The Investigation (2020) s01e03 Episode Script


At 15:42 hours, the Copenhagen Police
received a report from a man
who was cycling in southwest Amager.
He saw something on the shoreline
that looked like a body.
DAY 11
21ST AUGUST 2017
It's the body of a woman.
The torso of a woman.
When I say torso,
that means there is no head.
There are no arms,
and there are no legs.
Obviously, the police,
media and others
are speculating about
this woman's torso.
Is it Kim Wall?
At this point,
it's too early to tell.
We simply don't know.
Just it say it honestly, Jens.
Do you think it's her or not?
I don't know yet,
but there's a possibility it's her.
And you didn't find anything else?
No, we didn't.
Diving conditions are bad,
they don't know where to look.
We hope to track the sub's route
on radar and then
But, as I said, they're constantly in
the water, and we have dogs there.
We're doing our best, Joachim.
What kind of dogs?
Cadaver dogs or what?
No, they're police dogs.
I see.
But there are dogs that are trained
to find dead bodies in water.
I've never heard about cadaver dogs,
but I'm happy to look into it.
Yes, please do.
And I've told you before, Jens,
I'm happy to help.
One of my best mates is a diver,
and he knows Øresund
like the back of his hand.
I can't let you join
the investigation, Joachim.
Jens, it's my daughter
we're looking for.
For me, this isn't just
any old investigation.
We need answers, Jens.
Do you get it?
We want answers.
I understand that.
We don't expect DNA results
before 36 hours,
but we'll start the autopsy anyway.
What conclusions
do you expect to reach?
The cause of death,
maybe the time of death.
If the arms and legs were cut off
deliberately, and maybe nothing.
But you've seen the torso?
And nothing.
If a body has been in seawater for a
long time, you expect damages.
If it's been in the surface water,
sunlight can have damaged the skin.
Stones and sand on the seabed
can do the same.
Listen, I have the family
and the press,
I have a prosecutor who wants the
suspect held for two more weeks.
Jens, we'll do it
as quickly as possible.
Of course.
I just can't get on with my work,
unless you deliver.
I know.
I've asked Musa to stay here.
So as to keep me updated.
-I'm going back to the office.
This is the fourth time you've called
me in the last hour.
I still have no news.
Yes, I promise I'll let you know.
Yeah, but my phone isn't just there
to give you headlines.
And what did the coroner think
had happened?
He couldn't say yet.
-Didn't he see the torso?
-You know what they're like.
He won't say until after the autopsy.
Right. Okay.
And when can they say if it's her?
The police have hair and a toothbrush
from the parents, so it's in motion.
We'll know within the next 48 hour
if there is a DNA match.
Okay. Call me when you
know something.
You bet.
Is there any news
on the route the sub took?
No, not yet.
It's the Swedes who surveil Øresund,
and they're being a bit difficult.
I'll try to press them.
Great. They need something
to dive for.
Musa, it's Jens calling again.
Give me a call.
-Have you heard from Musa?
-Isn't he at the coroner's office?
They should have finished by now.
I'm going home.
Call me if there's any news.
Cecilie asked
if we'd like to come over for coffee.
-Some day.
I met her in town.
How is she?
She looked great.
Hey, are you okay?
I don't know.
The press are calling me
all the time.
And I'm hearing nothing
from the coroner.
If the torso we found is her
Then I have to make a call to her
parents that I'm not very keen on.
Musa, give me a ring.
I'm right outside.
Hi, Jens.
Why are you not calling me back?
We agreed you'd call me.
I was just about to call you.
He only just finished.
-Hello again.
-Have you concluded anything?
We now know that the limbs
were cut off deliberately
with something like a fretsaw
with small teeth.
I need final confirmation of that.
We also know that the torso sustained
at least 17 stab and cut wounds.
But none of them were lethal.
Moreover, they all seem to have been
inflicted after the time of death.
This could have been in order to
puncture the body.
In combination with the pieces of
iron attached to the torso,
one could imagine that someone didn't
want the body to drift at sea.
What's the cause of death?
I firmly believe
you won't find it on the torso.
But if we assume it's the journalist,
didn't he say
that a hatch hit her in the head?
What do you think happened?
I think she died
as a result of blunt force.
And he made up
the story about the hatch
to explain why
we found skull injuries.
Well, you have to find
that head then.
DAY 12
22ND AUGUST 2017
I had the lads
in the water this morning.
We searched around bridge pillars,
pound net stakes and fishing nets.
No luck.
We have to do something, Jens.
We're short on information.
We have almost 100 volunteers
searching the coastline,
in Denmark and in Sweden.
We have planes,
dogs, and helicopters.
And we've got
all my divers in the sea.
But no clue where he dumped
the rest of the body.
We can't establish a cause of death
unless we find that head.
We just can't.
And we'd really like to find it.
We just don't have a clue
where we have to dive.
There's something
I'd very much like to show you.
I've just come from
Vessel Traffic Service in Malmö, VTS:
I don't know
what made the difference,
but when I went this morning, I could
get access to the radar printouts
I asked for the day before yesterday.
We have the route now.
We photographed the radar track
from the 10th to 11th of August.
We traced what we believe is
the sub's route across Køge Bay.
And as you can see, there is a dot
for every five minutes
between 20:00 hours
and 10:22 when it sank.
It submerged here, just after
she wrote her text message.
And it came up here, where we know
that his phone was online.
Then they went to Drogden Lighthouse
and stayed for 60 minutes.
Then he seems to have spotted
a freighter going
to Avedøre Power Station.
He follows in its wake,
enters Køge Bay
and dives down just after 04:40 hours.
And he's visible again here,
at 08:22.
And after a short trip to the south,
he heads towards Drogden Lighthouse,
and the submarine sinks
at exactly 10:22.
What about here?
There's a gap here of what?
Three and a half hours?
I'd say it was submerged.
And then it drifted south
and surfaced down here.
How sure are you of this?
Quite sure.
-Can you talk to the divers?
And Maibritt, get a status
on the Swedish search.
LM, did you get my message?
Nikolaj's with me.
-Was it you who traced the route?
-Yeah, have a look.
-Have you been introduced?
Look at this.
As you can see,
the route is made up of radar
surveillance on the night.
Bloody hell!
There are five minutes between
each dot. I made it last night.
It's based on information from VTS.
-Fucking take a look.
It begins there at 23:25 hours.
All the way.
It's fucking ace.
-Can you use it?
-You bet. Cheers.
You're welcome.
-Hi, Joachim.
I'm calling to tell you that
we've traced the route the sub took
in Øresund and Køge Bay on the night
of the 10th and 11th August.
Do you know anything about it?
No, why would I?
First, we couldn't get
the radar surveillance,
and the next day they let us see it.
I don't think my call
made any difference.
I wonder.
But the divers can dive more
precisely now, so that's progress.
That's great.
Do you have any news
on the DNA tests?
No, not yet.
But I'll obviously call you
when we know if we got a match.
It's just that
No, it's nothing.
DAY 13
23RD AUGUST 2017
Jens speaking.
Thanks for calling.
Any news?
They got the DNA tests back.
It's her torso that we found.
Hello, Joachim. It's Jens here.
Sorry to call you this early.
We have the results of the DNA tests.
I'm afraid it's a match.
Good morning.
Let me begin by expressing my
sympathy for Kim Wall's loved ones,
whom I had to notify last night
that we found a DNA match with the
torso discovered two days ago.
Just keep your shoes on.
Are you sure?
Oh, yeah.
The dog drags in all sorts.
The red pins are hers.
She travelled far and wide.
She and her boyfriend were moving
to China. They were getting a flat.
Come and take a seat.
-Would you like some more coffee?
-No thanks.
How shall we do this?
When we first met,
I said I'd share everything with you.
I want to keep my promise.
I brought some sketches of the torso.
I also brought some photos.
It's up to you if you want to see
both or only the sketches.
Maybe we should start
with the sketches.
What I am showing you
is a sketch of the torso,
and the damages inflicted
are marked with a cross.
-Iso, come here.
My goodness.
My darling.
It's so vast.
Was that radar information
from Malmö of any use to you?
And what about the cadaver dogs?
I'm afraid we don't have them
in Denmark.
Why not?
They don't think there's sufficient
evidence that it works.
Please give my regards to everyone
and thank them for their help.
From both of us.
Thanks, Jens.
Let us know if there's anything
we can do to help.
I will. I promise we'll do
everything we can.
Hi. You've called Cecilie.
I can't take your call right now.
But leave a message
and I'll call you back. Bye.
Hi, Cille
DAY 17
27TH AUGUST 2017
We're going to start
searching stay 3.
We've got divers in.
Down you go.
We've done stay 3.
Search of stay 3 completed.
Negative. Nothing found.
I repeat: nothing found.
We won't find anything.
Nobody said it would be easy.
Easy? Nobody said
it would be impossible either.
Eight men have dived for
240 hours since the 11th of August.
That's 240 hours in two weeks.
They're not seeing their wives
and children and working 24/7.
They're under a lot of pressure,
and when they ask what the point is,
what do I tell them?
What the fuck do you want me to do?
Of course I wish I knew exactly
where to dive, but I don't.
How long have we known each other,
I've never seen you at such a loss.
The hearing is scheduled for 9:30
on the 5th of September,
and we still don't have
enough evidence.
The coroner maintains that the torso
has no trace of the cause of death?
I have to make a case for
manslaughter in less than two weeks.
And we won't get far
without a cause of death.
What do the divers say?
Didn't you establish the route?
We did, but it's still
virtually impossible.
I have an appointment
in five minutes, so let's get going.
We now know
that it's the torso of Kim.
We know she didn't die from force
inflicted on the torso.
We know the suspect is lying
and didn't dump the body intact.
What he did, we don't know.
Thanks to Nikolaj's trip to VTS,
we've pieced together
the route the sub took.
The divers have used that,
but found nothing yet.
Jakob, you say we can't
file charges for murder.
We may be able to charge him,
but it will be very difficult to
convict without a cause of death.
But we can't establish the cause of
death without the head
and remaining body parts.
We'll just have to keep looking.
Thanks for seeing me.
I appreciate it.
Of course.
Sorry that I
That you what?
That you left when I told you
you were becoming a granddad?
Or are you apologising for another
time when you forgot about me?
One of my birthdays?
Swimming contests, school plays?
Or maybe my high school
graduation party?
All of it, I think.
Maybe you weren't there for me,
but you can't do anything about it
now, can you?
I don't know, I just want to
I just want my child to be able to
rely on their granddad.
Go fetch!
Well done! Yeah!
Well done.
Come, come.
Let go.
Well done.
Hi, Joachim. This is Jens.
I'm just calling to tell you
that I'll ask the Swedish police
to borrow their dogs.
Fine. Bye.
Hello, this is Jens Møller
from the Copenhagen Police.
I'm calling because
we need your help.
Yes, please.
Thanks. They're pretty.
My dear Ingrid,
won't you come inside?
Come back inside.
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