Unsupervised (2012) s01e03 Episode Script

Field of Dreams... and Dogs

1 Yo, Jimmy Bird's up! - Come on, Jimmy! - Hit it hard as hell! - Crank it outta the park! - Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy! Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy! - Come on, Jimmy! - How the hell y'all gonna cheer for batting practice? We always cheer for batting practice.
We got mad school spirit.
Maynord High rules! You're the best frickin' team in the frickin' world! Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw! - What the hell y'all doing'? - Friggin' mule noises.
We're the Maynord Mules.
My ass is late as hell.
Couldn't find my damn cleats.
Not like I ever get in the game anyway.
Coach don't play me.
He a hater.
- Yo.
Yo, assholes.
- Russ? What are you doing down there? I'm under the bleachers.
Check it out.
It's freakin' nuts down here.
- This is shady, Russ.
- I know.
I freakin' love it.
Shit, man! That dude's got an eye patch.
That's One-Eyed Donnie.
He got jumped by some Rockland kids at the mall and they kicked him in the face till his eye exploded.
I don't know about that guy, Gary.
He's got an eye patch.
Nobody has an eye patch in modern times.
What do you think's under there? I heard it looks like bloody mashed potatoes.
Oh, you rocking that Diddy piece.
Where you get that jacket from? Is that Sean John? How'd you afford that? I stole it out of someone's locker.
I do bad stuff now.
I'm stone cold.
Yo, can you call me that? Stone Cold? Why would we call you Stone Cold? - Cause I'm a heartless killer.
- Whatever, man.
Let's throw rocks at the other team's bus! JoJo! JoJo, check it out.
I ain't getting' mixed up in this bullshit.
Later, y'all.
I got a bench to ride.
Come on, pussies! I thought you had school spirit.
We do, man.
We got more spirit than anyone.
We just express it differently.
Nice arm, dickhead! Maynord blows! This school's a piece of shit.
- We're stronger! - We're tougher! We're more passionate! Maynord freakin' rules! Aw, shit.
Unsupervised 1x03 Field of Dreams and Dogs Holla at your boy.
Damn, dude.
Do you boys enjoy destroying public property? - No, Ms.
- It was a moment of passion.
I freakin' love it.
Well, I hope you love in-school suspension too, Brown, because that's where you'll be for the next month.
No way! I ain't going to the rubber room! Oh, yes, you are.
You're a punk, and that's what happens to punks.
- They get locked up! - I'd rather be a punk than a skunk! - Excuse me? - That's what we call you, Skunk! - Punk! - Skunk! You stupid bitch! Rose! Holy shit, Russ! Yeah, dude, chill out! She's an authority figure.
Get him out of here! Frickin' hate this school! You stink, Skunk! I'm stone cold! I'm stone cold! Do people really call me the Skunk? Yeah.
Is it in reference to my hair, or an odor? Your hair.
I see.
Well, thank you for your honesty.
Most bleacher punks wouldn't have the courtesy.
We're not punks, Ms.
Stark! We were just trying to support the school.
When someone says something bad about this school, I can't freakin' take it.
He goes into a frenzy.
It makes me crazy when someone says something bad about this friggin' Maynord High is the greatest friggin' school And we won't take no shit from nobody And we won't ever stop being passionate Maynord High rules! What was that? It was the school song.
We don't have a school song.
I know.
We made one up.
Well, why don't you boys concentrate on more positive activities like that instead of attacking people with rocks? Right! 'Cause even though it's positive to throw rocks for your team, it's negative for the people and buses who are getting hit by the rocks.
Yeah, like it's negative for Donnie to have one eye, but it's positive he has a patch so we don't have to see his head meat.
I suppose.
Just stop hanging out with those animals under the bleachers.
Start thinking about your futures, gentlemen, before it's too late.
Thanks, Skunk.
We're really gonna take this to heart.
Hey, don't call her, Skunk.
I can't help it.
It's when I see the stripe.
- I never think about my future, man.
- Nah, me neither.
I just think about what's going on in this exact second.
I know, but we're friggin' getting older.
We gotta start thinking about goals.
I don't even know what I wanna do with my life.
I just figured I'd be a grouter.
My dad's a grouter, my brother's a grouter.
Neither of them even finished high school.
It's easy.
You don't wanna do that.
It mutilates your body.
It's brutal, man.
My dad crippled his knees.
He's gotta wear those braces all the time now.
He's like a Transformer.
Yeah, he's not as powerful as a Transformer though.
He can barely walk.
You need your knees, dude.
You're the fastest guy I know.
You run like crazy.
I know.
It's my biggest passion.
But what am I supposed to do about it? Dude, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.
We just need positive role models to inspire us.
Yeah, we don't got no frickin' guidance.
I know! My dad lives under a porch and drinks all day.
I don't even know where my real mom is.
Who the hell are we supposed to look up to? Dude, who's the most positive people we know? Friggin' fighter pilots.
Bombing enemies for our freedom.
Friggin' F-15, F-14, friggin' Blackhawks, friggin' Stealth with night vision No, man.
I'm talking about the baseball team.
Oh, shit! The baseball team's freakin' positive as hell.
Tough loss last week, fellas.
I'd like to tell you we could've won, but we had no shot.
They were better than us.
People say you can do anything you set your mind to.
That's a bunch of bullshit.
You think you could be a brain surgeon? That you could take apart a brain and put it back together? Brains contain memories.
I can't even conceive of what that is.
Bunch of juices stored up? I I I picture test tubes, and I know that's wrong.
All right, let's take some grounders.
- Yah! - Yo, Coach! We wanna be on the team! Yeah.
We need a constructive activity to keep us outta trouble.
Tryouts was four months ago.
Y'all ain't even got gloves.
I don't need a glove.
I'll catch it with my bare hand.
Peg a freakin' ball at me.
Here you go, dude! Damn! You hit me right in the jaw, dude! Take it easy.
Settle down.
You two seem pretty keyed up.
I suppose we could use a couple of managers.
Managers? Damn! That's even better than a player.
Do we get to do signs? - I'm mad good at signs.
- Send me home, man.
I'm gon' book it! Go! Go! Go, go, go! Hold on now.
It ain't that kind of manager.
Y'all'll be carrying water, cleaning up trash, dealing with the dog.
You got a dog on the team? No.
There's a stray dog that's been harassing the outfielders.
I'll tell you straight up I'm fearful of this dog.
Part of me thinks he might be a wolf.
He'll bite your ass quicker than he'll look at you.
All right.
I'll be in my car if you need me.
We'll be the best managers you ever seen.
Yeah! We're committed to excellence! Y'all need to get some tongs.
You just picked up a condom with your bare hands.
We don't got time for tongs, Darius.
All we care about is managing this team in the most positive way possible.
Aren't you supposed to be practicing? So I can sit on the bench? Coach got it out for me.
He don't wanna see me shine.
You're both black.
I thought you were supposed to watch out for each other.
You're like brothers.
That's what I'm saying.
It's like some self-loathing shit.
Come on, Jenkins! Throw the ball! Aright, I got it.
Just hang on.
Aw, shit, man.
My shoulder.
Maybe you'd play more if you could throw better.
Did you use the wrong hand or something? Maybe you're left-handed.
All right, I ain't that good at throwing, but I can do all that other shit.
Look at my size, dude.
I'm supposed to be at the plate, knockin' shit out the park.
I'm supposed to be Barry Bonds-in' these fools.
Aah! Get it off me! - Get it off me! - Dude, that thing's vicious.
Word on the street is, it's a wolf.
It don't matter.
It's part of the job.
I got it.
So you don't get your heart bit.
Thanks, bud.
That's why I freakin' look up to him.
He's so mentally strong.
Come on, dog! I wanna be peaceful! Stop being so goddamn negative! Here you go, Doug.
I sat on it so it's warm for your hand.
Whoa! Good hit, Jimmy! Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hyah! Yes! I beat my freakin' best time.
That's awesome, dude.
You were burning it up! Yeah.
I was booking as hard as possible.
Yo, how's the dog? Good.
I fed him some trash.
I think it calms his nerves.
- You're pretty good with dogs, dude.
- I know! I finally realized what I wanna do with my future.
I think I'm gonna start a dog farm.
A dog farm? What the freak's that? It's a place where dogs can just go and live in peace with no one trying to catch 'em or take 'em to the pound.
Pounds are bullshit.
They're like dog jails.
The dogs didn't do nothing wrong.
Why not put 'em on a farm instead? Great idea alert! Great idea alert! Yo, you think I can work there? I'm gonna need someone fast to run after the dogs and make they don't act like assholes.
Yes! This team's the best thing that's ever happened to us.
We're coming up with dreams, we haven't got into trouble once, we're doing positive stuff all the time Help! Help! Somebody help! I'm gon' break my head! What are you doing, Russ? JoJo and Donnie tied me upside down.
It's freakin' hilarious.
Those guys are crazy.
Hey! Do you guys have any water? I'm dying of thirst.
Yo, Megan, you're doing cross-country? You wanna race? - I run all over the place.
- No.
I hate running.
I'm just doing it to have some "extracurrics" on my transcript for college.
We're thinking about our futures too.
That's why we became managers of the baseball team.
I was concerned about you guys.
About us? Why? You've got no supervision and you hang out with the derelicts under the bleachers.
Why didn't you freaking say something? I've got my own stuff to worry about.
I'm taking a ton of activities, my grades are in the toilet, I got shin splints from running, my life is a mess Well, we're on the right path now, and we owe it all to this team.
Hey, you gon' come support us on Friday? We're playing Rockland.
No way.
What? They're our biggest rivals! And there's a huge brawl every time we play them.
Twenty-five kids got suspended last year.
They beat up Mr.
They were talking about it in the rubber room.
JoJo's bringing brass knuckles.
And Donnie's getting his Puerto Rican cousins to come.
It's gonna be a bloodbath.
Dude, this entire school needs more positive influences.
And now that we're a part of this team, we're the role models.
People freakin' look up to us.
And if we don't try and stop this, no one will.
We gotta set a good example.
It's as simple as that.
- I gotta go.
- My shins are on fire.
The rope's pinching my privates.
Oh, shit.
Sorry, Russ.
My dingle feels like it's got bees in it.
We gotta tell JoJo and Donnie we broke into the school.
We didn't break in.
We got the freakin' keys 'cause we're managers.
Yeah, stop talking about JoJo and Donnie.
We're trying to show you something positive here.
I wal 'em to know I'm bad.
Damn it, Russ! JoJo and Donnie don't even like you! Yeah, they do! I'm stone cold! They steal your clothes and tie you up and yell at you all the time.
They made me eat flies today.
Oh, man.
That's disgusting.
Gross! That's nasty.
Just stand guard and keep a lookout and maybe you'll learn something about being frickin' constructive.
Yo, you wanna see my privates? What? No! No, man! Come on! You don't even have to do anything! I got friggin' rope burn on my privates.
I'm just I don't know.
I'm trying to be good.
All right, you ready? It don't matter if I'm ready.
The freakin' school needs us.
Maynord High is the greatest frickin' school Oh! This looks incredible, man! It's gon' inspire the shit out of people.
Yeah, dude.
We probably shouldn't have cursed so much though.
I was too pumped.
I couldn't help it.
I got positive energy flowing through my bones.
Yo, man, sing that song.
Maynord High What the hell, Russ? Are you crazy? Stone cold! I tricked you! I'm bad as hell! No, you're not, dude! You're just an idiot! Oh, yeah? Well, I got a freakin' skull in my bag! Holy shit! Dude, is that real? I dug it up from the graveyard.
I'm a thug.
He's mentally insane! - Hey! - What are you kids doing? I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to.
I don't want to go back to the rubber room! There's a human skull on my desk, Mr.
I'm wondering if I should call the police.
It's not even real.
I stole it from science class.
I was gonna give it to JoJo Vanetti.
I wanted him to be my friend.
Get yourself together, Russ.
He's got mind problems.
I'm sorry! I didn't mean to.
I don't wanna do bad smells no more.
Okay, okay.
Calm down.
Christ! We're going to get you some help.
Rose, get in here! Take Mr.
Brown to the school psychologist and tell him to give him some medicine.
Your hair is running.
Damn it.
I knew we shouldn't have used ink.
A hair dryer might help.
Don't you patronize me, Rose.
I swear to God! As for you two, I'll need your keys to the locker room.
What? We're off the team? You're lucky you're not going to jail.
What the hell were you thinking? We were trying to inspire the school.
Maynord High is the grea Zip it.
I don't have time to play these games anymore.
Two weeks in-school suspension.
We're going to the rubber room? No way! That place is nuts! They're gonna tear us apart.
You should have thought about that before you tore apart your second chance by vandalizing the school with that hoodlum.
Oh, damn it! I'm covered in ink.
Rose! Call the custodian! Yo, pay up, bro! No, you're not! Pick it up! Ohh! I'm scared, man.
It's gonna be fine.
Act cool, dude.
You wanna see my eye? Head meat! Yo, man.
What are you doing? We gotta get to in-school.
I ain't going back to that rubber room, Gary.
No freakin' way.
- I joined a grout crew.
- You're dropping out? Dude, we stink at school.
We got booted off the team.
We tried to do good and we can't even do that right.
I know who I am now.
I'm a grouter, Gary.
It's my destiny.
What about your knees? You're the fastest guy I know.
Don't need 'em.
I'm tired of running, Gary.
This is where I belong.
Yo, a dog's getting' raped by another dog on the baseball field! Yeah! Holy shit! Dance Pop .]
That's a damn shame.
Yo, that's a pimp dog! Grouting is beautiful thing.
Toilet to floor I make seal.
It is seal of life.
What the hell is a toilet doing in the kitchen? Uh, I fix! I fix! Jerk-off fried his brain with meth.
That's what you get with grouters.
Bunch of immigrants and speed freaks.
So how'd you wind up here, kid? I tried to give my school more spirit.
What school you talking' about? - Maynord, sir.
- Maynord? No shit.
I went to Rockland.
We always creamed you guys.
That school sucks.
Aah! - My goddamn knee! - Hey, watch the jacket, asshole! This is Sean John.
Hey, Rockland! Huh? Grout this! He is fast like race car.
Get back to work! Christ! Who shit in the toilet? Hyah! Yo, man! I've been looking all over for you.
What are you doing back here? I gave up.
I figured I'd wind up like my dad, living outside under a porch, but we don't got one so I'm just gonna use this tarp.
It's gon' be cold as hell at night.
I know.
I think that's why he drinks all those pounders.
How's grouting'? - I quit.
- For real? Man, I ain't doing meth and blowing out my knees and working for jerks from Rockland.
You were working for a dude from Rockland? Yeah! He was a dick! Look, we just gotta keep trying, Gary.
You think Sean John Combs became the most successful man in the world by giving up? No way, man.
Sean John Combs is the best actor, the best rapper, he's got the best clothes, he's got his own cologne.
And if Sean John Combs were here, he'd tell us to go down there and cheer against those jack-offs from Rockland.
We already let this team down once.
We're not gonna do it again.
We gotta hurry though.
The game's starting.
Just try and keep up.
Huh? Ah, shit.
Slow down, man! Come on, Rockland! Yeah, I'll bang your girlfriend too, bitch! Hyah! Yo, Megan.
What are you doing in the dugout? I'm the new manager.
My transcript needed more padding.
What is up with this coach, by the way? He's totally weird.
Yo, Red, this wolf-dog's eating' my shit.
This dog is the worst.
Where's Gary? I left him in the dust.
I couldn't help it.
I'm too fast.
Yo, gimme some of that water.
I gotta take my meds.
The doctor gave me mind pills so my brain works better.
Oh! Jimmy Bird's up! Come on, Jimmy! Use your strength! Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy! Jimmy! Come on, Jimmy! Eagle pride, baby! Let's do this.
It's going down, Megan.
We should stand back to back so we can fight at both sides.
I don't want to fight.
We don't got no choice.
This is the Rockland brawl! Attention, Mules! Attention, Maynord Mules! Put down your rocks and your brass knuckles.
This violence has gone on long enough.
These past few days, I've been to hell and back.
I've seen grouters destroy their knees, I've slept under a tarp, and yesterday I saw a dog get raped.
But one thing I've learned is no matter how negative life gets, you still gotta make positive choices.
And when you kick the shit out of someone, you're really just kicking the shit out of yourself.
We need to stop worrying about smashing Rockland's dreams and work on realizing our own.
Through positive actions and choices! Mmm.
That's some real shit right there, boy.
I need a sub.
Go on, son.
I don't got no shoes on.
I lost my cleats again and I ain't want to get my sneaks dirty.
But I appreciate it though.
Good looking out.
I'll run.
My name's Joel.
I'm fast as lighting.
I'm the former manager, and I left in disgrace.
Come on, Coach, let's go.
All right, kid.
Let's see what you got.
Frick yeah! Let's go, Maynord, let's go.
Let's go, Maynord, let's go.
Let's go, Maynord, let's go! - Steal it.
- Steal it.
Come on, Joel.
I feel you, Gary.
I feel you giving me that sign.
Huh? Hyah! Yeah, Joel! Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw! I believe in you, yo! You can do it! If this kid can achieve his dreams, we all can! I'm blind! "Gaynord" sucks! Go, Rockland! Stone cold! They fought for more than the team that day.
They fought for the pride of the town.
And they got their ass whipped.
But it didn't matter, because those two boys taught us the only real failure is when a man stops believing in himself.
And sometimes even something as cold-blooded as a dog rape can produce something beautiful like a family.
- I can't believe the dog was a girl.
- Meanest girl I've ever seen.
I was thinking, maybe we should go out for the team next year.
We should probably learn the rules first.
I don't know the rules to any sport.
Me neither.
But at least we're thinking about our futures.
It feels good.
I guess the most valuable lesson learned was that some lessons aren't found in no book.
And quite often they're the greatest lessons of all.
You think he lives in that car? Yep.

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