the wind will be blowing in the right direction.
Off the lake, so its effect on the city will be maximized.
When you have finished this you'll be a fugitive forever separated from your family, your home-- - I know.
- You are young.
Think twice.
Let's just say I wanna take a stand against this vulgar place.
Now tell me the real reason.
That's between Allah and myself.
May Allah have mercy on us both.
Over there.
Go high.
- Stana Moore? - That's right.
This will take just a few minutes.
We're just working up some background information for an investigation.
Just tell me how I can help you.
Where are you from? I don't think I can place that accent.
But I'm a citizen now.
1 0 years.
You have any family here? Kaz.
My son.
- He goes to school? -Junior college, part-time.
- Could I talk to him? - He's not here right now.
He's done somethin' to get the FBI after him? I just wanna talk about these archaeological digs he goes on.
You think he is smuggling drugs or somethin'? Forget it.
He's a serious Muslim.
He doesn't smoke, drink.
Good kid.
Tell me about your son's religious views.
Bull! That's bull! I'd like to kill him sometimes, but he ain't no terrorist.
The fact that he goes to a mosque-- bull! - Then you don't mind if we do a search around here? - You wanna look around? Come back with a warrant! That spot over there.
! How you ladies doin'? - Good.
How are you? - Can I buy you a drink? - Where are you from? - Kansas, but I'm a soph at Ann Arbor.
- Cool.
- You ride today? Yeah, I was all over.
I totally ripped at the pipe.
It was cool.
I hate that I gotta go.
Why don't you stay with me? Then I'll drive you home.
[ Radio.
:Hip-hop .]
- Anything to declare? - Nope.
Open the back, please, sir.
Wouldn't find any liquor back here, would I? No, all I drink is beer, sir.
- How was the snow? - It was awesome.
Have a safe trip.
Max? I gotta be in Detroit in the morning.
I'm so glad you're here.
It's like you're a mind reader or something.
- I've been so worried about Eddie.
- Why? He doesn't want to play, he doesn't want to go to school.
And, uh, he started to draw these pictures again.
Oh, my God.
Listen, little man.
I have a bit of a problem and I was wondering if you could help me while I was gone.
You see, you're not the only one who's scared.
I'm scared too.
And so is your mom.
And I thought, since we're all scared maybe we could help each other so we don't have to hide under the bed anymore.
I don't hide under the bed.
[ Whispering .]
I was talking about me.
You're a brave boy.
But I'd like you to do something for me.
I want you to write down everything that scares you and give it to your mom.
I'll call you every night, and we'll talk about my list.
And we'll get your mom to make a list, and help her too.
- What do you say? - Okay.
AllalJulaidin is now in our custody.
After many conversations with our security experts Youssef Nassariah is the name you are interested in.
Who's Youssef Nassariah? That would best be gotten from your own people.
- And Hudson Benoit? - He is being investigated for corruption.
If Mr.
Benoit comes back with so much as a scratch on his body you will have made yourself a lasting enemy of this administration.
- Do we understand each other? - Very clearly.
[ Maren .]
Youssef Nassariah.
- Who's he supposed to be? - Muhammad, I hope.
Got it from the Saudis.
Youssef Nassariah, a.
Muhammad, 40, Kuwaiti national died in Afghanistan during the U.
bombing of the Taliban at Takut.
He was Al Qaeda senior training camp commander.
Before that, liaison to the CIA.
He acquired American ordinance on behalf of Osama bin Laden.
What actual proof do we have that he died? His dental records were verified by unnamed kuwaiti authorities who conveniently had a sample on hand.
Yeah, very convenient.
But no one could verify that on your side? At the time, I think they were just happy enough to have the bastard counted dead and move on.
You missed the best part.
Youssef Nassariah's agency contact in Afghanistan-- Acton Sandman.
- God bless him.
- I'll do the psych profile on the guy find out what he reads, what he eats, who he sleeps with.
Sandman's gonna want the lead.
He's got a history with this guy.
I'll take the Agency.
I'd like to recommend that Raza be assigned to the field for this operation.
- I'm in.
- All right.
- Go with Emily.
- [ Derek .]
Wait a minute.
Before we all dash off to pack our toothbrushes and a favorite book following the arrest at the refinery, I've ordered all U.
petroleum installations on full alert.
And I suggest you urge your Homeland Security to do the same.
Derek, has there been any progress in locating the killer of your young associate? No, not as yet.
And because they obviously know my address I've moved out to a hotel for security reasons.
[ Arabic .]
[ All Praying .]
[ Children Shouting .]
[ Derek .]
- Good evening,Jenny.
- Good evening, sir.
Oh, thanks, love.
- See you tomorrow.
- Yes, sir.
[ Elevator Dings .]
[ Elevator Dings .]
I'd say drop it but given how you people just love to blow things to kingdom come I think that would be highly inappropriate, don't you? Boys? Now, we kind of expected explosives.
So now you've got a decision to make.
You've caught me, so I'm a dead man.
You're only as dead as you want to be, really, aren't ya? So why don't you put the pin back in that thing and hand it over to the officer over there? Drop the grenade.
! Now you're a dead man.
[ Door Handle Clicking .]
[ Groans .]
[ Gunshot .]
- [ Phone Dialing .]
- [ Line Ringing .]
[ Cell Phone Ringing .]
[ Sobbing .]
I don't know how to help him.
Little man's been through a lot.
We all have.
But we gotta suck it up.
They want us to be afraid.
They want us to-- to shrink from the world from each other.
We can't let that happen.
[ Sighs .]
I'm so sorry to be putting you through this.
Both of you.
Is this the way the world works now? Because it really sucks.
[ Man .]
Hey! [ Gagging .]
[ Shudders, Gags .]

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