Trolls: The Beat Goes On! (2018) s01e03 Episode Script

Royal Review ; Funishment

1 Put your hair up in the air Live it up Every day you wake up singing Turn it up The party's just beginning All together you and me Hair in the air, we're a family We got everything we need Hair in the air 'Cause we're proud to be Celebrating who we are Yeah, we made it through the dark Harmony is everywhere Put your hair up in the air Ah, ah, ah, ah Put your hair up in the air Trolls are fundamentally happy creatures, so complaining does not come naturally to us.
Even when things go wrong.
Whoo-hoo! And that's tough when you're a ruler, 'cause you never know how your people really feel about the job you're doing, which is why we Trolls decided to invent an anonymous survey called the Royal Review.
A smile means great work, while a frown means Room for improvement.
Nom, nom, nom.
If only I tried harder! Oh, uh, hey, Dad.
What's the rumpus? Poppy, you're stress-booking again.
What? Me? Stress-booking? Pfff.
Glue stick, please.
And the backup.
Sorry, Dad.
I'm just nervous about the review tonight.
You always got perfect scores, and I don't want to find out I'm a letdown.
I get it, honey.
I remember my first review.
It was winter, and food was scarce.
The people were desperate for something to eat.
So they turned to me to decide Who would it be? Wait, what? Yeah, but that's a story for another time.
For now, stop worrying.
Don't get hung up on being perfect.
Yeah, sure, I'll just kick back and relax here till the vote.
No, or not.
Got to go find Smidge.
I'm here.
Whew! Thanks, Smidge.
Wait, how'd you know I was looking for you? As your right-hand Troll, I'm pretty much always ten feet away listening in, watching your every move.
Uh, we should talk about that.
But first I need you to do me a favor.
Actually, let me guess.
Today is the day of the Royal Review, and the suspense is killing you.
"I'm dying inside!" So you want me to go pod to pod, on the sly, to collect a preliminary vote and bring it back to you, finally ending the agony of not knowing.
Smidge, you're freaking me out.
I'll take that as a yes.
Meet me at the Black Rock in one hour.
Tell no one.
Oooooh! Ooh, creepy.
Smidge? Oh, my guh Smidge? Psst, Smidge.
Aah! You got the cookies? Huh? What are you talking about? Sorry, that's the thing I'm doing here later.
But I asked everyone in town how they were gonna vote in the review tonight, and I brought you the results.
So many smiley faces! Smiley face.
Smiley face.
Big smiley face.
Whoo! What a relief.
Can you believe that I was all bent out of shape, worried I'd get a a fru-fru-fru-fru-frowny face? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Easy, boss, scrap it out.
Let the book absorb the pain.
No, Smidge, it won't help.
After tonight's review, I'll officially be a A letdown.
Wait, what am I saying? There's still time.
I could change their mind before then.
Uh, you don't even know who it is.
Oh, yes, I do.
See, I knew it was Branch.
He could find a problem with anything.
Whoa, these flowers are so majestic.
Might as well hang up a flashing sign: "Troll Hiding Here.
" Want me to pay him a "friendly" visit? "Encourage" him to vote smiley face? Or I pay him an actual friendly visit.
Or maybe both.
Hey, hey, Branch-zilla.
Hey, Poppy-zilla.
What's going on? Going on? I'm just seeing what my best bud, Branch, is doing.
Let me guess, preparing for the inevitable breakdown of all world infrastructure? Yes.
And some laundry.
Man, your to-do list must be a blast.
I don't suppose you would let your queen tag along and tackle it with you, would you? Please, please, please? Boy, you're acting weird.
Wait, you're not throwing me a surprise party, are you? Branch, can't a good queen help her friend do his totally not strange survivalist chores without having some ulterior motive? Uh-huh.
Well, I can see I have no reason to doubt you, so let's go have some fun.
Okay, first thing on the agenda Restock some emergency rations.
Ooh, really? I love gardening.
We're good on veggies.
We're gonna replenish the sweat supply.
Salty gold.
Packed with electrolytes.
And how do we get the sweat? We harvest it.
Unless, of course, you're having second thoughts.
Are you kidding me? It sounds like the best day ever.
Whoo-ooh-ooh Whoo-ooh-ooh Whoo-ooh-ooh, whoo-ooh-ooh Got to clear out the dust bunnies.
Poppy, old chum, you'll be happy to know I saved the best for last.
Ha! So cute! This is a great surprise! Oh, no, not them.
Trust me, cuddle pups are monsters.
This is the surprise.
Sweet fertilizer.
Sulphury gold.
No! I-I can't do this anymore! I won't! Branch, you hear me? Poppy? Are you gonna pooper-scoop me to death? Just tell me, are you giving me a smiley face in the review or not? Oh! This is about the Royal Review.
I knew you were acting like a nut for some reason.
Yeah, yeah.
Very smart.
Now, the smiley face? Well, sure, you earned it.
Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Uh-huh.
- Oh, yeah.
Smiley face, smiley face.
- You seem surprised.
Uh, yeah.
You did vote frowny face in Smidge's preliminary vote.
No, I didn't.
I voted smiley face.
You did? Wait, Smidge, were you hiding in the manure? - Huh? - Never mind that, Branch.
We have bigger cakes to frost here.
‘Cause if you didn't vote frowny face it could be anyone! Poppy, this is getting out of hand.
You shouldn't care so much about this whole Royal Review.
Okay, the goal hasn't changed.
Only now, since I don't know who the disgruntled Troll is, I just need to find a way to make everyone in the town happy before the review.
- Which is in ten minutes.
- In ten minutes? That's it! The Royal Review is now open.
Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait! Before you all vote, as your queen, I wanted to show you my gratitude for doing your civic duty and participating in this Royal Review.
Smidge? Release the hounds! Aw.
Oh, it's just like that dream we had, Mr.
Hmm? Now, don't make it weird, dog.
Poppy, what are you doing? - I told you those cuddle pups are - Monsters.
I know.
But does this look like a monster to you? No, but its mom does.
Oh, my guh.
To the high ground, Mr.
Dinkles! Double-scoop my sundae.
- What is going on? - Dad! I'm so sorry.
I had Smidge take an early vote, and I got a frowny face.
I was so worried about being a letdown that I tried to butter up everyone with cuddle pups.
This is all my fault.
- All this over one frowny face? - Mm-hmm.
Well, that sounds about right.
Poppy, I gave you the frowny face.
- What? - Yep.
It was to teach you to stop worrying about being perfect or a letdown or something like that.
I'm old.
I do what I want.
Dad, I can't believe you would Uh, we'll discuss it later.
Right now we have more pressing problems.
I'm not worried.
You'll find a good solution.
Maybe not the perfect one, but a good one.
Yoo-hoo! Stick here.
Who wants the stick? You want the stick, girl? Well, then go fetch! Okay, that was a bad solution.
Smidge! If ever there was a time for you to be nearby, watching my every move, it'd be right - now! - Argh! Got to say, Smidge, right at this moment, I'm glad you're always ten feet away.
Me too, Poppy.
Me too.
- Now please cut it out.
- Understood.
It's a smiley face! And another smiley face! You know, Dad, I've had enough for today.
I think I'm gonna go unwind.
Now? You're on your way to a perfect score.
But no matter what the votes say, I know I've got room for improvement.
And I'm actually fine with that.
Great news, Poppy.
The mama pup left a little something behind that we could add to our stockpile.
Oh, really? You're not gonna help? Nope.
Sorry to be a letdown.
Trolls and Bergens have very different ways of doing things.
Gardening, gardening! Trolls spend their day spreading beauty and joy wherever they go.
Bergens do not.
And while Trolls absolutely love to hug, Bergens are more the shoving types.
And, yes, variety is the spice of life.
But when two groups are just learning to be friends, dealing with their different ways of doing things can be pure torture.
And so, in honor of the Trolls' first visit back to Bergen Town, let's all give them our warmest Bergen greeting.
That's the spirit! Anyway, as my father What a proud moment, don't you think, Branch? Branch, what are you doing? Making an escape plan in case they decide to eat us.
How many Bergens do you think you can take? What a proud moment, don't you think, Cooper? Wait, where's Cooper? Thief! Mmm, mmm! Meat pie.
Sounds so weird, but it really works.
Wait, what now? That troll stole my pie! Whoa, whoa.
I'm sure this is a misunderstanding.
Cooper didn't steal your pie.
Did you, Cooper? No way.
I shared it.
I shared it all in one bite.
Aha! The thief admits it! No, wait.
I get what happened here.
See, Trolls share everything.
For us, there's almost no such thing as stealing.
No stealing? Preposterous! What do you call it when I do this? Huh? Hmm? Huh? Yay! I love sharing hats.
Yay! New hat! Enough! We demand this crime be punished.
- Groth's right.
- Yeah, get 'em! Oh, no! Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Everyone, please.
Poppy is an excellent leader, and I'm sure that she'll punish that Troll in a way that satisfies everyone.
- Right, Poppy? - Uh yeah! Yeah, I'll take care of that pronto.
You better.
Or I swear, in the name of our great King Gristle, the peace between Bergens and Trolls is over! Hooray for King Gristle! Hooray for me! Whew, close one.
So what do you say, I'll just bring Groth by Troll Village to see the punishment? Um, psh, yeah, sure, sure.
Just one small thing.
I have no idea how to punish someone.
Don't worry, Poppy.
I think all you need is a tour Of my dungeon.
Now, I think it's down here.
Thanks for showing me the ropes, Gristle.
It's just, no one's ever needed to punish a Troll before.
No sweat.
This'll be good for me, too.
I've always meant to come down here, but I'm too busy, you know, with With matters of the crown.
Anyway, should be fun.
From what I hear, the dungeon's the coolest.
Uh, wrong.
No one keeps super-cool stuff in their creepy, windowless basement.
Poppy, let's just go tell the Bergens we're not gonna do the punishment.
- This isn't us.
- Ugh.
Of course not, Branch.
Not with that attitude.
But maybe with a little optimism, we might find this dungeon thing isn't all that bad.
Welcome to your worst nightmare, scum! This is your home for the rest of your Guests? King Gristle? Well, aren't you just a doll to visit us down here? Hey, Mr.
Hey, hey, hey, Mr.
Skullcrusher was my father.
You call me Nangus, you hear? Oh, my, and where did you get these two The cute factory? Well, what can old Nangus do for ya? Well, one of my people stole something, and I've Got to figure out how to punish him.
Well, we have some excellent options here.
Let's give you the grand tour.
Uh, anyone want coffee, spa water, or anything? No? Okay, then.
Now, if you ask me, the best punishment for stealing is jail.
Tell the king what you did, vermin.
I stole bread to feed my family, so they threw me in here.
That's awful.
But at least you helped the people you love, right? Well, actually, eating stolen bread is a crime, too, so they're down here with me.
And the cat ate some.
Ugh! Okay, so jail's not your cup of tea.
What about torturing the Troll thief? You know, your basic torment.
I won't litter! I won't litter! I won't litter! Your run-of-the-mill scourge I swear, I'll never vandalize again.
It's so mean.
Oh, well, thank you.
We try.
That's the worst one yet.
Oh, no, that's just the dentist.
She rents some space from us.
You haven't been flossing! I don't like it here.
Poppy, let's call off this punishment thing.
I can't think of a single reason you should do it.
Really, Gristle? So you'll stand up to Groth and all the Bergens who are making me do this? Oh, right, them.
Yeah, no, they terrify me.
Well, good luck with that.
I'm gonna pass out now.
What am I gonna do, Branch? I can't use any of these Bergen punishments on a Troll.
Ah, well, of course not, sweetie.
These are mine.
You got to look into your heart and find the punishment that fits you.
Hush up, maggots! Your mamas aren't here to protect you now.
That guy is psycho.
But he's dazzling with that whip, am I right? A punishment that fits me? Hmm.
Trolls, King Gristle is bringing Groth by in 15 minutes to see Cooper's punishment.
Uh-oh, sure wouldn't want to be that Cooper guy right now.
Cooper, I hereby sentence you to three days in the dungeon.
I am Cooper.
Oh, no, what is Poppy doing? Where did that building even come from? Poppy, I can't believe it.
I never thought you'd take it this far.
Well, I don't like it any more than you do, Branch, but I've learned that sometimes a leader has to make really tough decisions.
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Yeah, all right.
Keep 'em coming.
- Yeah! - Uh, Poppy? - These aren't punishments.
- What? Sure they are.
I've been a bad Troll.
I'm so naughty.
No, these are funishments.
Well, I can't just lock Cooper up with nothing fun to do, can I? What kind of jail would that be? Poppy, that's the definition of jail.
Can we get funished, too? In there? No, guys, it's only for Trolls who commit crimes.
And what's "crimes," again? Uh You know, crimes.
Littering, vandalism, disturbing the peace.
- Got it! - Let's do it! Ooh, ooh! Is this criming, Poppy? - Well, yeah, but - Whoo-hoo! I need to be funished! We're doing crimes, too, Poppy.
Which of you crimers is ready to disturb the peace up in here? Whoo-hoo! Yeah! No! No, no, no, no! Punishment is supposed to stop crime, not cause it.
Groth! So this is how you Trolls maintain justice? Time to get funished! Now, hold on, Groth.
There's got to be an explanation.
We're being punished! Okay, yeah, I can't explain that.
So what do you say for yourself? Say for myself? I've done nothing but jump through hoops for you, and you're still not happy with us.
Well, then I guess I say deal with it! Well, it's about ti W-what? Yeah, you heard her.
Now, if you'll excuse me, my people are committing crimes, and I need to deal with it The Troll way.
The Troll way? Listen up, maggots! Your behavior has been unacceptable, and it's time to make things right.
Oh, yeah.
Let's get responsible up in here! All right! Yeah! Whoa.
Bergens, come with me.
What on Earth are you doing? Something I should have told Cooper to do right away.
Cooper? Ta-da! It's a pie! See? You shared with him, so he's sharing back.
That's the Troll way.
Huh? Wow, strawberry pie? Sounds so weird, but it really works.
Wow! Your mouth is huge! Uh Uh, yeah.
For reasons totally unrelated to the quality of this dessert I've decided to have mercy on the thief Troll.
Here you go.
You can have this back.
Wait, two? I love eating hats! Now, let's have some fun ishment! My, my, their way really is amazing.
I hereby declare that the Bergen system of justice shall be just like the Trolls' forever! Give me that back! I shared it fair and square! Well, sharing is definitely not a Bergen thing.
Todd, Chad, get things back to normal, yeah?
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